Referrals are back! Need a vehicle to test with? Get a Tesla with free supercharging
Do you work at Tesla? Get in contact! I'd love to help with making this API official.
This is unofficial documentation of the Tesla JSON API used by the iOS and Android apps. The API provides functionality to monitor and control the Model S (and future Tesla vehicles) remotely. The project provides both a documentation of the API and a Ruby library for accessing it.
If any folks at Tesla are reading this, I'd love to help coordinate a developer program for your APIs. If there's any way I can be helpful, please feel free to get in contact. Also, I'd love to be in the beta firmware program 😉
This gem provides a basic wrapper around the API to easily query and command the car remotely. It also provides access to the streaming API and a means to process data coming from it.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tesla_api'
Or install it yourself:
gem install tesla_api
Here's a quick example:
require 'tesla_api'
tesla_api = email, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret)
# Or if you have an access token:
tesla_api = access_token)
model_s = tesla_api.vehicles.first # => <TeslaApi::Vehicle>
vehicle_data = model_s.vehicle_data
model_s.auto_conditioning_start unless vehicle_data["climate_state"]["is_auto_conditioning_on"]
charge_state = vehicle_data["charge_state"]
puts "Your Model S is #{charge_state["charging_state"]} " +
"with a SOC of #{charge_state["battery_level"]}% " +
"and an estimate range of #{charge_state["est_battery_range"]} miles"
Ruby portions are Copyright (c) 2014-Present Tim Dorr. Released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.