Each REST client is a JavaScript class, which provides functions individually mapped to each endpoint available in the exchange's API offering.
The following table shows all methods available in each REST client, whether the method requires authentication (automatically handled if API keys are provided), as well as the exact endpoint each method is connected to.
This can be used to easily find which method to call, once you have found which endpoint you're looking to use.
All REST clients are in the src folder. For usage examples, make sure to check the examples folder.
List of clients:
If anything is missing or wrong, please open an issue or let us know in our Node.js Traders telegram group!
Table consists of 4 parts:
- Function name
- HTTP Method
- Endpoint
Function name is the name of the function that can be called through the SDK. Check examples folder in the repo for more help on how to use them!
AUTH is a boolean value that indicates if the function requires authentication - which means you need to pass your API key and secret to the SDK.
HTTP Method shows HTTP method that the function uses to call the endpoint. Sometimes endpoints can have same URL, but different HTTP method so you can use this column to differentiate between them.
Endpoint is the URL that the function uses to call the endpoint. Best way to find exact function you need for the endpoint is to search for URL in this table and find corresponding function name.
This table includes all endpoints from the official Exchange API docs and corresponding SDK functions for each endpoint that are found in rest-client.ts.
Function | AUTH | HTTP Method | Endpoint |
getAccountInstruments() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/instruments |
getBalance() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/balance |
getPositions() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/positions |
getPositionsHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/positions-history |
getAccountPositionRisk() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/account-position-risk |
getBills() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/bills |
getBillsArchive() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/bills-archive |
requestBillsHistoryDownloadLink() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/bills-history-archive |
getRequestedBillsHistoryLink() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/bills-history-archive |
getAccountConfiguration() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/config |
setPositionMode() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-position-mode |
setLeverage() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-leverage |
getMaxBuySellAmount() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/max-size |
getMaxAvailableTradableAmount() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/max-avail-size |
changePositionMargin() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/position/margin-balance |
getLeverage() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/leverage-info |
getLeverageV2() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/leverage-info |
getLeverageEstimatedInfo() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/adjust-leverage-info |
getMaxLoan() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/max-loan |
getFeeRates() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/trade-fee |
getFeeRatesV2() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/trade-fee |
getInterestAccrued() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/interest-accrued |
getInterestRate() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/interest-rate |
setGreeksDisplayType() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-greeks |
setIsolatedMode() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-isolated-mode |
getMaxWithdrawals() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/max-withdrawal |
getAccountRiskState() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/risk-state |
submitQuickMarginBorrowRepay() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/quick-margin-borrow-repay |
getQuickMarginBorrowRepayHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/quick-margin-borrow-repay-history |
borrowRepayVIPLoan() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/borrow-repay |
getVIPLoanBorrowRepayHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/borrow-repay-history |
getVIPInterestAccrued() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/vip-interest-accrued |
getVIPInterestDeducted() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/vip-interest-deducted |
getVIPLoanOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/vip-loan-order-list |
getVIPLoanOrder() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/vip-loan-order-detail |
getBorrowInterestLimits() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/interest-limits |
getFixedLoanBorrowLimit() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-limit |
getFixedLoanBorrowQuote() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-quote |
submitFixedLoanBorrowOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-order |
updateFixedLoanBorrowOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/amend-borrowing-order |
manualRenewFixedLoanBorrowOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/manual-reborrow |
repayFixedLoanBorrowOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/repay-borrowing-order |
convertFixedLoanToMarketLoan() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/convert-to-market-loan |
reduceFixedLoanLiabilities() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/reduce-liabilities |
getFixedLoanBorrowOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-orders-list |
manualBorrowRepay() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/spot-manual-borrow-repay |
setAutoRepay() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-auto-repay |
getBorrowRepayHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/spot-borrow-repay-history |
positionBuilder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/position-builder |
updateRiskOffsetAmount() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-riskOffset-amt |
getGreeks() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/greeks |
getPMLimitation() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/position-tiers |
updateRiskOffsetType() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-riskOffset-type |
activateOption() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/activate-option |
