All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning, even before v1.0.
- add project name in _TEST env var and define exit_on_failure? to remove deprecation
- ignore Gemfile.lock in starter project
- remove deprecations: exit_on_failure with_unbundled_env
- sh mute option for git commands
- dynamically get git user name and email in starter project
- update cli help menus
- use zeitwerk for autoload
- #4 from sco11morgan/move-activesupport-to-dev
- ensure docs/_includes is created
- move activesupport to a dev dependency
- add .circleci/config.yml: circle 2.0 upgrade
- use rainbow gem for terminal color
- add class Error in generated class
- add cli_markdown and rake docs task
- add possible website url reference to cli help
- change help also available at
- move common commands to base Command class
- move version, completion commands back to the CLI class so subcommands dont inherit them
- override command_help to include description in long_description
- remove unused completion.rb, fix command_help override
- use 4 spaces for cli help
- fix completer for thor group and use public_instance_methods(false)
- fix shared new options for thor group and cli
- Merge pull request #2 from tongueroo/basic: the deafult template is a basic Thor CLI instead of the colon_namespaces one.
- cache eager_load call and handle Thor::InvocationError
- Merge pull request #1 from tongueroo/completions: support for TAB auto-completion
- add completions command to starter project
- add completions:script command
- tool is now called cli-template
- namespaced commands support
- using Thor::Group as the generator
- add -v as a version flag too
- simple help formatting
- add version command
- starter project use version 0.1.0
- improve help class
- comment out SimpleCov
- reanme bin folder to exe
- fix gem name that gets build for the starter project
- Fix project names that are named with dashes and camel case.
- Add legit specs that test each case.
- require "fileutils" fix
- allow --help or -h at the end of the command
- major version bump. been in used and tested for a while now
- Update starter project to use newer ruby syntax