From 97c31a48d4ede7a82b67b531b5562519e20a7ec4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: syl20bnr Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2018 09:20:19 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Move packages to sub-directory --- archive-contents | 1 - .../2048-game-20151026.1933.el | 0 LICENSE => packages/LICENSE | 0 .../ac-ispell-20151101.226.el | 0 .../ac-php-core-20181115.1442.tar | Bin 2181120 -> 2181120 bytes .../ace-jump-helm-line-20160918.1836.el | 0 .../ace-jump-mode-20140616.815.el | 0 .../ace-link-20181103.2106.el | 124 +++++++++++++- .../ace-pinyin-20170501.626.el | 0 .../ace-window-20181008.1549.el | 0 .../add-node-modules-path-20180710.2342.el | 0 .../adoc-mode-20160314.2130.el | 0 .../afternoon-theme-20140104.1859.el | 0 .../aggressive-indent-20181018.236.el | 0 .../ahk-mode-20181113.1238.el | 14 +- .../alchemist-20180312.1304.tar | Bin .../alect-themes-20180504.1720.tar | Bin .../alert-20181022.1742.el | 0 .../all-the-icons-20180125.1557.tar | Bin .../ample-theme-20180207.1745.tar | Bin .../ample-zen-theme-20150119.2154.el | 0 .../anaconda-mode-20181030.2109.el | 0 .../ansible-20180813.114.tar | Bin .../ansible-doc-20160924.824.el | 0 .../anti-zenburn-theme-20180712.1838.el | 0 .../anzu-20161017.1607.el | 0 .../apiwrap-20180602.2231.el | 0 .../apropospriate-theme-20181111.2112.tar | Bin 51200 -> 51200 bytes packages/archive-contents | 1 + .../arduino-mode-20180509.36.tar | Bin .../async-20180527.1730.tar | Bin .../auctex-12.1.1.tar | Bin .../auctex-latexmk-20170618.1636.el | 0 .../auth-source-pass-20181106.1348.el | 0 .../auto-compile-20180321.1507.el | 0 .../auto-complete-20170125.245.tar | Bin .../auto-complete-rst-20140225.944.tar | Bin .../auto-dictionary-20150410.1610.el | 0 .../auto-highlight-symbol-20130313.943.el | 0 .../auto-yasnippet-20180503.1908.el | 0 .../autothemer-20180920.923.el | 0 .../avy-20181009.1648.el | 0 .../avy-migemo-20180716.1455.tar | Bin .../badwolf-theme-20161004.715.el | 0 .../biblio-20161014.2304.tar | Bin .../biblio-core-20160901.1815.el | 0 .../bind-key-20180513.430.el | 0 .../bind-map-20161207.1511.el | 0 ...ds-of-paradise-plus-theme-20130419.2129.el | 0 .../bm-20181012.1631.tar | Bin .../bracketed-paste-20160407.2348.el | 0 .../browse-at-remote-20180622.631.el | 0 .../bubbleberry-theme-20141017.944.el | 0 .../bundler-20160815.915.el | 0 .../busybee-theme-20170719.928.el | 0 .../caml-20181011.1328.tar | Bin .../cargo-20181112.722.tar | Bin 40960 -> 40960 bytes .../ccc-20151205.1343.el | 0 .../ccls-20181106.546.tar | Bin .../cdb-20151205.1343.el | 0 .../centered-cursor-mode-20180112.1555.el | 0 .../cherry-blossom-theme-20150622.342.el | 0 .../chinese-conv-20170807.2128.el | 0 .../chinese-wbim-20150624.350.tar | Bin .../chinese-word-at-point-20170811.941.el | 0 .../chruby-20180114.1652.el | 0 .../cider-20181110.1413.tar | Bin 798720 -> 798720 bytes .../cider-eval-sexp-fu-20160907.800.el | 0 .../circe-20180525.1231.tar | Bin .../cl-generic-0.3.el | 0 cl-lib-0.6.1.el => packages/cl-lib-0.6.1.el | 0 .../clang-format-20180406.1514.el | 0 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| 0 .../elfeed-web-20180829.1716.tar | Bin .../elisp-slime-nav-20160128.1909.el | 0 .../elixir-mode-20180711.1245.tar | Bin .../elm-mode-20181114.2235.tar | Bin 133120 -> 133120 bytes .../elm-test-runner-20180918.2255.el | 0 .../ember-mode-20181001.936.el | 0 .../ember-yasnippets-20160526.1658.tar | Bin .../emmet-mode-20180613.341.el | 0 .../emoji-cheat-sheet-plus-20150617.1331.tar | Bin .../emojify-20180611.1538.tar | Bin .../engine-mode-20180401.1646.el | 0 .../enh-ruby-mode-20180730.2309.tar | Bin .../ensime-20180615.1330.tar | Bin .../epc-20140610.534.tar | Bin .../epl-20180205.2049.el | 0 .../erc-hl-nicks-20180415.1946.el | 0 .../erc-image-20180522.1424.el | 0 .../erc-social-graph-20150508.1204.el | 0 .../erc-terminal-notifier-20140115.1024.el | 0 .../erc-view-log-20140227.2039.el | 0 .../erc-yt-20150426.1249.el | 0 .../erlang-20181011.1236.tar | Bin .../esh-help-20170830.411.el | 0 .../eshell-prompt-extras-20180110.634.el | 0 .../eshell-z-20170117.438.el | 0 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0 .../evil-org-20180323.2306.tar | Bin .../evil-snipe-20180731.1731.el | 0 .../evil-surround-20181020.1248.el | 0 .../evil-tutor-20150103.650.tar | Bin .../evil-tutor-ja-20160917.132.tar | Bin .../evil-visual-mark-mode-20150202.1800.el | 0 .../evil-visualstar-20160223.48.el | 0 .../exec-path-from-shell-20180324.204.el | 0 .../exotica-theme-20180212.2329.el | 0 .../expand-region-20180817.1134.tar | Bin .../eyebrowse-20180514.1919.el | 0 .../eziam-theme-20180414.1029.tar | Bin .../f-20180106.922.el | 0 .../faceup-20170925.1946.el | 0 .../fancy-battery-20150101.1204.el | 0 .../farmhouse-theme-20160713.2244.tar | Bin .../fasd-20180606.505.el | 0 .../faust-mode-20180205.926.el | 0 .../fcitx-20170914.200.el | 0 .../feature-mode-20170907.1448.tar | Bin .../fill-column-indicator-20171209.1924.el | 0 .../find-by-pinyin-dired-20180210.218.el | 0 .../fish-mode-20180827.303.el | 0 .../flatland-theme-20171113.1521.el | 0 .../flatui-theme-20160619.127.el | 0 .../floobits-20180801.524.tar | Bin 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.../helm-ctest-20180821.1005.el | 0 .../helm-dash-20180503.918.el | 0 .../helm-descbinds-20180429.1456.el | 0 .../helm-flx-20180103.516.el | 0 .../helm-git-grep-20170614.1411.el | 0 .../helm-gitignore-20170211.8.el | 0 .../helm-gtags-20170116.529.el | 0 .../helm-hoogle-20161027.534.el | 0 .../helm-make-20181107.2126.el | 4 +- .../helm-mode-manager-20151124.938.el | 0 .../helm-mu-20180513.921.el | 0 .../helm-nixos-options-20151013.2309.el | 0 .../helm-notmuch-20180730.1722.el | 0 .../helm-org-rifle-20180923.2209.el | 0 .../helm-pass-20180607.2348.el | 0 .../helm-projectile-20180815.1514.el | 0 .../helm-purpose-20170114.1636.el | 0 .../helm-pydoc-20160918.542.tar | Bin .../helm-rtags-20170813.411.el | 0 .../helm-spotify-plus-20180107.1138.el | 0 .../helm-swoop-20180215.1154.el | 0 .../helm-themes-20160918.545.el | 0 .../helm-xref-20180528.1516.el | 0 .../hemisu-theme-20130508.1844.tar | Bin .../heroku-theme-20150523.219.el | 0 .../hierarchy-20171221.1151.el | 0 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| 0 .../kaolin-themes-20181117.836.tar | Bin 122880 -> 122880 bytes .../key-chord-20160227.1238.el | 0 .../kivy-mode-20180702.2029.el | 0 .../know-your-http-well-20160208.2304.tar | Bin .../kotlin-mode-20181109.1818.el | 0 .../launchctl-20150518.1309.el | 0 .../lcr-20180902.1919.el | 0 .../ledger-mode-20181107.1942.tar | Bin .../less-css-mode-20161001.453.el | 0 .../let-alist-1.0.5.el | 0 .../levenshtein-20090830.1040.el | 0 .../light-soap-theme-20150607.1445.el | 0 .../link-hint-20180519.2130.el | 0 .../linum-relative-20180124.1047.el | 0 .../list-utils-20160414.1402.el | 0 .../live-py-mode-20181116.536.tar | Bin 122880 -> 122880 bytes .../livid-mode-20131116.1344.el | 0 .../load-relative-20170526.1010.tar | Bin .../loc-changes-20160801.1708.el | 0 .../log4e-20170401.1304.el | 0 .../logito-20120225.2055.el | 0 .../lorem-ipsum-20140911.2108.el | 0 .../lsp-go-20180914.515.el | 0 .../lsp-java-20181102.1943.tar | Bin ...lsp-javascript-typescript-20180614.2011.el | 0 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ccls-20181106.546.tar => packages/ccls-20181106.546.tar (100%) rename cdb-20151205.1343.el => packages/cdb-20151205.1343.el (100%) rename centered-cursor-mode-20180112.1555.el => packages/centered-cursor-mode-20180112.1555.el (100%) rename cherry-blossom-theme-20150622.342.el => packages/cherry-blossom-theme-20150622.342.el (100%) rename chinese-conv-20170807.2128.el => packages/chinese-conv-20170807.2128.el (100%) rename chinese-wbim-20150624.350.tar => packages/chinese-wbim-20150624.350.tar (100%) rename chinese-word-at-point-20170811.941.el => packages/chinese-word-at-point-20170811.941.el (100%) rename chruby-20180114.1652.el => packages/chruby-20180114.1652.el (100%) rename cider-20181106.2310.tar => packages/cider-20181110.1413.tar (99%) rename cider-eval-sexp-fu-20160907.800.el => packages/cider-eval-sexp-fu-20160907.800.el (100%) rename circe-20180525.1231.tar => packages/circe-20180525.1231.tar (100%) rename cl-generic-0.3.el => packages/cl-generic-0.3.el (100%) rename cl-lib-0.6.1.el => packages/cl-lib-0.6.1.el (100%) rename clang-format-20180406.1514.el => packages/clang-format-20180406.1514.el (100%) rename clean-aindent-mode-20171017.2043.el => packages/clean-aindent-mode-20171017.2043.el (100%) rename clj-refactor-20180826.2149.tar => packages/clj-refactor-20180826.2149.tar (100%) rename clojure-cheatsheet-20180201.804.el => packages/clojure-cheatsheet-20180201.804.el (100%) rename clojure-mode-20181024.2224.el => packages/clojure-mode-20181024.2224.el (100%) rename clojure-snippets-20180314.1308.tar => packages/clojure-snippets-20180314.1308.tar (100%) rename clues-theme-20161213.1127.el => packages/clues-theme-20161213.1127.el (100%) rename cmake-ide-20181023.1430.el => packages/cmake-ide-20181023.1430.el (100%) rename cmake-mode-20180709.1426.el => packages/cmake-mode-20180709.1426.el (100%) rename cmm-mode-20150225.746.el => packages/cmm-mode-20150225.746.el (100%) rename coffee-mode-20170324.940.el => packages/coffee-mode-20170324.940.el (100%) rename color-identifiers-mode-20181011.2114.el => packages/color-identifiers-mode-20181011.2114.el (100%) rename color-theme-sanityinc-solarized-20181021.2055.tar => packages/color-theme-sanityinc-solarized-20181021.2055.tar (100%) rename color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow-20181024.1728.tar => packages/color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow-20181024.1728.tar (100%) rename column-enforce-mode-20171030.1900.el => packages/column-enforce-mode-20171030.1900.el (100%) rename command-log-mode-20160413.447.el => packages/command-log-mode-20160413.447.el (100%) rename commenter-20160219.1627.el => packages/commenter-20160219.1627.el (100%) rename common-lisp-snippets-20180226.1523.tar => packages/common-lisp-snippets-20180226.1523.tar (100%) rename company-20181105.2312.tar => packages/company-20181105.2312.tar (100%) rename company-anaconda-20181025.1305.el => packages/company-anaconda-20181025.1305.el (100%) rename company-ansible-20180701.1813.tar => packages/company-ansible-20180701.1813.tar (100%) rename company-auctex-20180725.1912.el => packages/company-auctex-20180725.1912.el (100%) rename company-c-headers-20180814.1730.el => packages/company-c-headers-20180814.1730.el (100%) rename company-cabal-20170917.1317.tar => packages/company-cabal-20170917.1317.tar (100%) rename company-coq-20181107.2136.tar => packages/company-coq-20181107.2136.tar (100%) rename company-dcd-20170516.910.el => packages/company-dcd-20170516.910.el (100%) rename company-emacs-eclim-20180911.1121.el => packages/company-emacs-eclim-20180911.1121.el (100%) rename company-emoji-20180925.2008.tar => packages/company-emoji-20180925.2008.tar (100%) rename company-ghc-20170918.833.el => packages/company-ghc-20170918.833.el (100%) rename company-ghci-20160311.200.el => packages/company-ghci-20160311.200.el (100%) rename company-glsl-20171015.1749.el => packages/company-glsl-20171015.1749.el (100%) rename company-go-20180427.1856.el => packages/company-go-20180427.1856.el (100%) rename company-lsp-20181105.1644.el => packages/company-lsp-20181105.1644.el (100%) rename company-lua-20171108.2306.tar => packages/company-lua-20171108.2306.tar (100%) rename company-math-20171016.1514.el => packages/company-math-20171016.1514.el (100%) rename company-nixos-options-20160215.857.el => packages/company-nixos-options-20160215.857.el (100%) rename company-php-20181110.303.el => packages/company-php-20181110.303.el (100%) rename company-plsense-20180118.58.el => packages/company-plsense-20180118.58.el (100%) rename company-quickhelp-20180525.1003.el => packages/company-quickhelp-20180525.1003.el (100%) rename company-restclient-20151202.1201.el => packages/company-restclient-20151202.1201.el (100%) rename company-rtags-20180730.338.el => packages/company-rtags-20180730.338.el (100%) rename company-shell-20170518.541.el => packages/company-shell-20170518.541.el (100%) rename company-statistics-20170210.1933.el => packages/company-statistics-20170210.1933.el (100%) rename 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(100%) rename elisp-slime-nav-20160128.1909.el => packages/elisp-slime-nav-20160128.1909.el (100%) rename elixir-mode-20180711.1245.tar => packages/elixir-mode-20180711.1245.tar (100%) rename elm-mode-20181109.2053.tar => packages/elm-mode-20181114.2235.tar (98%) rename elm-test-runner-20180918.2255.el => packages/elm-test-runner-20180918.2255.el (100%) rename ember-mode-20181001.936.el => packages/ember-mode-20181001.936.el (100%) rename ember-yasnippets-20160526.1658.tar => packages/ember-yasnippets-20160526.1658.tar (100%) rename emmet-mode-20180613.341.el => packages/emmet-mode-20180613.341.el (100%) rename emoji-cheat-sheet-plus-20150617.1331.tar => packages/emoji-cheat-sheet-plus-20150617.1331.tar (100%) rename emojify-20180611.1538.tar => packages/emojify-20180611.1538.tar (100%) rename engine-mode-20180401.1646.el => packages/engine-mode-20180401.1646.el (100%) rename enh-ruby-mode-20180730.2309.tar => packages/enh-ruby-mode-20180730.2309.tar (100%) rename ensime-20180615.1330.tar => packages/ensime-20180615.1330.tar (100%) rename epc-20140610.534.tar => packages/epc-20140610.534.tar (100%) rename epl-20180205.2049.el => packages/epl-20180205.2049.el (100%) rename erc-hl-nicks-20180415.1946.el => packages/erc-hl-nicks-20180415.1946.el (100%) rename erc-image-20180522.1424.el => packages/erc-image-20180522.1424.el (100%) rename erc-social-graph-20150508.1204.el => packages/erc-social-graph-20150508.1204.el (100%) rename erc-terminal-notifier-20140115.1024.el => packages/erc-terminal-notifier-20140115.1024.el (100%) rename erc-view-log-20140227.2039.el => packages/erc-view-log-20140227.2039.el (100%) rename erc-yt-20150426.1249.el => packages/erc-yt-20150426.1249.el (100%) rename erlang-20181011.1236.tar => packages/erlang-20181011.1236.tar (100%) rename esh-help-20170830.411.el => packages/esh-help-20170830.411.el (100%) rename eshell-prompt-extras-20180110.634.el => packages/eshell-prompt-extras-20180110.634.el (100%) rename eshell-z-20170117.438.el => packages/eshell-z-20170117.438.el (100%) rename espresso-theme-20181025.826.el => packages/espresso-theme-20181025.826.el (100%) rename ess-20181109.703.tar => packages/ess-20181117.1705.tar (99%) rename ess-R-data-view-20130509.1158.el => packages/ess-R-data-view-20130509.1158.el (100%) rename ess-smart-equals-20150202.601.el => packages/ess-smart-equals-20150202.601.el (100%) rename esxml-20171129.807.tar => packages/esxml-20171129.807.tar (100%) rename eval-sexp-fu-20180510.203.el => packages/eval-sexp-fu-20180510.203.el (100%) rename evil-20181107.1016.tar => packages/evil-20181107.1016.tar (100%) rename evil-anzu-20170124.718.el => packages/evil-anzu-20170124.718.el (100%) rename evil-args-20180908.2157.el => packages/evil-args-20180908.2157.el (100%) rename evil-cleverparens-20170718.413.tar => packages/evil-cleverparens-20170718.413.tar (100%) rename evil-commentary-20170413.1451.tar => packages/evil-commentary-20170413.1451.tar (100%) rename evil-ediff-20170724.1923.el => packages/evil-ediff-20170724.1923.el (100%) rename evil-escape-20180910.1234.el => packages/evil-escape-20180910.1234.el (100%) rename evil-exchange-20170511.259.el => packages/evil-exchange-20170511.259.el (100%) rename evil-goggles-20180725.952.el => packages/evil-goggles-20180725.952.el (100%) rename evil-iedit-state-20180607.558.el => packages/evil-iedit-state-20180607.558.el (100%) rename evil-indent-plus-20151109.1906.el => packages/evil-indent-plus-20151109.1906.el (100%) rename evil-ledger-20180802.1612.el => packages/evil-ledger-20180802.1612.el (100%) rename evil-lion-20170811.614.el => packages/evil-lion-20170811.614.el (100%) rename evil-lisp-state-20160404.248.el => packages/evil-lisp-state-20160404.248.el (100%) rename evil-magit-20180702.1553.el => packages/evil-magit-20180702.1553.el (100%) rename evil-matchit-20181009.2359.tar => packages/evil-matchit-20181111.604.tar (89%) rename evil-mc-20180921.1727.tar => 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=> packages/flyspell-correct-popup-20180928.504.el (100%) rename flyspell-popup-20170529.815.el => packages/flyspell-popup-20170529.815.el (100%) rename font-utils-20150806.1751.el => packages/font-utils-20150806.1751.el (100%) rename forth-mode-20170527.1930.tar => packages/forth-mode-20170527.1930.tar (100%) rename fringe-helper-20140620.2109.el => packages/fringe-helper-20140620.2109.el (100%) rename fsharp-mode-20180518.1820.tar => packages/fsharp-mode-20180518.1820.tar (100%) rename fsm-0.2.1.el => packages/fsm-0.2.1.el (100%) rename fuzzy-20150730.337.el => packages/fuzzy-20150730.337.el (100%) rename gandalf-theme-20130809.947.el => packages/gandalf-theme-20130809.947.el (100%) rename geeknote-20160717.1249.el => packages/geeknote-20160717.1249.el (100%) rename geiser-20180626.1140.tar => packages/geiser-20181117.650.tar (95%) rename ggtags-20181031.1803.el => packages/ggtags-20181031.1803.el (100%) rename gh-20180308.2138.tar => packages/gh-20180308.2138.tar (100%) rename gh-md-20151207.1740.el => packages/gh-md-20151207.1740.el (100%) rename ghc-20180121.1218.tar => packages/ghc-20180121.1218.tar (100%) rename ghub+-20181024.15.el => packages/ghub+-20181113.32.el (99%) rename ghub-20181107.1937.tar => packages/ghub-20181112.1755.tar (97%) rename gist-20171128.406.el => packages/gist-20171128.406.el (100%) rename git-commit-20181108.1523.el => packages/git-commit-20181116.1408.el (99%) rename git-gutter+-20151204.1723.el => packages/git-gutter+-20151204.1723.el (100%) rename git-gutter-20161105.1356.el => packages/git-gutter-20161105.1356.el (100%) rename git-gutter-fringe+-20140729.1103.el => packages/git-gutter-fringe+-20140729.1103.el (100%) rename git-gutter-fringe-20170113.533.el => packages/git-gutter-fringe-20170113.533.el (100%) rename git-link-20181031.259.el => packages/git-link-20181031.259.el (100%) rename git-messenger-20170102.440.el => packages/git-messenger-20170102.440.el (100%) rename git-timemachine-20180607.820.el => 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rename go-fill-struct-20171225.331.el => packages/go-fill-struct-20171225.331.el (100%) rename go-gen-test-20171023.358.el => packages/go-gen-test-20171023.358.el (100%) rename go-guru-20181012.330.el => packages/go-guru-20181012.330.el (100%) rename go-impl-20170125.1552.el => packages/go-impl-20170125.1552.el (100%) rename go-mode-20181012.329.el => packages/go-mode-20181012.329.el (100%) rename go-rename-20180627.648.el => packages/go-rename-20180627.648.el (100%) rename go-tag-20180227.411.el => packages/go-tag-20180227.411.el (100%) rename godoctor-20180710.2152.el => packages/godoctor-20180710.2152.el (100%) rename golden-ratio-20150819.1120.el => packages/golden-ratio-20150819.1120.el (100%) rename google-c-style-20180130.1736.el => packages/google-c-style-20180130.1736.el (100%) rename google-translate-20180926.1925.tar => packages/google-translate-20180926.1925.tar (100%) rename gotham-theme-20171013.1916.el => packages/gotham-theme-20171013.1916.el (100%) rename goto-chg-20180105.1833.el => packages/goto-chg-20180105.1833.el (100%) rename gradle-mode-20150313.1905.el => packages/gradle-mode-20150313.1905.el (100%) rename grandshell-theme-20180606.517.tar => packages/grandshell-theme-20180606.517.tar (100%) rename graphql-20180912.31.el => packages/graphql-20180912.31.el (100%) rename graphviz-dot-mode-20171103.827.el => packages/graphviz-dot-mode-20181118.551.el (96%) rename groovy-imports-20161003.851.el => packages/groovy-imports-20161003.851.el (100%) rename groovy-mode-20180810.607.tar => packages/groovy-mode-20181111.1057.tar (94%) rename gruber-darker-theme-20180529.712.el => packages/gruber-darker-theme-20180529.712.el (100%) rename gruvbox-theme-20181013.1144.tar => packages/gruvbox-theme-20181013.1144.tar (100%) rename ham-mode-20150811.1306.el => packages/ham-mode-20150811.1306.el (100%) rename haml-mode-20170924.453.el => packages/haml-mode-20170924.453.el (100%) rename haskell-mode-20180917.923.tar => 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=> packages/helm-ctest-20180821.1005.el (100%) rename helm-dash-20180503.918.el => packages/helm-dash-20180503.918.el (100%) rename helm-descbinds-20180429.1456.el => packages/helm-descbinds-20180429.1456.el (100%) rename helm-flx-20180103.516.el => packages/helm-flx-20180103.516.el (100%) rename helm-git-grep-20170614.1411.el => packages/helm-git-grep-20170614.1411.el (100%) rename helm-gitignore-20170211.8.el => packages/helm-gitignore-20170211.8.el (100%) rename helm-gtags-20170116.529.el => packages/helm-gtags-20170116.529.el (100%) rename helm-hoogle-20161027.534.el => packages/helm-hoogle-20161027.534.el (100%) rename helm-make-20180602.1353.el => packages/helm-make-20181107.2126.el (99%) rename helm-mode-manager-20151124.938.el => packages/helm-mode-manager-20151124.938.el (100%) rename helm-mu-20180513.921.el => packages/helm-mu-20180513.921.el (100%) rename helm-nixos-options-20151013.2309.el => packages/helm-nixos-options-20151013.2309.el (100%) rename helm-notmuch-20180730.1722.el => packages/helm-notmuch-20180730.1722.el (100%) rename helm-org-rifle-20180923.2209.el => packages/helm-org-rifle-20180923.2209.el (100%) rename helm-pass-20180607.2348.el => packages/helm-pass-20180607.2348.el (100%) rename helm-projectile-20180815.1514.el => packages/helm-projectile-20180815.1514.el (100%) rename helm-purpose-20170114.1636.el => packages/helm-purpose-20170114.1636.el (100%) rename helm-pydoc-20160918.542.tar => packages/helm-pydoc-20160918.542.tar (100%) rename helm-rtags-20170813.411.el => packages/helm-rtags-20170813.411.el (100%) rename helm-spotify-plus-20180107.1138.el => packages/helm-spotify-plus-20180107.1138.el (100%) rename helm-swoop-20180215.1154.el => packages/helm-swoop-20180215.1154.el (100%) rename helm-themes-20160918.545.el => packages/helm-themes-20160918.545.el (100%) rename helm-xref-20180528.1516.el => packages/helm-xref-20180528.1516.el (100%) rename hemisu-theme-20130508.1844.tar => 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html-to-markdown-20151105.840.el => packages/html-to-markdown-20151105.840.el (100%) rename htmlize-20180923.1829.el => packages/htmlize-20180923.1829.el (100%) rename hungry-delete-20170412.102.el => packages/hungry-delete-20170412.102.el (100%) rename hy-mode-20180702.1940.el => packages/hy-mode-20180702.1940.el (100%) rename hydra-20181030.1925.tar => packages/hydra-20181110.1740.tar (98%) rename ibuffer-projectile-20180325.325.el => packages/ibuffer-projectile-20180325.325.el (100%) rename ido-vertical-mode-20180618.2101.el => packages/ido-vertical-mode-20180618.2101.el (100%) rename idris-mode-20180922.2051.tar => packages/idris-mode-20180922.2051.tar (100%) rename iedit-20181109.715.tar => packages/iedit-20181114.950.tar (97%) rename imenu-list-20180601.1402.el => packages/imenu-list-20180601.1402.el (100%) rename impatient-mode-20181002.1231.tar => packages/impatient-mode-20181002.1231.tar (100%) rename importmagic-20180520.303.tar => packages/importmagic-20180520.303.tar (100%) rename indent-guide-20170221.1127.el => packages/indent-guide-20170221.1127.el (100%) rename inf-crystal-20180119.211.el => packages/inf-crystal-20180119.211.el (100%) rename inf-ruby-20180521.1348.el => packages/inf-ruby-20180521.1348.el (100%) rename inflections-20170913.916.el => packages/inflections-20170913.916.el (100%) rename inkpot-theme-20181026.509.el => packages/inkpot-theme-20181026.509.el (100%) rename insert-shebang-20180403.1214.el => packages/insert-shebang-20180403.1214.el (100%) rename intero-20181109.1547.el => packages/intero-20181109.1547.el (100%) rename ir-black-theme-20130303.755.el => packages/ir-black-theme-20130303.755.el (100%) rename ivy-20181026.1019.tar => packages/ivy-20181111.1757.tar (99%) rename ivy-hydra-20180614.2200.el => packages/ivy-hydra-20180614.2200.el (100%) rename ivy-pass-20170812.1955.el => packages/ivy-pass-20170812.1955.el (100%) rename ivy-purpose-20160724.1003.el => packages/ivy-purpose-20160724.1003.el (100%) rename ivy-rich-20181001.1147.el => packages/ivy-rich-20181001.1147.el (100%) rename ivy-rtags-20170523.454.el => packages/ivy-rtags-20170523.454.el (100%) rename ivy-xref-20180821.1211.el => packages/ivy-xref-20180821.1211.el (100%) rename ivy-yasnippet-20181002.1655.el => packages/ivy-yasnippet-20181002.1655.el (100%) rename jabber-20180927.2325.tar => packages/jabber-20180927.2325.tar (100%) rename japanese-holidays-20160928.618.el => packages/japanese-holidays-20160928.618.el (100%) rename jazz-theme-20170411.1411.el => packages/jazz-theme-20170411.1411.el (100%) rename jbeans-theme-20180309.1625.el => packages/jbeans-theme-20180309.1625.el (100%) rename jinja2-mode-20141128.1007.el => packages/jinja2-mode-20141128.1007.el (100%) rename js-doc-20160715.434.el => packages/js-doc-20160715.434.el (100%) rename js2-mode-20180724.801.tar => packages/js2-mode-20180724.801.tar (100%) rename js2-refactor-20180502.1042.tar => packages/js2-refactor-20180502.1042.tar (100%) rename json-mode-20180718.809.el => packages/json-mode-20180718.809.el (100%) rename json-navigator-20171220.819.el => packages/json-navigator-20171220.819.el (100%) rename json-reformat-20160212.853.el => packages/json-reformat-20160212.853.el (100%) rename json-snatcher-20150512.347.el => packages/json-snatcher-20150512.347.el (100%) rename jsonnet-mode-20180822.1619.el => packages/jsonnet-mode-20180822.1619.el (100%) rename julia-mode-20180816.2117.el => packages/julia-mode-20180816.2117.el (100%) rename julia-repl-20180923.1124.el => packages/julia-repl-20180923.1124.el (100%) rename kaolin-themes-20181103.1246.tar => packages/kaolin-themes-20181117.836.tar (93%) rename key-chord-20160227.1238.el => packages/key-chord-20160227.1238.el (100%) rename kivy-mode-20180702.2029.el => packages/kivy-mode-20180702.2029.el (100%) rename know-your-http-well-20160208.2304.tar => packages/know-your-http-well-20160208.2304.tar (100%) rename kotlin-mode-20181109.1818.el => 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migemo-20160924.1441.el => packages/migemo-20160924.1441.el (100%) rename minimal-theme-20160608.1022.tar => packages/minimal-theme-20160608.1022.tar (100%) rename minitest-20160628.1820.tar => packages/minitest-20160628.1820.tar (100%) rename mmm-jinja2-20170313.1420.el => packages/mmm-jinja2-20170313.1420.el (100%) rename mmm-mode-0.5.7.tar => packages/mmm-mode-0.5.7.tar (100%) rename mmt-20180101.619.el => packages/mmt-20180101.619.el (100%) rename moe-theme-20180617.200.tar => packages/moe-theme-20180617.200.tar (100%) rename molokai-theme-20151016.1545.el => packages/molokai-theme-20151016.1545.el (100%) rename monochrome-theme-20140326.1050.tar => packages/monochrome-theme-20140326.1050.tar (100%) rename monokai-theme-20180730.1329.el => packages/monokai-theme-20180730.1329.el (100%) rename move-text-20170909.330.el => packages/move-text-20170909.330.el (100%) rename mu4e-alert-20180305.646.el => packages/mu4e-alert-20180305.646.el (100%) rename mu4e-maildirs-extension-20180606.812.el => packages/mu4e-maildirs-extension-20180606.812.el (100%) rename multi-20131013.1544.el => packages/multi-20131013.1544.el (100%) rename multi-term-20160619.933.el => packages/multi-term-20160619.933.el (100%) rename multiple-cursors-20180913.1237.tar => packages/multiple-cursors-20180913.1237.tar (100%) rename mustang-theme-20170719.946.el => packages/mustang-theme-20170719.946.el (100%) rename mvn-20181002.1617.el => packages/mvn-20181002.1617.el (100%) rename mwim-20180227.1652.el => packages/mwim-20181110.1900.el (97%) rename nameless-20180215.2221.el => packages/nameless-20180215.2221.el (100%) rename names-20180321.1155.tar => packages/names-20180321.1155.tar (100%) rename naquadah-theme-20180212.1240.el => packages/naquadah-theme-20180212.1240.el (100%) rename nasm-mode-20180711.1909.el => packages/nasm-mode-20180711.1909.el (100%) rename neotree-20181109.0.tar => packages/neotree-20181113.2125.tar (96%) rename nginx-mode-20170612.437.el => packages/nginx-mode-20170612.437.el (100%) rename nim-mode-20181028.1713.tar => packages/nim-mode-20181028.1713.tar (100%) rename nix-mode-20181030.346.tar => packages/nix-mode-20181030.346.tar (100%) rename nixos-options-20160209.1841.el => packages/nixos-options-20160209.1841.el (100%) rename noctilux-theme-20161113.1442.el => packages/noctilux-theme-20161113.1442.el (100%) rename noflet-20141102.1454.el => packages/noflet-20141102.1454.el (100%) rename nose-20140520.1648.el => packages/nose-20140520.1648.el (100%) rename notmuch-20181021.1330.tar => packages/notmuch-20181021.1330.tar (100%) rename nov-20181023.855.el => packages/nov-20181118.750.el (99%) rename nyan-mode-20170423.740.tar => packages/nyan-mode-20170423.740.tar (100%) rename oauth2-0.11.el => packages/oauth2-0.11.el (100%) rename ob-cfengine3-20180102.1812.el => packages/ob-cfengine3-20180102.1812.el (100%) rename ob-coffeescript-20180126.719.el => packages/ob-coffeescript-20180126.719.el (100%) rename ob-crystal-20180126.718.tar => packages/ob-crystal-20180126.718.tar (100%) rename ob-elixir-20170725.1419.el => packages/ob-elixir-20170725.1419.el (100%) rename ob-http-20180707.1448.tar => packages/ob-http-20180707.1448.tar (100%) rename ob-hy-20180702.540.tar => packages/ob-hy-20180702.540.tar (100%) rename ob-ipython-20180224.953.tar => packages/ob-ipython-20180224.953.tar (100%) rename ob-restclient-20180904.709.el => packages/ob-restclient-20180904.709.el (100%) rename ob-sml-20130829.1843.el => packages/ob-sml-20130829.1843.el (100%) rename obsidian-theme-20170719.948.el => packages/obsidian-theme-20170719.948.el (100%) rename occidental-theme-20130312.1958.el => packages/occidental-theme-20130312.1958.el (100%) rename ocp-indent-20180417.1549.el => packages/ocp-indent-20180417.1549.el (100%) rename oldlace-theme-20150705.1300.el => packages/oldlace-theme-20150705.1300.el (100%) rename omnisharp-20181023.505.tar => packages/omnisharp-20181023.505.tar (100%) rename omtose-phellack-theme-20161111.2120.tar => packages/omtose-phellack-theme-20161111.2120.tar (100%) rename open-junk-file-20161210.1114.el => packages/open-junk-file-20161210.1114.el (100%) rename opencl-mode-20170816.1249.el => packages/opencl-mode-20170816.1249.el (100%) rename org-20181105.tar => packages/org-20181112.tar (99%) rename org-brain-20180712.2110.el => packages/org-brain-20181114.2246.el (96%) rename org-bullets-20180208.2343.el => packages/org-bullets-20180208.2343.el (100%) rename org-category-capture-20180601.242.el => packages/org-category-capture-20180601.242.el (100%) rename org-download-20180925.1528.el => packages/org-download-20180925.1528.el (100%) rename org-journal-20181025.615.el => packages/org-journal-20181115.714.el (99%) rename org-mime-20181023.2314.el => packages/org-mime-20181023.2314.el (100%) rename org-plus-contrib-20181105.tar => packages/org-plus-contrib-20181112.tar (99%) rename org-pomodoro-20171108.2114.tar => packages/org-pomodoro-20171108.2114.tar (100%) rename org-present-20180303.2330.el => packages/org-present-20180303.2330.el (100%) rename org-projectile-20180601.242.el => packages/org-projectile-20180601.242.el (100%) rename org-ref-20181105.125.tar => packages/org-ref-20181115.51.tar (98%) rename org-trello-20180331.631.tar => packages/org-trello-20180331.631.tar (100%) rename organic-green-theme-20180522.1620.el => packages/organic-green-theme-20180522.1620.el (100%) rename orgit-20180318.2001.el => packages/orgit-20180318.2001.el (100%) rename origami-20180101.1553.tar => packages/origami-20180101.1553.tar (100%) rename osx-dictionary-20171026.734.tar => packages/osx-dictionary-20171026.734.tar (100%) rename osx-location-20150613.917.tar => packages/osx-location-20150613.917.tar (100%) rename osx-trash-20160520.1300.tar => packages/osx-trash-20160520.1300.tar (100%) rename overseer-20180226.619.el => packages/overseer-20180226.619.el (100%) rename ox-gfm-20170628.2102.el => 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paredit-20171127.205.el => packages/paredit-20171127.205.el (100%) rename parent-mode-20150824.2300.el => packages/parent-mode-20150824.2300.el (100%) rename parinfer-20180904.844.tar => packages/parinfer-20180904.844.tar (100%) rename parsebib-20181031.1021.el => packages/parsebib-20181031.1021.el (100%) rename password-generator-20150222.2040.el => packages/password-generator-20150222.2040.el (100%) rename password-store-20181031.1440.el => packages/password-store-20181031.1440.el (100%) rename pcache-20170105.2214.el => packages/pcache-20170105.2214.el (100%) rename pcre2el-20161120.2103.el => packages/pcre2el-20161120.2103.el (100%) rename pdf-tools-20181027.1623.tar => packages/pdf-tools-20181117.1939.tar (99%) rename peg-20150708.641.el => packages/peg-20150708.641.el (100%) rename perl6-mode-20180619.1159.tar => packages/perl6-mode-20180619.1159.tar (100%) rename persistent-soft-20150223.1853.el => packages/persistent-soft-20150223.1853.el (100%) rename persp-mode-20180930.1720.el => packages/persp-mode-20180930.1720.el (100%) rename pfuture-20180922.1315.el => packages/pfuture-20180922.1315.el (100%) rename phoenix-dark-mono-theme-20170729.1406.el => packages/phoenix-dark-mono-theme-20170729.1406.el (100%) rename phoenix-dark-pink-theme-20170729.1403.el => packages/phoenix-dark-pink-theme-20170729.1403.el (100%) rename php-auto-yasnippets-20170331.114.tar => packages/php-auto-yasnippets-20170331.114.tar (100%) rename php-mode-20180829.520.tar => packages/php-mode-20180829.520.tar (100%) rename phpcbf-20180519.838.el => packages/phpcbf-20180519.838.el (100%) rename phpunit-20180829.1438.tar => packages/phpunit-20180829.1438.tar (100%) rename pinyinlib-20170827.2142.el => packages/pinyinlib-20170827.2142.el (100%) rename pip-requirements-20181027.1629.el => packages/pip-requirements-20181027.1629.el (100%) rename pipenv-20180719.547.el => packages/pipenv-20180719.547.el (100%) rename pippel-20180710.856.tar => 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=> packages/purescript-mode-20181028.838.tar (100%) rename purple-haze-theme-20141015.229.el => packages/purple-haze-theme-20141015.229.el (100%) rename py-isort-20160925.1018.el => packages/py-isort-20160925.1018.el (100%) rename pyenv-mode-20170801.2348.el => packages/pyenv-mode-20170801.2348.el (100%) rename pyim-20181109.1350.tar => packages/pyim-20181109.1350.tar (100%) rename pyim-basedict-20170727.259.tar => packages/pyim-basedict-20170727.259.tar (100%) rename pytest-20181005.1524.el => packages/pytest-20181005.1524.el (100%) rename python-0.26.1.el => packages/python-0.26.1.el (100%) rename pythonic-20180920.2315.el => packages/pythonic-20180920.2315.el (100%) rename pyvenv-20180831.847.el => packages/pyvenv-20180831.847.el (100%) rename qml-mode-20161016.31.el => packages/qml-mode-20161016.31.el (100%) rename queue-0.2.el => packages/queue-0.2.el (100%) rename racer-20181023.2304.el => packages/racer-20181023.2304.el (100%) rename racket-mode-20181030.1345.tar => 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(100%) rename rebox2-20121113.1300.el => packages/rebox2-20121113.1300.el (100%) rename request-20170201.147.el => packages/request-20170201.147.el (100%) rename request-deferred-20160419.2305.el => packages/request-deferred-20160419.2305.el (100%) rename restart-emacs-20180601.1031.el => packages/restart-emacs-20180601.1031.el (100%) rename restclient-20180316.1551.el => packages/restclient-20180316.1551.el (100%) rename restclient-helm-20170314.1554.el => packages/restclient-helm-20170314.1554.el (100%) rename reveal-in-osx-finder-20150802.1657.el => packages/reveal-in-osx-finder-20150802.1657.el (100%) rename reverse-theme-20141205.145.el => packages/reverse-theme-20141205.145.el (100%) rename rjsx-mode-20180913.2224.el => packages/rjsx-mode-20180913.2224.el (100%) rename robe-20171116.2049.tar => packages/robe-20171116.2049.tar (100%) rename rspec-mode-20180614.1148.tar => packages/rspec-mode-20180614.1148.tar (100%) rename rtags-20180925.641.el => packages/rtags-20181117.2108.el (99%) rename rubocop-20170312.611.el => packages/rubocop-20170312.611.el (100%) rename ruby-hash-syntax-20180324.209.el => packages/ruby-hash-syntax-20180324.209.el (100%) rename ruby-refactor-20160214.1650.el => packages/ruby-refactor-20160214.1650.el (100%) rename ruby-test-mode-20171016.1631.el => packages/ruby-test-mode-20171016.1631.el (100%) rename ruby-tools-20151209.1615.tar => packages/ruby-tools-20151209.1615.tar (100%) rename rust-mode-20181008.1628.el => packages/rust-mode-20181008.1628.el (100%) rename rvm-20150402.1442.el => packages/rvm-20150402.1442.el (100%) rename s-20180406.808.el => packages/s-20180406.808.el (100%) rename salt-mode-20181015.1025.el => packages/salt-mode-20181015.1025.el (100%) rename sass-mode-20161007.626.el => packages/sass-mode-20161007.626.el (100%) rename sayid-20181024.1838.el => packages/sayid-20181024.1838.el (100%) rename sbt-mode-20180511.1622.tar => packages/sbt-mode-20180511.1622.tar (100%) rename scad-mode-20180109.209.el => 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packages/soft-morning-theme-20150918.2041.el (100%) rename soft-stone-theme-20140614.835.el => packages/soft-stone-theme-20140614.835.el (100%) rename solarized-theme-20181030.1912.tar => packages/solarized-theme-20181030.1912.tar (100%) rename soothe-theme-20141027.1441.el => packages/soothe-theme-20141027.1441.el (100%) rename spacegray-theme-20150719.1931.el => packages/spacegray-theme-20150719.1931.el (100%) rename spaceline-20180628.746.tar => packages/spaceline-20180628.746.tar (100%) rename spaceline-all-the-icons-20170829.820.tar => packages/spaceline-all-the-icons-20170829.820.tar (100%) rename sparql-mode-20180320.1802.tar => packages/sparql-mode-20180320.1802.tar (100%) rename spinner-1.7.3.el => packages/spinner-1.7.3.el (100%) rename spotify-20181030.810.el => packages/spotify-20181030.810.el (100%) rename spray-20160304.2220.el => packages/spray-20160304.2220.el (100%) rename sql-indent-1.3.tar => packages/sql-indent-1.3.tar (100%) rename sqlup-mode-20170610.1537.el => 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[(20170419 1736) nil "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" single ((:commit . "565a983a39d2e2cffab5df13b34f3b6116723208") (:keywords "extensions" "diminish" "minor" "codeprose") (:authors ("Will Mengarini" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Yrjölä" . "") (:url . ""))]) (bind-key . [(20180513 430) nil "A simple way to manage personal keybindings" single ((:commit . "23c5c431f2d238f2c0fb2509687bb94d6c375889") (:keywords "keys" "keybinding" "config" "dotemacs") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (use-package . [(20180715 1801) ((emacs (24 3)) (bind-key (2 4))) "A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs" tar ((:commit . "23c5c431f2d238f2c0fb2509687bb94d6c375889") (:keywords "dotemacs" "startup" "speed" "config" "package") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (which-key . [(20181108 1521) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display available keybindings in popup" single ((:commit . "ace569b65f13526781200b479d506274637f1921") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dotenv-mode . [(20180207 1914) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for .env files" single ((:commit . "f4c52bcd5313379b9f2460db7f7a33119dfa96ea") (:authors ("Preetpal S. Sohal")) (:maintainer "Preetpal S. Sohal") (:url . ""))]) (packed . [(20180318 1729) ((emacs (24 3))) "package manager agnostic Emacs Lisp package utilities" single ((:commit . "c41c3dfda86ae33832ffc146923e2a4675cbacfa") (:keywords "compile" "convenience" "lisp" "package" "library") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auto-compile . [(20180321 1507) ((emacs (24 3)) (packed (2 0 0))) "automatically compile Emacs Lisp libraries" single ((:commit . "6ce4255ab9a0b010ef8414c5bd9a6d6d9eea012f") (:keywords "compile" "convenience" "lisp") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (elisp-slime-nav . [(20160128 1909) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "Make M-. and M-, work in elisp like they do in slime" single ((:commit . "34938422929800839e2f935aca890cd4a229ca99") (:keywords "navigation" "slime" "elisp" "emacs-lisp") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-cleverparens . [(20170718 413) ((evil (1 0)) (paredit (1)) (smartparens (1 6 1)) (emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Evil friendly minor-mode for editing lisp." tar ((:commit . "8c45879d49bfa6d4e414b6c1df700a4a51cbb869") (:keywords "cleverparens" "parentheses" "evil" "paredit" "smartparens") (:authors ("Olli Piepponen" . "")) (:maintainer "Olli Piepponen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ggtags . [(20181031 1803) ((emacs (25))) "emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system" single ((:commit . "669676461c74ffd30b81dce60cf4f081270f2858") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Leo Liu" . "")) (:maintainer "Leo Liu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel-gtags . [(20170326 1259) ((emacs (24 3)) (counsel (0 8 0))) "ivy for GNU global" single ((:commit . "220ebb48419ee6891ecbf9ea8fe130b494b17ee2") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-gtags . [(20170116 529) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 0))) "GNU GLOBAL helm interface" single ((:commit . "108e93d0d099ebb7b98847388f368311cf177033") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nameless . [(20180215 2221) ((emacs (24 4))) "Hide package namespace in your emacs-lisp code" single ((:commit . "3cd4ade5433c8e2041dfff9d9624d9e676d9c5ee") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (overseer . [(20180226 619) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 10 0)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (f (0 18 1))) "Ert-runner Integration Into Emacs" single ((:commit . "02d49f582e80e36b4334c9187801c5ecfb027789") (:authors ("Samuel Tonini" . "")) (:maintainer "Samuel Tonini" . "") (:url . ""))]) (parinfer . [(20180904 844) ((dash (2 13 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Simpler Lisp editing" tar ((:commit . "a7c041454e05ec2b88333a73e72debaa671ed596") (:keywords "parinfer") (:authors ("Shi Tianshu")) (:maintainer "Shi Tianshu") (:url . ""))]) (srefactor . [(20180703 1810) ((emacs (24 4))) "A refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework" tar ((:commit . "6f2c97d17fb70f4ca2112f5a2b99a8ec162004f5") (:keywords "c" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Tu, Do Hoang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tu, Do Hoang") (:url . ""))]) (twittering-mode . [(20180917 328) nil "Major mode for Twitter" single ((:commit . "ad7de82cf4b72fc166970d85849e2a9a9ae5a979") (:keywords "twitter" "web") (:authors ("Tadashi MATSUO" . "") ("Y. Hayamizu" . "") ("Tsuyoshi CHO" . "") ("Alberto Garcia" . "") ("Xavier Maillard" . "")) (:maintainer "Tadashi MATSUO" . "") (:url . ""))]) (engine-mode . [(20180401 1646) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Define and query search engines from within Emacs." single ((:commit . "fd5a235b2c93b95143d676e6b654e388d7cdd956") (:authors ("Harry R. Schwartz" . "")) (:maintainer "Harry R. Schwartz" . "") (:url . ""))]) (geeknote . [(20160717 1249) ((emacs (24))) "Use Evernote in Emacs through geeknote" single ((:commit . "8ed607c76864afcc9c338972ab093caf4501cbf8") (:keywords "evernote" "geeknote" "note" "emacs-evernote" "evernote-mode") (:authors ("Evan Dale Aromin")) (:maintainer "Evan Dale Aromin") (:url . ""))]) (xml-rpc . [(20181002 1353) nil "An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC" single ((:commit . "8f624f8b964e9145acb504e4457c9510e87dd93c") (:keywords "xml" "rpc" "network") (:authors ("Mark A. Hershberger" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark A. Hershberger" . "") (:url . ""))]) (confluence . [(20151021 128) ((xml-rpc (1 6 4))) "Emacs mode for interacting with confluence wikis" tar ((:commit . "4518d270a07760644c4204985c83d234ece4738b") (:keywords "confluence" "wiki" "xmlrpc") (:authors ("James Ahlborn")) (:maintainer "James Ahlborn") (:url . ""))]) (wakatime-mode . [(20180920 702) nil "Automatic time tracking extension for WakaTime" single ((:commit . "2531cb58287770883ba534d20b3288955c4d6ef3") (:keywords "calendar" "comm") (:authors ("Gabor Torok" . "")) (:maintainer "Alan Hamlett" . ""))]) (feature-mode . [(20170907 1448) nil "Major mode for editing Gherkin (i.e. Cucumber) user stories" tar ((:commit . "722b352c4f0b800a9356dd369c79612782b3b847"))]) (projectile-rails . [(20181009 1317) ((emacs (24 3)) (projectile (0 12 0)) (inflections (1 1)) (inf-ruby (2 2 6)) (f (0 13 0)) (rake (0 3 2))) "Minor mode for Rails projects based on projectile-mode" single ((:commit . "af0f826f2e1b1aad4e31e089e5fc7b5937e82359") (:keywords "rails" "projectile") (:authors ("Adam Sokolnicki" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Sokolnicki" . "") (:url . ""))]) (alchemist . [(20180312 1304) ((elixir-mode (2 2 5)) (dash (2 11 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 0)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (s (1 11 0))) "Elixir tooling integration into Emacs" tar ((:commit . "6f99367511ae209f8fe2c990779764bbb4ccb6ed") (:keywords "languages" "elixir" "elixirc" "mix" "hex" "alchemist") (:authors ("Samuel Tonini" . "")) (:maintainer "Samuel Tonini" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ember-mode . [(20181001 936) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Ember navigation mode for emacs" single ((:commit . "88e5ffd33d8664b4d5124d6aa2ea9ed8d50c8c9e") (:keywords "ember" "ember.js" "emberjs") (:authors ("Aad Versteden" . "")) (:maintainer "Aad Versteden" . ""))]) (ember-yasnippets . [(20160526 1658) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Snippets for Ember.js development" tar ((:commit . "3b5bd01569646237bf1b540d097e12f9118b67f4") (:keywords "tools" "abbrev" "languages") (:authors ("Ron White" . "")) (:maintainer "Ron White" . ""))]) (pony-mode . [(20170807 1522) nil "Minor mode for working with Django Projects" tar ((:commit . "760684d30b6c234d1b88c9a4673a808f36f7f341"))]) (add-node-modules-path . [(20180710 2342) nil "Add node_modules to your exec-path" single ((:commit . "f31e69ccb681f882aebb806ce6e9478e3ac39708") (:keywords "javascript" "node" "node_modules" "eslint") (:authors ("Neri Marschik" . "")) (:maintainer "Neri Marschik" . "") (:url . ""))]) (emmet-mode . [(20180613 341) nil "Unofficial Emmet's support for emacs" single ((:commit . "1acb821e0142136344ccf40c1e5fb664d7db2e70") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Shin Aoyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Shin Aoyama" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-matchit . [(20181009 2359) ((evil (1 0 7))) "Vim matchit ported to Evil" tar ((:commit . "e15ad8406b8c41a73131f2ab3874d4fb5ab4ea99") (:keywords "matchit" "vim" "evil") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (js-doc . [(20160715 434) nil "Insert JsDoc style comment easily" single ((:commit . "f0606e89d5aa89146f96edb38cf69af0068a9d1e") (:keywords "document" "comment") (:authors ("mooz" . "")) (:maintainer "mooz" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-javascript-typescript . [(20180614 2011) ((lsp-mode (3 0)) (typescript-mode (0 1)) (emacs (25 1))) "Javascript/Typescript support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "ab62826962887e82f0bc968817be4fc89a6953e4") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("George Pittarelli" . "")) (:maintainer "George Pittarelli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (prettier-js . [(20180109 726) nil "Minor mode to format JS code on file save" single ((:commit . "fac9dd29720f8417bd8cd5dd8ab5138c6dd7d701") (:keywords "convenience" "wp" "edit" "js") (:authors ("James Long and contributors")) (:maintainer "James Long and contributors") (:url . ""))]) (rjsx-mode . [(20180913 2224) ((emacs (24 4)) (js2-mode (20170504))) "Real support for JSX" single ((:commit . "89358fd230878a19e3232a3e4ce21b7fb608faae") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Felipe Ochoa" . "")) (:maintainer "Felipe Ochoa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (web-beautify . [(20161115 2247) nil "Format HTML, CSS and JavaScript/JSON" single ((:commit . "e1b45321d8c11b404b12c8e55afe55eaa7c84ee9") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-ocaml . [(20170730 2153) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (merlin (3 0 1)) (let-alist (1 0 3))) "Flycheck: OCaml support" single ((:commit . "8707a7bf545a8639a6a5c600a98d9a2ea1487dc9") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "languages") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (merlin . [(20180816 815) nil "Mode for Merlin, an assistant for OCaml." tar ((:commit . "8e4bce72e348c3d39b9c854e0022e4c08fd85b5b") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:authors ("Frédéric Bour ")) (:maintainer "Frédéric Bour ") (:url . ""))]) (ocp-indent . [(20180417 1549) nil "automatic indentation with ocp-indent" single ((:commit . "4830ebf5d1c1b8f47bc152ff13d2c6aa1aad705b") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:url . ""))]) (caml . [(20181011 1328) nil "OCaml code editing commands for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "cbefaee438c9769d90db8518030c93355e7caaef") (:keywords "ocaml") (:authors ("Jacques Garrigue" . "") ("Ian T Zimmerman" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Doligez" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tuareg . [(20180918 1913) ((caml (3 12 0 1))) "OCaml mode for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "c030be472c2aea4d4b770705f9099fb00e952618") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:authors ("Albert Cohen" . "") ("Sam Steingold" . "") ("Christophe Troestler" . "") ("Till Varoquaux" . "") ("Sean McLaughlin" . "") ("Stefan Monnier" . "")) (:maintainer "Albert Cohen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (utop . [(20181010 2155) ((emacs (24))) "Universal toplevel for OCaml" single ((:commit . "ea38850e606dd18c94e2ccabc28485fec1c8f91f") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:authors ("Jeremie Dimino" . "")) (:maintainer "Jeremie Dimino" . "") (:url . ""))]) (geiser . [(20180626 1140) nil "GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other" tar ((:commit . "1bdd966a4fbe0c8bd5bcb04dad5213e47a1534e6") (:url . ""))]) (plantuml-mode . [(20180816 1012) ((emacs (25 0))) "Major mode for PlantUML" single ((:commit . "b358a53bb0ab195f0193169d0d6869a3ef2c543e") (:keywords "uml" "plantuml" "ascii") (:authors ("Zhang Weize (zwz)")) (:maintainer "Carlo Sciolla (skuro)"))]) (powershell . [(20181011 1951) ((emacs (24))) "Mode for editing PowerShell scripts" single ((:commit . "c9a20e5a8b02dc5d7ccd2b1974eba28a9348ad5e") (:keywords "powershell" "languages") (:authors ("Frédéric Perrin ")) (:maintainer "Frédéric Perrin ") (:url . ""))]) (vimrc-mode . [(20170815 137) nil "Major mode for vimrc files" single ((:commit . "ba8140fba6e03a35b123acbd62fc8c6f0a03bf4a") (:keywords "languages" "vim") (:url . ""))]) (dactyl-mode . [(20140906 1725) nil "Major mode for editing Pentadactyl config files" single ((:commit . "cc55fe6b987271d9647492b8df4c812d884f661f") (:keywords "languages" "vim") (:url . ""))]) (company-plsense . [(20180118 58) ((company (0 9 3)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 12)) (emacs (24))) "Company backend for Perl" single ((:commit . "b48e3181e08ec597269621d621aa06636f02d883") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (test-simple . [(20170527 1532) ((cl-lib (0))) "Simple Unit Test Framework for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "b3b69f52207d3a8111421ad7ab9ed82abbe85316") (:keywords "unit-test") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein" . "")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))]) (loc-changes . [(20160801 1708) nil "keep track of positions even after buffer changes" single ((:commit . "4d1dcdf7631c23b1259ad4f72bf9686cf95fb46c") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein" . "")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))]) (load-relative . [(20170526 1010) nil "relative file load (within a multi-file Emacs package)" tar ((:commit . "738896e3da491b35399178ed2c6bc92cc728d119") (:keywords "internal") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein" . "")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))]) (realgud . [(20180925 10) ((load-relative (1 2)) (loc-changes (1 2)) (test-simple (1 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "A modular front-end for interacting with external debuggers" tar ((:commit . "36782d69c806079eb067705ef67fcb3b9299ae01") (:keywords "gdb" "python" "perl" "go" "bash" "nodejs" "zsh" "bashdb" "zshdb" "remake" "make" "trepan" "perldb" "pdb") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein" . "")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-glsl . [(20171015 1749) ((company (0 9 4)) (glsl-mode (2 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Support glsl in company-mode" single ((:commit . "a262c12c3bcd0807718c4edcaf2b054e30ef0e26") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt" . "")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cuda-mode . [(20151214 321) nil "NVIDIA CUDA Major Mode" single ((:commit . "9ae9eacfdba3559b5456342d0d03296290df8ff5") (:keywords "c" "languages") (:authors ("Jack Morrison" . "")) (:maintainer "Jack Morrison" . ""))]) (glsl-mode . [(20170927 1436) nil "major mode for Open GLSL shader files" single ((:commit . "384968506cf25c5c2df61b32fdfdbd041e3bf651") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (opencl-mode . [(20170816 1249) nil "Syntax coloring for opencl kernels" single ((:commit . "6e69434d0fa6e11a542acad370611bba18d3bc5c") (:keywords "c" "opencl") (:authors ("Salmane Bah" . "")) (:maintainer "Salmane Bah" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nasm-mode . [(20180711 1909) ((emacs (24 3))) "NASM x86 assembly major mode" single ((:commit . "1d4871ef184fc5da792bccbae1ea189f876706fc") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (x86-lookup . [(20180528 1635) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "jump to x86 instruction documentation" single ((:commit . "609b2ba70dc5a246ac9b4b5f89eb5ef4331519bf") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-go . [(20180427 1856) ((company (0 8 0)) (go-mode (1 0 0))) "company-mode backend for Go (using gocode)" single ((:commit . "68f5472551baee41050cc975fa6e7cb7ad829024") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("nsf" . "")) (:maintainer "nsf" . ""))]) (flycheck-gometalinter . [(20180424 941) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "flycheck checker for gometalinter" single ((:commit . "422f6e4b77b27fd7370f0c88437ac5072c9d3413") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "go") (:authors ("Diep Pham" . "")) (:maintainer "Diep Pham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-golangci-lint . [(20180711 817) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Flycheck checker for golangci-lint" single ((:commit . "b4b51aa6fe5335c0f46f2f83c7dc32e4141ff9f1") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "go") (:authors ("Wei Jian Gan" . "")) (:maintainer "Wei Jian Gan" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-eldoc . [(20170305 1427) ((emacs (24 3)) (go-mode (1 0 0))) "eldoc for go-mode" single ((:commit . "cbbd2ea1e94a36004432a9ac61414cb5a95a39bd") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-fill-struct . [(20171225 331) ((emacs (24))) "Fill struct for golang." single ((:commit . "a613d0b378473eef39e8fd5724abe790aea84321") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-gen-test . [(20171023 358) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 12))) "Generate tests for go code with gotests" single ((:commit . "44c202ac97e728e93a35cee028a0ea8dd6e4292c") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-guru . [(20181012 330) ((go-mode (1 3 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Integration of the Go 'guru' analysis tool into Emacs." single ((:commit . "120fb911f1d8038f828da85eed8aaad977dabd8c") (:keywords "tools"))]) (go-impl . [(20170125 1552) ((emacs (24 3)) (go-mode (1 3 0))) "impl integration for go-mode" single ((:commit . "69f0d0ef05771487e15abec500cd06befd171abf") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-rename . [(20180627 648) ((go-mode (1 3 1))) "Integration of the 'gorename' tool into Emacs." single ((:commit . "120fb911f1d8038f828da85eed8aaad977dabd8c") (:keywords "tools"))]) (go-mode . [(20181012 329) nil "Major mode for the Go programming language" single ((:commit . "120fb911f1d8038f828da85eed8aaad977dabd8c") (:keywords "languages" "go") (:authors ("The go-mode Authors")) (:maintainer "The go-mode Authors") (:url . ""))]) (go-tag . [(20180227 411) ((emacs (24 0)) (go-mode (1 5 0))) "Edit Golang struct field tag" single ((:commit . "59b243f2fa079d9de9d56f6e2d94397e9560310a") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (godoctor . [(20180710 2152) nil "Frontend for godoctor" single ((:commit . "4b45ff3d0572f0e84056e4c3ba91fcc178199859") (:keywords "go" "golang" "refactoring") (:authors ("Sangho Na" . "")) (:maintainer "Sangho Na" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-go . [(20180914 515) ((lsp-mode (3 0))) "Go support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "2327556e78682770a7a434610b08115f20ea5b1a") (:keywords "go" "golang") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "") (:url . ""))]) (faceup . [(20170925 1946) nil "Markup language for faces and font-lock regression testing" single ((:commit . "6c92dad56a133e14e7b27831e1bcf9b3a71ff154") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))]) (racket-mode . [(20181030 1345) ((emacs (24 3)) (faceup (0 0 2)) (s (1 9 0))) "Major mode for Racket language." tar ((:commit . "f6bbd970f4a9aa2402b3531e6916fb2557b9c15c") (:authors ("Greg Hendershott")) (:maintainer "Greg Hendershott") (:url . ""))]) (arduino-mode . [(20180509 36) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (spinner (1 7 3))) "Major mode for editing Arduino code." tar ((:commit . "e39cb1c02acb6676aea35f93fbd0d86badce6a38") (:keywords "languages" "arduino") (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (kivy-mode . [(20180702 2029) nil "Emacs major mode for editing Kivy files" single ((:commit . "533bf08fa86e2b2783417a3c3a76404636261163") (:authors ("Dean Serenevy" . "")) (:maintainer "Dean Serenevy" . ""))]) (matlab-mode . [(20180928 1526) nil "Major mode for MATLAB(R) dot-m files" tar ((:commit . "3fbca4259b2584bde08df07ba51944d7e3e2b4f4") (:url . "") (:keywords "matlab" "programming" "language" "(X)emacs"))]) (pkgbuild-mode . [(20180925 1231) ((emacs (25 1))) "Interface to the ArchLinux package manager" single ((:commit . "1c63a9686c3f2af87fd82db65b68d56f2bebbfcc") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Juergen Hoetzel" . "")) (:maintainer "Juergen Hoetzel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (qml-mode . [(20161016 31) nil "Major mode for editing QT Declarative (QML) code." single ((:commit . "6c5f33ba88ae010bf201a80ee8095e20a724558c") (:keywords "qml" "qt" "qt declarative") (:authors ("Yen-Chin Lee" . "")) (:maintainer "Yen-Chin Lee" . "") (:url . ""))]) (scad-mode . [(20180109 209) nil "A major mode for editing OpenSCAD code" single ((:commit . "cb7880a8a9f4620bbab976e0097ebb507159f670") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Len Trigg, Łukasz Stelmach")) (:maintainer "Len Trigg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (stan-mode . [(20180110 2241) nil "Major mode for editing Stan files" tar ((:commit . "a8e88473ef996b455523dc3fbcf2d8520659652f") (:keywords "languanges") (:authors ("Jeffrey Arnold" . "") ("Daniel Lee" . "")) (:maintainer "Jeffrey Arnold" . "") (:url . ""))]) (thrift . [(20180905 1050) ((emacs (24))) "major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files" single ((:commit . "07630c9369d22b1ee2a2af351a88a1042a021257") (:keywords "languages"))]) (vala-mode . [(20150324 2225) nil "Vala mode derived mode" single ((:commit . "fb2871a4492d75d03d72e60474919ab89adb267b") (:keywords "vala" "languages" "oop") (:authors ("2005 Dylan R. E. Moonfire") (" 2008 Étienne BERSAC")) (:maintainer "Étienne BERSAC" . ""))]) (vala-snippets . [(20150429 352) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Vala" tar ((:commit . "671439501060449bd100b9fffd524a86064fbfbb") (:authors ("Daniel Gopar")) (:maintainer "Daniel Gopar") (:url . ""))]) (wolfram-mode . [(20180307 13) ((emacs (24 3))) "Mathematica editing and inferior mode." single ((:commit . "be680190cac6ccf579dbce107deaae495928d1b3") (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Daichi Mochihashi ")) (:maintainer "Daichi Mochihashi ") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-nim . [(20160715 428) ((dash (2 4 0)) (flycheck (0 20))) "Defines a flycheck syntax checker for nim" single ((:commit . "6d27349b66e44578851e6148299709d64d2bde41") (:authors ("Adam Schwalm" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Schwalm" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-nimsuggest . [(20171027 2208) ((flycheck (0 23)) (emacs (24 3))) "flycheck backend for Nim using nimsuggest" single ((:commit . "dc9a5de1cb3ee05db5794d824610959a1f603bc9") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:url . ""))]) (commenter . 