This package is used to document the project homecloud.
It implements elements based on :
Provide the colors and palettes of Nord Theme.
The bootstrap may provide PlantUML artifacts like constants, procedures or style statements.
' loads the homecloud-2 bootstrap
An additional include can be used to load all items in one shot.
' loads the bootstrap of `homecloud-2` and all related items
Finally, another include can be used to load the library's bootstrap, the package's bootstrap and all items' resources in one !include
Include remotely the resources:
' loads the library, the bootstrap of `homecloud-2` and all related items
Include locally the resources:
' configures the library
!global $INCLUSION_MODE="local"
' loads the library, the bootstrap of `homecloud-2` and all related items
!include <the relative path to the /distribution directory>/homecloud-2/single.puml
The package provides 4 modules.
- homecloud-2/Brand with 17 items
- homecloud-2/Container with 6 items
- homecloud-2/Hardware with 6 items
- homecloud-2/Network with 4 items
The package provides 1 examples.