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File metadata and controls

63 lines (41 loc) · 2.96 KB

Setup instructions

This application needs to be installed before continuing.

  1. Docker Desktop

Ensure that you have the follow programs installed after following the page instructions:

  1. NodeJS
  2. GoLang

On Windows it's advised to use the built-in vs-code terminal unless you understand the differences between WSL, Powershell & Command Prompt.

1.a. Install make on windows

As defined here

Open Command Prompt as Administrator then run the following commands:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

choco install make

If you struggle here see

1.b. Install make on macos

Make sure that you have brew installed

brew install make

2. Fork repository

  1. Go to and name it something like "clothing-loop".
  2. Disable actions in fork (see
  3. Clone repo locally git clone<your_username>/clothing-loop.git
  4. Open in VS code, open workspace, installed recommended extensions if asked
  5. copy /clothing-loop/server/config.example.yml to same directory and name it
  6. copy /clothing-loop/frontend/.env-example to same directory and name it .env

3. Start using docker compose

  1. Open a terminal and cd into clothing-loop
  2. Run make docker-start this will setup and start the container, wait till this finishes (if the docker won't start it might help to open Docker Desktop first and try again, see: stackoverflow error-during-connect-this-error-may-indicate-that-the-docker-daemon-is-not-runn)
  3. In new tab run make db-setup to seed the db with dummy data.
  4. If you do not have a MYSQL client, install one, like DBeaver (cross-platform, advised), TablePlus (MacOS) or HeidiSQL (Windows). The server is and user: root and password is fb4aeaa6d860dbabe785675e (from docker-compose.yml). The tables should be populated.
  5. The frontend should be visible at http://localhost:8086 in your browser of choice.

4. Login

  1. Try logging in using [email protected] it will send you a verification email.
  2. go to http://localhost:8025/mailpit/ to see the self hosted inbox (Mailpit), verify from there, now you should be logged in as a "host".

The following dummy accounts are available: