- Add Uninstallation option
- Added in version 1.1.4
- Rework the install prompts
- Done in version 1.1.5
- Add database migration option migrate-scripts
- Add database maintenance option Database Information and Maintenance
- Add option to compile imagemagick from source Issues with Captcha on Debian and Ubuntu
- Added in version 1.1.6
- Added support for Imagemagick 6 and 7, or keep current version.
- The captcha clock is working with 6 and 7, not with default pkg.
- Add Deb Packages
- Support for auto-update check
- For Script
- Added in 1.1.7
- For Script
- Rewrite the update procedure
- Done in 1.2.2
- Add support to deploy in Docker
- Added in 1.2.3
- Added support for CentOS 7
- Added in 1.2.4 (Docker option not supported yet)
- Add option for custom IP and Port
- Added in 1.2.5
- Add Docker support for CentOS
- Added in 1.2.5
- Add support for Fedora
- Added in 1.2.6
- Added prompt to install redhat-lsb/lsb-release if not installed.
- Added support for Ubuntu 18.10
- Added in 1.2.7
- Changed script update function
- Changed in 1.2.8
- Added service and docker status indicators
- Added in 1.2.9
- Changed update procedure to avoid "Detached HEAD state"
- Changed in 1.3.0
- Added external_port to config.yml Configuration
- Changed update check on first run to exclude notes (since curl might not be installed)
- external_port will be set to 443 if https_only = true, else < blank > (assuming use of reverse proxy with https.)
- Set default domain to invidio.us since option now is blank in config. (blank domain doesn't work on local instance)
- Created IRC Channel on Freenode.net/#InvidiousUpdater
- Changed in 1.3.1
- Ignore config.yml on install and update.
- Changed in 1.3.2
- Fix to move config out of the way on Ubuntu 16.04 (git ignored changes in 1.3.2)
- Added config backup
- Changed in 1.3.3
- Replaced migration with Start, Stop or Restart
- Changed in 1.3.4
- Support for database backup
- Added in 1.3.5
- Fixed shards update cmd
- Changed in 1.3.6
- Update Software Versions
- Changed in 1.3.7
- Revert Shards update/install
- Changed in 1.3.8
- Fix add external_port: to config.yml
- Changed in 1.3.9
- Removed ImageMagic dep.
- Added librsvg2 dep.
- Updated PostgreSQL repo url
- Bumped Docker Compose version
- Fixed PgSQL service status on CentOS/Fedora
- Added "check_tables: true" to config.yml
- Changed in 1.4.0
- Added log to logrotation.
- Added in 1.4.1
- Fixed CentOS postgresql repo url.
- Fixed in 1.4.2
- Fixed Fixed script update function.
- Fixed in 1.4.3
- Major rearragement of code into functions
- Added check if PostgreSQL is installed on CentOS/Fedora
- Added check for latest docker compose release tag from GitHub
- Changed permission check to when script is launched instead of each function
- Changed database import function
- Added/Changed in 1.4.4
- Added support for Linux Mint.
- Added in 1.4.5
- Added support for Arch Linux
- Added in 1.4.6
- Added support for Docker in Arch Linux
- Added in 1.4.7
- Added option to add swap space
- Added in 1.4.8
- Clean Up
- Done in 1.4.9
- Bug Fix
- Fixed bug with corrupt config 1.5.0
- Added option to update Invidious from cron with /path/to/script/invidious_update.sh -c
- Added in 1.5.1
- Add custom port option for Docker
- Added in 1.5.2
- Add support for PureOS
- Added in 1.5.3
- Various Fixes
- Added in 1.5.4
- Update for CentOS and Fedora
- Added in 1.5.5
- Added option to install cert from Let's Encrypt
- Added in 1.5.6
- Bug fix on Distro detection
- Fixed in 1.5.7
- Define Crystal Version
- Added in 1.5.8
- Update to v1.5.9
- Added default advanced options
- Added admins to advanced option
- Added Captcha key to advanced option
- Fixed systemd install
- Added argument -m to run database maintenance.
- Added option to run database maintenance on Docker, and added docker-compose file from iv-org/invidious#1895 (comment)
- Turned all variables to uppercase as per bash recommendations.
- Added in 1.5.9