Releases: tensorflow/serving
Releases · tensorflow/serving
TensorFlow Serving 1.10.0
Release 1.10.0
Major Features and Improvements
- No major features or improvements.
Breaking Changes
- TensorFlow Serving API now uses gRPC's GA release. The beta gRPC API has been deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of TensorFlow Serving. Please update your gRPC client code (sample)
- Docker images for GPU are built against NCCL 2.2, in following with TensorFlow 1.10.
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
- Built against TensorFlow 1.10.0
- Added GPU serving Docker image.
- Repo cloning and shell prompt in example readme.
- Updated Docker instructions.
- Updated min Bazel version (0.15.0).
- Convert TF_CHECK_OKs to TF_ASSERT_OK in some unit tests.
- Remove error suppression (.IgnoreError()) from BasicManager.
- Add new tool for doing hermetic bazel builds.
- Fix erroneous formatting of numbers in REST API output that are larger than 6 digits.
- Add support for Python 3 while also compatible with Python 2.7 in
- Fix an incorrect link to Dockerfile.devel-gpu.
- Add util for get model status.
- Adding support for secure channel to ModelServer.
- Add version output to model server binary.
- Change ServerRequestLogger::Update to only create new and delete old loggers if needed.
- Have the Model Server interpret specific hard-coded model version labels "stable" and "canary" as the smallest and largest version#, respectively.
- Add half_plus_two CPU and GPU models to test data.
TensorFlow Serving using TensorFlow 1.10.0-rc1.
TensorFlow Serving using TensorFlow 1.8.0.
This release now supports a RESTful API. You can now easily make classification, regression, and prediction requests to your TensorFlow models using JSON objects.
TensorFlow Serving using TensorFlow 1.6.0.