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Chabot for demo and local dev purposes only

Deploying a new version

The chabot is deployed automatically whenever a new commit is pushed to the main.
The chatbot can be found here: Chatbot URL(

How to run the chatbot locally

To run the demo chat UI and connect to a local instance of the backend:

  1. Start the compass backend locally. The current configuration assumes that the Uvicorn server is running on
  2. Clone this repository locally.
    From the repository's main folder:
    yarn install
    yarn run dev

To run the application in production mode, use the following command:

yarn run build
yarn start

To run the application using yarn start you will need to set the environment variables in a .env file.

copy content from .env.development to .env. This is because the build process will use the production environment variables when running the app locally. so .env.development is used to set the environment variables for local development.

After starting the chatbot either in development or production mode, it will be available at http://localhost:3000. Specifically under the path /poc-ui http://localhost:3000/poc-ui.

Use the conversation sandbox UI

The UI can be configured to use an alternative path for the conversation backend. This is useful for testing and reviewing an individual agent's conversation manually in a configurable way without having to conduct a full conversation.

To do this, ensure your backend is running and the desired path agent is available at the specified endpoint.

For the development environment, you can simply set the NEXT_PUBLIC_DEFAULT_COMPASS_ENDPOINT environment variable to the desired path in the .env.development file:


On the deployed version you can achieve the same by adding the ?compass_endpoint query parameter to the URL:

The ?compass_endpoint query parameter should be one of the paths defined in the separate NEXT_PUBLIC_COMPASS_AVAILABLE_ENDPOINTS environment variable, or the NEXT_PUBLIC_DEFAULT_COMPASS_ENDPOINT environment variable will be used instead.