From e8564e35d7af7844d4c85d7ab7ec04acbefee007 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rob Gordon Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 09:52:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Fix starting text in chinese and spanish (#703) --- app/src/locales/es/messages.js | 2 +- app/src/locales/es/messages.po | 2 +- app/src/locales/zh/messages.js | 2 +- app/src/locales/zh/messages.po | 2 +- 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/src/locales/es/messages.js b/app/src/locales/es/messages.js index e634e2d7..738d5118 100644 --- a/app/src/locales/es/messages.js +++ b/app/src/locales/es/messages.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*eslint-disable*/ module.exports = { messages: JSON.parse( - '{"1 Temporary Flowchart":"1 Diagrama de Flujo Temporal","<0>Custom CSS Only is enabled. Only the Layout and Advanced settings will be applied.":"<0>Solo CSS personalizado está habilitado. Solo se aplicarán los ajustes de Diseño y Avanzados.","<0>Flowchart Fun is an open source project made by <1>Tone Row":"<0>Flowchart Fun es un proyecto de código abierto hecho por <1>Tone Row","<0>Sign In / <1>Sign Up with email and password":"<0>Iniciar sesión / <1>Registrarse con correo electrónico y contraseña","<0>You currently have a free account.<1/><2>Learn about our Pro Features and subscribe on our pricing page.":"<0>Actualmente tiene una cuenta gratuita. <1/><2>Conozca nuestras características Pro y suscríbase en nuestra página de precios.","A new version of the app is available. Please reload to update.":"Una nueva versión de la aplicación está disponible. Por favor, recargue para actualizar.","AI Creation & Editing":"Creación y edición de IA","AI Request Limit Reached":"Límite de solicitud de IA alcanzado","AI-Powered Flowchart Creation":"Creación de diagramas de flujo con inteligencia artificial","AI-powered editing to supercharge your workflow":"Edición impulsada por inteligencia artificial para potenciar tu flujo de trabajo","About":"Acerca de","Account":"Cuenta","Add a backslash (<0>\\\\) before any special characters: <1>(, <2>:, <3>#, or <4>.`":"Agregue una barra invertida (<0>\\\\) antes de cualquier carácter especial: <1>(, <2>:, <3>#, o <4>.","Add classes to change color and shape":"Agregar clases para cambiar color y forma","Advanced":"Avanzado","Advanced Export Options (PNG, JPG, SVG)":"Opciones avanzadas de exportación (PNG, JPG, SVG)","Align Nodes":"Alinear nodos","All this for just $4/month - less than your daily coffee ☕":"Todo esto por solo $4 al mes, menos que tu café diario ☕","Amount":"Cantidad","An error occurred. Try resubmitting or email {0} directly.":["Se ha producido un error. Inténtalo de nuevo o envía un correo electrónico directamente a ",["0"],"."],"Appearance":"Apariencia","Arrow Size":"Tamaño de flecha","Attributes":"Atributos","August 2023":"Agosto 2023","Back":"Atrás","Back To Editor":"Volver al Editor","Background Color":"Color de fondo","Basic Flowchart":"Diagrama de Flujo Básico","Become a Github Sponsor":"Convierte en un Patrocinador de Github","Become a Pro User":"Convierte en un Usuario Pro","Begin Typing":"Comienza a escribir","Billed annually at $24":"Facturado anualmente a $24","Billed monthly at $4":"Facturado mensualmente a $4","Blog":"Blog","Book a Meeting":"Reserva una reunión","Border Color":"Color de borde","Border Width":"Ancho de borde","Bottom to Top":"De abajo a arriba","Breadthfirst":"Primero en amplitud","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancel your subscription. Your hosted charts will become read-only.":"Cancele su suscripción. Sus gráficos alojados se convertirán en solo lectura.","Certain attributes can be used to customize the appearance or functionality of elements.":"Ciertos atributos se pueden usar para personalizar la apariencia o la funcionalidad de los elementos.","Change Email Address":"Cambiar dirección de correo electrónico","Changelog":"Registro de cambios","Charts":"Gráficos","Check out the guide:":"Echa un vistazo a la guía:","Check your email for a link to log in.<0/>You can close this window.":"Revise su correo electrónico para obtener un enlace para iniciar sesión. Puede cerrar esta ventana.","Choose":"Seleccionar","Choose Template":"Elige plantilla","Choose a Plan":"Elija un Plan","Choose from a variety of arrow shapes for the source and target of an edge. Shapes include triangle, triangle-tee, circle-triangle, triangle-cross, triangle-backcurve, vee, tee, square, circle, diamond, chevron, none. .":"Elija entre una variedad de formas de flecha para la fuente y el destino de un borde. Las formas incluyen triángulo, triángulo-camiseta, círculo-triángulo, triángulo-cruz, triángulo-curva posterior, vee, camiseta, cuadrado, círculo, diamante, chevron, ninguno.","Circle":"Círculo","Classes":"Clases","Clear":"Claridad","Clear text?":"¿Texto claro?","Clone":"Clon","Close":"Cerrar","Color":"Color","Colors include red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, black, white, and gray.":"Los colores incluyen rojo, naranja, amarillo, azul, morado, negro, blanco y gris.","Column":"Columna","Comment":"Comentario","Concentric":"Concéntrico","Confirm New Email":"Confirmar nuevo correo electrónico","Confirm your email address to sign in.":"Confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico para iniciar sesión.","Connect your Data":"Conecta tus datos","Containers":"Contenedores","Containers are nodes that contain other nodes. They are declared using curly braces.":"Los contenedores son nodos que contienen otros nodos. Se declaran usando llaves.","Continue":"Continuar","Continue in Sandbox (Resets daily, work not saved)":"Continuar en el Área de Pruebas (Se reinicia diariamente, el trabajo no se guarda)","Convert":"Convertir","Convert to Flowchart":"Convertir a Diagrama de Flujo","Convert to hosted chart?":"¿Convertir a gráfico hospedado?","Cookie Policy":"Política de cookies","Copied SVG code to clipboard":"Código SVG copiado al portapapeles","Copied {format} to clipboard":[["format"]," copiado al portapapeles"],"Copy":"Copiar","Copy PNG Image":"Copiar imagen PNG","Copy SVG Code":"Copiar código SVG","Copy your Excalidraw code and paste it into <0> to edit. This feature is experimental and may not work with all diagrams. If you find a bug, please <1>let us know.":"Copia tu código Excalidraw y pégalo en <0> para editar. Esta característica es experimental y puede que no funcione con todos los diagramas. Si encuentras un error, <1>háganoslo saber.","Copy your mermaid.js code or open it directly in the mermaid.js live editor.":"Copia tu código mermaid.js o abrilo directamente en el editor en vivo de mermaid.js.","Create":"Crear","Create Flowcharts using AI":"Crear diagramas de flujo con IA","Create Unlimited Flowcharts":"Crear diagramas de flujo ilimitados","Create a New Chart":"Crea un nuevo gráfico","Create a flowchart showing the steps of planning and executing a school fundraising event":"Crear un diagrama de flujo que muestre los pasos de planificación y ejecución de un evento de recaudación de fondos escolar","Create unlimited diagrams for just $4/month!":"¡Crea diagramas ilimitados por solo $4 al mes!","Create unlimited flowcharts stored in the cloud– accessible anywhere!":"¡Crea diagramas de flujo ilimitados almacenados en la nube, accesibles desde cualquier lugar!","Create with AI":"Crear con IA","Creating an edge between two nodes is done by indenting the second node below the first":"Crear un borde entre dos nodos se realiza al sangrar el segundo nodo debajo del primero","Curve Style":"Estilo de Curva","Custom CSS":"CSS personalizado","Custom Sharing Options":"Opciones de compartición personalizadas","Customer Portal":"Portal del cliente","Customize":"Personalizar","Daily Sandbox Editor":"Editor de Sandbox diario","Dark":"Oscuro","Dark Mode":"Modo oscuro","Data Import (Visio, Lucidchart, CSV)":"Importación de datos (Visio, Lucidchart, CSV)","Data import feature for complex diagrams":"Función de importación de datos para diagramas complejos","Date":"Fecha","Decisions":"Decisiones","Design a software development lifecycle flowchart for an agile team":"Diseñar un diagrama de flujo del ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software para un equipo ágil","Develop a decision tree for a CEO to evaluate potential new market opportunities":"Desarrollar un árbol de decisiones para que un CEO evalúe posibles nuevas oportunidades de mercado","Direction":"Dirección","Dismiss":"Descartar","Do you want to delete this?":"¿Quieres eliminar esto?","Document":"Documento","Download":"Descargar","Download JPG":"Descargar JPG","Download PNG":"Descargar PNG","Download SVG":"Descargar SVG","Download or share your flowchart using the \'Share\' button.":"Descargar o compartir tu diagrama de flujo usando el botón \'Compartir\'.","Drag and drop a CSV file here, or click to select a file":"Arrastre y suelte un archivo CSV aquí o haga clic para seleccionar un archivo","Draw an edge from multiple nodes by beginning the line with a reference":"Dibuje un borde desde varios nodos comenzando la línea con una referencia","Drop the file here ...":"Suelta el archivo aquí ...","Edge ID, Classes, Attributes":"ID de borde, Clases, Atributos","Edge Label":"Etiqueta de borde","Edge Label Column":"Columna de etiqueta de borde","Edge Style":"Estilo de borde","Edge Text Size":"Tamaño de texto de borde","Edge missing indentation":"Falta de sangría de borde","Edges":"Bordes","Edges are declared in the same row as their source node":"Los bordes se declaran en la misma fila que su nodo de origen","Edges are declared in the same row as their target node":"Los bordes se declaran en la misma fila que su nodo de destino","Edges are declared in their own row":"Los bordes se declaran en su propia fila","Edges can also have ID\'s, classes, and attributes before the label":"Los bordes también pueden tener ID, clases y atributos antes de la etiqueta","Edges can be styled with dashed, dotted, or solid lines":"Los bordes se pueden estilizar con líneas discontinuas, punteadas o sólidas","Edges in Separate Rows":"Bordes en filas separadas","Edges in Source Node Row":"Bordes en la fila del nodo de origen","Edges in Target Node Row":"Bordes en la fila del nodo de destino","Edit":"Editar","Edit with AI":"Editar con IA","Editable":"Editable","Editor":"Editor","Email":"Correo electrónico","Empty":"Vacío","Enter a prompt or information you would like to create a chart from.":"Introduce una solicitud o información de la que desea crear un gráfico.","Enter your email address and we\'ll send you a magic link to sign in.":"Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico y le enviaremos un enlace mágico para iniciar sesión.","Enter your email address below and we\'ll send you a link to reset your password.":"Ingresa tu dirección de correo electrónico a continuación y te enviaremos un enlace para restablecer tu contraseña.","Equal To":"Igual a","Examples":"Ejemplos","Examples:":"Ejemplos:","Excalidraw":"Excalidraw","Exclusive Office Hours":"Horario de oficina exclusivo","Experience the efficiency and security of loading local files directly into your flowchart, perfect for managing work-related documents offline. Unlock this exclusive Pro feature and more with Flowchart Fun Pro, available for only $4/month":"Experimenta la eficiencia y seguridad de cargar archivos locales directamente en tu diagrama de flujo, perfecto para manejar documentos relacionados con el trabajo sin conexión. Desbloquea esta función exclusiva de Pro y más con Flowchart Fun Pro, disponible por solo $4 al mes.","Export":"Exportar","Export to PNG & JPG":"Exportar a PNG y JPG","Export to PNG, JPG, and SVG":"Exportar a PNG, JPG y SVG","Feedback":"Comentarios","Feel free to explore and reach out to us through the <0>Feedback page should you have any concerns.":"Siéntase libre de explorar y comuníquese con nosotros a través de la página de <0>Comentarios si tiene alguna preocupación.","Fixed Node Height":"Altura de Nodo Fija","Flowchart Fun Pro gives you unlimited flowcharts, unlimited collaborators, and unlimited storage for just $4/month.":"Flowchart Fun Pro te ofrece diagramas de flujo ilimitados, colaboradores ilimitados y almacenamiento ilimitado por solo $4 al mes.","Follow Us on Twitter":"Síguenos en Twitter","Font Family":"Familia de Fuentes","Forgot your password?":"¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?","Found a bug? Have a feature request? We would love to hear from you!":"¿Encontraste un error? ¿Tienes una solicitud de característica? ¡Nos encantaría escucharte!","Free":"Gratis","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","Gain access to AI Features and never lose your work with a Pro account.":"Obtenga acceso a funciones de inteligencia artificial y nunca pierda su trabajo con una cuenta Pro.","General":"General","Go back home":"Vuelve a casa","Go to the Editor":"Ir al editor","Go to your Sandbox":"Ve a tu Sandbox","Graph":"Gráfico","Grid":"Cuadrícula","Have complex questions or issues? We\'re here to help.":"¿Tiene preguntas o problemas complejos? Estamos aquí para ayudar.","Here are some Pro features you can now enjoy.":"Aquí hay algunas características Pro que ahora puedes disfrutar.","History":"Historia","Home":"Hogar","How are edges declared in this data?":"¿Cómo se declaran los bordes en estos datos?","How would you like to save your chart?":"¿Cómo te gustaría guardar tu gráfico?","I would like to request a new template:":"Me gustaría solicitar una nueva plantilla:","ID\'s":"ID","If an account with that email exists, we\'ve sent you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.":"Si una cuenta con ese correo electrónico existe, le hemos enviado un correo electrónico con instrucciones sobre cómo restablecer su contraseña.","If you enjoy using <0>Flowchart Fun, please consider supporting the project":"Si disfruta usando <0>Flowchart Fun, considere apoyar el proyecto.","If you mean to create an edge, indent this line. If not, escape the colon with a backslash <0>\\\\:":"Si desea crear un borde, indente esta línea. Si no, escapar el dos puntos con una barra invertida <0>\\\\:","Images":"Imágenes","Import Data":"Importar datos","Import data from a CSV file.":"Importar datos de un archivo CSV.","Import data from any CSV file and map it to a new flowchart. This is a great way to