Releases: thelastoutpostworkshop/gpio_viewer
Releases · thelastoutpostworkshop/gpio_viewer
GPIOViewer v1.5.6
Added Support for ADC pins.
Added Support to detect pins functions when the ESP32 Core API provide it.
GPIOViewer v1.5.5
Fixed type from u_int32_t to uint32_t that was causing compile errors
GPIOViewer v1.5.4
Compatibility added for ESP32 Espressif Arduino Framework v3.0.0.
Removed getFlashChipMode() which makes the ESP32-S3 crash when this ESP32 API is called (bug in the Espressif Arduino Core).
GPIOViewer v1.5.3
Detection of an edge case where an analog pin is set with a channel resolution of 0 causing the ESP32 to reset.
GPIOViewer v1.5.2
Detection of pin modes set with PinMode
GPIOViewer v1.5.1
Fixed issues at compile time related to Serial.printf()
GPIOViewer v1.5.0
Fix minor bugs.
Target the new version of the Web Application in Vuejs.
GPIOViewer v1.0.7
- PSRAM support
- Keywords update
GPIOViewer v1.0.6
- Fixed reading resolution for an analog pin.
- Print ESP32 Core Version and checks version supported.
- Check Wifi Combability.
- Reformat the Serial Port messages.
GPIOViewer v1.0.5
Send version of GPIOViewer