diff --git a/docs/develop/python/message-passing.mdx b/docs/develop/python/message-passing.mdx
index 390d9c124c..ad5bfe4bb7 100644
--- a/docs/develop/python/message-passing.mdx
+++ b/docs/develop/python/message-passing.mdx
@@ -182,165 +182,11 @@ Notice that:
Non-dynamic methods can only have positional arguments.
-**How to customize names**
-You can have a name parameter to customize the Signal's name, otherwise it defaults to the name of the Signal method.
-from temporalio import workflow
-# ...
- @workflow.signal
- async def submit_greeting(self, name: str) -> None:
- await self._pending_greetings.put(name)
- @workflow.signal
- def exit(self) -> None:
-# ...
- @workflow.signal(name="Custom Signal Name")
- async def custom_signal(self, name: str) -> None:
- await self._pending_greetings.put(name)
-### Handle Signal {#handle-signal}
-**How to handle a Signal using the Python SDK.**
-Workflows listen for Signals by the Signal's name.
-Signal handlers are functions defined in the Workflow that listen for incoming Signals of a given type.
-These handlers define how a Workflow should react when it receives a specific type of Signal.
-To send a Signal to the Workflow, use the [signal](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.client.WorkflowHandle.html#signal) method from the [WorkflowHandle](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.client.WorkflowHandle.html) class.
-from temporalio.client import Client
-# ...
-# ...
- await handle.signal(GreetingWorkflow.submit_greeting, "User 1")
-### Send a Signal from a Temporal Client {#send-signal-from-client}
-**How to send a Signal from a Temporal Client using the Python SDK.**
-When a Signal is sent successfully from the Temporal Client, the [WorkflowExecutionSignaled](/references/events#workflowexecutionsignaled) Event appears in the Event History of the Workflow that receives the Signal.
-To send a Signal from the Client, use the [signal()](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.client.WorkflowHandle.html#signal) function on the Workflow handle.
-To get the Workflow handle, you can use any of the following options.
-- Use the [get_workflow_handle()](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.client.Client.html#get_workflow_handle) method.
-- Use the [get_workflow_handle_for()](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.client.Client.html#get_workflow_handle_for) method to get a type-safe Workflow handle by its Workflow Id.
-- Use the [start_workflow()](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.client.Client.html#start_workflow) to start a Workflow and return its handle.
-from temporalio.client import Client
-# ...
-# ...
- client = await Client.connect("localhost:7233")
- handle = await client.start_workflow(
- GreetingWorkflow.run,
- id="your-greeting-workflow",
- task_queue="signal-tq",
- )
- await handle.signal(GreetingWorkflow.submit_greeting, "User 1")
-### Send a Signal from a Workflow {#send-signal-from-workflow}
-**How to send a Signal from a Workflow using the Python SDK.**
-A Workflow can send a Signal to another Workflow, in which case it's called an _External Signal_.
-When an External Signal is sent:
-- A [SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated](/references/events#signalexternalworkflowexecutioninitiated) Event appears in the sender's Event History.
-- A [WorkflowExecutionSignaled](/references/events#workflowexecutionsignaled) Event appears in the recipient's Event History.
-Use [`get_external_workflow_handle_for`](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.workflow.html#get_external_workflow_handle_for) to get a typed Workflow handle to an existing Workflow by its identifier.
-Use [`get_external_workflow_handle`](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.workflow.html#get_external_workflow_handle) when you don't know the type of the other Workflow.
-The Workflow Type passed is only for type annotations and not for validation.
-# ...
-class WorkflowB:
- @workflow.run
- async def run(self) -> None:
- handle = workflow.get_external_workflow_handle_for(WorkflowA.run, "workflow-a")
- await handle.signal(WorkflowA.your_signal, "signal argument")
-### Signal-With-Start {#signal-with-start}
-**How to send a Signal-With-Start using the Python SDK.**
-Signal-With-Start is used from the Client.
-It takes a Workflow Id, Workflow arguments, a Signal name, and Signal arguments.
-If there's a Workflow running with the given Workflow Id, it will be signaled. If there isn't, a new Workflow will be started and immediately signaled.
-To send a Signal-With-Start in Python, use the [`start_workflow()`](https://python.temporal.io/temporalio.client.Client.html#start_workflow) method and pass the `start_signal` argument with the name of your Signal.
-from temporalio.client import Client
-# ...
-# ...
-async def main():
- client = await Client.connect("localhost:7233")
- await client.start_workflow(
- GreetingWorkflow.run,
- id="your-signal-with-start-workflow",
- task_queue="signal-tq",
- start_signal="submit_greeting",
- start_signal_args=["User Signal with Start"],
- )
-## Developing with Updates {#updates}
+## Updates {#updates}
An [Update](/encyclopedia/workflow-message-passing#sending-updates) is a trackable request sent synchronously to a running Workflow Execution that can change the state and control the flow of a Workflow Execution, and return a result.
The sender of the request must wait until the update is at least accepted or rejected by a Worker, and will often opt to wait further to receive the value returned by the Update handler, or an exception indicating what went wrong. Update handlers can do arbitrarily long-running async operations (like signal handlers, and the main workflow method).