diff --git a/doc/tvm.tex b/doc/tvm.tex index f5067cc83..e45e2dddc 100644 --- a/doc/tvm.tex +++ b/doc/tvm.tex @@ -2226,9 +2226,16 @@ \section*{Introduction} \item {\tt F827} --- {\tt BALANCE} ( -- $t$), returns the remaining balance of the smart contract as a {\em Tuple\/} consisting of an {\em Integer} (the remaining Gram balance in nanograms) and a {\em Maybe Cell} (a dictionary with 32-bit keys representing the balance of ``extra currencies''). Equivalent to {\tt GETPARAM 7}. Note that {\tt RAW} primitives such as {\tt SENDRAWMSG} do not update this field. \item {\tt F828} --- {\tt MYADDR} ( -- $s$), returns the internal address of the current smart contract as a {\em Slice\/} with a {\tt MsgAddressInt}. If necessary, it can be parsed further using primitives such as {\tt PARSESTDADDR} or {\tt REWRITESTDADDR}. Equivalent to {\tt GETPARAM 8}. \item {\tt F829} --- {\tt CONFIGROOT} ( -- $D$), returns the {\em Maybe Cell\/}~$D$ with the current global configuration dictionary. Equivalent to {\tt GETPARAM 9}. +\item {\tt F82A} --- {\tt MYCODE} ( -- $C$), returns the {\em Cell\/}~$c$ with the inital code of the smartcontract from {\tt c7}. +\item {\tt F82B} --- {\tt INCOMINGVALUE} ( -- $t$), returns value of incoming message from {\tt c7}. +\item {\tt F82C} --- {\tt STORAGEFEES} ( -- $i$), returns value of storage phase fees from {\tt c7}. +\item {\tt F82D} --- {\tt PREVBLOCKSINFOTUPLE} ( -- $t$), returns {\tt PrevBlocksInfo: [last_mc_blocks, prev_key_block]} from {\tt c7}. \item {\tt F830} --- {\tt CONFIGDICT} ( -- $D$ $32$), returns the global configuration dictionary along with its key length (32). Equivalent to {\tt CONFIGROOT}; {\tt PUSHINT 32}. \item {\tt F832} --- {\tt CONFIGPARAM} ($i$ -- $c$ $-1$ or $0$), returns the value of the global configuration parameter with integer index $i$ as a {\em Cell\/}~$c$, and a flag to indicate success. Equivalent to {\tt CONFIGDICT}; {\tt DICTIGETREF}. \item {\tt F833} --- {\tt CONFIGOPTPARAM} ($i$ -- $c^?$), returns the value of the global configuration parameter with integer index $i$ as a {\em Maybe Cell\/}~$c^?$. Equivalent to {\tt CONFIGDICT}; {\tt DICTIGETOPTREF}. +\item {\tt F83400} --- {\tt PREVMCBLOCKS} ( -- $t$), returns only {\tt last_mc_blocks}. +\item {\tt F83401} --- {\tt PREVKEYBLOCK} ( -- $t$), returns only {\tt prev_key_block}. +\item {\tt F835} --- {\tt GLOBALID} ( -- $i$), returns {\tt global_id} from 19 network config. \item {\tt F820}---{\tt F83F} --- Reserved for configuration primitives. \end{itemize}