import data from other sources like Lucidchart, Google Sheets, and Visio.":"Importar datos de cualquier archivo CSV y asignarlo a un nuevo diagrama de flujo. Esta es una excelente manera de importar datos de otras fuentes como Lucidchart, Google Sheets y Visio.","Import from CSV":"Importar desde CSV","Import from Visio, Lucidchart, and CSV":"Importar desde Visio, Lucidchart y CSV","Import your diagram it into Microsoft Visio using one of these CSV files.":"Importa tu diagrama a Microsoft Visio usando uno de estos archivos CSV.","Importing data is a pro feature. You can upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for just $4/month.":"Importar datos es una función profesional. Puedes actualizar a Flowchart Fun Pro por solo $4/mes.","Include a title using a <0>title attribute. To use Visio coloring, add a <1>roleType attribute equal to one of the following:":"Incluye un título usando un atributo <0>title. Para usar el color de Visio, agrega un atributo <1>roleType igual a uno de los siguientes:","Indent for Steps":"Sangrar para pasos","Indicate progression or dependency.":"Indicar progresión o dependencia.","Info":"Información","Is":"Es","Is this a document? Would you like to convert it to a flowchart?":"¿Es este un documento? ¿Te gustaría convertirlo en un diagrama de flujo? ","JSON Canvas is a JSON representation of your diagram used by <0>Obsidian Canvas and other applications.":"JSON Canvas es una representación JSON de tu diagrama utilizada por <0>Obsidian Canvas y otras aplicaciones.","Join 2000+ professionals who\'ve upgraded their workflow":"Únete a más de 2000 profesionales que han mejorado su flujo de trabajo","Keep Things Private":"Mantener las cosas privadas","Knowledge Graph":"Gráfico de conocimiento","Language":"Idioma","Layout":"Diseño","Layout Frozen":"Diseño Congelado","Leading References":"Referencias principales","Learn More":"Aprender más","Learn Syntax":"Aprender sintaxis","Learn about Flowchart Fun Pro":"Aprende sobre Flowchart Fun Pro","Left to Right":"De izquierda a derecha","Let us know why you\'re canceling. We\'re always looking to improve.":"Háganos saber por qué está cancelando. Siempre estamos buscando mejorar.","Light":"Luz","Light Mode":"Modo de luz","Link":"Enlace","Load":"Cargar","Load Chart":"Cargar gráfico","Load File":"Cargar archivo","Load Files":"Cargar archivos","Load default content":"Cargar contenido predeterminado","Load from link?":"¿Cargar desde el enlace?","Load layout and styles":"Cargar diseño y estilos","Local File Support":"Soporte de archivos locales","Local saving for offline access":"Guardado local para acceder sin conexión","Lock Zoom to Graph":"Bloquear Zoom al gráfico","Log In":"Iniciar sesión","Log Out":"Cerrar sesión","Log in to Save":"Inicia sesión para guardar","Log in to upgrade your account":"Iniciar sesión para actualizar tu cuenta","Make a One-Time Donation":"Realizar una donación única","Make publicly accessible":"Hacerlo accesible al público","Manage Billing":"Administrar facturación","Map Data":"Datos de mapa","Modify text to see it transform into a flowchart on the right.":"Modificar texto para ver cómo se transforma en un diagrama de flujo a la derecha.","Monthly":"Mensual","Multiple pointers on same line":"Múltiples punteros en la misma línea","My dog ate my credit card!":"¡Mi perro se comió mi tarjeta de crédito!","Name Chart":"Nombre del gráfico","Name your chart":"Nombre su gráfico","New":"Nuevo","New Email":"Nuevo Correo Electrónico","Next charge":"Próximo cargo","No Edges":"Sin Bordes","No Watermarks!":"¡Sin marcas de agua!","Node Border Style":"Estilo de borde de nodo","Node Colors":"Colores de nodo","Node ID":"ID de nodo","Node ID, Classes, Attributes":"ID de nodo, clases, atributos","Node Label":"Etiqueta de nodo","Node Shape":"Forma de Nodo","Node Shapes":"Formas de nodo","Nodes":"Nodos","Nodes can be styled with dashed, dotted, or double. Borders can also be removed with border_none.":"Los nodos se pueden estilizar con líneas discontinuas, punteadas o dobles. También se pueden eliminar los bordes con border_none.","Not Empty":"No vacío ","Office Hours":"Horas de oficina ","Once in a while the magic link will end up in your spam folder. If you don\'t see it after a few minutes, check there or request a new link.":"De vez en cuando, el enlace mágico acabará en tu carpeta de spam. Si no lo ves después de unos minutos, busca allí o solicita un nuevo enlace. ","One on One Support":"Soporte uno a uno","One-on-One Support":"Soporte individual","Open Customer Portal":"Abrir portal de clientes","Organization Chart":"Organigrama","Padding":"Relleno","Page not found":"Página no encontrada","Password":"Contraseña","Past Due":"Vencido","Paste a document to convert it into a flowchart.":"Pegar un documento para convertirlo en un diagrama de flujo.","Paste your document or outline here to convert it into an organized flowchart.":"Pegue su documento o esquema aquí para convertirlo en un diagrama de flujo organizado.","Permanent Charts are a Pro Feature":"Los gráficos permanentes son una característica Pro","Playbook":"Libreta de juegos","Pointer and container on same line":"Puntero y contenedor en la misma línea","Priority One-on-One Support":"Soporte prioritario uno a uno","Privacy Policy":"Política de privacidad","Process Diagram":"Diagrama de proceso","Processing Data":"Procesamiento de datos","Prompt":"Indicación","Public":"Público","Random":"Aleatorio","Rapid Deployment Templates":"Plantillas de implementación rápida","Rapid Templates":"Plantillas rápidas","Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later.":"Límite de tasa excedido. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.","Read-only":"Sólo lectura","Reference by Class":"Referencia por clase","Reference by ID":"Referencia por ID","Reference by Label":"Referencia por etiqueta","References":"Referencias","References are used to create edges between nodes that are created elsewhere in the document":"Las referencias se utilizan para crear bordes entre los nodos creados en otro lugar del documento","Referencing a node by its exact label":"Referenciando un nodo por su etiqueta exacta","Referencing a node by its unique ID":"Referenciando un nodo por su ID único","Referencing multiple nodes with the same assigned class":"Referenciando múltiples nodos con la misma clase asignada","Refresh Page":"Refrescar la página","Reload to Update":"Recargar para actualizar","Rename":"Renombrar","Request Magic Link":"Solicitar enlace mágico","Request Password Reset":"Solicitar restablecimiento de contraseña","Reset":"Restablecer","Reset Password":"Restablecer la contraseña","Resume Subscription":"Reanudar la suscripción","Return":"Devolver","Right to Left":"De derecha a izquierda","Right-click nodes for more options.":"Haz clic derecho en los nodos para más opciones.","Roadmap":"Hoja de ruta","Rotate Label":"Rotar etiqueta","SVG Export is a Pro Feature":"La exportación de SVG es una función Pro","Save":"Guardar","Save time with AI and dictation, making it easy to create diagrams.":"Ahorra tiempo con IA y dictado, lo que facilita la creación de diagramas.","Save to Cloud":"Guardar en la nube","Save to File":"Guardar en archivo","Save your Work":"Guarda tu trabajo","Set Content":"Establecer contenido","Set Fixed Node Height":"Establecer altura fija del nodo","Settings":"Configuración","Share":"Compartir","Share Your Work":"Comparte tu trabajo","Sign In":"Iniciar sesión","Sign in with <0>GitHub":"Iniciar sesión con <0>GitHub","Sign in with <0>Google":"Iniciar sesión con <0>Google","Sorry! This page is only available in English.":"¡Lo sentimos! Esta página solo está disponible en inglés.","Sorry, there was an error converting the text to a flowchart. Try again later.":"Lo siento, hubo un error al convertir el texto en un diagrama. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.","Source Arrow Shape":"Forma de flecha de origen","Source Column":"Columna de origen","Source Delimiter":"Delimitador de Origen","Source Distance From Node":"Distancia del origen al nodo","Source/Target Arrow Shape":"Forma de Flecha de Origen/Destino","Spacing":"Espaciado","Special Attributes":"Atributos Especiales","Start":"Comienzo","Start Over":"Empezar de nuevo","Start with a label or decision.":"Comienza con una etiqueta o decisión.","Status":"Estado","Store any data associated to a node":"Almacenar cualquier dato asociado a un nodo","Style Classes":"Clases de Estilo","Submit":"Enviar","Subscribe to Pro and flowchart the fun way!":"Suscríbete a Pro y crea diagramas de flujo de manera divertida!","Subscription":"Suscripción","Subscription Successful!":"¡Suscripción exitosa!","Subscription will end":"La suscripción finalizará","Target Arrow Shape":"Forma de flecha de destino","Target Column":"Columna objetivo","Target Delimiter":"Delimitador objetivo","Target Distance From Node":"Distancia objetivo desde el nodo","Text Color":"Color del texto","Text Horizontal Offset":"Desplazamiento horizontal del texto","Text Leading":"Texto principal","Text Max Width":"Ancho máximo del texto","Text Vertical Offset":"Desplazamiento vertical del texto","Text followed by colon+space creates an edge with the text as the label":"El texto seguido de dos puntos y un espacio crea un borde con el texto como etiqueta","Text on a line creates a node with the text as the label":"El texto en una línea crea un nodo con el texto como etiqueta","Thank you for your feedback!":"¡Gracias por tu comentario!","The best way to change styles is to right-click on a node or an edge and select the style you want.":"La mejor manera de cambiar los estilos es hacer clic derecho en un nodo o un borde y seleccionar el estilo deseado.","The column that contains the edge label(s)":"La columna que contiene la etiqueta(s) de borde","The column that contains the source node ID(s)":"La columna que contiene el ID(s) del nodo de origen","The column that contains the target node ID(s)":"La columna que contiene el ID(s) del nodo de destino","The delimiter used to separate multiple source nodes":"El delimitador utilizado para separar múltiples nodos de origen","The delimiter used to separate multiple target nodes":"El delimitador utilizado para separar múltiples nodos de destino","The possible shapes are:":"Las formas posibles son:","Theme":"Tema","Theme Customization Editor":"Editor de Personalización de Temas","Theme Editor":"Editor de temas","There are no edges in this data":"No hay bordes en estos datos","This action cannot be undone.":"Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","This feature is only available to pro users. <0>Become a pro user to unlock it.":"Esta característica solo está disponible para usuarios profesionales. <0>Conviértete en un usuario profesional para desbloquearla.","This may take between 30 seconds and 2 minutes depending on the length of your input.":"Esto puede tardar entre 30 segundos y 2 minutos dependiendo de la longitud de su entrada.","This sandbox is perfect for experimenting, but remember - it resets daily. Upgrade now and keep your current work!":"Esta caja de arena es perfecta para experimentar, pero recuerda: se reinicia diariamente. ¡Actualiza ahora y guarda tu trabajo actual!","This will replace the current content.":"Esto reemplazará el contenido actual.","This will replace your current sandbox.":"Esto reemplazará su sandbox actual.","Tip":"Consejo","To fix this change one of the edge IDs":"Para solucionar esto cambia uno de los IDs de borde","To fix this change one of the node IDs":"Para solucionar esto cambia uno de los IDs de nodo","To fix this move one pointer to the next line":"Para solucionar esto mueve un puntero a la siguiente línea","To fix this start the container <0/> on a different line":"Para solucionar esto, inicie el contenedor <0/> en una línea diferente","To learn more about why we require you to log in, please read <0>this blog post.":"Para obtener más información sobre por qué requerimos que inicie sesión, lea <0>esta publicación de blog.","Top to Bottom":"De arriba a abajo","Transform Your Ideas into Professional Diagrams in Seconds":"Transforma tus ideas en diagramas profesionales en segundos","Transform text into diagrams instantly":"Transforma texto en diagramas al instante.","Trusted by Professionals and Academics Alike":"Confiado por profesionales y académicos por igual","Try again":"Inténtalo de nuevo","Turn your ideas into professional diagrams in seconds":"Convierte tus ideas en diagramas profesionales en segundos","Two edges have the same ID":"Dos bordes tienen el mismo ID","Two nodes have the same ID":"Dos nodos tienen el mismo ID","Uh oh, you\'re out of free requests! Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for unlimited diagram conversions, and keep transforming text into clear, visual flowcharts as easily as copy and paste.":"¡Ups, se acabaron tus solicitudes gratuitas! Actualiza a Flowchart Fun Pro para conversiones de diagramas ilimitadas, y sigue transformando texto en claros y visuales flujogramas tan fácilmente como copiar y pegar.","Understand Syntax":"Entender la sintaxis","Unescaped special character":"Carácter especial sin escape","Unique text value to identify a node":"Valor de texto único para identificar un nodo","Unknown":"Desconocido","Unknown Parsing Error":"Error de análisis desconocido","Unlimited Flowcharts":"Flujos de trabajo ilimitados","Unlimited Permanent Flowcharts":"Flujo de gráficos permanentes ilimitados","Unlimited cloud-saved flowcharts":"Diagramas de flujo guardados en la nube de forma ilimitada","Unpaid":"Impago","Update Email":"Actualizar correo electrónico","Upgrade Now - Save My Work":"Actualizar ahora - Guardar mi trabajo","Upgrade for Unlimited AI":"Actualización para IA ilimitada","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro and unlock:":"Actualiza a Flowchart Fun Pro y desbloquea:","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro to unlock SVG exports and enjoy more advanced features for your diagrams.":"Actualiza a Flowchart Fun Pro para desbloquear la exportación de SVG y disfrutar de funciones más avanzadas para tus diagramas.","Upgrade to Pro":"Actualizar a Pro","Upgrade to Pro for just $4/month":"Actualiza a Pro por solo $4/mes.","Upload your File":"Subir tu archivo","Use AI":"Usar IA","Use Custom CSS Only":"Usar solo CSS personalizado","Use Default Content":"Usar contenido predeterminado","Use Lucidchart or Visio? CSV Import makes it easy to get data from any source!":"¿Usas Lucidchart o Visio? ¡La importación de CSV facilita obtener datos de cualquier fuente!","Use classes to group nodes":"Usar clases para agrupar nodos","Use colons like \\"Decisions:\\".":"Usa dos puntos como \\\\","Use the attribute <0>href to set a link on a node that opens in a new tab.":"Utilice el atributo <0>href para establecer un enlace en un nodo que se abra en una nueva pestaña.","Use the attribute <0>src to set the image of a node. The image will be scaled to fit the node, so you may need to adjust the width and height of the node to get the desired result. Only public images (not blocked by CORS) are supported.":"Utilice el atributo <0>src para establecer la imagen de un nodo. La imagen se escalará para ajustarse al nodo, por lo que es posible que deba ajustar el ancho y la altura del nodo para obtener el resultado deseado. Solo se admiten imágenes públicas (no bloqueadas por CORS).","Use the attributes <0>w and <1>h to explicitly set the width and height of a node.":"Utilice los atributos <0>w y <1>h para establecer explícitamente el ancho y la altura de un nodo.","Use the customer portal to change your billing information.":"Utilice el portal de clientes para cambiar su información de facturación.","Use these settings to adapt the look and behavior of your flowcharts":"Utilice estos ajustes para adaptar la apariencia y el comportamiento de sus diagramas de flujo","Use this file for org charts, hierarchies, and other organizational structures.":"Utilice este archivo para diagramas de organización, jerarquías y otras estructuras organizativas.","Use this file for sequences, processes, and workflows.":"Utilice este archivo para secuencias, procesos y flujos de trabajo.","Use this mode to modify and enhance your current chart.":"Utilice este modo para modificar y mejorar su gráfico actual.","User":"Usuario ","View on Github":"Ver en Github ","Voice-to-Diagram Dictation":"Dictado de Voz a Diagrama","Want to create a flowchart from a document? Paste it in the editor and click \'Convert to Flowchart\'":"¿Quieres crear un diagrama a partir de un documento? Pégalo en el editor y haz clic en \\"Convertir a diagrama\\".","Watermark-Free Diagrams":"Diagramas sin marca de agua","Watermarks":"Marcas de agua","Welcome to Flowchart Fun!":"¡Bienvenido a Flowchart Fun!","What\'s Included":"¿Qué está incluido?","What\'s this?":"¿Qué es esto?","Width":"Ancho","Width and Height":"Ancho y Alto","With Flowchart Fun\'s Pro version, you can use natural language comamnds to quickly flesh out your flowchart details, ideal for creating diagrams on the go. For $4/month, get the ease of accessible AI editing to enhance your flowcharting experience.":"Con la versión Pro de Flowchart Fun, puedes utilizar comandos de lenguaje natural para completar rápidamente los detalles de tu diagrama, ideal para crear diagramas sobre la marcha. Por $4/mes, obtén la facilidad de la edición de IA accesible para mejorar tu experiencia de creación de diagramas.","With the pro version you can save and load local files. It\'s perfect for managing work-related documents offline.":"Con la versión pro puedes guardar y cargar archivos locales. Es perfecto para gestionar documentos relacionados con el trabajo sin conexión.","Would you like to continue?":"¿Te gustaría continuar?","Would you like to suggest a new example?":"¿Te gustaría sugerir un nuevo ejemplo?","Write your prompt here or click to enable the microphone, then press and hold to record.":"Escribe tu instrucción aquí o haz clic para activar el micrófono, luego mantén presionado para grabar.","Yearly":"Anualmente","You are about to add {numNodes} nodes and {numEdges} edges to your graph.":["Estás a punto de agregar ",["numNodes"]," nodos y ",["numEdges"]," bordes a tu gráfico."],"You can create unlimited permanent flowcharts with <0>Flowchart Fun Pro.":"Puede crear diagramas de flujo ilimitados y permanentes con <0>Flowchart Fun Pro.","You need to log in to access this page.":"Necesitas iniciar sesión para acceder a esta página.","You\'re already a Pro User. <0>Manage Subscription<1/>Have questions or feature requests? <2>Let Us Know":"Ya eres un usuario Pro. <0>Gestionar suscripción<1/>¿Tienes preguntas o solicitudes de funciones? <2>Háganos saber","You\'ve used all free AI conversions for today. Upgrade to Pro for unlimited AI use, custom themes, private sharing, and more. Keep creating amazing flowcharts effortlessly!":"Has utilizado todas las conversiones de IA gratuitas para hoy. Actualiza a Pro para tener un uso ilimitado de IA, temas personalizados, compartir de forma privada y más. ¡Sigue creando increíbles diagramas de flujo sin esfuerzo!","Your Charts":"Tus gráficos","Your Creativity Deserves to be Saved":"Tu creatividad merece ser guardada.","Your Sandbox is a space to freely experiment with our flowchart tools, resetting every day for a fresh start.":"Su Sandbox es un espacio para experimentar libremente con nuestras herramientas de diagrama de flujo, reiniciando cada día para comenzar de nuevo.","Your charts are read-only because your account is no longer active. Visit your <0>account page to learn more.":"Tus gráficos son de solo lectura porque tu cuenta ya no está activa. Visita la página de tu <0>cuenta para obtener más información.","Your subscription is <0>{statusDisplay}.":["Su suscripción es <0>",["statusDisplay"],"."],"Zoom In":"Zoom In","Zoom Out":"Zoom Out","month":"mes","or":"o","{0}":[["0"]],"{buttonText}":[["buttonText"]]}' + '{"1 Temporary Flowchart":"1 Diagrama de Flujo Temporal","<0>Custom CSS Only is enabled. Only the Layout and Advanced settings will be applied.":"<0>Solo CSS personalizado está habilitado. Solo se aplicarán los ajustes de Diseño y Avanzados.","<0>Flowchart Fun is an open source project made by <1>Tone Row":"<0>Flowchart Fun es un proyecto de código abierto hecho por <1>Tone Row","<0>Sign In / <1>Sign Up with email and password":"<0>Iniciar sesión / <1>Registrarse con correo electrónico y contraseña","<0>You currently have a free account.<1/><2>Learn about our Pro Features and subscribe on our pricing page.":"<0>Actualmente tiene una cuenta gratuita. <1/><2>Conozca nuestras características Pro y suscríbase en nuestra página de precios.","A new version of the app is available. Please reload to update.":"Una nueva versión de la aplicación está disponible. Por favor, recargue para actualizar.","AI Creation & Editing":"Creación y edición de IA","AI Request Limit Reached":"Límite de solicitud de IA alcanzado","AI-Powered Flowchart Creation":"Creación de diagramas de flujo con inteligencia artificial","AI-powered editing to supercharge your workflow":"Edición impulsada por inteligencia artificial para potenciar tu flujo de trabajo","About":"Acerca de","Account":"Cuenta","Add a backslash (<0>\\\\) before any special characters: <1>(, <2>:, <3>#, or <4>.`":"Agregue una barra invertida (<0>\\\\) antes de cualquier carácter especial: <1>(, <2>:, <3>#, o <4>.","Add classes to change color and shape":"Agregar clases para cambiar color y forma","Advanced":"Avanzado","Advanced Export Options (PNG, JPG, SVG)":"Opciones avanzadas de exportación (PNG, JPG, SVG)","Align Nodes":"Alinear nodos","All this for just $4/month - less than your daily coffee ☕":"Todo esto por solo $4 al mes, menos que tu café diario ☕","Amount":"Cantidad","An error occurred. Try resubmitting or email {0} directly.":["Se ha producido un error. Inténtalo de nuevo o envía un correo electrónico directamente a ",["0"],"."],"Appearance":"Apariencia","Arrow Size":"Tamaño de flecha","Attributes":"Atributos","August 2023":"Agosto 2023","Back":"Atrás","Back To Editor":"Volver al Editor","Background Color":"Color de fondo","Basic Flowchart":"Diagrama de Flujo Básico","Become a Github Sponsor":"Convierte en un Patrocinador de Github","Become a Pro User":"Convierte en un Usuario Pro","Begin Typing":"Comienza a escribir","Billed annually at $24":"Facturado anualmente a $24","Billed monthly at $4":"Facturado mensualmente a $4","Blog":"Blog","Book a Meeting":"Reserva una reunión","Border Color":"Color de borde","Border Width":"Ancho de borde","Bottom to Top":"De abajo a arriba","Breadthfirst":"Primero en amplitud","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancel your subscription. Your hosted charts will become read-only.":"Cancele su suscripción. Sus gráficos alojados se convertirán en solo lectura.","Certain attributes can be used to customize the appearance or functionality of elements.":"Ciertos atributos se pueden usar para personalizar la apariencia o la funcionalidad de los elementos.","Change Email Address":"Cambiar dirección de correo electrónico","Changelog":"Registro de cambios","Charts":"Gráficos","Check out the guide:":"Echa un vistazo a la guía:","Check your email for a link to log in.<0/>You can close this window.":"Revise su correo electrónico para obtener un enlace para iniciar sesión. Puede cerrar esta ventana.","Choose":"Seleccionar","Choose Template":"Elige plantilla","Choose a Plan":"Elija un Plan","Choose from a variety of arrow shapes for the source and target of an edge. Shapes include triangle, triangle-tee, circle-triangle, triangle-cross, triangle-backcurve, vee, tee, square, circle, diamond, chevron, none. .":"Elija entre una variedad de formas de flecha para la fuente y el destino de un borde. Las formas incluyen triángulo, triángulo-camiseta, círculo-triángulo, triángulo-cruz, triángulo-curva posterior, vee, camiseta, cuadrado, círculo, diamante, chevron, ninguno.","Circle":"Círculo","Classes":"Clases","Clear":"Claridad","Clear text?":"¿Texto claro?","Clone":"Clon","Close":"Cerrar","Color":"Color","Colors include red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, black, white, and gray.":"Los colores incluyen rojo, naranja, amarillo, azul, morado, negro, blanco y gris.","Column":"Columna","Comment":"Comentario","Concentric":"Concéntrico","Confirm New Email":"Confirmar nuevo correo electrónico","Confirm your email address to sign in.":"Confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico para iniciar sesión.","Connect your Data":"Conecta tus datos","Containers":"Contenedores","Containers are nodes that contain other nodes. They are declared using curly braces.":"Los contenedores son nodos que contienen otros nodos. Se declaran usando llaves.","Continue":"Continuar","Continue in Sandbox (Resets daily, work not saved)":"Continuar en el Área de Pruebas (Se reinicia diariamente, el trabajo no se guarda)","Convert":"Convertir","Convert to Flowchart":"Convertir a Diagrama de Flujo","Convert to hosted chart?":"¿Convertir a gráfico hospedado?","Cookie Policy":"Política de cookies","Copied SVG code to clipboard":"Código SVG copiado al portapapeles","Copied {format} to clipboard":[["format"]," copiado al portapapeles"],"Copy":"Copiar","Copy PNG Image":"Copiar imagen PNG","Copy SVG Code":"Copiar código SVG","Copy your Excalidraw code and paste it into <0> to edit. This feature is experimental and may not work with all diagrams. If you find a bug, please <1>let us know.":"Copia tu código Excalidraw y pégalo en <0> para editar. Esta característica es experimental y puede que no funcione con todos los diagramas. Si encuentras un error, <1>háganoslo saber.","Copy your mermaid.js code or open it directly in the mermaid.js live editor.":"Copia tu código mermaid.js o abrilo directamente en el editor en vivo de mermaid.js.","Create":"Crear","Create Flowcharts using AI":"Crear diagramas de flujo con IA","Create Unlimited Flowcharts":"Crear diagramas de flujo ilimitados","Create a New Chart":"Crea un nuevo gráfico","Create a flowchart showing the steps of planning and executing a school fundraising event":"Crear un diagrama de flujo que muestre los pasos de planificación y ejecución de un evento de recaudación de fondos escolar","Create unlimited diagrams for just $4/month!":"¡Crea diagramas ilimitados por solo $4 al mes!","Create unlimited flowcharts stored in the cloud– accessible anywhere!":"¡Crea diagramas de flujo ilimitados almacenados en la nube, accesibles desde cualquier lugar!","Create with AI":"Crear con IA","Creating an edge between two nodes is done by indenting the second node below the first":"Crear un borde entre dos nodos se realiza al sangrar el segundo nodo debajo del primero","Curve Style":"Estilo de Curva","Custom CSS":"CSS personalizado","Custom Sharing Options":"Opciones de compartición personalizadas","Customer Portal":"Portal del cliente","Customize":"Personalizar","Daily Sandbox Editor":"Editor de Sandbox diario","Dark":"Oscuro","Dark Mode":"Modo oscuro","Data Import (Visio, Lucidchart, CSV)":"Importación de datos (Visio, Lucidchart, CSV)","Data import feature for complex diagrams":"Función de importación de datos para diagramas complejos","Date":"Fecha","Decisions":"Decisiones","Design a software development lifecycle flowchart for an agile team":"Diseñar un diagrama de flujo del ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software para un equipo ágil","Develop a decision tree for a CEO to evaluate potential new market opportunities":"Desarrollar un árbol de decisiones para que un CEO evalúe posibles nuevas oportunidades de mercado","Direction":"Dirección","Dismiss":"Descartar","Do you want to delete this?":"¿Quieres eliminar esto?","Document":"Documento","Download":"Descargar","Download JPG":"Descargar JPG","Download PNG":"Descargar PNG","Download SVG":"Descargar SVG","Download or share your flowchart using the \'Share\' button.":"Descargar o compartir tu diagrama de flujo usando el botón \'Compartir\'.","Drag and drop a CSV file here, or click to select a file":"Arrastre y suelte un archivo CSV aquí o haga clic para seleccionar un archivo","Draw an edge from multiple nodes by beginning the line with a reference":"Dibuje un borde desde varios nodos comenzando la línea con una referencia","Drop the file here ...":"Suelta el archivo aquí ...","Edge ID, Classes, Attributes":"ID de borde, Clases, Atributos","Edge Label":"Etiqueta de borde","Edge Label Column":"Columna de etiqueta de borde","Edge Style":"Estilo de borde","Edge Text Size":"Tamaño de texto de borde","Edge missing indentation":"Falta de sangría de borde","Edges":"Bordes","Edges are declared in the same row as their source node":"Los bordes se declaran