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Secret Manager secrets module

You can use this submodule to create of secret groups or secrets in an existing Secret Manager instance.

The submodule extends the secrets and secret_group module by including support for multiple secrets.


provider "ibm" {
  ibmcloud_api_key     = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"  # pragma: allowlist secret
  region               = "us-south"

module "secrets_manager" {
  source                     = "terraform-ibm-modules/secrets-manager/ibm//modules/secrets"
  version                     = "X.X.X" # Replace "X.X.X" with a release version to lock into a specific release
  existing_sm_instance_guid   = "xxXXxxXXxXxXXXXxxXxxxXXXXxXXXXX"
  existing_sm_instance_region = "us-south"
  endpoint_type               = "public"
  secrets = [{
    secret_group_name = "secret-group"
    secrets = [{
      secret_name             = "secret1"
      secret_type             = "arbitrary"
      secret_username         = "test"
      secret_payload_password = "test"
        secret_name             = "secret2"
        secret_type             = "arbitrary"
        secret_username         = "test"
        secret_payload_password = "test"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
ibm >=1.62.0, <2.0.0


Name Source Version
secret_groups terraform-ibm-modules/secrets-manager-secret-group/ibm 1.2.2
secrets terraform-ibm-modules/secrets-manager-secret/ibm 1.7.0


Name Type
ibm_sm_secret_groups.existing_secret_groups data source


Name Description Type Default Required
endpoint_type The service endpoint type to communicate with the provided secrets manager instance. Possible values are public or private string "public" no
existing_sm_instance_guid Instance ID of Secrets Manager instance in which the Secret will be added. string n/a yes
existing_sm_instance_region Region which the Secret Manager is deployed. string n/a yes
secrets Secret Manager secrets configurations.
secret_group_name = string
secret_group_description = optional(string)
existing_secret_group = optional(bool, false)
secrets = optional(list(object({
secret_name = string
secret_description = optional(string)
secret_type = optional(string)
imported_cert_certificate = optional(string)
imported_cert_private_key = optional(string)
imported_cert_intermediate = optional(string)
secret_username = optional(string)
secret_labels = optional(list(string), [])
secret_payload_password = optional(string, "")
secret_auto_rotation = optional(bool, true)
secret_auto_rotation_unit = optional(string, "day")
secret_auto_rotation_interval = optional(number, 89)
service_credentials_ttl = optional(string, "7776000") # 90 days
service_credentials_source_service_crn = optional(string)
service_credentials_source_service_role_crn = optional(string)
service_credentials_source_service_hmac = optional(bool, false)
[] no


Name Description
secret_groups IDs of the created Secret Group
secrets List of secret mananger secret config data