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Video Recording

Video with audio (Linux)

To start video capture, send start_video_capture_linux. This is a minimal example:

from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils
from tdw.add_ons.third_person_camera import ThirdPersonCamera
from tdw.add_ons.audio_initializer import AudioInitializer
from tdw.add_ons.clatter import Clatter
from tdw.backend.paths import EXAMPLE_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT_PATH

A minimal example of an audio-visual screen recorder for Linux.

c = Controller()
# Add a camera.
camera = ThirdPersonCamera(position={"x": 0, "y": 0.8, "z": 1},
                           look_at={"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0},
# Initialize audio.
audio_initializer = AudioInitializer(avatar_id="a")
# Add Clatter.
clatter = Clatter()
c.add_ons.extend([camera, audio_initializer, clatter])
# Set the output path.
path = EXAMPLE_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT_PATH.joinpath("video_capture").joinpath("video.mp4")
print(f"Video will be saved to: {path}")

# Assume that the window will appear in the middle of the screen.
screen_width = 256
screen_height = 256
position = TDWUtils.get_expected_window_position(window_width=screen_width, window_height=screen_height)

# Initialize the scene.
commands = [TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
            {"$type": "set_screen_size",
             "width": screen_width,
             "height": screen_height},
            {"$type": "start_video_capture_linux",
             "output_path": str(path.resolve()),
             "position": position}]
                                                  position={"x": 0, "y": 1.5, "z": 0},
# Run the controller.
for i in range(200):
# Stop video capture.
c.communicate({"$type": "stop_video_capture"})
# End the simulation.
c.communicate({"$type": "terminate"})

Initialize audio

Add a ThirdPersonCamera and an AudioInitializer to initialize audio. For more information about audio in TDW, read this. Set the framerate parameter of AudioInitializer to match the framerate of the video (see below); this will tell the build to send set_target_framerate.

In this example, we've also added Clatter to generate impact sounds.

The output_path parameter

The output_path parameter of start_video_capture_linux is the path to the video file. Usually, this should be a .mp4 file.

The framerate parameter

The framerate parameter of start_video_capture_windows is optional and defaults to 60 frames per second.

If you want to set the framerate, make sure that the framerate is set in AudioInitializer (this will automatically send the command set_target_framerate):

audio_initializer = AudioInitializer(avatar_id="a", framerate=30) well as in the start_video_capture_windows command:

commands = [TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
            {"$type": "set_screen_size",
             "width": screen_width,
             "height": screen_height},
            {"$type": "start_video_capture_linux",
             "output_path": str(path.resolve()),
             "framerate": 30,
             "audio_device": audio_device}]

The display and screen parameters

The display and screen parameters of start_video_capture_linux are optional and set X11 indices. By default, both indices are 0. These parameters should match the display and screen that the TDW build is running on:

commands = [TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
            {"$type": "set_screen_size",
             "width": screen_width,
             "height": screen_height},
            {"$type": "start_video_capture_linux",
             "output_path": str(path.resolve()),
             "display": 1,
             "screen": 0,
             "position": position}]

To get a list of displays and screens, run xrandr.

Read this for more information.

The position parameter

The position parameter of start_video_capture_linux sets the top-left corner of the capture region. ffmpeg captures a region of the screen rather than a specific window.

Usually, the build simulation window will appear in the center of the monitor. To get its expected position, call TDWUtils.get_expected_window_position(window_width, window_height).

If you get an error about screeninfo not being installed, run pip3 install screeninfo and try again.

Title bar height

There is an optional parameter, title_bar_height, which sets the expected height of the window's title bar:

from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils

position = TDWUtils.get_expected_window_position(window_width=256, window_height=256, title_bar_height=48)

This parameter defaults to None, in which case TDWUtils will set it to a platform-specific value. In the case of Linux, this can vary quite a bit, but in Ubuntu 20 the default title bar height is 48 pixels.

Monitor index

If you have multiple monitors, you may need to set the optional monitor_index parameter. To get a list of your monitors and their indices:

import screeninfo

monitors = screeninfo.get_monitors()
for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors):
    print(i, monitor)

Then, set monitor_index accordingly:

from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils

position = TDWUtils.get_expected_window_position(window_width=256, window_height=256, title_bar_height=48, monitor_index=0)

The audio_device parameter

The audio_device parameter of start_video_capture_linux is optional and is the name of the audio capture device.

By default, the capture device is "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor", which is correct for most Ubuntu installs:

commands = [TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
            {"$type": "set_screen_size",
             "width": screen_width,
             "height": screen_height},
            {"$type": "start_video_capture_linux",
             "output_path": str(path.resolve()),
             "position": position,
             "audio_device": "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor"}]

To get a list of device names:

pactl list sources | grep output

Other parameters

For more information regarding the other optional parameters, read the API documentation for start_video_capture_linux.

Stop video capture

To stop video capture, send stop_video_capture or kill the TDW build process by sending terminate.

What to do if there is no video

  1. Set the optional log_args parameter to True to log the ffmpeg args. This can allow you to replicate the exact ffmpeg call:
{"$type": "start_video_capture_osx",
 "output_path": str(path.resolve()),
 "log_args": True}
  1. Check the player log. It will have a line that looks like this:
-f pulse -i alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor -c:a aac -ac 2 -video_size 256x256 -framerate 60 -f x11grab -i :0.0+952,1840 -c:v h264 -qp 0 -preset ultrafast -y "/home/user/tdw_example_controller_output/video_capture/video.mp4" [TDWInput.StartVideoCaptureLinux]
  1. In a terminal, type ffmpeg plus the arguments in the Player log:
ffmpeg -f pulse -i alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor -c:a aac -ac 2 -video_size 256x256 -framerate 60 -f x11grab -i :0.0+952,1840 -c:v h264 -qp 0 -preset ultrafast -y "/home/user/tdw_example_controller_output/video_capture/video.mp4" 
  1. If the ffmpeg process has an error, read the error carefully and adjust your command's parameters accordingly. An error regarding displays, for example, usually means that your display or screen paramter is wrong. If, on the other hand, there is no error, you can press q to quit.

What to do if the video doesn't open

Open the video in VLC.

If the video file size is very low (e.g. 48 bytes or 0 bytes), there was an error in video capture; see above for how to troubleshoot.

This is the last document in the "Video Recording" tutorial.

Return to the README

Example controllers:

Python API:

Command API: