This application needs to be installed before continuing.
Ensure that you have the follow programs installed after following the page instructions:
On Windows it's advised to use the built-in vs-code terminal unless you understand the differences between WSL, Powershell & Command Prompt.
As defined here
Open Command Prompt as Administrator then run the following commands:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install make
If you struggle here see
Make sure that you have brew installed
brew install make
- Go to and name it something like "clothing-loop".
- Disable actions in fork (see
- Clone repo locally
git clone<your_username>/clothing-loop.git
- Open in VS code, open workspace, installed recommended extensions if asked
- copy
to same directory and name
- copy
to same directory and name it.env
- Open a terminal and cd into
- Run
make docker-start
this will setup and start the container, wait till this finishes (if the docker won't start it might help to open Docker Desktop first and try again, see: stackoverflow error-during-connect-this-error-may-indicate-that-the-docker-daemon-is-not-runn) - In new tab run
make db-setup
to seed the db with dummy data. - If you do not have a MYSQL client, install one, like DBeaver (cross-platform, advised), TablePlus (MacOS) or HeidiSQL (Windows).
The server is
and user:root
and password isfb4aeaa6d860dbabe785675e
(from docker-compose.yml). The tables should be populated. - The frontend should be visible at http://localhost:8086 in your browser of choice.
- Try logging in using
[email protected]
it will send you a verification email. - go to http://localhost:8025/mailpit/ to see the self hosted inbox (Mailpit), verify from there, now you should be logged in as a "host".
The following dummy accounts are available:
- Super user:
[email protected]
- Host:
[email protected]
- Participant:
[email protected]