Write a 2-page project proposal on a web service software system you would like to build this semester. Think ambitiously. Imagine that you create a new start-up. Who knows that you may actually start a new company with the service you build during this course!
You can propose a new web service that innovates e-commerce, social network service, education, recommendation, multi-player gaming, location-based service, etc. In the proposal, you have to justify why the service is an interesting system to build and what new feature(s) it brings to market.
In particular, your proposal should include:
- the proposer names (team information)
- a title (it can be changed later)
- your target customers
- what feature the system would add or what problem the system would solve and why the system is important and exciting
- what the system would do
- how you will test and demo the system
Send your proposal in pdf or doc to swpp-staff at spl.snu.ac.kr via email.
Please write your proposal in English!
For your reference: Proposal Examples