#Gunnerkrigg Online Searchable Site Files for the online searchable Gunnerkrigg Court site: http://www.louisxiv.co.uk/gunnerkrigg/ Index.txt is parsed into HTML by a python script
##Getting Started Please send me a PM on the forums or reply to the forum post if you want to get involved and we can get you started.
For more information see the Wiki for this project
###Tagging guide
- What to tag? Anything relevant that can be seen in the page that people might want to search for
- The top priority is to tag all the characters, settings and important props; other things can be added later if you're not sure
- It's best to use tags that already exist (check alltags.txt) if possible. If you need to add a new tag, add it to alltags.txt at the same time with a description; use tags such as "GoodHope" rather than "GoodHopeHospital" as tags can be described
- At the moment, just tag characters who are seen (in the main action, flashbacks, memories), rather than mentioned (this may change)
- Important props/items such as the blinker stone need to be tagged
- Recurring characters should be tagged by name or a specific description if possible; generic characters should be referred to as "teacher" or "students" or "LaserCow"
- If you can tag things like alchemical symbols that would be very useful. If you are not sure what a symbol is, tag it as "symbol" and make a new post on the forum and ask- there are a lot of knowledgeable people out there!
- The forum, tvtropes and the Gunnerkrigg Wiki (gunnerkrigg.wikia.com) are invaluable for information on who and what exists in the comic
- At the moment we are not tagging the cover pages however this might change
- Treatises are obviously full of tag-material! Have a go and we'll all contribute further tags as necessary
###How to use the tagging helper
- The tagging helper will work out of the box- just open "taghelper.htm".
- Ideally, install Python 2.x.x (current production version 2.7.5) (available at http://www.python.org/getit/); then whenever you want to update it with your latest index.txt, just run "taghelper.py".
###Starting with GitHub
- First you need one of us (probably me) to give you access to the repo. Please send me a PM on the forums or reply to the forum post if you want access.
- You can either edit the files directly on the website and commit changes that way or:
- You can download a program for win/mac/linux
- Install it and run it
- Sign in and click on your username below "github" on the far left of the program
- Click on the repository in the middle that you want (snipergirl/gunnerkrigg) and click 'clone'; that will give you a copy on your computer.
- Each time before editing, in the main part of the program can click "refresh" at the top middle, click on the repo and click "sync" up the top.
- Then edit the files yourself
- When you are ready to submit your changes, save the file
- Go into your github program, which will show that you have unsaved changes in whichever file(s)
- Put in a commit message about what you have done in the right hand area and click "commit"
- Then click "sync" and it should upload.
- This is also a tutorial about Git in general: try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1
###Index of pages - Index.txt
- The comics are in reverse order
- Each comic is on a separate line, starting with the page number (look at the URL of the comic and find the number at the end)
- Each item is separated by tab-spacing
- The tags are in alphabetical order and include relevant locations, characters, symbols and items
- Page titles are preceded by "#"
- The order is [page number] [tag] [tag] ... [comment] [page title]
- Covers are simply: [page number] Cover #<hr>[Title of cover]<hr>
- Bonus pages are: [page number] Bonus [tags] #<b>Bonus Page:</b> [What is in the bonus page]<hr> eg:
16 Bonus Blackboard Chester Foley Queslett Tea Thornhill #<b>Bonus Page:</b> Houses at Gunnerkrigg Court<hr>
15 Annie Bridge Gillitie Teacher #Sorry sir. I got lost.
14 Bridge Gillitie Robot Shadow Shadowmen #Here you go little buddie!
13 Bridge Robot Shadow TicToc #Oh look! A birdie!
12 Annie Bridge Robot Shadow #Never fear little guy. I have this under control!
11 Annie Bridge Robot Shadow #Once darkness fell, Shadow 2, Robot and I got ready at the foot of the bridge
10 Annie Bridge Robot Shadow #Together the three of us returned to the bridge
9 Annie Robot Shadow #Luckily, piecing the contraption together was relatively easy
8 Annie Shadow Library #Snatching a nearby box of spare parts
7 Annie Shadow Library #I hadn’t the first idea how to build a robot
6 Annan Annie Shadow #I must construct a robotic walking device
5 Annan Annie Bridge Gillitie Shadow #Gunnerkrigg Court is a boarding school
4 Annie Shadow #Where are you trying to go?
3 Annie Shadow #At times I would ssee this creature jump from shadow to shadow
2 Annie Shadow #Gunnerkrigg Court does not look much like a school at all
1 Annie Cover #<hr>Chapter 1: The Shadow and The Robot<hr>
###Tags & descriptions - Alltags.txt
- The tags are in alphabetical order
- Each tag is on a separate line
- The tag and its description are separated by tab-spacing: [tag] [description] eg:
AnimalCells the secret Court large animal holding cells
AnimalLab a Court research lab
Anja Anja Donlan, Kat's mother
Annan Annan Waters, a wide river in a deep gorge
Annie Antimony Carver, our protagonist
AntimonySymbol The alchemical symbol for antimony; associated with Annie and Surma
Basil Minotaur
BeckyGround A student
BismuthSymbol The alchemical symbol for bismuth; associated with the Court
Blush happy/embarrassed
Bob Bob Sutton, a gardener/maintainer of artificial habitats and keeper of Young's Park with his wife, Marcia
Bobbie A robot at the AnimalLab
Bonus Extra pages at the end of the chapter
Bridge over the Annan Water to Gillitie Wood
Brinnie Sultry childhood friend of Surma, Anja, Donny, Eggers & co.
Chickcharney see Hardwick & Little’s Bestiary, p65
CherryTree Comes as advertised
Chester One of the other school Houses
Circus creepy and filled with clowns
Classroom Where they have classes
Clowns creepy, no-one likes them