setAutoLoan() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-auto-loan |
presetAccountLevelSwitch() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/account-level-switch-preset |
getAccountSwitchPrecheck() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/set-account-switch-precheck |
setAccountMode() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/set-account-level |
resetMMPStatus() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/mmp-reset |
setMMPConfig() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/mmp-config |
getMMPConfig() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/mmp-config |
submitOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/order |
submitMultipleOrders() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/batch-orders |
cancelOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/cancel-order |
cancelMultipleOrders() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/cancel-batch-orders |
amendOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/amend-order |
amendMultipleOrders() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/amend-batch-orders |
closePositions() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/close-position |
getOrderDetails() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/order |
getOrderList() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/orders-pending |
getOrderHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/orders-history |
getOrderHistoryArchive() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/orders-history-archive |
getFills() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/fills |
getFillsHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/fills-history |
getEasyConvertCurrencies() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/easy-convert-currency-list |
submitEasyConvert() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/easy-convert |
getEasyConvertHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/easy-convert-history |
getOneClickRepayCurrencyList() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/one-click-repay-currency-list |
submitOneClickRepay() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/one-click-repay |
getOneClickRepayHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/one-click-repay-history |
cancelMassOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/mass-cancel |
cancelAllAfter() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/cancel-all-after |
getAccountRateLimit() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/account-rate-limit |
submitOrderPrecheck() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/order-precheck |
placeAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/order-algo |
cancelAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/cancel-algos |
amendAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/amend-algos |
cancelAdvanceAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/trade/cancel-advance-algos |
getAlgoOrderDetails() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/order-algo |
getAlgoOrderList() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/orders-algo-pending |
getAlgoOrderHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/trade/orders-algo-history |
placeGridAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/order-algo |
amendGridAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/amend-order-algo |
stopGridAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/stop-order-algo |
closeGridContractPosition() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/close-position |
cancelGridContractCloseOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/cancel-close-order |
instantTriggerGridAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/order-instant-trigger |
getGridAlgoOrderList() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/orders-algo-pending |
getGridAlgoOrderHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/orders-algo-history |
getGridAlgoOrderDetails() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/orders-algo-details |
getGridAlgoSubOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/sub-orders |
getGridAlgoOrderPositions() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/positions |
spotGridWithdrawIncome() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/withdraw-income |
computeGridMarginBalance() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/compute-margin-balance |
adjustGridMarginBalance() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/margin-balance |
adjustGridInvestment() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/adjust-investment |
getGridAIParameter() | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/ai-param |
computeGridMinInvestment() | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/min-investment |
getRSIBackTesting() | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/public/rsi-back-testing |
getMaxGridQuantity() | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/grid-quantity |
createSignal() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/create-signal |
getSignals() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/signals |
createSignalBot() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/order-algo |
cancelSignalBots() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/stop-order-algo |
updateSignalMargin() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/margin-balance |
updateSignalTPSL() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/amendTPSL |
setSignalInstruments() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/set-instruments |
getSignalBotOrder() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/orders-algo-details |
getActiveSignalBot() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/orders-algo-details |
getSignalBotHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/orders-algo-history |
getSignalBotPositions() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/positions |
getSignalBotPositionHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/positions-history |
closeSignalBotPosition() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/close-position |
placeSignalBotSubOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/sub-order |
cancelSubOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/cancel-sub-order |
getSignalBotSubOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/sub-orders |
getSignalBotEventHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/signal/event-history |
submitRecurringBuyOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/recurring/order-algo |
amendRecurringBuyOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/recurring/amend-order-algo |
stopRecurringBuyOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/tradingBot/recurring/stop-order-algo |
getRecurringBuyOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/recurring/orders-algo-pending |
getRecurringBuyOrderHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/recurring/orders-algo-history |
getRecurringBuyOrderDetails() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/recurring/orders-algo-details |
getRecurringBuySubOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/tradingBot/recurring/sub-orders |
getCopytradingSubpositions() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/current-subpositions |
getCopytradingSubpositionsHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/subpositions-history |
submitCopytradingAlgoOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/algo-order |
closeCopytradingSubposition() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/close-subposition |
getCopytradingInstruments() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/instruments |
setCopytradingInstruments() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/set-instruments |
getCopytradingProfitDetails() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/profit-sharing-details |
getCopytradingTotalProfit() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/total-profit-sharing |
getCopytradingUnrealizedProfit() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/unrealized-profit-sharing-details |
getCopytradingTotalUnrealizedProfit() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/total-unrealized-profit-sharing |
applyCopytradingLeadTrading() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/apply-lead-trading |
stopCopytradingLeadTrading() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/stop-lead-trading |
updateCopytradingProfitSharing() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/amend-profit-sharing-ratio |
getCopytradingAccount() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/config |
setCopytradingFirstCopy() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/first-copy-settings |
updateCopytradingCopySettings() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/amend-copy-settings |
stopCopytradingCopy() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/stop-copy-trading |
getCopytradingCopySettings() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/copy-settings |
getCopytradingBatchLeverageInfo() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/batch-leverage-info |
setCopytradingBatchLeverage() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/copytrading/batch-set-leverage |
getCopytradingMyLeadTraders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/current-lead-traders |
getCopytradingLeadTradersHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/lead-traders-history |
getCopytradingConfig() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-config |
getCopytradingLeadRanks() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-lead-traders |
getCopytradingLeadWeeklyPnl() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-weekly-pnl |
getCopytradingLeadDailyPnl() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-pnl |
getCopytradingLeadStats() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-stats |
getCopytradingLeadPreferences() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-preference-currency |
getCopytradingLeadOpenPositions() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-current-subpositions |
getCopytradingLeadPositionHistory() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-subpositions-history |
getCopyTraders() | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/public-copy-traders |
getCopytradingLeadPrivateRanks() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/lead-traders |
getCopytradingLeadPrivateWeeklyPnl() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/weekly-pnl |
getCopytradingPLeadPrivateDailyPnl() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/pnl |
geCopytradingLeadPrivateStats() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/stats |
getCopytradingLeadPrivatePreferences() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/preference-currency |
getCopytradingLeadPrivateOpenPositions() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/performance-current-subpositions |
getCopytradingLeadPrivatePositionHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/performance-subpositions-history |
getCopyTradersPrivate() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/copytrading/copy-traders |
getTickers() | GET | /api/v5/market/tickers |
getTicker() | GET | /api/v5/market/ticker |
getOrderBook() | GET | /api/v5/market/books |
getFullOrderBook() | GET | /api/v5/market/books-full |
getCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/candles |
getCandlesV2() | GET | /api/v5/market/candles |
getHistoricCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/history-candles |
getHistoricCandlesV2() | GET | /api/v5/market/history-candles |
getTrades() | GET | /api/v5/market/trades |
getHistoricTrades() | GET | /api/v5/market/history-trades |
getOptionTradesByInstrument() | GET | /api/v5/market/option/instrument-family-trades |
getOptionTrades() | GET | /api/v5/public/option-trades |
get24hrTotalVolume() | GET | /api/v5/market/platform-24-volume |
getBlockCounterParties() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/rfq/counterparties |
createBlockRFQ() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/create-rfq |
cancelBlockRFQ() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/cancel-rfq |
cancelMultipleBlockRFQs() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/cancel-batch-rfqs |
cancelAllRFQs() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/cancel-all-rfqs |
executeBlockQuote() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/execute-quote |
getQuoteProducts() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/rfq/maker-instrument-settings |
updateBlockQuoteProducts() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/maker-instrument-settings |
resetBlockMmp() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/mmp-reset |
updateBlockMmpConfig() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/mmp-config |
getBlockMmpConfig() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/rfq/mmp-config |
createBlockQuote() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/create-quote |
cancelBlockQuote() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/cancel-quote |
cancelMultipleBlockQuotes() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/cancel-batch-quotes |
cancelAllBlockQuotes() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/cancel-all-quotes |
cancelAllBlockAfter() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/rfq/cancel-all-after |
getBlockRFQs() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/rfq/rfqs |
getBlockQuotes() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/rfq/quotes |
getBlockTrades() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/rfq/trades |
getPublicRFQBlockTrades() | GET | /api/v5/rfq/public-trades |
getBlockTickers() | GET | /api/v5/market/block-tickers |
getBlockTicker() | GET | /api/v5/market/block-ticker |
getBlockPublicTrades() | GET | /api/v5/public/block-trades |
submitSpreadOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/sprd/order |
cancelSpreadOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/sprd/cancel-order |
cancelAllSpreadOrders() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/sprd/mass-cancel |
updateSpreadOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/sprd/amend-order |
getSpreadOrder() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/sprd/order |
getSpreadActiveOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/sprd/orders-pending |
getSpreadOrdersRecent() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/sprd/orders-history |
getSpreadOrdersArchive() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/sprd/orders-history-archive |
getSpreadTrades() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/sprd/trades |
getSpreads() | GET | /api/v5/sprd/spreads |
getSpreadOrderBook() | GET | /api/v5/sprd/books |
getSpreadTicker() | GET | /api/v5/market/sprd-ticker |
getSpreadPublicTrades() | GET | /api/v5/sprd/public-trades |
getSpreadCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/sprd-candles |
getSpreadHistoryCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/sprd-history-candles |
cancelSpreadAllAfter() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/sprd/cancel-all-after |
getInstruments() | GET | /api/v5/public/instruments |
getDeliveryExerciseHistory() | GET | /api/v5/public/delivery-exercise-history |
getOpenInterest() | GET | /api/v5/public/open-interest |
getFundingRate() | GET | /api/v5/public/funding-rate |
getFundingRateHistory() | GET | /api/v5/public/funding-rate-history |
getMinMaxLimitPrice() | GET | /api/v5/public/price-limit |
getOptionMarketData() | GET | /api/v5/public/opt-summary |
getEstimatedDeliveryExercisePrice() | GET | /api/v5/public/estimated-price |
getDiscountRateAndInterestFreeQuota() | GET | /api/v5/public/discount-rate-interest-free-quota |
getSystemTime() | GET | /api/v5/public/time |
getMarkPrice() | GET | /api/v5/public/mark-price |
getPositionTiers() | GET | /api/v5/public/position-tiers |
getInterestRateAndLoanQuota() | GET | /api/v5/public/interest-rate-loan-quota |
getVIPInterestRateAndLoanQuota() | GET | /api/v5/public/vip-interest-rate-loan-quota |
getUnderlying() | GET | /api/v5/public/underlying |
getInsuranceFund() | GET | /api/v5/public/insurance-fund |
getUnitConvert() | GET | /api/v5/public/convert-contract-coin |
getOptionTickBands() | GET | /api/v5/public/instrument-tick-bands |
getPremiumHistory() | GET | /api/v5/public/premium-history |
getIndexTickers() | GET | /api/v5/market/index-tickers |
getIndexCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/index-candles |
getIndexCandlesV2() | GET | /api/v5/market/index-candles |
getHistoricIndexCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/history-index-candles |
getHistoricIndexCandlesV2() | GET | /api/v5/market/history-index-candles |
getMarkPriceCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/mark-price-candles |
getMarkPriceCandlesV2() | GET | /api/v5/market/mark-price-candles |
getHistoricMarkPriceCandles() | GET | /api/v5/market/historic-mark-price-candles |
getHistoricMarkPriceCandlesV2() | GET | /api/v5/market/history-mark-price-candles |
getOracle() | GET | /api/v5/market/open-oracle |
getExchangeRate() | GET | /api/v5/market/exchange-rate |
getIndexComponents() | GET | /api/v5/market/index-components |
getEconomicCalendar() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/public/economic-calendar |
getPublicBlockTrades() | GET | /api/v5/market/block-trades |
getLiquidationOrders() | GET | /api/v5/public/liquidation-orders |
getSupportCoin() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/trading-data/support-coin |
getOpenInterestHistory() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/contracts/open-interest-history |
getTakerVolume() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/taker-volume |
getContractTakerVolume() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/taker-volume-contract |
getMarginLendingRatio() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/margin/loan-ratio |
getTopTradersAccountRatio() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/contracts/long-short-account-ratio-contract-top-trader |
getTopTradersContractPositionRatio() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/contracts/long-short-position-ratio-contract-top-trader |
getLongShortContractRatio() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/contracts/long-short-account-ratio-contract |
getLongShortRatio() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/contracts/long-short-account-ratio |
getContractsOpenInterestAndVolume() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/contracts/open-interest-volume |
getOptionsOpenInterestAndVolume() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/option/open-interest-volume |
getPutCallRatio() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/option/open-interest-volume-ratio |
getOpenInterestAndVolumeExpiry() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/option/open-interest-volume-expiry |
getOpenInterestAndVolumeStrike() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/option/open-interest-volume-strike |
getTakerFlow() | GET | /api/v5/rubik/stat/option/taker-block-volume |
getCurrencies() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/currencies |
getBalances() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/balances |
getNonTradableAssets() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/non-tradable-assets |
getAccountAssetValuation() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/asset-valuation |
fundsTransfer() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/transfer |
getFundsTransferState() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/transfer-state |
