diff --git a/procedures/foreman/branch.md.erb b/procedures/foreman/branch.md.erb index fbef941..e2c5efd 100644 --- a/procedures/foreman/branch.md.erb +++ b/procedures/foreman/branch.md.erb @@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ - Prepare the manual for the new version: - [ ] Change `$next` parameter on [web class](https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-infra/blob/master/puppet/modules/profiles/manifests/web.pp) to point to the new version number. - [ ] Copy [website manual content](https://github.com/theforeman/theforeman.org/tree/gh-pages/manuals) from nightly to <%= release %> and update version numbers mentioned in it. + - `cp -r manuals/nightly manuals/<%= release %>` + - `cp -r _includes/manuals/nightly _includes/manuals/<%= release %>` + - `sed -i 's/nightly/<%= release %>/i' manuals/<%= release %>/*.md` + - `sed -i '/previous_version/ s/: .\+/: "<%= release %>"/' manuals/nightly/index.md` + - `sed -i '/- nightly/a \ \ - "<%= release %>"' _config.yml` - [ ] Update installer options section of nightly manual using the [get-params script](https://github.com/theforeman/theforeman.org/blob/gh-pages/scripts/installer/get-params) - [ ] Clean up deprecation and upgrade warnings from nightly manual for in both [foreman.adoc](https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-documentation/blob/master/guides/doc-Release_Notes/topics/foreman.adoc) and [katello.adoc](https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-documentation/blob/master/guides/doc-Release_Notes/topics/katello.adoc). - [ ] Add new languages that are at a [reasonable completion on Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/foreman/) to __develop__