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Tiny flux implementation built on mitt


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npm install -S smitty

Basic Usage

import { createStore } from 'smitty'

// Create a store with initial state
const initialState = { count: 0 }
const store = createStore(initialState)

  add: 'count/ADD'

// add a reducer
  [store.actions.add]: (state, e, type) => {
    // increment foos by amount
    return Object.assign({}, state, { count: state.count + e.amount })
  '*': (state, e, type) => {
    // '*' can be used for all kinds of fun stuff
    console.log(e, type)
    if (type === 'count/ADD') {
      // something
    return state

store.actions.add({ amount: 5 })

console.log(store.state)  // logs `{ count: 5 }`

Demos (v2)

Demos (v1)

Usage with Preact and React


createStore(initialState: any)


initialState: any required: Determines the shape and initial state of your store. Can be of any type that you choose.


Store: Store Store


emit: (function)


type: (string | function)

  • [string], type determines which reducers are called.

    const store = createStore(0)
      add: function (state, payload) {
        return state + payload
    console.log(store.state) // logs 0
    store.emit('add', 1)
    console.log(store.state) // logs 1
  • [function] type becomes an action creator that is passed 1 argument

    This is useful to emit multiple actions from a single emit call.

    const store = createStore(0)
      add: function (state, payload) {
        return state + payload
    function asyncAction (emit, state) {
      emit('add', 1)
      console.log(state) // logs 1
      setTimeout(() => {
        emit('add', 1)
        console.log(state) // logs 3
      }, 100)
      emit('add', 1)
      console.log(state) // logs 2

payload: (any) optional

payload to pass to your reducer

const store = createStore({ name: 'Arrow' })
  'update/NAME': function (state, payload) {
    // I really don't care if you return a new state
    // Nobody is judging. Do what your ❤️ tells you.
    // Just be consistent
    return Object.assign({}, state, payload)
console.log(store.state) // logs { name: 'Arrow' }
store.emit('update/NAME', { name: 'River' })
console.log(store.state) // logs { name: 'River' }

createActions(): (function)


actionMap: (object)

Object where key is the action creator's name and the value can be of type string or function.

If the value is a string, an action creator is attached to store.actions as a function that accepts one argument, payload.

  add: 'count/ADD'

// The following are functionally equivalent

store.emit('count/ADD', 1)

Action creators with a string value can be used as the key in your actionMap in handleActions.

  add: 'count/ADD'

// add a reducer
  [store.actions.add]: (state, e, type) => {
    // increment foos by amount
    return Object.assign({}, state, { count: state.count + e.amount })

store.actions.add({ amount: 5 })

console.log(store.state)  // logs `{ count: 5 }`

If the value is a function, it must be a function that returns an action creator. For async action creators.

  add: (amount) => {
    return (store) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
       store.emit('count/ADD', amount)
      }, 16)


handleActions(): (function)


handlerMap: (object)

Object with keys that correspond to action types passed to emit

When an event is emitted and the key matches the type the reducer is invoked with 3 arguments.

  • state: (any) the store's state getter
  • payload (any) the payload that was emitted
  • type (string) the type that was emitted
const store = createStore({ color: 'blue', hovered: false })
  'merge': function (state, payload) {
    return Object.assign({}, state, payload)
  'overwrite': function (state, payload) {
    return payload

  // Could do the same in one
  // If you really miss redux do this and put a switch statement
  '*': function(state, payload, type) {
    return type === 'merge' ? Object.assign({}, state, payload) : payload
console.log(store.state) // logs { color: 'blue', hovered: false }
store.emit('merge', { color: 'red' })
console.log(store.state) // { color: 'red', hovered: false }
store.emit('overwrite', { color: 'green', hovered: true, highlighted: false })
console.log(store.state) // { color: 'green', hovered: true, highlighted: false 

actions: (object)

Map of all the actions created in store.createActions

This is convenient so that you do not have to deal with action imports across your app.

on: (function)

Convenience shortcut for mitt.on.

off: (function)

Convenience shortcut for

Action Creator Detailed Example

You can pass a function to emit in order to create an action creator

running example

import { createStore } from 'smitty'

// Create a store with initial state
const initialState = {}
const store = createStore(initialState)

// add our reducer
  'api/GET_ROOM': (state, { id, res }) => {
    return {
      [id]: {

// create our action creators
const actions = {
  requestRoom (id) {
    return async (emit, state) => {
      emit('REQUEST_ROOM', { id, res: { data: { id } } })
      const res = await window.fetch(`${id}`) = await res.json()
      emit('REQUEST_ROOM', { id, res })

// When calling emit with a function argument, the function will be called with `emit` and `state` as arguments
const result = store.emit(actions.requestRoom('1a'))

// Return whatever you like from your action creator
console.log(result) // logs "Promise {[[PromiseStatus]]: "pending", [[PromiseValue]]: undefined}"

// After the fetch call, `REQUEST_ROOM` is fired a second time with our response data
result.then(() => console.log(store.state)) // logs `{ 1a: { id: '1a', title: 'My Room' }``

Class As Reducer

Reducers are iterated with for (let type in reducer) {...} with no obj.hasOwnProperty check so this works.

const store = createStore({ foo: 5 })

class HistoryReducer {
  constructor (initialHistory = []) {
    this.history = createStore(initialHistory)
      update: (state, e) => {

  onUpdate (state, e, type) {
    this.history.emit('update', { state, e, type })

HistoryReducer.prototype['foo/ADD'] = function (state, e, type) { +=
  this.onUpdate(state, e, type)

const historyReducer = new HistoryReducer([])

store.emit('foo/ADD', { foo: 5 })
console.log( // logs 10
store.emit('foo/ADD', { foo: 7 })
console.log( // logs 17
// logs
// [
//   { state: { foo: 10 }, e: { foo: 5 }, type: 'foo/ADD' },
//   { state: { foo: 17 }, e: { foo: 7 }, type: 'foo/ADD' }
// ]


Thanks to developit for mitt and the project structure.