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"a42ecaf440adc03e279afe43ee5ef6093ddd542a") (:keywords "hy" "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pyenv-mode . [(20170801 2348) ((pythonic (0 1 0))) "Integrate pyenv with python-mode" single ((:commit . "eabb1c66f9e0c0500fef4d089508aad246d81dc0") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pyvenv . [(20180831 847) nil "Python virtual environment interface" single ((:commit . "921ae2356b6a111ac0b7e44fd04cba8e95cbe936") (:keywords "python" "virtualenv" "tools") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "")) (:maintainer "Jorgen Schaefer" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cython-mode . [(20180213 1654) nil "Major mode for editing Cython files" single ((:commit . "4fa791c8009f778a0dff4b0578f03e1dbee8ba7a"))]) (helm-cscope . [(20170326 722) ((xcscope (1 0)) (helm (1 6 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Helm interface for xcscope.el." single ((:commit . 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""))]) (cider-eval-sexp-fu . [(20160907 800) ((emacs (24)) (highlight (0)) (eval-sexp-fu (0 4 0))) "Briefly highlights an evaluated sexp." single ((:commit . "5687e7b33e17f2be40b036dac82da4a5bc6705fb") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . ""))]) (inflections . [(20170913 916) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "convert english words between singular and plural" single ((:commit . "e4f1372cf22e811faca52fc86bdd5d817498a4d8") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "wp") (:authors ("Dmitry Galinsky, Howard Yeh")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Galinsky, Howard Yeh") (:url . ""))]) (edn . [(20160215 1219) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (24 1)) (peg (0 6))) "Support for reading and writing the edn data format from elisp" single ((:commit . "be9e32d1b49e35247b263b0243df7cfdc8d413ab") (:keywords "edn" "clojure") (:authors ("Lars Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Lars Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (paredit . 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"2a1a9a4ccfd88127e13f2655ac130c82fe84f2f7") (:keywords "process") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))]) (queue . [(0 2) nil "Queue data structure" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "extensions" "data structures" "queue"))]) (clojure-mode . [(20181024 2224) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for Clojure code" single ((:commit . "71b32ee95e8ec99098e212cd0ec74cb4c002e8c6") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "clojurescript" "lisp") (:url . ""))]) (sayid . [(20181024 1838) ((cider (0 14 0))) "sayid nREPL middleware client" single ((:commit . "078378240277160b00d332065d8325e713c0b526") (:authors ("Bill Piel" . "")) (:maintainer "Bill Piel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (elixir-mode . [(20180711 1245) ((emacs (24)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Major mode for editing Elixir files" tar ((:commit . "bfd09392a0253e4b96c642472e5d5b757a5254f8") (:keywords "languages" "elixir") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-mix . [(20170118 1430) ((flycheck (27)) (elixir-mode (1 8 0))) "Elixir mix flycheck integration" single ((:commit . "76684d4b5987925b98b254aab656f8bf8198ab88") (:keywords "elixir" "flycheck" "mix") (:authors ("Tomasz Kowal" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomasz Kowal" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-credo . [(20170526 1545) ((flycheck (29))) "flycheck checker for elixir credo" single ((:commit . "e88f11ead53805c361ec7706e44c3dfee1daa19f") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-elixir . [(20170725 1419) ((org (8))) "org-babel functions for elixir evaluation" single ((:commit . "8990a8178b2f7bd93504a9ab136622aab6e82e32") (:keywords "org" "babel" "elixir") (:authors ("ZHOU Feng" . "")) (:maintainer "ZHOU Feng" . "") (:url . ""))]) (clang-format . [(20180406 1514) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Format code using clang-format" single ((:commit . "5556c31528af2661bed3011bd63ffc0ed44e18a0") (:keywords "tools" "c"))]) (company-c-headers . [(20180814 1730) ((emacs (24 1)) (company (0 8))) "Company mode backend for C/C++ header files" single ((:commit . "41331192b3961c8e3a51540678e1d11eaa346f03") (:keywords "development" "company") (:authors ("Alastair Rankine" . "")) (:maintainer "Alastair Rankine" . ""))]) (company-rtags . [(20180730 338) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 1)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags back-end for company" single ((:commit . "29d3ee6ec1d8c9c1895fcab0c9887a8f286c6ed6") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-ycmd . [(20180520 1053) ((ycmd (1 3)) (company (0 9 3)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (f (0 19 0))) "company-mode backend for ycmd" single ((:commit . "ef87d020d3314efbac2e8925c115d0ac5c128c2a") (:url . ""))]) (disaster . [(20171016 2152) nil "Disassemble C/C++ code under cursor in Emacs" single ((:commit . "10a785facc60d89d78e0d5177985ab1af1741bb4") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Justine Tunney" . "")) (:maintainer "Justine Tunney" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-rtags . [(20180619 824) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 23)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags Flycheck integration." single ((:commit . "29d3ee6ec1d8c9c1895fcab0c9887a8f286c6ed6") (:authors ("Christian Schwarzgruber" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Schwarzgruber" . "") (:url . ""))]) (google-c-style . [(20180130 1736) nil "Google's C/C++ style for c-mode" single ((:commit . "d3881b4fa910526f0e60e56d0110a9c6492949d8") (:keywords "c" "tools"))]) (helm-rtags . [(20170813 411) ((helm (2 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "29d3ee6ec1d8c9c1895fcab0c9887a8f286c6ed6") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ivy-rtags . [(20170523 454) ((ivy (0 7 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags completion back-end for ivy" single ((:commit . "29d3ee6ec1d8c9c1895fcab0c9887a8f286c6ed6") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rtags . [(20180925 641) nil "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "29d3ee6ec1d8c9c1895fcab0c9887a8f286c6ed6") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cquery . [(20180811 2131) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 4)) (dash (0 13))) "cquery client for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "a803e92e77e1ffc74c13a753c1eb4f6f47127a97") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "c++") (:authors ("Tobias Pisani")) (:maintainer "Tobias Pisani") (:url . ""))]) (ccls . [(20181106 546) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (4 2)) (dash (0 14)) (projectile (1 0 0))) "ccls client for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "07ad553950e69f862f7c74c9b1f02c00ab450d22") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "c++") (:authors ("Tobias Pisani, Fangrui Song")) (:maintainer "Tobias Pisani, Fangrui Song") (:url . ""))]) (company-emoji . [(20180925 2008) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0))) "company-mode backend for emoji" tar ((:commit . "f0d91d5be0077b20b418a3ba37d36f431fae322f") (:keywords "emoji" "company") (:authors ("Alex Dunn" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Dunn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (emoji-cheat-sheet-plus . [(20150617 1331) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 6 4))) "emoji-cheat-sheet for emacs" tar ((:commit . "96a003127d646a2683d81ca906a17eace0a6413e") (:keywords "emacs" "emoji") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner (based on the work of Shingo Fukuyama)")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner (based on the work of Shingo Fukuyama)") (:url . ""))]) (gh-md . [(20151207 1740) ((emacs (24))) "Render markdown using the Github api" single ((:commit . "693cb0dcadff70e813e1a9d303d227aff7898557") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))]) (markdown-toc . [(20170711 1949) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (markdown-mode (2 1))) "A simple TOC generator for markdown file" tar ((:commit . "7038f4f6d5c2bc7e4aea89699a607ac2b7dd16a8"))]) (vmd-mode . [(20180223 1356) ((emacs (24 3))) "Fast Github-flavored Markdown preview using a vmd subprocess." single ((:commit . "24e38a20951dfad6e3e985c7cc6286c1e271da5f") (:keywords "markdown" "preview" "live" "vmd") (:authors ("Blake Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Blake Miller" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auctex-latexmk . [(20170618 1636) ((auctex (11 87))) "Add LatexMk support to AUCTeX" single ((:commit . "4d353522650d7685acbf1d38f7dbc504f734bd84") (:keywords "tex") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auctex . [(12 1 1) nil "Integrated environment for *TeX*" tar ((:url . ""))]) (company-auctex . [(20180725 1912) ((yasnippet (0 8 0)) (company (0 8 0)) (auctex (11 87))) "Company-mode auto-completion for AUCTeX" single ((:commit . "48c42c58ce2f0e693301b0cb2d085055410c1b25") (:authors ("Christopher Monsanto , Alexey Romanov" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Monsanto , Alexey Romanov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (magic-latex-buffer . [(20170531 5) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Magically enhance LaTeX-mode font-locking for semi-WYSIWYG editing" single ((:commit . "c03277d5619d9adcd871f3e6480a1a27985810cb") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))]) (typo . [(20171209 1023) nil "Minor mode for typographic editing" single ((:commit . "9dad93b6f367f02f52c8d9bf15d446d922cec294") (:keywords "convenience" "wp") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "")) (:maintainer "Jorgen Schaefer" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tide . [(20181025 1201) ((dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (flycheck (27)) (typescript-mode (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Typescript Interactive Development Environment" tar ((:commit . "b2af64e5926b9c1493f7e39d5e928d61975816fb") (:keywords "typescript") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . "") (:url . ""))]) (typescript-mode . [(20181018 553) nil "Major mode for editing typescript" tar ((:commit . "fbaad515c90df0f5c3634c471034e3041a4a8cfc") (:keywords "typescript" "languages") (:url . ""))]) (web-mode . [(20181104 2004) ((emacs (23 1))) "major mode for editing web templates" single ((:commit . "29ced993bb1a435bd82d3e7395bed13b99e87de4") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("François-Xavier Bois ")) (:maintainer "François-Xavier Bois") (:url . ""))]) (cargo . [(20181105 714) ((emacs (24 3)) (rust-mode (0 2 0)) (markdown-mode (2 4))) "Emacs Minor Mode for Cargo, Rust's Package Manager." tar ((:commit . "609dd9928aa96e2cb253aef7db36a9e055092d77") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Kevin W. van Rooijen" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin W. van Rooijen" . ""))]) (racer . [(20181023 2304) ((emacs (24 3)) (rust-mode (0 2 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 2)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer" single ((:commit . "bf8f76f17c64eff2d6ca6029ee0ab7a466590128") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching" "rust" "tools") (:authors ("Phil Dawes")) (:maintainer "Phil Dawes") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-rust . [(20180904 1117) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (28)) (dash (2 13 0)) (seq (2 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "Flycheck: Rust additions and Cargo support" single ((:commit . "f1220ccd9acbdb2556765f49f2f3dcb00dca2970") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (toml-mode . [(20161107 1800) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing TOML files" single ((:commit . "f6c61817b00f9c4a3cab1bae9c309e0fc45cdd06") (:keywords "data" "toml") (:authors ("Felix Chern" . "")) (:maintainer "Felix Chern" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rust-mode . [(20181008 1628) ((emacs (24 0))) "A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code" single ((:commit . "12cb16964ce01f0e484b082ccc8a3430cc1c4158") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Mozilla")) (:maintainer "Mozilla") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-rust . [(20180305 1308) ((emacs (25)) (lsp-mode (3 0)) (rust-mode (0 3 0)) (dash (1 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "Rust support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "ecc889cc8735b280e0e6e84d2f4526b0048148b3") (:keywords "rust") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "") (:url . ""))]) (purescript-mode . [(20181028 838) ((cl-lib (0 6))) "A PureScript editing mode" tar ((:commit . "a6c7e4cc5ea29cf96478490a57d495e745d6e054"))]) (psci . [(20180418 1233) ((purescript-mode (13 10)) (dash (2 9 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (f (0 17 1))) "Major mode for purescript repl psci" tar ((:commit . "3f5ef1141a97c4b5507204d48e8aeccd553e4591") (:keywords "purescript" "psci" "repl" "major" "mode") (:authors ("Antoine R. Dumont ")) (:maintainer "Antoine R. Dumont ") (:url . ""))]) (psc-ide . [(20181002 1319) ((dash (2 13 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (company (0 8 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (s (1 10 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (0 24)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11))) "Minor mode for PureScript's psc-ide tool." tar ((:commit . "01a158b77210fec9c1bfc0caffaf08fccc0412ac") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Erik Post" . "") ("Dmitry Bushenko" . "") ("Christoph Hegemann") ("Brian Sermons")) (:maintainer "Erik Post" . "") (:url . ""))]) (erlang . [(20181011 1236) ((emacs (24 1))) "Erlang major mode" tar ((:commit . "95ece845a2fea2d402ea63d79423c6dc15cb75c2"))]) (company-quickhelp . [(20180525 1003) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 9)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "Popup documentation for completion candidates" single ((:commit . "479676cade80a9f03802ca3d956591820ed5c537") (:keywords "company" "popup" "documentation" "quickhelp") (:authors ("Lars Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Lars Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fsharp-mode . [(20180518 1820) ((company (0 8 0)) (company-quickhelp (1 2 0)) (popup (0 5 3)) (pos-tip (0 4 5)) (s (1 3 1)) (dash (1 1 0)) (flycheck (0 25))) "F# mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "68d2121a7317d90fe3794c9295d117f4aebd1438"))]) (company-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (company (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Eclim company backend" single ((:commit . "23f5b294f833ce58516d7b9ae08a7792d70022a1"))]) (eclim . [(20181108 1134) ((dash (2 11 0)) (json (1 2)) (popup (0 5 2)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 10 0))) "An interface to the Eclipse IDE." tar ((:commit . "23f5b294f833ce58516d7b9ae08a7792d70022a1"))]) (ensime . [(20180615 1330) ((scala-mode (0 23)) (sbt-mode (0 2)) (yasnippet (0 10 0)) (company (0 9 0)) (dash (2 12 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "34eb11dac3ec9d1c554c2e55bf056ece6983add7") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (gradle-mode . [(20150313 1905) ((s (1 8 0))) "Gradle integration with Emacs' compile" single ((:commit . "e4d665d5784ecda7ddfba015f07c69be3cfc45f2") (:keywords "gradle") (:authors ("Daniel Mijares" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Mijares" . "") (:url . ""))]) (maven-test-mode . [(20141220 557) ((s (1 9)) (emacs (24))) "Utilities for navigating test files and running maven test tasks." single ((:commit . "a19151861df2ad8ae4880a2e7c86ddf848cb569a") (:keywords "java" "maven" "test") (:authors ("Renan Ranelli")) (:maintainer "Renan Ranelli") (:url . ""))]) (meghanada . [(20180910 231) ((emacs (24 3)) (yasnippet (0 6 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (flycheck (0 23))) "A better java development mode" tar ((:commit . "0b36871f1537921e1819a84f99f3fb9571831751") (:keywords "languages" "java") (:authors ("Yutaka Matsubara" . "")) (:maintainer "Yutaka Matsubara" . "") (:url . ""))]) (mvn . [(20181002 1617) nil "helpers for compiling with maven" single ((:commit . "ffa40235b7dabb6c6c165f64f32a963cde8031f0") (:keywords "compilation" "maven" "java") (:authors ("Andrew Gwozdziewycz" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Gwozdziewycz" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-java . [(20181102 1943) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0))) "Java support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "7eebaf5d45763627a5e49180d9f76a82432d62e3") (:keywords "java") (:url . ""))]) (elm-mode . [(20181109 2053) ((f (0 17)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (seq (2 2)) (s (1 7 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Major mode for Elm" tar ((:commit . "c33ebc87eaed20232536c8bfd4b8b54d4acccfb9") (:authors ("Joseph Collard")) (:maintainer "Joseph Collard") (:url . ""))]) (elm-test-runner . [(20180918 2255) ((emacs (24 4))) "Enhanced support for running elm-test" single ((:commit . "73696add403cee6547fcb6eb4e49798e1583d0e2") (:authors ("Juan Edi")) (:maintainer "Juan Edi") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-elm . [(20181107 146) ((flycheck (0 29 -4)) (emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (seq (2 20))) "Flycheck support for the elm language" single ((:commit . "debd0af563cb6c2944367a691c7fa3021d9378c1") (:authors ("Brian Sermons")) (:maintainer "Brian Sermons") (:url . ""))]) (web-completion-data . [(20160318 848) nil "Shared completion data for ac-html and company-web" tar ((:commit . "c272c94e8a71b779c29653a532f619acad433a4f") (:keywords "html" "auto-complete" "company") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-web . [(20180402 1155) ((company (0 8 0)) (dash (2 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (web-completion-data (0 1 0))) "Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes" tar ((:commit . "f0cc9187c9c34f72ad71f5649a69c74f996bae9a") (:keywords "html" "company") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel-css . [(20180302 1036) ((emacs (24 4)) (counsel (0 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "stylesheet-selector-aware swiper" single ((:commit . "0536af00236cdce1ed08b40dd46c917e8b4b8869") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "counsel" "swiper" "selector" "css" "less" "scss") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-css-scss . [(20140627 25) ((helm (1 0)) (emacs (24))) "CSS/SCSS/LESS Selectors with helm interface" single ((:commit . "ab8348aa98e0daa2f1b771e35bdb06bfacbe5016") (:keywords "scss" "css" "less" "selector" "helm") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama -")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama -") (:url . ""))]) (impatient-mode . [(20181002 1231) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (simple-httpd (1 5 0)) (htmlize (1 40))) "Serve buffers live over HTTP" tar ((:commit . "96f6a05f8de74e19d570217fe83f0734623ddb0c") (:authors ("Brian Taylor" . "")) (:maintainer "Brian Taylor" . "") (:url . ""))]) (less-css-mode . [(20161001 453) nil "Major mode for editing LESS CSS files (" single ((:commit . "c7fa3d56d83206b28657f2e56439dc62280a2bf2") (:keywords "less" "css" "mode") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pug-mode . [(20180513 2126) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for jade/pug template files" single ((:commit . "685fd3414d89736bf232f5d1a6bed9e0353b98fe") (:keywords "markup" "language" "jade" "pug") (:authors ("Nathan Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (haml-mode . [(20170924 453) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing Haml files" single ((:commit . "1cbb2de8f0fc25f35448c5cad04642f28078f3bb") (:keywords "markup" "languages" "html") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum") (:url . ""))]) (sass-mode . [(20161007 626) ((haml-mode (3 0 15)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing Sass files" single ((:commit . "37105f46f6ea3592039f2ea7d0463ae7f042616e") (:keywords "markup" "language" "css") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum") (:url . ""))]) (scss-mode . [(20180123 1708) nil "Major mode for editing SCSS files" single ((:commit . "cf58dbec5394280503eb5502938f3b5445d1b53d") (:keywords "scss" "css" "mode") (:authors ("Anton Johansson" . "")) (:maintainer "Anton Johansson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (slim-mode . [(20170728 1348) nil "Major mode for editing Slim files" single ((:commit . "3636d18ab1c8b316eea71c4732eb44743e2ded87") (:keywords "markup" "language") (:authors ("Nathan Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Nathan Weizenbaum") (:url . ""))]) (tagedit . [(20161121 855) ((s (1 3 1)) (dash (1 0 3))) "Some paredit-like features for html-mode" single ((:commit . "b3a70101a0dcf85498c92b7fcfa7fdbac869746c") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))]) (flycheck-kotlin . [(20170122 1137) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Support kotlin in flycheck" single ((:commit . "cbb9fbf70dbe8efcc3971b3606ee95c97469b1fe") (:authors ("Elric Milon" . "")) (:maintainer "Elric Milon" . ""))]) (kotlin-mode . [(20181109 1818) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for kotlin" single ((:commit . "666187a086c042e70b65b13ea83b34a493440d95") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Shodai Yokoyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Shodai Yokoyama" . ""))]) (flycheck-crystal . [(20180627 242) ((flycheck (30))) "Add support for Crystal to Flycheck" single ((:commit . "8649736fea8960a5e54c3ec934484f231a518ea5") (:keywords "tools" "crystal") (:url . ""))]) (crystal-mode . [(20180827 329) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for editing Crystal files" single ((:commit . "8649736fea8960a5e54c3ec934484f231a518ea5") (:keywords "languages" "crystal") (:url . ""))]) (inf-crystal . [(20180119 211) ((emacs (24 3)) (crystal-mode (0 1 0))) "Run a Inferior-Crystal process in a buffer" single ((:commit . "02007b2a2a3bea44902d7c83c4acba1e39d278e3") (:keywords "languages" "crystal") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-crystal . [(20180126 718) ((emacs (24 3))) "org-babel functions for Crystal evaluation" tar ((:commit . "d84c1adee4b269cdba06a97caedb8071561a09af") (:keywords "crystal" "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (play-crystal . [(20180114 1024) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0)) (request (0 2 0))) " integration." single ((:commit . "0b4810a9025213bd11dbcbfd38b3ca928829e0a5") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vitalii Elenhaupt")) (:maintainer "Vitalii Elenhaupt") (:url . ""))]) (cmm-mode . [(20150225 746) nil "Major mode for C-- source code" single ((:commit . "c3ad514dff3eb30434f6b20d953276d4c00de1ee"))]) (company-cabal . [(20170917 1317) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24))) "company-mode cabal backend" tar ((:commit . "62112a7259e24bd6c08885629a185afe512b7d3d") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-ghci . [(20160311 200) ((company (0 8 11)) (haskell-mode (13))) "company backend which uses the current ghci process." single ((:commit . "c2d74a41166e76de2e78c87f582ba3a1179b2aa6") (:authors ("Hector Orellana" . "")) (:maintainer "Hector Orellana" . ""))]) (company-ghc . [(20170918 833) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (ghc (5 4 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "company-mode ghc-mod backend" single ((:commit . "8b264b5c3c0e42c0d0c4e9315559896c9b0edfdc") (:keywords "haskell" "completion") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ghc . [(20180121 1218) ((haskell-mode (13 0))) "Sub mode for Haskell mode" tar ((:commit . "96c2207f0e9019f958d39582d4bf4af3bc9469d2"))]) (intero . [(20181109 1547) ((flycheck (0 25)) (company (0 8)) (emacs (24 4)) (haskell-mode (13 0))) "Complete development mode for Haskell" single ((:commit . "4be2a4a5de81bae504654a6b3a5d8a340be00e7e") (:keywords "haskell" "tools") (:authors ("Chris Done" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Done" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lcr . [(20180902 1919) ((dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "lightweight coroutines" single ((:commit . "c14f40692292d59156c7632dbdd2867c086aa75f") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dante . [(20180916 729) ((dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (f (0 19 0)) (flycheck (0 30)) (haskell-mode (13 14)) (s (1 11 0)) (lcr (1 0))) "Development mode for Haskell" single ((:commit . "f16562abe570f5ca0e7abbf8c7058c81976a921f") (:keywords "haskell" "tools") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-haskell . [(20181015 1852) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 25)) (haskell-mode (13 7)) (dash (2 4 0)) (seq (1 11)) (let-alist (1 0 1))) "Flycheck: Automatic Haskell configuration" tar ((:commit . "30a09b90cb6d72c1a1d449caa526fb7a4c66e341") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (haskell-mode . [(20180917 923) ((emacs (24 3))) "A Haskell editing mode" tar ((:commit . "6a70c1858c7d505ba23185e209ef7eacf703ed8f") (:keywords "haskell" "cabal" "ghc" "repl") (:url . ""))]) (haskell-snippets . [(20160919 22) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Haskell" tar ((:commit . "07b0f460b946fd1be26c29652cb0468b47782f3a") (:keywords "snippets" "haskell") (:authors ("Luke Hoersten" . "")) (:maintainer "Luke Hoersten" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-hoogle . [(20161027 534) ((helm (1 6 2)) (emacs (24 4))) "Use helm to navigate query results from Hoogle" single ((:commit . "73969a9d46d2121a849a01a9f7ed3636d01f7bbc") (:keywords "haskell" "programming" "hoogle") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hindent . [(20180518 902) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Indent haskell code using the \"hindent\" program" single ((:commit . "ffe03701050d159387c06103ecaf8147716d5cb8") (:authors ("Chris Done" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Done" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hlint-refactor . [(20170818 448) nil "Apply HLint suggestions" single ((:commit . "92c69aa01c65968e86c15db087bb1ea785e4736c") (:keywords "haskell" "refactor") (:url . ""))]) (drupal-mode . [(20171120 2309) ((php-mode (1 5 0))) "Advanced minor mode for Drupal development" tar ((:commit . "47fda0a38a5b197f4606137d9c3b7d44aaeaa886") (:keywords "programming" "php" "drupal") (:authors ("Arne Jørgensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Jørgensen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (php-auto-yasnippets . [(20170331 114) ((php-mode (1 11)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Creates snippets for PHP functions" tar ((:commit . "03e1f0899c081813901ac15c2f7a675a37cca9f5") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "Eric James Michael Ritz") (:url . ""))]) (phpcbf . [(20180519 838) ((s (1 9 0))) "Format PHP code in Emacs using PHP_CodeSniffer's phpcbf" single ((:commit . "a31020fc4c5add7339e009faea66894dc02a77f1") (:keywords "tools" "php") (:authors ("nishimaki10")) (:maintainer "nishimaki10") (:url . ""))]) (phpunit . [(20180829 1438) ((s (1 12 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (pkg-info (0 6)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Launch PHP unit tests using phpunit" tar ((:commit . "fe6bc91c3bd8b329c6d26ad883a025f06b5121ee") (:keywords "tools" "php" "tests" "phpunit") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "") ("Eric Hansen" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ac-php-core . [(20181110 303) ((emacs (24)) (dash (1)) (php-mode (1)) (xcscope (1)) (s (1)) (f (0 17 0)) (popup (0 5 0))) "gen tags for php" tar ((:commit . "11234d073f363edff255e8632b728777e2807d01") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors (nil . " []")) (:maintainer nil . " []") (:url . ""))]) (xcscope . [(20180426 712) nil "cscope interface for (X)Emacs" single ((:commit . "57bff67460c587acf60f513de622b4c7ab312081") (:keywords "languages" "c") (:authors ("Darryl Okahata" . "") ("Dima Kogan" . "")) (:maintainer "Dima Kogan" . "") (:url . ""))]) (php-mode . [(20180829 520) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing PHP code" tar ((:commit . "1f04813f46219e626b385d0d96abefad914bfae0") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-php . [(20181110 303) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (ac-php-core (1)) (company (0 9))) "company completion source for php" single ((:commit . "11234d073f363edff255e8632b728777e2807d01") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors (nil . " []")) (:maintainer nil . " []") (:url . ""))]) (cl-generic . [(0 3) nil "Forward cl-generic compatibility for Emacs<25" single ((:url . "") (:keywords))]) (ein . [(20181110 53) ((websocket (1 7)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (request (0 3)) (deferred (0 5)) (request-deferred (0 2 0)) (cl-generic (0 3)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (skewer-mode (1 6 2))) "Emacs IPython Notebook" tar ((:commit . "6f19d8bf83ec9b84e3b2d36b55a0e39698a4a6fe"))]) (ob-ipython . [(20180224 953) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 10 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (emacs (24))) "org-babel functions for IPython evaluation" tar ((:commit . "7147455230841744fb5b95dcbe03320313a77124") (:keywords "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Greg Sexton" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg Sexton" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-lua . [(20171108 2306) ((company (0 8 12)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 17 0)) (lua-mode (20151025))) "Company backend for Lua" tar ((:commit . "29f6819de4d691e5fd0b62893a9f4fbc1c6fcb52") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . ""))]) (lua-mode . [(20180323 1021) nil "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" tar ((:commit . "99312b8d6c500ba3067da6d81efcfbbea05a1cbd") (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("2011-2013 immerrr" . "") ("2010-2011 Reuben Thomas" . "") ("2006 Juergen Hoetzel" . "") ("2004 various (support for Lua 5 and byte compilation)") ("2001 Christian Vogler" . "") ("1997 Bret Mogilefsky" . "") ("tcl-mode by Gregor Schmid" . "") ("with tons of assistance from") ("Paul Du Bois" . "") ("Aaron Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "2011-2013 immerrr" . "") (:url . ""))]) (faust-mode . [(20180205 926) nil "Faust syntax colorizer for Emacs." single ((:commit . "7c31b22bdbfd2f8c16ec117d2975d56dd61ac15c") (:keywords "languages" "faust") (:authors ("rukano" . "")) (:maintainer "Yassin Philip" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-shell . [(20170518 541) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Company mode backend for shell functions" single ((:commit . "6ae625f80d90e0779c79de38e8f83a336c1d00fa") (:keywords "company" "shell" "auto-completion") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fish-mode . [(20180827 303) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for fish shell scripts" single ((:commit . "35fc7c1e243a7410823088a571ecf378e9f3efa6") (:keywords "fish" "shell") (:authors ("Tony Wang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tony Wang" . ""))]) (flycheck-bashate . [(20160630 440) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (24 4))) "Integrate bashate with flycheck" single ((:commit . "77fa03dbc578c34fe71ca44926bac2aff8f2b021") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "") (:url . ""))]) (insert-shebang . [(20180403 1214) nil "Insert shebang line automatically." single ((:commit . "7bfea92ba1dae9d13d442e2f84f9fb6c05a0a9bd") (:keywords "shebang" "tool" "convenience") (:authors ("Sachin Patil" . "")) (:maintainer "Sachin Patil" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-perl6 . [(20180509 2201) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Perl 6 support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "b804702305d7a6e26f762ff98cfdeec2e9dd4cb7") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (perl6-mode . [(20180619 1159) ((emacs (24 4)) (pkg-info (0 1))) "Major mode for editing Perl 6 code" tar ((:commit . "88de065795d6863b23b6042576b9e90f8cbf8798") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hierarchy . [(20171221 1151) ((emacs (25 1))) "Library to create and display hierarchy structures" single ((:commit . "06f21d3fc16c44c1fa45dc9c91d10100b4db9355") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-navigator . [(20171220 819) ((emacs (24 3)) (hierarchy (0 6 0))) "View and navigate JSON structures" single ((:commit . "7a1fec93500c46ccba4086d10115d8188607d0d0") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (key-chord . [(20160227 1238) nil "map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands" single ((:commit . "72443e9ff3c4f1c3ccaced3130236801efde3d83") (:keywords "keyboard" "chord" "input") (:authors ("David Andersson ")) (:maintainer "David Andersson "))]) (org-ref . [(20181105 125) ((dash (2 11 0)) (htmlize (1 51)) (helm (1 5 5)) (helm-bibtex (2 0 0)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (hydra (0 13 2)) (key-chord (0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (pdf-tools (0 7))) "citations, cross-references and bibliographies in org-mode" tar ((:commit . "0d960143ad47d7d5a02ec48bc3e19944a0f0beaa") (:keywords "org-mode" "cite" "ref" "label") (:authors ("John Kitchin" . "")) (:maintainer "John Kitchin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (parsebib . [(20181031 1021) ((emacs (24 3))) "A library for parsing bib files" single ((:commit . "27b30f5220b80637ed55f3b062ce2823adb40477") (:keywords "text" "bibtex") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . ""))]) (helm-bibtex . [(20181030 2142) ((helm (1 5 5)) (parsebib (1 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (biblio (0 2))) "A bibliography manager based on Helm" tar ((:commit . "af05ccb498d89550644cc01c80628053d4d2d73f") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . ""))]) (biblio . [(20161014 2304) ((emacs (24 3)) (biblio-core (0 2))) "Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, arXiv, DBLP, HAL, Dissemin, and" tar ((:commit . "a5a68fcf677f286f205f32dc7486f6c9f66aa6af"))]) (biblio-core . [(20160901 1815) ((emacs (24 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) (dash (2 12 1))) "A framework for looking up and displaying bibliographic entries" single ((:commit . "a5a68fcf677f286f205f32dc7486f6c9f66aa6af") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "convenience" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ahk-mode . [(20160320 2221) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing AHK (AutoHotkey and AutoHotkey_L)" single ((:commit . "9cfc4840507f6cc8016fdede84ad90df53285359") (:keywords "ahk" "autohotkey" "hotkey" "keyboard shortcut" "automation") (:authors ("Rich Alesi")) (:maintainer "Rich Alesi") (:url . ""))]) (markup-faces . [(20141110 817) nil "collection of faces for markup language modes" single ((:commit . "98a807ed82473eb41c6a201ed7ef816d6bcd67b0") (:keywords "wp" "faces") (:authors ("Florian Kaufmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Florian Kaufmann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (adoc-mode . [(20160314 2130) ((markup-faces (1 0 0))) "a major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs" single ((:commit . "745884359a1b8826ede2c4cfd2f0b5478953ac40") (:keywords "wp" "asciidoc") (:authors ("Florian Kaufmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Florian Kaufmann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (scala-mode . [(20170802 1132) nil "Major mode for editing Scala" tar ((:commit . "56cba2903cf6e12c715dbb5c99b34c97b2679379") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (sbt-mode . [(20180511 1622) ((emacs (24 4))) "Interactive support for sbt projects" tar ((:commit . "e658af140547cbef495c33535c7f694a501d318c") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (swift-mode . [(20181013 1002) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 3))) "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language." tar ((:commit . "fc718a5d48a4fc16e8be1c4bde65bb11cd107a09") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))]) (csv-mode . [(1 7) nil "Major mode for editing comma/char separated values" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (jsonnet-mode . [(20180822 1619) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing jsonnet files" single ((:commit . "0d68681d501fd57ebde5ed4fe100033a5d3aafa8") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Nick Lanham")) (:maintainer "Nick Lanham") (:url . ""))]) (ctable . [(20171006 11) nil "Table component for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "b8830d1ca95abb100a81bc32011bd17d5ecba000") (:keywords "table") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:url . ""))]) (ess-R-data-view . [(20130509 1158) ((ctable (20130313 1743)) (popup (20130324 1305)) (ess (20130225 1754))) "Data viewer for GNU R" single ((:commit . "d6e98d3ae1e2a2ea39a56eebcdb73e99d29562e9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("myuhe ")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))]) (ess . [(20181109 703) ((julia-mode (0 3))) "Emacs Speaks Statistics" tar ((:commit . "d4cd65da6dbfabf37fc6c7a4c49fb49cf289a11c") (:authors ("David Smith" . "") ("A.J. Rossini" . "") ("Richard M. Heiberger" . "") ("Kurt Hornik" . "") ("Martin Maechler" . "") ("Rodney A. Sparapani" . "") ("Stephen Eglen" . "") ("Sebastian P. Luque" . "") ("Henning Redestig" . "") ("Vitalie Spinu" . "") ("Lionel Henry" . "") ("J. Alexander Branham" . "")) (:maintainer "ESS Core Team" . ""))]) (ess-smart-equals . [(20150202 601) ((emacs (24)) (ess (5 0))) "better smart-assignment with =-key in R and S" single ((:commit . "e0f5f18f01ed252fde50d051adf1fa6254a254c9") (:keywords "r" "s" "ess" "convenience") (:authors ("Christopher R. Genovese" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher R. Genovese" . "") (:url . ""))]) (golden-ratio . [(20150819 1120) nil "Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio" single ((:commit . "72b028808b41d23fa3f7e8c0d23d2c475e7b46ae") (:keywords "window" "resizing") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . ""))]) (graphviz-dot-mode . [(20171103 827) nil "Mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att)." single ((:commit . "c456a2b65c734089e6c44e87209a5a432a741b1a") (:keywords "mode" "dot" "dot-language" "dotlanguage" "graphviz" "graphs" "att") (:maintainer "Pieter Pareit" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sml-mode . [(6 9) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing (Standard) ML" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "sml"))]) (ob-sml . [(20130829 1843) ((sml-mode (6 4))) "org-babel functions for template evaluation" single ((:commit . "958165c92b6cff6cada5c85c8ae5887806b8451b") (:keywords "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("David Nolen")) (:maintainer "David Nolen") (:url . ""))]) (shut-up . [(20180628 1830) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (24))) "Shut up would you!" single ((:commit . "081d6b01e3ba0e60326558e545c4019219e046ce") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (csharp-mode . [(20181011 718) nil "C# mode derived mode" single ((:commit . "239527c1f27cf5246505f1faf23269487fdbfdd2") (:keywords "c#" "languages" "oop" "mode") (:authors ("Dylan R. E. Moonfire (original)")) (:maintainer "Jostein Kjønigsen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (omnisharp . 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[(20180923 1124) ((emacs (25))) "A minor mode for a Julia REPL" single ((:commit . "d8b94c6dbfa47fd51540b9d5b1bb0c2dfce3ebc2") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Tamas Papp" . "")) (:maintainer "Tamas Papp" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-lsp . [(20181105 1644) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 4)) (company (0 9 0)) (s (1 2 0)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Company completion backend for lsp-mode." single ((:commit . "d333e5594f8d5e5cb96309f8a913747ff83ab089") (:url . ""))]) (evil-surround . [(20181020 1248) ((evil (1 2 12))) "emulate surround.vim from Vim" single ((:commit . "63ce01848878ce011eb4fee59c51109dd1e3ddb5") (:keywords "emulation" "vi" "evil") (:authors ("Tim Harper ") ("Vegard Øye ")) (:maintainer "Tim Harper "))]) (groovy-imports . [(20161003 851) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 10 0)) (pcache (0 3 2))) "Code for dealing with Groovy imports" single ((:commit . "e56d7dda617555ec6205644d32ffddf2e1fa43d9") (:keywords "groovy") (:authors ("Miro Bezjak")) (:maintainer "Miro Bezjak") (:url . ""))]) (groovy-mode . [(20180810 607) ((s (1 12 0)) (emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Major mode for Groovy source files" tar ((:commit . "c32f82dd3a11be5871a71e8ffac55022bbbc5cfb") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Russel Winder" . "") ("Jim Morris" . "") ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . ""))]) (coffee-mode . [(20170324 940) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for CoffeeScript code" single ((:commit . "86ab8aae8662e8eff54d3013010b9c693b16eac5") (:keywords "coffeescript" "major" "mode") (:authors ("Chris Wanstrath" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Wanstrath" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-coffeescript . [(20180126 719) ((emacs (24 4))) "org-babel functions for coffee-script evaluation, and fully implementation!" single ((:commit . "5a5bb04aea9c2a6eab5b05f90f5c7cb6de7b4261") (:keywords "coffee-script" "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (prop-menu . [(20150728 1118) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Create and display a context menu based on text and overlay properties" single ((:commit . "50b102c1c0935fd3e0c465feed7f27d66b21cdf3") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("David Christiansen" . "")) (:maintainer "David Christiansen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (idris-mode . [(20180922 2051) ((emacs (24)) (prop-menu (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing Idris code" tar ((:commit . "0e3508aca4d1f46f8c062f84c386d9e5533a21c3") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (multiple-cursors . [(20180913 1237) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Multiple cursors for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "6a7c3c0853e3fe9e4b8e5985dbed8fd4075f33ff"))]) (js2-refactor . [(20180502 1042) ((js2-mode (20101228)) (s (1 9 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 0 0)) (dash (1 0 0)) (s (1 0 0)) (yasnippet (0 9 0 1))) "A JavaScript refactoring library for emacs." tar ((:commit . "79124b3274c43ad1f9ec6205fa362576552db02f"))]) (livid-mode . 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"")) (:maintainer "Lars Brinkhoff" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-math . [(20171016 1514) ((company (0 8 0)) (math-symbol-lists (1 2))) "Completion backends for unicode math symbols and latex tags" single ((:commit . "3481f03ebb6a613ff85b71ca8edd2d5842c49012") (:keywords "unicode" "symbols" "completion") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))]) (math-symbol-lists . [(20170221 1353) nil "Lists of Unicode math symbols and latex commands" tar ((:commit . "1af8fdcab7941a62287c2d04b8876e1538f39c60") (:keywords "unicode" "symbols" "mathematics") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))]) (company-coq . [(20181107 2136) ((company-math (1 1)) (company (0 8 12)) (yasnippet (0 11 0)) (dash (2 12 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode" tar ((:commit . "24f33527c5917cdd4c3c139f966c49c33b21d4d0"))]) (proof-general . [(20181101 1406) ((emacs (24 3))) "A generic front-end for proof assistants (interactive theorem provers)" tar ((:commit . "15cf5a3f1e3ba35d832e1464a1b729905aed78a8"))]) (vi-tilde-fringe . [(20141028 242) ((emacs (24))) "Displays tildes in the fringe on empty lines a la Vi." single ((:commit . "f1597a8d54535bb1d84b442577b2024e6f910308") (:keywords "emulation") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-pact . [(20180920 2052) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 25)) (pact-mode (0 0 4))) "Flycheck support for pact-mode" single ((:commit . "0e10045064ef89ec8b6f5a473073d47b976a2ca3") (:keywords "pact" "lisp" "languages" "blockchain" "smartcontracts" "tools" "linting") (:authors ("Stuart Popejoy")) (:maintainer "Stuart Popejoy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pact-mode . [(20180905 1647) ((emacs (24 3))) "Mode for Pact, a LISPlike smart contract language." single ((:commit . "e4e4487c1d55b3fb8775abd948be28442efcffec") (:keywords "pact" "lisp" "languages" "blockchain" "smartcontracts" "tools" "mode") (:authors ("Stuart Popejoy")) (:maintainer "Stuart Popejoy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-dcd . [(20170516 910) ((company (0 9)) (flycheck-dmd-dub (0 7)) (yasnippet (0 8)) (popwin (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ivy (20160804 326))) "Company backend for Dlang using DCD." single ((:commit . "4832188a9e42287539a69c372fe1643166a6a7aa") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("tsukimizake ")) (:maintainer "tsukimizake ") (:url . ""))]) (d-mode . [(20181011 1927) ((emacs (24 3))) "D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs" single ((:commit . "385cda4afad79000b4cb7704861faf34009b0fc2") (:keywords "d" "programming" "language" "emacs" "cc-mode") (:authors ("William Baxter")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . ""))]) (flycheck-dmd-dub . [(20180625 1635) ((flycheck (0 24)) (f (0 18 2))) "Sets flycheck-dmd-include-paths from dub package information" single ((:commit . "148ea4ba3e4c46c8edc616f947f796e98bcad0de") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auto-complete-rst . [(20140225 944) ((auto-complete (1 4))) "Auto-complete extension for ReST and Sphinx" tar ((:commit . "4803ce41a96224e6fa54e6741a5b5f40ebed7351") (:authors ("ARAKAKI, Takafumi")) (:maintainer "ARAKAKI, Takafumi") (:url . ""))]) (auto-highlight-symbol . [(20130313 943) nil "Automatic highlighting current symbol minor mode" single ((:commit . "26573de912d760e04321b350897aea70958cee8b") (:keywords "highlight" "face" "match" "convenience") (:authors ("Mitsuo Saito" . "")) (:maintainer "Mitsuo Saito" . "") (:url . ""))]) (common-lisp-snippets . [(20180226 1523) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Common Lisp" tar ((:commit . "1ddf808311ba4d9e8444a1cb50bd5ee75e4111f6") (:keywords "snippets") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (slime . [(20181106 1113) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (macrostep (0 9))) "Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "e9ba781a2bf6538e0d04ea07849d18e54fc9daec") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "slime") (:url . ""))]) (macrostep . [(20161120 2106) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "interactive macro expander" tar ((:commit . "424e3734a1ee526a1bd7b5c3cd1d3ef19d184267") (:keywords "lisp" "languages" "macro" "debugging") (:authors ("joddie" . "")) (:maintainer "joddie" . "") (:url . ""))]) (slime-company . [(20180119 1843) ((emacs (24 4)) (slime (2 13)) (company (0 9 0))) "slime completion backend for company mode" single ((:commit . "4c2e2805540dea700130607fa235018a87e4a070") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp" "abbrev") (:authors ("Ole Arndt" . "")) (:maintainer "Ole Arndt" . ""))]) (protobuf-mode . [(20170526 1650) nil "major mode for editing protocol buffers." single ((:commit . "446e34ffc71ad458c21c60529cbcdc1de74e4c3d") (:keywords "google" "protobuf" "languages") (:authors ("Alexandre Vassalotti" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Vassalotti" . ""))]) (bundler . [(20160815 915) ((inf-ruby (2 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Interact with Bundler from Emacs" single ((:commit . "f981f67c33b42243e57a78c358dffff70022b56b") (:keywords "bundler" "ruby") (:authors ("Tobias Svensson" . "")) (:maintainer "Tobias Svensson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (chruby . [(20180114 1652) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs integration for chruby" single ((:commit . "42bc6d521f832eca8e2ba210f30d03ad5529788f") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Arne Brasseur" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Brasseur" . "") (:url . ""))]) (enh-ruby-mode . [(20180730 2309) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing Ruby files" tar ((:commit . "09e1ed06c1cf323e3b4d45cd86353087e6a12fde") (:keywords "languages" "elisp" "ruby") (:authors ("Geoff Jacobsen")) (:maintainer "Geoff Jacobsen") (:url . ""))]) (minitest . [(20160628 1820) ((dash (1 0 0))) "An Emacs mode for ruby minitest files" tar ((:commit . "1aadb7865c1dc69c201cecee275751ecec33a182") (:authors ("Arthur Neves")) (:maintainer "Arthur Neves") (:url . ""))]) (rbenv . [(20141120 749) nil "Emacs integration for rbenv" single ((:commit . "2ea1a5bdc1266caef1dd77700f2c8f42429b03f1") (:keywords "ruby" "rbenv") (:authors ("Yves Senn" . "")) (:maintainer "Yves Senn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (inf-ruby . [(20180521 1348) nil "Run a Ruby process in a buffer" single ((:commit . "49d59a7897f594e3be74ecbddae83719f9a6c0f0") (:keywords "languages" "ruby") (:authors ("Yukihiro Matsumoto") ("Nobuyoshi Nakada") ("Cornelius Mika" . "") ("Dmitry Gutov" . "") ("Kyle Hargraves" . "")) (:maintainer "Yukihiro Matsumoto") (:url . ""))]) (robe . [(20171116 2049) ((inf-ruby (2 5 1)) (emacs (24 4))) "Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Ruby" tar ((:commit . "7829f4fdda41eee0add8868646ab86e6b17de4b4") (:keywords "ruby" "convenience" "rails") (:authors ("Dmitry Gutov")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov") (:url . ""))]) (rspec-mode . [(20180614 1148) ((ruby-mode (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 4))) "Enhance ruby-mode for RSpec" tar ((:commit . "dda1ece81bd2802c4097e5c963fac33a444659cb") (:keywords "rspec" "ruby") (:authors ("Peter Williams, et al.")) (:maintainer "Peter Williams, et al.") (:url . ""))]) (rubocop . [(20170312 611) ((emacs (24))) "An Emacs interface for RuboCop" single ((:commit . "0ab1329a8634762bec5bdf5f415c05b32f990248") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov") (:url . ""))]) (ruby-hash-syntax . [(20180324 209) nil "Toggle ruby hash syntax between classic and 1.9 styles" single ((:commit . "89fc364a837d7a78ecce34380f09c073a83e30e0") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ruby-refactor . [(20160214 1650) ((ruby-mode (1 2))) "A minor mode which presents various Ruby refactoring helpers." single ((:commit . "e6b7125878a08518bffec6942df0c606f748e9ee") (:keywords "refactor" "ruby") (:url . ""))]) (pcre2el . [(20161120 2103) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "regexp syntax converter" single ((:commit . "0b5b2a2c173aab3fd14aac6cf5e90ad3bf58fa7d") (:authors ("joddie ")) (:maintainer "joddie ") (:url . ""))]) (ruby-test-mode . [(20171016 1631) ((ruby-mode (1 0)) (pcre2el (1 8))) "Minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven" single ((:commit . "87f6d770f8d2326c8d36099aeee5d577f3e2af69") (:keywords "ruby" "unit" "test" "rspec") (:authors ("Roman Scherer" . "") ("Caspar Florian Ebeling" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Scherer" . ""))]) (ruby-tools . [(20151209 1615) nil "Collection of handy functions for ruby-mode." tar ((:commit . "6b97066b58a4f82eb2ecea6434a0a7e981aa4c18"))]) (rvm . [(20150402 1442) nil "Emacs integration for rvm" single ((:commit . "134497bc460990c71ab8fa75431156e62c17da2d") (:keywords "ruby" "rvm") (:authors ("Yves Senn" . "")) (:maintainer "Yves Senn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (seeing-is-believing . [(20170214 1320) nil "minor mode for running the seeing-is-believing ruby gem" single ((:commit . "fbbe246c0fda87bb26227bb826eebadb418a220f") (:authors ("John Cinnamond")) (:maintainer "John Cinnamond"))]) (rake . [(20180212 1008) ((f (0 13 0)) (dash (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Run rake commands" single ((:commit . "9c204334b03b4e899fadae6e59c20cf105404128") (:keywords "rake" "ruby") (:authors ("Adam Sokolnicki" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Sokolnicki" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sql-indent . [(1 3) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Support for indenting code in SQL files." tar ((:keywords "languages" "sql") (:url . ""))]) (sqlup-mode . [(20170610 1537) nil "Upcase SQL words for you" single ((:commit . "04970977b4abb4d44301651618bbf1cdb0b263dd") (:keywords "sql" "tools" "redis" "upcase") (:authors ("Aldric Giacomoni" . "")) (:maintainer "Aldric Giacomoni" . "") (:url . ""))]) (browse-at-remote . 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"16226caab44174301f1659f7bf8cc67a76153445") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fringe-helper . [(20140620 2109) nil "helper functions for fringe bitmaps" single ((:commit . "ef4a9c023bae18ec1ddd7265f1f2d6d2e775efdd") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:maintainer "Nikolaj Schumacher ") (:url . ""))]) (git-gutter+ . [(20151204 1723) ((git-commit (0)) (dash (0))) "Manage Git hunks straight from the buffer" single ((:commit . "b7726997806d9a2da9fe84ff00ecf21d62b6f975") (:keywords "git" "vc") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (git-gutter-fringe+ . [(20140729 1103) ((git-gutter+ (0 1)) (fringe-helper (1 0 1))) "Fringe version of git-gutter+.el" single ((:commit . "7a2f49d2455a3a872e90e5f7dd4e6b27f1d96cfc") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gist . [(20171128 406) ((emacs (24 1)) (gh (0 10 0))) "Emacs integration for" single ((:commit . "314fe6ab80fae35b95f0734eceb82f72813b6f41") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . "") (:url . ""))]) (github-clone . [(20160623 310) ((gh (0 7 2)) (magit (2 1 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Fork and clone github repos" single ((:commit . "467b40ca60a6c26257466ebc43c74414df7f19cc") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Charles L.G. Comstock" . "")) (:maintainer "Charles L.G. Comstock" . "") (:url . ""))]) (github-search . [(20170824 323) ((magit (0 8 1)) (gh (1 0 0))) "Clone repositories by searching github" single ((:commit . "c5fa1d9f8f9bcf201fa31478a6f5e02ed5ac086b") (:keywords "github" "search" "clone" "api" "gh" "magit" "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gh . [(20180308 2138) ((emacs (24 3)) (pcache (0 4 1)) (logito (0 1)) (marshal (0 6 3))) "A GitHub library for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "f029fc11f345ef04ab62ee91c38657e29c462fea"))]) (marshal . [(20180124 1239) ((eieio (1 4)) (json (1 3)) (ht (2 1))) "eieio extension for automatic (un)marshalling" single ((:commit . "f038689cbd5b3680b80b44edd0c7a63ca3038e26") (:keywords "eieio") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . "") (:url . ""))]) (logito . [(20120225 2055) ((eieio (1 3))) "logging library for Emacs" single ((:commit . "824acb89d2cc18cb47281a4fbddd81ad244a2052") (:keywords "lisp" "tool") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . ""))]) (magit-gh-pulls . [(20180716 1636) ((emacs (24 4)) (gh (0 9 1)) (magit (2 12 0)) (pcache (0 2 3)) (s (1 6 1))) "GitHub pull requests extension for Magit" single ((:commit . "6949e973f3e951cb0bfe75d889e0fcccc33ba733") (:keywords "git" "tools") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ghub+ . 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"eff047caa75dbe4965defca9d1212454cdb755d5") (:authors ("Gareth Rees" . "")) (:maintainer "Gareth Rees" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-magit . [(20180702 1553) ((evil (1 2 3)) (magit (2 6 0))) "evil-based key bindings for magit" single ((:commit . "9e2275b14807168451e10b93d69e420e435f21ef") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fill-column-indicator . [(20171209 1924) nil "Graphically indicate the fill column" single ((:commit . "d2536b1c48f78679e15a2b50cd5d8c0ffde4b155") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alp Aker" . "")) (:maintainer "Alp Aker" . ""))]) (gitattributes-mode . [(20180318 1956) nil "Major mode for editing .gitattributes files" single ((:commit . "55468314a5f6b77d2c96be62c7005ac94545e217") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:authors ("Rüdiger Sonderfeld" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gitconfig-mode . [(20180318 1956) nil "Major mode for editing .gitconfig files" single ((:commit . "55468314a5f6b77d2c96be62c7005ac94545e217") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gitignore-templates . [(20180327 1326) ((emacs (24 3))) "Access GitHub .gitignore templates" single ((:commit . "b0705b8de4cbdd631c64c4e0024d62ba4ad68052") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "") (:url . ""))]) (git-link . [(20181031 259) ((emacs (24 3))) "Get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab URL for a buffer location" single ((:commit . "976723dfdb9ae42e093a3cb32fc41841e94201e6") (:keywords "git" "vc" "github" "bitbucket" "gitlab" "convenience") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "") (:url . ""))]) (git-messenger . [(20170102 440) ((emacs (24 3)) (popup (0 5 0))) "Pop up last commit information of current line" single ((:commit . "83815915eb8c1cb47443ff34bca3fecf7d2edf3a") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (git-timemachine . [(20180607 820) ((emacs (24 3))) "Walk through git revisions of a file" single ((:commit . "90a980578249c102da3e904fccdc9a2a5a0e7bcc") (:keywords "git") (:authors ("Peter Stiernström" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Stiernström" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-git-grep . [(20170614 1411) ((helm-core (2 2 0))) "helm for git grep, an incremental git-grep(1)" single ((:commit . "744cea07dba6e6a5effbdba83f1b786c78fd86d3") (:authors ("mechairoi")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gitignore-mode . [(20180318 1956) nil "Major mode for editing .gitignore files" single ((:commit . "55468314a5f6b77d2c96be62c7005ac94545e217") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-gitignore . [(20170211 8) ((gitignore-mode (1 1 0)) (helm (1 7 0)) (request (0 1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Generate .gitignore files with" single ((:commit . "2a2e7da7855a6db0ab3bb6a6a087863d7abd4391") (:keywords "helm" "gitignore" "") (:authors ("Juan Placencia")) (:maintainer "Juan Placencia") (:url . ""))]) (magit-gitflow . [(20170929 824) ((magit (2 1 0)) (magit-popup (2 2 0))) "gitflow extension for magit" single ((:commit . "cc41b561ec6eea947fe9a176349fb4f771ed865b") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Jan Tatarik" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Tatarik" . "") (:url . ""))]) (magit-svn . [(20170213 1233) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 1 0))) "Git-Svn extension for Magit" single ((:commit . "c833903732a14478f5c4cfc561bae7c50671b36c") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Phil Jackson" . "")) (:maintainer "Phil Jackson" . ""))]) (magit . [(20181110 925) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (20180527)) (dash (20180910)) (ghub (20181107)) (git-commit (20181104)) (magit-popup (20181003)) (with-editor (20181103))) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs." tar ((:commit . "6fb17c425a81acf88f74ed6e82e5fed7b54cd377"))]) (git-commit . [(20181108 1523) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910)) (with-editor (20181103))) "Edit Git commit messages" single ((:commit . "6fb17c425a81acf88f74ed6e82e5fed7b54cd377") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ghub . [(20181107 1937) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (graphql (0 1 1)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (treepy (0 1 1))) "Minuscule client libraries for Git forge APIs." tar ((:commit . "1abe6ff076cc2e7949faf5172c59a1f94b1e0e5a"))]) (treepy . [(20180724 656) ((emacs (25 1))) "Generic tree traversal tools" single ((:commit . "b40e6b09eb9be45da67b8c9e4990a5a0d7a2a09d") (:keywords "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Daniel Barreto" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Barreto" . "") (:url . ""))]) (graphql . [(20180912 31) ((emacs (25))) "GraphQL utilities" single ((:commit . "e2b309689f4faf9225f290080f836e988c5a576d") (:keywords "hypermedia" "tools" "lisp") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))]) (orgit . [(20180318 2001) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0)) (magit (2 10 0)) (org (8 3 3))) "support for Org links to Magit buffers" single ((:commit . "d909f92d3b1b42184143fd5e6d4c6a2762477ab7") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smeargle . [(20161212 2358) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlighting region by last updated time" single ((:commit . "0665b1ff5109731898bc4a0ca6d939933b804777") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (afternoon-theme . [(20140104 1859) ((emacs (24 1))) "Dark color theme with a deep blue background" single ((:commit . "89b1d778a1f8b385775c122f2bd1c62f0fbf931a") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Ozan Sener" . "")) (:maintainer "Ozan Sener" . "") (:url . ""))]) (alect-themes . [(20180504 1720) ((emacs (24 0))) "Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later" tar ((:commit . "4d90833a7381123a979f73fa97a013071ca7ff00") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ample-theme . [(20180207 1745) nil "Calm Dark Theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "366698400c555211c2082962a5d74f3dd79a78c8") (:keywords "theme" "dark") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo" . "")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ample-zen-theme . [(20150119 2154) nil "AmpleZen Theme for Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "b277bb7abd4b6624e8d59f02474b79af50a007bd") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "emacs 24") (:authors ("Michael Wall")) (:maintainer "Michael Wall") (:url . ""))]) (apropospriate-theme . [(20180906 1806) nil "A colorful, low-contrast, light & dark theme set for Emacs with a fun name." tar ((:commit . "409af2b22ec03cbb81318df7982afa463deb73d2") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . ""))]) (anti-zenburn-theme . [(20180712 1838) nil "Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme" single ((:commit . "dbafbaa86be67c1d409873f57a5c0bbe1e7ca158") (:authors ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrey Kotlarski" . "") (:url . ""))]) (badwolf-theme . [(20161004 715) ((emacs (24))) "Bad Wolf color theme" single ((:commit . "ea01a3d9358e968f75e3ed15dec6a2a96ce3d9a1") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("bkruczyk" . "")) (:maintainer "bkruczyk" . "") (:url . ""))]) (birds-of-paradise-plus-theme . [(20130419 2129) nil "A brown/orange light-on-dark theme for Emacs 24 (deftheme)." single ((:commit . "bb9f9d4ef7f7872a388ec4eee1253069adcadb6f") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Jim Myhrberg" . "")) (:maintainer "Jim Myhrberg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (bubbleberry-theme . [(20141017 944) ((emacs (24 1))) "A theme based on LightTable for Emacs24" single ((:commit . "22e9adf4586414024e4592972022ec297321b320") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "") ("Gaurav Giri")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (busybee-theme . [(20170719 928) nil "port of vim's mustang theme" single ((:commit . "66b2315b030582d0ebee605cf455d386d8c30fcd") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler") (:url . ""))]) (cherry-blossom-theme . [(20150622 342) ((emacs (24 0))) "a soothing color theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "eea7653e00f35973857ee23b27bc2fae5e753e50") (:authors ("Ben Yelsey" . "")) (:maintainer "Ben Yelsey" . "") (:url . ""))]) (clues-theme . [(20161213 1127) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme which may well be fully awesome..." single ((:commit . "abd61f2b7f3e98de58ca26e6d1230e70c6406cc7") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (color-theme-sanityinc-solarized . [(20181021 2055) nil "A version of Ethan Schoonover's Solarized themes" tar ((:commit . "fa2afc66beebdf7936b9f1391878798d6426730c") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow . [(20181024 1728) nil "A version of Chris Kempson's \"tomorrow\" themes" tar ((:commit . "d3c694f4c423bc8cfc74bd80d624b974ebc94e02") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cyberpunk-theme . [(20180609 509) nil "Cyberpunk Color Theme" single ((:commit . "f8967e46b8bdb3eaf7b72474f2d70997dc1152e9") (:keywords "color" "theme" "cyberpunk") (:authors ("Nicholas M. Van Horn" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicholas M. Van Horn" . ""))]) (dakrone-theme . [(20170801 1933) nil "dakrone's custom dark theme" single ((:commit . "232ad1be5f3572dcbdf528f1655109aa355a6937") (:keywords "color" "themes") (:authors ("Lee Hinman ")) (:maintainer "Lee Hinman ") (:url . ""))]) (darkburn-theme . [(20170423 1652) nil "A not-so-low contrast color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "0af794ff7fac19778ac8a7efb92455c6f6c2158f") (:authors ("Jonas Gorauskas" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Gorauskas" . "") (:url . ""))]) (darkmine-theme . [(20160406 624) nil "Yet another emacs dark color theme." single ((:commit . "7f7e82ca03bcad52911fa41fb3e204e32d6ee63e") (:authors ("Pierre Lecocq" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Lecocq" . "") (:url . ""))]) (darkokai-theme . [(20181019 1859) nil "A darker variant on Monokai." single ((:commit . "b887fc6080f8e021058bff7f53fad84c82c81a7a") (:url . ""))]) (darktooth-theme . [(20181013 906) ((autothemer (0 2))) "From the darkness... it watches" single ((:commit . "780f9e25ae4abccab4e053f2caba7add4bc9d3be") (:url . ""))]) (django-theme . [(20131022 902) nil "Custom face theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "86c8142b3eb1addd94a43aa6f1d98dab06401af0") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))]) (doom-themes . [(20181101 218) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (1 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an opinionated pack of modern color-themes" tar ((:commit . "2aa163b8322a55a69296552bc03b1b84413d5abc") (:keywords "dark" "light" "blue" "atom" "one" "theme" "neotree" "icons" "faces" "nova") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dracula-theme . [(20180710 1324) ((emacs (24))) "Dracula Theme" single ((:commit . "a1c9888b7876ace60a536d27fb290e788bffc9cb") (:authors ("film42")) (:maintainer "film42") (:url . ""))]) (espresso-theme . [(20181025 826) nil "Espresso Tutti Colori port for Emacs" single ((:commit . "d2fa034eb833bf37cc6842017070725e0da9b046") (:authors ("Martin Kühl ")) (:maintainer "Martin Kühl ") (:url . ""))]) (exotica-theme . [(20180212 2329) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with vibrant colors" single ((:commit . "ff3ef4f6fa38c93b99becad977c7810c990a4d2f") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "dark" "vibrant colors") (:authors ("Bharat Joshi" . "")) (:maintainer "Bharat Joshi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eziam-theme . [(20180414 1029) nil "A mostly monochrome theme, inspired by Tao and Leuven, with dark and light versions." tar ((:commit . "96595833110cd64c391e0ccd5230782a8f0a4e08"))]) (farmhouse-theme . [(20160713 2244) nil "Farmhouse Theme, Emacs edition" tar ((:commit . "7ddc1ff13b4a3d5466bd0d33ecb86100352e83a7") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . ""))]) (flatland-theme . [(20171113 1521) nil "A simple theme for Emacs based on the Flatland theme for Sublime Text" single ((:commit . "a98a6f19ad4dff0fa3fad1ea487b7d0ef634a19a") (:authors ("Greg Chapple" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg Chapple" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flatui-theme . [(20160619 127) nil "A color theme for Emacs based on" single ((:commit . "9c15db5526c15c8dba55023f5698372b19c2a780") (:authors ("John Louis Del Rosario" . "")) (:maintainer "John Louis Del Rosario" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gandalf-theme . [(20130809 947) nil "Gandalf color theme" single ((:commit . "4e472fc851431458537d458d09c1f5895e338536") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . ""))]) (gotham-theme . [(20171013 1916) nil "A very dark Emacs color theme." single ((:commit . "5e97554d1f9639698faedb0660e63694be33bd84") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (grandshell-theme . [(20180606 517) nil "Dark color theme for Emacs > 24 with intensive colors." tar ((:commit . "0ed8e4273607dd4fcaa742b4097259233b09eda6"))]) (gruber-darker-theme . [(20180529 712) nil "Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24." single ((:commit . "c7687ec0511941db1371dcd70b31061d74aa5668") (:authors ("Alexey Kutepov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexey Kutepov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gruvbox-theme . [(20181013 1144) ((autothemer (0 2))) "A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "39124183cf47d25780cd02e33e57743484b4c680") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hc-zenburn-theme . [(20150928 1633) nil "An higher contrast version of the Zenburn theme." single ((:commit . "fd0024a5191cdce204d91c8f1db99ba31640f6e9") (:authors ("Nantas Nardelli" . "")) (:maintainer "Nantas Nardelli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hemisu-theme . [(20130508 1844) nil "Hemisu for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "5c206561aa2c844ecdf3e3b672c3235e559ddd7f") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))]) (heroku-theme . [(20150523 219) nil "Heroku color theme" single ((:commit . "8083643fe92ec3a1c3eb82f1b8dc2236c9c9691d") (:authors ("Jonathan Chu" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Chu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (inkpot-theme . [(20181026 509) nil "port of vim's inkpot theme" single ((:commit . "52fcb8ffc32a242a86956643ce9b8e8f726947aa") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Sarah Iovan" . "") ("Campbell Barton" . "")) (:maintainer "Sarah Iovan" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ir-black-theme . [(20130303 755) nil "Port of ir-black theme" single ((:commit . "36e930d107604b5763c80294a6f92aaa02e6c272") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Jon-Michael Deldin" . "")) (:maintainer "Jon-Michael Deldin" . ""))]) (jazz-theme . [(20170411 1411) nil "A warm color theme for Emacs 24+." single ((:commit . "b1cb78a97cc4050f19d88a89e455c3e52d98240e") (:authors ("Roman Parykin" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Parykin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (jbeans-theme . [(20180309 1625) ((emacs (24))) "Jbeans theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" single ((:commit . "3caa95998d8492a2ca6c17971de499ca15609871") (:authors ("Adam Olsen" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Olsen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (autothemer . [(20180920 923) ((dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Conveniently define themes." single ((:commit . "69488c71dfc182cf2e7be2d745037f230ade678e") (:authors ("Sebastian Sturm")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Sturm") (:url . ""))]) (kaolin-themes . [(20181103 1246) ((emacs (25 1)) (autothemer (0 2 2)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "A set of eye pleasing themes" tar ((:commit . "6ba85615967929dc2c27bd13eb3d009113747cf6") (:keywords "dark" "light" "teal" "blue" "violet" "purple" "brown" "theme" "faces") (:authors ("Ogden Webb" . "")) (:maintainer "Ogden Webb" . "") (:url . ""))]) (light-soap-theme . [(20150607 1445) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "76a787bd40c6b567ae68ced7f5d9f9f10725e00d"))]) (lush-theme . [(20180816 2200) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with lush colors" single ((:commit . "7cfc993709d712f75c51b505078608c9e1c11466") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "strong colors") (:authors ("Andre Richter" . "")) (:maintainer "Andre Richter" . "") (:url . ""))]) (madhat2r-theme . [(20170203 30) ((emacs (24))) "dark color theme that is easy on the eyes" single ((:commit . "6b387f09de055cfcc15d74981cd4f32f8f9a7323") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Micah Duke")) (:maintainer "Micah Duke") (:url . ""))]) (majapahit-theme . [(20160817 1848) nil "Color theme with a dark and light versions" tar ((:commit . "77c96df7619666b2102d90d452eeadf04adc89a6") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . ""))]) (material-theme . [(20171123 1840) ((emacs (24 1))) "A Theme based on the colors of the Google Material Design" tar ((:commit . "b66838d220ad380a16da1d8878936974b26f815d") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Christoph Paulik" . "")) (:maintainer "Christoph Paulik" . "") (:url . ""))]) (minimal-theme . [(20160608 1022) nil "A light/dark minimalistic Emacs 24 theme." tar ((:commit . "430e0d3fc2044c16aa9f10961841febbd60df285") (:keywords "color" "theme" "minimal") (:authors ("Anler Hp ")) (:maintainer "Anler Hp ") (:url . ""))]) (moe-theme . [(20180617 200) nil "A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun!" tar ((:commit . "ee6d7a1c84ac7a11fcc82dfc3b174eee1c8461fa") (:url . ""))]) (molokai-theme . [(20151016 1545) nil "molokai theme with Emacs theme engine" single ((:commit . "04a44f21184b6a26caae4f2c92db9019d883309c") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (monokai-theme . [(20180730 1329) nil "A fruity color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "f4ef092129f4a35edaee0a9b2219c17e86309730") (:authors ("Kelvin Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Kelvin Smith" . "") (:url . ""))]) (monochrome-theme . [(20140326 1050) nil "A dark Emacs 24 theme for your focused hacking sessions" tar ((:commit . "bfca67fe7365310bc47ae9ca96c417caada54896") (:authors ("Xavier Noria" . "")) (:maintainer "Xavier Noria" . ""))]) (mustang-theme . [(20170719 946) nil "port of vim's mustang theme" single ((:commit . "dda6d04803f1c9b196b620ef564e7768fee15de2") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler") (:url . ""))]) (naquadah-theme . [(20180212 1240) nil "A theme based on Tango color set" single ((:commit . "999056526db5095ce600c83672fc80cb744bd93e"))]) (noctilux-theme . [(20161113 1442) ((emacs (24))) "Dark theme inspired by LightTable" single ((:commit . "a3265a1be7f4d73f44acce6d968ca6f7add1f2ca") (:authors ("Simon Manning" . "")) (:maintainer "Simon Manning" . "") (:url . ""))]) (obsidian-theme . [(20170719 948) nil "port of the eclipse obsidian theme" single ((:commit . "f45efb2ebe9942466c1db6abbe2d0e6847b785ea") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler") (:url . ""))]) (occidental-theme . [(20130312 1958) nil "Custom theme for faces based on Adwaita" single ((:commit . "fd2db7256d4f78c43d99c3cddb1c39106d479816") (:authors ("William Stevenson" . "") ("Erik Timan" . "")) (:maintainer "William Stevenson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (omtose-phellack-theme . [(20161111 2120) nil "A dark theme, with cold bluish touch." tar ((:commit . "66f99633e199e65bd28641626435e8e59246529a"))]) (oldlace-theme . [(20150705 1300) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with an 'oldlace' background." single ((:commit . "5c6f437203b0783b36a7aff4a578de4a0c8c4ee6") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler"))]) (organic-green-theme . [(20180522 1620) nil "Low-contrast green color theme." single ((:commit . "200ac4a636eeb6faf1793d1937e62a343debc437"))]) (phoenix-dark-mono-theme . [(20170729 1406) nil "Monochromatic version of the Phoenix theme" single ((:commit . "a54f515d162148bcb38676980bc2316adb3d7b8b") (:authors ("J Irving" . "")) (:maintainer "J Irving" . "") (:url . ""))]) (phoenix-dark-pink-theme . [(20170729 1403) nil "Originally a port of the Sublime Text 2 theme" single ((:commit . "4defbb76b00c1a29f060813898578152d6be623d") (:authors ("J Irving" . "")) (:maintainer "J Irving" . "") (:url . ""))]) (planet-theme . [(20161031 217) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme inspired by Gmail's 'Planets' theme of yore" single ((:commit . "b0a310ff36565fe22224c407cf59569986698a32") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Charlie McMackin" . "")) (:maintainer "Charlie McMackin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (professional-theme . [(20150315 1100) nil "Emacs port of Vim's professional theme" single ((:commit . "0927d1474049a193f9f366bde5eb1887b9ba20ed") (:keywords "theme" "light" "professional") (:authors ("Juanjo Alvarez" . "")) (:maintainer "Juanjo Alvarez" . "") (:url . ""))]) (purple-haze-theme . [(20141015 229) ((emacs (24 0))) "an overtly purple color theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "3e245cbef7cd09e6b3ee124963e372a04e9a6485") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (railscasts-theme . [(20150219 1525) nil "Railscasts color theme for GNU Emacs." single ((:commit . "1340c3f6c2717761cab95617cf8dcbd962b1095b") (:keywords "railscasts" "color" "theme") (:authors ("Oleg Shaldybin")) (:maintainer "Oleg Shaldybin") (:url . ""))]) (rebecca-theme . [(20180324 821) ((emacs (24))) "Rebecca Purple Theme" single ((:commit . "9ac0c71c2858b76dc5499f62c7c7fb7f9e8f16bc") (:keywords "theme" "dark") (:authors ("vic" . "")) (:maintainer "vic" . "") (:url . ""))]) (reverse-theme . [(20141205 145) nil "Reverse theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "8319d0d5342890a3530ffa4daafdb7c35feda1ca") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (seti-theme . [(20161208 1636) nil "A dark colored theme, inspired by Seti Atom Theme" single ((:commit . "cbfef2fc15d19ce4c8326e65fafdd61737077132") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Vlad Piersec" . "")) (:maintainer "Vlad Piersec" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smyx-theme . [(20141127 828) nil "smyx Color Theme" single ((:commit . "6263f6b401bbabaed388c8efcfc0be2e58c51401") (:keywords "color" "theme" "smyx") (:authors ("Uriel G Maldonado" . "")) (:maintainer "Uriel G Maldonado" . ""))]) (soft-charcoal-theme . [(20140420 1643) nil "Dark charcoal theme with soft colors" single ((:commit . "5607ab977fae6638e78b1495e02da8955c9ba19f") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (soft-morning-theme . [(20150918 2041) nil "Emacs24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "c0f9c70c97ef2be2a093cf839c4bfe27740a111c") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (soft-stone-theme . [(20140614 835) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "fb475514cfb02cf30ce358a61c48e46614344d48") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (solarized-theme . [(20181030 1912) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 6 0))) "The Solarized color theme, ported to Emacs." tar ((:commit . "87d4758e7ecc8ed873f3326e4f8b185fd2b9da0a"))]) (soothe-theme . [(20141027 1441) ((emacs (24 1))) "a dark colorful theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "0786fe70c6c1b4ddcfb932fdc6862b9611cfc09b") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spacegray-theme . [(20150719 1931) ((emacs (24 1))) "A Hyperminimal UI Theme" single ((:commit . "7f70ee36297e5ccf9bc90b1f81472024f5a7a749") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Bruce Williams" . "")) (:maintainer "Bruce Williams" . "") (:url . ""))]) (subatomic-theme . [(20160126 1538) nil "Low contrast bluish color theme" single ((:commit . "6a4086af748b1ecb27f6ba2aa2614988db16d594") (:keywords "color-theme" "blue" "low contrast") (:authors ("John Olsson" . "")) (:maintainer "John Olsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (subatomic256-theme . [(20130621 210) nil "Fork of subatomic-theme for terminals." single ((:commit . "326177d6f99cd2b1d30df695e67ee3bc441cd96f") (:authors ("John Olsson" . "")) (:maintainer "John Olsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sublime-themes . [(20170606 1844) nil "A collection of themes based on Sublime Text" tar ((:commit . "60ee40af82eb55b79d5ed4026f1911326311603f") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Owain Lewis" . "")) (:maintainer "Owain Lewis" . ""))]) (sunny-day-theme . [(20140413 2125) nil "Emacs24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "420e0a6eb33fcc9b75c2c9e88ab60a975d782a00") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (tango-2-theme . [(20120312 2025) nil "Tango 2 color theme for GNU Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "64e44c98e41ebbe3b827d54280e3b9615787daaa") (:authors ("Nick Parker")) (:maintainer "Nick Parker"))]) (tango-plus-theme . [(20170214 1708) nil "A color theme based on the tango palette" single ((:commit . "8ba8901397e3e9f1d53110487bfa0effc65015e7") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tangotango-theme . [(20170924 1509) nil "Tango Palette color theme for Emacs 24." single ((:commit . "e2f2ea9c35f06dfc43a29c91c14cf0cdb19f2144") (:keywords "tango" "palette" "color" "theme" "emacs") (:authors ("Julien Barnier")) (:maintainer "Julien Barnier") (:url . ""))]) (tao-theme . [(20181020 1726) nil "This package provides two parametrized uncoloured color themes for Emacs: tao-yin and tao-yang." tar ((:commit . "c10ba53dad8aa3625191184a56c34ed456561771"))]) (toxi-theme . [(20160424 2126) ((emacs (24))) "A dark color theme by toxi" single ((:authors ("Karsten Schmidt" . "")) (:maintainer "Karsten Schmidt" . "") (:url . ""))]) (twilight-anti-bright-theme . [(20160622 848) nil "A soothing Emacs 24 light-on-dark theme" single ((:commit . "523b95fcdbf4a6a6483af314ad05354a3d80f23f") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Jim Myhrberg" . "")) (:maintainer "Jim Myhrberg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (twilight-bright-theme . [(20130605 843) nil "A Emacs 24 faces port of the TextMate theme" single ((:commit . "322157cb2f3bf7920ecd209dafc31bc1c7959f49") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Jim Myhrberg" . "")) (:maintainer "Jim Myhrberg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (twilight-theme . [(20120412 1303) nil "Twilight theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" single ((:commit . "77c4741cb3dcf16e53d06d6c2ffdc660c40afb5b") (:authors ("Nick Parker" . "")) (:maintainer "Nick Parker" . ""))]) (ujelly-theme . [(20180214 1624) nil "Ujelly theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" single ((:commit . "bf724ce7806a738d2043544061e5f9bbfc56e674") (:authors ("Mark Tran" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Tran" . "") (:url . ""))]) (underwater-theme . [(20131118 2) nil "A gentle, deep blue color theme" single ((:commit . "4eb9ef014f580adc135d91d1cd68d37a310640b6") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Jon-Michael Deldin" . "")) (:maintainer "Jon-Michael Deldin" . ""))]) (white-sand-theme . [(20151117 1648) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "97621edd69267dd143760d94393db2c2558c9ea4") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler"))]) (zen-and-art-theme . [(20120622 1437) nil "zen and art color theme for GNU Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "a7226cbce0bca2501d69a620cb2aeabfc396c232") (:authors ("Nick Parker")) (:maintainer "Nick Parker"))]) (zenburn-theme . [(20181014 1555) nil "A low contrast color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "d71a0f0556c1db785738ab9b0c989df342705a81") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nyan-mode . [(20170423 740) nil "Nyan Cat shows position in current buffer in mode-line." tar ((:commit . "a85ac925367ddc542827182a2d9f0133b421c41b") (:keywords "nyan" "cat" "lulz" "scrolling" "pop tart cat" "build something amazing") (:authors ("Jacek \"TeMPOraL\" Zlydach" . "")) (:maintainer "Jacek \"TeMPOraL\" Zlydach" . "") (:url . ""))]) (color-identifiers-mode . [(20181011 2114) ((dash (2 5 0)) (emacs (24))) "Color identifiers based on their names" single ((:commit . "91296e02dd5f03fe5ee9aa08f95120fb716d2128") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:authors ("Ankur Dave" . "")) (:maintainer "Ankur Dave" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rainbow-identifiers . [(20141102 1526) ((emacs (24))) "Highlight identifiers according to their names" single ((:commit . "19fbfded1baa98d12335f26f6d7b20e5ae44ce2e") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rainbow-mode . [(1 0 1) nil "Colorize color names in buffers" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "faces"))]) (ucs-utils . [(20150826 1414) ((persistent-soft (0 8 8)) (pcache (0 2 3)) (list-utils (0 4 2))) "Utilities for Unicode characters" tar ((:commit . "cbfd42f822bf5717934fa2d92060e6e24a813433") (:keywords "i18n" "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (font-utils . [(20150806 1751) ((persistent-soft (0 8 8)) (pcache (0 2 3))) "Utility functions for working with fonts" single ((:commit . "9192d3f8ee6a4e75f34c3fed10378674cc2b11d3") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (unicode-fonts . [(20181001 1509) ((font-utils (0 7 8)) (ucs-utils (0 8 2)) (list-utils (0 4 2)) (persistent-soft (0 8 10)) (pcache (0 3 1))) "Configure Unicode fonts" single ((:commit . "7b88ae84e589f6c8b9386b2fb5a02ff4ccb91169") (:keywords "i18n" "faces" "frames" "wp" "interface") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (list-utils . [(20160414 1402) nil "List-manipulation utility functions" single ((:commit . "acf18aca1131a90f8d673974673e3c5d8fdc6a86") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pcache . [(20170105 2214) ((eieio (1 3))) "persistent caching for Emacs." single ((:commit . "1f8086077d770e524492e6fa59b07856e85a6fea") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . ""))]) (persistent-soft . [(20150223 1853) ((pcache (0 3 1)) (list-utils (0 4 2))) "Persistent storage, returning nil on failure" single ((:commit . "a1e0ddf2a12a6f18cab565dee250f070384cbe02") (:keywords "data" "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (mu4e-alert . [(20180305 646) ((alert (1 2)) (s (1 10 0)) (ht (2 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Desktop notification for mu4e" single ((:commit . "96a293b28646f4620e257f24748becc4a06843cd") (:keywords "mail" "convenience") (:authors ("Iqbal Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Iqbal Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))]) (mu4e-maildirs-extension . [(20180606 812) ((dash (0 0 0))) "Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view" single ((:commit . "3ef4c48516be66e73d24fe764aadbcfc126b7964") (:authors ("Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-mu . [(20180513 921) ((helm (1 5 5))) "Helm sources for searching emails and contacts" single ((:commit . "77e6fea24e01481418738421dbcfe28ef1bd63cf") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (persp-mode . [(20180930 1720) nil "windows/buffers sets shared among frames + save/load." single ((:commit . "689f63e7370cd9424d84b9f7b2eb3d1955443313") (:keywords "perspectives" "session" "workspace" "persistence" "windows" "buffers" "convenience") (:authors ("Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "")) (:maintainer "Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel-notmuch . [(20180714 40) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 10 0)) (notmuch (0 21)) (s (1 12 0))) "Search emails in Notmuch asynchronously with Ivy" single ((:commit . "f4c864eca400abe0bb7420bcee80f2f8259ca0ff") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Alexander Fu Xi" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Fu Xi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-notmuch . [(20180730 1722) ((helm (1 9 3)) (notmuch (0 21))) "Search emails with Notmuch and Helm" single ((:commit . "9988eb0f787c82c779f2417b5613b9142a5b1c9b") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (notmuch . [(20181021 1330) nil "run notmuch within emacs" tar ((:commit . "7f726c6e87517eb9c84119a1c5e3a63bfaaa49f6") (:url . ""))]) (company-terraform . [(20180703 1233) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (terraform-mode (0 6))) "A company backend for terraform" tar ((:commit . "9c1146bfe23d4c461f4a59577faf4e46fcca7fe9") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "terraform" "company") (:authors ("Rafał Cieślak" . "")) (:maintainer "Rafał Cieślak" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hcl-mode . [(20170107 827) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for Hashicorp" single ((:commit . "0f2c5ec7e7bcf77c8548e8cac8721ea935ca1b5e") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (terraform-mode . [(20170112 517) ((emacs (24 3)) (hcl-mode (0 3))) "Major mode for terraform configuration file" single ((:commit . "6973d1acaba2835dfdf174f5a5e27de6366002e1") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ranger . [(20170817 1557) ((emacs (24 4))) "Make dired more like ranger" single ((:commit . "6bbff5df2e55f56047fca5058d9ca93ba4963aef") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "dired") (:authors ("Rich Alesi ")) (:maintainer "Rich Alesi ") (:url . ""))]) (pandoc-mode . [(20180917 721) ((hydra (0 10 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "Minor mode for interacting with Pandoc" tar ((:commit . "d594ce399fc75eb553a6d8572713b827f744d95b") (:keywords "text" "pandoc") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . ""))]) (ox-pandoc . [(20180510 1338) ((org (8 2)) (emacs (24)) (dash (2 8)) (ht (2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "org exporter for pandoc." single ((:commit . "aa37dc7e94213d4ebedb85c384c1ba35007da18e") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi" . "")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-mode . [(20180718 809) ((json-reformat (0 0 5)) (json-snatcher (1 0 0))) "Major mode for editing JSON files." single ((:commit . "ffc92b1eefc54963703b43be140f4c8c8ad348f7") (:authors ("Josh Johnston")) (:maintainer "Josh Johnston") (:url . ""))]) (magit-popup . [(20181003 921) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 2)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos" tar ((:commit . "8436447e3166b797edc596cf220f3bf9b41ff4d0") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-snatcher . [(20150512 347) ((emacs (24))) "Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file" single ((:commit . "c4cecc0a5051bd364373aa499c47a1bb7a5ac51c") (:authors ("Sterling Graham" . "")) (:maintainer "Sterling Graham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-reformat . [(20160212 853) nil "Reformatting tool for JSON" single ((:commit . "8eb6668ed447988aea06467ba8f42e1f2178246f") (:keywords "json") (:authors ("Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "")) (:maintainer "Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "") (:url . ""))]) (docker . [(20181101 504) ((emacs (24 5)) (dash (2 14 1)) (docker-tramp (0 1)) (magit-popup (2 12 4)) (s (1 12 0)) (tablist (0 70)) (json-mode (1 7 0))) "Emacs interface to Docker" tar ((:commit . "c36bce1bad03833e0d35e260ed1e402c152606ba") (:keywords "filename" "convenience") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "") (:url . ""))]) (docker-tramp . [(20170207 325) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "TRAMP integration for docker containers" tar ((:commit . "8e2b671eff7a81af43b76d9dfcf94ddaa8333a23") (:keywords "docker" "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dockerfile-mode . [(20181104 1800) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 12))) "Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles" single ((:commit . "7223d92718f78fa3ab15667cdb2ed90cfeb579e7") (:url . ""))]) (ycmd . [(20180724 1256) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (request (0 3 0)) (request-deferred (0 3 0)) (pkg-info (0 6))) "emacs bindings to the ycmd completion server" tar ((:commit . "ef87d020d3314efbac2e8925c115d0ac5c128c2a") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-ycmd . [(20181016 618) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 13 0)) (flycheck (0 22)) (ycmd (1 2)) (let-alist (1 0 5))) "flycheck integration for ycmd" single ((:commit . "ef87d020d3314efbac2e8925c115d0ac5c128c2a") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (levenshtein . [(20090830 1040) nil "Edit distance between two strings." single ((:commit . "070925197ebf6b704e6e00c4f2d2ec783f3df38c") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Aaron S. Hawley ,") ("Art Taylor")) (:maintainer "Aaron S. Hawley ,"))]) (cmake-ide . [(20181023 1430) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (seq (1 11)) (levenshtein (0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags" single ((:commit . "0d8fd3e2604fa66d5d4d5db91d1d045c5f1f4546") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cmake-mode . [(20180709 1426) nil "major-mode for editing CMake sources" single ((:commit . "94744965f810958b58d94d4b3e4f67566b392396"))]) (helm-ctest . [(20180821 1005) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (helm-core (1 7 4))) "Run ctest from within emacs" single ((:commit . "0c73689692a290f56080e95325c15362e90d529b") (:keywords "helm" "ctest") (:authors ("Dan LaManna" . "")) (:maintainer "Dan LaManna" . ""))]) (bm . [(20181012 1631) nil "Visible bookmarks in buffer." tar ((:commit . "b85d407b53e1d852c47fcea2a245a4e67e48c38a") (:keywords "bookmark" "highlight" "faces" "persistent") (:authors ("Jo Odland ")) (:maintainer "Jo Odland ") (:url . ""))]) (ivy-pass . [(20170812 1955) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (password-store (1 6 5))) "ivy interface for pass" single ((:commit . "5b523de1151f2109fdd6a8114d0af12eef83d3c5") (:keywords "pass" "password" "convenience" "data") (:authors ("ecraven")) (:maintainer "ecraven") (:url . ""))]) (auth-source-pass . [(20181106 1348) ((emacs (25))) "Integrate auth-source with password-store" single ((:commit . "63c0631896b2f2ed6b359e026c6a7949932aa0bf") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "") ("Nicolas Petton" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-pass . [(20180607 2348) ((emacs (25)) (helm (0)) (password-store (0)) (auth-source-pass (4 0 0))) "helm interface of pass, the standard Unix password manager" single ((:commit . "fdff8f8f2e2b8a61caed7b6c171624700dbe1346") (:authors ("J. Alexander Branham" . "")) (:maintainer "J. Alexander Branham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (with-editor . [(20181103 2149) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9))) "Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR" tar ((:commit . "87c96b3a7cdf9ab9477e27f1ae2010883a83a426") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (password-store . [(20181031 1440) ((emacs (24)) (f (0 11 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (with-editor (2 5 11))) "Password store (pass) support" single ((:commit . "d29a389a40524c684595f51bb937f66958bc14ea") (:keywords "tools" "pass" "password" "password-store") (:authors ("Svend Sorensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Svend Sorensen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (esh-help . [(20170830 411) ((dash (1 4 0))) "Add some help functions and support for Eshell" single ((:commit . "8a8a9d4d9852f8bd96da3b94e95ff57097ac8ec6") (:keywords "eshell" "extensions") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eshell-prompt-extras . [(20180110 634) nil "Display extra information for your eshell prompt." single ((:commit . "1d8825dcc005b488c6366d0b3015fc6686194eea") (:keywords "eshell" "prompt") (:authors ("Wei Zhao" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eshell-z . [(20170117 438) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "cd to frequent directory in eshell" single ((:commit . "c9334cbc1552234df3437f35d98e32f4d18446b8") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (multi-term . [(20160619 933) nil "Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs." single ((:commit . "f954e4e18b0a035151d34852387e724d87a3316f") (:keywords "term" "terminal" "multiple buffer") (:authors ("Andy Stewart" . "")) (:maintainer "Andy Stewart" . "") (:url . ""))]) (shell-pop . [(20170304 1416) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work." single ((:commit . "4a3a9d093ad1add792bba764c601aa28de302b34") (:keywords "shell" "terminal" "tools") (:authors ("Kazuo YAGI" . "")) (:maintainer "Kazuo YAGI" . "") (:url . ""))]) (xterm-color . [(20180202 2318) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "ANSI & XTERM 256 color support" single ((:commit . "42374a98f1039e105cad9f16ce585dffc96a3f1c") (:keywords "faces") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))]) (vagrant . [(20170301 2206) nil "Manage a vagrant box from emacs" single ((:commit . "636ce2f9af32ea199170335a9cf1201b64873440") (:keywords "vagrant" "chef") (:authors ("Robert Crim" . "")) (:maintainer "Robert Crim" . "") (:url . ""))]) (vagrant-tramp . [(20160427 2332) ((dash (2 12 0))) "Vagrant method for TRAMP" tar ((:commit . "453ba605b28d2964bb4e10074f1e6891ebb4d2d6") (:keywords "vagrant") (:authors ("Doug MacEachern" . "") ("Ryan Prior " . "")) (:maintainer "Doug MacEachern" . "") (:url . ""))]) (systemd . [(20180629 2106) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for editing systemd units" tar ((:commit . "401d71c2dd24e424216ae5e4275c830f2a9c6b0c") (:keywords "tools" "unix") (:authors ("Mark Oteiza" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Oteiza" . ""))]) (lsp-mode . [(20181103 2101) ((emacs (25 1))) "Minor mode for interacting with Language Servers" tar ((:commit . "7f3971af37cf20fb42fea705951bba1708211497") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-ui . [(20181031 2002) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (flycheck (31)) (lsp-mode (5 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "UI modules for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "5138e720451dfbcae2f55a8380416340d5706583") (:keywords "lsp") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis , Fangrui Song" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Chapuis , Fangrui Song" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ansible . [(20180813 114) ((s (1 9 0)) (f (0 16 2))) "Ansible minor mode" tar ((:commit . "8a097176d6772b6667254dbbe19c5fb64527bf5d") (:authors ("k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ")) (:maintainer "k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ") (:url . ""))]) (ansible-doc . [(20160924 824) ((emacs (24 3))) "Ansible documentation Minor Mode" single ((:commit . "86083a7bb2ed0468ca64e52076b06441a2f8e9e0") (:keywords "tools" "help") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn") (:url . ""))]) (company-ansible . [(20180701 1813) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12))) "A company back-end for ansible" tar ((:commit . "c6dc714e3a15f89671ae5e8fe668858b20ef63e8") (:keywords "ansible") (:authors ("Krzysztof Magosa" . "")) (:maintainer "Krzysztof Magosa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (jinja2-mode . [(20141128 1007) nil "A major mode for jinja2" single ((:commit . "cfaa7bbe7bb290cc500440124ce89686f3e26f86") (:authors ("Florian Mounier aka paradoxxxzero")) (:maintainer "Florian Mounier aka paradoxxxzero"))]) (mmm-jinja2 . [(20170313 1420) ((mmm-mode (0 5 4))) "MMM submode class for Jinja2 Templates" single ((:commit . "c8cb763174fa2fb61b9a0e5e0ff8cb0210f8492f") (:authors ("Ben Hayden" . "")) (:maintainer "Ben Hayden" . "") (:url . ""))]) (yaml-mode . [(20180409 607) ((emacs (24 1))) "Major mode for editing YAML files" single ((:commit . "40067a10ac1360f0b9533f0bbbb2eea128e2574d") (:keywords "data" "yaml") (:authors ("Yoshiki Kurihara" . "") ("Marshall T. Vandegrift" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . ""))]) (mmm-mode . [(0 5 7) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "Allow Multiple Major Modes in a buffer" tar ((:keywords "convenience" "faces" "languages" "tools") (:url . ""))]) (salt-mode . [(20181015 1025) ((emacs (24 4)) (yaml-mode (0 0 12)) (mmm-mode (0 5 4)) (mmm-jinja2 (0 1))) "Major mode for Salt States" single ((:commit . "432eaf8a48a79ec5e3b6149dac28370e140155e4") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ben Hayden" . "")) (:maintainer "Glynn Forrest" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nginx-mode . [(20170612 437) nil "major mode for editing nginx config files" single ((:commit . "a2bab83c2eb233d57d76b236e7c141c2ccc97005") (:keywords "languages" "nginx") (:authors ("Andrew J Cosgriff" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew J Cosgriff" . ""))]) (command-log-mode . [(20160413 447) nil "log keyboard commands to buffer" single ((:commit . "af600e6b4129c8115f464af576505ea8e789db27") (:keywords "help") (:authors ("Michael Weber" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Weber" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rebox2 . [(20121113 1300) nil "Handling of comment boxes in various styles." single ((:commit . 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"a1e1ecc3246ae96f9054d4c7879063a25b9d139c") (:keywords "markdown" "github flavored markdown" "itex") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (html-to-markdown . [(20151105 840) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "HTML to Markdown converter written in Emacs-lisp." single ((:commit . "60c5498c801be186478cf7c05be05b4430c4a144") (:keywords "tools" "wp" "languages") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gmail-message-mode . [(20160627 1847) ((ham-mode (1 0))) "A major-mode for editing gmail messages using markdown syntax." single ((:commit . "ec36672a9dc93c09ebe2f77597b498d11883d008") (:keywords "mail" "convenience" "emulation") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flymd . [(20160617 1214) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "On the fly markdown preview" tar ((:commit . "84d5a68bcfed4a295952c33ffcd11e880978d9d7") (:keywords "markdown" "convenience") (:authors ("Mola-T" . "")) (:maintainer "Mola-T" . "") (:url . ""))]) (osx-location . [(20150613 917) nil "Watch and respond to changes in geographical location on OS X" tar ((:commit . "8bb3a94cc9f04b922d2d730fe08596cc6ee12bf2"))]) (rase . [(20120928 2045) nil "Run At Sun Event daemon" single ((:commit . "59b5f7e8102570b65040e8d55781c7ea28de7338") (:keywords "solar" "sunrise" "sunset" "midday" "midnight") (:authors ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrey Kotlarski" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sunshine . [(20181029 1654) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Provide weather and forecast information." single ((:commit . "8959dea03377e61aaca0124ac8d2703daaae6b9a") (:keywords "tools" "weather") (:authors ("Aaron Bieber" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Bieber" . "") (:url . ""))]) (theme-changer . [(20171221 1927) nil "Sunrise/Sunset Theme Changer for Emacs" single ((:commit . "61945695a30d678e6a5d47cbe7c8aff59a8c30ea") (:keywords "color-theme" "deftheme" "solar" "sunrise" "sunset") (:authors ("Joshua B. Griffith" . "")) (:maintainer "Joshua B. Griffith" . "") (:url . ""))]) (transmission . [(20180728 1717) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 5))) "Interface to a Transmission session" single ((:commit . "bbe4077b89afe732d346eeed1ad0783537f33480") (:keywords "comm" "tools") (:authors ("Mark Oteiza" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Oteiza" . ""))]) (prodigy . [(20180511 938) ((s (1 8 0)) (dash (2 4 0)) (f (0 14 0)) (emacs (24))) "Manage external services from within Emacs" single ((:commit . "701dccaa56de9e6a330c05bde33bce4f3b3d6a97") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-ledger . [(20180819 321) ((flycheck (0 15))) "Flycheck integration for ledger files" single ((:commit . "8d7f52a4c7f80ca396ef0fc6c7d8e9f005778dfc") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . ""))]) (ledger-mode . [(20181107 1942) ((emacs (24 3))) "Helper code for use with the \"ledger\" command-line tool" tar ((:commit . "1f5c68fb59d81d2fffe49436ee99a8c291a4fe41"))]) (evil-ledger . [(20180802 1612) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 12)) (ledger-mode (0))) "Make `ledger-mode' more `evil'." single ((:commit . "7a9f9f5d39c42fffdba8004f8982642351f2b233") (:keywords "convenience" "evil" "languages" "ledger" "vim-emulation") (:authors ("Aaron Jacobs" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jacobs" . "") (:url . ""))]) (know-your-http-well . [(20160208 2304) nil "Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes" tar ((:commit . "3cc5ab6d2764ab7aacb1b6e026abaccbeb6c37f2"))]) (company-restclient . [(20151202 1201) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24)) (know-your-http-well (0 2 0)) (restclient (0 0 0))) "company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode" single ((:commit . "19d819b14b7cd186a840369060963a08377d052e") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-http . [(20180707 1448) ((s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "http request in org-mode babel" tar ((:commit . "b1428ea2a63bcb510e7382a1bf5fe82b19c104a7") (:authors ("ZHOU Feng" . "")) (:maintainer "ZHOU Feng" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-restclient . [(20180904 709) ((restclient (0))) "org-babel functions for restclient-mode" single ((:commit . "00b2c5a6637ab6e504708612357ffb29b5416e4b") (:keywords "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Alf Lervåg")) (:maintainer "Alf Lervåg") (:url . ""))]) (restclient . [(20180316 1551) nil "An interactive HTTP client for Emacs" single ((:commit . "859d944796ce298b5779d9d256bd8d271d57e221") (:keywords "http") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))]) (restclient-helm . [(20170314 1554) ((restclient (0)) (helm (1 9 4))) "helm interface for restclient.el" single ((:commit . "859d944796ce298b5779d9d256bd8d271d57e221") (:keywords "http" "helm") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))]) (ob-cfengine3 . [(20180102 1812) nil "Org Babel functions for CFEngine 3" single ((:commit . "93ebcfceec3734f4bd187ae123686187d66fd401") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Nick Anderson" . "")) (:maintainer "Nick Anderson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tern . [(20181108 722) ((json (1 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Tern-powered JavaScript integration" single ((:commit . "6f11d6caba09edf281578a056980df9c5e234853") (:authors ("Marijn Haverbeke")) (:maintainer "Marijn Haverbeke") (:url . ""))]) (company-tern . [(20161004 1847) ((company (0 8 0)) (tern (0 0 1)) (dash (2 8 0)) (dash-functional (2 8 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5 0))) "Tern backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "10ac058b065ae73c1f30e9fb7d969dd1a79387be") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (puppet-mode . [(20180813 1947) ((emacs (24 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Major mode for Puppet manifests" single ((:commit . 