en la misma fila que su nodo de origen","Edges are declared in the same row as their target node":"Los bordes se declaran en la misma fila que su nodo de destino","Edges are declared in their own row":"Los bordes se declaran en su propia fila","Edges can also have ID\'s, classes, and attributes before the label":"Los bordes también pueden tener ID, clases y atributos antes de la etiqueta","Edges can be styled with dashed, dotted, or solid lines":"Los bordes se pueden estilizar con líneas discontinuas, punteadas o sólidas","Edges in Separate Rows":"Bordes en filas separadas","Edges in Source Node Row":"Bordes en la fila del nodo de origen","Edges in Target Node Row":"Bordes en la fila del nodo de destino","Edit":"Editar","Edit with AI":"Editar con IA","Editable":"Editable","Editor":"Editor","Email":"Correo electrónico","Empty":"Vacío","Enter a prompt or information you would like to create a chart from.":"Introduce una solicitud o información de la que desea crear un gráfico.","Enter your email address and we\'ll send you a magic link to sign in.":"Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico y le enviaremos un enlace mágico para iniciar sesión.","Enter your email address below and we\'ll send you a link to reset your password.":"Ingresa tu dirección de correo electrónico a continuación y te enviaremos un enlace para restablecer tu contraseña.","Equal To":"Igual a","Examples":"Ejemplos","Examples:":"Ejemplos:","Excalidraw":"Excalidraw","Exclusive Office Hours":"Horario de oficina exclusivo","Experience the efficiency and security of loading local files directly into your flowchart, perfect for managing work-related documents offline. Unlock this exclusive Pro feature and more with Flowchart Fun Pro, available for only $4/month":"Experimenta la eficiencia y seguridad de cargar archivos locales directamente en tu diagrama de flujo, perfecto para manejar documentos relacionados con el trabajo sin conexión. Desbloquea esta función exclusiva de Pro y más con Flowchart Fun Pro, disponible por solo $4 al mes.","Export":"Exportar","Export to PNG & JPG":"Exportar a PNG y JPG","Export to PNG, JPG, and SVG":"Exportar a PNG, JPG y SVG","Feedback":"Comentarios","Feel free to explore and reach out to us through the <0>Feedback page should you have any concerns.":"Siéntase libre de explorar y comuníquese con nosotros a través de la página de <0>Comentarios si tiene alguna preocupación.","Fixed Node Height":"Altura de Nodo Fija","Flowchart Fun Pro gives you unlimited flowcharts, unlimited collaborators, and unlimited storage for just $4/month.":"Flowchart Fun Pro te ofrece diagramas de flujo ilimitados, colaboradores ilimitados y almacenamiento ilimitado por solo $4 al mes.","Follow Us on Twitter":"Síguenos en Twitter","Font Family":"Familia de Fuentes","Forgot your password?":"¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?","Found a bug? Have a feature request? We would love to hear from you!":"¿Encontraste un error? ¿Tienes una solicitud de característica? ¡Nos encantaría escucharte!","Free":"Gratis","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","Gain access to AI Features and never lose your work with a Pro account.":"Obtenga acceso a funciones de inteligencia artificial y nunca pierda su trabajo con una cuenta Pro.","General":"General","Go back home":"Vuelve a casa","Go to the Editor":"Ir al editor","Go to your Sandbox":"Ve a tu Sandbox","Graph":"Gráfico","Grid":"Cuadrícula","Have complex questions or issues? We\'re here to help.":"¿Tiene preguntas o problemas complejos? Estamos aquí para ayudar.","Here are some Pro features you can now enjoy.":"Aquí hay algunas características Pro que ahora puedes disfrutar.","History":"Historia","Home":"Hogar","How are edges declared in this data?":"¿Cómo se declaran los bordes en estos datos?","How would you like to save your chart?":"¿Cómo te gustaría guardar tu gráfico?","I would like to request a new template:":"Me gustaría solicitar una nueva plantilla:","ID\'s":"ID","If an account with that email exists, we\'ve sent you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.":"Si una cuenta con ese correo electrónico existe, le hemos enviado un correo electrónico con instrucciones sobre cómo restablecer su contraseña.","If you enjoy using <0>Flowchart Fun, please consider supporting the project":"Si disfruta usando <0>Flowchart Fun, considere apoyar el proyecto.","If you mean to create an edge, indent this line. If not, escape the colon with a backslash <0>\\\\:":"Si desea crear un borde, indente esta línea. Si no, escapar el dos puntos con una barra invertida <0>\\\\:","Images":"Imágenes","Import Data":"Importar datos","Import data from a CSV file.":"Importar datos de un archivo CSV.","Import data from any CSV file and map it to a new flowchart. This is a great way to import data from other sources like Lucidchart, Google Sheets, and Visio.":"Importar datos de cualquier archivo CSV y asignarlo a un nuevo diagrama de flujo. Esta es una excelente manera de importar datos de otras fuentes como Lucidchart, Google Sheets y Visio.","Import from CSV":"Importar desde CSV","Import from Visio, Lucidchart, and CSV":"Importar desde Visio, Lucidchart y CSV","Import your diagram it into Microsoft Visio using one of these CSV files.":"Importa tu diagrama a Microsoft Visio usando uno de estos archivos CSV.","Importing data is a pro feature. You can upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for just $4/month.":"Importar datos es una función profesional. Puedes actualizar a Flowchart Fun Pro por solo $4/mes.","Include a title using a <0>title attribute. To use Visio coloring, add a <1>roleType attribute equal to one of the following:":"Incluye un título usando un atributo <0>title. Para usar el color de Visio, agrega un atributo <1>roleType igual a uno de los siguientes:","Indent for Steps":"Sangrar para pasos","Indicate progression or dependency.":"Indicar progresión o dependencia.","Info":"Información","Is":"Es","Is this a document? Would you like to convert it to a flowchart?":"¿Es este un documento? ¿Te gustaría convertirlo en un diagrama de flujo? ","JSON Canvas is a JSON representation of your diagram used by <0>Obsidian Canvas and other applications.":"JSON Canvas es una representación JSON de tu diagrama utilizada por <0>Obsidian Canvas y otras aplicaciones.","Join 2000+ professionals who\'ve upgraded their workflow":"Únete a más de 2000 profesionales que han mejorado su flujo de trabajo","Keep Things Private":"Mantener las cosas privadas","Knowledge Graph":"Gráfico de conocimiento","Language":"Idioma","Layout":"Diseño","Layout Frozen":"Diseño Congelado","Leading References":"Referencias principales","Learn More":"Aprender más","Learn Syntax":"Aprender sintaxis","Learn about Flowchart Fun Pro":"Aprende sobre Flowchart Fun Pro","Left to Right":"De izquierda a derecha","Let us know why you\'re canceling. We\'re always looking to improve.":"Háganos saber por qué está cancelando. Siempre estamos buscando mejorar.","Light":"Luz","Light Mode":"Modo de luz","Link":"Enlace","Load":"Cargar","Load Chart":"Cargar gráfico","Load File":"Cargar archivo","Load Files":"Cargar archivos","Load default content":"Cargar contenido predeterminado","Load from link?":"¿Cargar desde el enlace?","Load layout and styles":"Cargar diseño y estilos","Local File Support":"Soporte de archivos locales","Local saving for offline access":"Guardado local para acceder sin conexión","Lock Zoom to Graph":"Bloquear Zoom al gráfico","Log In":"Iniciar sesión","Log Out":"Cerrar sesión","Log in to Save":"Inicia sesión para guardar","Log in to upgrade your account":"Iniciar sesión para actualizar tu cuenta","Make a One-Time Donation":"Realizar una donación única","Make publicly accessible":"Hacerlo accesible al público","Manage Billing":"Administrar facturación","Map Data":"Datos de mapa","Modify text to see it transform into a flowchart on the right.":"Modificar texto para ver cómo se transforma en un diagrama de flujo a la derecha.","Monthly":"Mensual","Multiple pointers on same line":"Múltiples punteros en la misma línea","My dog ate my credit card!":"¡Mi perro se comió mi tarjeta de crédito!","Name Chart":"Nombre del gráfico","Name your chart":"Nombre su gráfico","New":"Nuevo","New Email":"Nuevo Correo Electrónico","Next charge":"Próximo cargo","No Edges":"Sin Bordes","No Watermarks!":"¡Sin marcas de agua!","Node Border Style":"Estilo de borde de nodo","Node Colors":"Colores de nodo","Node ID":"ID de nodo","Node ID, Classes, Attributes":"ID de nodo, clases, atributos","Node Label":"Etiqueta de nodo","Node Shape":"Forma de Nodo","Node Shapes":"Formas de nodo","Nodes":"Nodos","Nodes can be styled with dashed, dotted, or double. Borders can also be removed with border_none.":"Los nodos se pueden estilizar con líneas discontinuas, punteadas o dobles. También se pueden eliminar los bordes con border_none.","Not Empty":"No vacío ","Office Hours":"Horas de oficina ","Once in a while the magic link will end up in your spam folder. If you don\'t see it after a few minutes, check there or request a new link.":"De vez en cuando, el enlace mágico acabará en tu carpeta de spam. Si no lo ves después de unos minutos, busca allí o solicita un nuevo enlace. ","One on One Support":"Soporte uno a uno","One-on-One Support":"Soporte individual","Open Customer Portal":"Abrir portal de clientes","Organization Chart":"Organigrama","Padding":"Relleno","Page not found":"Página no encontrada","Password":"Contraseña","Past Due":"Vencido","Paste a document to convert it into a flowchart.":"Pegar un documento para convertirlo en un diagrama de flujo.","Paste your document or outline here to convert it into an organized flowchart.":"Pegue su documento o esquema aquí para convertirlo en un diagrama de flujo organizado.","Permanent Charts are a Pro Feature":"Los gráficos permanentes son una característica Pro","Playbook":"Libreta de juegos","Pointer and container on same line":"Puntero y contenedor en la misma línea","Priority One-on-One Support":"Soporte prioritario uno a uno","Privacy Policy":"Política de privacidad","Process Diagram":"Diagrama de proceso","Processing Data":"Procesamiento de datos","Prompt":"Indicación","Public":"Público","Random":"Aleatorio","Rapid Deployment Templates":"Plantillas de implementación rápida","Rapid Templates":"Plantillas rápidas","Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later.":"Límite de tasa excedido. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.","Read-only":"Sólo lectura","Reference by Class":"Referencia por clase","Reference by ID":"Referencia por ID","Reference by Label":"Referencia por etiqueta","References":"Referencias","References are used to create edges between nodes that are created elsewhere in the document":"Las referencias se utilizan para crear bordes entre los nodos creados en otro lugar del documento","Referencing a node by its exact label":"Referenciando un nodo por su etiqueta exacta","Referencing a node by its unique ID":"Referenciando un nodo por su ID único","Referencing multiple nodes with the same assigned class":"Referenciando múltiples nodos con la misma clase asignada","Refresh Page":"Refrescar la página","Reload to Update":"Recargar para actualizar","Rename":"Renombrar","Request Magic Link":"Solicitar enlace mágico","Request Password Reset":"Solicitar restablecimiento de contraseña","Reset":"Restablecer","Reset Password":"Restablecer la contraseña","Resume Subscription":"Reanudar la suscripción","Return":"Devolver","Right to Left":"De derecha a izquierda","Right-click nodes for more options.":"Haz clic derecho en los nodos para más opciones.","Roadmap":"Hoja de ruta","Rotate Label":"Rotar etiqueta","SVG Export is a Pro Feature":"La exportación de SVG es una función Pro","Save":"Guardar","Save time with AI and dictation, making it easy to create diagrams.":"Ahorra tiempo con IA y dictado, lo que facilita la creación de diagramas.","Save to Cloud":"Guardar en la nube","Save to File":"Guardar en archivo","Save your Work":"Guarda tu trabajo","Set Content":"Establecer contenido","Set Fixed Node Height":"Establecer altura fija del nodo","Settings":"Configuración","Share":"Compartir","Share Your Work":"Comparte tu trabajo","Sign In":"Iniciar sesión","Sign in with <0>GitHub":"Iniciar sesión con <0>GitHub","Sign in with <0>Google":"Iniciar sesión con <0>Google","Sorry! This page is only available in English.":"¡Lo sentimos! Esta página solo está disponible en inglés.","Sorry, there was an error converting the text to a flowchart. Try again later.":"Lo siento, hubo un error al convertir el texto en un diagrama. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.","Source Arrow Shape":"Forma de flecha de origen","Source Column":"Columna de origen","Source Delimiter":"Delimitador de Origen","Source Distance From Node":"Distancia del origen al nodo","Source/Target Arrow Shape":"Forma de Flecha de Origen/Destino","Spacing":"Espaciado","Special Attributes":"Atributos Especiales","Start":"Comienzo","Start Over":"Empezar de nuevo","Start with a label or decision.":"Comienza con una etiqueta o decisión.","Status":"Estado","Store any data associated to a node":"Almacenar cualquier dato asociado a un nodo","Style Classes":"Clases de Estilo","Submit":"Enviar","Subscribe to Pro and flowchart the fun way!":"Suscríbete a Pro y crea diagramas de flujo de manera divertida!","Subscription":"Suscripción","Subscription Successful!":"¡Suscripción exitosa!","Subscription will end":"La suscripción finalizará","Target Arrow Shape":"Forma de flecha de destino","Target Column":"Columna objetivo","Target Delimiter":"Delimitador objetivo","Target Distance From Node":"Distancia objetivo desde el nodo","Text Color":"Color del texto","Text Horizontal Offset":"Desplazamiento horizontal del texto","Text Leading":"Texto principal","Text Max Width":"Ancho máximo del texto","Text Vertical Offset":"Desplazamiento vertical del texto","Text followed by colon+space creates an edge with the text as the label":"El texto seguido de dos puntos y un espacio crea un borde con el texto como etiqueta","Text on a line creates a node with the text as the label":"El texto en una línea crea un nodo con el texto como etiqueta","Thank you for your feedback!":"¡Gracias por tu comentario!","The best way to change styles is to right-click on a node or an edge and select the style you want.":"La mejor manera de cambiar los estilos es hacer clic derecho en un nodo o un borde y seleccionar el estilo deseado.","The column that contains the edge label(s)":"La columna que contiene la etiqueta(s) de borde","The column that contains the source node ID(s)":"La columna que contiene el ID(s) del nodo de origen","The column that contains the target node ID(s)":"La columna que contiene el ID(s) del nodo de destino","The delimiter used to separate multiple source nodes":"El delimitador utilizado para separar múltiples nodos de origen","The delimiter used to separate multiple target nodes":"El delimitador utilizado para separar múltiples nodos de destino","The possible shapes are:":"Las formas posibles son:","Theme":"Tema","Theme Customization Editor":"Editor de Personalización de Temas","Theme Editor":"Editor de temas","There are no edges in this data":"No hay bordes en estos datos","This action cannot be undone.":"Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","This feature is only available to pro users. <0>Become a pro user to unlock it.":"Esta característica solo está disponible para usuarios profesionales. <0>Conviértete en un usuario profesional para desbloquearla.","This may take between 30 seconds and 2 minutes depending on the length of your input.":"Esto puede tardar entre 30 segundos y 2 minutos dependiendo de la longitud de su entrada.","This sandbox is perfect for experimenting, but remember - it resets daily. Upgrade now and keep your current work!":"Esta caja de arena es perfecta para experimentar, pero recuerda: se reinicia diariamente. ¡Actualiza ahora y guarda tu trabajo actual!","This will replace the current content.":"Esto reemplazará el contenido actual.","This will replace your current sandbox.":"Esto reemplazará su sandbox actual.","Tip":"Consejo","To fix this change one of the edge IDs":"Para solucionar esto cambia uno de los IDs de borde","To fix this change one of the node IDs":"Para solucionar esto cambia uno de los IDs de nodo","To fix this move one pointer to the next line":"Para solucionar esto mueve un puntero a la siguiente línea","To fix this start the container <0/> on a different line":"Para solucionar esto, inicie el contenedor <0/> en una línea diferente","To learn more about why we require you to log in, please read <0>this blog post.":"Para obtener más información sobre por qué requerimos que inicie sesión, lea <0>esta publicación de blog.","Top to Bottom":"De arriba a abajo","Transform Your Ideas into Professional Diagrams in Seconds":"Transforma tus ideas en diagramas profesionales en segundos","Transform text into diagrams instantly":"Transforma texto en diagramas al instante.","Trusted by Professionals and Academics Alike":"Confiado por profesionales y académicos por igual","Try again":"Inténtalo de nuevo","Turn your ideas into professional diagrams in seconds":"Convierte tus ideas en diagramas profesionales en segundos","Two edges have the same ID":"Dos bordes tienen el mismo ID","Two nodes have the same ID":"Dos nodos tienen el mismo ID","Uh oh, you\'re out of free requests! Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for unlimited diagram conversions, and keep transforming text into clear, visual flowcharts as easily as copy and paste.":"¡Ups, se acabaron tus solicitudes gratuitas! Actualiza a Flowchart Fun Pro para conversiones de diagramas ilimitadas, y sigue transformando texto en claros y visuales flujogramas tan fácilmente como copiar y pegar.","Understand Syntax":"Entender la sintaxis","Unescaped special character":"Carácter especial sin escape","Unique text value to identify a node":"Valor de texto único para identificar un nodo","Unknown":"Desconocido","Unknown Parsing Error":"Error de análisis desconocido","Unlimited Flowcharts":"Flujos de trabajo ilimitados","Unlimited Permanent Flowcharts":"Flujo de gráficos permanentes ilimitados","Unlimited cloud-saved flowcharts":"Diagramas de flujo guardados en la nube de forma ilimitada","Unpaid":"Impago","Update Email":"Actualizar correo electrónico","Upgrade Now - Save My Work":"Actualizar ahora - Guardar mi trabajo","Upgrade for Unlimited AI":"Actualización para IA ilimitada","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro and unlock:":"Actualiza a Flowchart Fun Pro y desbloquea:","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro to unlock SVG exports and enjoy more advanced features for your diagrams.":"Actualiza a Flowchart Fun Pro para desbloquear la exportación de SVG y disfrutar de funciones más avanzadas para tus diagramas.","Upgrade to Pro":"Actualizar a Pro","Upgrade to Pro for just $4/month":"Actualiza a Pro por solo $4/mes.","Upload your File":"Subir tu archivo","Use AI":"Usar IA","Use Custom CSS Only":"Usar solo CSS personalizado","Use Default Content":"Usar contenido predeterminado","Use Lucidchart or Visio? CSV Import makes it easy to get data from any source!":"¿Usas Lucidchart o Visio? ¡La importación de CSV facilita obtener datos de cualquier fuente!","Use classes to group nodes":"Usar clases para agrupar nodos","Use colons like \\"Decisions:\\".":"Usa dos puntos como \\"Decisiones\\\\:\\".","Use the attribute <0>href to set a link on a node that opens in a new tab.":"Utilice el atributo <0>href para establecer un enlace en un nodo que se abra en una nueva pestaña.","Use the attribute <0>src to set the image of a node. The image will be scaled to fit the node, so you may need to adjust the width and height of the node to get the desired result. Only public images (not blocked by CORS) are supported.":"Utilice el atributo <0>src para establecer la imagen de un nodo. La imagen se escalará para ajustarse al nodo, por lo que es posible que deba ajustar el ancho y la altura del nodo para obtener el resultado deseado. Solo se admiten imágenes públicas (no bloqueadas por CORS).","Use the attributes <0>w and <1>h to explicitly set the width and height of a node.":"Utilice los atributos <0>w y <1>h para establecer explícitamente el ancho y la altura de un nodo.","Use the customer portal to change your billing information.":"Utilice el portal de clientes para cambiar su información de facturación.","Use these settings to adapt the look and behavior of your flowcharts":"Utilice estos ajustes para adaptar la apariencia y el comportamiento de sus diagramas de flujo","Use this file for org charts, hierarchies, and other organizational structures.":"Utilice este archivo para diagramas de organización, jerarquías y otras estructuras organizativas.","Use this file for sequences, processes, and workflows.":"Utilice este archivo para secuencias, procesos y flujos de trabajo.","Use this mode to modify and enhance your current chart.":"Utilice este modo para modificar y mejorar su gráfico actual.","User":"Usuario ","View on Github":"Ver en Github ","Voice-to-Diagram Dictation":"Dictado de Voz a Diagrama","Want to create a flowchart from a document? Paste it in the editor and click \'Convert to Flowchart\'":"¿Quieres crear un diagrama a partir de un documento? Pégalo en el editor y haz clic en \\"Convertir a diagrama\\".","Watermark-Free Diagrams":"Diagramas sin marca de agua","Watermarks":"Marcas de agua","Welcome to Flowchart Fun!":"¡Bienvenido a Flowchart Fun!","What\'s Included":"¿Qué está incluido?","What\'s this?":"¿Qué es esto?","Width":"Ancho","Width and Height":"Ancho y Alto","With Flowchart Fun\'s Pro version, you can use natural language comamnds to quickly flesh out your flowchart details, ideal for creating diagrams on the go. For $4/month, get the ease of accessible AI editing to enhance your flowcharting experience.":"Con la versión Pro de Flowchart Fun, puedes utilizar comandos de lenguaje natural para completar rápidamente los detalles de tu diagrama, ideal para crear diagramas sobre la marcha. Por $4/mes, obtén la facilidad de la edición de IA accesible para mejorar tu experiencia de creación de diagramas.","With the pro version you can save and load local files. It\'s perfect for managing work-related documents offline.":"Con la versión pro puedes guardar y cargar archivos locales. Es perfecto para gestionar documentos relacionados con el trabajo sin conexión.","Would you like to continue?":"¿Te gustaría continuar?","Would you like to suggest a new example?":"¿Te gustaría sugerir un nuevo ejemplo?","Write your prompt here or click to enable the microphone, then press and hold to record.":"Escribe tu instrucción aquí o haz clic para activar el micrófono, luego mantén presionado para grabar.","Yearly":"Anualmente","You are about to add {numNodes} nodes and {numEdges} edges to your graph.":["Estás a punto de agregar ",["numNodes"]," nodos y ",["numEdges"]," bordes a tu gráfico."],"You can create unlimited permanent flowcharts with <0>Flowchart Fun Pro.":"Puede crear diagramas de flujo ilimitados y permanentes con <0>Flowchart Fun Pro.","You need to log in to access this page.":"Necesitas iniciar sesión para acceder a esta página.","You\'re already a Pro User. <0>Manage Subscription<1/>Have questions or feature requests? <2>Let Us Know":"Ya eres un usuario Pro. <0>Gestionar suscripción<1/>¿Tienes preguntas o solicitudes de funciones? <2>Háganos saber","You\'ve used all free AI conversions for today. Upgrade to Pro for unlimited AI use, custom themes, private sharing, and more. Keep creating amazing flowcharts effortlessly!":"Has utilizado todas las conversiones de IA gratuitas para hoy. Actualiza a Pro para tener un uso ilimitado de IA, temas personalizados, compartir de forma privada y más. ¡Sigue creando increíbles diagramas de flujo sin esfuerzo!","Your Charts":"Tus gráficos","Your Creativity Deserves to be Saved":"Tu creatividad merece ser guardada.","Your Sandbox is a space to freely experiment with our flowchart tools, resetting every day for a fresh start.":"Su Sandbox es un espacio para experimentar libremente con nuestras herramientas de diagrama de flujo, reiniciando cada día para comenzar de nuevo.","Your charts are read-only because your account is no longer active. Visit your <0>account page to learn more.":"Tus gráficos son de solo lectura porque tu cuenta ya no está activa. Visita la página de tu <0>cuenta para obtener más información.","Your subscription is <0>{statusDisplay}.":["Su suscripción es <0>",["statusDisplay"],"."],"Zoom In":"Zoom In","Zoom Out":"Zoom Out","month":"mes","or":"o","{0}":[["0"]],"{buttonText}":[["buttonText"]]}' ), }; diff --git a/app/src/locales/es/messages.po b/app/src/locales/es/messages.po index e5fd37fb..a5c22c48 100644 --- a/app/src/locales/es/messages.po +++ b/app/src/locales/es/messages.po @@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ msgstr "Usar clases para agrupar nodos" #: src/lib/getDefaultText.ts:8 msgid "Use colons like \"Decisions:\"." -msgstr "Usa dos puntos como \\" +msgstr "Usa dos puntos como \"Decisiones\\:\"." #: src/components/LearnSyntaxDialog.tsx:394 msgid "Use the attribute <0>href to set a link on a node that opens in a new tab." diff --git a/app/src/locales/zh/messages.js b/app/src/locales/zh/messages.js index 9ee33ad0..fdf4e086 100644 --- a/app/src/locales/zh/messages.js +++ b/app/src/locales/zh/messages.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*eslint-disable*/ module.exports = { messages: JSON.parse( - '{"1 Temporary Flowchart":"1 临时流程图","<0>Custom CSS Only is enabled. Only the Layout and Advanced settings will be applied.":"<0>仅启用自定义CSS。仅应用布局和高级设置。","<0>Flowchart Fun is an open source project made by <1>Tone Row":"<0>Flowchart Fun是由<1>Tone Row制作的开源项目","<0>Sign In / <1>Sign Up with email and password":"<0>登录 / <1>注册 使用电子邮件和密码","<0>You currently have a free account.<1/><2>Learn about our Pro Features and subscribe on our pricing page.":"<0>您目前拥有免费帐户。<1/><2>了解我们的Pro功能,并在我们的定价页面上订阅","A new version of the app is available. Please reload to update.":"一个新版本的应用程序可用。请重新加载以更新。","AI Creation & Editing":"AI创建与编辑","AI Request Limit Reached":"AI请求限制已达到","AI-Powered Flowchart Creation":"AI驱动的流程图创建","AI-powered editing to supercharge your workflow":"AI动力编辑,让您的工作流程更加高效","About":"关于","Account":"帐户","Add a backslash (<0>\\\\) before any special characters: <1>(, <2>:, <3>#, or <4>.`":"在任何特殊字符之前添加反斜杠 (<0>\\\\): <1>(、<2>:、<3>#或<4>.","Add classes to change color and shape":"添加类别以改变颜色和形状","Advanced":"高级","Advanced Export Options (PNG, JPG, SVG)":"高级导出选项(PNG,JPG,SVG)","Align Nodes":"对齐节点","All this for just $4/month - less than your daily coffee ☕":"所有这些仅需每月4美元 - 不到您每天的咖啡☕","Amount":"数量","An error occurred. Try resubmitting or email {0} directly.":["发生了一个错误。请尝试重新提交或直接发送电子邮件至",["0"],"。"],"Appearance":"外观","Arrow Size":"箭头大小","Attributes":"属性","August 2023":"2023 年 8 月","Back":"返回","Back To Editor":"返回编辑器","Background Color":"背景颜色","Basic Flowchart":"基本流程图","Become a Github Sponsor":"成为Github赞助商","Become a Pro User":"成为专业用户","Begin Typing":"开始输入","Billed annually at $24":"年度账单为$24","Billed monthly at $4":"每月收费$4","Blog":"博客","Book a Meeting":"预订会议","Border Color":"边框颜色","Border Width":"边框宽度","Bottom to Top":"从下到上","Breadthfirst":"宽度优先","Cancel":"取消","Cancel your subscription. Your hosted charts will become read-only.":"取消订阅。您的托管图表将变为只读。","Certain attributes can be used to customize the appearance or functionality of elements.":"某些属性可用于自定义元素的外观或功能。","Change Email Address":"更改电子邮件地址","Changelog":"变更日志","Charts":"图表","Check out the guide:":"查看指南:","Check your email for a link to log in.<0/>You can close this window.":"检查您的电子邮件以获取登录链接。您可以关闭此窗口。","Choose":"選擇","Choose Template":"选择模板","Choose a Plan":"选择一个计划","Choose from a variety of arrow shapes for the source and target of an edge. Shapes include triangle, triangle-tee, circle-triangle, triangle-cross, triangle-backcurve, vee, tee, square, circle, diamond, chevron, none. .":"为边缘的源和目标选择各种箭头形状。形状包括三角形,三角形-T,圆形-三角形,三角形-十字,三角形-后曲线,V形,T形,正方形,圆形,菱形,雪花形,无。","Circle":"圆圈","Classes":"类","Clear":"清除","Clear text?":"清除文字?","Clone":"克隆","Close":"关闭","Color":"颜色","Colors include red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, black, white, and gray.":"颜色包括红色,橙色,黄色,蓝色,紫色,黑色,白色和灰色。","Column":"列","Comment":"评论","Concentric":"同心","Confirm New Email":"确认新电子邮件","Confirm your email address to sign in.":"確認您的電子郵件地址以登入。","Connect your Data":"连接您的数据","Containers":"容器","Containers are nodes that contain other nodes. They are declared using curly braces.":"容器是包含其他节点的节点。