getAssetBillsDetails() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/bills |
getLightningDeposits() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/deposit-lightning |
getDepositAddress() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/deposit-address |
getDepositHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/deposit-history |
submitWithdraw() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/withdrawal |
submitWithdrawLightning() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/withdrawal-lightning |
cancelWithdrawal() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/cancel-withdrawal |
getWithdrawalHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/withdrawal-history |
getDepositWithdrawStatus() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/deposit-withdraw-status |
smallAssetsConvert() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/convert-dust-assets |
getExchanges() | GET | /api/v5/asset/exchange-list |
applyForMonthlyStatement() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/monthly-statement |
getMonthlyStatement() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/monthly-statement |
getConvertCurrencies() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/convert/currencies |
getConvertCurrencyPair() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/convert/currency-pair |
estimateConvertQuote() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/convert/estimate-quote |
convertTrade() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/convert/trade |
getConvertHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/convert/history |
getSubAccountList() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/users/subaccount/list |
resetSubAccountAPIKey() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/users/subaccount/modify-apikey |
getSubAccountBalances() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/subaccount/balances |
getSubAccountFundingBalances() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/subaccount/balances |
getSubAccountMaxWithdrawal() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/subaccount/max-withdrawal |
getSubAccountTransferHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/subaccount/bills |
getManagedSubAccountTransferHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/asset/subaccount/managed-subaccount-bills |
transferSubAccountBalance() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/asset/subaccount/transfer |
setSubAccountTransferOutPermission() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/users/subaccount/set-transfer-out |
getSubAccountCustodyTradingList() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/users/entrust-subaccount-list |
setSubAccountLoanAllocation() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/account/subaccount/set-loan-allocation |
getSubAccountBorrowInterestAndLimit() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/account/subaccount/interest-limits |
getStakingOffers() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/offers |
submitStake() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/purchase |
redeemStake() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/redeem |
cancelStakingRequest() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/cancel |
getActiveStakingOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/orders-active |
getStakingOrderHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/orders-history |
getETHStakingProductInfo() | GET | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/eth/product-info |
purchaseETHStaking() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/eth/purchase |
redeemETHStaking() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/eth/redeem |
getETHStakingBalance() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/eth/balance |
getETHStakingHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/eth/purchase-redeem-history |
getAPYHistory() | GET | /api/v5/finance/staking-defi/eth/apy-history |
getSavingBalance() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/savings/balance |
savingsPurchaseRedemption() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/savings/purchase-redempt |
setLendingRate() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/savings/set-lending-rate |
getLendingHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/savings/lending-history |
getPublicBorrowInfo() | GET | /api/v5/finance/savings/lending-rate-summary |
getPublicBorrowHistory() | GET | /api/v5/finance/savings/lending-rate-history |
getLendingOffers() | GET | /api/v5/finance/fixed-loan/lending-offers |
getLendingAPYHistory() | GET | /api/v5/finance/fixed-loan/lending-apy-history |
getLendingVolume() | GET | /api/v5/finance/fixed-loan/pending-lending-volume |
placeLendingOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/fixed-loan/lending-order |
amendLendingOrder() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/fixed-loan/amend-lending-order |
getLendingOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/fixed-loan/lending-orders-list |
getLendingSubOrders() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/fixed-loan/lending-sub-orders |
getBorrowableCurrencies() | GET | /api/v5/finance/flexible-loan/borrow-currencies |
getCollateralAssets() | GET | /api/v5/finance/flexible-loan/collateral-assets |
getMaxLoanAmount() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/flexible-loan/max-loan |
adjustCollateral() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/finance/flexible-loan/adjust-collateral |
getLoanInfo() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/flexible-loan/loan-info |
getLoanHistory() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/flexible-loan/loan-history |
getAccruedInterest() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/finance/flexible-loan/interest-accrued |
getInviteeDetail() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/affiliate/invitee/detail |
getAffiliateRebateInfo() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/users/partner/if-rebate |
getSystemStatus() | GET | /api/v5/system/status |
getAnnouncements() | GET | /api/v5/support/announcements |
getAnnouncementTypes() | GET | /api/v5/support/announcement-types |
getBrokerAccountInformation() | 🔐 | GET | /api/v5/broker/nd/info |
createSubAccount() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/broker/nd/create-subaccount |
deleteSubAccount() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/broker/nd/delete-subaccount |
createSubAccountAPIKey() | 🔐 | POST | /api/v5/broker/nd/subaccount/apikey |