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"")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pinyinlib . [(20170827 2142) nil "Convert first letter of Pinyin to Simplified/Traditional Chinese characters" single ((:commit . "45f05d3dbb4fe957f7ab332ca6f94675848b6aa3") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))]) (ace-pinyin . [(20170501 626) ((avy (0 2 0)) (pinyinlib (0 1 0))) "Jump to Chinese characters using avy or ace-jump-mode" single ((:commit . "a9df88c1e6a32a4f4895acbb8c45383693c494c1") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (names . [(20180321 1155) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Namespaces for emacs-lisp. Avoid name clobbering without hiding symbols." tar ((:commit . "d8baba5360e5253938a25d3e005455b6d2d86971") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (chinese-word-at-point . 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"45c8d90748304c90e1503c9fa8db0443f3d4bd89") (:keywords "unix") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "") ("Travis B. Hartwell" . "")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "") (:url . ""))]) (selectric-mode . [(20170216 1111) nil "IBM Selectric mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "aed70015b29074b52a5d0c49b88b7a501d276dda") (:keywords "multimedia" "convenience" "typewriter" "selectric") (:authors ("Ricardo Bánffy" . "")) (:maintainer "Ricardo Banffy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (2048-game . [(20151026 1933) nil "play 2048 in Emacs" single ((:authors ("Zachary Kanfer" . "")) (:maintainer "Zachary Kanfer" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pacmacs . [(20160131 832) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 11 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (f (0 18 0))) "Pacman for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "d813e9c62c2540fe619234824fc60e128c786442") (:authors ("Codingteam" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexey Kutepov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sudoku . [(20161111 706) ((emacs (24 4))) "Simple sudoku game, can download puzzles" single ((:commit . 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"") (:keywords "comm"))]) (rcirc-notify . [(20150219 2204) nil "libnotify popups" single ((:commit . "841a7b5a6cdb0c11a812df924d2c6a7d364fd455") (:keywords "lisp" "rcirc" "irc" "notify" "growl") (:authors ("Will Farrington, Alex Schroeder , Nic Ferrier" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . ""))]) (srv . [(20180715 1959) ((emacs (24 3))) "perform SRV DNS requests" single ((:commit . "714387d5a5cf34d8d8cd96bdb1f9cb8ded823ff7") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Magnus Henoch" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnus Henoch" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fsm . [(0 2 1) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "state machine library" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (jabber . [(20180927 2325) ((fsm (0 2)) (srv (0 2))) "A Jabber client for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "fff33826f42e040dad7ef64ea312d85215d3b0a1"))]) (emojify . [(20180611 1538) ((seq (1 11)) (ht (2 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Display emojis in Emacs" tar ((:commit . 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[(20131013 1544) ((emacs (24))) "Clojure-style multi-methods for emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "0987ab71692717ed457cb3984de184db9185806d") (:keywords "multimethod" "generic" "predicate" "dispatch") (:authors ("Christina Whyte" . "")) (:maintainer "Christina Whyte" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-spotify-plus . [(20180107 1138) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 0 0)) (multi (2 0 1))) "Control Spotify search and select music with Helm." single ((:commit . "895f241f1259891d5c89cd42023f119f9fa121d6") (:authors ("Wanderson Ferreira and Luis Moneda ")) (:maintainer "Wanderson Ferreira and Luis Moneda "))]) (counsel-spotify . [(20180320 322) ((emacs (25)) (ivy (0 9 0))) "Control Spotify search and select music with Ivy." single ((:commit . "9033e207dccdfea7fe590d2e102d50fcd2bd22e3") (:authors ("Lautaro García ")) (:maintainer "Lautaro García "))]) (copy-as-format . [(20171216 16) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Copy buffer locations as GitHub/Slack/JIRA/HipChat/... formatted code" single ((:commit . "971957166fe64d914ec4be209b4f80efeeabbb19") (:keywords "github" "slack" "jira" "hipchat" "gitlab" "bitbucket" "org-mode" "pod" "rst" "asciidoc" "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-mc . [(20180921 1727) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 2 13)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Multiple cursors for evil-mode" tar ((:commit . "2af29ecd2fbed1571c4cc2501dfb2e38ffd4bfa2") (:keywords "evil" "editing" "multiple-cursors" "vim" "evil-multiple-cursors" "evil-mc" "evil-mc") (:authors ("Gabriel Adomnicai" . "")) (:maintainer "Gabriel Adomnicai" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auto-yasnippet . [(20180503 1908) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Quickly create disposable yasnippets" single ((:commit . "623734aa418b18ff52cb65a0adb9e359aed31615") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auto-complete . [(20170125 245) ((popup (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Auto Completion for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . 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"")) (:maintainer "Cornelius Mika" . "") (:url . ""))]) (wgrep . [(20180711 626) nil "Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files" single ((:commit . "414be70bd313e482cd9f0b70fd2daad4ee23497c") (:keywords "grep" "edit" "extensions") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (yasnippet . [(20181015 1212) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Yet another snippet extension for Emacs." single ((:commit . "1d96da2e08664c31ff7f6f7441da1f4fa5680b1f") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation") (:maintainer "Noam Postavsky" . "") (:url . ""))]) (yatemplate . [(20180617 952) ((yasnippet (0 8 1)) (emacs (24 3))) "File templates with yasnippet" tar ((:commit . "4f4fca9f04f7088c98aa195cf33635a35a6055cb") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:authors ("Wieland Hoffmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Wieland Hoffmann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ace-jump-helm-line . [(20160918 1836) ((avy (0 4 0)) (helm (1 6 3))) "Ace-jump to a candidate in helm window" single ((:commit . 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"")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (highlight . [(20181002 1151) nil "Highlighting commands." single ((:commit . "ea733e17884aeae19172407e20559fc693fdd3a7") (:keywords "faces" "help" "local") (:authors ("Drew Adams")) (:maintainer nil . "Drew Adams (concat \"drew.adams\" \"@\" \"oracle\" \".com\")") (:url . ""))]) (floobits . [(20180801 524) ((json (1 2)) (highlight (0))) "Floobits plugin for real-time collaborative editing" tar ((:commit . "489b294a7f30ecd2af2edc0823dead8102f27af6") (:keywords "comm" "tools") (:authors ("Matt Kaniaris") ("Geoff Greer")) (:maintainer "Matt Kaniaris") (:url . ""))]) (mwim . [(20180227 1652) nil "Switch between the beginning/end of line or code" single ((:commit . "462207227b98a6a4356d51419f5ad5ba9356e5cf") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))]) (unfill . [(20170723 146) nil "Unfill paragraphs or regions, and toggle between filled & unfilled" single ((:commit . 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[(20180923 1829) nil "Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML." single ((:commit . "8db0aa6aab77475a732b7363f0d57bd3933c18fd") (:keywords "hypermedia" "extensions") (:authors ("Hrvoje Niksic" . "")) (:maintainer "Hrvoje Niksic" . ""))]) (org-brain . [(20180712 2110) ((emacs (25)) (org (9))) "Org-mode concept mapping" single ((:commit . "d8dc1c4914c6200eaf44e36bf51a3cf02ef88fb9") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand" . "")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand" . "") (:url . ""))]) (org-journal . [(20181025 615) ((emacs (25 1))) "a simple org-mode based journaling mode" single ((:commit . "e33aa0c7e93bd97507aca7c4c4293144467dff3f") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold")) (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold") (:url . ""))]) (org-download . [(20180925 1528) ((async (1 2))) "Image drag-and-drop for Emacs org-mode" single ((:commit . "07b98eb4f7252e3f64a306c09dfb618be6ac181d") (:keywords "images" "screenshots" "download") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel") (:url . ""))]) (org-mime . [(20181023 2314) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "org html export for text/html MIME emails" single ((:commit . "1e792ef0616069b3ec74a4b7d96fced8c9c6eb8a") (:keywords "mime" "mail" "email" "html") (:authors ("Eric Schulte")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin (redguardtoo)") (:url . ""))]) (alert . [(20181022 1742) ((gntp (0 1)) (log4e (0 3 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Growl-style notification system for Emacs" single ((:commit . "9f329be87820474925f29b52a1131084c8ea95b9") (:keywords "notification" "emacs" "message") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (log4e . [(20170401 1304) nil "provide logging framework for elisp" single ((:commit . "c69424e407be0d9d0e54b427d8b18b1ac5a607e2") (:keywords "log") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gntp . [(20141025 250) nil "Growl Notification Protocol for Emacs" single ((:commit . "767571135e2c0985944017dc59b0be79af222ef5") (:authors ("Engelke Eschner" . "")) (:maintainer "Engelke Eschner" . ""))]) (org-pomodoro . [(20171108 2114) ((alert (0 5 10)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Pomodoro implementation for org-mode." tar ((:commit . "3deed1c26dcbda4d5231b9085ddf68e302b0f9dc") (:authors ("Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (org-present . [(20180303 2330) ((org (7))) "Minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode." single ((:commit . "d13acd70eff6a1608bc991920232146a0de76b21") (:authors ("Ric Lister")) (:maintainer "Ric Lister") (:url . ""))]) (org-category-capture . [(20180601 242) ((org (9 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Contextualy capture of org-mode TODOs." single ((:commit . "c798b1dff1d94304fa3621a905cbb572c7cb1d33") (:keywords "org-mode" "todo" "tools" "outlines") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))]) (org-projectile . [(20180601 242) ((projectile (0 11 0)) (dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (s (1 9 0)) (org-category-capture (0 0 0))) "Repository todo management for org-mode" single ((:commit . "c798b1dff1d94304fa3621a905cbb572c7cb1d33") (:keywords "org-mode" "projectile" "todo" "tools" "outlines") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ox-twbs . [(20161103 2016) nil "Bootstrap compatible HTML Back-End for Org" single ((:commit . "2414e6b1de7deb6dd2ae79a7be633fdccb9c2f28") (:keywords "org" "html" "publish" "twitter" "bootstrap") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik ") ("Jambunathan K ") ("Brandon van Beekum ")) (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik ") (:url . ""))]) (ox-gfm . [(20170628 2102) nil "Github Flavored Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "99f93011b069e02b37c9660b8fcb45dab086a07f") (:keywords "org" "wp" "markdown" "github") (:authors ("Lars Tveito")) (:maintainer "Lars Tveito"))]) (ox-reveal . [(20161027 926) ((org (20150330))) "reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "001567cc12d50ba07612edd1718b86a12e8c2547") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia" "slideshow" "presentation") (:authors ("Yujie Wen ")) (:maintainer "Yujie Wen "))]) (ox-hugo . [(20181106 2350) ((emacs (24 4)) (org (9 0))) "Hugo Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" tar ((:commit . "7fb284ec4b7f47ff1286598220650c5b24b56b45") (:keywords "org" "markdown" "docs") (:url . ""))]) (request-deferred . [(20160419 2305) ((deferred (0 3 1)) (request (0 2 0))) "Wrap request.el by deferred" single ((:commit . "a3d080e57eb8be606fbf39d1baff94e1b16e1fb8") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki ")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki "))]) (deferred . [(20170901 1330) ((emacs (24 4))) "Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "2239671d94b38d92e9b28d4e12fd79814cfb9c16") (:keywords "deferred" "async") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:url . ""))]) (org-trello . [(20180331 631) ((request-deferred (0 2 0)) (deferred (0 4 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash-functional (2 12 1)) (dash (2 12 1))) "Minor mode to synchronize org-mode buffer and trello board" tar ((:commit . "e2e8a3d45057645e4caae7d46a79d2d9be2894bd"))]) (ibuffer-projectile . [(20180325 325) ((projectile (0 11 0))) "Group ibuffer's list by projectile root" single ((:commit . "1e89bfa7cae0629d29f24af3d81774b88b3cede0") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tablist . [(20170220 335) ((emacs (24 3))) "Extended tabulated-list-mode" tar ((:commit . "c834a84efb6efa32497efe1e73160fade741b836") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp") (:authors ("Andreas Politz" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Politz" . ""))]) (pdf-tools . [(20181027 1623) ((emacs (24 3)) (tablist (0 70)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "Support library for PDF documents." tar ((:commit . "b6c0e4f3bb8d57818c51f27c12b9235d39bec8d3") (:keywords "files" "multimedia") (:authors ("Andreas Politz" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Politz" . ""))]) (spray . [(20160304 2220) nil "a speed reading mode" single ((:commit . "00638bc916227f2f961013543d10e85a43a32e29") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Ian Kelling" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Kelling" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ace-jump-mode . [(20140616 815) nil "a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs" single ((:commit . "8351e2df4fbbeb2a4003f2fb39f46d33803f3dac") (:keywords "motion" "location" "cursor") (:authors ("winterTTr" . "")) (:maintainer "winterTTr" . "") (:url . ""))]) (noflet . [(20141102 1454) nil "locally override functions" single ((:commit . "7ae84dc3257637af7334101456dafe1759c6b68a") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "") (:url . ""))]) (popwin . [(20150315 1300) nil "Popup Window Manager." single ((:commit . "95dea14c60019d6cccf9a3b33e0dec4e1f22c304") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))]) (elfeed-goodies . [(20171127 651) ((popwin (1 0 0)) (powerline (2 2)) (elfeed (2 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (noflet (0 0 10)) (ace-jump-mode (2 0))) "Elfeed goodies" tar ((:commit . "fc0c3e72f9fcd7bbf5237f6f2323bc666e8240b4") (:authors ("Gergely Nagy")) (:maintainer "Gergely Nagy") (:url . ""))]) (org . [(20181105) nil "Outline-based notes management and organizer" tar nil]) (elfeed-org . [(20181015 1100) ((elfeed (1 1 1)) (org (8 2 7)) (dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Configure elfeed with one or more org-mode files" single ((:commit . "607b8bf4923a995260a072559b77bee188614a06") (:keywords "news") (:authors ("Remy Honig" . "")) (:maintainer "Remy Honig" . "") (:url . ""))]) (elfeed . [(20180916 1338) ((emacs (24 3))) "an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader" tar ((:commit . "afafa1f7d9e29de55ce5b1709074738a7e185f2a"))]) (simple-httpd . [(20180528 1603) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "pure elisp HTTP server" single ((:commit . "49721d5b791bee0fc25b1fdd69696371d546093a") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (elfeed-web . [(20180829 1716) ((simple-httpd (1 4 3)) (elfeed (1 4 0)) (emacs (24 1))) "web interface to Elfeed" tar ((:commit . "afafa1f7d9e29de55ce5b1709074738a7e185f2a"))]) (dash-at-point . [(20180710 1356) nil "Search the word at point with Dash" single ((:commit . "4d795a23a8428c421d5107f1b005c9d8e0d1816c") (:authors ("Shinji Tanaka" . "")) (:maintainer "Shinji Tanaka" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel . [(20181028 1940) ((emacs (24 3)) (swiper (0 9 0))) "Various completion functions using Ivy" single ((:commit . "bd980d8fdddffc9ccd4fc7ba44a5e273a84b6ea1") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-dash . [(20180503 918) ((helm (1 9 2)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Offline documentation browser for +150 APIs using Dash docsets." single ((:commit . "0ac2db529577fa63f2ed32310062873c585b91de") (:keywords "docs") (:authors ("Raimon Grau" . "") ("Toni Reina " . "")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dash-functional . [(20180107 1618) ((dash (2 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "6514359b8606a6a9a94068ccd601fcd6379d6584") (:keywords "lisp" "functions" "combinators"))]) (swiper . [(20181008 1731) ((emacs (24 1)) (ivy (0 9 0))) "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" single ((:commit . "bd980d8fdddffc9ccd4fc7ba44a5e273a84b6ea1") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel-dash . [(20160729 1529) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 1)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (helm-dash (1 3 0)) (counsel (0 8 0))) "Browse dash docsets using Ivy" single ((:commit . "07fa74a94ff4da5b6c8c4810f5e143e701b480d2") (:keywords "dash" "ivy" "counsel") (:authors ("Nathan Kot" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathan Kot" . "") (:url . ""))]) (zeal-at-point . [(20180131 2354) nil "Search the word at point with Zeal" single ((:commit . "0fc3263f44e95acd3e9d91057677621ce4d297ee") (:authors ("Jinzhu" . "")) (:maintainer "Jinzhu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (esxml . [(20171129 807) nil "Library for working with xml via esxml and sxml" tar ((:commit . "5548ceba17deae0c3c6d0092672edc4de3c75ce3"))]) (nov . [(20181023 855) ((dash (2 12 0)) (esxml (0 3 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Featureful EPUB reader mode" single ((:commit . "2a24915bed45364f83aa672c191418a01b4b6d83") (:keywords "hypermedia" "multimedia" "epub") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (deft . [(20181029 213) nil "quickly browse, filter, and edit plain text notes" single ((:commit . "47d268355b0d988804e19896770b29da7f01c7aa") (:keywords "plain text" "notes" "simplenote" "notational velocity") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (aggressive-indent . [(20181018 236) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Minor mode to aggressively keep your code always indented" single ((:commit . "cc8da01e32684e1b75d2901400e6723b2c2d42f8") (:keywords "indent" "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (bracketed-paste . [(20160407 2348) ((emacs (24 3))) "bracketed paste mode support within emacs -nw" single ((:commit . "843ce3bbb63d560face889e13a57a2f7543957d5") (:keywords "terminals") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . ""))]) (clean-aindent-mode . [(20171017 2043) nil "Simple indent and unindent, trims indent white-space" single ((:commit . "a97bcae8f43a9ff64e95473e4ef0d8bafe829211") (:keywords "indentation" "whitespace" "backspace") (:authors ("peter marinov" . "")) (:maintainer "peter marinov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (editorconfig . [(20181025 421) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "EditorConfig Emacs Plugin" tar ((:commit . "bdf27ef57998e3b6916374da3a1c9ec98d940b2b") (:authors ("EditorConfig Team" . "")) (:maintainer "EditorConfig Team" . "") (:url . ""))]) (expand-region . [(20180817 1134) nil "Increase selected region by semantic units." tar ((:commit . "ed3292473035dc8f3d2f321e82974ef87327808f"))]) (hungry-delete . [(20170412 102) nil "hungry delete minor mode" single ((:commit . "0434458d3f6b2b585f332271feaa054bf4ec96d7") (:authors ("Nathaniel Flath" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathaniel Flath" . "") (:url . ""))]) (link-hint . [(20180519 2130) ((avy (0 4 0)) (emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Use avy to open, copy, etc. visible links." single ((:commit . "23df5fa36ab182452be6b772475eab67b846dd92") (:keywords "convenience" "url" "avy" "link" "links" "hyperlink") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lorem-ipsum . [(20140911 2108) nil "Insert dummy pseudo Latin text." single ((:commit . "4b39f6fed455d67f635b3837cf5668bf74d0f6cd") (:keywords "tools" "language" "convenience") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Theberge" . "")) (:maintainer "Joe Schafer" . ""))]) (move-text . [(20170909 330) nil "Move current line or region with M-up or M-down." single ((:commit . "7cbc941a9150468609010a93c429117da2523903") (:keywords "edit") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (origami . [(20180101 1553) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 5 0)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Flexible text folding" tar ((:commit . "1f38085c8f9af7842765ed63f7d6dfe4dab59366") (:keywords "folding") (:authors ("Greg Sexton" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg Sexton" . "") (:url . ""))]) (password-generator . [(20150222 2040) nil "Password generator for humans. Good, Bad, Phonetic passwords included." single ((:commit . "c8193d5e963bda0a2f8e51fd4a94dcf37c76f282") (:authors ("Zargener" . "")) (:maintainer "Zargener" . "") (:url . ""))]) (string-inflection . [(20180827 1301) nil "underscore -> UPCASE -> CamelCase -> lowerCamelCase conversion of names" single ((:commit . "e9a50855a4c718592c28a5a892f164ecf46e39a8") (:keywords "elisp") (:authors ("akicho8" . "")) (:maintainer "akicho8" . ""))]) (uuidgen . [(20140918 2301) nil "Provides various UUID generating functions" single ((:commit . "7eb96415484c3854a3f383d1a3e10b87ae674e22") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Kan-Ru Chen" . "")) (:maintainer "Kan-Ru Chen" . ""))]) (ws-butler . [(20170111 2334) nil "Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace." single ((:commit . "52321b99be69aa1b661da7743c4421a30d8b6bcb") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))]) (flx . [(20151030 1812) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "fuzzy matching with good sorting" single ((:commit . "46040d0b096a0340d91235561f27a959a61d0fef") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))]) (flx-ido . [(20180117 1519) ((flx (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "flx integration for ido" single ((:commit . "46040d0b096a0340d91235561f27a959a61d0fef") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))]) (ido-vertical-mode . [(20180618 2101) nil "Makes ido-mode display vertically." single ((:commit . "16c4c1a112796ee0bcf401ea39d3e2643a89feaf") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Steven Degutis")) (:maintainer "Christopher Reichert" . "") (:url . ""))]) (avy . [(20181009 1648) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly." single ((:commit . "df4c4ac488ee59bc44f8658d9fcca0c86fb32c5c") (:keywords "point" "location") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ace-link . [(20180308 900) ((avy (0 4 0))) "Quickly follow links" single ((:commit . "fae5d508ff519ba1fab21c51f46c0906fd82229f") (:keywords "convenience" "links" "avy") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (centered-cursor-mode . [(20180112 1555) nil "cursor stays vertically centered" single ((:commit . "00fb47d227f9e211ec1c58161a501a1550c3a60d") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("André Riemann" . "")) (:maintainer "André Riemann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (open-junk-file . [(20161210 1114) nil "Open a junk (memo) file to try-and-error" single ((:commit . "558bec7372b0fed4c4cb6074ab906535fae615bd") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hydra . [(20181030 1925) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Make bindings that stick around." tar ((:commit . "d071278fcc0a62d10c3a3d8a1adf33461a90a0aa") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spinner . [(1 7 3) nil "Add spinners and progress-bars to the mode-line for ongoing operations" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "processes" "mode-line"))]) (seq . [(2 20) nil "Sequence manipulation functions" tar ((:keywords "sequences") (:url . ""))]) (paradox . [(20181027 2234) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (1 7)) (let-alist (1 0 3)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (hydra (0 13 2))) "A modern Packages Menu. Colored, with package ratings, and customizable." tar ((:commit . "798bdabdca6575d677631b1c482e975c9372d536") (:keywords "package" "packages") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (restart-emacs . [(20180601 1031) nil "Restart emacs from within emacs" single ((:commit . "9aa90d3df9e08bc420e1c9845ee3ff568e911bd9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Iqbal Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Iqbal Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smooth-scrolling . [(20161002 1949) nil "Make emacs scroll smoothly" single ((:commit . "2462c13640aa4c75ab3ddad443fedc29acf68f84") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Adam Spiers" . "") ("Jeremy Bondeson" . "") ("Ryan C. Thompson" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Spiers" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm . [(20181109 1225) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3)) (popup (0 5 3)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:commit . "c0cd68abe973074e156af1adc5ce342e1b154542") (:url . ""))]) (helm-core . [(20181105 713) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:commit . "c0cd68abe973074e156af1adc5ce342e1b154542") (:url . ""))]) (async . [(20180527 1730) nil "Asynchronous processing in Emacs" tar ((:commit . "d17c11e6082aa51f421bb037b828bdb15f405618") (:keywords "async") (:url . ""))]) (helm-purpose . [(20170114 1636) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 9 2)) (window-purpose (1 4))) "Helm Interface for Purpose" single ((:commit . "9ff4c21c1e9ebc7afb851b738f815df7343bb287") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2016)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2016)") (:url . ""))]) (ivy . [(20181026 1019) ((emacs (24 1))) "Incremental Vertical completYon" tar ((:commit . "bd980d8fdddffc9ccd4fc7ba44a5e273a84b6ea1") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ivy-purpose . [(20160724 1003) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 8)) (window-purpose (1 5))) "Ivy Interface for Purpose" single ((:commit . "0495f2f3aed64d7e0028125e76a9a68f8fc4107e") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2016)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2016)") (:url . ""))]) (imenu-list . [(20180601 1402) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Show imenu entries in a separate buffer" single ((:commit . "04f0632f7b8c81be8747617768c57b66e5d60994") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2015)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2015)") (:url . ""))]) (let-alist . [(1 0 5) ((emacs (24 1))) "Easily let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp"))]) (window-purpose . [(20180926 1047) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 3)) (imenu-list (0 1))) "Purpose-based window management for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "2b640955235d0a50dd1e3128612f41d595bc6dc8") (:keywords "frames") (:authors ("Bar Magal")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal") (:url . ""))]) (define-word . [(20180706 2029) ((emacs (24 3))) "display the definition of word at point." single ((:commit . "637cd29837d4bd5567e17a11a479fd2edfb0e2c1") (:keywords "dictionary" "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (google-translate . [(20180926 1925) nil "Emacs interface to Google Translate." tar ((:commit . "eb1c4f51d522d2252dadfb4cd7ea045ccd344b98"))]) (org-plus-contrib . [(20181105) nil "Outline-based notes management and organizer" tar nil]) (org-bullets . [(20180208 2343) nil "Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters" single ((:commit . "b56f2e3812626f2c4ac1686073d102c71f4a8513") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (toc-org . [(20181108 1621) nil "add table of contents to org-mode files (formerly, org-toc)" single ((:commit . "4315afd2a408c0d432ba3d8d040c2326c222fdbf") (:keywords "org-mode" "org-toc" "toc-org" "org" "toc" "table" "of" "contents") (:authors ("Sergei Nosov ")) (:maintainer "Sergei Nosov ") (:url . ""))]) (column-enforce-mode . [(20171030 1900) nil "Highlight text that extends beyond a column" single ((:commit . "2341a2b6a33d4b8b74c35062ec9cfe1bffd61944") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo") (:url . ""))]) (highlight-indentation . [(20171218 937) nil "Minor modes for highlighting indentation" single ((:commit . "35e2c1d4f8f368685893128f77f90454cb9c2708") (:authors ("Anton Johansson" . "")) (:maintainer "Anton Johansson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (parent-mode . [(20150824 2300) nil "get major mode's parent modes" single ((:commit . "db692cf08deff2f0e973e6e86e26662b44813d1b") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (highlight-numbers . [(20181013 1744) ((emacs (24)) (parent-mode (2 0))) "Highlight numbers in source code" single ((:commit . "8b4744c7f46c72b1d3d599d4fb75ef8183dee307") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (highlight-parentheses . [(20180704 1102) nil "highlight surrounding parentheses" single ((:commit . "f0bd58c8dadd2db703b7bfd09e911b5fda05b3df") (:keywords "faces" "matching") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:maintainer "Tassilo Horn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hl-anything . [(20160422 1708) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight symbols, selections, enclosing parens and more." tar ((:commit . "8696bc55a8cba408f0fc83a907a9ec529d79e558") (:authors ("boyw165")) (:maintainer "boyw165"))]) (indent-guide . [(20170221 1127) nil "show vertical lines to guide indentation" single ((:commit . "d64f43011c72068e008621e620009ec592b35913") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))]) (rainbow-delimiters . [(20170929 1132) nil "Highlight brackets according to their depth" single ((:commit . "19b93892afa0494ba749c2ca9c154e04447ad778") (:keywords "faces" "convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Jeremy Rayman" . "") ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (volatile-highlights . [(20160612 155) nil "Minor mode for visual feedback on some operations." single ((:commit . "9a20091f0ce7fc0a6b3e641a6a46d5f3ac4d8392") (:keywords "emulations" "convenience" "wp") (:authors ("K-talo Miyazaki ")) (:maintainer "K-talo Miyazaki ") (:url . ""))]) (hl-todo . [(20181031 1909) nil "highlight TODO and similar keywords" single ((:commit . "24b9925b1b2c7ad6bf7b66800395f74abf035c5f") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (page-break-lines . [(20171210 831) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines" single ((:commit . "fd3b7e38ad8747cd009ead7ef1bb150849ccc693") (:keywords "convenience" "faces") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-anzu . [(20170124 718) ((evil (1 0 0)) (anzu (0 46))) "anzu for evil-mode" single ((:commit . "9bca6ca14d865e7e005bc02a28a09b4ae74facc9") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") ("Fredrik Bergroth" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-args . [(20180908 2157) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil." single ((:commit . "758ad5ae54ad34202064fec192c88151c08cb387") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation") (:authors ("Connor Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Connor Smith" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-ediff . [(20170724 1923) ((evil (1 2 3))) "Make ediff a little evil" single ((:commit . "50d26cb0654fca8f8fd7227410e5cbf0b8f681cf") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-exchange . [(20170511 259) ((evil (1 2 8)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Exchange text more easily within Evil" single ((:commit . "47691537815150715e64e6f6ec79be7746c96120") (:keywords "evil" "plugin") (:authors ("Dewdrops" . "")) (:maintainer "Dewdrops" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-goggles . [(20180725 952) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Add a visual hint to evil operations" single ((:commit . "d7876e6566ac82b7c3251a59651e7db6ab756589") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim" "visual") (:authors ("edkolev" . "")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (iedit . [(20181109 715) nil "Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously." tar ((:commit . "59cb214f2edce368dfeb202b485e1b5f844ea959") (:keywords "occurrence" "region" "simultaneous" "refactoring") (:authors ("Victor Ren" . "")) (:maintainer "Victor Ren" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-iedit-state . [(20180607 558) ((evil (1 0 9)) (iedit (0 97))) "Evil states to interface iedit mode." single ((:commit . "f75cff4ecbd5beaa9ca64a6c157c4105f078daec") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "iedit" "mnemonic") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-indent-plus . [(20151109 1906) ((evil (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Evil textobjects based on indentation" single ((:commit . "0c7501e6efed661242c3a20e0a6c79a6455c2c40") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-lion . [(20170811 614) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Evil align operator, port of vim-lion" single ((:commit . "aaa3874ad54c31b4322ac5bbc63e331498b11d61") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim") (:authors ("edkolev" . "")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smartparens . [(20181028 1005) ((dash (2 13 0)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs." tar ((:commit . "d65f3c0f47413c1a67ced979dc2062a073d907af"))]) (bind-map . [(20161207 1511) ((emacs (24 3))) "Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations" single ((:commit . "bf4181e3a41463684adfffc6c5c305b30480e30f") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-lisp-state . [(20160404 248) ((evil (1 0 9)) (bind-map (0)) (smartparens (1 6 1))) "An evil state to edit Lisp code" single ((:commit . "3c65fecd9917a41eaf6460f22187e2323821f3ce") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "smartparens" "lisp" "mnemonic") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-nerd-commenter . [(20180722 2325) ((emacs (24 4))) "Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim" tar ((:commit . "275c95c89cc09c7096bd6fd0deabd49f29634f5d") (:keywords "commenter" "vim" "line" "evil") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-numbers . [(20140606 1251) nil "increment/decrement numbers like in vim" single ((:commit . "6ea1c8c3a9b37bed63d48f1128e9a4910e68187e") (:keywords "numbers" "increment" "decrement" "octal" "hex" "binary") (:authors ("Michael Markert" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Markert" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-tutor . [(20150103 650) ((evil (1 0 9))) "Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode" tar ((:commit . "4e124cd3911dc0d1b6817ad2c9e59b4753638f28") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-visual-mark-mode . [(20150202 1800) ((evil (1 0 9)) (dash (2 10))) "Display evil marks on buffer" single ((:commit . "094ee37599492885ff3144918fcdd9b74dadaaa0") (:keywords "evil") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . ""))]) (evil-visualstar . [(20160223 48) ((evil (0))) "Starts a * or # search from the visual selection" single ((:commit . "06c053d8f7381f91c53311b1234872ca96ced752") (:keywords "evil" "vim" "visualstar") (:authors ("Bailey Ling")) (:maintainer "Bailey Ling") (:url . ""))]) (linum-relative . [(20180124 1047) nil "display relative line number in emacs." single ((:commit . "c74a6981b688a5e1e6b8e0809363963ff558ce4d") (:keywords "converience") (:authors ("coldnew" . "")) (:maintainer "coldnew" . "") (:url . ""))]) (anzu . [(20161017 1607) ((emacs (24 3))) "Show number of matches in mode-line while searching" single ((:commit . "e6c56ca8b23ac433f7be58b6f3f50801dd4164e4") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eldoc-eval . [(20180607 1157) nil "Enable eldoc support when minibuffer is in use." single ((:commit . "f59a1ae7ecfa97ef659c7adb93e0673419acc485") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . ""))]) (shrink-path . [(20170813 247) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 6 1)) (dash (1 8 0)) (f (0 10 0))) "fish-style path" single ((:commit . "9d06c453d1537df46a4b703a29213cc7f7857aa0") (:authors ("Benjamin Andresen")) (:maintainer "Benjamin Andresen") (:url . ""))]) (projectile . [(20181106 1631) ((emacs (25 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" single ((:commit . "9482d69e5ca6549ec7baea58f86c1445b544563b") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pkg-info . [(20150517 1143) ((epl (0 8))) "Information about packages" single ((:commit . "76ba7415480687d05a4353b27fea2ae02b8d9d61") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (epl . [(20180205 2049) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs Package Library" single ((:commit . "78ab7a85c08222cd15582a298a364774e3282ce6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (doom-modeline . [(20181109 1348) ((emacs (25 1)) (all-the-icons (1 0 0)) (projectile (0 10 0)) (shrink-path (0 2 0)) (eldoc-eval (0 1)) (dash (2 11 0))) "A minimal and modern modeline" single ((:commit . "fd5c985dc08e18f299032730059a1e3d0498153a") (:keywords "faces" "mode-line") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fancy-battery . [(20150101 1204) ((emacs (24 1))) "Fancy battery display" single ((:commit . "9b88ae77a01aa3edc529840338bcb2db7f445822") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "hardware") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spaceline . [(20180628 746) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (powerline (2 3)) (dash (2 11 0)) (s (1 10 0))) "Modeline configuration library for powerline" tar ((:commit . "29ced71ed0097cd5eba15d6bfdbafd9d18f5bd82") (:keywords "mode-line" "powerline" "spacemacs") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (all-the-icons . [(20180125 1557) ((emacs (24 3)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A library for inserting Developer icons" tar ((:commit . "52d1f2d36468146c93aaf11399f581401a233306") (:keywords "convenient" "lisp") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))]) (memoize . [(20180614 1930) nil "Memoization functions" single ((:commit . "9a561268ffb550b257a08710489a95cd087998b6") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (powerline . [(20180322 248) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "Rewrite of Powerline" tar ((:commit . "af5ef31a33c3589a9be0b2a55a2741582e605efd") (:keywords "mode-line") (:authors ("Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "")) (:maintainer "Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spaceline-all-the-icons . [(20170829 820) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (2 6 0)) (spaceline (2 0 0)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A Spaceline theme using All The Icons" tar ((:commit . "e2e195f64a541d72b6d0ba0451f1e3072234b820") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))]) (symon . [(20170224 833) nil "tiny graphical system monitor" single ((:commit . "8dd8b6df49b03cd7d31b85aedbe9dd08fb922335") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))]) (popup . [(20160709 1429) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Visual Popup User Interface" single ((:commit . "80829dd46381754639fb764da11c67235fe63282") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))]) (f . [(20180106 922) ((s (1 7 0)) (dash (2 2 0))) "Modern API for working with files and directories" single ((:commit . "de6d4d40ddc844eee643e92d47b9d6a63fbebb48") (:keywords "files" "directories") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dash . [(20180910 1856) nil "A modern list library for Emacs" single ((:commit . "6514359b8606a6a9a94068ccd601fcd6379d6584") (:keywords "lists") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))]) (s . [(20180406 808) nil "The long lost Emacs string manipulation library." single ((:commit . "03410e6a7a2b11e47e1fea3b7d9899c7df26435e") (:keywords "strings") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))]) (dumb-jump . [(20181022 2224) ((emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "jump to definition for multiple languages without configuration." single ((:commit . "0c893392f6f5e797fc4dcda67cdc44c7ceed31ca") (:keywords "programming") (:authors ("jack angers")) (:maintainer "jack angers"))]) (request . [(20170201 147) ((emacs (24 4))) "Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs" single ((:commit . "a3d080e57eb8be606fbf39d1baff94e1b16e1fb8") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki ")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki "))]) (evil-snipe . [(20180731 1731) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 12)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "emulate vim-sneak & vim-seek" single ((:commit . "8dd076cc56eb9b04494e4e303b86a959b048350b") (:keywords "emulation" "vim" "evil" "sneak" "seek") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil . [(20181107 1016) ((emacs (24 1)) (undo-tree (0 6 3)) (goto-chg (1 6)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Extensible Vi layer for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "99bcf8c31ee72a3a571e013f40d105618fb92d19"))]) (cl-lib . [(0 6 1) nil "Properly prefixed CL functions and macros" single ((:url . "") (:keywords))]) (goto-chg . [(20180105 1833) nil "goto last change" single ((:commit . "e5b38e4e1378f6ea48fa9e8439f49c2998654aa4") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("David Andersson ")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (undo-tree . [(0 6 5) nil "Treat undo history as a tree" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "convenience" "files" "undo" "redo" "history" "tree"))]) (evil-commentary . [(20170413 1451) ((evil (1 0 0))) "Comment stuff out. A port of vim-commentary." tar ((:commit . "395f91014b69844b81660c155f42eb9b1b3d199d") (:keywords "evil" "comment" "commentary" "evil-commentary") (:authors ("Quang Linh LE" . "")) (:maintainer "Quang Linh LE" . "") (:url . ""))]) (vim-empty-lines-mode . [(20150111 426) ((emacs (23))) "Vim-like empty line indicator at end of files." single ((:commit . "d4a5034ca8ea0c962ad6e92c86c0fa2a74d2964b") (:keywords "emulations") (:authors ("Jonne Mickelin" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonne Mickelin" . "") (:url . ""))])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/2048-game-20151026.1933.el b/packages/2048-game-20151026.1933.el similarity index 100% rename from 2048-game-20151026.1933.el rename to packages/2048-game-20151026.1933.el diff --git a/LICENSE b/packages/LICENSE similarity index 100% rename from LICENSE rename to packages/LICENSE diff --git a/ac-ispell-20151101.226.el b/packages/ac-ispell-20151101.226.el similarity index 100% rename from ac-ispell-20151101.226.el rename to packages/ac-ispell-20151101.226.el diff --git a/ac-php-core-20181110.303.tar b/packages/ac-php-core-20181115.1442.tar similarity index 99% rename from ac-php-core-20181110.303.tar rename to packages/ac-php-core-20181115.1442.tar index 11ce6a3693f1012d01a4141c67b3ce337bcd180c..45fb293490e8a1365b2e892079ae5c5ba85cd576 100644 GIT binary patch delta 609 zcmZ|MJx{_w7zc0;6kB{jKt=1@l|-zP%3XVH#nDk$KY)ZHkQgAe(Z#`N46Dd+v%7Io z)5LG!Zesid8jYVppDHB|+T@pX`1k2^|2sZEL&rcWmegjosg@e8vZ@ifPAN6kC}Uc_ zbGg;Al?0=PW-&8Fs7?(lgpDpm_6wBE;=EJOOhl4nSxWx<-!o-iCqDUJ> z5C{YReEZikL`c2_Y;bx>7k$$>vjzH zAEn-KvErzXTWqI*$kN`=L0ux{oOo23*1~WhcvtSO)g9WhYp#n~R^oz~PP;6Gtq|INg v`m30_srOd#(6YP~T&|$G(~e delta 479 zcmZ9|Jx{_w90qW%h_?6w6chnpdNCwmsNQkCmcZi9r!d9DP2wjY8pA4dxW&cE#kd&K z#V_D);_PIC@iX9qDMB26$qoNJdG6`m-jE&?PJO$3-nIRU%QL&qc!P7!jsz3OgZuWN zQ^|12h08^Zalxb$vt+@2aFL}D|!Sk7^Uh=Tg0m4sDTgLT+|6r>>oCS)N8o3I6W*oFcWp#(dy z3wy91l9pwD&pK2nI#lREUjF-%TbHw$LQA-Va=CFRs8Q+|yue#P?` O|J%f-lj6gPO|>7z`EqUm diff --git a/ace-jump-helm-line-20160918.1836.el b/packages/ace-jump-helm-line-20160918.1836.el similarity index 100% rename from ace-jump-helm-line-20160918.1836.el rename to packages/ace-jump-helm-line-20160918.1836.el diff --git a/ace-jump-mode-20140616.815.el b/packages/ace-jump-mode-20140616.815.el similarity index 100% rename from ace-jump-mode-20140616.815.el rename to packages/ace-jump-mode-20140616.815.el diff --git a/ace-link-20180308.900.el b/packages/ace-link-20181103.2106.el similarity index 83% rename from ace-link-20180308.900.el rename to packages/ace-link-20181103.2106.el index 03dffbc..1af3e53 100644 --- a/ace-link-20180308.900.el +++ b/packages/ace-link-20181103.2106.el @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ;; Author: Oleh Krehel ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20180308.900 +;; Package-Version: 20181103.2106 ;; Version: 0.5.0 ;; Package-Requires: ((avy "0.4.0")) ;; Keywords: convenience, links, avy @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ (interactive) (cond ((eq major-mode 'Info-mode) (ace-link-info)) - ((member major-mode '(help-mode package-menu-mode geiser-doc-mode elbank-report-mode elbank-overview-mode)) + ((member major-mode '(help-mode package-menu-mode geiser-doc-mode elbank-report-mode + elbank-overview-mode slime-trace-dialog-mode)) (ace-link-help)) ((eq major-mode 'woman-mode) (ace-link-woman)) @@ -69,6 +70,12 @@ (ace-link-org-agenda)) ((eq major-mode 'Custom-mode) (ace-link-org)) + ((eq major-mode 'sldb-mode) + (ace-link-sldb)) + ((eq major-mode 'slime-xref-mode) + (ace-link-slime-xref)) + ((eq major-mode 'slime-inspector-mode) + (ace-link-slime-inspector)) ((and ace-link-fallback-function (funcall ace-link-fallback-function))) (t @@ -551,6 +558,113 @@ (push (overlay-start overlay) candidates))) (nreverse candidates))) +;;* `ace-link-sldb' +;;;###autoload +(defun ace-link-sldb () + "Interact with a frame or local variable in a sldb buffer." + (interactive) + (let ((pt (avy-with ace-link-sldb + (avy--process + (ace-link--sldb-collect) + (avy--style-fn avy-style))))) + (ace-link--sldb-action pt))) + +(declare-function sldb-default-action "slime") + +(defvar ace-link--sldb-action-fn #'sldb-default-action + "Function to call after jump.") + +(defun ace-link--sldb-action (pt) + (when (number-or-marker-p pt) + (goto-char pt) + (funcall ace-link--sldb-action-fn))) + +(defun ace-link--sldb-collect () + (let ((vars (list)) + (frames (list)) + (frame-prop 'frame) + (var-face 'sldb-local-value-face)) + (save-excursion + (goto-char (window-start)) + (while (< (point) (window-end)) + (when (get-text-property (point) frame-prop) + (if (get-text-property (point) 'var) + (push (text-property-any + (point) + (line-end-position) + 'face var-face) + vars) + (push (point) frames) + (point))) + (forward-visible-line 1))) + ;; sort variables before frames + (nreverse (nconc frames vars)))) + +;;* `ace-link-slime-xref' +;;;###autoload +(defun ace-link-slime-xref () + "Open a visible link in an `slime-xref-mode' buffer." + (interactive) + (let ((pt (avy-with ace-link-slime-xref + (avy--process + (ace-link--slime-xref-collect) + (avy--style-fn avy-style))))) + (ace-link--slime-xref-action pt))) + +(declare-function slime-goto-xref "slime.el") + +(defun ace-link--slime-xref-action (pt) + (when (number-or-marker-p pt) + (goto-char pt) + (slime-goto-xref))) + +(defun ace-link--slime-xref-collect () + (let ((candidates (list)) + (prop 'slime-location) + (pt (window-start))) + (while (and pt (< pt (window-end))) + (when (get-text-property pt prop) + (push pt candidates)) + (setq pt (next-single-property-change pt prop))) + (nreverse candidates))) + + +;;* `ace-link-slime-inspector' +;;;###autoload +(defun ace-link-slime-inspector () + "Interact with a value, an action or a range button in a +`slime-inspector-mode' buffer." + (interactive) + (let ((pt (avy-with ace-link-slime-inspector + (avy--process + (ace-link--slime-inspector-collect) + (avy--style-fn avy-style))))) + (ace-link--slime-inspector-action pt))) + +(declare-function slime-inspector-operate-on-point "slime.el") +(declare-function slime-inspector-copy-down-to-repl "slime.el") + +(defun ace-link--slime-inspector-action (pt) + (when (number-or-marker-p pt) + (goto-char pt) + (if (= pt 1) + (call-interactively #'slime-inspector-copy-down-to-repl) + (slime-inspector-operate-on-point)))) + +(defun ace-link--slime-inspector-collect () + (let ((candidates (list)) + (part 'slime-part-number) + (range 'slime-range-button) + (action 'slime-action-number) + (pt (window-start))) + (while (and pt (< pt (window-end))) + (when (or (get-text-property pt part) + (get-text-property pt range) + (get-text-property pt action)) + (push pt candidates)) + (setq pt (next-property-change pt))) + (nreverse candidates))) + ;;* Bindings (defvar eww-link-keymap) (defvar eww-mode-map) @@ -586,6 +700,12 @@ '(ace-link-addr . pre)) (add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist '(ace-link-xref . at)) + (add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist + '(ace-link-sldb . pre)) + (add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist + '(ace-link-slime-xref . pre)) + (add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist + '(ace-link-slime-inspector . pre)) (eval-after-load "xref" `(define-key xref--xref-buffer-mode-map ,key 'ace-link-xref)) (eval-after-load "info" diff --git a/ace-pinyin-20170501.626.el b/packages/ace-pinyin-20170501.626.el similarity index 100% rename from ace-pinyin-20170501.626.el rename to packages/ace-pinyin-20170501.626.el diff --git a/ace-window-20181008.1549.el b/packages/ace-window-20181008.1549.el similarity index 100% rename from ace-window-20181008.1549.el rename to packages/ace-window-20181008.1549.el diff --git a/add-node-modules-path-20180710.2342.el b/packages/add-node-modules-path-20180710.2342.el similarity index 100% rename from add-node-modules-path-20180710.2342.el rename to packages/add-node-modules-path-20180710.2342.el diff --git a/adoc-mode-20160314.2130.el b/packages/adoc-mode-20160314.2130.el similarity index 100% rename from adoc-mode-20160314.2130.el rename to packages/adoc-mode-20160314.2130.el diff --git a/afternoon-theme-20140104.1859.el b/packages/afternoon-theme-20140104.1859.el similarity index 100% rename from afternoon-theme-20140104.1859.el rename to packages/afternoon-theme-20140104.1859.el diff --git a/aggressive-indent-20181018.236.el b/packages/aggressive-indent-20181018.236.el similarity index 100% rename from aggressive-indent-20181018.236.el rename to packages/aggressive-indent-20181018.236.el diff --git a/ahk-mode-20160320.2221.el b/packages/ahk-mode-20181113.1238.el similarity index 97% rename from ahk-mode-20160320.2221.el rename to packages/ahk-mode-20181113.1238.el index 018a766..9ee62ea 100644 --- a/ahk-mode-20160320.2221.el +++ b/packages/ahk-mode-20181113.1238.el @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ;; Author: Rich Alesi ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20160320.2221 +;; Package-Version: 20181113.1238 ;; Version: 1.5.6 ;; Keywords: ahk, AutoHotkey, hotkey, keyboard shortcut, automation ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3")) @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'." ;;; font-lock (defvar ahk-commands - '("Abort" "AboveNormal" "Add" "All" "Alnum" "Alpha" "AltSubmit" "AlwaysOnTop" "And" "Asc" "AutoSize" "AutoTrim" "Background" "BackgroundTrans" "BelowNormal" "Between" "BitAnd" "BitNot" "BitOr" "BitShiftLeft" "BitShiftRight" "BitXOr" "BlockInput" "Border" "Bottom" "Break" "Button" "Buttons" "ByRef" "Cancel" "Capacity" "Caption" "Catch" "Ceil" "Center" "Check" "Check3" "Checkbox" "Checked" "CheckedGray" "Checks" "Choose" "ChooseString" "Chr" "Click" "ClipWait" "Close" "Color" "ComboBox" "Contains" "Continue" "Control" "ControlClick" "ControlFocus" "ControlGet" "ControlGetFocus" "ControlGetPos" "ControlGetText" "ControlList" "ControlMove" "ControlSend" "ControlSendRaw" "ControlSetText" "CoordMode" "Count" "Critical" "DDL" "Date" "DateTime" "Days" "Default" "Delete" "DeleteAll" "Delimiter" "Deref" "Destroy" "DetectHiddenText" "DetectHiddenWindows" "Digit" "Disable" "Disabled" "Displays" "Drive" "DriveGet" "DriveSpaceFree" "DropDownList" "Edit" "Eject" "Else" "Enable" "Enabled" "EnvAdd" "EnvDiv" "EnvGet" "EnvMult" "EnvSet" "EnvSub" "EnvUpdate" "Error" "ExStyle" "Exist" "Exit" "ExitApp" "Exp" "Expand" "FileAppend" "FileCopy" "FileCopyDir" "FileCreateDir" "FileCreateShortcut" "FileDelete" "FileEncoding" "FileGetAttrib" "FileGetShortcut" "FileGetSize" "FileGetTime" "FileGetVersion" "FileInstall" "FileMove" "FileMoveDir" "FileOpen" "FileRead" "FileReadLine" "FileRecycle" "FileRecycleEmpty" "FileRemoveDir" "FileSelectFile" "FileSelectFolder" "FileSetAttrib" "FileSetTime" "FileSystem" "Finally" "First" "Flash" "Float" "FloatFast" "Floor" "Focus" "Font" "For" "Format" "FormatTime" "GetKeyState" "Gosub" "Goto" "Grid" "Group" "GroupActivate" "GroupAdd" "GroupBox" "GroupClose" "GroupDeactivate" "Gui" "GuiClose" "GuiContextMenu" "GuiControl" "GuiControlGet" "GuiDropFiles" "GuiEscape" "GuiSize" "HKCC" "HKCR" "HKCU" "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" "HKEY_USERS" "HKLM" "HKU" "HScroll" "Hdr" "Hidden" "Hide" "High" "Hotkey" "Hours" "ID" "IDLast" "Icon" "IconSmall" "If" "IfEqual" "IfExist" "IfGreater" "IfGreaterOrEqual" "IfInString" "IfLess" "IfLessOrEqual" "IfMsgBox" "IfNotEqual" "IfWinActive" "IfWinExist" "IfWinNotActive" "IfWinNotExist" "Ignore" "ImageList" "ImageSearch" "In" "IniDelete" "IniRead" "IniWrite" "Input" "InputBox" "Integer" "IntegerFast" "Interrupt" "Is" "Join" "KeyHistory" "KeyWait" "LTrim" "Label" "LastFound" "LastFoundExist" "Left" "Limit" "Lines" "List" "ListBox" "ListHotkeys" "ListLines" "ListVars" "ListView" "Ln" "Lock" "Log" "Logoff" "Loop" "Low" "Lower" "Lowercase" "MainWindow" "Margin" "MaxSize" "Maximize" "MaximizeBox" "Menu" "MinMax" "MinSize" "Minimize" "MinimizeBox" "Minutes" "Mod" "MonthCal" "Mouse" "MouseClick" "MouseClickDrag" "MouseGetPos" "MouseMove" "Move" "MsgBox" "Multi" "NA" "No" "NoActivate" "NoDefault" "NoHide" "NoIcon" "NoMainWindow" "NoSort" "NoSortHdr" "NoStandard" "NoTab" "NoTimers" "Normal" "Not" "Number" "Off" "Ok" "On" "OnExit" "Or" "OutputDebug" "OwnDialogs" "Owner" "Parse" "Password" "Pause" "Pic" "Picture" "Pixel" "PixelGetColor" "PixelSearch" "Pos" "PostMessage" "Pow" "Priority" "Process" "ProcessName" "Progress" "REG_BINARY" "REG_DWORD" "REG_EXPAND_SZ" "REG_MULTI_SZ" "REG_SZ" "RGB" "RTrim" "Radio" "Random" "Range" "Read" "ReadOnly" "Realtime" "Redraw" "RegDelete" "RegRead" "RegWrite" "Region" "Relative" "Reload" "Rename" "Report" "Resize" "Restore" "Retry" "Return" "Right" "Round" "Run" "RunAs" "RunWait" "Screen" "Seconds" "Section" "See" "Send" "SendInput" "SendLevel" "SendMessage" "SendMode" "SendPlay" "SendRaw" "Serial" "SetBatchLines" "SetCapslockState" "SetControlDelay" "SetDefaultMouseSpeed" "SetEnv" "SetFormat" "SetKeyDelay" "SetLabel" "SetMouseDelay" "SetNumlockState" "SetRegView" "SetScrollLockState" "SetStoreCapslockMode" "SetTimer" "SetTitleMatchMode" "SetWinDelay" "SetWorkingDir" "ShiftAltTab" "Show" "Shutdown" "Sin" "Single" "Sleep" "Slider" "Sort" "SortDesc" "SoundBeep" "SoundGet" "SoundGetWaveVolume" "SoundPlay" "SoundSet" "SoundSetWaveVolume" "SplashImage" "SplashTextOff" "SplashTextOn" "SplitPath" "Sqrt" "Standard" "Status" "StatusBar" "StatusBarGetText" "StatusBarWait" "StatusCD" "StringCaseSense" "StringGetPos" "StringLeft" "StringLen" "StringLower" "StringMid" "StringReplace" "StringRight" "StringSplit" "StringTrimLeft" "StringTrimRight" "StringUpper" "Style" "Submit" "Suspend" "SysGet" "SysMenu" "Tab" "Tab2" "TabStop" "Tan" "Text" "Theme" "Thread" "Throw" "Tile" "Time" "Tip" "ToggleCheck" "ToggleEnable" "ToolTip" "ToolWindow" "Top" "Topmost" "TransColor" "Transform" "Transparent" "Tray" "TrayTip" "TreeView" "Trim" "Try" "TryAgain" "Type" "UnCheck" "Unicode" "Unlock" "Until" "UpDown" "Upper" "Uppercase" "UrlDownloadToFile" "UseErrorLevel" "VScroll" "Var" "Vis" "VisFirst" "Visible" "Wait" "WaitClose" "WantCtrlA" "WantF2" "WantReturn" "While-loop" "WinActivate" "WinActivateBottom" "WinClose" "WinGet" "WinGetActiveStats" "WinGetActiveTitle" "WinGetClass" "WinGetPos" "WinGetText" "WinGetTitle" "WinHide" "WinKill" "WinMaximize" "WinMenuSelectItem" "WinMinimize" "WinMinimizeAll" "WinMinimizeAllUndo" "WinMove" "WinRestore" "WinSet" "WinSetTitle" "WinShow" "WinWait" "WinWaitActive" "WinWaitClose" "WinWaitNotActive" "Wrap" "Xdigit" "Yes" "ahk_class" "ahk_group" "ahk_id" "ahk_pid" "bold" "global" "italic" "local" "norm" "static" "strike" "underline" "xm" "xp" "xs" "ym" "yp" "ys") + '("Abort" "AboveNormal" "Add" "All" "Alnum" "Alpha" "AltSubmit" "AlwaysOnTop" "And" "Asc" "AutoSize" "AutoTrim" "Background" "BackgroundTrans" "BelowNormal" "Between" "BitAnd" "BitNot" "BitOr" "BitShiftLeft" "BitShiftRight" "BitXOr" "BlockInput" "Border" "Bottom" "Break" "Button" "Buttons" "ByRef" "Cancel" "Capacity" "Caption" "Catch" "Ceil" "Center" "Check" "Check3" "Checkbox" "Checked" "CheckedGray" "Checks" "Choose" "ChooseString" "Chr" "Click" "ClipWait" "Close" "Color" "ComboBox" "Contains" "Continue" "Control" "ControlClick" "ControlFocus" "ControlGet" "ControlGetFocus" "ControlGetPos" "ControlGetText" "ControlList" "ControlMove" "ControlSend" "ControlSendRaw" "ControlSetText" "CoordMode" "Count" "Critical" "DDL" "Date" "DateTime" "Days" "Default" "Delete" "DeleteAll" "Delimiter" "Deref" "Destroy" "DetectHiddenText" "DetectHiddenWindows" "Digit" "Disable" "Disabled" "Displays" "Drive" "DriveGet" "DriveSpaceFree" "DropDownList" "Edit" "Eject" "Else" "Enable" "Enabled" "EnvAdd" "EnvDiv" "EnvGet" "EnvMult" "EnvSet" "EnvSub" "EnvUpdate" "Error" "ExStyle" "Exist" "Exit" "ExitApp" "Exp" "Expand" "FileAppend" "FileCopy" "FileCopyDir" "FileCreateDir" "FileCreateShortcut" "FileDelete" "FileEncoding" "FileGetAttrib" "FileGetShortcut" "FileGetSize" "FileGetTime" "FileGetVersion" "FileInstall" "FileMove" "FileMoveDir" "FileOpen" "FileRead" "FileReadLine" "FileRecycle" "FileRecycleEmpty" "FileRemoveDir" "FileSelectFile" "FileSelectFolder" "FileSetAttrib" "FileSetTime" "FileSystem" "Finally" "First" "Flash" "Float" "FloatFast" "Floor" "Focus" "Font" "For" "Format" "FormatTime" "GetKeyState" "Gosub" "Goto" "Grid" "Group" "GroupActivate" "GroupAdd" "GroupBox" "GroupClose" "GroupDeactivate" "Gui" "GuiClose" "GuiContextMenu" "GuiControl" "GuiControlGet" "GuiDropFiles" "GuiEscape" "GuiSize" "HKCC" "HKCR" "HKCU" "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" "HKEY_USERS" "HKLM" "HKU" "HScroll" "Hdr" "Hidden" "Hide" "High" "Hotkey" "Hours" "ID" "IDLast" "Icon" "IconSmall" "If" "IfEqual" "IfExist" "IfGreater" "IfGreaterOrEqual" "IfInString" "IfLess" "IfLessOrEqual" "IfMsgBox" "IfNotEqual" "IfWinActive" "IfWinExist" "IfWinNotActive" "IfWinNotExist" "Ignore" "ImageList" "ImageSearch" "In" "IniDelete" "IniRead" "IniWrite" "Input" "InputBox" "Integer" "IntegerFast" "Interrupt" "Is" "Join" "KeyHistory" "KeyWait" "LTrim" "Label" "LastFound" "LastFoundExist" "Left" "Limit" "Lines" "List" "ListBox" "ListHotkeys" "ListLines" "ListVars" "ListView" "Ln" "Lock" "Log" "Logoff" "Loop" "Low" "Lower" "Lowercase" "MainWindow" "Margin" "MaxSize" "Maximize" "MaximizeBox" "Menu" "MinMax" "MinSize" "Minimize" "MinimizeBox" "Minutes" "Mod" "MonthCal" "Mouse" "MouseClick" "MouseClickDrag" "MouseGetPos" "MouseMove" "Move" "MsgBox" "Multi" "NA" "No" "NoActivate" "NoDefault" "NoHide" "NoIcon" "NoMainWindow" "NoSort" "NoSortHdr" "NoStandard" "NoTab" "NoTimers" "Normal" "Not" "Number" "Off" "Ok" "On" "OnExit" "Or" "OutputDebug" "OwnDialogs" "Owner" "Parse" "Password" "Pause" "Pic" "Picture" "Pixel" "PixelGetColor" "PixelSearch" "Pos" "PostMessage" "Pow" "Priority" "Process" "ProcessName" "Progress" "REG_BINARY" "REG_DWORD" "REG_EXPAND_SZ" "REG_MULTI_SZ" "REG_SZ" "RGB" "RTrim" "Radio" "Random" "Range" "Read" "ReadOnly" "Realtime" "Redraw" "RegDelete" "RegRead" "RegWrite" "Region" "Relative" "Reload" "Rename" "Report" "Resize" "Restore" "Retry" "Return" "Right" "Round" "Run" "RunAs" "RunWait" "Screen" "Seconds" "Section" "See" "Send" "SendInput" "SendLevel" "SendMessage" "SendMode" "SendPlay" "SendRaw" "Serial" "SetBatchLines" "SetCapslockState" "SetControlDelay" "SetDefaultMouseSpeed" "SetEnv" "SetFormat" "SetKeyDelay" "SetLabel" "SetMouseDelay" "SetNumlockState" "SetRegView" "SetScrollLockState" "SetStoreCapslockMode" "SetTimer" "SetTitleMatchMode" "SetWinDelay" "SetWorkingDir" "ShiftAltTab" "Show" "Shutdown" "Sin" "Single" "Sleep" "Slider" "Sort" "SortDesc" "SoundBeep" "SoundGet" "SoundGetWaveVolume" "SoundPlay" "SoundSet" "SoundSetWaveVolume" "SplashImage" "SplashTextOff" "SplashTextOn" "SplitPath" "Sqrt" "Standard" "Status" "StatusBar" "StatusBarGetText" "StatusBarWait" "StatusCD" "StringCaseSense" "StringGetPos" "StringLeft" "StringLen" "StringLower" "StringMid" "StringReplace" "StringRight" "StringSplit" "StringTrimLeft" "StringTrimRight" "StringUpper" "Style" "Submit" "Suspend" "SysGet" "SysMenu" "Tab" "Tab2" "TabStop" "Tan" "Text" "Theme" "Thread" "Throw" "Tile" "Time" "Tip" "ToggleCheck" "ToggleEnable" "ToolTip" "ToolWindow" "Top" "Topmost" "TransColor" "Transform" "Transparent" "Tray" "TrayTip" "TreeView" "Trim" "Try" "TryAgain" "Type" "UnCheck" "Unicode" "Unlock" "Until" "UpDown" "Upper" "Uppercase" "UrlDownloadToFile" "UseErrorLevel" "VScroll" "Var" "Vis" "VisFirst" "Visible" "Wait" "WaitClose" "WantCtrlA" "WantF2" "WantReturn" "While" "WinActivate" "WinActivateBottom" "WinClose" "WinGet" "WinGetActiveStats" "WinGetActiveTitle" "WinGetClass" "WinGetPos" "WinGetText" "WinGetTitle" "WinHide" "WinKill" "WinMaximize" "WinMenuSelectItem" "WinMinimize" "WinMinimizeAll" "WinMinimizeAllUndo" "WinMove" "WinRestore" "WinSet" "WinSetTitle" "WinShow" "WinWait" "WinWaitActive" "WinWaitClose" "WinWaitNotActive" "Wrap" "Xdigit" "Yes" "ahk_class" "ahk_group" "ahk_id" "ahk_pid" "bold" "global" "italic" "local" "norm" "static" "strike" "underline" "xm" "xp" "xs" "ym" "yp" "ys") "AHK keywords.") (defvar ahk-directives @@ -474,8 +474,12 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'." '("Alt" "AltDown" "AltTab" "AltTabAndMenu" "AltTabMenu" "AltTabMenuDismiss" "AltUp" "AppsKey" "BS" "BackSpace" "Browser_Back" "Browser_Favorites" "Browser_Forward" "Browser_Home" "Browser_Refresh" "Browser_Search" "Browser_Stop" "CapsLock" "Control" "Ctrl" "CtrlBreak" "CtrlDown" "CtrlUp" "Del" "Delete" "Down" "End" "Enter" "Esc" "Escape" "F1" "F10" "F11" "F12" "F13" "F14" "F15" "F16" "F17" "F18" "F19" "F2" "F20" "F21" "F22" "F23" "F24" "F3" "F4" "F5" "F6" "F7" "F8" "F9" "Home" "Ins" "Insert" "Joy1" "Joy10" "Joy11" "Joy12" "Joy13" "Joy14" "Joy15" "Joy16" "Joy17" "Joy18" "Joy19" "Joy2" "Joy20" "Joy21" "Joy22" "Joy23" "Joy24" "Joy25" "Joy26" "Joy27" "Joy28" "Joy29" "Joy3" "Joy30" "Joy31" "Joy32" "Joy4" "Joy5" "Joy6" "Joy7" "Joy8" "Joy9" "JoyAxes" "JoyButtons" "JoyInfo" "JoyName" "JoyPOV" "JoyR" "JoyU" "JoyV" "JoyX" "JoyY" "JoyZ" "LAlt" "LButton" "LControl" "LCtrl" "LShift" "LWin" "LWinDown" "LWinUp" "Launch_App1" "Launch_App2" "Launch_Mail" "Launch_Media" "Left" "MButton" "Media_Next" "Media_Play_Pause" "Media_Prev" "Media_Stop" "NumLock" "Numpad0" "Numpad1" "Numpad2" "Numpad3" "Numpad4" "Numpad5" "Numpad6" "Numpad7" "Numpad8" "Numpad9" "NumpadAdd" "NumpadClear" "NumpadDel" "NumpadDiv" "NumpadDot" "NumpadDown" "NumpadEnd" "NumpadEnter" "NumpadHome" "NumpadIns" "NumpadLeft" "NumpadMult" "NumpadPgdn" "NumpadPgup" "NumpadRight" "NumpadSub" "NumpadUp" "PGDN" "PGUP" "Pause" "PrintScreen" "RAlt" "RButton" "RControl" "RCtrl" "RShift" "RWin" "RWinDown" "RWinUp" "Right" "ScrollLock" "Shift" "ShiftDown" "ShiftUp" "Space" "Tab" "Up" "Volume_Down" "Volume_Mute" "Volume_Up" "WheelDown" "WheelLeft" "WheelRight" "WheelUp" "XButton1" "XButton2") "AHK keywords for keys.") +(defvar ahk-operator-words + '("AND" "NOT" "OR") + "AHK operator words.") + (defvar ahk-operators - '("\\!" "!=" "&" "&&" "&=" "*" "**" "*=" "+" "++" "+=" "-" "--" "-=" "." "." ".=" "/" "//" "//=" "/=" ":=" "<" "<<" "<<=" "<=" "<>" "=" "==" ">" ">=" ">>" ">>=" "?:" "AND" "NOT" "OR" "^" "^=" "|" "|=" "||" "~" "~=" ",") + '("\\!" "!=" "&" "&&" "&=" "*" "**" "*=" "+" "++" "+=" "-" "--" "-=" "." "." ".=" "/" "//" "//=" "/=" ":=" "<" "<<" "<<=" "<=" "<>" "=" "==" ">" ">=" ">>" ">>=" "?:" "^" "^=" "|" "|=" "||" "~" "~=" ",") "AHK operators.") (defvar ahk-commands-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-commands 'words)) @@ -483,6 +487,7 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'." (defvar ahk-directives-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-directives 'words)) (defvar ahk-variables-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-variables 'words)) (defvar ahk-keys-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-keys 'words)) +(defvar ahk-operator-words-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-operator-words 'words)) (defvar ahk-operators-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-operators)) (defvar ahk-double-quote-string-re "[\"]\\(\\\\.\\|[^\"\n]\\)*[\"]" @@ -504,7 +509,7 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'." ;; labels ("^\\([^\t\n :=]+\\):[^=]" . (1 font-lock-doc-face)) ;; return - ("[Rr]eturn" . font-lock-warning-face) + ("\\<\\([Rr]eturn\\)\\>" . font-lock-warning-face) ;; functions ("^\\([^\t\n (]+\\)\\((.*)\\)" . (1 font-lock-function-name-face)) ;; variables @@ -514,6 +519,7 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'." (,ahk-directives-regexp . font-lock-preprocessor-face) (,ahk-variables-regexp . font-lock-variable-name-face) (,ahk-keys-regexp . font-lock-constant-face) + (,ahk-operator-words-regexp . font-lock-builtin-face) (,ahk-operators-regexp . font-lock-builtin-face) ;; note: order matters )) diff --git a/alchemist-20180312.1304.tar b/packages/alchemist-20180312.1304.tar similarity index 100% rename from alchemist-20180312.1304.tar rename to packages/alchemist-20180312.1304.tar diff --git a/alect-themes-20180504.1720.tar b/packages/alect-themes-20180504.1720.tar similarity index 100% rename from alect-themes-20180504.1720.tar rename to packages/alect-themes-20180504.1720.tar diff --git a/alert-20181022.1742.el b/packages/alert-20181022.1742.el similarity index 100% rename from alert-20181022.1742.el rename to packages/alert-20181022.1742.el diff --git a/all-the-icons-20180125.1557.tar b/packages/all-the-icons-20180125.1557.tar similarity index 100% rename from all-the-icons-20180125.1557.tar rename to packages/all-the-icons-20180125.1557.tar diff --git a/ample-theme-20180207.1745.tar b/packages/ample-theme-20180207.1745.tar similarity index 100% rename from ample-theme-20180207.1745.tar rename to packages/ample-theme-20180207.1745.tar diff --git a/ample-zen-theme-20150119.2154.el b/packages/ample-zen-theme-20150119.2154.el similarity index 100% rename from ample-zen-theme-20150119.2154.el rename to packages/ample-zen-theme-20150119.2154.el diff --git a/anaconda-mode-20181030.2109.el b/packages/anaconda-mode-20181030.2109.el similarity index 100% rename from anaconda-mode-20181030.2109.el rename to packages/anaconda-mode-20181030.2109.el diff --git a/ansible-20180813.114.tar b/packages/ansible-20180813.114.tar similarity index 100% rename from ansible-20180813.114.tar rename to packages/ansible-20180813.114.tar diff --git a/ansible-doc-20160924.824.el b/packages/ansible-doc-20160924.824.el similarity index 100% rename from ansible-doc-20160924.824.el rename to packages/ansible-doc-20160924.824.el diff --git a/anti-zenburn-theme-20180712.1838.el b/packages/anti-zenburn-theme-20180712.1838.el similarity index 100% rename from anti-zenburn-theme-20180712.1838.el rename to packages/anti-zenburn-theme-20180712.1838.el diff --git a/anzu-20161017.1607.el b/packages/anzu-20161017.1607.el similarity index 100% rename from anzu-20161017.1607.el rename to packages/anzu-20161017.1607.el diff --git a/apiwrap-20180602.2231.el b/packages/apiwrap-20180602.2231.el similarity index 100% rename from apiwrap-20180602.2231.el rename to packages/apiwrap-20180602.2231.el diff --git a/apropospriate-theme-20180906.1806.tar b/packages/apropospriate-theme-20181111.2112.tar similarity index 97% rename from apropospriate-theme-20180906.1806.tar rename to packages/apropospriate-theme-20181111.2112.tar index 6069015525025adea8dbd5e5e1f483eff476b472..7123027c3c4de8002e1d6e83ec3d78af6b1b75ab 100644 GIT binary patch delta 390 zcmZpez}zr_d4dF|ArR;p85$Z*RLmAMF*G$XGBso{Ff=tVHe^sRoovXMvYC-loDrdJ zvLX|bLL(y+Qv(JC1BgOqab{$NY$ytiOikem*-;g8B}#Ra-)iOH$D8JX!BIY3;ZTa=nOd7-1|WX2haQdp!*QY%VI6LTgrmdj4&njs;M zMM-&4X36A@?jR#XCojwpo$PPNyZOA6an>Xzq`;Z1xDMGbhQ=lcPp?Py%O+%nMutX4 Ra6fF;LJG#sCR@%30{~X)WX}Kq delta 288 zcmY+Z_`r|0LsdtVz= z8&p_~VGC}J8*pcRnxRF*ZMl|q;s#YZ&_8jLgoMWB>uFUyn9Soj{{cD= BK{EgV diff --git a/packages/archive-contents b/packages/archive-contents new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcad10f --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/archive-contents @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +(1 (diminish . [(20170419 1736) nil "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" single ((:commit . "565a983a39d2e2cffab5df13b34f3b6116723208") (:keywords "extensions" "diminish" "minor" "codeprose") (:authors ("Will Mengarini" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Yrjölä" . "") (:url . ""))]) (bind-key . [(20180513 430) nil "A simple way to manage personal keybindings" single ((:commit . "d9f229453da31fdf9a55207db09e360c5071d706") (:keywords "keys" "keybinding" "config" "dotemacs") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (use-package . [(20181110 1758) ((emacs (24 3)) (bind-key (2 4))) "A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs" tar ((:commit . "d9f229453da31fdf9a55207db09e360c5071d706") (:keywords "dotemacs" "startup" "speed" "config" "package") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (which-key . [(20181114 1432) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display available keybindings in popup" single ((:commit . 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""))]) (wakatime-mode . [(20180920 702) nil "Automatic time tracking extension for WakaTime" single ((:commit . "2531cb58287770883ba534d20b3288955c4d6ef3") (:keywords "calendar" "comm") (:authors ("Gabor Torok" . "")) (:maintainer "Alan Hamlett" . ""))]) (feature-mode . [(20170907 1448) nil "Major mode for editing Gherkin (i.e. Cucumber) user stories" tar ((:commit . "722b352c4f0b800a9356dd369c79612782b3b847"))]) (projectile-rails . [(20181009 1317) ((emacs (24 3)) (projectile (0 12 0)) (inflections (1 1)) (inf-ruby (2 2 6)) (f (0 13 0)) (rake (0 3 2))) "Minor mode for Rails projects based on projectile-mode" single ((:commit . "af0f826f2e1b1aad4e31e089e5fc7b5937e82359") (:keywords "rails" "projectile") (:authors ("Adam Sokolnicki" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Sokolnicki" . "") (:url . ""))]) (alchemist . [(20180312 1304) ((elixir-mode (2 2 5)) (dash (2 11 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 0)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (s (1 11 0))) "Elixir tooling integration into Emacs" tar ((:commit . 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[(20180816 1012) ((emacs (25 0))) "Major mode for PlantUML" single ((:commit . "b358a53bb0ab195f0193169d0d6869a3ef2c543e") (:keywords "uml" "plantuml" "ascii") (:authors ("Zhang Weize (zwz)")) (:maintainer "Carlo Sciolla (skuro)"))]) (powershell . [(20181011 1951) ((emacs (24))) "Mode for editing PowerShell scripts" single ((:commit . "c9a20e5a8b02dc5d7ccd2b1974eba28a9348ad5e") (:keywords "powershell" "languages") (:authors ("Frédéric Perrin ")) (:maintainer "Frédéric Perrin ") (:url . ""))]) (vimrc-mode . [(20181116 1919) nil "Major mode for vimrc files" single ((:commit . "13bc150a870d5d4a95f1111e4740e2b22813c30e") (:keywords "languages" "vim") (:url . ""))]) (dactyl-mode . [(20140906 1725) nil "Major mode for editing Pentadactyl config files" single ((:commit . "cc55fe6b987271d9647492b8df4c812d884f661f") (:keywords "languages" "vim") (:url . ""))]) (company-plsense . 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"")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))]) (realgud . [(20180925 10) ((load-relative (1 2)) (loc-changes (1 2)) (test-simple (1 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "A modular front-end for interacting with external debuggers" tar ((:commit . "36782d69c806079eb067705ef67fcb3b9299ae01") (:keywords "gdb" "python" "perl" "go" "bash" "nodejs" "zsh" "bashdb" "zshdb" "remake" "make" "trepan" "perldb" "pdb") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein" . "")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-glsl . [(20171015 1749) ((company (0 9 4)) (glsl-mode (2 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Support glsl in company-mode" single ((:commit . "a262c12c3bcd0807718c4edcaf2b054e30ef0e26") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt" . "")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cuda-mode . [(20151214 321) nil "NVIDIA CUDA Major Mode" single ((:commit . "9ae9eacfdba3559b5456342d0d03296290df8ff5") (:keywords "c" "languages") (:authors ("Jack Morrison" . "")) (:maintainer "Jack Morrison" . ""))]) (glsl-mode . [(20170927 1436) nil "major mode for Open GLSL shader files" single ((:commit . "384968506cf25c5c2df61b32fdfdbd041e3bf651") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (opencl-mode . [(20170816 1249) nil "Syntax coloring for opencl kernels" single ((:commit . "6e69434d0fa6e11a542acad370611bba18d3bc5c") (:keywords "c" "opencl") (:authors ("Salmane Bah" . "")) (:maintainer "Salmane Bah" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nasm-mode . [(20180711 1909) ((emacs (24 3))) "NASM x86 assembly major mode" single ((:commit . "1d4871ef184fc5da792bccbae1ea189f876706fc") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (x86-lookup . [(20180528 1635) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "jump to x86 instruction documentation" single ((:commit . "609b2ba70dc5a246ac9b4b5f89eb5ef4331519bf") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-go . [(20180427 1856) ((company (0 8 0)) (go-mode (1 0 0))) "company-mode backend for Go (using gocode)" single ((:commit . "6730ddbe5142ea62dc8fe415bb1909d2966f7d9e") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("nsf" . "")) (:maintainer "nsf" . ""))]) (flycheck-gometalinter . [(20180424 941) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "flycheck checker for gometalinter" single ((:commit . "422f6e4b77b27fd7370f0c88437ac5072c9d3413") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "go") (:authors ("Diep Pham" . "")) (:maintainer "Diep Pham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-golangci-lint . [(20180711 817) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Flycheck checker for golangci-lint" single ((:commit . "b4b51aa6fe5335c0f46f2f83c7dc32e4141ff9f1") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "go") (:authors ("Wei Jian Gan" . "")) (:maintainer "Wei Jian Gan" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-eldoc . [(20170305 1427) ((emacs (24 3)) (go-mode (1 0 0))) "eldoc for go-mode" single ((:commit . "cbbd2ea1e94a36004432a9ac61414cb5a95a39bd") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-fill-struct . [(20171225 331) ((emacs (24))) "Fill struct for golang." single ((:commit . "a613d0b378473eef39e8fd5724abe790aea84321") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-gen-test . [(20171023 358) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 12))) "Generate tests for go code with gotests" single ((:commit . "44c202ac97e728e93a35cee028a0ea8dd6e4292c") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-guru . [(20181012 330) ((go-mode (1 3 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Integration of the Go 'guru' analysis tool into Emacs." single ((:commit . "120fb911f1d8038f828da85eed8aaad977dabd8c") (:keywords "tools"))]) (go-impl . [(20170125 1552) ((emacs (24 3)) (go-mode (1 3 0))) "impl integration for go-mode" single ((:commit . "69f0d0ef05771487e15abec500cd06befd171abf") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (go-rename . [(20180627 648) ((go-mode (1 3 1))) "Integration of the 'gorename' tool into Emacs." single ((:commit . "120fb911f1d8038f828da85eed8aaad977dabd8c") (:keywords "tools"))]) (go-mode . [(20181012 329) nil "Major mode for the Go programming language" single ((:commit . "120fb911f1d8038f828da85eed8aaad977dabd8c") (:keywords "languages" "go") (:authors ("The go-mode Authors")) (:maintainer "The go-mode Authors") (:url . ""))]) (go-tag . [(20180227 411) ((emacs (24 0)) (go-mode (1 5 0))) "Edit Golang struct field tag" single ((:commit . "59b243f2fa079d9de9d56f6e2d94397e9560310a") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (godoctor . [(20180710 2152) nil "Frontend for godoctor" single ((:commit . "4b45ff3d0572f0e84056e4c3ba91fcc178199859") (:keywords "go" "golang" "refactoring") (:authors ("Sangho Na" . "")) (:maintainer "Sangho Na" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-go . [(20180914 515) ((lsp-mode (3 0))) "Go support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "2327556e78682770a7a434610b08115f20ea5b1a") (:keywords "go" "golang") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "") (:url . ""))]) (faceup . [(20170925 1946) nil "Markup language for faces and font-lock regression testing" single ((:commit . "6c92dad56a133e14e7b27831e1bcf9b3a71ff154") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))]) (racket-mode . [(20181117 229) ((emacs (24 3)) (faceup (0 0 2)) (s (1 9 0))) "Major mode for Racket language." tar ((:commit . "dd51668ad9d5293c5eb57f37bbc4c25a201ba467") (:authors ("Greg Hendershott")) (:maintainer "Greg Hendershott") (:url . ""))]) (arduino-mode . [(20180509 36) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (spinner (1 7 3))) "Major mode for editing Arduino code." tar ((:commit . "e39cb1c02acb6676aea35f93fbd0d86badce6a38") (:keywords "languages" "arduino") (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (kivy-mode . [(20180702 2029) nil "Emacs major mode for editing Kivy files" single ((:commit . "372b81964f55d2ca74641944ab8c908172306e59") (:authors ("Dean Serenevy" . "")) (:maintainer "Dean Serenevy" . ""))]) (matlab-mode . [(20180928 1526) nil "Major mode for MATLAB(R) dot-m files" tar ((:commit . "3fbca4259b2584bde08df07ba51944d7e3e2b4f4") (:url . "") (:keywords "matlab" "programming" "language" "(X)emacs"))]) (pkgbuild-mode . [(20181116 1331) ((emacs (25 1))) "Interface to the ArchLinux package manager" single ((:commit . "c27b65c3deb116b296cef013f342159d9dec5c11") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Juergen Hoetzel" . "")) (:maintainer "Juergen Hoetzel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (qml-mode . [(20161016 31) nil "Major mode for editing QT Declarative (QML) code." single ((:commit . "6c5f33ba88ae010bf201a80ee8095e20a724558c") (:keywords "qml" "qt" "qt declarative") (:authors ("Yen-Chin Lee" . "")) (:maintainer "Yen-Chin Lee" . "") (:url . ""))]) (scad-mode . [(20180109 209) nil "A major mode for editing OpenSCAD code" single ((:commit . "d4d3504975f9bd08c09e10db665de3fc83542747") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Len Trigg, Łukasz Stelmach")) (:maintainer "Len Trigg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (stan-mode . [(20180110 2241) nil "Major mode for editing Stan files" tar ((:commit . "a8e88473ef996b455523dc3fbcf2d8520659652f") (:keywords "languanges") (:authors ("Jeffrey Arnold" . "") ("Daniel Lee" . "")) (:maintainer "Jeffrey Arnold" . "") (:url . ""))]) (thrift . [(20180905 1050) ((emacs (24))) "major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files" single ((:commit . "c272a9a7abcea8a07bc4eebc308abaab6b1755d6") (:keywords "languages"))]) (vala-mode . [(20150324 2225) nil "Vala mode derived mode" single ((:commit . "fb2871a4492d75d03d72e60474919ab89adb267b") (:keywords "vala" "languages" "oop") (:authors ("2005 Dylan R. E. Moonfire") (" 2008 Étienne BERSAC")) (:maintainer "Étienne BERSAC" . ""))]) (vala-snippets . [(20150429 352) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Vala" tar ((:commit . "671439501060449bd100b9fffd524a86064fbfbb") (:authors ("Daniel Gopar")) (:maintainer "Daniel Gopar") (:url . ""))]) (wolfram-mode . [(20180307 13) ((emacs (24 3))) "Mathematica editing and inferior mode." single ((:commit . "be680190cac6ccf579dbce107deaae495928d1b3") (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Daichi Mochihashi ")) (:maintainer "Daichi Mochihashi ") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-nim . [(20160715 428) ((dash (2 4 0)) (flycheck (0 20))) "Defines a flycheck syntax checker for nim" single ((:commit . "6d27349b66e44578851e6148299709d64d2bde41") (:authors ("Adam Schwalm" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Schwalm" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-nimsuggest . [(20171027 2208) ((flycheck (0 23)) (emacs (24 3))) "flycheck backend for Nim using nimsuggest" single ((:commit . "dc9a5de1cb3ee05db5794d824610959a1f603bc9") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:url . ""))]) (commenter . 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"a42ecaf440adc03e279afe43ee5ef6093ddd542a") (:keywords "hy" "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pyenv-mode . [(20170801 2348) ((pythonic (0 1 0))) "Integrate pyenv with python-mode" single ((:commit . "eabb1c66f9e0c0500fef4d089508aad246d81dc0") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pyvenv . [(20180831 847) nil "Python virtual environment interface" single ((:commit . "921ae2356b6a111ac0b7e44fd04cba8e95cbe936") (:keywords "python" "virtualenv" "tools") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "")) (:maintainer "Jorgen Schaefer" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cython-mode . [(20180213 1654) nil "Major mode for editing Cython files" single ((:commit . "97f5e715acf082cb013169b57966f37708a717ee"))]) (helm-cscope . [(20170326 722) ((xcscope (1 0)) (helm (1 6 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Helm interface for xcscope.el." single ((:commit . 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"5582bf60577de74e6301871c6b77ac86b6ce1970") (:authors ("Paul Walsh" . "")) (:maintainer "Paul Walsh" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pippel . [(20180710 856) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Frontend to python package manager pip" tar ((:commit . "21a5200e8e5ccaa1911abb4ebf090b76ca839756") (:authors ("Fritz Stelzer" . "")) (:maintainer "Fritz Stelzer" . "") (:url . ""))]) (py-isort . [(20160925 1018) nil "Use isort to sort the imports in a Python buffer" single ((:commit . "e67306f459c47c53a65604e4eea88a3914596560") (:authors ("Friedrich Paetzke" . "")) (:maintainer "Friedrich Paetzke" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pytest . [(20181005 1524) ((s (1 9 0))) "Easy Python test running in Emacs" single ((:commit . "1bfa7549001e61ecd59cd6eae7c6656a924d1ba4") (:keywords "pytest" "python" "testing") (:url . ""))]) (python . [(0 26 1) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (1 0))) "Python's flying circus support for Emacs" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "languages"))]) (stickyfunc-enhance . 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"6a5a2a365e4ea6fc5adfa96359418c437aa351c8") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-anaconda . [(20181025 1305) ((company (0 8 0)) (anaconda-mode (0 1 1)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (s (1 9))) "Anaconda backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "0ab70de1740e67cee451abcf3685c7525ff9e95a") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-python . [(20181108 754) ((lsp-mode (3 0))) "Python support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "9b67b63c4c8c53c77eda8b8081b8d458e655ba55") (:keywords "python") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eval-sexp-fu . [(20180510 203) ((cl-lib (0)) (highlight (0))) "Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps." single ((:commit . "1cfd0f3e167d63080692fad97ffe0091b024ad73") (:keywords "lisp" "highlight" "convenience") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . ""))]) (cider-eval-sexp-fu . [(20160907 800) ((emacs (24)) (highlight (0)) (eval-sexp-fu (0 4 0))) "Briefly highlights an evaluated sexp." single ((:commit . "5687e7b33e17f2be40b036dac82da4a5bc6705fb") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . ""))]) (inflections . [(20170913 916) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "convert english words between singular and plural" single ((:commit . "e4f1372cf22e811faca52fc86bdd5d817498a4d8") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "wp") (:authors ("Dmitry Galinsky, Howard Yeh")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Galinsky, Howard Yeh") (:url . ""))]) (edn . [(20160215 1219) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (24 1)) (peg (0 6))) "Support for reading and writing the edn data format from elisp" single ((:commit . "be9e32d1b49e35247b263b0243df7cfdc8d413ab") (:keywords "edn" "clojure") (:authors ("Lars Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Lars Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (paredit . 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"85c382317a56bbdfac03ae95999c28fc0cde65d7") (:keywords "clojure" "cider" "cheatsheet" "helm") (:authors ("Kris Jenkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Kris Jenkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (clojure-snippets . [(20180314 1308) ((yasnippet (0 10 0))) "Yasnippets for clojure" tar ((:commit . "6068dca90467a0f4ebc2cd39338a173d6f5ddc04"))]) (cider . [(20181110 1413) ((emacs (25)) (clojure-mode (5 9)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (queue (0 2)) (spinner (1 7)) (seq (2 16)) (sesman (0 3 2))) "Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks" tar ((:commit . "3a520ec76cdd5509bf231e49809715f20a87d74b") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:authors ("Tim King" . "") ("Phil Hagelberg" . "") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "") ("Artur Malabarba" . "") ("Hugo Duncan" . "") ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sesman . [(20181109 1100) ((emacs (25))) "Generic Session Manager" tar ((:commit . "2a1a9a4ccfd88127e13f2655ac130c82fe84f2f7") (:keywords "process") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))]) (queue . [(0 2) nil "Queue data structure" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "extensions" "data structures" "queue"))]) (clojure-mode . [(20181024 2224) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for Clojure code" single ((:commit . "71b32ee95e8ec99098e212cd0ec74cb4c002e8c6") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "clojurescript" "lisp") (:url . ""))]) (sayid . [(20181024 1838) ((cider (0 14 0))) "sayid nREPL middleware client" single ((:commit . "078378240277160b00d332065d8325e713c0b526") (:authors ("Bill Piel" . "")) (:maintainer "Bill Piel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (elixir-mode . [(20180711 1245) ((emacs (24)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Major mode for editing Elixir files" tar ((:commit . "bfd09392a0253e4b96c642472e5d5b757a5254f8") (:keywords "languages" "elixir") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-mix . [(20170118 1430) ((flycheck (27)) (elixir-mode (1 8 0))) "Elixir mix flycheck integration" single ((:commit . "76684d4b5987925b98b254aab656f8bf8198ab88") (:keywords "elixir" "flycheck" "mix") (:authors ("Tomasz Kowal" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomasz Kowal" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-credo . [(20170526 1545) ((flycheck (29))) "flycheck checker for elixir credo" single ((:commit . "e88f11ead53805c361ec7706e44c3dfee1daa19f") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-elixir . [(20170725 1419) ((org (8))) "org-babel functions for elixir evaluation" single ((:commit . "8990a8178b2f7bd93504a9ab136622aab6e82e32") (:keywords "org" "babel" "elixir") (:authors ("ZHOU Feng" . "")) (:maintainer "ZHOU Feng" . "") (:url . ""))]) (clang-format . [(20180406 1514) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Format code using clang-format" single ((:commit . "5556c31528af2661bed3011bd63ffc0ed44e18a0") (:keywords "tools" "c"))]) (company-c-headers . 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"6aa45cb37524fad6250ac4694b4a96c53eb29d0e") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rtags . [(20181117 2108) nil "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "6aa45cb37524fad6250ac4694b4a96c53eb29d0e") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cquery . [(20180811 2131) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 4)) (dash (0 13))) "cquery client for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "a803e92e77e1ffc74c13a753c1eb4f6f47127a97") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "c++") (:authors ("Tobias Pisani")) (:maintainer "Tobias Pisani") (:url . ""))]) (ccls . [(20181106 546) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (4 2)) (dash (0 14)) (projectile (1 0 0))) "ccls client for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "07ad553950e69f862f7c74c9b1f02c00ab450d22") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "c++") (:authors ("Tobias Pisani, Fangrui Song")) (:maintainer "Tobias Pisani, Fangrui Song") (:url . ""))]) (company-emoji . 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"7038f4f6d5c2bc7e4aea89699a607ac2b7dd16a8"))]) (vmd-mode . [(20180223 1356) ((emacs (24 3))) "Fast Github-flavored Markdown preview using a vmd subprocess." single ((:commit . "24e38a20951dfad6e3e985c7cc6286c1e271da5f") (:keywords "markdown" "preview" "live" "vmd") (:authors ("Blake Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Blake Miller" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auctex-latexmk . [(20170618 1636) ((auctex (11 87))) "Add LatexMk support to AUCTeX" single ((:commit . "4d353522650d7685acbf1d38f7dbc504f734bd84") (:keywords "tex") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auctex . [(12 1 1) nil "Integrated environment for *TeX*" tar ((:url . ""))]) (company-auctex . [(20180725 1912) ((yasnippet (0 8 0)) (company (0 8 0)) (auctex (11 87))) "Company-mode auto-completion for AUCTeX" single ((:commit . "48c42c58ce2f0e693301b0cb2d085055410c1b25") (:authors ("Christopher Monsanto , Alexey Romanov" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Monsanto , Alexey Romanov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (magic-latex-buffer . [(20170531 5) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Magically enhance LaTeX-mode font-locking for semi-WYSIWYG editing" single ((:commit . "c03277d5619d9adcd871f3e6480a1a27985810cb") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))]) (typo . [(20171209 1023) nil "Minor mode for typographic editing" single ((:commit . "9dad93b6f367f02f52c8d9bf15d446d922cec294") (:keywords "convenience" "wp") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "")) (:maintainer "Jorgen Schaefer" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tide . [(20181025 1201) ((dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (flycheck (27)) (typescript-mode (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Typescript Interactive Development Environment" tar ((:commit . "b2af64e5926b9c1493f7e39d5e928d61975816fb") (:keywords "typescript") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . "") (:url . ""))]) (typescript-mode . [(20181018 553) nil "Major mode for editing typescript" tar ((:commit . "fbaad515c90df0f5c3634c471034e3041a4a8cfc") (:keywords "typescript" "languages") (:url . ""))]) (web-mode . [(20181104 2004) ((emacs (23 1))) "major mode for editing web templates" single ((:commit . "29ced993bb1a435bd82d3e7395bed13b99e87de4") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("François-Xavier Bois ")) (:maintainer "François-Xavier Bois") (:url . ""))]) (cargo . [(20181112 722) ((emacs (24 3)) (rust-mode (0 2 0)) (markdown-mode (2 4))) "Emacs Minor Mode for Cargo, Rust's Package Manager." tar ((:commit . "f8504cd51021741a3931c28dc5e87cc16687420b") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Kevin W. van Rooijen" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin W. van Rooijen" . ""))]) (racer . [(20181023 2304) ((emacs (24 3)) (rust-mode (0 2 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 2)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer" single ((:commit . "bf8f76f17c64eff2d6ca6029ee0ab7a466590128") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching" "rust" "tools") (:authors ("Phil Dawes")) (:maintainer "Phil Dawes") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-rust . [(20180904 1117) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (28)) (dash (2 13 0)) (seq (2 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "Flycheck: Rust additions and Cargo support" single ((:commit . "f1220ccd9acbdb2556765f49f2f3dcb00dca2970") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (toml-mode . [(20161107 1800) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing TOML files" single ((:commit . "f6c61817b00f9c4a3cab1bae9c309e0fc45cdd06") (:keywords "data" "toml") (:authors ("Felix Chern" . "")) (:maintainer "Felix Chern" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rust-mode . [(20181008 1628) ((emacs (24 0))) "A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code" single ((:commit . 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[(20180518 1820) ((company (0 8 0)) (company-quickhelp (1 2 0)) (popup (0 5 3)) (pos-tip (0 4 5)) (s (1 3 1)) (dash (1 1 0)) (flycheck (0 25))) "F# mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "68d2121a7317d90fe3794c9295d117f4aebd1438"))]) (company-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (company (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Eclim company backend" single ((:commit . "23f5b294f833ce58516d7b9ae08a7792d70022a1"))]) (eclim . [(20181108 1134) ((dash (2 11 0)) (json (1 2)) (popup (0 5 2)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 10 0))) "An interface to the Eclipse IDE." tar ((:commit . "23f5b294f833ce58516d7b9ae08a7792d70022a1"))]) (ensime . [(20180615 1330) ((scala-mode (0 23)) (sbt-mode (0 2)) (yasnippet (0 10 0)) (company (0 9 0)) (dash (2 12 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "34eb11dac3ec9d1c554c2e55bf056ece6983add7") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (gradle-mode . [(20150313 1905) ((s (1 8 0))) "Gradle integration with Emacs' compile" single ((:commit . "e4d665d5784ecda7ddfba015f07c69be3cfc45f2") (:keywords "gradle") (:authors ("Daniel Mijares" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Mijares" . "") (:url . ""))]) (maven-test-mode . [(20141220 557) ((s (1 9)) (emacs (24))) "Utilities for navigating test files and running maven test tasks." single ((:commit . "a19151861df2ad8ae4880a2e7c86ddf848cb569a") (:keywords "java" "maven" "test") (:authors ("Renan Ranelli")) (:maintainer "Renan Ranelli") (:url . ""))]) (meghanada . [(20181116 1302) ((emacs (24 3)) (yasnippet (0 6 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (flycheck (0 23))) "A better java development mode" tar ((:commit . "4914ab1496d88251f179dc3b6158fc65e999804a") (:keywords "languages" "java") (:authors ("Yutaka Matsubara" . "")) (:maintainer "Yutaka Matsubara" . "") (:url . ""))]) (mvn . [(20181002 1617) nil "helpers for compiling with maven" single ((:commit . "ffa40235b7dabb6c6c165f64f32a963cde8031f0") (:keywords "compilation" "maven" "java") (:authors ("Andrew Gwozdziewycz" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Gwozdziewycz" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-java . [(20181102 1943) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0))) "Java support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "7eebaf5d45763627a5e49180d9f76a82432d62e3") (:keywords "java") (:url . ""))]) (elm-mode . [(20181114 2235) ((f (0 17)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (seq (2 2)) (s (1 7 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Major mode for Elm" tar ((:commit . "a52c0c6216145ec1cf39d06541ad74f33f4816cc") (:authors ("Joseph Collard")) (:maintainer "Joseph Collard") (:url . ""))]) (elm-test-runner . [(20180918 2255) ((emacs (24 4))) "Enhanced support for running elm-test" single ((:commit . "73696add403cee6547fcb6eb4e49798e1583d0e2") (:authors ("Juan Edi")) (:maintainer "Juan Edi") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-elm . [(20181107 146) ((flycheck (0 29 -4)) (emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (seq (2 20))) "Flycheck support for the elm language" single ((:commit . "debd0af563cb6c2944367a691c7fa3021d9378c1") (:authors ("Brian Sermons")) (:maintainer "Brian Sermons") (:url . ""))]) (web-completion-data . [(20160318 848) nil "Shared completion data for ac-html and company-web" tar ((:commit . "c272c94e8a71b779c29653a532f619acad433a4f") (:keywords "html" "auto-complete" "company") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-web . [(20180402 1155) ((company (0 8 0)) (dash (2 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (web-completion-data (0 1 0))) "Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes" tar ((:commit . "f0cc9187c9c34f72ad71f5649a69c74f996bae9a") (:keywords "html" "company") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel-css . 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"37105f46f6ea3592039f2ea7d0463ae7f042616e") (:keywords "markup" "language" "css") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum") (:url . ""))]) (scss-mode . [(20180123 1708) nil "Major mode for editing SCSS files" single ((:commit . "cf58dbec5394280503eb5502938f3b5445d1b53d") (:keywords "scss" "css" "mode") (:authors ("Anton Johansson" . "")) (:maintainer "Anton Johansson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (slim-mode . [(20170728 1348) nil "Major mode for editing Slim files" single ((:commit . "3636d18ab1c8b316eea71c4732eb44743e2ded87") (:keywords "markup" "language") (:authors ("Nathan Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Nathan Weizenbaum") (:url . ""))]) (tagedit . [(20161121 855) ((s (1 3 1)) (dash (1 0 3))) "Some paredit-like features for html-mode" single ((:commit . "b3a70101a0dcf85498c92b7fcfa7fdbac869746c") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))]) (flycheck-kotlin . [(20170122 1137) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Support kotlin in flycheck" single ((:commit . "cbb9fbf70dbe8efcc3971b3606ee95c97469b1fe") (:authors ("Elric Milon" . "")) (:maintainer "Elric Milon" . ""))]) (kotlin-mode . [(20181109 1818) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for kotlin" single ((:commit . "666187a086c042e70b65b13ea83b34a493440d95") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Shodai Yokoyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Shodai Yokoyama" . ""))]) (flycheck-crystal . [(20180627 242) ((flycheck (30))) "Add support for Crystal to Flycheck" single ((:commit . "8649736fea8960a5e54c3ec934484f231a518ea5") (:keywords "tools" "crystal") (:url . ""))]) (crystal-mode . [(20180827 329) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for editing Crystal files" single ((:commit . "8649736fea8960a5e54c3ec934484f231a518ea5") (:keywords "languages" "crystal") (:url . ""))]) (inf-crystal . [(20180119 211) ((emacs (24 3)) (crystal-mode (0 1 0))) "Run a Inferior-Crystal process in a buffer" single ((:commit . "02007b2a2a3bea44902d7c83c4acba1e39d278e3") (:keywords "languages" "crystal") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-crystal . [(20180126 718) ((emacs (24 3))) "org-babel functions for Crystal evaluation" tar ((:commit . "d84c1adee4b269cdba06a97caedb8071561a09af") (:keywords "crystal" "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (play-crystal . [(20180114 1024) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0)) (request (0 2 0))) " integration." single ((:commit . "0b4810a9025213bd11dbcbfd38b3ca928829e0a5") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vitalii Elenhaupt")) (:maintainer "Vitalii Elenhaupt") (:url . ""))]) (cmm-mode . [(20150225 746) nil "Major mode for C-- source code" single ((:commit . "c3ad514dff3eb30434f6b20d953276d4c00de1ee"))]) (company-cabal . [(20170917 1317) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24))) "company-mode cabal backend" tar ((:commit . "62112a7259e24bd6c08885629a185afe512b7d3d") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-ghci . [(20160311 200) ((company (0 8 11)) (haskell-mode (13))) "company backend which uses the current ghci process." single ((:commit . "c2d74a41166e76de2e78c87f582ba3a1179b2aa6") (:authors ("Hector Orellana" . "")) (:maintainer "Hector Orellana" . ""))]) (company-ghc . [(20170918 833) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (ghc (5 4 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "company-mode ghc-mod backend" single ((:commit . "8b264b5c3c0e42c0d0c4e9315559896c9b0edfdc") (:keywords "haskell" "completion") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ghc . [(20180121 1218) ((haskell-mode (13 0))) "Sub mode for Haskell mode" tar ((:commit . "96c2207f0e9019f958d39582d4bf4af3bc9469d2"))]) (intero . [(20181109 1547) ((flycheck (0 25)) (company (0 8)) (emacs (24 4)) (haskell-mode (13 0))) "Complete development mode for Haskell" single ((:commit . "4be2a4a5de81bae504654a6b3a5d8a340be00e7e") (:keywords "haskell" "tools") (:authors ("Chris Done" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Done" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lcr . [(20180902 1919) ((dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "lightweight coroutines" single ((:commit . "c14f40692292d59156c7632dbdd2867c086aa75f") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dante . [(20180916 729) ((dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (f (0 19 0)) (flycheck (0 30)) (haskell-mode (13 14)) (s (1 11 0)) (lcr (1 0))) "Development mode for Haskell" single ((:commit . "f16562abe570f5ca0e7abbf8c7058c81976a921f") (:keywords "haskell" "tools") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-haskell . [(20181117 1001) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 25)) (haskell-mode (13 7)) (dash (2 4 0)) (seq (1 11)) (let-alist (1 0 1))) "Flycheck: Automatic Haskell configuration" tar ((:commit . "072c854a65a73b441624a90a8aa3b86ec64cdd1e") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (haskell-mode . [(20180917 923) ((emacs (24 3))) "A Haskell editing mode" tar ((:commit . "6a70c1858c7d505ba23185e209ef7eacf703ed8f") (:keywords "haskell" "cabal" "ghc" "repl") (:url . ""))]) (haskell-snippets . [(20160919 22) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Haskell" tar ((:commit . "07b0f460b946fd1be26c29652cb0468b47782f3a") (:keywords "snippets" "haskell") (:authors ("Luke Hoersten" . "")) (:maintainer "Luke Hoersten" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-hoogle . [(20161027 534) ((helm (1 6 2)) (emacs (24 4))) "Use helm to navigate query results from Hoogle" single ((:commit . "73969a9d46d2121a849a01a9f7ed3636d01f7bbc") (:keywords "haskell" "programming" "hoogle") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hindent . [(20180518 902) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Indent haskell code using the \"hindent\" program" single ((:commit . "ffe03701050d159387c06103ecaf8147716d5cb8") (:authors ("Chris Done" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Done" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hlint-refactor . [(20170818 448) nil "Apply HLint suggestions" single ((:commit . "92c69aa01c65968e86c15db087bb1ea785e4736c") (:keywords "haskell" "refactor") (:url . ""))]) (drupal-mode . [(20171120 2309) ((php-mode (1 5 0))) "Advanced minor mode for Drupal development" tar ((:commit . "47fda0a38a5b197f4606137d9c3b7d44aaeaa886") (:keywords "programming" "php" "drupal") (:authors ("Arne Jørgensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Jørgensen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (php-auto-yasnippets . [(20170331 114) ((php-mode (1 11)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Creates snippets for PHP functions" tar ((:commit . "03e1f0899c081813901ac15c2f7a675a37cca9f5") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "Eric James Michael Ritz") (:url . ""))]) (phpcbf . [(20180519 838) ((s (1 9 0))) "Format PHP code in Emacs using PHP_CodeSniffer's phpcbf" single ((:commit . "a31020fc4c5add7339e009faea66894dc02a77f1") (:keywords "tools" "php") (:authors ("nishimaki10")) (:maintainer "nishimaki10") (:url . ""))]) (phpunit . [(20180829 1438) ((s (1 12 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (pkg-info (0 6)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Launch PHP unit tests using phpunit" tar ((:commit . "fe6bc91c3bd8b329c6d26ad883a025f06b5121ee") (:keywords "tools" "php" "tests" "phpunit") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "") ("Eric Hansen" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ac-php-core . [(20181115 1442) ((emacs (24)) (dash (1)) (php-mode (1)) (xcscope (1)) (s (1)) (f (0 17 0)) (popup (0 5 0))) "gen tags for php" tar ((:commit . "1883d3178ded71534a7e93189bc789d65e4a000e") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors (nil . " []")) (:maintainer nil . " []") (:url . ""))]) (xcscope . [(20180426 712) nil "cscope interface for (X)Emacs" single ((:commit . "57bff67460c587acf60f513de622b4c7ab312081") (:keywords "languages" "c") (:authors ("Darryl Okahata" . "") ("Dima Kogan" . "")) (:maintainer "Dima Kogan" . "") (:url . ""))]) (php-mode . [(20180829 520) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing PHP code" tar ((:commit . "1f04813f46219e626b385d0d96abefad914bfae0") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-php . [(20181110 303) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (ac-php-core (1)) (company (0 9))) "company completion source for php" single ((:commit . "1883d3178ded71534a7e93189bc789d65e4a000e") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors (nil . " []")) (:maintainer nil . " []") (:url . ""))]) (cl-generic . [(0 3) nil "Forward cl-generic compatibility for Emacs<25" single ((:url . "") (:keywords))]) (ein . [(20181113 2117) ((websocket (1 7)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (request (0 3)) (deferred (0 5)) (request-deferred (0 2 0)) (cl-generic (0 3)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (skewer-mode (1 6 2))) "Emacs IPython Notebook" tar ((:commit . "07bc906df91bc60d1f39426ea2e86482aa03370c"))]) (ob-ipython . [(20180224 953) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 10 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (emacs (24))) "org-babel functions for IPython evaluation" tar ((:commit . "7147455230841744fb5b95dcbe03320313a77124") (:keywords "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Greg Sexton" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg Sexton" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-lua . [(20171108 2306) ((company (0 8 12)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 17 0)) (lua-mode (20151025))) "Company backend for Lua" tar ((:commit . "29f6819de4d691e5fd0b62893a9f4fbc1c6fcb52") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . ""))]) (lua-mode . [(20180323 1021) nil "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" tar ((:commit . "99312b8d6c500ba3067da6d81efcfbbea05a1cbd") (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("2011-2013 immerrr" . "") ("2010-2011 Reuben Thomas" . "") ("2006 Juergen Hoetzel" . "") ("2004 various (support for Lua 5 and byte compilation)") ("2001 Christian Vogler" . "") ("1997 Bret Mogilefsky" . "") ("tcl-mode by Gregor Schmid" . "") ("with tons of assistance from") ("Paul Du Bois" . "") ("Aaron Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "2011-2013 immerrr" . "") (:url . ""))]) (faust-mode . [(20180205 926) nil "Faust syntax colorizer for Emacs." single ((:commit . "7c31b22bdbfd2f8c16ec117d2975d56dd61ac15c") (:keywords "languages" "faust") (:authors ("rukano" . "")) (:maintainer "Yassin Philip" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-shell . [(20170518 541) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Company mode backend for shell functions" single ((:commit . "6ae625f80d90e0779c79de38e8f83a336c1d00fa") (:keywords "company" "shell" "auto-completion") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fish-mode . [(20180827 303) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for fish shell scripts" single ((:commit . "35fc7c1e243a7410823088a571ecf378e9f3efa6") (:keywords "fish" "shell") (:authors ("Tony Wang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tony Wang" . ""))]) (flycheck-bashate . [(20160630 440) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (24 4))) "Integrate bashate with flycheck" single ((:commit . "77fa03dbc578c34fe71ca44926bac2aff8f2b021") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "") (:url . ""))]) (insert-shebang . [(20180403 1214) nil "Insert shebang line automatically." single ((:commit . "7bfea92ba1dae9d13d442e2f84f9fb6c05a0a9bd") (:keywords "shebang" "tool" "convenience") (:authors ("Sachin Patil" . "")) (:maintainer "Sachin Patil" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-perl6 . [(20180509 2201) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Perl 6 support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "b804702305d7a6e26f762ff98cfdeec2e9dd4cb7") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (perl6-mode . [(20180619 1159) ((emacs (24 4)) (pkg-info (0 1))) "Major mode for editing Perl 6 code" tar ((:commit . "88de065795d6863b23b6042576b9e90f8cbf8798") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hierarchy . [(20171221 1151) ((emacs (25 1))) "Library to create and display hierarchy structures" single ((:commit . "06f21d3fc16c44c1fa45dc9c91d10100b4db9355") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-navigator . [(20171220 819) ((emacs (24 3)) (hierarchy (0 6 0))) "View and navigate JSON structures" single ((:commit . "7a1fec93500c46ccba4086d10115d8188607d0d0") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (key-chord . [(20160227 1238) nil "map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands" single ((:commit . "72443e9ff3c4f1c3ccaced3130236801efde3d83") (:keywords "keyboard" "chord" "input") (:authors ("David Andersson ")) (:maintainer "David Andersson "))]) (org-ref . [(20181115 51) ((dash (2 11 0)) (htmlize (1 51)) (helm (1 5 5)) (helm-bibtex (2 0 0)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (hydra (0 13 2)) (key-chord (0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (pdf-tools (0 7))) "citations, cross-references and bibliographies in org-mode" tar ((:commit . "1b5cf239d2abe203b9c64000c9010bbb6bf18fb4") (:keywords "org-mode" "cite" "ref" "label") (:authors ("John Kitchin" . "")) (:maintainer "John Kitchin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (parsebib . [(20181031 1021) ((emacs (24 3))) "A library for parsing bib files" single ((:commit . "27b30f5220b80637ed55f3b062ce2823adb40477") (:keywords "text" "bibtex") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . ""))]) (helm-bibtex . [(20181030 2142) ((helm (1 5 5)) (parsebib (1 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (biblio (0 2))) "A bibliography manager based on Helm" tar ((:commit . "af05ccb498d89550644cc01c80628053d4d2d73f") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . ""))]) (biblio . [(20161014 2304) ((emacs (24 3)) (biblio-core (0 2))) "Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, arXiv, DBLP, HAL, Dissemin, and" tar ((:commit . "a5a68fcf677f286f205f32dc7486f6c9f66aa6af"))]) (biblio-core . [(20160901 1815) ((emacs (24 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) (dash (2 12 1))) "A framework for looking up and displaying bibliographic entries" single ((:commit . "a5a68fcf677f286f205f32dc7486f6c9f66aa6af") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "convenience" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ahk-mode . [(20181113 1238) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing AHK (AutoHotkey and AutoHotkey_L)" single ((:commit . "fde5be2cd4a0a48dc876031fb25be82892f700e0") (:keywords "ahk" "autohotkey" "hotkey" "keyboard shortcut" "automation") (:authors ("Rich Alesi")) (:maintainer "Rich Alesi") (:url . ""))]) (markup-faces . [(20141110 817) nil "collection of faces for markup language modes" single ((:commit . "98a807ed82473eb41c6a201ed7ef816d6bcd67b0") (:keywords "wp" "faces") (:authors ("Florian Kaufmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Florian Kaufmann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (adoc-mode . [(20160314 2130) ((markup-faces (1 0 0))) "a major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs" single ((:commit . "745884359a1b8826ede2c4cfd2f0b5478953ac40") (:keywords "wp" "asciidoc") (:authors ("Florian Kaufmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Florian Kaufmann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (scala-mode . [(20170802 1132) nil "Major mode for editing Scala" tar ((:commit . "56cba2903cf6e12c715dbb5c99b34c97b2679379") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (sbt-mode . [(20180511 1622) ((emacs (24 4))) "Interactive support for sbt projects" tar ((:commit . "e658af140547cbef495c33535c7f694a501d318c") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (swift-mode . [(20181117 1202) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 3))) "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language." tar ((:commit . "55ce4e53f856626938b50f014c5f82947a628d6a") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))]) (csv-mode . [(1 7) nil "Major mode for editing comma/char separated values" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (jsonnet-mode . [(20180822 1619) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing jsonnet files" single ((:commit . "0d68681d501fd57ebde5ed4fe100033a5d3aafa8") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Nick Lanham")) (:maintainer "Nick Lanham") (:url . ""))]) (ctable . [(20171006 11) nil "Table component for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "b8830d1ca95abb100a81bc32011bd17d5ecba000") (:keywords "table") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:url . ""))]) (ess-R-data-view . [(20130509 1158) ((ctable (20130313 1743)) (popup (20130324 1305)) (ess (20130225 1754))) "Data viewer for GNU R" single ((:commit . "d6e98d3ae1e2a2ea39a56eebcdb73e99d29562e9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("myuhe ")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))]) (ess . [(20181117 1705) ((julia-mode (0 3))) "Emacs Speaks Statistics" tar ((:commit . "58b011d78e6394e29dff173f66da652388eb87a8") (:authors ("David Smith" . "") ("A.J. Rossini" . "") ("Richard M. Heiberger" . "") ("Kurt Hornik" . "") ("Martin Maechler" . "") ("Rodney A. Sparapani" . "") ("Stephen Eglen" . "") ("Sebastian P. Luque" . "") ("Henning Redestig" . "") ("Vitalie Spinu" . "") ("Lionel Henry" . "") ("J. Alexander Branham" . "")) (:maintainer "ESS Core Team" . ""))]) (ess-smart-equals . [(20150202 601) ((emacs (24)) (ess (5 0))) "better smart-assignment with =-key in R and S" single ((:commit . "e0f5f18f01ed252fde50d051adf1fa6254a254c9") (:keywords "r" "s" "ess" "convenience") (:authors ("Christopher R. Genovese" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher R. Genovese" . "") (:url . ""))]) (golden-ratio . [(20150819 1120) nil "Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio" single ((:commit . "72b028808b41d23fa3f7e8c0d23d2c475e7b46ae") (:keywords "window" "resizing") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . ""))]) (graphviz-dot-mode . [(20181118 551) nil "Mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att)." single ((:commit . "243de72e09ddd5cdc4863613af8b749827a5e1cd") (:keywords "mode" "dot" "dot-language" "dotlanguage" "graphviz" "graphs" "att") (:maintainer "Pieter Pareit" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sml-mode . [(6 9) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing (Standard) ML" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "sml"))]) (ob-sml . [(20130829 1843) ((sml-mode (6 4))) "org-babel functions for template evaluation" single ((:commit . "958165c92b6cff6cada5c85c8ae5887806b8451b") (:keywords "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("David Nolen")) (:maintainer "David Nolen") (:url . ""))]) (shut-up . [(20180628 1830) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (24))) "Shut up would you!" single ((:commit . "081d6b01e3ba0e60326558e545c4019219e046ce") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (csharp-mode . [(20181011 718) nil "C# mode derived mode" single ((:commit . "239527c1f27cf5246505f1faf23269487fdbfdd2") (:keywords "c#" "languages" "oop" "mode") (:authors ("Dylan R. E. Moonfire (original)")) (:maintainer "Jostein Kjønigsen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (omnisharp . [(20181023 505) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (30)) (dash (2 12 0)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (popup (0 5 1)) (csharp-mode (0 8 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (s (1 10 0)) (shut-up (0 3 2)) (f (0 19 0))) "Omnicompletion (intellisense) and more for C#" tar ((:commit . "260b2423b7b909b12b98d84e5b05b5b4e20040d0") (:keywords "languages" "csharp" "c#" "ide" "auto-complete" "intellisense") (:authors ("Mika Vilpas and others")) (:maintainer "Mika Vilpas and others") (:url . ""))]) (ttl-mode . [(20160505 832) nil "mode for Turtle (and Notation 3)" single nil]) (sparql-mode . [(20180320 1802) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Edit and interactively evaluate SPARQL queries." tar ((:commit . "a00bb622c54086ac1ee96c265bf7fbef12c68089") (:authors ("Craig Andera ")) (:maintainer "Bjarte Johansen ") (:url . ""))]) (julia-mode . [(20180816 2117) nil "Major mode for editing Julia source code" single ((:commit . "ec01995f60486480cf2240bbd3b9a2ff3fa9e0f0") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))]) (julia-repl . [(20180923 1124) ((emacs (25))) "A minor mode for a Julia REPL" single ((:commit . "d8b94c6dbfa47fd51540b9d5b1bb0c2dfce3ebc2") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Tamas Papp" . "")) (:maintainer "Tamas Papp" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-lsp . [(20181105 1644) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 4)) (company (0 9 0)) (s (1 2 0)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Company completion backend for lsp-mode." single ((:commit . "d333e5594f8d5e5cb96309f8a913747ff83ab089") (:url . ""))]) (evil-surround . [(20181020 1248) ((evil (1 2 12))) "emulate surround.vim from Vim" single ((:commit . "63ce01848878ce011eb4fee59c51109dd1e3ddb5") (:keywords "emulation" "vi" "evil") (:authors ("Tim Harper ") ("Vegard Øye ")) (:maintainer "Tim Harper "))]) (groovy-imports . [(20161003 851) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 10 0)) (pcache (0 3 2))) "Code for dealing with Groovy imports" single ((:commit . "e56d7dda617555ec6205644d32ffddf2e1fa43d9") (:keywords "groovy") (:authors ("Miro Bezjak")) (:maintainer "Miro Bezjak") (:url . ""))]) (groovy-mode . [(20181111 1057) ((s (1 12 0)) (emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Major mode for Groovy source files" tar ((:commit . "f80b6795f645aff592ffbdc6b500084955094f5c") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Russel Winder" . "") ("Jim Morris" . "") ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . ""))]) (coffee-mode . [(20170324 940) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for CoffeeScript code" single ((:commit . "86ab8aae8662e8eff54d3013010b9c693b16eac5") (:keywords "coffeescript" "major" "mode") (:authors ("Chris Wanstrath" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Wanstrath" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-coffeescript . [(20180126 719) ((emacs (24 4))) "org-babel functions for coffee-script evaluation, and fully implementation!" single ((:commit . "5a5bb04aea9c2a6eab5b05f90f5c7cb6de7b4261") (:keywords "coffee-script" "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Brantou" . "")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (prop-menu . 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"")) (:maintainer "Lars Brinkhoff" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-math . [(20171016 1514) ((company (0 8 0)) (math-symbol-lists (1 2))) "Completion backends for unicode math symbols and latex tags" single ((:commit . "3481f03ebb6a613ff85b71ca8edd2d5842c49012") (:keywords "unicode" "symbols" "completion") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))]) (math-symbol-lists . [(20170221 1353) nil "Lists of Unicode math symbols and latex commands" tar ((:commit . "1af8fdcab7941a62287c2d04b8876e1538f39c60") (:keywords "unicode" "symbols" "mathematics") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))]) (company-coq . [(20181107 2136) ((company-math (1 1)) (company (0 8 12)) (yasnippet (0 11 0)) (dash (2 12 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode" tar ((:commit . "24f33527c5917cdd4c3c139f966c49c33b21d4d0"))]) (proof-general . [(20181115 1610) ((emacs (24 3))) "A generic front-end for proof assistants (interactive theorem provers)" tar ((:commit . "05df29f7ff065d8da45b81691c602b6cf075e4a0"))]) (vi-tilde-fringe . [(20141028 242) ((emacs (24))) "Displays tildes in the fringe on empty lines a la Vi." single ((:commit . "f1597a8d54535bb1d84b442577b2024e6f910308") (:keywords "emulation") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-pact . [(20180920 2052) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 25)) (pact-mode (0 0 4))) "Flycheck support for pact-mode" single ((:commit . "0e10045064ef89ec8b6f5a473073d47b976a2ca3") (:keywords "pact" "lisp" "languages" "blockchain" "smartcontracts" "tools" "linting") (:authors ("Stuart Popejoy")) (:maintainer "Stuart Popejoy" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pact-mode . [(20180905 1647) ((emacs (24 3))) "Mode for Pact, a LISPlike smart contract language." single ((:commit . 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"d7df2895d7d27cc39916816e3c32a60ce0e1d2d9") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auto-complete-rst . [(20140225 944) ((auto-complete (1 4))) "Auto-complete extension for ReST and Sphinx" tar ((:commit . "4803ce41a96224e6fa54e6741a5b5f40ebed7351") (:authors ("ARAKAKI, Takafumi")) (:maintainer "ARAKAKI, Takafumi") (:url . ""))]) (auto-highlight-symbol . [(20130313 943) nil "Automatic highlighting current symbol minor mode" single ((:commit . "26573de912d760e04321b350897aea70958cee8b") (:keywords "highlight" "face" "match" "convenience") (:authors ("Mitsuo Saito" . "")) (:maintainer "Mitsuo Saito" . "") (:url . ""))]) (common-lisp-snippets . [(20180226 1523) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Common Lisp" tar ((:commit . "1ddf808311ba4d9e8444a1cb50bd5ee75e4111f6") (:keywords "snippets") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (slime . [(20181112 1346) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (macrostep (0 9))) "Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "b7bf530d884371d6560cad37bd9b9e587ebc5e06") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "slime") (:url . ""))]) (macrostep . [(20161120 2106) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "interactive macro expander" tar ((:commit . "424e3734a1ee526a1bd7b5c3cd1d3ef19d184267") (:keywords "lisp" "languages" "macro" "debugging") (:authors ("joddie" . "")) (:maintainer "joddie" . "") (:url . ""))]) (slime-company . [(20180119 1843) ((emacs (24 4)) (slime (2 13)) (company (0 9 0))) "slime completion backend for company mode" single ((:commit . "4c2e2805540dea700130607fa235018a87e4a070") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp" "abbrev") (:authors ("Ole Arndt" . "")) (:maintainer "Ole Arndt" . ""))]) (protobuf-mode . [(20170526 1650) nil "major mode for editing protocol buffers." single ((:commit . "59133296a6e5d5017074e036557ebb658e49d435") (:keywords "google" "protobuf" "languages") (:authors ("Alexandre Vassalotti" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Vassalotti" . ""))]) (bundler . [(20160815 915) ((inf-ruby (2 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Interact with Bundler from Emacs" single ((:commit . "f981f67c33b42243e57a78c358dffff70022b56b") (:keywords "bundler" "ruby") (:authors ("Tobias Svensson" . "")) (:maintainer "Tobias Svensson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (chruby . [(20180114 1652) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs integration for chruby" single ((:commit . "42bc6d521f832eca8e2ba210f30d03ad5529788f") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Arne Brasseur" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Brasseur" . "") (:url . ""))]) (enh-ruby-mode . [(20180730 2309) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing Ruby files" tar ((:commit . "09e1ed06c1cf323e3b4d45cd86353087e6a12fde") (:keywords "languages" "elisp" "ruby") (:authors ("Geoff Jacobsen")) (:maintainer "Geoff Jacobsen") (:url . ""))]) (minitest . [(20160628 1820) ((dash (1 0 0))) "An Emacs mode for ruby minitest files" tar ((:commit . 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[(20180614 1148) ((ruby-mode (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 4))) "Enhance ruby-mode for RSpec" tar ((:commit . "dda1ece81bd2802c4097e5c963fac33a444659cb") (:keywords "rspec" "ruby") (:authors ("Peter Williams, et al.")) (:maintainer "Peter Williams, et al.") (:url . ""))]) (rubocop . [(20170312 611) ((emacs (24))) "An Emacs interface for RuboCop" single ((:commit . "0ab1329a8634762bec5bdf5f415c05b32f990248") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov") (:url . ""))]) (ruby-hash-syntax . [(20180324 209) nil "Toggle ruby hash syntax between classic and 1.9 styles" single ((:commit . "89fc364a837d7a78ecce34380f09c073a83e30e0") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ruby-refactor . [(20160214 1650) ((ruby-mode (1 2))) "A minor mode which presents various Ruby refactoring helpers." single ((:commit . "e6b7125878a08518bffec6942df0c606f748e9ee") (:keywords "refactor" "ruby") (:url . ""))]) (pcre2el . [(20161120 2103) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "regexp syntax converter" single ((:commit . "0b5b2a2c173aab3fd14aac6cf5e90ad3bf58fa7d") (:authors ("joddie ")) (:maintainer "joddie ") (:url . ""))]) (ruby-test-mode . [(20171016 1631) ((ruby-mode (1 0)) (pcre2el (1 8))) "Minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven" single ((:commit . "87f6d770f8d2326c8d36099aeee5d577f3e2af69") (:keywords "ruby" "unit" "test" "rspec") (:authors ("Roman Scherer" . "") ("Caspar Florian Ebeling" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Scherer" . ""))]) (ruby-tools . [(20151209 1615) nil "Collection of handy functions for ruby-mode." tar ((:commit . "6b97066b58a4f82eb2ecea6434a0a7e981aa4c18"))]) (rvm . [(20150402 1442) nil "Emacs integration for rvm" single ((:commit . "134497bc460990c71ab8fa75431156e62c17da2d") (:keywords "ruby" "rvm") (:authors ("Yves Senn" . "")) (:maintainer "Yves Senn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (seeing-is-believing . [(20170214 1320) nil "minor mode for running the seeing-is-believing ruby gem" single ((:commit . "fbbe246c0fda87bb26227bb826eebadb418a220f") (:authors ("John Cinnamond")) (:maintainer "John Cinnamond"))]) (rake . [(20180212 1008) ((f (0 13 0)) (dash (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Run rake commands" single ((:commit . "9c204334b03b4e899fadae6e59c20cf105404128") (:keywords "rake" "ruby") (:authors ("Adam Sokolnicki" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Sokolnicki" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sql-indent . [(1 3) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Support for indenting code in SQL files." tar ((:keywords "languages" "sql") (:url . ""))]) (sqlup-mode . [(20170610 1537) nil "Upcase SQL words for you" single ((:commit . "04970977b4abb4d44301651618bbf1cdb0b263dd") (:keywords "sql" "tools" "redis" "upcase") (:authors ("Aldric Giacomoni" . "")) (:maintainer "Aldric Giacomoni" . "") (:url . ""))]) (browse-at-remote . 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[(20171128 406) ((emacs (24 1)) (gh (0 10 0))) "Emacs integration for" single ((:commit . "314fe6ab80fae35b95f0734eceb82f72813b6f41") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . "") (:url . ""))]) (github-clone . [(20160623 310) ((gh (0 7 2)) (magit (2 1 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Fork and clone github repos" single ((:commit . "467b40ca60a6c26257466ebc43c74414df7f19cc") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Charles L.G. Comstock" . "")) (:maintainer "Charles L.G. Comstock" . "") (:url . ""))]) (github-search . [(20170824 323) ((magit (0 8 1)) (gh (1 0 0))) "Clone repositories by searching github" single ((:commit . "c5fa1d9f8f9bcf201fa31478a6f5e02ed5ac086b") (:keywords "github" "search" "clone" "api" "gh" "magit" "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gh . [(20180308 2138) ((emacs (24 3)) (pcache (0 4 1)) (logito (0 1)) (marshal (0 6 3))) "A GitHub library for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "f029fc11f345ef04ab62ee91c38657e29c462fea"))]) (marshal . [(20180124 1239) ((eieio (1 4)) (json (1 3)) (ht (2 1))) "eieio extension for automatic (un)marshalling" single ((:commit . "f038689cbd5b3680b80b44edd0c7a63ca3038e26") (:keywords "eieio") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . "") (:url . ""))]) (logito . [(20120225 2055) ((eieio (1 3))) "logging library for Emacs" single ((:commit . "824acb89d2cc18cb47281a4fbddd81ad244a2052") (:keywords "lisp" "tool") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . ""))]) (magit-gh-pulls . [(20180716 1636) ((emacs (24 4)) (gh (0 9 1)) (magit (2 12 0)) (pcache (0 2 3)) (s (1 6 1))) "GitHub pull requests extension for Magit" single ((:commit . "6949e973f3e951cb0bfe75d889e0fcccc33ba733") (:keywords "git" "tools") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ghub+ . [(20181113 32) ((emacs (25)) (ghub (2 0)) (apiwrap (0 5))) "a thick GitHub API client built on ghub" single ((:commit . "51ebffe549286b3c0b0565a373f44f4d64fc57af") (:keywords "extensions" "multimedia" "tools") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))]) (apiwrap . [(20180602 2231) ((emacs (25))) "api-wrapping macros" single ((:commit . "e4c9c57d6620a788ec8a715ff1bb50542edea3a6") (:keywords "tools" "maint" "convenience") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))]) (magithub . [(20181116 1355) ((emacs (25)) (magit (2 12)) (s (1 12 0)) (ghub+ (0 3)) (git-commit (2 12)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "Magit interfaces for GitHub" tar ((:commit . "94e9f9a1a168e324ec7b79e3437afd1c1fb80200") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))]) (p4 . [(20150721 1937) nil "Simple Perforce-Emacs Integration" single ((:commit . "eff047caa75dbe4965defca9d1212454cdb755d5") (:authors ("Gareth Rees" . "")) (:maintainer "Gareth Rees" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-magit . [(20180702 1553) ((evil (1 2 3)) (magit (2 6 0))) "evil-based key bindings for magit" single ((:commit . "9e2275b14807168451e10b93d69e420e435f21ef") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fill-column-indicator . [(20171209 1924) nil "Graphically indicate the fill column" single ((:commit . "d2536b1c48f78679e15a2b50cd5d8c0ffde4b155") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alp Aker" . "")) (:maintainer "Alp Aker" . ""))]) (gitattributes-mode . [(20180318 1956) nil "Major mode for editing .gitattributes files" single ((:commit . "55468314a5f6b77d2c96be62c7005ac94545e217") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:authors ("Rüdiger Sonderfeld" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gitconfig-mode . [(20180318 1956) nil "Major mode for editing .gitconfig files" single ((:commit . "55468314a5f6b77d2c96be62c7005ac94545e217") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gitignore-templates . [(20180327 1326) ((emacs (24 3))) "Access GitHub .gitignore templates" single ((:commit . "b0705b8de4cbdd631c64c4e0024d62ba4ad68052") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "") (:url . ""))]) (git-link . [(20181031 259) ((emacs (24 3))) "Get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab URL for a buffer location" single ((:commit . "976723dfdb9ae42e093a3cb32fc41841e94201e6") (:keywords "git" "vc" "github" "bitbucket" "gitlab" "convenience") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "") (:url . ""))]) (git-messenger . [(20170102 440) ((emacs (24 3)) (popup (0 5 0))) "Pop up last commit information of current line" single ((:commit . "83815915eb8c1cb47443ff34bca3fecf7d2edf3a") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (git-timemachine . [(20181114 1342) ((emacs (24 3))) "Walk through git revisions of a file" single ((:commit . "4eb2ee6eabcc437bc3a1addc19ba38eed165743d") (:keywords "git") (:authors ("Peter Stiernström" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Stiernström" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-git-grep . [(20170614 1411) ((helm-core (2 2 0))) "helm for git grep, an incremental git-grep(1)" single ((:commit . "744cea07dba6e6a5effbdba83f1b786c78fd86d3") (:authors ("mechairoi")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gitignore-mode . [(20180318 1956) nil "Major mode for editing .gitignore files" single ((:commit . "55468314a5f6b77d2c96be62c7005ac94545e217") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-gitignore . [(20170211 8) ((gitignore-mode (1 1 0)) (helm (1 7 0)) (request (0 1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Generate .gitignore files with" single ((:commit . "2a2e7da7855a6db0ab3bb6a6a087863d7abd4391") (:keywords "helm" "gitignore" "") (:authors ("Juan Placencia")) (:maintainer "Juan Placencia") (:url . ""))]) (magit-gitflow . [(20170929 824) ((magit (2 1 0)) (magit-popup (2 2 0))) "gitflow extension for magit" single ((:commit . "cc41b561ec6eea947fe9a176349fb4f771ed865b") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Jan Tatarik" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Tatarik" . "") (:url . ""))]) (magit-svn . [(20170213 1233) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 1 0))) "Git-Svn extension for Magit" single ((:commit . "c833903732a14478f5c4cfc561bae7c50671b36c") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Phil Jackson" . "")) (:maintainer "Phil Jackson" . ""))]) (magit . [(20181116 1412) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (20180527)) (dash (20180910)) (ghub (20181107)) (git-commit (20181104)) (magit-popup (20181003)) (with-editor (20181103))) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs." tar ((:commit . "36d89c88e1337ec2b33c75c3d426289c66f86b10"))]) (git-commit . [(20181116 1408) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910)) (with-editor (20181103))) "Edit Git commit messages" single ((:commit . "36d89c88e1337ec2b33c75c3d426289c66f86b10") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ghub . [(20181112 1755) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (graphql (0 1 1)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (treepy (1 0 0))) "Minuscule client libraries for Git forge APIs." tar ((:commit . "f389fce41cd1bd1805bad18d12e237362af05283"))]) (treepy . [(20180724 656) ((emacs (25 1))) "Generic tree traversal tools" single ((:commit . "b40e6b09eb9be45da67b8c9e4990a5a0d7a2a09d") (:keywords "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Daniel Barreto" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Barreto" . "") (:url . ""))]) (graphql . [(20180912 31) ((emacs (25))) "GraphQL utilities" single ((:commit . "e2b309689f4faf9225f290080f836e988c5a576d") (:keywords "hypermedia" "tools" "lisp") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))]) (orgit . [(20180318 2001) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0)) (magit (2 10 0)) (org (8 3 3))) "support for Org links to Magit buffers" single ((:commit . "d909f92d3b1b42184143fd5e6d4c6a2762477ab7") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smeargle . [(20161212 2358) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlighting region by last updated time" single ((:commit . "0665b1ff5109731898bc4a0ca6d939933b804777") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (afternoon-theme . [(20140104 1859) ((emacs (24 1))) "Dark color theme with a deep blue background" single ((:commit . "89b1d778a1f8b385775c122f2bd1c62f0fbf931a") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Ozan Sener" . "")) (:maintainer "Ozan Sener" . "") (:url . ""))]) (alect-themes . [(20180504 1720) ((emacs (24 0))) "Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later" tar ((:commit . "4d90833a7381123a979f73fa97a013071ca7ff00") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ample-theme . [(20180207 1745) nil "Calm Dark Theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "366698400c555211c2082962a5d74f3dd79a78c8") (:keywords "theme" "dark") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo" . "")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ample-zen-theme . [(20150119 2154) nil "AmpleZen Theme for Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "b277bb7abd4b6624e8d59f02474b79af50a007bd") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "emacs 24") (:authors ("Michael Wall")) (:maintainer "Michael Wall") (:url . ""))]) (apropospriate-theme . [(20181111 2112) nil "A colorful, low-contrast, light & dark theme set for Emacs with a fun name." tar ((:commit . "88c243ec90c1df7918c463b5a7ec875d057e8999") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . ""))]) (anti-zenburn-theme . [(20180712 1838) nil "Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme" single ((:commit . "dbafbaa86be67c1d409873f57a5c0bbe1e7ca158") (:authors ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrey Kotlarski" . "") (:url . ""))]) (badwolf-theme . [(20161004 715) ((emacs (24))) "Bad Wolf color theme" single ((:commit . "ea01a3d9358e968f75e3ed15dec6a2a96ce3d9a1") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("bkruczyk" . "")) (:maintainer "bkruczyk" . "") (:url . ""))]) (birds-of-paradise-plus-theme . [(20130419 2129) nil "A brown/orange light-on-dark theme for Emacs 24 (deftheme)." single ((:commit . "bb9f9d4ef7f7872a388ec4eee1253069adcadb6f") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Jim Myhrberg" . "")) (:maintainer "Jim Myhrberg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (bubbleberry-theme . [(20141017 944) ((emacs (24 1))) "A theme based on LightTable for Emacs24" single ((:commit . "22e9adf4586414024e4592972022ec297321b320") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "") ("Gaurav Giri")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (busybee-theme . [(20170719 928) nil "port of vim's mustang theme" single ((:commit . "66b2315b030582d0ebee605cf455d386d8c30fcd") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler") (:url . ""))]) (cherry-blossom-theme . [(20150622 342) ((emacs (24 0))) "a soothing color theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "eea7653e00f35973857ee23b27bc2fae5e753e50") (:authors ("Ben Yelsey" . "")) (:maintainer "Ben Yelsey" . "") (:url . ""))]) (clues-theme . [(20161213 1127) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme which may well be fully awesome..." single ((:commit . "abd61f2b7f3e98de58ca26e6d1230e70c6406cc7") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (color-theme-sanityinc-solarized . [(20181021 2055) nil "A version of Ethan Schoonover's Solarized themes" tar ((:commit . "fa2afc66beebdf7936b9f1391878798d6426730c") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow . [(20181024 1728) nil "A version of Chris Kempson's \"tomorrow\" themes" tar ((:commit . "d3c694f4c423bc8cfc74bd80d624b974ebc94e02") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cyberpunk-theme . [(20180609 509) nil "Cyberpunk Color Theme" single ((:commit . "f8967e46b8bdb3eaf7b72474f2d70997dc1152e9") (:keywords "color" "theme" "cyberpunk") (:authors ("Nicholas M. Van Horn" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicholas M. Van Horn" . ""))]) (dakrone-theme . [(20170801 1933) nil "dakrone's custom dark theme" single ((:commit . "232ad1be5f3572dcbdf528f1655109aa355a6937") (:keywords "color" "themes") (:authors ("Lee Hinman ")) (:maintainer "Lee Hinman ") (:url . ""))]) (darkburn-theme . [(20170423 1652) nil "A not-so-low contrast color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "0af794ff7fac19778ac8a7efb92455c6f6c2158f") (:authors ("Jonas Gorauskas" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Gorauskas" . "") (:url . ""))]) (darkmine-theme . [(20160406 624) nil "Yet another emacs dark color theme." single ((:commit . "7f7e82ca03bcad52911fa41fb3e204e32d6ee63e") (:authors ("Pierre Lecocq" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Lecocq" . "") (:url . ""))]) (darkokai-theme . [(20181019 1859) nil "A darker variant on Monokai." single ((:commit . "b887fc6080f8e021058bff7f53fad84c82c81a7a") (:url . ""))]) (darktooth-theme . [(20181013 906) ((autothemer (0 2))) "From the darkness... it watches" single ((:commit . "780f9e25ae4abccab4e053f2caba7add4bc9d3be") (:url . ""))]) (django-theme . [(20131022 902) nil "Custom face theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "86c8142b3eb1addd94a43aa6f1d98dab06401af0") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))]) (doom-themes . [(20181101 218) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (1 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an opinionated pack of modern color-themes" tar ((:commit . "2aa163b8322a55a69296552bc03b1b84413d5abc") (:keywords "dark" "light" "blue" "atom" "one" "theme" "neotree" "icons" "faces" "nova") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dracula-theme . [(20180710 1324) ((emacs (24))) "Dracula Theme" single ((:commit . "a1c9888b7876ace60a536d27fb290e788bffc9cb") (:authors ("film42")) (:maintainer "film42") (:url . ""))]) (espresso-theme . [(20181025 826) nil "Espresso Tutti Colori port for Emacs" single ((:commit . "d2fa034eb833bf37cc6842017070725e0da9b046") (:authors ("Martin Kühl ")) (:maintainer "Martin Kühl ") (:url . ""))]) (exotica-theme . [(20180212 2329) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with vibrant colors" single ((:commit . "ff3ef4f6fa38c93b99becad977c7810c990a4d2f") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "dark" "vibrant colors") (:authors ("Bharat Joshi" . "")) (:maintainer "Bharat Joshi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eziam-theme . [(20180414 1029) nil "A mostly monochrome theme, inspired by Tao and Leuven, with dark and light versions." tar ((:commit . "96595833110cd64c391e0ccd5230782a8f0a4e08"))]) (farmhouse-theme . [(20160713 2244) nil "Farmhouse Theme, Emacs edition" tar ((:commit . "7ddc1ff13b4a3d5466bd0d33ecb86100352e83a7") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . ""))]) (flatland-theme . [(20171113 1521) nil "A simple theme for Emacs based on the Flatland theme for Sublime Text" single ((:commit . "a98a6f19ad4dff0fa3fad1ea487b7d0ef634a19a") (:authors ("Greg Chapple" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg Chapple" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flatui-theme . [(20160619 127) nil "A color theme for Emacs based on" single ((:commit . "9c15db5526c15c8dba55023f5698372b19c2a780") (:authors ("John Louis Del Rosario" . "")) (:maintainer "John Louis Del Rosario" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gandalf-theme . [(20130809 947) nil "Gandalf color theme" single ((:commit . "4e472fc851431458537d458d09c1f5895e338536") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . ""))]) (gotham-theme . [(20171013 1916) nil "A very dark Emacs color theme." single ((:commit . "5e97554d1f9639698faedb0660e63694be33bd84") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (grandshell-theme . [(20180606 517) nil "Dark color theme for Emacs > 24 with intensive colors." tar ((:commit . "0ed8e4273607dd4fcaa742b4097259233b09eda6"))]) (gruber-darker-theme . [(20180529 712) nil "Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24." single ((:commit . "c7687ec0511941db1371dcd70b31061d74aa5668") (:authors ("Alexey Kutepov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexey Kutepov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gruvbox-theme . [(20181013 1144) ((autothemer (0 2))) "A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "39124183cf47d25780cd02e33e57743484b4c680") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hc-zenburn-theme . [(20150928 1633) nil "An higher contrast version of the Zenburn theme." single ((:commit . "fd0024a5191cdce204d91c8f1db99ba31640f6e9") (:authors ("Nantas Nardelli" . "")) (:maintainer "Nantas Nardelli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hemisu-theme . [(20130508 1844) nil "Hemisu for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "5c206561aa2c844ecdf3e3b672c3235e559ddd7f") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))]) (heroku-theme . [(20150523 219) nil "Heroku color theme" single ((:commit . "8083643fe92ec3a1c3eb82f1b8dc2236c9c9691d") (:authors ("Jonathan Chu" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Chu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (inkpot-theme . [(20181026 509) nil "port of vim's inkpot theme" single ((:commit . "52fcb8ffc32a242a86956643ce9b8e8f726947aa") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Sarah Iovan" . "") ("Campbell Barton" . "")) (:maintainer "Sarah Iovan" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ir-black-theme . [(20130303 755) nil "Port of ir-black theme" single ((:commit . "36e930d107604b5763c80294a6f92aaa02e6c272") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Jon-Michael Deldin" . "")) (:maintainer "Jon-Michael Deldin" . ""))]) (jazz-theme . [(20170411 1411) nil "A warm color theme for Emacs 24+." single ((:commit . "b1cb78a97cc4050f19d88a89e455c3e52d98240e") (:authors ("Roman Parykin" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Parykin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (jbeans-theme . [(20180309 1625) ((emacs (24))) "Jbeans theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" single ((:commit . "3caa95998d8492a2ca6c17971de499ca15609871") (:authors ("Adam Olsen" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Olsen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (autothemer . [(20180920 923) ((dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Conveniently define themes." single ((:commit . "69488c71dfc182cf2e7be2d745037f230ade678e") (:authors ("Sebastian Sturm")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Sturm") (:url . ""))]) (kaolin-themes . [(20181117 836) ((emacs (25 1)) (autothemer (0 2 2)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "A set of eye pleasing themes" tar ((:commit . "7ddbe315c85082a6ed9ded576ed8b9e9ed8fe1f2") (:keywords "dark" "light" "teal" "blue" "violet" "purple" "brown" "theme" "faces") (:authors ("Ogden Webb" . "")) (:maintainer "Ogden Webb" . "") (:url . ""))]) (light-soap-theme . [(20150607 1445) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "76a787bd40c6b567ae68ced7f5d9f9f10725e00d"))]) (lush-theme . [(20180816 2200) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with lush colors" single ((:commit . "7cfc993709d712f75c51b505078608c9e1c11466") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "strong colors") (:authors ("Andre Richter" . "")) (:maintainer "Andre Richter" . "") (:url . ""))]) (madhat2r-theme . [(20170203 30) ((emacs (24))) "dark color theme that is easy on the eyes" single ((:commit . "6b387f09de055cfcc15d74981cd4f32f8f9a7323") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Micah Duke")) (:maintainer "Micah Duke") (:url . ""))]) (majapahit-theme . [(20160817 1848) nil "Color theme with a dark and light versions" tar ((:commit . "77c96df7619666b2102d90d452eeadf04adc89a6") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . ""))]) (material-theme . [(20171123 1840) ((emacs (24 1))) "A Theme based on the colors of the Google Material Design" tar ((:commit . "b66838d220ad380a16da1d8878936974b26f815d") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Christoph Paulik" . "")) (:maintainer "Christoph Paulik" . "") (:url . ""))]) (minimal-theme . [(20160608 1022) nil "A light/dark minimalistic Emacs 24 theme." tar ((:commit . "430e0d3fc2044c16aa9f10961841febbd60df285") (:keywords "color" "theme" "minimal") (:authors ("Anler Hp ")) (:maintainer "Anler Hp ") (:url . ""))]) (moe-theme . [(20180617 200) nil "A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun!" tar ((:commit . "ee6d7a1c84ac7a11fcc82dfc3b174eee1c8461fa") (:url . ""))]) (molokai-theme . [(20151016 1545) nil "molokai theme with Emacs theme engine" single ((:commit . "04a44f21184b6a26caae4f2c92db9019d883309c") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (monokai-theme . [(20180730 1329) nil "A fruity color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "f4ef092129f4a35edaee0a9b2219c17e86309730") (:authors ("Kelvin Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Kelvin Smith" . "") (:url . ""))]) (monochrome-theme . [(20140326 1050) nil "A dark Emacs 24 theme for your focused hacking sessions" tar ((:commit . "bfca67fe7365310bc47ae9ca96c417caada54896") (:authors ("Xavier Noria" . "")) (:maintainer "Xavier Noria" . ""))]) (mustang-theme . [(20170719 946) nil "port of vim's mustang theme" single ((:commit . "dda6d04803f1c9b196b620ef564e7768fee15de2") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler") (:url . ""))]) (naquadah-theme . [(20180212 1240) nil "A theme based on Tango color set" single ((:commit . "999056526db5095ce600c83672fc80cb744bd93e"))]) (noctilux-theme . [(20161113 1442) ((emacs (24))) "Dark theme inspired by LightTable" single ((:commit . "a3265a1be7f4d73f44acce6d968ca6f7add1f2ca") (:authors ("Simon Manning" . "")) (:maintainer "Simon Manning" . "") (:url . ""))]) (obsidian-theme . [(20170719 948) nil "port of the eclipse obsidian theme" single ((:commit . "f45efb2ebe9942466c1db6abbe2d0e6847b785ea") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler") (:url . ""))]) (occidental-theme . [(20130312 1958) nil "Custom theme for faces based on Adwaita" single ((:commit . "fd2db7256d4f78c43d99c3cddb1c39106d479816") (:authors ("William Stevenson" . "") ("Erik Timan" . "")) (:maintainer "William Stevenson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (omtose-phellack-theme . [(20161111 2120) nil "A dark theme, with cold bluish touch." tar ((:commit . "66f99633e199e65bd28641626435e8e59246529a"))]) (oldlace-theme . [(20150705 1300) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with an 'oldlace' background." single ((:commit . "5c6f437203b0783b36a7aff4a578de4a0c8c4ee6") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler"))]) (organic-green-theme . [(20180522 1620) nil "Low-contrast green color theme." single ((:commit . "200ac4a636eeb6faf1793d1937e62a343debc437"))]) (phoenix-dark-mono-theme . [(20170729 1406) nil "Monochromatic version of the Phoenix theme" single ((:commit . "a54f515d162148bcb38676980bc2316adb3d7b8b") (:authors ("J Irving" . "")) (:maintainer "J Irving" . "") (:url . ""))]) (phoenix-dark-pink-theme . [(20170729 1403) nil "Originally a port of the Sublime Text 2 theme" single ((:commit . "4defbb76b00c1a29f060813898578152d6be623d") (:authors ("J Irving" . "")) (:maintainer "J Irving" . "") (:url . ""))]) (planet-theme . [(20161031 217) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme inspired by Gmail's 'Planets' theme of yore" single ((:commit . "b0a310ff36565fe22224c407cf59569986698a32") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Charlie McMackin" . "")) (:maintainer "Charlie McMackin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (professional-theme . [(20150315 1100) nil "Emacs port of Vim's professional theme" single ((:commit . "0927d1474049a193f9f366bde5eb1887b9ba20ed") (:keywords "theme" "light" "professional") (:authors ("Juanjo Alvarez" . "")) (:maintainer "Juanjo Alvarez" . "") (:url . ""))]) (purple-haze-theme . [(20141015 229) ((emacs (24 0))) "an overtly purple color theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "3e245cbef7cd09e6b3ee124963e372a04e9a6485") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (railscasts-theme . [(20150219 1525) nil "Railscasts color theme for GNU Emacs." single ((:commit . "1340c3f6c2717761cab95617cf8dcbd962b1095b") (:keywords "railscasts" "color" "theme") (:authors ("Oleg Shaldybin")) (:maintainer "Oleg Shaldybin") (:url . ""))]) (rebecca-theme . [(20180324 821) ((emacs (24))) "Rebecca Purple Theme" single ((:commit . "9ac0c71c2858b76dc5499f62c7c7fb7f9e8f16bc") (:keywords "theme" "dark") (:authors ("vic" . "")) (:maintainer "vic" . "") (:url . ""))]) (reverse-theme . [(20141205 145) nil "Reverse theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "8319d0d5342890a3530ffa4daafdb7c35feda1ca") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (seti-theme . [(20161208 1636) nil "A dark colored theme, inspired by Seti Atom Theme" single ((:commit . "cbfef2fc15d19ce4c8326e65fafdd61737077132") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Vlad Piersec" . "")) (:maintainer "Vlad Piersec" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smyx-theme . [(20141127 828) nil "smyx Color Theme" single ((:commit . "6263f6b401bbabaed388c8efcfc0be2e58c51401") (:keywords "color" "theme" "smyx") (:authors ("Uriel G Maldonado" . "")) (:maintainer "Uriel G Maldonado" . ""))]) (soft-charcoal-theme . [(20140420 1643) nil "Dark charcoal theme with soft colors" single ((:commit . "5607ab977fae6638e78b1495e02da8955c9ba19f") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (soft-morning-theme . [(20150918 2041) nil "Emacs24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "c0f9c70c97ef2be2a093cf839c4bfe27740a111c") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (soft-stone-theme . [(20140614 835) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "fb475514cfb02cf30ce358a61c48e46614344d48") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (solarized-theme . [(20181030 1912) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 6 0))) "The Solarized color theme, ported to Emacs." tar ((:commit . "87d4758e7ecc8ed873f3326e4f8b185fd2b9da0a"))]) (soothe-theme . [(20141027 1441) ((emacs (24 1))) "a dark colorful theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "0786fe70c6c1b4ddcfb932fdc6862b9611cfc09b") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spacegray-theme . [(20150719 1931) ((emacs (24 1))) "A Hyperminimal UI Theme" single ((:commit . "7f70ee36297e5ccf9bc90b1f81472024f5a7a749") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Bruce Williams" . "")) (:maintainer "Bruce Williams" . "") (:url . ""))]) (subatomic-theme . [(20160126 1538) nil "Low contrast bluish color theme" single ((:commit . "6a4086af748b1ecb27f6ba2aa2614988db16d594") (:keywords "color-theme" "blue" "low contrast") (:authors ("John Olsson" . "")) (:maintainer "John Olsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (subatomic256-theme . [(20130621 210) nil "Fork of subatomic-theme for terminals." single ((:commit . "326177d6f99cd2b1d30df695e67ee3bc441cd96f") (:authors ("John Olsson" . "")) (:maintainer "John Olsson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sublime-themes . [(20170606 1844) nil "A collection of themes based on Sublime Text" tar ((:commit . "60ee40af82eb55b79d5ed4026f1911326311603f") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Owain Lewis" . "")) (:maintainer "Owain Lewis" . ""))]) (sunny-day-theme . [(20140413 2125) nil "Emacs24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "420e0a6eb33fcc9b75c2c9e88ab60a975d782a00") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))]) (tango-2-theme . [(20120312 2025) nil "Tango 2 color theme for GNU Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "64e44c98e41ebbe3b827d54280e3b9615787daaa") (:authors ("Nick Parker")) (:maintainer "Nick Parker"))]) (tango-plus-theme . [(20170214 1708) nil "A color theme based on the tango palette" single ((:commit . "8ba8901397e3e9f1d53110487bfa0effc65015e7") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tangotango-theme . [(20170924 1509) nil "Tango Palette color theme for Emacs 24." single ((:commit . "e2f2ea9c35f06dfc43a29c91c14cf0cdb19f2144") (:keywords "tango" "palette" "color" "theme" "emacs") (:authors ("Julien Barnier")) (:maintainer "Julien Barnier") (:url . ""))]) (tao-theme . [(20181020 1726) nil "This package provides two parametrized uncoloured color themes for Emacs: tao-yin and tao-yang." tar ((:commit . "c10ba53dad8aa3625191184a56c34ed456561771"))]) (toxi-theme . [(20160424 2126) ((emacs (24))) "A dark color theme by toxi" single ((:authors ("Karsten Schmidt" . "")) (:maintainer "Karsten Schmidt" . "") (:url . ""))]) (twilight-anti-bright-theme . [(20160622 848) nil "A soothing Emacs 24 light-on-dark theme" single ((:commit . "523b95fcdbf4a6a6483af314ad05354a3d80f23f") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Jim Myhrberg" . "")) (:maintainer "Jim Myhrberg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (twilight-bright-theme . [(20130605 843) nil "A Emacs 24 faces port of the TextMate theme" single ((:commit . "322157cb2f3bf7920ecd209dafc31bc1c7959f49") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Jim Myhrberg" . "")) (:maintainer "Jim Myhrberg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (twilight-theme . [(20120412 1303) nil "Twilight theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" single ((:commit . "77c4741cb3dcf16e53d06d6c2ffdc660c40afb5b") (:authors ("Nick Parker" . "")) (:maintainer "Nick Parker" . ""))]) (ujelly-theme . [(20180214 1624) nil "Ujelly theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" single ((:commit . "bf724ce7806a738d2043544061e5f9bbfc56e674") (:authors ("Mark Tran" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Tran" . "") (:url . ""))]) (underwater-theme . [(20131118 2) nil "A gentle, deep blue color theme" single ((:commit . "4eb9ef014f580adc135d91d1cd68d37a310640b6") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Jon-Michael Deldin" . "")) (:maintainer "Jon-Michael Deldin" . ""))]) (white-sand-theme . [(20151117 1648) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "97621edd69267dd143760d94393db2c2558c9ea4") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler"))]) (zen-and-art-theme . [(20120622 1437) nil "zen and art color theme for GNU Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "a7226cbce0bca2501d69a620cb2aeabfc396c232") (:authors ("Nick Parker")) (:maintainer "Nick Parker"))]) (zenburn-theme . [(20181014 1555) nil "A low contrast color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "d71a0f0556c1db785738ab9b0c989df342705a81") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nyan-mode . [(20170423 740) nil "Nyan Cat shows position in current buffer in mode-line." tar ((:commit . "a85ac925367ddc542827182a2d9f0133b421c41b") (:keywords "nyan" "cat" "lulz" "scrolling" "pop tart cat" "build something amazing") (:authors ("Jacek \"TeMPOraL\" Zlydach" . "")) (:maintainer "Jacek \"TeMPOraL\" Zlydach" . "") (:url . ""))]) (color-identifiers-mode . [(20181011 2114) ((dash (2 5 0)) (emacs (24))) "Color identifiers based on their names" single ((:commit . "91296e02dd5f03fe5ee9aa08f95120fb716d2128") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:authors ("Ankur Dave" . "")) (:maintainer "Ankur Dave" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rainbow-identifiers . [(20141102 1526) ((emacs (24))) "Highlight identifiers according to their names" single ((:commit . "19fbfded1baa98d12335f26f6d7b20e5ae44ce2e") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rainbow-mode . [(1 0 1) nil "Colorize color names in buffers" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "faces"))]) (ucs-utils . [(20150826 1414) ((persistent-soft (0 8 8)) (pcache (0 2 3)) (list-utils (0 4 2))) "Utilities for Unicode characters" tar ((:commit . "cbfd42f822bf5717934fa2d92060e6e24a813433") (:keywords "i18n" "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (font-utils . [(20150806 1751) ((persistent-soft (0 8 8)) (pcache (0 2 3))) "Utility functions for working with fonts" single ((:commit . "9192d3f8ee6a4e75f34c3fed10378674cc2b11d3") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (unicode-fonts . [(20181001 1509) ((font-utils (0 7 8)) (ucs-utils (0 8 2)) (list-utils (0 4 2)) (persistent-soft (0 8 10)) (pcache (0 3 1))) "Configure Unicode fonts" single ((:commit . "7b88ae84e589f6c8b9386b2fb5a02ff4ccb91169") (:keywords "i18n" "faces" "frames" "wp" "interface") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (list-utils . [(20160414 1402) nil "List-manipulation utility functions" single ((:commit . "acf18aca1131a90f8d673974673e3c5d8fdc6a86") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pcache . [(20170105 2214) ((eieio (1 3))) "persistent caching for Emacs." single ((:commit . "1f8086077d770e524492e6fa59b07856e85a6fea") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . ""))]) (persistent-soft . [(20150223 1853) ((pcache (0 3 1)) (list-utils (0 4 2))) "Persistent storage, returning nil on failure" single ((:commit . "a1e0ddf2a12a6f18cab565dee250f070384cbe02") (:keywords "data" "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))]) (mu4e-alert . [(20180305 646) ((alert (1 2)) (s (1 10 0)) (ht (2 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Desktop notification for mu4e" single ((:commit . "96a293b28646f4620e257f24748becc4a06843cd") (:keywords "mail" "convenience") (:authors ("Iqbal Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Iqbal Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))]) (mu4e-maildirs-extension . [(20180606 812) ((dash (0 0 0))) "Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view" single ((:commit . "3ef4c48516be66e73d24fe764aadbcfc126b7964") (:authors ("Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-mu . [(20180513 921) ((helm (1 5 5))) "Helm sources for searching emails and contacts" single ((:commit . "77e6fea24e01481418738421dbcfe28ef1bd63cf") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))]) (persp-mode . [(20180930 1720) nil "windows/buffers sets shared among frames + save/load." single ((:commit . "689f63e7370cd9424d84b9f7b2eb3d1955443313") (:keywords "perspectives" "session" "workspace" "persistence" "windows" "buffers" "convenience") (:authors ("Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "")) (:maintainer "Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel-notmuch . [(20180714 40) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 10 0)) (notmuch (0 21)) (s (1 12 0))) "Search emails in Notmuch asynchronously with Ivy" single ((:commit . "f4c864eca400abe0bb7420bcee80f2f8259ca0ff") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Alexander Fu Xi" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Fu Xi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-notmuch . [(20180730 1722) ((helm (1 9 3)) (notmuch (0 21))) "Search emails with Notmuch and Helm" single ((:commit . "9988eb0f787c82c779f2417b5613b9142a5b1c9b") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (notmuch . [(20181021 1330) nil "run notmuch within emacs" tar ((:commit . "7f726c6e87517eb9c84119a1c5e3a63bfaaa49f6") (:url . ""))]) (company-terraform . [(20180703 1233) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (terraform-mode (0 6))) "A company backend for terraform" tar ((:commit . "9c1146bfe23d4c461f4a59577faf4e46fcca7fe9") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "terraform" "company") (:authors ("Rafał Cieślak" . "")) (:maintainer "Rafał Cieślak" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hcl-mode . [(20170107 827) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for Hashicorp" single ((:commit . "0f2c5ec7e7bcf77c8548e8cac8721ea935ca1b5e") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (terraform-mode . [(20170112 517) ((emacs (24 3)) (hcl-mode (0 3))) "Major mode for terraform configuration file" single ((:commit . "6973d1acaba2835dfdf174f5a5e27de6366002e1") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ranger . [(20170817 1557) ((emacs (24 4))) "Make dired more like ranger" single ((:commit . "6bbff5df2e55f56047fca5058d9ca93ba4963aef") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "dired") (:authors ("Rich Alesi ")) (:maintainer "Rich Alesi ") (:url . ""))]) (pandoc-mode . [(20180917 721) ((hydra (0 10 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "Minor mode for interacting with Pandoc" tar ((:commit . "d594ce399fc75eb553a6d8572713b827f744d95b") (:keywords "text" "pandoc") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . ""))]) (ox-pandoc . [(20180510 1338) ((org (8 2)) (emacs (24)) (dash (2 8)) (ht (2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "org exporter for pandoc." single ((:commit . "aa37dc7e94213d4ebedb85c384c1ba35007da18e") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi" . "")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-mode . [(20180718 809) ((json-reformat (0 0 5)) (json-snatcher (1 0 0))) "Major mode for editing JSON files." single ((:commit . "ffc92b1eefc54963703b43be140f4c8c8ad348f7") (:authors ("Josh Johnston")) (:maintainer "Josh Johnston") (:url . ""))]) (magit-popup . [(20181003 921) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 2)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos" tar ((:commit . "8436447e3166b797edc596cf220f3bf9b41ff4d0") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-snatcher . [(20150512 347) ((emacs (24))) "Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file" single ((:commit . "c4cecc0a5051bd364373aa499c47a1bb7a5ac51c") (:authors ("Sterling Graham" . "")) (:maintainer "Sterling Graham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (json-reformat . [(20160212 853) nil "Reformatting tool for JSON" single ((:commit . "8eb6668ed447988aea06467ba8f42e1f2178246f") (:keywords "json") (:authors ("Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "")) (:maintainer "Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "") (:url . ""))]) (docker . [(20181101 504) ((emacs (24 5)) (dash (2 14 1)) (docker-tramp (0 1)) (magit-popup (2 12 4)) (s (1 12 0)) (tablist (0 70)) (json-mode (1 7 0))) "Emacs interface to Docker" tar ((:commit . "c36bce1bad03833e0d35e260ed1e402c152606ba") (:keywords "filename" "convenience") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "") (:url . ""))]) (docker-tramp . [(20170207 325) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "TRAMP integration for docker containers" tar ((:commit . "8e2b671eff7a81af43b76d9dfcf94ddaa8333a23") (:keywords "docker" "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dockerfile-mode . [(20181104 1800) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 12))) "Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles" single ((:commit . "7223d92718f78fa3ab15667cdb2ed90cfeb579e7") (:url . ""))]) (ycmd . [(20180724 1256) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (request (0 3 0)) (request-deferred (0 3 0)) (pkg-info (0 6))) "emacs bindings to the ycmd completion server" tar ((:commit . "ef87d020d3314efbac2e8925c115d0ac5c128c2a") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-ycmd . [(20181016 618) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 13 0)) (flycheck (0 22)) (ycmd (1 2)) (let-alist (1 0 5))) "flycheck integration for ycmd" single ((:commit . "ef87d020d3314efbac2e8925c115d0ac5c128c2a") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (levenshtein . [(20090830 1040) nil "Edit distance between two strings." single ((:commit . "070925197ebf6b704e6e00c4f2d2ec783f3df38c") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Aaron S. Hawley ,") ("Art Taylor")) (:maintainer "Aaron S. Hawley ,"))]) (cmake-ide . [(20181023 1430) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (seq (1 11)) (levenshtein (0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags" single ((:commit . "0a90200a74913f07c0ed08d1a1d5ebe314af26a4") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "") (:url . ""))]) (cmake-mode . [(20180709 1426) nil "major-mode for editing CMake sources" single ((:commit . "be9ad8279a29893943b342cc5ffdbf9868fb1b4c"))]) (helm-ctest . [(20180821 1005) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (helm-core (1 7 4))) "Run ctest from within emacs" single ((:commit . "0c73689692a290f56080e95325c15362e90d529b") (:keywords "helm" "ctest") (:authors ("Dan LaManna" . "")) (:maintainer "Dan LaManna" . ""))]) (bm . [(20181012 1631) nil "Visible bookmarks in buffer." tar ((:commit . "b85d407b53e1d852c47fcea2a245a4e67e48c38a") (:keywords "bookmark" "highlight" "faces" "persistent") (:authors ("Jo Odland ")) (:maintainer "Jo Odland ") (:url . ""))]) (ivy-pass . [(20170812 1955) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (password-store (1 6 5))) "ivy interface for pass" single ((:commit . "5b523de1151f2109fdd6a8114d0af12eef83d3c5") (:keywords "pass" "password" "convenience" "data") (:authors ("ecraven")) (:maintainer "ecraven") (:url . ""))]) (auth-source-pass . [(20181106 1348) ((emacs (25))) "Integrate auth-source with password-store" single ((:commit . "63c0631896b2f2ed6b359e026c6a7949932aa0bf") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "") ("Nicolas Petton" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-pass . [(20180607 2348) ((emacs (25)) (helm (0)) (password-store (0)) (auth-source-pass (4 0 0))) "helm interface of pass, the standard Unix password manager" single ((:commit . "fdff8f8f2e2b8a61caed7b6c171624700dbe1346") (:authors ("J. Alexander Branham" . "")) (:maintainer "J. Alexander Branham" . "") (:url . ""))]) (with-editor . [(20181113 1845) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9))) "Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR" tar ((:commit . "9dd9f176d96abc60365369de6d08c26c414ef1f3") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (password-store . [(20181031 1440) ((emacs (24)) (f (0 11 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (with-editor (2 5 11))) "Password store (pass) support" single ((:commit . "d29a389a40524c684595f51bb937f66958bc14ea") (:keywords "tools" "pass" "password" "password-store") (:authors ("Svend Sorensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Svend Sorensen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (esh-help . [(20170830 411) ((dash (1 4 0))) "Add some help functions and support for Eshell" single ((:commit . "8a8a9d4d9852f8bd96da3b94e95ff57097ac8ec6") (:keywords "eshell" "extensions") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eshell-prompt-extras . [(20180110 634) nil "Display extra information for your eshell prompt." single ((:commit . "1d8825dcc005b488c6366d0b3015fc6686194eea") (:keywords "eshell" "prompt") (:authors ("Wei Zhao" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eshell-z . [(20170117 438) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "cd to frequent directory in eshell" single ((:commit . "c9334cbc1552234df3437f35d98e32f4d18446b8") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (multi-term . [(20160619 933) nil "Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs." single ((:commit . "f954e4e18b0a035151d34852387e724d87a3316f") (:keywords "term" "terminal" "multiple buffer") (:authors ("Andy Stewart" . "")) (:maintainer "Andy Stewart" . "") (:url . ""))]) (shell-pop . [(20170304 1416) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work." single ((:commit . "4a3a9d093ad1add792bba764c601aa28de302b34") (:keywords "shell" "terminal" "tools") (:authors ("Kazuo YAGI" . "")) (:maintainer "Kazuo YAGI" . "") (:url . ""))]) (xterm-color . [(20180202 2318) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "ANSI & XTERM 256 color support" single ((:commit . "42374a98f1039e105cad9f16ce585dffc96a3f1c") (:keywords "faces") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))]) (vagrant . [(20170301 2206) nil "Manage a vagrant box from emacs" single ((:commit . "636ce2f9af32ea199170335a9cf1201b64873440") (:keywords "vagrant" "chef") (:authors ("Robert Crim" . "")) (:maintainer "Robert Crim" . "") (:url . ""))]) (vagrant-tramp . [(20160427 2332) ((dash (2 12 0))) "Vagrant method for TRAMP" tar ((:commit . "453ba605b28d2964bb4e10074f1e6891ebb4d2d6") (:keywords "vagrant") (:authors ("Doug MacEachern" . "") ("Ryan Prior " . "")) (:maintainer "Doug MacEachern" . "") (:url . ""))]) (systemd . [(20180629 2106) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for editing systemd units" tar ((:commit . "401d71c2dd24e424216ae5e4275c830f2a9c6b0c") (:keywords "tools" "unix") (:authors ("Mark Oteiza" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Oteiza" . ""))]) (lsp-mode . [(20181115 308) ((emacs (25 1))) "Minor mode for interacting with Language Servers" tar ((:commit . "9e0426cf88190a5c350a5436ab11af6f8d4d412e") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lsp-ui . [(20181031 2002) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (flycheck (31)) (lsp-mode (5 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "UI modules for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . 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""))]) (jinja2-mode . [(20141128 1007) nil "A major mode for jinja2" single ((:commit . "cfaa7bbe7bb290cc500440124ce89686f3e26f86") (:authors ("Florian Mounier aka paradoxxxzero")) (:maintainer "Florian Mounier aka paradoxxxzero"))]) (mmm-jinja2 . [(20170313 1420) ((mmm-mode (0 5 4))) "MMM submode class for Jinja2 Templates" single ((:commit . "c8cb763174fa2fb61b9a0e5e0ff8cb0210f8492f") (:authors ("Ben Hayden" . "")) (:maintainer "Ben Hayden" . "") (:url . ""))]) (yaml-mode . [(20180409 607) ((emacs (24 1))) "Major mode for editing YAML files" single ((:commit . "40067a10ac1360f0b9533f0bbbb2eea128e2574d") (:keywords "data" "yaml") (:authors ("Yoshiki Kurihara" . "") ("Marshall T. Vandegrift" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . ""))]) (mmm-mode . [(0 5 7) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "Allow Multiple Major Modes in a buffer" tar ((:keywords "convenience" "faces" "languages" "tools") (:url . ""))]) (salt-mode . [(20181015 1025) ((emacs (24 4)) (yaml-mode (0 0 12)) (mmm-mode (0 5 4)) (mmm-jinja2 (0 1))) "Major mode for Salt States" single ((:commit . "432eaf8a48a79ec5e3b6149dac28370e140155e4") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ben Hayden" . "")) (:maintainer "Glynn Forrest" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nginx-mode . [(20170612 437) nil "major mode for editing nginx config files" single ((:commit . "a2bab83c2eb233d57d76b236e7c141c2ccc97005") (:keywords "languages" "nginx") (:authors ("Andrew J Cosgriff" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew J Cosgriff" . ""))]) (command-log-mode . [(20160413 447) nil "log keyboard commands to buffer" single ((:commit . "af600e6b4129c8115f464af576505ea8e789db27") (:keywords "help") (:authors ("Michael Weber" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Weber" . "") (:url . ""))]) (rebox2 . [(20121113 1300) nil "Handling of comment boxes in various styles." single ((:commit . 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"d18a8f856d19dfac8fa6e6e72b2448e262045fcc") (:keywords "markdown" "github flavored markdown" "itex") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . "") (:url . ""))]) (html-to-markdown . [(20151105 840) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "HTML to Markdown converter written in Emacs-lisp." single ((:commit . "60c5498c801be186478cf7c05be05b4430c4a144") (:keywords "tools" "wp" "languages") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gmail-message-mode . [(20160627 1847) ((ham-mode (1 0))) "A major-mode for editing gmail messages using markdown syntax." single ((:commit . "ec36672a9dc93c09ebe2f77597b498d11883d008") (:keywords "mail" "convenience" "emulation") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flymd . [(20160617 1214) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "On the fly markdown preview" tar ((:commit . "84d5a68bcfed4a295952c33ffcd11e880978d9d7") (:keywords "markdown" "convenience") (:authors ("Mola-T" . "")) (:maintainer "Mola-T" . "") (:url . ""))]) (osx-location . [(20150613 917) nil "Watch and respond to changes in geographical location on OS X" tar ((:commit . "8bb3a94cc9f04b922d2d730fe08596cc6ee12bf2"))]) (rase . [(20120928 2045) nil "Run At Sun Event daemon" single ((:commit . "59b5f7e8102570b65040e8d55781c7ea28de7338") (:keywords "solar" "sunrise" "sunset" "midday" "midnight") (:authors ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrey Kotlarski" . "") (:url . ""))]) (sunshine . [(20181029 1654) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Provide weather and forecast information." single ((:commit . "8959dea03377e61aaca0124ac8d2703daaae6b9a") (:keywords "tools" "weather") (:authors ("Aaron Bieber" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Bieber" . "") (:url . ""))]) (theme-changer . [(20171221 1927) nil "Sunrise/Sunset Theme Changer for Emacs" single ((:commit . "61945695a30d678e6a5d47cbe7c8aff59a8c30ea") (:keywords "color-theme" "deftheme" "solar" "sunrise" "sunset") (:authors ("Joshua B. Griffith" . "")) (:maintainer "Joshua B. Griffith" . "") (:url . ""))]) (transmission . [(20180728 1717) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 5))) "Interface to a Transmission session" single ((:commit . "bbe4077b89afe732d346eeed1ad0783537f33480") (:keywords "comm" "tools") (:authors ("Mark Oteiza" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Oteiza" . ""))]) (prodigy . [(20180511 938) ((s (1 8 0)) (dash (2 4 0)) (f (0 14 0)) (emacs (24))) "Manage external services from within Emacs" single ((:commit . "701dccaa56de9e6a330c05bde33bce4f3b3d6a97") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flycheck-ledger . [(20180819 321) ((flycheck (0 15))) "Flycheck integration for ledger files" single ((:commit . "8d7f52a4c7f80ca396ef0fc6c7d8e9f005778dfc") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . ""))]) (ledger-mode . [(20181107 1942) ((emacs (24 3))) "Helper code for use with the \"ledger\" command-line tool" tar ((:commit . "1f5c68fb59d81d2fffe49436ee99a8c291a4fe41"))]) (evil-ledger . [(20180802 1612) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 12)) (ledger-mode (0))) "Make `ledger-mode' more `evil'." single ((:commit . "7a9f9f5d39c42fffdba8004f8982642351f2b233") (:keywords "convenience" "evil" "languages" "ledger" "vim-emulation") (:authors ("Aaron Jacobs" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jacobs" . "") (:url . ""))]) (know-your-http-well . [(20160208 2304) nil "Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes" tar ((:commit . "3cc5ab6d2764ab7aacb1b6e026abaccbeb6c37f2"))]) (company-restclient . [(20151202 1201) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24)) (know-your-http-well (0 2 0)) (restclient (0 0 0))) "company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode" single ((:commit . "19d819b14b7cd186a840369060963a08377d052e") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-http . [(20180707 1448) ((s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "http request in org-mode babel" tar ((:commit . "b1428ea2a63bcb510e7382a1bf5fe82b19c104a7") (:authors ("ZHOU Feng" . "")) (:maintainer "ZHOU Feng" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ob-restclient . [(20180904 709) ((restclient (0))) "org-babel functions for restclient-mode" single ((:commit . "00b2c5a6637ab6e504708612357ffb29b5416e4b") (:keywords "literate programming" "reproducible research") (:authors ("Alf Lervåg")) (:maintainer "Alf Lervåg") (:url . ""))]) (restclient . [(20180316 1551) nil "An interactive HTTP client for Emacs" single ((:commit . "859d944796ce298b5779d9d256bd8d271d57e221") (:keywords "http") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))]) (restclient-helm . [(20170314 1554) ((restclient (0)) (helm (1 9 4))) "helm interface for restclient.el" single ((:commit . "859d944796ce298b5779d9d256bd8d271d57e221") (:keywords "http" "helm") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))]) (ob-cfengine3 . [(20180102 1812) nil "Org Babel functions for CFEngine 3" single ((:commit . "93ebcfceec3734f4bd187ae123686187d66fd401") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Nick Anderson" . "")) (:maintainer "Nick Anderson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tern . [(20181108 722) ((json (1 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Tern-powered JavaScript integration" single ((:commit . "e94e20be8510040744fc803c9fda6bbb9625c6d2") (:authors ("Marijn Haverbeke")) (:maintainer "Marijn Haverbeke") (:url . ""))]) (company-tern . [(20161004 1847) ((company (0 8 0)) (tern (0 0 1)) (dash (2 8 0)) (dash-functional (2 8 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5 0))) "Tern backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "10ac058b065ae73c1f30e9fb7d969dd1a79387be") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (puppet-mode . [(20180813 1947) ((emacs (24 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Major mode for Puppet manifests" single ((:commit . 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"")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pinyinlib . [(20170827 2142) nil "Convert first letter of Pinyin to Simplified/Traditional Chinese characters" single ((:commit . "45f05d3dbb4fe957f7ab332ca6f94675848b6aa3") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))]) (ace-pinyin . [(20170501 626) ((avy (0 2 0)) (pinyinlib (0 1 0))) "Jump to Chinese characters using avy or ace-jump-mode" single ((:commit . "a9df88c1e6a32a4f4895acbb8c45383693c494c1") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (names . [(20180321 1155) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Namespaces for emacs-lisp. Avoid name clobbering without hiding symbols." tar ((:commit . "d8baba5360e5253938a25d3e005455b6d2d86971") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (chinese-word-at-point . [(20170811 941) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Add `chinese-word' thing to `thing-at-point'" single ((:commit . "8223d7439e005555b86995a005b225ae042f0538") (:keywords "convenience" "chinese") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (youdao-dictionary . [(20180714 414) ((popup (0 5 0)) (pos-tip (0 4 6)) (chinese-word-at-point (0 2)) (names (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Youdao Dictionary interface for Emacs" single ((:commit . "9496ea3ba8aa999db3dbde88d6aa37f3579d8dea") (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" "dictionary") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (chinese-conv . [(20170807 2128) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Conversion between Chinese Characters with opencc or cconv" single ((:commit . "b56815bbb163d642e97fa73093b5a7e87cc32574") (:authors ("gucong" . "")) (:maintainer "gucong" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-escape . [(20180910 1234) nil "No description available." single ((:commit . 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[(20160215 857) ((company (0 8 0)) (nixos-options (0 0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5 0))) "Company Backend for nixos-options" single ((:commit . "45c8d90748304c90e1503c9fa8db0443f3d4bd89") (:keywords "unix") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "") ("Travis B. Hartwell" . "")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-nixos-options . [(20151013 2309) ((nixos-options (0 0 1)) (helm (1 5 6))) "Helm Interface for nixos-options" single ((:commit . "45c8d90748304c90e1503c9fa8db0443f3d4bd89") (:keywords "unix") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "") ("Travis B. Hartwell" . "")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nix-mode . [(20181030 346) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing .nix files" tar ((:commit . "84ee98019fbb48854ebd57cc74848b7e7327a78c") (:keywords "nix" "languages" "tools" "unix") (:maintainer "Matthew Bauer" . "") (:url . ""))]) (nixos-options . [(20160209 1841) ((emacs (24))) "Interface for browsing and completing NixOS options." single ((:commit . 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"") (:keywords "comm"))]) (rcirc-notify . [(20150219 2204) nil "libnotify popups" single ((:commit . "841a7b5a6cdb0c11a812df924d2c6a7d364fd455") (:keywords "lisp" "rcirc" "irc" "notify" "growl") (:authors ("Will Farrington, Alex Schroeder , Nic Ferrier" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . ""))]) (srv . [(20180715 1959) ((emacs (24 3))) "perform SRV DNS requests" single ((:commit . "714387d5a5cf34d8d8cd96bdb1f9cb8ded823ff7") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Magnus Henoch" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnus Henoch" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fsm . [(0 2 1) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "state machine library" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (jabber . [(20180927 2325) ((fsm (0 2)) (srv (0 2))) "A Jabber client for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "fff33826f42e040dad7ef64ea312d85215d3b0a1"))]) (emojify . [(20180611 1538) ((seq (1 11)) (ht (2 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Display emojis in Emacs" tar ((:commit . "38ae28d95b58e9fb86a3495a2dda3e5de254c4fc") (:keywords "multimedia" "convenience") (:authors ("Iqbal Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Iqbal Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))]) (circe . [(20180525 1231) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Client for IRC in Emacs" tar ((:commit . "fedfa7eb8516a53fa70b6a1f4fce4b5ab66ea91f") (:url . ""))]) (oauth2 . [(0 11) nil "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "comm"))]) (websocket . [(20180423 16) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs WebSocket client and server" single ((:commit . "0d96ba2ff5a25c6cd6c66f417cc9b5f38a4308ba") (:keywords "communication" "websocket" "server") (:authors ("Andrew Hyatt" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Hyatt" . ""))]) (slack . [(20181113 336) ((websocket (1 8)) (request (0 2 0)) (oauth2 (0 10)) (circe (2 2)) (alert (1 2)) (emojify (0 2))) "Slack client for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "19af9a367b55ca79377058f4d9b5776dd98a9f99") (:url . ""))]) (erc-hl-nicks . [(20180415 1946) nil "ERC nick highlighter that ignores uniquifying chars when colorizing" single ((:commit . "756c4438a8245ccd3e389bf6c9850ee8453783ec") (:authors ("David Leatherman" . "")) (:maintainer "David Leatherman" . "") (:url . ""))]) (erc-image . [(20180522 1424) nil "Show received image urls in the ERC buffer" single ((:commit . "82fb3871f02e24b1e880770b9a3d187aab43d0f0") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Jon de Andrés Frías" . "") ("Raimon Grau Cuscó" . "")) (:maintainer "Jon de Andrés Frías" . ""))]) (erc-social-graph . [(20150508 1204) nil "A social network graph module for ERC." single ((:commit . "e6ef3416a1c5064054bf054d9f0c1c7bf54a9cd0") (:keywords "erc" "graph") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "") (:url . ""))]) (erc-terminal-notifier . [(20140115 1024) nil "OSX notifications via the terminal-notifier gem for Emacs ERC." single ((:commit . "a3dacb935845e4a20031212bbd82b2170f68d2a8") (:keywords "erc" "terminal-notifier" "nick") (:authors ("Julien Blanchard" . "")) (:maintainer "Julien Blanchard" . "") (:url . ""))]) (erc-view-log . [(20140227 2039) nil "Major mode for viewing ERC logs" single ((:commit . "c5a25f0cbca84ed2e4f72068c02b66bd0ea3b266") (:keywords "erc" "viewer" "logs" "colors") (:authors ("Antoine Levitt") ("Thomas Riccardi" . "")) (:maintainer "Antoine Levitt") (:url . ""))]) (erc-yt . [(20150426 1249) ((dash (2 10 0))) "An erc module to display youtube links nicely" single ((:commit . "43e7d49325b17a3217a6ffb4a9daf75c5ff4e6f8") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("William Stevenson" . "")) (:maintainer "William Stevenson" . ""))]) (spotify . [(20181030 810) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Control the spotify application from emacs" single ((:commit . "29577cf1188161f98b8358c149aaf47b2c137902") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("R.W. van 't Veer")) (:maintainer "R.W. van 't Veer") (:url . ""))]) (multi . [(20131013 1544) ((emacs (24))) "Clojure-style multi-methods for emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "0987ab71692717ed457cb3984de184db9185806d") (:keywords "multimethod" "generic" "predicate" "dispatch") (:authors ("Christina Whyte" . "")) (:maintainer "Christina Whyte" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-spotify-plus . [(20180107 1138) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 0 0)) (multi (2 0 1))) "Control Spotify search and select music with Helm." single ((:commit . "895f241f1259891d5c89cd42023f119f9fa121d6") (:authors ("Wanderson Ferreira and Luis Moneda ")) (:maintainer "Wanderson Ferreira and Luis Moneda "))]) (counsel-spotify . [(20180320 322) ((emacs (25)) (ivy (0 9 0))) "Control Spotify search and select music with Ivy." single ((:commit . "9033e207dccdfea7fe590d2e102d50fcd2bd22e3") (:authors ("Lautaro García ")) (:maintainer "Lautaro García "))]) (copy-as-format . [(20171216 16) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Copy buffer locations as GitHub/Slack/JIRA/HipChat/... formatted code" single ((:commit . "971957166fe64d914ec4be209b4f80efeeabbb19") (:keywords "github" "slack" "jira" "hipchat" "gitlab" "bitbucket" "org-mode" "pod" "rst" "asciidoc" "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-mc . [(20180921 1727) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 2 13)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Multiple cursors for evil-mode" tar ((:commit . "2af29ecd2fbed1571c4cc2501dfb2e38ffd4bfa2") (:keywords "evil" "editing" "multiple-cursors" "vim" "evil-multiple-cursors" "evil-mc" "evil-mc") (:authors ("Gabriel Adomnicai" . "")) (:maintainer "Gabriel Adomnicai" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auto-yasnippet . [(20180503 1908) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Quickly create disposable yasnippets" single ((:commit . "623734aa418b18ff52cb65a0adb9e359aed31615") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (auto-complete . [(20170125 245) ((popup (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Auto Completion for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "2e83566ddfa758c69afe50b8a1c62a66f47471e3"))]) (ac-ispell . [(20151101 226) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "ispell completion source for auto-complete" single ((:commit . "22bace7387e9012002a6a444922f75f9913077b0") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (company-statistics . [(20170210 1933) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 5))) "Sort candidates using completion history" single ((:commit . "e62157d43b2c874d2edbd547c3bdfb05d0a7ae5c") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("Ingo Lohmar" . "")) (:maintainer "Ingo Lohmar" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fuzzy . [(20150730 337) nil "Fuzzy Matching" single ((:commit . "534d723ad2e06322ff8d9bd0ba4863d243f698e7") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))]) (company . [(20181105 2312) ((emacs (24 3))) "Modular text completion framework" tar ((:commit . "c95a6b41d621de4253b77e512aa61fc0e75acddc") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-company . [(20180828 1612) ((helm (1 5 9)) (company (0 6 13))) "Helm interface for company-mode" single ((:commit . "d3fc093a0e833b4dee6561c00d6df3d62aa50f3f") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Ralston" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-c-yasnippet . [(20170128 1542) ((helm (1 7 7)) (yasnippet (0 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "helm source for yasnippet.el" single ((:commit . "65ca732b510bfc31636708aebcfe4d2d845b59b0") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation") (:authors ("Kenji.I (Kenji Imakado)" . "")) (:maintainer "Kenji.I (Kenji Imakado)" . ""))]) (ivy-yasnippet . [(20181002 1655) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 10 0)) (yasnippet (0 12 2)) (dash (2 14 1)) (cl-lib (0))) "Preview yasnippets with ivy" single ((:commit . 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"")) (:maintainer "Cornelius Mika" . "") (:url . ""))]) (wgrep . [(20180711 626) nil "Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files" single ((:commit . "414be70bd313e482cd9f0b70fd2daad4ee23497c") (:keywords "grep" "edit" "extensions") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))]) (yasnippet . [(20181015 1212) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Yet another snippet extension for Emacs." single ((:commit . "1d96da2e08664c31ff7f6f7441da1f4fa5680b1f") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation") (:maintainer "Noam Postavsky" . "") (:url . ""))]) (yatemplate . [(20180617 952) ((yasnippet (0 8 1)) (emacs (24 3))) "File templates with yasnippet" tar ((:commit . "4f4fca9f04f7088c98aa195cf33635a35a6055cb") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:authors ("Wieland Hoffmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Wieland Hoffmann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ace-jump-helm-line . [(20160918 1836) ((avy (0 4 0)) (helm (1 6 3))) "Ace-jump to a candidate in helm window" single ((:commit . 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[(20180928 504) ((flyspell-correct (0 5 0)) (helm (1 9 0))) "correcting words with flyspell via helm interface" single ((:commit . "204f145678df5e34a48ea3beae888a1bd6809974") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flyspell-correct . [(20181106 801) nil "correcting words with flyspell via custom interface" tar ((:commit . "204f145678df5e34a48ea3beae888a1bd6809974") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flyspell-correct-popup . [(20180928 504) ((flyspell-correct (0 5 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "correcting words with flyspell via popup interface" single ((:commit . "204f145678df5e34a48ea3beae888a1bd6809974") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "") (:url . ""))]) (flyspell-popup . [(20170529 815) ((popup (0 5 0))) "Correcting words with Flyspell in popup menus" single ((:commit . "29311849bfd253b9b689bf331860b4c4d3bd4dde") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (highlight . [(20181002 1151) nil "Highlighting commands." single ((:commit . "ea733e17884aeae19172407e20559fc693fdd3a7") (:keywords "faces" "help" "local") (:authors ("Drew Adams")) (:maintainer nil . "Drew Adams (concat \"drew.adams\" \"@\" \"oracle\" \".com\")") (:url . ""))]) (floobits . [(20180801 524) ((json (1 2)) (highlight (0))) "Floobits plugin for real-time collaborative editing" tar ((:commit . "489b294a7f30ecd2af2edc0823dead8102f27af6") (:keywords "comm" "tools") (:authors ("Matt Kaniaris") ("Geoff Greer")) (:maintainer "Matt Kaniaris") (:url . ""))]) (mwim . [(20181110 1900) nil "Switch between the beginning/end of line or code" single ((:commit . "b4f3edb4c0fb8f8b71cecbf8095c2c25a8ffbf85") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))]) (unfill . [(20170723 146) nil "Unfill paragraphs or regions, and toggle between filled & unfilled" single ((:commit . "df0c4dee19a3874b11c7c7f04e8a2fba629fda9b") (:keywords "utilities") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-org . [(20180323 2306) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0))) "evil keybindings for org-mode" tar ((:commit . "b6d652a9163d3430a9e0933a554bdbee5244bbf6") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation" "org-mode" "key-bindings" "presets") (:maintainer "Somelauw") (:url . ""))]) (gnuplot . [(20141231 2137) nil "drive gnuplot from within emacs" tar ((:commit . "21f9046e3f5caad41b750b5c9cee02fa4fd20fb9") (:keywords "gnuplot" "plotting") (:authors ("Bruce Ravel" . "")) (:maintainer "Bruce Ravel" . ""))]) (helm-org-rifle . [(20180923 2209) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12)) (f (0 18 1)) (helm (1 9 4)) (s (1 10 0))) "Rifle through your Org files" single ((:commit . "e272fc43b964ef06a2673afd7c341dba87ae9ac4") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))]) (htmlize . [(20180923 1829) nil "Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML." single ((:commit . "8db0aa6aab77475a732b7363f0d57bd3933c18fd") (:keywords "hypermedia" "extensions") (:authors ("Hrvoje Niksic" . "")) (:maintainer "Hrvoje Niksic" . ""))]) (org-brain . [(20181114 2246) ((emacs (25)) (org (9))) "Org-mode concept mapping" single ((:commit . "d2bd1461e69189a39bbe40ae0d0be080b13d0ba0") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand" . "")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand" . "") (:url . ""))]) (org-journal . [(20181115 714) ((emacs (25 1))) "a simple org-mode based journaling mode" single ((:commit . "3ae2e7d7e372dee08143282a9137bf4dfc946645") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold")) (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold") (:url . ""))]) (org-download . [(20180925 1528) ((async (1 2))) "Image drag-and-drop for Emacs org-mode" single ((:commit . "07b98eb4f7252e3f64a306c09dfb618be6ac181d") (:keywords "images" "screenshots" "download") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel") (:url . ""))]) (org-mime . [(20181023 2314) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "org html export for text/html MIME emails" single ((:commit . "1e792ef0616069b3ec74a4b7d96fced8c9c6eb8a") (:keywords "mime" "mail" "email" "html") (:authors ("Eric Schulte")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin (redguardtoo)") (:url . ""))]) (alert . [(20181022 1742) ((gntp (0 1)) (log4e (0 3 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Growl-style notification system for Emacs" single ((:commit . "9f329be87820474925f29b52a1131084c8ea95b9") (:keywords "notification" "emacs" "message") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))]) (log4e . [(20170401 1304) nil "provide logging framework for elisp" single ((:commit . "c69424e407be0d9d0e54b427d8b18b1ac5a607e2") (:keywords "log") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))]) (gntp . [(20141025 250) nil "Growl Notification Protocol for Emacs" single ((:commit . "767571135e2c0985944017dc59b0be79af222ef5") (:authors ("Engelke Eschner" . "")) (:maintainer "Engelke Eschner" . ""))]) (org-pomodoro . [(20171108 2114) ((alert (0 5 10)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Pomodoro implementation for org-mode." tar ((:commit . "3deed1c26dcbda4d5231b9085ddf68e302b0f9dc") (:authors ("Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))]) (org-present . [(20180303 2330) ((org (7))) "Minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode." single ((:commit . "d13acd70eff6a1608bc991920232146a0de76b21") (:authors ("Ric Lister")) (:maintainer "Ric Lister") (:url . ""))]) (org-category-capture . [(20180601 242) ((org (9 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Contextualy capture of org-mode TODOs." single ((:commit . "c798b1dff1d94304fa3621a905cbb572c7cb1d33") (:keywords "org-mode" "todo" "tools" "outlines") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))]) (org-projectile . [(20180601 242) ((projectile (0 11 0)) (dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (s (1 9 0)) (org-category-capture (0 0 0))) "Repository todo management for org-mode" single ((:commit . "c798b1dff1d94304fa3621a905cbb572c7cb1d33") (:keywords "org-mode" "projectile" "todo" "tools" "outlines") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ox-twbs . [(20161103 2016) nil "Bootstrap compatible HTML Back-End for Org" single ((:commit . "2414e6b1de7deb6dd2ae79a7be633fdccb9c2f28") (:keywords "org" "html" "publish" "twitter" "bootstrap") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik ") ("Jambunathan K ") ("Brandon van Beekum ")) (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik ") (:url . ""))]) (ox-gfm . [(20170628 2102) nil "Github Flavored Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "99f93011b069e02b37c9660b8fcb45dab086a07f") (:keywords "org" "wp" "markdown" "github") (:authors ("Lars Tveito")) (:maintainer "Lars Tveito"))]) (ox-reveal . [(20161027 926) ((org (20150330))) "reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "001567cc12d50ba07612edd1718b86a12e8c2547") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia" "slideshow" "presentation") (:authors ("Yujie Wen ")) (:maintainer "Yujie Wen "))]) (ox-hugo . [(20181106 2350) ((emacs (24 4)) (org (9 0))) "Hugo Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" tar ((:commit . "7fb284ec4b7f47ff1286598220650c5b24b56b45") (:keywords "org" "markdown" "docs") (:url . ""))]) (request-deferred . [(20160419 2305) ((deferred (0 3 1)) (request (0 2 0))) "Wrap request.el by deferred" single ((:commit . "a3d080e57eb8be606fbf39d1baff94e1b16e1fb8") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki ")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki "))]) (deferred . [(20170901 1330) ((emacs (24 4))) "Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "2239671d94b38d92e9b28d4e12fd79814cfb9c16") (:keywords "deferred" "async") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:url . ""))]) (org-trello . [(20180331 631) ((request-deferred (0 2 0)) (deferred (0 4 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash-functional (2 12 1)) (dash (2 12 1))) "Minor mode to synchronize org-mode buffer and trello board" tar ((:commit . "e2e8a3d45057645e4caae7d46a79d2d9be2894bd"))]) (projectile . [(20181106 1631) ((emacs (25 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" single ((:commit . "9482d69e5ca6549ec7baea58f86c1445b544563b") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (pkg-info . [(20150517 1143) ((epl (0 8))) "Information about packages" single ((:commit . "76ba7415480687d05a4353b27fea2ae02b8d9d61") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (epl . [(20180205 2049) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs Package Library" single ((:commit . "78ab7a85c08222cd15582a298a364774e3282ce6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ibuffer-projectile . [(20180325 325) ((projectile (0 11 0))) "Group ibuffer's list by projectile root" single ((:commit . "1e89bfa7cae0629d29f24af3d81774b88b3cede0") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (tablist . [(20170220 335) ((emacs (24 3))) "Extended tabulated-list-mode" tar ((:commit . "c834a84efb6efa32497efe1e73160fade741b836") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp") (:authors ("Andreas Politz" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Politz" . ""))]) (pdf-tools . [(20181117 1939) ((emacs (24 3)) (tablist (0 70)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "Support library for PDF documents." tar ((:commit . "105dd014fea424c5556f8e0a3e3d652722c46084") (:keywords "files" "multimedia") (:authors ("Andreas Politz" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Politz" . ""))]) (spray . [(20160304 2220) nil "a speed reading mode" single ((:commit . "00638bc916227f2f961013543d10e85a43a32e29") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Ian Kelling" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Kelling" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ace-jump-mode . [(20140616 815) nil "a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs" single ((:commit . "8351e2df4fbbeb2a4003f2fb39f46d33803f3dac") (:keywords "motion" "location" "cursor") (:authors ("winterTTr" . "")) (:maintainer "winterTTr" . "") (:url . ""))]) (noflet . [(20141102 1454) nil "locally override functions" single ((:commit . "7ae84dc3257637af7334101456dafe1759c6b68a") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "") (:url . ""))]) (popwin . [(20150315 1300) nil "Popup Window Manager." single ((:commit . "95dea14c60019d6cccf9a3b33e0dec4e1f22c304") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))]) (elfeed-goodies . [(20171127 651) ((popwin (1 0 0)) (powerline (2 2)) (elfeed (2 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (noflet (0 0 10)) (ace-jump-mode (2 0))) "Elfeed goodies" tar ((:commit . "fc0c3e72f9fcd7bbf5237f6f2323bc666e8240b4") (:authors ("Gergely Nagy")) (:maintainer "Gergely Nagy") (:url . ""))]) (org . [(20181112) nil "Outline-based notes management and organizer" tar nil]) (elfeed-org . [(20181015 1100) ((elfeed (1 1 1)) (org (8 2 7)) (dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Configure elfeed with one or more org-mode files" single ((:commit . "607b8bf4923a995260a072559b77bee188614a06") (:keywords "news") (:authors ("Remy Honig" . "")) (:maintainer "Remy Honig" . "") (:url . ""))]) (elfeed . [(20180916 1338) ((emacs (24 3))) "an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader" tar ((:commit . "afafa1f7d9e29de55ce5b1709074738a7e185f2a"))]) (simple-httpd . [(20180528 1603) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "pure elisp HTTP server" single ((:commit . "49721d5b791bee0fc25b1fdd69696371d546093a") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (elfeed-web . [(20180829 1716) ((simple-httpd (1 4 3)) (elfeed (1 4 0)) (emacs (24 1))) "web interface to Elfeed" tar ((:commit . "afafa1f7d9e29de55ce5b1709074738a7e185f2a"))]) (dash-at-point . [(20180710 1356) nil "Search the word at point with Dash" single ((:commit . "4d795a23a8428c421d5107f1b005c9d8e0d1816c") (:authors ("Shinji Tanaka" . "")) (:maintainer "Shinji Tanaka" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel . [(20181111 1805) ((emacs (24 3)) (swiper (0 9 0))) "Various completion functions using Ivy" single ((:commit . "d76968a85f9dc5dcebdc25eb8e3af2cd2775319e") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm-dash . [(20180503 918) ((helm (1 9 2)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Offline documentation browser for +150 APIs using Dash docsets." single ((:commit . "0ac2db529577fa63f2ed32310062873c585b91de") (:keywords "docs") (:authors ("Raimon Grau" . "") ("Toni Reina " . "")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dash-functional . [(20180107 1618) ((dash (2 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "6514359b8606a6a9a94068ccd601fcd6379d6584") (:keywords "lisp" "functions" "combinators"))]) (swiper . [(20181008 1731) ((emacs (24 1)) (ivy (0 9 0))) "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" single ((:commit . "d76968a85f9dc5dcebdc25eb8e3af2cd2775319e") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (counsel-dash . [(20160729 1529) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 1)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (helm-dash (1 3 0)) (counsel (0 8 0))) "Browse dash docsets using Ivy" single ((:commit . "07fa74a94ff4da5b6c8c4810f5e143e701b480d2") (:keywords "dash" "ivy" "counsel") (:authors ("Nathan Kot" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathan Kot" . "") (:url . ""))]) (zeal-at-point . [(20180131 2354) nil "Search the word at point with Zeal" single ((:commit . 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[(20181018 236) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Minor mode to aggressively keep your code always indented" single ((:commit . "cc8da01e32684e1b75d2901400e6723b2c2d42f8") (:keywords "indent" "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (bracketed-paste . [(20160407 2348) ((emacs (24 3))) "bracketed paste mode support within emacs -nw" single ((:commit . "843ce3bbb63d560face889e13a57a2f7543957d5") (:keywords "terminals") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . ""))]) (clean-aindent-mode . [(20171017 2043) nil "Simple indent and unindent, trims indent white-space" single ((:commit . "a97bcae8f43a9ff64e95473e4ef0d8bafe829211") (:keywords "indentation" "whitespace" "backspace") (:authors ("peter marinov" . "")) (:maintainer "peter marinov" . "") (:url . ""))]) (editorconfig . [(20181115 709) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "EditorConfig Emacs Plugin" tar ((:commit . "d6e48c863ed246be8894c6ee3c3c088ab4db4711") (:authors ("EditorConfig Team" . "")) (:maintainer "EditorConfig Team" . "") (:url . ""))]) (expand-region . [(20180817 1134) nil "Increase selected region by semantic units." tar ((:commit . "ed3292473035dc8f3d2f321e82974ef87327808f"))]) (hungry-delete . [(20170412 102) nil "hungry delete minor mode" single ((:commit . "0434458d3f6b2b585f332271feaa054bf4ec96d7") (:authors ("Nathaniel Flath" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathaniel Flath" . "") (:url . ""))]) (link-hint . [(20180519 2130) ((avy (0 4 0)) (emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Use avy to open, copy, etc. visible links." single ((:commit . "23df5fa36ab182452be6b772475eab67b846dd92") (:keywords "convenience" "url" "avy" "link" "links" "hyperlink") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))]) (lorem-ipsum . [(20140911 2108) nil "Insert dummy pseudo Latin text." single ((:commit . 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[(20180827 1301) nil "underscore -> UPCASE -> CamelCase -> lowerCamelCase conversion of names" single ((:commit . "e9a50855a4c718592c28a5a892f164ecf46e39a8") (:keywords "elisp") (:authors ("akicho8" . "")) (:maintainer "akicho8" . ""))]) (uuidgen . [(20140918 2301) nil "Provides various UUID generating functions" single ((:commit . "7eb96415484c3854a3f383d1a3e10b87ae674e22") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Kan-Ru Chen" . "")) (:maintainer "Kan-Ru Chen" . ""))]) (ws-butler . [(20170111 2334) nil "Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace." single ((:commit . "52321b99be69aa1b661da7743c4421a30d8b6bcb") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))]) (flx . [(20151030 1812) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "fuzzy matching with good sorting" single ((:commit . "46040d0b096a0340d91235561f27a959a61d0fef") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))]) (flx-ido . [(20180117 1519) ((flx (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "flx integration for ido" single ((:commit . "46040d0b096a0340d91235561f27a959a61d0fef") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))]) (ido-vertical-mode . [(20180618 2101) nil "Makes ido-mode display vertically." single ((:commit . "16c4c1a112796ee0bcf401ea39d3e2643a89feaf") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Steven Degutis")) (:maintainer "Christopher Reichert" . "") (:url . ""))]) (avy . [(20181009 1648) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly." single ((:commit . "df4c4ac488ee59bc44f8658d9fcca0c86fb32c5c") (:keywords "point" "location") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ace-link . [(20181103 2106) ((avy (0 4 0))) "Quickly follow links" single ((:commit . "dfd0fdf649703790a9a5ee027f2f86d6f1269d55") (:keywords "convenience" "links" "avy") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (centered-cursor-mode . [(20180112 1555) nil "cursor stays vertically centered" single ((:commit . "00fb47d227f9e211ec1c58161a501a1550c3a60d") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("André Riemann" . "")) (:maintainer "André Riemann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (open-junk-file . [(20161210 1114) nil "Open a junk (memo) file to try-and-error" single ((:commit . "558bec7372b0fed4c4cb6074ab906535fae615bd") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hydra . [(20181110 1740) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Make bindings that stick around." tar ((:commit . "5c5b9ca3262594c92f8f73c98db5ed0f1efd0319") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spinner . [(1 7 3) nil "Add spinners and progress-bars to the mode-line for ongoing operations" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "processes" "mode-line"))]) (seq . [(2 20) nil "Sequence manipulation functions" tar ((:keywords "sequences") (:url . ""))]) (paradox . [(20181027 2234) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (1 7)) (let-alist (1 0 3)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (hydra (0 13 2))) "A modern Packages Menu. Colored, with package ratings, and customizable." tar ((:commit . "798bdabdca6575d677631b1c482e975c9372d536") (:keywords "package" "packages") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))]) (restart-emacs . [(20180601 1031) nil "Restart emacs from within emacs" single ((:commit . "9aa90d3df9e08bc420e1c9845ee3ff568e911bd9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Iqbal Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Iqbal Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smooth-scrolling . [(20161002 1949) nil "Make emacs scroll smoothly" single ((:commit . "2462c13640aa4c75ab3ddad443fedc29acf68f84") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Adam Spiers" . "") ("Jeremy Bondeson" . "") ("Ryan C. Thompson" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Spiers" . "") (:url . ""))]) (helm . [(20181117 731) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3)) (popup (0 5 3)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:commit . "84a59b1e47528221dcb746058f95a6faffe4a5ae") (:url . ""))]) (helm-core . [(20181117 1055) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:commit . "84a59b1e47528221dcb746058f95a6faffe4a5ae") (:url . ""))]) (async . [(20180527 1730) nil "Asynchronous processing in Emacs" tar ((:commit . "d17c11e6082aa51f421bb037b828bdb15f405618") (:keywords "async") (:url . ""))]) (helm-purpose . [(20170114 1636) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 9 2)) (window-purpose (1 4))) "Helm Interface for Purpose" single ((:commit . "9ff4c21c1e9ebc7afb851b738f815df7343bb287") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2016)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2016)") (:url . ""))]) (ivy . [(20181111 1757) ((emacs (24 1))) "Incremental Vertical completYon" tar ((:commit . "d76968a85f9dc5dcebdc25eb8e3af2cd2775319e") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (ivy-purpose . [(20160724 1003) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 8)) (window-purpose (1 5))) "Ivy Interface for Purpose" single ((:commit . "0495f2f3aed64d7e0028125e76a9a68f8fc4107e") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2016)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2016)") (:url . ""))]) (imenu-list . [(20180601 1402) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Show imenu entries in a separate buffer" single ((:commit . "04f0632f7b8c81be8747617768c57b66e5d60994") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2015)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2015)") (:url . ""))]) (let-alist . [(1 0 5) ((emacs (24 1))) "Easily let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp"))]) (window-purpose . [(20180926 1047) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 3)) (imenu-list (0 1))) "Purpose-based window management for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "2b640955235d0a50dd1e3128612f41d595bc6dc8") (:keywords "frames") (:authors ("Bar Magal")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal") (:url . ""))]) (define-word . [(20180706 2029) ((emacs (24 3))) "display the definition of word at point." single ((:commit . "637cd29837d4bd5567e17a11a479fd2edfb0e2c1") (:keywords "dictionary" "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))]) (google-translate . [(20180926 1925) nil "Emacs interface to Google Translate." tar ((:commit . "eb1c4f51d522d2252dadfb4cd7ea045ccd344b98"))]) (org-plus-contrib . [(20181112) nil "Outline-based notes management and organizer" tar nil]) (org-bullets . [(20180208 2343) nil "Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters" single ((:commit . "b56f2e3812626f2c4ac1686073d102c71f4a8513") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (toc-org . [(20181108 1621) nil "add table of contents to org-mode files (formerly, org-toc)" single ((:commit . "4315afd2a408c0d432ba3d8d040c2326c222fdbf") (:keywords "org-mode" "org-toc" "toc-org" "org" "toc" "table" "of" "contents") (:authors ("Sergei Nosov ")) (:maintainer "Sergei Nosov ") (:url . ""))]) (column-enforce-mode . [(20171030 1900) nil "Highlight text that extends beyond a column" single ((:commit . "2341a2b6a33d4b8b74c35062ec9cfe1bffd61944") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo") (:url . ""))]) (highlight-indentation . [(20171218 937) nil "Minor modes for highlighting indentation" single ((:commit . "35e2c1d4f8f368685893128f77f90454cb9c2708") (:authors ("Anton Johansson" . "")) (:maintainer "Anton Johansson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (parent-mode . [(20150824 2300) nil "get major mode's parent modes" single ((:commit . "db692cf08deff2f0e973e6e86e26662b44813d1b") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (highlight-numbers . [(20181013 1744) ((emacs (24)) (parent-mode (2 0))) "Highlight numbers in source code" single ((:commit . "8b4744c7f46c72b1d3d599d4fb75ef8183dee307") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (highlight-parentheses . [(20180704 1102) nil "highlight surrounding parentheses" single ((:commit . "f0bd58c8dadd2db703b7bfd09e911b5fda05b3df") (:keywords "faces" "matching") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:maintainer "Tassilo Horn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (hl-anything . [(20160422 1708) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight symbols, selections, enclosing parens and more." tar ((:commit . "8696bc55a8cba408f0fc83a907a9ec529d79e558") (:authors ("boyw165")) (:maintainer "boyw165"))]) (indent-guide . [(20170221 1127) nil "show vertical lines to guide indentation" single ((:commit . "d64f43011c72068e008621e620009ec592b35913") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))]) (rainbow-delimiters . [(20170929 1132) nil "Highlight brackets according to their depth" single ((:commit . "19b93892afa0494ba749c2ca9c154e04447ad778") (:keywords "faces" "convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Jeremy Rayman" . "") ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))]) (volatile-highlights . [(20160612 155) nil "Minor mode for visual feedback on some operations." single ((:commit . "9a20091f0ce7fc0a6b3e641a6a46d5f3ac4d8392") (:keywords "emulations" "convenience" "wp") (:authors ("K-talo Miyazaki ")) (:maintainer "K-talo Miyazaki ") (:url . ""))]) (hl-todo . [(20181031 1909) nil "highlight TODO and similar keywords" single ((:commit . "24b9925b1b2c7ad6bf7b66800395f74abf035c5f") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))]) (page-break-lines . [(20171210 831) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines" single ((:commit . "fd3b7e38ad8747cd009ead7ef1bb150849ccc693") (:keywords "convenience" "faces") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-anzu . [(20170124 718) ((evil (1 0 0)) (anzu (0 46))) "anzu for evil-mode" single ((:commit . "9bca6ca14d865e7e005bc02a28a09b4ae74facc9") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") ("Fredrik Bergroth" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-args . [(20180908 2157) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil." single ((:commit . "758ad5ae54ad34202064fec192c88151c08cb387") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation") (:authors ("Connor Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Connor Smith" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-ediff . [(20170724 1923) ((evil (1 2 3))) "Make ediff a little evil" single ((:commit . "50d26cb0654fca8f8fd7227410e5cbf0b8f681cf") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-exchange . [(20170511 259) ((evil (1 2 8)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Exchange text more easily within Evil" single ((:commit . "47691537815150715e64e6f6ec79be7746c96120") (:keywords "evil" "plugin") (:authors ("Dewdrops" . "")) (:maintainer "Dewdrops" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-goggles . [(20180725 952) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Add a visual hint to evil operations" single ((:commit . "d7876e6566ac82b7c3251a59651e7db6ab756589") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim" "visual") (:authors ("edkolev" . "")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (iedit . [(20181114 950) nil "Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously." tar ((:commit . "35505ad860be27feaee71e8caf646706bf8ee31d") (:keywords "occurrence" "region" "simultaneous" "refactoring") (:authors ("Victor Ren" . "")) (:maintainer "Victor Ren" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-iedit-state . [(20180607 558) ((evil (1 0 9)) (iedit (0 97))) "Evil states to interface iedit mode." single ((:commit . "f75cff4ecbd5beaa9ca64a6c157c4105f078daec") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "iedit" "mnemonic") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-indent-plus . [(20151109 1906) ((evil (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Evil textobjects based on indentation" single ((:commit . "0c7501e6efed661242c3a20e0a6c79a6455c2c40") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-lion . [(20170811 614) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Evil align operator, port of vim-lion" single ((:commit . "aaa3874ad54c31b4322ac5bbc63e331498b11d61") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim") (:authors ("edkolev" . "")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "") (:url . ""))]) (smartparens . [(20181028 1005) ((dash (2 13 0)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs." tar ((:commit . "d65f3c0f47413c1a67ced979dc2062a073d907af"))]) (bind-map . [(20161207 1511) ((emacs (24 3))) "Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations" single ((:commit . "bf4181e3a41463684adfffc6c5c305b30480e30f") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-lisp-state . [(20160404 248) ((evil (1 0 9)) (bind-map (0)) (smartparens (1 6 1))) "An evil state to edit Lisp code" single ((:commit . "3c65fecd9917a41eaf6460f22187e2323821f3ce") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "smartparens" "lisp" "mnemonic") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-nerd-commenter . [(20180722 2325) ((emacs (24 4))) "Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim" tar ((:commit . "275c95c89cc09c7096bd6fd0deabd49f29634f5d") (:keywords "commenter" "vim" "line" "evil") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-numbers . [(20140606 1251) nil "increment/decrement numbers like in vim" single ((:commit . "6ea1c8c3a9b37bed63d48f1128e9a4910e68187e") (:keywords "numbers" "increment" "decrement" "octal" "hex" "binary") (:authors ("Michael Markert" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Markert" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-tutor . [(20150103 650) ((evil (1 0 9))) "Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode" tar ((:commit . "4e124cd3911dc0d1b6817ad2c9e59b4753638f28") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil-visual-mark-mode . [(20150202 1800) ((evil (1 0 9)) (dash (2 10))) "Display evil marks on buffer" single ((:commit . "094ee37599492885ff3144918fcdd9b74dadaaa0") (:keywords "evil") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . ""))]) (evil-visualstar . [(20160223 48) ((evil (0))) "Starts a * or # search from the visual selection" single ((:commit . "06c053d8f7381f91c53311b1234872ca96ced752") (:keywords "evil" "vim" "visualstar") (:authors ("Bailey Ling")) (:maintainer "Bailey Ling") (:url . ""))]) (linum-relative . [(20180124 1047) nil "display relative line number in emacs." single ((:commit . "c74a6981b688a5e1e6b8e0809363963ff558ce4d") (:keywords "converience") (:authors ("coldnew" . "")) (:maintainer "coldnew" . "") (:url . ""))]) (anzu . [(20161017 1607) ((emacs (24 3))) "Show number of matches in mode-line while searching" single ((:commit . "e6c56ca8b23ac433f7be58b6f3f50801dd4164e4") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))]) (eldoc-eval . [(20180607 1157) nil "Enable eldoc support when minibuffer is in use." single ((:commit . "f59a1ae7ecfa97ef659c7adb93e0673419acc485") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . ""))]) (shrink-path . [(20170813 247) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 6 1)) (dash (1 8 0)) (f (0 10 0))) "fish-style path" single ((:commit . "9d06c453d1537df46a4b703a29213cc7f7857aa0") (:authors ("Benjamin Andresen")) (:maintainer "Benjamin Andresen") (:url . ""))]) (doom-modeline . [(20181117 2008) ((emacs (25 1)) (all-the-icons (1 0 0)) (shrink-path (0 2 0)) (eldoc-eval (0 1)) (dash (2 11 0))) "A minimal and modern modeline" single ((:commit . "700a0107f28a5f321485fa1e2f03a067be122594") (:keywords "faces" "mode-line") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "") (:url . ""))]) (fancy-battery . [(20150101 1204) ((emacs (24 1))) "Fancy battery display" single ((:commit . "9b88ae77a01aa3edc529840338bcb2db7f445822") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "hardware") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spaceline . [(20180628 746) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (powerline (2 3)) (dash (2 11 0)) (s (1 10 0))) "Modeline configuration library for powerline" tar ((:commit . "29ced71ed0097cd5eba15d6bfdbafd9d18f5bd82") (:keywords "mode-line" "powerline" "spacemacs") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "") (:url . ""))]) (all-the-icons . [(20180125 1557) ((emacs (24 3)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A library for inserting Developer icons" tar ((:commit . "52d1f2d36468146c93aaf11399f581401a233306") (:keywords "convenient" "lisp") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))]) (memoize . [(20180614 1930) nil "Memoization functions" single ((:commit . "9a561268ffb550b257a08710489a95cd087998b6") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))]) (powerline . [(20180322 248) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "Rewrite of Powerline" tar ((:commit . "af5ef31a33c3589a9be0b2a55a2741582e605efd") (:keywords "mode-line") (:authors ("Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "")) (:maintainer "Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "") (:url . ""))]) (spaceline-all-the-icons . [(20170829 820) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (2 6 0)) (spaceline (2 0 0)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A Spaceline theme using All The Icons" tar ((:commit . "e2e195f64a541d72b6d0ba0451f1e3072234b820") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))]) (symon . [(20170224 833) nil "tiny graphical system monitor" single ((:commit . "8dd8b6df49b03cd7d31b85aedbe9dd08fb922335") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))]) (popup . [(20160709 1429) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Visual Popup User Interface" single ((:commit . "80829dd46381754639fb764da11c67235fe63282") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))]) (f . [(20180106 922) ((s (1 7 0)) (dash (2 2 0))) "Modern API for working with files and directories" single ((:commit . "de6d4d40ddc844eee643e92d47b9d6a63fbebb48") (:keywords "files" "directories") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))]) (dash . [(20180910 1856) nil "A modern list library for Emacs" single ((:commit . "6514359b8606a6a9a94068ccd601fcd6379d6584") (:keywords "lists") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))]) (s . [(20180406 808) nil "The long lost Emacs string manipulation library." single ((:commit . "03410e6a7a2b11e47e1fea3b7d9899c7df26435e") (:keywords "strings") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))]) (dumb-jump . [(20181022 2224) ((emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "jump to definition for multiple languages without configuration." single ((:commit . "0c893392f6f5e797fc4dcda67cdc44c7ceed31ca") (:keywords "programming") (:authors ("jack angers")) (:maintainer "jack angers"))]) (request . [(20170201 147) ((emacs (24 4))) "Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs" single ((:commit . "a3d080e57eb8be606fbf39d1baff94e1b16e1fb8") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki ")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki "))]) (evil-snipe . [(20180731 1731) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 12)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "emulate vim-sneak & vim-seek" single ((:commit . "8dd076cc56eb9b04494e4e303b86a959b048350b") (:keywords "emulation" "vim" "evil" "sneak" "seek") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))]) (evil . [(20181107 1016) ((emacs (24 1)) (undo-tree (0 6 3)) (goto-chg (1 6)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Extensible Vi layer for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "99bcf8c31ee72a3a571e013f40d105618fb92d19"))]) (cl-lib . [(0 6 1) nil "Properly prefixed CL functions and macros" single ((:url . "") (:keywords))]) (goto-chg . [(20180105 1833) nil "goto last change" single ((:commit . "e5b38e4e1378f6ea48fa9e8439f49c2998654aa4") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("David Andersson ")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))]) (undo-tree . [(0 6 5) nil "Treat undo history as a tree" single ((:url . "") (:keywords "convenience" "files" "undo" "redo" "history" "tree"))]) (evil-commentary . [(20170413 1451) ((evil (1 0 0))) "Comment stuff out. A port of vim-commentary." tar ((:commit . "395f91014b69844b81660c155f42eb9b1b3d199d") (:keywords "evil" "comment" "commentary" "evil-commentary") (:authors ("Quang Linh LE" . "")) (:maintainer "Quang Linh LE" . "") (:url . ""))]) (vim-empty-lines-mode . [(20150111 426) ((emacs (23))) "Vim-like empty line indicator at end of files." single ((:commit . "d4a5034ca8ea0c962ad6e92c86c0fa2a74d2964b") (:keywords "emulations") (:authors ("Jonne Mickelin" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonne Mickelin" . "") (:url . ""))])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arduino-mode-20180509.36.tar b/packages/arduino-mode-20180509.36.tar similarity index 100% rename from arduino-mode-20180509.36.tar rename to packages/arduino-mode-20180509.36.tar diff --git a/async-20180527.1730.tar b/packages/async-20180527.1730.tar similarity index 100% rename from async-20180527.1730.tar rename to packages/async-20180527.1730.tar diff --git a/auctex-12.1.1.tar b/packages/auctex-12.1.1.tar similarity index 100% rename from auctex-12.1.1.tar rename to packages/auctex-12.1.1.tar diff --git a/auctex-latexmk-20170618.1636.el b/packages/auctex-latexmk-20170618.1636.el similarity index 100% rename from auctex-latexmk-20170618.1636.el rename to packages/auctex-latexmk-20170618.1636.el diff --git a/auth-source-pass-20181106.1348.el b/packages/auth-source-pass-20181106.1348.el similarity index 100% rename from auth-source-pass-20181106.1348.el rename to packages/auth-source-pass-20181106.1348.el diff --git 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zX$)A!9?