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112 lines (80 loc) · 4.02 KB

File metadata and controls

112 lines (80 loc) · 4.02 KB


Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project. This project relies on the help of volunteer developers for its development and maintenance.

Before making any changes to this repository, please first discuss the proposed changes with the repository owners through an issue, email, or any other appropriate method of communication.

Please note that a code of conduct is in place and should be adhered to during all interactions related to the project.

Dart version support

Currently, the package supports Dart versions 3.0 and above. Once a new Dart version is released, we will aim to support it as soon as possible. If you encounter any issues with a new Dart version, please create an issue in the repository.

Flutter support

This package is designed to work with Flutter 3.10 and above. We prioritize and are dedicated to maintaining compatibility with these versions for a smooth user experience.


Given the critical nature of correctly encoded HTTP query strings and the potential for security vulnerabilities if encoding is not done correctly or consistently across platforms and versions of Dart and Flutter, thorough testing is of utmost importance. Please remember to write tests for any new code you create, using the test package for all test cases.

Running the test suite

To run the test suite, follow these commands:

git clone
cd qs
dart pub get
dart test

Running the test suite with coverage

dart pub global activate coverage
dart pub global run coverage:test_with_coverage
genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html
source ./scripts/ && open_link "coverage/html/index.html"

qs JavaScript package compatibility

As this package is a port of the qs package for JavaScript. We aim to provide a similar experience for Dart and Flutter developers, ensuring that the two packages are as similar as possible. If you encounter any discrepancies between the two packages, please create an issue in the repository.

Ensuring compatibility

To ensure compatibility with the Node.js package, please run the following command:

# cd into the test/comparison directory
pushd test/comparison || exit 1

# Install the Node.js dependencies
npm install

# Run the JavaScript and Dart scripts and save their outputs
node_output=$(node qs.js)
dart_output=$(dart run qs.dart)

# Compare the outputs
if [ "$node_output" == "$dart_output" ]; then
  echo "The outputs are identical."
  echo "The outputs are different."
  exit 1

popd || exit 1

For convenience, the same bash script exists in test/comparison/

Submitting changes

To contribute to this project, please submit a new pull request and provide a clear list of your changes. For guidance on creating pull requests, you can refer to this resource. When sending a pull request, we highly appreciate the inclusion of tests, as we strive to enhance our test coverage. Following our coding conventions is essential, and it would be ideal if you ensure that each commit focuses on a single feature. For commits, please write clear log messages. While concise one-line messages are suitable for small changes, more substantial modifications should follow a format similar to the example below:

git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
> A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."

Coding standards

Prioritizing code readability and conciseness is essential. To achieve this, we recommend using dart format for code formatting. Once your work is deemed complete, it is advisable to run the following command:

dart format lib test --output=none --set-exit-if-changed .
dart analyze lib test --fatal-infos

This command runs the Dart analyzer to identify any potential issues or inconsistencies in your code. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a high-quality codebase.

Thanks, Klemen Tusar