它们使用大括号声明。","Continue":"继续","Continue in Sandbox (Resets daily, work not saved)":"继续使用沙盒(每天重置,工作不会被保存)","Convert":"转换","Convert to Flowchart":"转换为流程图","Convert to hosted chart?":"是否转换为托管图表?","Cookie Policy":"Cookie政策","Copied SVG code to clipboard":"将SVG代码复制到剪贴板","Copied {format} to clipboard":["将",["format"],"复制到剪贴板"],"Copy":"复制","Copy PNG Image":"复制PNG图像","Copy SVG Code":"复制 SVG 代码","Copy your Excalidraw code and paste it into <0> to edit. This feature is experimental and may not work with all diagrams. If you find a bug, please <1>let us know.":"将你的 Excalidraw 代码复制并粘贴到<0>excalidraw.com以进行编辑。此功能为实验性质,可能无法与所有图表一起使用。如果您发现错误,请<1>告诉我们。","Copy your mermaid.js code or open it directly in the mermaid.js live editor.":"复制您的mermaid.js代码或直接在mermaid.js实时编辑器中打开它。","Create":"创建","Create Flowcharts using AI":"使用AI创建流程图","Create Unlimited Flowcharts":"创建无限流程图","Create a New Chart":"创建新图表","Create a flowchart showing the steps of planning and executing a school fundraising event":"创建一个流程图,展示规划和执行学校筹款活动的步骤","Create unlimited diagrams for just $4/month!":"仅需每月$4,即可创建无限的图表!","Create unlimited flowcharts stored in the cloud– accessible anywhere!":"在云中存储无限流程图- 随时随地可访问!","Create with AI":"通過AI創建","Creating an edge between two nodes is done by indenting the second node below the first":"在两个节点之间创建边缘是通过将第二个节点缩进第一个节点来完成的","Curve Style":"曲线样式","Custom CSS":"自定义CSS","Custom Sharing Options":"自定义分享选项","Customer Portal":"客户门户","Customize":"自定义","Daily Sandbox Editor":"每日沙盒编辑器","Dark":"深色","Dark Mode":"深色模式","Data Import (Visio, Lucidchart, CSV)":"数据导入(Visio,Lucidchart,CSV)","Data import feature for complex diagrams":"数据导入功能,适用于复杂的图表","Date":"日期","Decisions":"决策","Design a software development lifecycle flowchart for an agile team":"为敏捷团队设计一个软件开发生命周期流程图","Develop a decision tree for a CEO to evaluate potential new market opportunities":"为CEO设计一个决策树,评估潜在的新市场机会","Direction":"方向","Dismiss":"解散","Do you want to delete this?":"您要将其删除吗?","Document":"文档","Download":"下载","Download JPG":"下载 JPG","Download PNG":"下载 PNG","Download SVG":"下载 SVG","Download or share your flowchart using the \'Share\' button.":"使用“分享”按钮下载或分享您的流程图。","Drag and drop a CSV file here, or click to select a file":"将CSV文件拖放到此处,或单击以选择文件","Draw an edge from multiple nodes by beginning the line with a reference":"通过引用开始行从多个节点绘制边缘","Drop the file here ...":"將檔案拖放到這裡...","Edge ID, Classes, Attributes":"邊緣ID、類別和屬性","Edge Label":"邊緣標籤","Edge Label Column":"邊緣標籤欄","Edge Style":"邊緣樣式","Edge Text Size":"边缘文本大小","Edge missing indentation":"缺少缩进的边","Edges":"边","Edges are declared in the same row as their source node":"边声明在与源节点相同的行中","Edges are declared in the same row as their target node":"边声明在与目标节点相同的行中","Edges are declared in their own row":"边声明在自己的行中","Edges can also have ID\'s, classes, and attributes before the label":"边在标签之前可以有ID,类和属性","Edges can be styled with dashed, dotted, or solid lines":"边可以用虚线,点线或实线样式","Edges in Separate Rows":"边在单独的行","Edges in Source Node Row":"边在源节点行","Edges in Target Node Row":"边在目标节点行","Edit":"编辑","Edit with AI":"利用AI进行编辑","Editable":"可编辑","Editor":"编辑器","Email":"电子邮件","Empty":"空","Enter a prompt or information you would like to create a chart from.":"输入您要创建图表所需的提示或信息。","Enter your email address and we\'ll send you a magic link to sign in.":"輸入您的電子郵件地址,我們將發送給您一個魔法鏈接以登入。","Enter your email address below and we\'ll send you a link to reset your password.":"在下面輸入您的電子郵件地址,我們將發送給您一個重置密碼的鏈接。","Equal To":"等于","Examples":"示例","Examples:":"示例:","Excalidraw":"Excalidraw","Exclusive Office Hours":"专属办公时间","Experience the efficiency and security of loading local files directly into your flowchart, perfect for managing work-related documents offline. Unlock this exclusive Pro feature and more with Flowchart Fun Pro, available for only $4/month":"体验将本地文件直接加载到流程图中的效率和安全性,非常适合离线管理工作相关文件。解锁这个独有的专业功能以及更多功能,Flowchart Fun Pro仅需每月$4即可使用。","Export":"导出","Export to PNG & JPG":"导出为PNG和JPG","Export to PNG, JPG, and SVG":"导出为PNG,JPG和SVG","Feedback":"反馈","Feel free to explore and reach out to us through the <0>Feedback page should you have any concerns.":"如果您有任何問題,請隨意探索並通過<0>反饋頁面與我們聯繫。","Fixed Node Height":"固定节点高度","Flowchart Fun Pro gives you unlimited flowcharts, unlimited collaborators, and unlimited storage for just $4/month.":"Flowchart Fun Pro为您提供无限的流程图、无限的协作者和无限的存储空间,仅需每月$4即可享用。","Follow Us on Twitter":"在Twitter上关注我们","Font Family":"字体系列","Forgot your password?":"忘記密碼了?","Found a bug? Have a feature request? We would love to hear from you!":"如果发现了一个 bug?有功能请求?我们很乐意听到您的意见!","Free":"免费","Fullscreen":"全屏","Gain access to AI Features and never lose your work with a Pro account.":"获得AI功能的访问权限,并通过专业版账户永远不会丢失您的工作。","General":"一般","Go back home":"回家","Go to the Editor":"前往編輯器","Go to your Sandbox":"去你的沙盒","Graph":"图表","Grid":"网格","Have complex questions or issues? We\'re here to help.":"有复杂的问题或问题吗?我们在这里帮助你。","Here are some Pro features you can now enjoy.":"現在您可以享受以下專業功能。","History":"历史","Home":"主页","How are edges declared in this data?":"在这个数据中如何声明边缘?","How would you like to save your chart?":"您想如何保存您的流程图?","I would like to request a new template:":"我想请求一个新的模板:","ID\'s":"ID","If an account with that email exists, we\'ve sent you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.":"如果該電子郵件存在該帳戶,我們已經發送給您一封電子郵件,其中包含如何重置您的密碼的說明。","If you enjoy using <0>Flowchart Fun, please consider supporting the project":"如果您喜欢使用<0>Flowchart Fun,请考虑支持该项目","If you mean to create an edge, indent this line. If not, escape the colon with a backslash <0>\\\\:":"如果你想创建一个边,缩进这一行。如果不,用反斜杠转义冒号<0>\\\\:","Images":"图像","Import Data":"导入数据","Import data from a CSV file.":"从CSV文件导入数据。","Import data from any CSV file and map it to a new flowchart. This is a great way to import data from other sources like Lucidchart, Google Sheets, and Visio.":"從任何CSV檔案匯入資料並將其映射到新的流程圖。這是從Lucidchart、Google Sheets和Visio等其他來源匯入資料的一個很棒的方法。","Import from CSV":"從CSV導入","Import from Visio, Lucidchart, and CSV":"从Visio,Lucidchart和CSV导入","Import your diagram it into Microsoft Visio using one of these CSV files.":"使用其中一个CSV文件将您的图表导入到Microsoft Visio中。","Importing data is a pro feature. You can upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for just $4/month.":"导入数据是一项专业功能。您可以升级到Flowchart Fun Pro,仅需每月4美元。","Include a title using a <0>title attribute. To use Visio coloring, add a <1>roleType attribute equal to one of the following:":"使用<0>title属性添加标题。要使用 Visio 颜色,请添加一个等于以下内容之一的<1>roleType属性:","Indent for Steps":"缩进步骤","Indicate progression or dependency.":"指示进展或依赖关系。","Info":"信息","Is":"是","Is this a document? Would you like to convert it to a flowchart?":"这是一个文档吗?您想将其转换为流程图吗?","JSON Canvas is a JSON representation of your diagram used by <0>Obsidian Canvas and other applications.":"JSON画布是您的图表的JSON表示,由<0>Obsidian Canvas和其他应用程序使用。","Join 2000+ professionals who\'ve upgraded their workflow":"加入2000多位专业人士,升级他们的工作流程","Keep Things Private":"保持事物私密","Knowledge Graph":"知识图谱","Language":"语言","Layout":"布局","Layout Frozen":"布局已冻结","Leading References":"主要參考","Learn More":"学到更多","Learn Syntax":"學習語法","Learn about Flowchart Fun Pro":"了解关于Flowchart Fun Pro","Left to Right":"从左到右","Let us know why you\'re canceling. We\'re always looking to improve.":"让我们知道您为什么要取消。我们一直在努力改进。","Light":"浅色","Light Mode":"浅色模式","Link":"链接","Load":"載入","Load Chart":"加载流程图","Load File":"加载文件","Load Files":"加载多个文件","Load default content":"載入預設內容","Load from link?":"从链接加载?","Load layout and styles":"載入版面和樣式","Local File Support":"本地文件支持","Local saving for offline access":"本地保存,实现离线访问","Lock Zoom to Graph":"锁定缩放到图表","Log In":"登录","Log Out":"登出","Log in to Save":"登录以保存","Log in to upgrade your account":"登录升级您的账户","Make a One-Time Donation":"进行一次性捐赠","Make publicly accessible":"设为公开访问","Manage Billing":"付款管理","Map Data":"對應資料","Modify text to see it transform into a flowchart on the right.":"修改文本,即可在右侧看到它变成流程图。","Monthly":"每月","Multiple pointers on same line":"同一行上的多个指针","My dog ate my credit card!":"我的狗吃了我的信用卡!","Name Chart":"命名图表","Name your chart":"为您的流程图命名","New":"新","New Email":"新邮件","Next charge":"下次扣费","No Edges":"沒有邊緣","No Watermarks!":"无水印!","Node Border Style":"节点边框样式","Node Colors":"节点颜色","Node ID":"节点ID","Node ID, Classes, Attributes":"节点ID、类、属性","Node Label":"节点标签","Node Shape":"节点形状","Node Shapes":"节点形状","Nodes":"节点","Nodes can be styled with dashed, dotted, or double. Borders can also be removed with border_none.":"节点可以使用虚线、点线或双线样式。边框也可以使用 border_none 来移除。","Not Empty":"不为空","Office Hours":"工作时间","Once in a while the magic link will end up in your spam folder. If you don\'t see it after a few minutes, check there or request a new link.":"偶尔,魔法链接会被放入您的垃圾邮件文件夹。如果几分钟后仍然没有收到,请检查垃圾邮件文件夹,或者重新请求新的链接。","One on One Support":"一对一支持","One-on-One Support":"一对一支持","Open Customer Portal":"打开客户门户","Organization Chart":"组织结构图","Padding":"填充","Page not found":"找不到页面","Password":"密碼","Past Due":"过期","Paste a document to convert it into a flowchart.":"将文档粘贴到转换为流程图。","Paste your document or outline here to convert it into an organized flowchart.":"将您的文档或大纲粘贴到此处,将其转换为有组织的流程图。","Permanent Charts are a Pro Feature":"永久图表是专业功能","Playbook":"剧本","Pointer and container on same line":"同一行上的指针和容器","Priority One-on-One Support":"优先一对一支持","Privacy Policy":"隱私政策","Process Diagram":"流程图","Processing Data":"处理数据","Prompt":"提示","Public":"公开","Random":"随机","Rapid Deployment Templates":"快速部署模板","Rapid Templates":"快速模板","Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later.":"速率限制超出。 请稍后再试。","Read-only":"只读","Reference by Class":"按类引用","Reference by ID":"按 ID 参考","Reference by Label":"按标签参考","References":"参考","References are used to create edges between nodes that are created elsewhere in the document":"参考用于在文档中其他位置创建的节点之间创建边","Referencing a node by its exact label":"通过其确切标签引用节点","Referencing a node by its unique ID":"通过其唯一ID引用节点","Referencing multiple nodes with the same assigned class":"使用相同分配的类引用多个节点","Refresh Page":"刷新页面","Reload to Update":"重新加载以更新","Rename":"重命名","Request Magic Link":"請求魔法鏈接","Request Password Reset":"請求密碼重置","Reset":"重置","Reset Password":"重置密碼","Resume Subscription":"恢复订阅","Return":"返回","Right to Left":"从右到左","Right-click nodes for more options.":"单击节点以获取更多选项。","Roadmap":"路线图","Rotate Label":"旋转标签","SVG Export is a Pro Feature":"SVG导出是专业功能","Save":"救球","Save time with AI and dictation, making it easy to create diagrams.":"使用人工智能和口述功能,节省时间,轻松创建图表。","Save to Cloud":"保存到云","Save to File":"保存到文件","Save your Work":"保存您的工作","Set Content":"设置内容","Set Fixed Node Height":"设置固定节点高度","Settings":"设置","Share":"分享","Share Your Work":"分享你的工作","Sign In":"登錄","Sign in with <0>GitHub":"使用<0>GitHub登录","Sign in with <0>Google":"使用<0>Google登录","Sorry! This page is only available in English.":"抱歉!此页面只有英语版。","Sorry, there was an error converting the text to a flowchart. Try again later.":"抱歉,转换文本为流程图时出错。 请稍后再试。","Source Arrow Shape":"源箭头形状","Source Column":"源列","Source Delimiter":"源分隔符","Source Distance From Node":"源节点距离","Source/Target Arrow Shape":"源/目标箭头形状","Spacing":"间距","Special Attributes":"特殊属性","Start":"开始","Start Over":"重新開始","Start with a label or decision.":"从标签或决策开始。","Status":"状态","Store any data associated to a node":"將任何與節點相關的資料儲存","Style Classes":"樣式類別","Submit":"提交","Subscribe to Pro and flowchart the fun way!":"订阅专业版,以有趣的方式制作流程图!","Subscription":"订阅","Subscription Successful!":"訂閱成功!","Subscription will end":"订阅即将到期","Target Arrow Shape":"目标箭头形状","Target Column":"目標欄","Target Delimiter":"目標分隔符","Target Distance From Node":"目標距離節點","Text Color":"文字顏色","Text Horizontal Offset":"文本水平偏移","Text Leading":"文字行距","Text Max Width":"文本最大宽度","Text Vertical Offset":"文字垂直偏移","Text followed by colon+space creates an edge with the text as the label":"以冒号加空格结尾的文本将创建一个边,文本作为标签","Text on a line creates a node with the text as the label":"在一行中的文本将创建一个节点,文本作为标签","Thank you for your feedback!":"感谢您的反馈!","The best way to change styles is to right-click on a node or an edge and select the style you want.":"更改样式的最佳方式是右键单击节点或边缘,然后选择所需的样式。","The column that contains the edge label(s)":"包含边标签的列","The column that contains the source node ID(s)":"包含源节点ID的列","The column that contains the target node ID(s)":"包含目标节点ID的列","The delimiter used to separate multiple source nodes":"用于分隔多个源节点的分隔符","The delimiter used to separate multiple target nodes":"用于分隔多个目标节点的分隔符","The possible shapes are:":"可能的形状是:","Theme":"主題","Theme Customization Editor":"主题定制编辑器","Theme Editor":"主题编辑器","There are no edges in this data":"此数据中没有边","This action cannot be undone.":"此操作无法撤销。","This feature is only available to pro users. <0>Become a pro user to unlock it.":"只有专业用户才能使用此功能。 <0>成为专业用户解锁。","This may take between 30 seconds and 2 minutes depending on the length of your input.":"这可能需要30秒到2分钟的时间,取决于您输入的长度。","This sandbox is perfect for experimenting, but remember - it resets daily. Upgrade now and keep your current work!":"这个沙盒非常适合实验,但请记住 - 它每天都会重置。立即升级,保留您当前的工作!","This will replace the current content.":"這將取代目前的內容。","This will replace your current sandbox.":"这将替换您当前的沙盒。","Tip":"提示","To fix this change one of the edge IDs":"为了修复这个,改变其中一个边的ID","To fix this change one of the node IDs":"要修复这个,更改其中一个节点ID","To fix this move one pointer to the next line":"要修复这个,将指针移动到下一行","To fix this start the container <0/> on a different line":"要修复这个,将容器<0/>放在另一行","To learn more about why we require you to log in, please read <0>this blog post.":"要了解更多關於我們為什麼要求您登錄的原因,請閱讀<0>這篇博客文章。","Top to Bottom":"从上到下","Transform Your Ideas into Professional Diagrams in Seconds":"秒转换您的想法成专业图表","Transform text into diagrams instantly":"即时将文本转换为图表","Trusted by Professionals and Academics Alike":"专业人士和学术界都信任我们","Try again":"重试","Turn your ideas into professional diagrams in seconds":"在几秒钟内将您的想法转化为专业图表","Two edges have the same ID":"两个边有相同的ID","Two nodes have the same ID":"两个节点有相同的ID","Uh oh, you\'re out of free requests! Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for unlimited diagram conversions, and keep transforming text into clear, visual flowcharts as easily as copy and paste.":"哎呀,你的免费请求用完了!