This guide describes how to set up automatic renewal of Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on FortiNet FortiGate firewall, from a Windows machine using win-acme and a PowerShell script.
In this example:
- DNS record for
points external IP of FortiGate - VIP and firewall rule is created in FortiGate, that NAT TCP/80 to a Windows server
- Every command shown in this guide is run on this Windows server
- Everything is run as the user
is a member of local administrators on the Windows server- IIS is installed on Windows server (this is not a requirement)
- Windows server can SSH to FortiGate
is located inC:\bin\win-acme
- PowerShell script(s) is located in
When accessing from outside, the IIS splash screen is shown. This is not a requirement but makes it easier to test if firewall rule is working.
Run these PowerShell commands. Replace firewall.hostname.or.ip
with correct IP address or hostname of the FortiGate.
# Install required modules
Install-Module -Name Posh-SSH,PSVault -Scope CurrentUser
# Download script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile C:\scripts\Install-FortigateSslCertificate.ps1
# Create directory for certificates.
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path C:\Certificates
# Set Windows Vault password for FortiGate (admin/...)
Set-VaultCredential -Name firewall.hostname.or.ip
# Window Vault can be accessed in Control Panel with
control /name Microsoft.CredentialManager
# Test that FortiGate can be accessed through SSH with the credentials stored in Windows Vault
$credential = Get-VaultCredential -Name firewall.hostname.or.ip
$session = New-SSHSession -ComputerName firewall.hostname.or.ip -Credential $credential -Port 22
Invoke-SSHCommand -Command 'get system status' -SSHSession $session | select -ExpandProperty Output
Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $session
# If there’s issues with the Posh-SSH host keys, then look in this directory
start $HOME\.poshssh
should be "Run as Administrator".
An elevated command prompt can be started from PowerShell with
start -Verb RunAs cmd '/k cd C:\bin\win-acme'
Set up scheduled task for certificate renewals. This task must run as serviceaccount
Either run this, and fix scheduled task manually to run as serviceaccount
instead of SYSTEM
wacs --setuptaskscheduler
Or run wacs.exe
in interactive mode (inputted values are highlighted in red)
Either run wacs.exe
unattended with this command
wacs.exe --accepttos --emailaddress ***@******.com --source manual --host --store pemfiles --pemfilespath C:\Certificates --installation script --script C:\scripts\Install-FortigateSslCertificate.ps1 --scriptparameters "{CertCommonName} firewall.hostname.or.ip:22 C:\Certificates"
Or run wacs.exe
in interactive mode (inputted values are highlighted in red)
Afterward validate on the FortiGate that the certificate is installed.