#Dal Segno
Write games, see your changes immediately: every time you change your code, Dal Segno rewinds your game back to the last time that piece of code was run.
It's sort of like Scheme.
;semicolons make the rest of a line a comment
(define x 10) ;var x = 10
(defn recur () ;named function definitions are global
(color 100 200 100) ;sets the color to be used
;for future draw operations
(fillRect 0 0 width height) ;this is the canvas
;context drawing operation
(color 0 0 230)
(drawArc x 100 111) ;queues a circle to be drawn
(render) ;actually paints queued drawings
(set! x (+ x .1)) ;change var wherever it was defined
(if (> x 300) ;you've got if, set!, define, defn,
(set! x 0)) ;and lambda - that's it for special forms
(recur)) ;no loop constructs - you have to recur!
- (if cond expr1 [expr2])
- (define name expr)
- (set! name expr)
- (lambda (param...) expr1...)
- (defn name [param1...) expr1...)
- (do expr1 [expr2...])
defn expressions update a global table of named functions in addition to evaluating to a function. Use do to put multiple expressions in the body of an if, set, or define
Identifier lookup checks the local scope, outer scopes, then the standard library and builtin functions:
- standard library - written in this this language and can be stepped through
- (map func array)
- (reduce func array initial)
- (filter func array)
- (find func array)
- builtins - written in JavaScript and execute in a single tick
- (display expr [...]) - just (
) - binary operators (prefix notation, like
(+ 2 2)
) - boolean logic
- (and e1 e2)
- (or e1 e2)
- (not expr)
- (any [expr...])
- list operations
- (list [e1...])
- (get index list)
- (first list)
- (last list)
- (rest list)
- (append list expr)
- (prepend list expr)
- (length list)
- (range n) - list of n numbers from 0 up to n, including 0 but not including n
- (linspace start stop n) - list of n evenly spaced numbers from start to stop inclusive on both sides
- (concat [list1...])
- (zip list1)
- (zip2 list1 list2)
- (zip3 list1 list2 list3)
- (zip4 list1 list2 list3 list4)
- game math
- (dist x1 y1 x2 y2) - Euclidian distance
- (dist p1 p2) - Euclidian distance betwen two two-element lists
- (randint lower upper)
- (towards x1 y1 x2 y2) - degree heading to point
- (towards p1 p2) - degree heading to point
- (x_comp degrees) - float between -1 and 1
- (y_comp degrees) - float between -1 and 1
- (distToLine point line) - distance from point to line segment
- (distToLine point p1 p2) - distance from point to line segment defined by p1 and p2
- (linesIntersect line line) - whether two line segments intersect
- (linesIntersect p1 p2 p3 p4) - whether two line segments intersect
- (pointFromLineSegment p1 p2 p3) - distance from a point to a line segment
- (closestPointOrLine p1 points) - the closest [x, y] point or [[x, y], [x, y]] line segment closest to the point p1 or null if no points given
- (closestPointOrLine p1 points maxDist) - the closest [x, y] point or [[x, y], [x, y]] line segment closest to the point p1 or null if none closer than maxDist
- (bounce x y dx dy pointOrLine) - New [dx, dy] after bouncing off of pointOrLine
- (linesFromPoints points) - pairs of consecutive points to fom lines
- JavaScript interop
- (jsGet obj prop)
- (jsSet obj prop value)
- (display expr [...]) - just (
- mouseTracker
- (mousex) - horizontal position from the left
- (mousey) - vertical position from the top
- (mousepos) - list of [x, y]
- drawHelpers
- (color r g b)
- (render) - runs queued canvas context drawing procedures
- (drawText x y [text...])
- (drawPoly x y list-of-x-y-pairs heading-in-degrees])
- (drawInverseCircle x y radius)
- (fillLine points)
If an identifier is not found in the above scopes lookup proceeds to
JavaScript objects. If the found value is a function, a version of
it bound to the object it was looked up on is returned.
e.g. log
-> console.log.bind(console)
- main lazy canvas context which is similar to a CanvasRenderingContext2d
but rendering does not occur until
is called. This is where drawing functions like(fillRect x y width height)
come from. - main canvas
- console
- window
To run the code locally you'll need webpack and some loaders.
npm install
npm install -g webpack
Once those are installed, run the following:
python3 -m http.server 8000 # or any other static file server
and open localhost:8000 in a webbrowser.
To run the tests, install mocha and chai and run mocha on the tests:
npm install -g mocha
npm install chai
mocha src/test*
The ES5/6 features in the code are limited to those implemented in Node without requiring any flags so the tests can be run without compiling.
There are a lot of directions this could be taken in, I capped it off pretty arbitrarily because I wanted to be able to show it to people. Some particularly relevant things to do:
- Fix up DalSegno.js to allow editing and stepping in the same embed. This mostly works, but not all of the state transitions are covered.
- Move all effects to the effect canvas, currently the main lazycanvas is still doing extra work.
- An alternate interpreter mode that does not save snapshots. This would be nice for publishing programs for use.
- faster GC and fix memory leaks
I have a lot of smaller fixes I'd like to make, if you'd like to contribute let me know and I can advise on your PR. Here are a few simple fixes:
- AST highlighting regions are slightly off (usually 1 extra character on each side)
- Set focus on mouseover for Dal Segno widget for keyboard events
- Save current program in local storage instead of url
- Keep multiple programs saved at a time
There's lots more, if there's interest I can throw a lot of things up on an issue tracker.
I wrote this to play with interpreters and so I could be informed as I talked to Mary Rose Cook about her Code Lauren project.