升级到Flowchart Fun Pro,享受无限的图表转换功能,轻松将文本转换成清晰的可视化流程图,就像复制粘贴一样简单。","Understand Syntax":"理解语法","Unescaped special character":"未转义的特殊字符","Unique text value to identify a node":"用于标识节点的唯一文本值","Unknown":"未知","Unknown Parsing Error":"未知的解析错误","Unlimited Flowcharts":"无限制的流程图","Unlimited Permanent Flowcharts":"无限永久流程图","Unlimited cloud-saved flowcharts":"无限云端保存的流程图","Unpaid":"未付","Update Email":"更新电子邮件","Upgrade Now - Save My Work":"立即升级 - 保存我的工作","Upgrade for Unlimited AI":"升级获取无限AI功能","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro and unlock:":"升级到Flowchart Fun Pro并解锁:","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro to unlock SVG exports and enjoy more advanced features for your diagrams.":"升级到Flowchart Fun Pro,解锁SVG导出功能,并享受更多高级功能来创建您的图表。","Upgrade to Pro":"升級到專業版","Upgrade to Pro for just $4/month":"仅需每月4美元升级到专业版","Upload your File":"上传您的文件","Use AI":"使用AI","Use Custom CSS Only":"僅使用自定義CSS","Use Default Content":"使用默认内容","Use Lucidchart or Visio? CSV Import makes it easy to get data from any source!":"使用Lucidchart或Visio?CSV导入使从任何来源获取数据变得容易!","Use classes to group nodes":"使用类来分组节点","Use colons like \\"Decisions:\\".":"使用冒号(:)表示\\\\","Use the attribute <0>href to set a link on a node that opens in a new tab.":"使用属性<0>href在节点上设置一个在新标签页中打开的链接。","Use the attribute <0>src to set the image of a node. The image will be scaled to fit the node, so you may need to adjust the width and height of the node to get the desired result. Only public images (not blocked by CORS) are supported.":"使用属性<0>src来设置节点的图像,图像将被缩放以适应节点,因此您可能需要调整节点的宽度和高度以获得期望的结果。仅支持公共图像(不受CORS阻止)。","Use the attributes <0>w and <1>h to explicitly set the width and height of a node.":"使用属性<0>w和<1>h显式设置节点的宽度和高度。","Use the customer portal to change your billing information.":"使用客户门户更改您的账单信息。","Use these settings to adapt the look and behavior of your flowcharts":"使用这些设置来调整流程图的外观和行为","Use this file for org charts, hierarchies, and other organizational structures.":"使用此文件制作组织图、层次结构和其他组织结构。","Use this file for sequences, processes, and workflows.":"使用此文件进行顺序、流程和工作流程。","Use this mode to modify and enhance your current chart.":"使用此模式来修改和增强您当前的图表。","User":"用户","View on Github":"在 Github 上查看","Voice-to-Diagram Dictation":"语音转图表口述","Want to create a flowchart from a document? Paste it in the editor and click \'Convert to Flowchart\'":"想要从文档创建流程图吗? 将其粘贴到编辑器中,然后单击“转换为流程图”","Watermark-Free Diagrams":"无水印图表","Watermarks":"水印","Welcome to Flowchart Fun!":"欢迎来到流程图乐趣!","What\'s Included":"包括什么","What\'s this?":"这是什么?","Width":"宽度","Width and Height":"宽度和高度","With Flowchart Fun\'s Pro version, you can use natural language comamnds to quickly flesh out your flowchart details, ideal for creating diagrams on the go. For $4/month, get the ease of accessible AI editing to enhance your flowcharting experience.":"通过Flowchart Fun的专业版,您可以使用自然语言命令快速完善您的流程图细节,非常适合在旅途中创建图表。每月4美元,享受易于访问的人工智能编辑,提升您的流程图体验。","With the pro version you can save and load local files. It\'s perfect for managing work-related documents offline.":"使用专业版,您可以保存和加载本地文件。这对于离线管理工作相关文件非常方便。","Would you like to continue?":"您想继续吗?","Would you like to suggest a new example?":"您想提出一个新的示例吗?","Write your prompt here or click to enable the microphone, then press and hold to record.":"在此处输入您的提示,或点击启用麦克风,然后按住录制。","Yearly":"每年","You are about to add {numNodes} nodes and {numEdges} edges to your graph.":["您即将为您的图添加",["numNodes"],"个节点和",["numEdges"],"条边。"],"You can create unlimited permanent flowcharts with <0>Flowchart Fun Pro.":"你可以使用<0>Flowchart Fun Pro创建无限的永久流程图。","You need to log in to access this page.":"您需要登录才能访问此页面。","You\'re already a Pro User. <0>Manage Subscription<1/>Have questions or feature requests? <2>Let Us Know":"您已经是专业用户。 <0>管理订阅<1/>有问题或功能请求? <2>告诉我们","You\'ve used all free AI conversions for today. Upgrade to Pro for unlimited AI use, custom themes, private sharing, and more. Keep creating amazing flowcharts effortlessly!":"您已经使用完了今天的所有免费AI转换。升级至专业版,享受无限AI使用、自定义主题、私密共享等功能。继续轻松创建精彩的流程图!","Your Charts":"您的图表","Your Creativity Deserves to be Saved":"您的创造力值得被保存","Your Sandbox is a space to freely experiment with our flowchart tools, resetting every day for a fresh start.":"你的沙盒是一个可以自由尝试我们的流程图工具的空间,每天都会重置,以便于重新开始。","Your charts are read-only because your account is no longer active. Visit your <0>account page to learn more.":"您的图表是只读的,因为您的帐户已不再活跃。请访问您的<0>帐户页面了解更多信息。","Your subscription is <0>{statusDisplay}.":["您的訂閱狀態為<0>",["statusDisplay"],"。"],"Zoom In":"放大","Zoom Out":"縮小","month":"月份","or":"或","{0}":[["0"]],"{buttonText}":[["buttonText"]]}' + '{"1 Temporary Flowchart":"1 临时流程图","<0>Custom CSS Only is enabled. Only the Layout and Advanced settings will be applied.":"<0>仅启用自定义CSS。仅应用布局和高级设置。","<0>Flowchart Fun is an open source project made by <1>Tone Row":"<0>Flowchart Fun是由<1>Tone Row制作的开源项目","<0>Sign In / <1>Sign Up with email and password":"<0>登录 / <1>注册 使用电子邮件和密码","<0>You currently have a free account.<1/><2>Learn about our Pro Features and subscribe on our pricing page.":"<0>您目前拥有免费帐户。<1/><2>了解我们的Pro功能,并在我们的定价页面上订阅","A new version of the app is available. Please reload to update.":"一个新版本的应用程序可用。请重新加载以更新。","AI Creation & Editing":"AI创建与编辑","AI Request Limit Reached":"AI请求限制已达到","AI-Powered Flowchart Creation":"AI驱动的流程图创建","AI-powered editing to supercharge your workflow":"AI动力编辑,让您的工作流程更加高效","About":"关于","Account":"帐户","Add a backslash (<0>\\\\) before any special characters: <1>(, <2>:, <3>#, or <4>.`":"在任何特殊字符之前添加反斜杠 (<0>\\\\): <1>(、<2>:、<3>#或<4>.","Add classes to change color and shape":"添加类别以改变颜色和形状","Advanced":"高级","Advanced Export Options (PNG, JPG, SVG)":"高级导出选项(PNG,JPG,SVG)","Align Nodes":"对齐节点","All this for just $4/month - less than your daily coffee ☕":"所有这些仅需每月4美元 - 不到您每天的咖啡☕","Amount":"数量","An error occurred. Try resubmitting or email {0} directly.":["发生了一个错误。请尝试重新提交或直接发送电子邮件至",["0"],"。"],"Appearance":"外观","Arrow Size":"箭头大小","Attributes":"属性","August 2023":"2023 年 8 月","Back":"返回","Back To Editor":"返回编辑器","Background Color":"背景颜色","Basic Flowchart":"基本流程图","Become a Github Sponsor":"成为Github赞助商","Become a Pro User":"成为专业用户","Begin Typing":"开始输入","Billed annually at $24":"年度账单为$24","Billed monthly at $4":"每月收费$4","Blog":"博客","Book a Meeting":"预订会议","Border Color":"边框颜色","Border Width":"边框宽度","Bottom to Top":"从下到上","Breadthfirst":"宽度优先","Cancel":"取消","Cancel your subscription. Your hosted charts will become read-only.":"取消订阅。您的托管图表将变为只读。","Certain attributes can be used to customize the appearance or functionality of elements.":"某些属性可用于自定义元素的外观或功能。","Change Email Address":"更改电子邮件地址","Changelog":"变更日志","Charts":"图表","Check out the guide:":"查看指南:","Check your email for a link to log in.<0/>You can close this window.":"检查您的电子邮件以获取登录链接。您可以关闭此窗口。","Choose":"選擇","Choose Template":"选择模板","Choose a Plan":"选择一个计划","Choose from a variety of arrow shapes for the source and target of an edge. Shapes include triangle, triangle-tee, circle-triangle, triangle-cross, triangle-backcurve, vee, tee, square, circle, diamond, chevron, none. .":"为边缘的源和目标选择各种箭头形状。形状包括三角形,三角形-T,圆形-三角形,三角形-十字,三角形-后曲线,V形,T形,正方形,圆形,菱形,雪花形,无。","Circle":"圆圈","Classes":"类","Clear":"清除","Clear text?":"清除文字?","Clone":"克隆","Close":"关闭","Color":"颜色","Colors include red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, black, white, and gray.":"颜色包括红色,橙色,黄色,蓝色,紫色,黑色,白色和灰色。","Column":"列","Comment":"评论","Concentric":"同心","Confirm New Email":"确认新电子邮件","Confirm your email address to sign in.":"確認您的電子郵件地址以登入。","Connect your Data":"连接您的数据","Containers":"容器","Containers are nodes that contain other nodes. They are declared using curly braces.":"容器是包含其他节点的节点。它们使用大括号声明。","Continue":"继续","Continue in Sandbox (Resets daily, work not saved)":"继续使用沙盒(每天重置,工作不会被保存)","Convert":"转换","Convert to Flowchart":"转换为流程图","Convert to hosted chart?":"是否转换为托管图表?","Cookie Policy":"Cookie政策","Copied SVG code to clipboard":"将SVG代码复制到剪贴板","Copied {format} to clipboard":["将",["format"],"复制到剪贴板"],"Copy":"复制","Copy PNG Image":"复制PNG图像","Copy SVG Code":"复制 SVG 代码","Copy your Excalidraw code and paste it into <0> to edit. This feature is experimental and may not work with all diagrams. If you find a bug, please <1>let us know.":"将你的 Excalidraw 代码复制并粘贴到<0>excalidraw.com以进行编辑。此功能为实验性质,可能无法与所有图表一起使用。如果您发现错误,请<1>告诉我们。","Copy your mermaid.js code or open it directly in the mermaid.js live editor.":"复制您的mermaid.js代码或直接在mermaid.js实时编辑器中打开它。","Create":"创建","Create Flowcharts using AI":"使用AI创建流程图","Create Unlimited Flowcharts":"创建无限流程图","Create a New Chart":"创建新图表","Create a flowchart showing the steps of planning and executing a school fundraising event":"创建一个流程图,展示规划和执行学校筹款活动的步骤","Create unlimited diagrams for just $4/month!":"仅需每月$4,即可创建无限的图表!","Create unlimited flowcharts stored in the cloud– accessible anywhere!":"在云中存储无限流程图- 随时随地可访问!","Create with AI":"通過AI創建","Creating an edge between two nodes is done by indenting the second node below the first":"在两个节点之间创建边缘是通过将第二个节点缩进第一个节点来完成的","Curve Style":"曲线样式","Custom CSS":"自定义CSS","Custom Sharing Options":"自定义分享选项","Customer Portal":"客户门户","Customize":"自定义","Daily Sandbox Editor":"每日沙盒编辑器","Dark":"深色","Dark Mode":"深色模式","Data Import (Visio, Lucidchart, CSV)":"数据导入(Visio,Lucidchart,CSV)","Data import feature for complex diagrams":"数据导入功能,适用于复杂的图表","Date":"日期","Decisions":"决策","Design a software development lifecycle flowchart for an agile team":"为敏捷团队设计一个软件开发生命周期流程图","Develop a decision tree for a CEO to evaluate potential new market opportunities":"为CEO设计一个决策树,评估潜在的新市场机会","Direction":"方向","Dismiss":"解散","Do you want to delete this?":"您要将其删除吗?","Document":"文档","Download":"下载","Download JPG":"下载 JPG","Download PNG":"下载 PNG","Download SVG":"下载 SVG","Download or share your flowchart using the \'Share\' button.":"使用“分享”按钮下载或分享您的流程图。","Drag and drop a CSV file here, or click to select a file":"将CSV文件拖放到此处,或单击以选择文件","Draw an edge from multiple nodes by beginning the line with a reference":"通过引用开始行从多个节点绘制边缘","Drop the file here ...":"將檔案拖放到這裡...","Edge ID, Classes, Attributes":"邊緣ID、類別和屬性","Edge Label":"邊緣標籤","Edge Label Column":"邊緣標籤欄","Edge Style":"邊緣樣式","Edge Text Size":"边缘文本大小","Edge missing indentation":"缺少缩进的边","Edges":"边","Edges are declared in the same row as their source node":"边声明在与源节点相同的行中","Edges are declared in the same row as their target node":"边声明在与目标节点相同的行中","Edges are declared in their own row":"边声明在自己的行中","Edges can also have ID\'s, classes, and attributes before the label":"边在标签之前可以有ID,类和属性","Edges can be styled with dashed, dotted, or solid lines":"边可以用虚线,点线或实线样式","Edges in Separate Rows":"边在单独的行","Edges in Source Node Row":"边在源节点行","Edges in Target Node Row":"边在目标节点行","Edit":"编辑","Edit with AI":"利用AI进行编辑","Editable":"可编辑","Editor":"编辑器","Email":"电子邮件","Empty":"空","Enter a prompt or information you would like to create a chart from.":"输入您要创建图表所需的提示或信息。","Enter your email address and we\'ll send you a magic link to sign in.":"輸入您的電子郵件地址,我們將發送給您一個魔法鏈接以登入。","Enter your email address below and we\'ll send you a link to reset your password.":"在下面輸入您的電子郵件地址,我們將發送給您一個重置密碼的鏈接。","Equal To":"等于","Examples":"示例","Examples:":"示例:","Excalidraw":"Excalidraw","Exclusive Office Hours":"专属办公时间","Experience the efficiency and security of loading local files directly into your flowchart, perfect for managing work-related documents offline. Unlock this exclusive Pro feature and more with Flowchart Fun Pro, available for only $4/month":"体验将本地文件直接加载到流程图中的效率和安全性,非常适合离线管理工作相关文件。解锁这个独有的专业功能以及更多功能,Flowchart Fun Pro仅需每月$4即可使用。","Export":"导出","Export to PNG & JPG":"导出为PNG和JPG","Export to PNG, JPG, and SVG":"导出为PNG,JPG和SVG","Feedback":"反馈","Feel free to explore and reach out to us through the <0>Feedback page should you have any concerns.":"如果您有任何問題,請隨意探索並通過<0>反饋頁面與我們聯繫。","Fixed Node Height":"固定节点高度","Flowchart Fun Pro gives you unlimited flowcharts, unlimited collaborators, and unlimited storage for just $4/month.":"Flowchart Fun Pro为您提供无限的流程图、无限的协作者和无限的存储空间,仅需每月$4即可享用。","Follow Us on Twitter":"在Twitter上关注我们","Font Family":"字体系列","Forgot your password?":"忘記密碼了?","Found a bug? Have a feature request? We would love to hear from you!":"如果发现了一个 bug?有功能请求?我们很乐意听到您的意见!","Free":"免费","Fullscreen":"全屏","Gain access to AI Features and never lose your work with a Pro account.":"获得AI功能的访问权限,并通过专业版账户永远不会丢失您的工作。","General":"一般","Go back home":"回家","Go to the Editor":"前往編輯器","Go to your Sandbox":"去你的沙盒","Graph":"图表","Grid":"网格","Have complex questions or issues? We\'re here to help.":"有复杂的问题或问题吗?我们在这里帮助你。","Here are some Pro features you can now enjoy.":"現在您可以享受以下專業功能。","History":"历史","Home":"主页","How are edges declared in this data?":"在这个数据中如何声明边缘?","How would you like to save your chart?":"您想如何保存您的流程图?","I would like to request a new template:":"我想请求一个新的模板:","ID\'s":"ID","If an account with that email exists, we\'ve sent you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.":"如果該電子郵件存在該帳戶,我們已經發送給您一封電子郵件,其中包含如何重置您的密碼的說明。","If you enjoy using <0>Flowchart Fun, please consider supporting the project":"如果您喜欢使用<0>Flowchart Fun,请考虑支持该项目","If you mean to create an edge, indent this line. If not, escape the colon with a backslash <0>\\\\:":"如果你想创建一个边,缩进这一行。如果不,用反斜杠转义冒号<0>\\\\:","Images":"图像","Import Data":"导入数据","Import data from a CSV file.":"从CSV文件导入数据。","Import data from any CSV file and map it to a new flowchart. This is a great way to import data from other sources like Lucidchart, Google Sheets, and Visio.":"從任何CSV檔案匯入資料並將其映射到新的流程圖。這是從Lucidchart、Google Sheets和Visio等其他來源匯入資料的一個很棒的方法。","Import from CSV":"從CSV導入","Import from Visio, Lucidchart, and CSV":"从Visio,Lucidchart和CSV导入","Import your diagram it into Microsoft Visio using one of these CSV files.":"使用其中一个CSV文件将您的图表导入到Microsoft Visio中。","Importing data is a pro feature. You can upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for just $4/month.":"导入数据是一项专业功能。您可以升级到Flowchart Fun Pro,仅需每月4美元。","Include a title using a <0>title attribute. To use Visio coloring, add a <1>roleType attribute equal to one of the following:":"使用<0>title属性添加标题。要使用 Visio 颜色,请添加一个等于以下内容之一的<1>roleType属性:","Indent for Steps":"缩进步骤","Indicate progression or dependency.":"指示进展或依赖关系。","Info":"信息","Is":"是","Is this a document? Would you like to convert it to a flowchart?":"这是一个文档吗?您想将其转换为流程图吗?","JSON Canvas is a JSON representation of your diagram used by <0>Obsidian Canvas and other applications.":"JSON画布是您的图表的JSON表示,由<0>Obsidian Canvas和其他应用程序使用。","Join 2000+ professionals who\'ve upgraded their workflow":"加入2000多位专业人士,升级他们的工作流程","Keep Things Private":"保持事物私密","Knowledge Graph":"知识图谱","Language":"语言","Layout":"布局","Layout Frozen":"布局已冻结","Leading References":"主要參考","Learn More":"学到更多","Learn Syntax":"學習語法","Learn about Flowchart Fun Pro":"了解关于Flowchart Fun Pro","Left to Right":"从左到右","Let us know why you\'re canceling. We\'re always looking to improve.":"让我们知道您为什么要取消。