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UI Design Guidelines

Mathieu Guindon edited this page Jan 30, 2016 · 8 revisions

Rubberduck's UI can be broken down in two categories:

  • Dockable toolwindows
  • Modal dialogs

Each have their own set of guidelines.

##Dockable Toolwindows

All dockable toolwindows involve a WinForms control that hosts a WPF UserControl. The WinForms part must involve a class derived from DockableToolwindowPresenter. The role of that class is to merely pass down a specific user control to the base constructor - hence, these classes should not contain any application logic:

public class ToDoExplorerDockablePresenter : DockableToolwindowPresenter
    public ToDoExplorerDockablePresenter(VBE vbe, AddIn addin, IDockableUserControl window)
        : base(vbe, addin, window)

The IDockableUserControl is the WinForms UserControl host. Its role is to property-inject a ViewModel into the hosted WPF component, and specify a ClassId and a Caption. The ClassId is a GUID that will be registered as a COM component upon installation.

As an example, here's the ToDoExplorerWindow implementation:

public partial class ToDoExplorerWindow : UserControl, IDockableUserControl
    private const string ClassId = "8B071EDA-2C9C-4009-9A22-A1958BF98B28";
    string IDockableUserControl.ClassId { get { return ClassId; } }
    string IDockableUserControl.Caption { get { return RubberduckUI.ToDoExplorer_Caption; } }

    public ToDoExplorerWindow()

    private ToDoExplorerViewModel _viewModel;
    public ToDoExplorerViewModel ViewModel
        get { return _viewModel; }
            _viewModel = value;
            TodoExplorerControl.DataContext = _viewModel;
            if (_viewModel != null)

###Naming conventions

  • The dockable presenter implementation must be named [FeatureName]DockablePresenter.
  • The WinForms host control must be named [FeatureName]Window.
  • The WPF hosted control must be named [FeatureName]Control.
  • The main window ViewModel class must be named [FeatureName]ViewModel.

###Grid Views

As of v2.0, toolwindows that involve a grid should use the XAML control GroupingGrid, under the Rubberduck.UI.Controls.GroupingGrid namespace.

Except for the Code Explorer (which uses a tree view), all dockable toolwindows should use a grid view.


All toolwindows that require parser state should include a toolbar that contains a "Refresh" button as the left-most control, followed by a separator.


Modal dialogs are WinForms forms. As of v2.0, redesigning them in XAML isn't yet in scope. In order to maintain a similar look & feel across the entire application, here are design guidelines for dialogs:

The "Rename" dialog

  • Use ducky.ico as an icon for all dialogs
  • Include a 64px White banner at the top including a TitleLabel and an InstructionsLabel.
  • TitleLabel font should be Microsoft Sans Serif, 9pt, bold
  • InstructionsLabel font should be Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt. The label should wrap and provide enough space for non-English localizations.
  • Include a 43px ControlDark banner at the bottom including one of two sets of 23px (height) by a minimum of 75px (width) buttons:
  • OkButton and CancelButton controls for any action that can be cancelled.
  • CloseButton control, for any dialog that is merely displayed, and then closed by the user.
  • Textboxes that contain user input that requires validation, should include a [ValidationReason]ValidationIcon 16x16px containing resource image Rubberduck.Properties.Resources.cross_circle; the OkButton should be disabled when this icon is visible, and the icon should only be visible when the textbox contains invalid data.
  • Textboxes should be 20px in height, and should have a label beside them, with enough room to accomodate non-English localizations.
  • All controls should have a meaningful name.
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