我们一直在努力改进。","Light":"浅色","Light Mode":"浅色模式","Link":"链接","Load":"載入","Load Chart":"加载流程图","Load File":"加载文件","Load Files":"加载多个文件","Load default content":"載入預設內容","Load from link?":"从链接加载?","Load layout and styles":"載入版面和樣式","Local File Support":"本地文件支持","Local saving for offline access":"本地保存,实现离线访问","Lock Zoom to Graph":"锁定缩放到图表","Log In":"登录","Log Out":"登出","Log in to Save":"登录以保存","Log in to upgrade your account":"登录升级您的账户","Make a One-Time Donation":"进行一次性捐赠","Make publicly accessible":"设为公开访问","Manage Billing":"付款管理","Map Data":"對應資料","Modify text to see it transform into a flowchart on the right.":"修改文本,即可在右侧看到它变成流程图。","Monthly":"每月","Multiple pointers on same line":"同一行上的多个指针","My dog ate my credit card!":"我的狗吃了我的信用卡!","Name Chart":"命名图表","Name your chart":"为您的流程图命名","New":"新","New Email":"新邮件","Next charge":"下次扣费","No Edges":"沒有邊緣","No Watermarks!":"无水印!","Node Border Style":"节点边框样式","Node Colors":"节点颜色","Node ID":"节点ID","Node ID, Classes, Attributes":"节点ID、类、属性","Node Label":"节点标签","Node Shape":"节点形状","Node Shapes":"节点形状","Nodes":"节点","Nodes can be styled with dashed, dotted, or double. Borders can also be removed with border_none.":"节点可以使用虚线、点线或双线样式。边框也可以使用 border_none 来移除。","Not Empty":"不为空","Office Hours":"工作时间","Once in a while the magic link will end up in your spam folder. If you don\'t see it after a few minutes, check there or request a new link.":"偶尔,魔法链接会被放入您的垃圾邮件文件夹。如果几分钟后仍然没有收到,请检查垃圾邮件文件夹,或者重新请求新的链接。","One on One Support":"一对一支持","One-on-One Support":"一对一支持","Open Customer Portal":"打开客户门户","Organization Chart":"组织结构图","Padding":"填充","Page not found":"找不到页面","Password":"密碼","Past Due":"过期","Paste a document to convert it into a flowchart.":"将文档粘贴到转换为流程图。","Paste your document or outline here to convert it into an organized flowchart.":"将您的文档或大纲粘贴到此处,将其转换为有组织的流程图。","Permanent Charts are a Pro Feature":"永久图表是专业功能","Playbook":"剧本","Pointer and container on same line":"同一行上的指针和容器","Priority One-on-One Support":"优先一对一支持","Privacy Policy":"隱私政策","Process Diagram":"流程图","Processing Data":"处理数据","Prompt":"提示","Public":"公开","Random":"随机","Rapid Deployment Templates":"快速部署模板","Rapid Templates":"快速模板","Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later.":"速率限制超出。 请稍后再试。","Read-only":"只读","Reference by Class":"按类引用","Reference by ID":"按 ID 参考","Reference by Label":"按标签参考","References":"参考","References are used to create edges between nodes that are created elsewhere in the document":"参考用于在文档中其他位置创建的节点之间创建边","Referencing a node by its exact label":"通过其确切标签引用节点","Referencing a node by its unique ID":"通过其唯一ID引用节点","Referencing multiple nodes with the same assigned class":"使用相同分配的类引用多个节点","Refresh Page":"刷新页面","Reload to Update":"重新加载以更新","Rename":"重命名","Request Magic Link":"請求魔法鏈接","Request Password Reset":"請求密碼重置","Reset":"重置","Reset Password":"重置密碼","Resume Subscription":"恢复订阅","Return":"返回","Right to Left":"从右到左","Right-click nodes for more options.":"单击节点以获取更多选项。","Roadmap":"路线图","Rotate Label":"旋转标签","SVG Export is a Pro Feature":"SVG导出是专业功能","Save":"救球","Save time with AI and dictation, making it easy to create diagrams.":"使用人工智能和口述功能,节省时间,轻松创建图表。","Save to Cloud":"保存到云","Save to File":"保存到文件","Save your Work":"保存您的工作","Set Content":"设置内容","Set Fixed Node Height":"设置固定节点高度","Settings":"设置","Share":"分享","Share Your Work":"分享你的工作","Sign In":"登錄","Sign in with <0>GitHub":"使用<0>GitHub登录","Sign in with <0>Google":"使用<0>Google登录","Sorry! This page is only available in English.":"抱歉!此页面只有英语版。","Sorry, there was an error converting the text to a flowchart. Try again later.":"抱歉,转换文本为流程图时出错。 请稍后再试。","Source Arrow Shape":"源箭头形状","Source Column":"源列","Source Delimiter":"源分隔符","Source Distance From Node":"源节点距离","Source/Target Arrow Shape":"源/目标箭头形状","Spacing":"间距","Special Attributes":"特殊属性","Start":"开始","Start Over":"重新開始","Start with a label or decision.":"从标签或决策开始。","Status":"状态","Store any data associated to a node":"將任何與節點相關的資料儲存","Style Classes":"樣式類別","Submit":"提交","Subscribe to Pro and flowchart the fun way!":"订阅专业版,以有趣的方式制作流程图!","Subscription":"订阅","Subscription Successful!":"訂閱成功!","Subscription will end":"订阅即将到期","Target Arrow Shape":"目标箭头形状","Target Column":"目標欄","Target Delimiter":"目標分隔符","Target Distance From Node":"目標距離節點","Text Color":"文字顏色","Text Horizontal Offset":"文本水平偏移","Text Leading":"文字行距","Text Max Width":"文本最大宽度","Text Vertical Offset":"文字垂直偏移","Text followed by colon+space creates an edge with the text as the label":"以冒号加空格结尾的文本将创建一个边,文本作为标签","Text on a line creates a node with the text as the label":"在一行中的文本将创建一个节点,文本作为标签","Thank you for your feedback!":"感谢您的反馈!","The best way to change styles is to right-click on a node or an edge and select the style you want.":"更改样式的最佳方式是右键单击节点或边缘,然后选择所需的样式。","The column that contains the edge label(s)":"包含边标签的列","The column that contains the source node ID(s)":"包含源节点ID的列","The column that contains the target node ID(s)":"包含目标节点ID的列","The delimiter used to separate multiple source nodes":"用于分隔多个源节点的分隔符","The delimiter used to separate multiple target nodes":"用于分隔多个目标节点的分隔符","The possible shapes are:":"可能的形状是:","Theme":"主題","Theme Customization Editor":"主题定制编辑器","Theme Editor":"主题编辑器","There are no edges in this data":"此数据中没有边","This action cannot be undone.":"此操作无法撤销。","This feature is only available to pro users. <0>Become a pro user to unlock it.":"只有专业用户才能使用此功能。 <0>成为专业用户解锁。","This may take between 30 seconds and 2 minutes depending on the length of your input.":"这可能需要30秒到2分钟的时间,取决于您输入的长度。","This sandbox is perfect for experimenting, but remember - it resets daily. Upgrade now and keep your current work!":"这个沙盒非常适合实验,但请记住 - 它每天都会重置。立即升级,保留您当前的工作!","This will replace the current content.":"這將取代目前的內容。","This will replace your current sandbox.":"这将替换您当前的沙盒。","Tip":"提示","To fix this change one of the edge IDs":"为了修复这个,改变其中一个边的ID","To fix this change one of the node IDs":"要修复这个,更改其中一个节点ID","To fix this move one pointer to the next line":"要修复这个,将指针移动到下一行","To fix this start the container <0/> on a different line":"要修复这个,将容器<0/>放在另一行","To learn more about why we require you to log in, please read <0>this blog post.":"要了解更多關於我們為什麼要求您登錄的原因,請閱讀<0>這篇博客文章。","Top to Bottom":"从上到下","Transform Your Ideas into Professional Diagrams in Seconds":"秒转换您的想法成专业图表","Transform text into diagrams instantly":"即时将文本转换为图表","Trusted by Professionals and Academics Alike":"专业人士和学术界都信任我们","Try again":"重试","Turn your ideas into professional diagrams in seconds":"在几秒钟内将您的想法转化为专业图表","Two edges have the same ID":"两个边有相同的ID","Two nodes have the same ID":"两个节点有相同的ID","Uh oh, you\'re out of free requests! Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro for unlimited diagram conversions, and keep transforming text into clear, visual flowcharts as easily as copy and paste.":"哎呀,你的免费请求用完了!升级到Flowchart Fun Pro,享受无限的图表转换功能,轻松将文本转换成清晰的可视化流程图,就像复制粘贴一样简单。","Understand Syntax":"理解语法","Unescaped special character":"未转义的特殊字符","Unique text value to identify a node":"用于标识节点的唯一文本值","Unknown":"未知","Unknown Parsing Error":"未知的解析错误","Unlimited Flowcharts":"无限制的流程图","Unlimited Permanent Flowcharts":"无限永久流程图","Unlimited cloud-saved flowcharts":"无限云端保存的流程图","Unpaid":"未付","Update Email":"更新电子邮件","Upgrade Now - Save My Work":"立即升级 - 保存我的工作","Upgrade for Unlimited AI":"升级获取无限AI功能","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro and unlock:":"升级到Flowchart Fun Pro并解锁:","Upgrade to Flowchart Fun Pro to unlock SVG exports and enjoy more advanced features for your diagrams.":"升级到Flowchart Fun Pro,解锁SVG导出功能,并享受更多高级功能来创建您的图表。","Upgrade to Pro":"升級到專業版","Upgrade to Pro for just $4/month":"仅需每月4美元升级到专业版","Upload your File":"上传您的文件","Use AI":"使用AI","Use Custom CSS Only":"僅使用自定義CSS","Use Default Content":"使用默认内容","Use Lucidchart or Visio? CSV Import makes it easy to get data from any source!":"使用Lucidchart或Visio?CSV导入使从任何来源获取数据变得容易!","Use classes to group nodes":"使用类来分组节点","Use colons like \\"Decisions:\\".":"使用冒号\\\\(:)表示\\\\","Use the attribute <0>href to set a link on a node that opens in a new tab.":"使用属性<0>href在节点上设置一个在新标签页中打开的链接。","Use the attribute <0>src to set the image of a node. The image will be scaled to fit the node, so you may need to adjust the width and height of the node to get the desired result. Only public images (not blocked by CORS) are supported.":"使用属性<0>src来设置节点的图像,图像将被缩放以适应节点,因此您可能需要调整节点的宽度和高度以获得期望的结果。仅支持公共图像(不受CORS阻止)。","Use the attributes <0>w and <1>h to explicitly set the width and height of a node.":"使用属性<0>w和<1>h显式设置节点的宽度和高度。","Use the customer portal to change your billing information.":"使用客户门户更改您的账单信息。","Use these settings to adapt the look and behavior of your flowcharts":"使用这些设置来调整流程图的外观和行为","Use this file for org charts, hierarchies, and other organizational structures.":"使用此文件制作组织图、层次结构和其他组织结构。","Use this file for sequences, processes, and workflows.":"使用此文件进行顺序、流程和工作流程。","Use this mode to modify and enhance your current chart.":"使用此模式来修改和增强您当前的图表。","User":"用户","View on Github":"在 Github 上查看","Voice-to-Diagram Dictation":"语音转图表口述","Want to create a flowchart from a document? Paste it in the editor and click \'Convert to Flowchart\'":"想要从文档创建流程图吗? 将其粘贴到编辑器中,然后单击“转换为流程图”","Watermark-Free Diagrams":"无水印图表","Watermarks":"水印","Welcome to Flowchart Fun!":"欢迎来到流程图乐趣!","What\'s Included":"包括什么","What\'s this?":"这是什么?","Width":"宽度","Width and Height":"宽度和高度","With Flowchart Fun\'s Pro version, you can use natural language comamnds to quickly flesh out your flowchart details, ideal for creating diagrams on the go. For $4/month, get the ease of accessible AI editing to enhance your flowcharting experience.":"通过Flowchart Fun的专业版,您可以使用自然语言命令快速完善您的流程图细节,非常适合在旅途中创建图表。每月4美元,享受易于访问的人工智能编辑,提升您的流程图体验。","With the pro version you can save and load local files. It\'s perfect for managing work-related documents offline.":"使用专业版,您可以保存和加载本地文件。这对于离线管理工作相关文件非常方便。","Would you like to continue?":"您想继续吗?","Would you like to suggest a new example?":"您想提出一个新的示例吗?","Write your prompt here or click to enable the microphone, then press and hold to record.":"在此处输入您的提示,或点击启用麦克风,然后按住录制。","Yearly":"每年","You are about to add {numNodes} nodes and {numEdges} edges to your graph.":["您即将为您的图添加",["numNodes"],"个节点和",["numEdges"],"条边。"],"You can create unlimited permanent flowcharts with <0>Flowchart Fun Pro.":"你可以使用<0>Flowchart Fun Pro创建无限的永久流程图。","You need to log in to access this page.":"您需要登录才能访问此页面。","You\'re already a Pro User. <0>Manage Subscription<1/>Have questions or feature requests? <2>Let Us Know":"您已经是专业用户。 <0>管理订阅<1/>有问题或功能请求? <2>告诉我们","You\'ve used all free AI conversions for today. Upgrade to Pro for unlimited AI use, custom themes, private sharing, and more. Keep creating amazing flowcharts effortlessly!":"您已经使用完了今天的所有免费AI转换。升级至专业版,享受无限AI使用、自定义主题、私密共享等功能。继续轻松创建精彩的流程图!","Your Charts":"您的图表","Your Creativity Deserves to be Saved":"您的创造力值得被保存","Your Sandbox is a space to freely experiment with our flowchart tools, resetting every day for a fresh start.":"你的沙盒是一个可以自由尝试我们的流程图工具的空间,每天都会重置,以便于重新开始。","Your charts are read-only because your account is no longer active. Visit your <0>account page to learn more.":"您的图表是只读的,因为您的帐户已不再活跃。请访问您的<0>帐户页面了解更多信息。","Your subscription is <0>{statusDisplay}.":["您的訂閱狀態為<0>",["statusDisplay"],"。"],"Zoom In":"放大","Zoom Out":"縮小","month":"月份","or":"或","{0}":[["0"]],"{buttonText}":[["buttonText"]]}' ), }; diff --git a/app/src/locales/zh/messages.po b/app/src/locales/zh/messages.po index d357968b..54dc29a2 100644 --- a/app/src/locales/zh/messages.po +++ b/app/src/locales/zh/messages.po @@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ msgstr "使用类来分组节点" #: src/lib/getDefaultText.ts:8 msgid "Use colons like \"Decisions:\"." -msgstr "使用冒号(:)表示\\" +msgstr "使用冒号\\(:)表示\\" #: src/components/LearnSyntaxDialog.tsx:394 msgid "Use the attribute <0>href to set a link on a node that opens in a new tab." From 16c980c717984f5464cc4f73859beb28f1cba8ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rob Gordon Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 09:53:21 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] chore: hotfix version --- app/package.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/app/package.json b/app/package.json index 762b12fc..8866501d 100644 --- a/app/package.json +++ b/app/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "app", - "version": "1.54.0", + "version": "1.54.1", "main": "module/module.js", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { From d8c51e89e696291008b6650c1a3cd79cb13acf7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rob Gordon Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 10:12:19 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Fix failing e2e test --- app/e2e/pro.spec.ts | 6 +++--- app/src/components/Header.tsx | 1 + 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/e2e/pro.spec.ts b/app/e2e/pro.spec.ts index 924bacfe..cf1a463d 100644 --- a/app/e2e/pro.spec.ts +++ b/app/e2e/pro.spec.ts @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => { }); test("Create new chart", async () => { - await page.getByRole("link", { name: "New" }).click(); + await page.getByTestId("new-chart-link").click(); await page.getByLabel("Name Chart").fill("my new chart"); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Create" }).click(); // expect url to be regex BASE_URL + /u/\d+ @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ test("Go to Sandbox. Save Sandbox Chart", async () => { }); test("Create chart from AI", async () => { - await page.getByRole("link", { name: "New" }).click(); + await page.getByTestId("new-chart-link").click(); await page.getByTestId("Use AI").click(); await page.locator('textarea[name="subject"]').click(); await page @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ test("Create chart from AI", async () => { test("Create chart from imported data", async () => { try { - await page.getByRole("link", { name: "New" }).click(); + await page.getByTestId("new-chart-link").click(); await page.getByTestId("Create Chart").click(); await page.waitForURL(new RegExp(`${BASE_URL}/u/\\d+`)); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Import Data" }).click(); diff --git a/app/src/components/Header.tsx b/app/src/components/Header.tsx index 336a31e3..967b6d23 100644 --- a/app/src/components/Header.tsx +++ b/app/src/components/Header.tsx @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ export const Header = memo(function SharedHeader() { className="shared-header__new" aria-current={isNewPage ? "page" : undefined} to="/new" + data-testid="new-chart-link" />