&EPjEeozK$>_!0@1xNP(UCq;$cGC1sF(sqezSg1mYc#z?U35ah?+AeCPZA z|9t;N?_iX=ZM%d%9G6}eholBvfpH3}I;u1R&JIwZ*zxvC6d)%&Ay zouUx6o-A!UhHZ+CmhM7snc26b(c62liU(8FN__}RA#50JieMqDYjg-~Vh|>)5o{7& z;CgIJ+4s)$?XK49aOC6$6moU7U zrTZCb6`APoQWTBOCJHc4X=YG2XwTDAV|A%MBv-5Tux|m8Dpez*7ieYAYRka|<0Nis zx`C(RuMg?X@W`X-EbQGtt%vU>cn%i7=ThrL8|P1JPP^59Hjmqu3nxEFZ-L`2I@LY< zIlcSB8}zD#7XKi6TJ{eQc2lbLG`vh5817OB7&Ju+hU_duD)t4dYRx<7;KaJr9D^Q; z7cNH&{i9Vq%R~#WF(|WPu=~2%GTPzkg8l_l?44V{Aywn1fDwRmy0TxZK8qVQSnWTc~)!lAX< zf&E3pY*>0|_Y*s~2m0Kl)V#zZ4i-7|WK8i=L=iN%F2^=J&!J*spqj0=7a(4!fws(% zf%1WhQX}!yrLJ*kIst4LCl&&C!HFM}(qhJ+xH#A#`wUO252UG;nBh2&GKpyG7$!{2 zGW$Wd`GHfZ_6^KQ9&Jh-sAsi#s~r}lzY;-1tEsWJi#*zsfHo~>K62^J1k}GAdYN&H zN277af936QRrZP*j77CB#fba-=t0OVrn2XX#bO$JpPf7LQ!RG}Yp0qW?9IkZ2b-2P zht1ZUfy@4bvTKz~{@>BBjx}$TW;JJO;klL_J@xEslyq}8*tT$b#%SY0$923^6}@Wo z89!zNL>@O=Wzz`xF)o;fiwgyxLG<}>q0w>--L;%EqQ9ru*5(b+Ztz*S{T07$BT??F zFLVso3wUo8ymOb?G!k!;_gPE>yV&hMAqr1Z6M-%t6nqN0sdYL&pXgYY+kuOsP+1bhR(?)p;7&tGEnR7@Vg1dDFnN|A zU48VZ-=D4dpreqxM{o5nowcy{u)xz((?EUWT|>X`7S=%d9=&mCWt_b%rUjTO3FCaI z2kY?lF>WNhtKKaM>uAe?>m}ikx0r!{OG27T!;WLrB-|(oDtRbyA-V{6t`3iM$IHTR zk1g$`KJ%`ygssU)2dVs`K!PKfxvCuJ!8rjPiR>A^fec(XKL`UuA@z;xT>;%sjO&8y zXIwDnpQOp02Vv#iagnb-O{4R%uXmw=ajn*3ak~*3;YnD*r4AZ}?T3-pmr%7@-%G&} zgmUq|ZnUp|iPa?Ug@O#$0z!KdA!u9ng53+jj}QsLKze_+eT>jpOmRD+2*$qFml$`@ He@FiZW{93- delta 2117 zcmZ8i&u`pB6wY|=_$-#v!li2c2otz|UiBI44aD8>f00o!#=EsbGQ~%OpbvHnC+7)d>5;{}v%YBWY>7 z6GW|Pzv->f`nEjZbET;q%qEsGR5KD-365m2r0ZJHO<@xv3_BU@DBMs7-FnrpujXDS zPQ%Q~zJXhnlvMKiYUtDYEX;2iGW8cxejMA*kTH4@L7aB@v?}F0IHsBMj}emKox%XY z6}Q!&o4W5xlVhaO7{Zp-;JVoarxas!O|oa`>0Rk*`seM^!QO^HOqZHcnf~*=G!j49 zm8Nd=X3^p&(t$#keTfHM7D}Q{Mq?nrd+1ClMrUN0Oh=*BOLBe|LY!387+scOju&o= zg{Hwd@5oR&B?0bq0tibVuBE9G`t!>LM^tawtgsodSWT;G_;Q{hk?HH|mp*ZnU zr0kRmR60R7Y+dO)iF#`pmHku@b3YXWD(ec26`)?Y8o8-bABj*SOGb=7RsasMI4ef{9J*5xxP2cqQ0h;71A=00y8G>N|Tw2#e;fx%c;J}P?!&OuM9^Y z%QNfHT1{c%s?`6hEQpI69QJn^PH}2ar~)<9;MAT};qj{Q{&djtLoc!W@^k95Id|EP z&8MGM;T&&qU2M_FrEXJ&6NNynG~4VnuyaM-ZB+=A?WBQ<(T)no3qU_uUhlh$F8^Aj z#{K+2P4Ec70cn5=uHid6c);?wi>pRp}Y@7 zs6jZl4>g!6Kv%-fYUa|r1*pYu#yt&2x#GWT(YR%^^C%uX(#Rc;N80EjeQmZh+1nde z=){~p9$!4EpGEW<)`6bBfJW$-SSPyIa=TrYlsD+lw@QcOB~$<7C3Xf2(xkTNC;PfC zn9s_2c2kF!vk{Z;lW?*g>VmLF?kxVM!=u8=*Vp!Q()Y^lu;3M9;w)l648tbZW)_5% zTMkdg9Kc~MH9XyV3r6YGE8yl_?l=Z_`KthR{_fktyAJy-X9TVS%oKtYh0%I62-0^T l1gU{J_1geryu~j<3--z2h4 ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20181028.1940 +;; Package-Version: 20181111.1805 ;; Version: 0.10.0 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3") (swiper "0.9.0")) ;; Keywords: convenience, matching, tools @@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ Update the minibuffer with the amount of lines collected every (declare-function company-complete "ext:company") (declare-function company-mode "ext:company") (declare-function company-complete-common "ext:company") +(declare-function company-abort "ext:company") ;;;###autoload (defun counsel-company () @@ -2839,11 +2840,20 @@ INITIAL-INPUT can be given as the initial minibuffer input." (defvar org-indent-indentation-per-level) (defvar org-tags-column) (declare-function org-get-tags-string "org") +(declare-function org-get-tags "org") +(declare-function org-make-tag-string "org") (declare-function org-move-to-column "org-compat") +(defun counsel--org-make-tag-string () + (if (fboundp #'org-make-tag-string) + ;; >= Org 9.2 + (org-make-tag-string (org-get-tags)) + (with-no-warnings + (org-get-tags-string)))) + (defun counsel-org-change-tags (tags) "Change tags of current org headline to TAGS." - (let ((current (org-get-tags-string)) + (let ((current (counsel--org-make-tag-string)) (col (current-column)) level) ;; Insert new tags at the correct column @@ -2921,8 +2931,7 @@ otherwise continue prompting for tags." (goto-char m) (setq counsel-org-tags (delete-dups - (append (split-string (org-get-tags-string) ":" t) - add-tags))) + (append (org-get-tags) add-tags))) (counsel-org--set-tags)))))) (counsel-org--set-tags))) ((eq this-command 'ivy-call) @@ -2960,11 +2969,10 @@ otherwise continue prompting for tags." (org-agenda-error)))) (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer hdmarker) (goto-char hdmarker) - (setq counsel-org-tags - (split-string (org-get-tags-string) ":" t))))) + (setq counsel-org-tags (org-get-tags))))) (unless (org-at-heading-p) (org-back-to-heading t)) - (setq counsel-org-tags (split-string (org-get-tags-string) ":" t))) + (setq counsel-org-tags (org-get-tags))) (let ((org-last-tags-completion-table (append (and (or org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags (eq major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)) diff --git a/counsel-css-20180302.1036.el b/packages/counsel-css-20180302.1036.el similarity index 100% rename from counsel-css-20180302.1036.el rename to packages/counsel-css-20180302.1036.el diff --git a/counsel-dash-20160729.1529.el b/packages/counsel-dash-20160729.1529.el similarity index 100% rename from counsel-dash-20160729.1529.el rename to packages/counsel-dash-20160729.1529.el diff --git a/counsel-gtags-20170326.1259.el b/packages/counsel-gtags-20170326.1259.el similarity index 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b/packages/dash-at-point-20180710.1356.el similarity index 100% rename from dash-at-point-20180710.1356.el rename to packages/dash-at-point-20180710.1356.el diff --git a/dash-functional-20180107.1618.el b/packages/dash-functional-20180107.1618.el similarity index 100% rename from dash-functional-20180107.1618.el rename to packages/dash-functional-20180107.1618.el diff --git a/ddskk-20180707.532.tar b/packages/ddskk-20180707.532.tar similarity index 100% rename from ddskk-20180707.532.tar rename to packages/ddskk-20180707.532.tar diff --git a/deferred-20170901.1330.el b/packages/deferred-20170901.1330.el similarity index 100% rename from deferred-20170901.1330.el rename to packages/deferred-20170901.1330.el diff --git a/define-word-20180706.2029.el b/packages/define-word-20180706.2029.el similarity index 100% rename from define-word-20180706.2029.el rename to packages/define-word-20180706.2029.el diff --git a/deft-20181029.213.el b/packages/deft-20181029.213.el similarity index 100% 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a/docker-tramp-20170207.325.tar b/packages/docker-tramp-20170207.325.tar similarity index 100% rename from docker-tramp-20170207.325.tar rename to packages/docker-tramp-20170207.325.tar diff --git a/dockerfile-mode-20181104.1800.el b/packages/dockerfile-mode-20181104.1800.el similarity index 100% rename from dockerfile-mode-20181104.1800.el rename to packages/dockerfile-mode-20181104.1800.el diff --git a/doom-modeline-20181109.1348.el b/packages/doom-modeline-20181117.2008.el similarity index 90% rename from doom-modeline-20181109.1348.el rename to packages/doom-modeline-20181117.2008.el index 1f5c5cf..986636d 100644 --- a/doom-modeline-20181109.1348.el +++ b/packages/doom-modeline-20181117.2008.el @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ ;; Author: Vincent Zhang ;; Homepage: -;; Version: 0.6.1 -;; Package-Version: 20181109.1348 -;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (all-the-icons "1.0.0") (projectile "0.10.0") (shrink-path "0.2.0") (eldoc-eval "0.1") (dash "2.11.0")) +;; Version: 0.8.0 +;; Package-Version: 20181117.2008 +;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (all-the-icons "1.0.0") (shrink-path "0.2.0") (eldoc-eval "0.1") (dash "2.11.0")) ;; Keywords: faces mode-line ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. @@ -60,8 +60,10 @@ (require 'all-the-icons) (require 'eldoc-eval) -(require 'projectile) (require 'shrink-path) +(require 'subr-x) +(when (>= emacs-major-version 26) + (require 'project)) ;; ;; Variables @@ -73,11 +75,12 @@ (defvar doom-modeline-bar-width 3 "How wide the mode-line bar should be (only respected in GUI Emacs).") -(defvar doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'truncate-upto-project +(defvar doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'truncate-with-project "Determines the style used by `doom-modeline-buffer-file-name'. Given ~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/lisp/comint.el truncate-upto-project => ~/P/F/emacs/lisp/comint.el + truncate-with-project => emacs/l/comint.el truncate-upto-root => ~/P/F/e/lisp/comint.el truncate-all => ~/P/F/e/l/comint.el relative-from-project => emacs/lisp/comint.el @@ -112,6 +115,7 @@ The icons may not be showed correctly on Windows. Disable to make it work.") (defvar flycheck-current-errors) (defvar iedit-mode) (defvar iedit-occurrences-overlays) +(defvar projectile-dynamic-mode-line) (defvar text-scale-mode-amount) (defvar winum-auto-setup-mode-line) (defvar mc/mode-line) @@ -140,6 +144,10 @@ The icons may not be showed correctly on Windows. Disable to make it work.") (declare-function iedit-prev-occurrence 'iedit-lib) (declare-function image-get-display-property 'image-mode) (declare-function magit-toplevel 'magit-git) +(declare-function project-current 'project) +(declare-function project-roots 'project) +(declare-function projectile-ensure-project 'projectile) +(declare-function projectile-project-root 'projectile) (declare-function window-numbering-clear-mode-line 'window-numbering) (declare-function window-numbering-get-number-string 'window-numbering) (declare-function window-numbering-install-mode-line 'window-numbering) @@ -325,12 +333,16 @@ active.") (defun doom-modeline-project-root () "Get the path to the root of your project. - If STRICT-P, return nil if no project was found, otherwise return - `default-directory'." - (if (local-variable-p 'doom-modeline-project-root) + Return `default-directory' if no project was found." + (if doom-modeline-project-root doom-modeline-project-root - (let (projectile-require-project-root) - (setq doom-modeline-project-root (projectile-project-root))))) + (setq doom-modeline-project-root + (or + (when (featurep 'projectile) (projectile-project-root)) + (when (featurep 'project) + (when-let ((project (project-current))) + (car (project-roots project)))) + default-directory)))) ;; Disable projectile mode-line segment (setq projectile-dynamic-mode-line nil) @@ -427,7 +439,7 @@ active.") (defun doom-modeline-update-env () "Update environment info on mode-line." (when doom-modeline-env-command - (let ((default-directory (or (doom-modeline-project-root) "")) + (let ((default-directory (doom-modeline-project-root)) (s (shell-command-to-string doom-modeline-env-command))) (setq doom-modeline-env-version (if (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" s) (replace-match "" t t s) @@ -493,6 +505,8 @@ active.") (pcase doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style (`truncate-upto-project (doom-modeline--buffer-file-name buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename 'shrink)) + (`truncate-with-project + ( doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-truncate-with-project buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename)) (`truncate-upto-root (doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-truncate buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename)) (`truncate-all @@ -530,6 +544,29 @@ If TRUNCATE-TAIL is t also truncate the parent directory of the file." (propertize (file-name-nondirectory file-path) 'face (if file-faces `(:inherit ,file-faces))))))))) +(defun doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-truncate-with-project (file-path _true-file-path) + "Propertized variable `buffer-file-name' based on FILE-PATH. + +Show relative path to the project and truncate it. +Example: + ~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/lisp/comint.el => emacs/l/comint.el" + (let* ((project-root (doom-modeline-project-root)) + (relative-path (file-relative-name (or (file-name-directory file-path) "./") + (file-truename project-root)))) + (let ((active (doom-modeline--active)) + (modified-faces (if (buffer-modified-p) 'doom-modeline-buffer-modified))) + (let ((project-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'font-lock-string-face))) + (relative-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-path))) + (file-faces (or modified-faces (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-file)))) + (let ((project-props `(,@(if project-faces `(:inherit ,project-faces)) ,@(if active '(:weight bold)))) + (relative-props `(,@(if relative-faces `(:inherit ,relative-faces)))) + (file-props `(,@(if file-faces `(:inherit ,file-faces))))) + (concat (propertize + (concat (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name (doom-modeline-project-root))) "/") + 'face project-props) + (unless (string-equal relative-path "./") + (propertize (shrink-path--dirs-internal relative-path t) 'face relative-props)) + (propertize (file-name-nondirectory file-path) 'face file-props))))))) (defun doom-modeline--buffer-file-name-relative (_file-path true-file-path &optional include-project) "Propertized variable `buffer-file-name' showing directories relative to project's root only." @@ -555,9 +592,9 @@ fish-shell style. Example: ~/Projects/FOSS/emacs/lisp/comint.el => ~/P/F/emacs/lisp/comint.el" - (let* ((project-root (or (doom-modeline-project-root) "")) + (let* ((project-root (doom-modeline-project-root)) (file-name-split (shrink-path-file-mixed project-root - (file-name-directory file-path) + (or (file-name-directory file-path) "./") file-path)) (active (doom-modeline--active))) (if (null file-name-split) @@ -599,37 +636,56 @@ buffer where knowing the current project directory is important." 'face face)))) ;; +(defun doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name () + "Update buffer file name in mode-line. + + Show buffer name if it doesn't equal the file name. + Format: \"buffer-file-name[buffer-name]\". + Except the same buffer names in different directories." + (when-let ((file-name (doom-modeline-buffer-file-name)) + (buffer-name (buffer-name)) + (buffer-file-name buffer-file-name)) + (if (or (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name)) + (string-equal + (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) + (replace-regexp-in-string "<.+>$" "" buffer-name))) + file-name + (format "%s[%s]" file-name buffer-name)))) + (doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-info "Combined information about the current buffer, including the current working directory, the file name, and its state (modified, read-only or non-existent)." - (concat (cond (buffer-read-only - (concat (doom-modeline-icon-octicon - "lock" - :face 'doom-modeline-warning - :v-adjust -0.05) - " ")) - ((buffer-modified-p) - (concat (doom-modeline-icon-faicon - "floppy-o" - :face 'doom-modeline-buffer-modified - :v-adjust -0.0575) - " ")) - ((and buffer-file-name - (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))) - (concat (doom-modeline-icon-octicon - "circle-slash" - :face 'doom-modeline-urgent - :v-adjust -0.05) - " ")) - ((buffer-narrowed-p) - (concat (doom-modeline-icon-octicon - "fold" - :face 'doom-modeline-warning - :v-adjust -0.05) - " "))) - (if buffer-file-name - (doom-modeline-buffer-file-name) - "%b"))) + (let ((active (doom-modeline--active))) + (concat + (if active + (cond (buffer-read-only + (concat (doom-modeline-icon-octicon + "lock" + :face 'doom-modeline-warning + :v-adjust -0.05) + " ")) + ((buffer-modified-p) + (concat (doom-modeline-icon-faicon + "floppy-o" + :face 'doom-modeline-buffer-modified + :v-adjust -0.0575) + " ")) + ((and buffer-file-name + (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))) + (concat (doom-modeline-icon-octicon + "circle-slash" + :face 'doom-modeline-urgent + :v-adjust -0.05) + " ")) + ((buffer-narrowed-p) + (concat (doom-modeline-icon-octicon + "fold" + :face 'doom-modeline-warning + :v-adjust -0.05) + " ")))) + (if buffer-file-name + (doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name) + (propertize "%b" 'face (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-file)))))) (doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-info-simple "Display only the current buffer's name, but with fontification." @@ -754,7 +810,7 @@ Uses `all-the-icons-material' to fetch the icon." (concat (if vc-mode " " " ") (when icon (concat - (doom-modeline-icon-material icon :face face :height 1.1 :v-adjust (or voffset -0.2)) + (doom-modeline-icon-material icon :face face :height 0.95 :v-adjust (or voffset -0.2)) (if text doom-modeline-vspc))) (if text (propertize text 'face face)) (if vc-mode " " " "))) @@ -773,7 +829,7 @@ Uses `all-the-icons-material' to fetch the icon." (doom-modeline-icon "do_not_disturb_alt" (number-to-string sum) (if .error 'doom-modeline-urgent 'doom-modeline-warning) - -0.25))) + -0.15))) (doom-modeline-icon "check" nil 'doom-modeline-info))) (`running (doom-modeline-icon "access_time" nil 'font-lock-doc-face -0.25)) (`no-checker (doom-modeline-icon "sim_card_alert" "-" 'font-lock-doc-face)) @@ -845,8 +901,8 @@ lines are selected, or the NxM dimensions of a block selection." 'face 'doom-modeline-panel) sep (doom-modeline-icon-octicon "triangle-right" - :face 'doom-modeline-panel - :v-adjust -0.05) + :face 'doom-modeline-panel + :v-adjust -0.05) sep)))) (defsubst doom-modeline--anzu () @@ -983,7 +1039,7 @@ with `evil-ex-substitute', and/or 4. The number of active `iedit' regions." ;; window number ;; -;; Fix `ace-window-display' doesn't respect the ignore buffers. +;; HACK: `ace-window-display-mode' should respect the ignore buffers. (defun doom-modeline-aw-update () "Update ace-window-path window parameter for all windows. @@ -1011,6 +1067,7 @@ one. The ignored buffers are excluded unless `aw-ignore-on' is nil." (setq mode-line-format (assq-delete-all 'ace-window-display-mode (default-value 'mode-line-format))) + (setq-default mode-line-format mode-line-format) (aw-update) (window-parameter (selected-window) 'ace-window-path)) ((bound-and-true-p winum-mode) @@ -1200,7 +1257,7 @@ See `mode-line-percent-position'.") ;; Versions, support Python, Ruby, Perl and Golang, etc. (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () - (when (and (executable-find doom-modeline-python-executable) (executable-find "cut") (executable-find "sed")) + (when (and doom-modeline-python-executable (executable-find doom-modeline-python-executable) (executable-find "cut") (executable-find "sed")) (setq doom-modeline-env-command (concat doom-modeline-python-executable " --version 2>&1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed -n '1p'"))))) (add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook (lambda () diff --git a/doom-themes-20181101.218.tar b/packages/doom-themes-20181101.218.tar similarity index 100% rename from doom-themes-20181101.218.tar rename to packages/doom-themes-20181101.218.tar diff --git a/dotenv-mode-20180207.1914.el b/packages/dotenv-mode-20180207.1914.el similarity index 100% rename from dotenv-mode-20180207.1914.el rename to packages/dotenv-mode-20180207.1914.el diff --git a/dracula-theme-20180710.1324.el b/packages/dracula-theme-20180710.1324.el similarity index 100% rename from dracula-theme-20180710.1324.el rename to packages/dracula-theme-20180710.1324.el diff --git a/drupal-mode-20171120.2309.tar b/packages/drupal-mode-20171120.2309.tar similarity index 100% rename from drupal-mode-20171120.2309.tar rename to packages/drupal-mode-20171120.2309.tar diff --git a/dumb-jump-20181022.2224.el b/packages/dumb-jump-20181022.2224.el similarity index 100% rename from dumb-jump-20181022.2224.el rename to packages/dumb-jump-20181022.2224.el diff --git a/eclim-20181108.1134.tar b/packages/eclim-20181108.1134.tar similarity index 100% rename from eclim-20181108.1134.tar rename to packages/eclim-20181108.1134.tar diff --git a/edit-server-20181016.1125.el b/packages/edit-server-20181016.1125.el similarity index 100% rename from edit-server-20181016.1125.el rename to packages/edit-server-20181016.1125.el diff --git a/editorconfig-20181025.421.tar b/packages/editorconfig-20181115.709.tar similarity index 96% rename from editorconfig-20181025.421.tar rename to packages/editorconfig-20181115.709.tar index 952f79f59272d322b5fff82ceffdd8512bd35917..dc28c409ae6d43cec4c047b98fdadb5b027da0c9 100644 GIT binary patch delta 640 zcmZo@U~On%l}b&?EXglQ&d*EBOxHCsFtjin%GLw}l36ryq5I^N2xMQF7@8TvRYwZ4B3u@iD{jPKXl!f_@v;%n%jQ6{;fmwe zi!-Wk-ca_GpTm+XC^gMWL3#4Sd^y&7Gebj*$p_jLIgH`LwPHYF3riEAu*l@NDsi5A zGfNA&bYPW=PQAIIr7@RZeoCs9LP%Jqx$3xWpb0xlu2%WJWnPZMgKRHxHAEo1q=4?f{O6uF#UoYqu6u<3C0*`B$Y5WUp|V=UxQOd=94Dn=B|&hFj^R(6Vrg$RBie&tR%hzTYkf=yC+qE*}? zosil>!W9-)wu0bKP|(^=OO2YljqRH^Z|2RLN+npS1P3kCF6Q#-Tz20+m?9Vqz(k#9 z1X9)dLe(6XK_$RcB4MD6VM$RrAk#%iMj?;MpSz=+bZq=_sU~59HP9sm|8YCzk**e( z$HoeR209_srzJ;GxJ4UQhIxG_=FX2lw2e8!ks6I6;CmAjLWE$fgD)~EPxW|vnRdQf zpX26Qy9)+Pj9iz4VzaHo2uMJwE-Y)hPJHR@n~2*ez4eBS@Upc(qm1yETs&CT0CawT zng|gOo;@D8bOMMr(SE*t65-ehi0W=_l$(kDjOR0W@bD{S5;R&dq?~W^$Ba|nP@W)-`h__pfOdP?c%zR zH%f8-Sc@AhtYDjcQM(!;`1sC~1rd;5lhrO*Tt0;mu)Dlt9U11s0N(koGU z6BVJ>9#TObNC=*Z)})F-K^Fr=jl~bX3yAtnKbl}92#6ny&fIZx&tgCH!{xWL&-~|^ z+1Zh6+>vXXl;}>i#B^h>VHoD@m|?hchRatDcQuq-hHJQHY@BWwPRtpn*)V*HbR8#z zl2AeJi%6^XbxB2PFlsusHBQrS(g3XzG|FfcQ_FOW5}iux1zp7GA|KTayF}aRctP)H z^nOfD$8<~d0XkjKUPgO;)HYB78>ubm2%{rK$`h~*9nrUFouFSa`jwByOubaV*Hjhs zBBK|Jl!s*-CK~leI#tjsj9$^IO)ECeFip3x6!}Li3qA5@<$kypRVyGDBC?m$$5-cv7=fhe@SD_?s>D!Vy9h>Vg|&^1bmVdNvWT`@C{yiG)K5IMp137@ug z7R}8*^T-E;hQ-*Yxjs#%M@`FcP<;89=&o6M>`TMZh%|-X*_X)l zYirY8Ps7&{NslgE_3(=JmiC3qmT8^oo?aGdA~U;|<=X+vhFD;ILu4tO8X|6>k!sMJ zC6#3@nN4f^w7Yr|ne}iuOR6FKC5ga4zscc=?6*vOeWK;b$GiJD^Ug%1_Q}vzCmqD` z%#zp?X8AUjW#V}1B(bv~GN0@De(jVtj7RR3P?(FkUMzGz6*hP&l_e5gD8d}zdO*^u 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index 100% rename from gh-md-20151207.1740.el rename to packages/gh-md-20151207.1740.el diff --git a/ghc-20180121.1218.tar b/packages/ghc-20180121.1218.tar similarity index 100% rename from ghc-20180121.1218.tar rename to packages/ghc-20180121.1218.tar diff --git a/ghub+-20181024.15.el b/packages/ghub+-20181113.32.el similarity index 99% rename from ghub+-20181024.15.el rename to packages/ghub+-20181113.32.el index 74a8bef..f681e9d 100644 --- a/ghub+-20181024.15.el +++ b/packages/ghub+-20181113.32.el @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ;; Keywords: extensions, multimedia, tools ;; Homepage: ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25") (ghub "2.0") (apiwrap "0.5")) -;; Package-Version: 20181024.15 +;; Package-Version: 20181113.32 ;; Package-X-Original-Version: 0.4 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ (require 'url) (require 'cl-lib) +(require 'subr-x) (require 'ghub) (require 'apiwrap) diff --git a/ghub-20181107.1937.tar b/packages/ghub-20181112.1755.tar similarity index 97% rename from ghub-20181107.1937.tar rename to packages/ghub-20181112.1755.tar index 16ddf31b009e82ab8e46ee0a1aad8eaa79e95161..de1fd6f0299317b3827a7f6c64e159b08586a50c 100644 GIT binary patch delta 1331 zcmaJ>&u<$=6wb3-Ks%m4HC>Y~0q_+t;_W>k$sUO)so%uQq z!@3C5OiacQPQ$X&<(CHudmQbB%;gpyZ#!2O=X7O^sH&L|BuG`!jUjUV_P2`?t5LKj zV8{vVMxFZ1Vs79g+wwf>pf8sADGak9@k@s=b^pQd7pL!LP9F0G)o93f*sr8dWSB#u zN79+eQHjet+tn17<4z7naT-!4Wcg6wDn~Hv1e`2s|kb$fiCSY$u(wD1c!y=}$6@POYzMsjmn#Er$!j}u5 z1r20*QGjaJE=4RrjCx+;m4w8@D<#4q@jM1>KAVNO1X%tyPq)_c6 zH}wvUnz81x9)&Qi=R~iuBVkkg=XvB1k8CnQwGqE=%4q`F0mjj$lpU-*sU=XBvv&`whx`HlmFU< zb2&rPB>v=YSQMuQF;u?v57^I5q-PB_0C)azw()7H*9sTbLag*e7g4Z-r7s{Sqy8L Hr<2bB+PQwE delta 1293 zcmZux&u<$=7|rK8PP2(n+&0BgS~5*l$#IhH%uy>TnEKkTN6J*;+j-h1D?Z|8jn zk0uWuO`dHuJGE7c$r>TJsuD}9UhN;=?mOioF{nwgK86X!xH^W60RiVRfC3X4a&RX1 zSpp+w4AZMb!f*;ZrL0d61>+inh1_}{pB^}ymrA-ZMl`J&7f6{Jt(qg|jR#*|LSd7k z4M|fRUhnL)R%nMVZ=t&FdCWl{FN)u1;mYG*o?biG$Kzk;re4+JjbK#kD0Pt)(XcTp z@`o}%b8>sD?YoVXmKRPQPV#iD4{b#-4i{l6BQB!F?LqP8ig>>OY#ggZCDG3X*n;9o zWz}u%@&4haa83i7Gc-E#o;FuADb2PO!6bAi6}sA3b835LjYeObfp2EP6&K3zN##2C z5qn_ow>`Fk+&$Fg9bZB5Rp?V)wsObsl}oDH@EDTlk`G5l15iz z;m~b0vTrGRJr-*Fu5>2d`2lKpye4aPksBbNNuE4<4s)WNW%!_Y<<+T7y8gdMGd-En zKiA;5H=<{^;OH=KS-LKs{0VwqGc85D+=At)9;sq%DLdR@f^5Tlp-0xJM#b(ilur@U zh#zLfSI01Y)}$oCy&X5bM|G-M;-_Pn%VW({1o#U(1_k53? ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "20180910") (with-editor "20181103")) -;; Package-Version: 20181108.1523 +;; Package-Version: 20181116.1408 ;; Keywords: git tools vc ;; Homepage: @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ The major mode configured here is turned on by the minor mode git-commit-setup-changelog-support git-commit-turn-on-auto-fill git-commit-propertize-diff + bug-reference-mode with-editor-usage-message) "Hook run at the end of `git-commit-setup'." :group 'git-commit diff --git a/git-gutter+-20151204.1723.el b/packages/git-gutter+-20151204.1723.el similarity index 100% rename from git-gutter+-20151204.1723.el rename to packages/git-gutter+-20151204.1723.el diff --git a/git-gutter-20161105.1356.el b/packages/git-gutter-20161105.1356.el similarity index 100% rename from git-gutter-20161105.1356.el rename to packages/git-gutter-20161105.1356.el diff --git a/git-gutter-fringe+-20140729.1103.el b/packages/git-gutter-fringe+-20140729.1103.el similarity index 100% rename from git-gutter-fringe+-20140729.1103.el rename to packages/git-gutter-fringe+-20140729.1103.el diff --git a/git-gutter-fringe-20170113.533.el b/packages/git-gutter-fringe-20170113.533.el similarity index 100% rename from git-gutter-fringe-20170113.533.el rename to packages/git-gutter-fringe-20170113.533.el diff --git a/git-link-20181031.259.el b/packages/git-link-20181031.259.el similarity index 100% rename from git-link-20181031.259.el rename to packages/git-link-20181031.259.el diff --git a/git-messenger-20170102.440.el b/packages/git-messenger-20170102.440.el similarity index 100% rename from git-messenger-20170102.440.el rename to 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respect to the window first line" (defun git-timemachine-quit () "Exit the timemachine." (interactive) - (kill-buffer)) + (let ((parent-buffer-name buffer-file-name)) + (kill-buffer) + (let ((parent-buffer (find-buffer-visiting parent-buffer-name))) + (when (and parent-buffer git-timemachine-quit-to-invoking-buffer) + (switch-to-buffer parent-buffer nil t))))) (defun git-timemachine-blame () "Call magit-blame on current revision." @@ -320,6 +330,16 @@ respect to the window first line" (message revision) (kill-new revision))) +(defun git-timemachine-show-commit () + "Show commit for current revision." + (interactive) + (let ((rev (car git-timemachine-revision))) + (if (fboundp 'magit-revision-mode) + (progn + (with-temp-buffer + (save-excursion (magit-mode-setup #'magit-revision-mode rev nil nil nil)))) + (message "You need to install magit to show commit")))) + (define-minor-mode git-timemachine-mode "Git Timemachine, feel the wings of history." :init-value nil @@ -332,7 +352,8 @@ respect to the window first line" ("q" . git-timemachine-quit) ("w" . git-timemachine-kill-abbreviated-revision) ("W" . git-timemachine-kill-revision) - ("b" . git-timemachine-blame)) + ("b" . git-timemachine-blame) + ("c" . git-timemachine-show-commit)) :group 'git-timemachine) (defun git-timemachine-validate (file) diff --git a/gitattributes-mode-20180318.1956.el b/packages/gitattributes-mode-20180318.1956.el similarity index 100% rename from gitattributes-mode-20180318.1956.el rename to packages/gitattributes-mode-20180318.1956.el diff --git a/gitconfig-mode-20180318.1956.el b/packages/gitconfig-mode-20180318.1956.el similarity index 100% rename from gitconfig-mode-20180318.1956.el rename to packages/gitconfig-mode-20180318.1956.el diff --git a/github-clone-20160623.310.el b/packages/github-clone-20160623.310.el similarity index 100% rename from github-clone-20160623.310.el rename to packages/github-clone-20160623.310.el diff --git a/github-search-20170824.323.el b/packages/github-search-20170824.323.el similarity index 100% rename from github-search-20170824.323.el rename to packages/github-search-20170824.323.el diff --git a/gitignore-mode-20180318.1956.el b/packages/gitignore-mode-20180318.1956.el similarity index 100% rename from gitignore-mode-20180318.1956.el rename to packages/gitignore-mode-20180318.1956.el diff --git a/gitignore-templates-20180327.1326.el b/packages/gitignore-templates-20180327.1326.el similarity index 100% rename from gitignore-templates-20180327.1326.el rename to packages/gitignore-templates-20180327.1326.el diff --git a/glsl-mode-20170927.1436.el b/packages/glsl-mode-20170927.1436.el similarity index 100% rename from glsl-mode-20170927.1436.el rename to packages/glsl-mode-20170927.1436.el diff --git a/gmail-message-mode-20160627.1847.el b/packages/gmail-message-mode-20160627.1847.el similarity index 100% rename from gmail-message-mode-20160627.1847.el rename to packages/gmail-message-mode-20160627.1847.el diff --git a/gntp-20141025.250.el b/packages/gntp-20141025.250.el similarity index 100% rename from gntp-20141025.250.el rename to packages/gntp-20141025.250.el diff --git a/gnuplot-20141231.2137.tar b/packages/gnuplot-20141231.2137.tar similarity index 100% rename from gnuplot-20141231.2137.tar rename to packages/gnuplot-20141231.2137.tar diff --git a/go-eldoc-20170305.1427.el b/packages/go-eldoc-20170305.1427.el similarity index 100% rename from go-eldoc-20170305.1427.el rename to packages/go-eldoc-20170305.1427.el diff --git a/go-fill-struct-20171225.331.el b/packages/go-fill-struct-20171225.331.el similarity index 100% rename from go-fill-struct-20171225.331.el rename to packages/go-fill-struct-20171225.331.el diff --git a/go-gen-test-20171023.358.el b/packages/go-gen-test-20171023.358.el similarity index 100% rename from go-gen-test-20171023.358.el rename to packages/go-gen-test-20171023.358.el diff --git a/go-guru-20181012.330.el b/packages/go-guru-20181012.330.el similarity index 100% rename from go-guru-20181012.330.el rename to packages/go-guru-20181012.330.el diff --git a/go-impl-20170125.1552.el b/packages/go-impl-20170125.1552.el similarity index 100% rename from go-impl-20170125.1552.el rename to packages/go-impl-20170125.1552.el diff --git a/go-mode-20181012.329.el b/packages/go-mode-20181012.329.el similarity index 100% rename from go-mode-20181012.329.el rename to packages/go-mode-20181012.329.el diff --git a/go-rename-20180627.648.el b/packages/go-rename-20180627.648.el similarity index 100% rename from go-rename-20180627.648.el rename to packages/go-rename-20180627.648.el diff --git a/go-tag-20180227.411.el b/packages/go-tag-20180227.411.el similarity index 100% rename from go-tag-20180227.411.el rename to packages/go-tag-20180227.411.el diff --git a/godoctor-20180710.2152.el b/packages/godoctor-20180710.2152.el similarity index 100% rename from godoctor-20180710.2152.el rename to packages/godoctor-20180710.2152.el diff --git a/golden-ratio-20150819.1120.el b/packages/golden-ratio-20150819.1120.el similarity index 100% rename from golden-ratio-20150819.1120.el rename to packages/golden-ratio-20150819.1120.el diff --git a/google-c-style-20180130.1736.el b/packages/google-c-style-20180130.1736.el similarity index 100% rename from google-c-style-20180130.1736.el rename to packages/google-c-style-20180130.1736.el diff --git a/google-translate-20180926.1925.tar b/packages/google-translate-20180926.1925.tar similarity index 100% rename from google-translate-20180926.1925.tar rename to packages/google-translate-20180926.1925.tar diff --git a/gotham-theme-20171013.1916.el b/packages/gotham-theme-20171013.1916.el similarity index 100% rename from gotham-theme-20171013.1916.el rename to packages/gotham-theme-20171013.1916.el diff --git a/goto-chg-20180105.1833.el b/packages/goto-chg-20180105.1833.el similarity index 100% rename from goto-chg-20180105.1833.el rename to packages/goto-chg-20180105.1833.el diff --git a/gradle-mode-20150313.1905.el b/packages/gradle-mode-20150313.1905.el similarity index 100% rename from gradle-mode-20150313.1905.el rename to packages/gradle-mode-20150313.1905.el diff --git a/grandshell-theme-20180606.517.tar b/packages/grandshell-theme-20180606.517.tar similarity index 100% rename from grandshell-theme-20180606.517.tar rename to packages/grandshell-theme-20180606.517.tar diff --git a/graphql-20180912.31.el b/packages/graphql-20180912.31.el similarity index 100% rename from graphql-20180912.31.el rename to packages/graphql-20180912.31.el diff --git a/graphviz-dot-mode-20171103.827.el b/packages/graphviz-dot-mode-20181118.551.el similarity index 96% rename from graphviz-dot-mode-20171103.827.el rename to packages/graphviz-dot-mode-20181118.551.el index b3159a4..ea8bea1 100644 --- a/graphviz-dot-mode-20171103.827.el +++ b/packages/graphviz-dot-mode-20181118.551.el @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ ;; Created: 28 Oct 2002 ;; Last modified: 25 May 2015 ;; Version: 0.3.10 -;; Package-Version: 20171103.827 +;; Package-Version: 20181118.551 ;; Keywords: mode dot dot-language dotlanguage graphviz graphs att ;;; Commentary: @@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ ;; many diagrams don't need those, but it would be worth having a note (and ;; it makes sense that the default is now for electric indentation to be ;; off). -;; * lines that start with # are comments, lines that start with one or more -;; whitespaces and then a # should give an error. ;;; History: @@ -146,6 +144,7 @@ ;;; Code: +(require 'compile) (require 'subr-x) (defconst graphviz-dot-mode-version "0.3.10" @@ -249,7 +248,8 @@ key is pressed." '("graph" "digraph" "subgraph" "node" "edge" "strict" "rankdir" "size" "page" "Damping" "Epsilon" "URL" "arrowhead" "arrowsize" "arrowtail" "bb" "bgcolor" "bottomlabel" "center" "clusterrank" - "color" "comment" "compound" "concentrate" "constraint" "decorate" + "color" "colorscheme" "comment" "compound" + "concentrate" "constraint" "decorate" "dim" "dir" "distortion" "fillcolor" "fixedsize" "fontcolor" "fontname" "fontpath" "fontsize" "group" "headURL" "headlabel" "headport" "height" "label" "labelangle" "labeldistance" "labelfloat" @@ -437,14 +437,12 @@ The list of constant is available at\ (define-key map "{" 'electric-graphviz-dot-open-brace) (define-key map "}" 'electric-graphviz-dot-close-brace) (define-key map ";" 'electric-graphviz-dot-semi) - (define-key map "\M-\t" 'graphviz-dot-complete-word) + (define-key map "\C-c\M-t" 'graphviz-dot-complete-word) (define-key map "\C-\M-q" 'graphviz-dot-indent-graph) - (define-key map "\C-cp" 'graphviz-dot-preview) - (define-key map "\C-cc" 'compile) - (define-key map "\C-cv" 'graphviz-dot-view) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'comment-region) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-u" 'graphviz-dot-uncomment-region) - (setq graphviz-dot-mode-map map)) + (define-key map "\C-c\C-p" 'graphviz-dot-preview) + (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'compile) + (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'graphviz-dot-view) + map) "Keymap used in Graphviz Dot mode.") ;;; Syntax table @@ -453,17 +451,20 @@ The list of constant is available at\ (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 124b" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" st) - (modify-syntax-entry ?# "< b" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?- "_" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." st) - (modify-syntax-entry ?[ "(]" st) - (modify-syntax-entry ?] ")[" st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]" st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st) (setq graphviz-dot-mode-syntax-table st)) "Syntax table for `graphviz-dot-mode'.") +(defvar graphviz-dot-syntax-propertize-function + (syntax-propertize-rules + ("^#" (0 "< b")))) + (defvar graphviz-dot-font-lock-keywords `(("\\(:?di\\|sub\\)?graph \\(\\sw+\\)" (2 font-lock-function-name-face)) @@ -475,14 +476,25 @@ The list of constant is available at\ ;; convert them to a list of strings, and make ;; an optimized regexp from them (,(let ((max-specpdl-size (max max-specpdl-size 1200))) - (regexp-opt graphviz-dot-color-keywords)) + (regexp-opt graphviz-dot-color-keywords 'words)) . font-lock-string-face) (,(concat (regexp-opt graphviz-dot-attr-keywords 'words) "[ \\t\\n]*=") ;; RR - ugly, really, but I dont know why xemacs does not work ;; if I change the next car to "1"... - (0 font-lock-variable-name-face))) + (0 font-lock-variable-name-face)) + ;; See the 'graph' nonterminal in + ;; + ("\\(?:\\_<\\(strict\\)[[:space:]]+\\)?\\(\\(?:di\\)?graph\\)\\_>" + (1 'font-lock-keyword-face) (2 'font-lock-keyword-face)) + ;; See the 'attr_stmt' nonterminal in + ;; + ("\\_<\\(edge\\|graph\\|node\\)\\_>[[:space:]]*\\[" + 1 'font-lock-keyword-face) + ;; See the 'subgraph' nonterminal in + ;; + ("\\_" . 'font-lock-keyword-face)) "Keyword highlighting specification for `graphviz-dot-mode'.") (defun graphviz-output-file-name (f-name) @@ -499,6 +511,11 @@ The list of constant is available at\ (shell-quote-argument (graphviz-output-file-name f-name)))))) +(defvar dot-menu nil + "Menu for Graphviz Dot Mode. +This menu will get created automatically if you have the `easymenu' +package. Note that the latest X/Emacs releases contain this package.") + ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode graphviz-dot-mode prog-mode "dot" "Major mode for the dot language. \\ @@ -549,6 +566,8 @@ Turning on Graphviz Dot mode calls the value of the variable (setq-local comment-start "//") (setq-local comment-start-skip "/\\*+ *\\|//+ *") (setq-local indent-line-function 'graphviz-dot-indent-line) + (setq-local syntax-propertize-function + graphviz-dot-syntax-propertize-function) (when (buffer-file-name) (setq-local compile-command (graphviz-compile-command (buffer-file-name)))) @@ -559,11 +578,6 @@ Turning on Graphviz Dot mode calls the value of the variable ;;;; Menu definitions -(defvar dot-menu nil - "Menu for Graphviz Dot Mode. -This menu will get created automatically if you have the `easymenu' -package. Note that the latest X/Emacs releases contain this package.") - (and (condition-case nil (require 'easymenu) (error nil)) @@ -572,7 +586,7 @@ package. Note that the latest X/Emacs releases contain this package.") '("Graphviz" ["Indent Graph" graphviz-dot-indent-graph t] ["Comment Out Region" comment-region (mark)] - ["Uncomment Region" graphviz-dot-uncomment-region (mark)] + ["Uncomment Region" uncomment-region (mark)] "-" ["Compile" compile t] ["Preview" graphviz-dot-preview @@ -609,8 +623,7 @@ package. Note that the latest X/Emacs releases contain this package.") "Parse the current buffer for dot errors. See variable `compilation-parse-errors-functions' for interface." (interactive) - (save-excursion - (set-buffer "*compilation*") + (with-current-buffer "*compilation*" (goto-char (point-min)) (setq compilation-error-list nil) (let (buffer-of-error) @@ -630,10 +643,9 @@ See variable `compilation-parse-errors-functions' for interface." (cons (cons (point-marker) - (save-excursion - (set-buffer buffer-of-error) - (goto-line line-of-error) - (beginning-of-line) + (with-current-buffer buffer-of-error + (goto-char (point-min)) + (forward-line (1- line-of-error)) (point-marker))) compilation-error-list)))) (t t)) @@ -642,10 +654,6 @@ See variable `compilation-parse-errors-functions' for interface." ;;;; ;;;; Indentation ;;;; -(defun graphviz-dot-uncomment-region (begin end) - "Uncomments a region of code." - (interactive "r") - (comment-region begin end '(4))) (defun graphviz-dot-indent-line () "Indent current line of dot code." @@ -655,13 +663,6 @@ See variable `compilation-parse-errors-functions' for interface." (save-excursion (graphviz-dot-real-indent-line)))) -(defun graphviz-dot-get-indendation() - "Return current line's indentation" - (interactive) - (message "Current indentation is %d." - (current-indentation)) - (current-indentation)) - (defun graphviz-dot-real-indent-line () "Indent current line of dot code." (beginning-of-line) @@ -979,6 +980,8 @@ buffer is saved before the command is executed." ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.gv\\'" . graphviz-dot-mode)) +(defvar org-src-lang-modes) ; defined in org-src.el + (eval-after-load 'org-mode '(add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("dot" . graphviz-dot))) diff --git a/groovy-imports-20161003.851.el b/packages/groovy-imports-20161003.851.el similarity index 100% rename from groovy-imports-20161003.851.el rename to packages/groovy-imports-20161003.851.el diff --git a/groovy-mode-20180810.607.tar b/packages/groovy-mode-20181111.1057.tar similarity index 94% rename from groovy-mode-20180810.607.tar rename to packages/groovy-mode-20181111.1057.tar index e027632597b6a1ba9ced969925cecb657338d05b..36d208acbb53f74b0c4b380507874628a1929840 100644 GIT binary patch delta 2079 zcma)7-)kII6wanUl59%SxG|fiHaVS0y_4)DyZN!{k3bb#D54Klp@@pk&fd)qJ3DtW zGn-_!ZPJHAOKMDV5UOv1K1*exf)54%1Rs1-5W!b5f>aR&&z+f_-Bc*t`IAAttyIKo5|+R=IAq(%g!%M@9e$0Q)B~kGuio>{7gqSH#?il zcfdU662(R$(VysUVlmzM8WuapMrLR8xemfDw1V=v+*}7_!=OW-yFD40o&e#(IPTT1 zoU*tNj1{?MRy}x$Dbv#mDAN=47*|x>c8BoSS`v4~Fh01E#%;A5_veq{*7>e8jB;dN z4kJ~tOq*-mE~+Xh3K+5*pRf5U4y;s<6?CJrs=Gx`^F`yvO1X2Eke;?``en_u4N-Nd z46YR{VN^8F*L_~)wy!zB)FgoN2KQ^OjeYg>l8gfx2f7WdPzXYkacCyMh?*~9!r?X; zHP@;`!PN~urBG5bSa>#|P%rmtp6lOu$9^?20&)KW{&QMo}%AULo!mB=@3&v&mElc&a-W2o?gTL_V;>b}J(1KU%LsoeOhr+t%0l~2M9-cmw1Q**<^F=gqDc>Lc2kg`*wG8 z6y=5SEbc?Z{^XHVa8NkLW-FM;4CCHUgNY>m_HzpVx!W}vx$OU39{9>cN(u!3+U`TX zHP{nRx$)7~?ViSuzjq~eJCCsv$IdUz&&1fT g`Y*O&pAhzmlK#)loL|Vs5q~JH>%1}X=XWRn1uRIF>;M1& delta 1718 zcmaJ?O>Y}T7>?5r+O$zh1F{ncylhajn|R%|o!Eg$p_O{zqiXpSZ~$quJNB-!-f?GU z{Q(j#2ZVxDi7+QnI3RIFRPwD{5LeFJxbOpz;997}JG<+(6I%9QTkGfjdY)(Axpime z)}5K9CZn{|H(S&tX2mLRTia!;RI}=r4!?c%(A6I+Z&m7*sx@VmtCh{l6l}?I&K>4* z3%N&As4Prhlg>0Om+N(Fs$8ws$1yca#aKzqsjt~APzIOQ<#*9ba`4$B^6Adm0+05% zV1C#HM>QcxPk;qxMSj(34Hvu3X~UtRu>FvmdjWO!O)hLfS|k+QY=dsh0cdX!5wVcV z@B8`P5gKfW@sQzRpY*$wxe)mK1pG!38k7~G>-hmG0tq-NY4YYDg)>bmsOfk%lYf1< zEPvp$13e&O9dx~I3qe?jHOG(6dZ1eyz}vP%4B-9N9t~8NOn{E_YJNil4NKu?TnoQd zF)hQA&^6Q?*`o)3%g5-z4~dEY%3t_d`ToJVffF%?lbbDDINoFg?;}UOgd3AK62K_u z&JMguZ02}?u|6Y6KuFZ^K=GS4KzL+C4llvW4d~+Ee(0tZFg`&H68`Ma1#HjfaQ((x zfXetTLAp~JF|9*eN}wW4CSbG+f<>eRH!vIP`W#vJ8xT^6$5HtjGz#4!R#V`HjVz@Z zbVp6R3~Mg7oDHtWe1gCi^7Y=L7Ao_cLvABt3^=(j)^I@R*n#h+ z;Yw$80{3VXxWM8=mPnX{%GKQq&xFE*D!Tqb{(~KmM^{%ibOqXc2*^NGY8Xr#v)0}$ z41fOk`rL5k;I~t2q|_`aryM)4S@YO>e0B}Fbo<$P@2BNc2dnb(=4pBVi}`m)TkHWl@A#^~Mn(qIx!M)n?E1pP z)u?@>VF43&YYQ?Gv_I-Q`x28o z`{r}f}v&@*r?4DZX+S3 zcct+cUDhM^_fZUC+){s!)~Tp%YM6 zX9NY76s{s@uW5Y&^S6z)}OMPz6Qe z$`&twZssMMPG_75{{lulg;0cPVWHY61meTQV0Vt$nPMi-HVo)Qgt#B<1Q37XL#MfU z0T$*;B|#a2DRj9&^yv4yi1!qnN2rNL?IZPLCWV&>OkqCVWZx{@c-}6YPJEGgZbmD; z(ymuOAg+F$gztM+)C)sUR$LcmTGApc8FsPtVtfYT3?yuk15UOn2%pF76gkX6xn`wdM&AuN{2<0x zuoFoIMr!bUi5bz~P6kHb!zI0iOX{goNtAeJtbGH$IVRuSy=HeY%(zpe5cy^ReeWl} 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b/packages/markdown-mode-20181112.1529.el @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ;; Maintainer: Jason R. Blevins ;; Created: May 24, 2007 ;; Version: 2.4-dev -;; Package-Version: 20181029.140 +;; Package-Version: 20181112.1529 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (cl-lib "0.5")) ;; Keywords: Markdown, GitHub Flavored Markdown, itex ;; URL: @@ -9352,48 +9352,36 @@ spaces, or alternatively a TAB should be used as the separator." (goto-char begin) (markdown-table-align))) -(defun markdown-insert-table () - "Insert a new table." +(defun markdown-insert-table (&optional rows columns align) + "Insert an empty pipe table. +Optional arguments ROWS, COLUMNS, and ALIGN specify number of +rows and columns and the column alignment." (interactive) - (let ((table-column (string-to-number (read-string "column size: "))) - (table-row (string-to-number (read-string "row size: "))) - (align-type (read-string "align type (left, right, center (default)): ")) - (content "") - (align-counter 1) - (align "|") - (header-counter 1) - (header "|") - (row-counter 1) - (column-counter 1)) - - (cond ((equal align-type "left") (setq content ":---")) - ((equal align-type "right") (setq content "---:")) - ((equal align-type "center") (setq content "---")) - (t (setq content "---"))) - - (while (<= align-counter table-column) - (setq align (concat align content "|")) - (setq align-counter (1+ align-counter))) - (setq align (concat align "\n")) - - (while (<= header-counter table-column) - (setq header (concat header (read-string (concat "header " (number-to-string header-counter) ": ")) "|")) - (setq header-counter (1+ header-counter))) - (setq header (concat header "\n")) - - (insert header) - (insert align) - - (while (<= row-counter table-row) - (setq column-counter 1) - (while (<= column-counter (1+ table-column)) - (insert "|") - (setq column-counter (1+ column-counter))) - (if (< row-counter table-row) - (insert "\n")) - (setq row-counter (1+ row-counter))) - (markdown-table-align) - )) + (let* ((rows (or rows (string-to-number (read-string "Row size: ")))) + (columns (or columns (string-to-number (read-string "Column size: ")))) + (align (or align (read-string "Alignment ([l]eft, [r]ight, [c]enter, or RET for default): "))) + (align (cond ((equal align "l") ":--") + ((equal align "r") "--:") + ((equal align "c") ":-:") + (t "---"))) + (pos (point)) + (indent (make-string (current-column) ?\ )) + (line (concat + (apply 'concat indent "|" + (make-list columns " |")) "\n")) + (hline (apply 'concat indent "|" + (make-list columns (concat align "|"))))) + (if (string-match + "^[ \t]*$" (buffer-substring-no-properties + (point-at-bol) (point))) + (beginning-of-line 1) + (newline)) + (dotimes (_ rows) (insert line)) + (goto-char pos) + (if (> rows 1) + (progn + (end-of-line 1) (insert (concat "\n" hline)) (goto-char pos))) + (markdown-table-forward-cell))) ;;; ElDoc Support diff --git a/markdown-toc-20170711.1949.tar b/packages/markdown-toc-20170711.1949.tar similarity index 100% rename from markdown-toc-20170711.1949.tar rename to packages/markdown-toc-20170711.1949.tar diff --git a/markup-faces-20141110.817.el b/packages/markup-faces-20141110.817.el similarity index 100% rename from markup-faces-20141110.817.el rename to packages/markup-faces-20141110.817.el diff --git a/marshal-20180124.1239.el b/packages/marshal-20180124.1239.el similarity index 100% rename from marshal-20180124.1239.el rename to packages/marshal-20180124.1239.el diff --git a/material-theme-20171123.1840.tar b/packages/material-theme-20171123.1840.tar similarity index 100% rename from material-theme-20171123.1840.tar rename to packages/material-theme-20171123.1840.tar diff --git a/math-symbol-lists-20170221.1353.tar b/packages/math-symbol-lists-20170221.1353.tar similarity index 100% rename from math-symbol-lists-20170221.1353.tar rename to packages/math-symbol-lists-20170221.1353.tar diff --git a/matlab-mode-20180928.1526.tar b/packages/matlab-mode-20180928.1526.tar similarity index 100% rename from matlab-mode-20180928.1526.tar rename to packages/matlab-mode-20180928.1526.tar diff --git a/maven-test-mode-20141220.557.el b/packages/maven-test-mode-20141220.557.el similarity index 100% rename from maven-test-mode-20141220.557.el rename to packages/maven-test-mode-20141220.557.el diff --git a/meghanada-20180910.231.tar b/packages/meghanada-20181116.1302.tar similarity index 98% rename from meghanada-20180910.231.tar rename to packages/meghanada-20181116.1302.tar index 32ce21ba8d0d985eddb766a44ec50f03f51a7a48..81c64f47d436d1fd5550f71e6ec9e55648d533ce 100644 GIT binary patch delta 627 zcmZvaPjAyO7{>b+m>^Pt9M+X_=&N#AgOn|Hu!A&l;GaMfNPysmP`ub(D_VPMQ^Cd# zllTCrIyBSaH&Ub z5<>VY@jbdW`TA%g+x88b52F>2(13XrWC;P80o1@MwJC;hZ{nR#WVN}>DfKGE_k$8; zxpf7-6ZFihYL$3dc<$%fV!ds>Y$V6^#peSfl`A^28oIF>#ctP_*SOMlEX3BsVjp)! zjJ**?qTg2%r&1KS@j~}vED%(0RWy!!Mi(+^v`T*1b#SsztzXTA-d)NL@BDTjg3@9W^X$he}A-=>AUf`AH*ruie%5aIB}N9pOsZ z=KrqaIF6MaZa@8!9wU7JSiN|u>`?WkiPB~W_tVYGaDA?LPJ_JoX?sUtL(R5JDl&s@ zp?3-{y6Q8^*{SL|XM6@@Hmwr%)c@Z0yfhNs9l-Y?-u%9Xf4rGDJbW2Mh3MV-LRBe*pATtDFD; delta 405 zcmZ9IyH3JT9EbZaNEA|Haj3d*6iviLJQq(79gG8RhQSvwX?q9`a?$8ug32q@4rdf+ z#}m_+aPSd)03X3Y#ZVge@5}Epo)pHDg464C&;7nH{XL3F6MFby3RRe24PIhO->G&f$*Q1J2S!4{=!Edy!fc( z#4oO;yT#_JMzybM?)vIRqgJH>b^UpH`t)d)%V|#MLJmTO0yvIvUdak%>$#Nv)SHGR zumYC7oO1+K)lS|Y0L*WdE?~X@ diff --git a/memoize-20180614.1930.el b/packages/memoize-20180614.1930.el similarity index 100% rename from memoize-20180614.1930.el rename to packages/memoize-20180614.1930.el diff --git a/merlin-20180816.815.tar b/packages/merlin-20180816.815.tar similarity index 100% rename from merlin-20180816.815.tar rename to packages/merlin-20180816.815.tar diff --git a/migemo-20160924.1441.el b/packages/migemo-20160924.1441.el similarity index 100% rename from migemo-20160924.1441.el rename to packages/migemo-20160924.1441.el diff --git a/minimal-theme-20160608.1022.tar b/packages/minimal-theme-20160608.1022.tar similarity index 100% rename from minimal-theme-20160608.1022.tar rename to packages/minimal-theme-20160608.1022.tar diff --git a/minitest-20160628.1820.tar b/packages/minitest-20160628.1820.tar similarity index 100% rename from minitest-20160628.1820.tar rename to packages/minitest-20160628.1820.tar diff --git a/mmm-jinja2-20170313.1420.el b/packages/mmm-jinja2-20170313.1420.el similarity index 100% rename from mmm-jinja2-20170313.1420.el rename to packages/mmm-jinja2-20170313.1420.el diff --git a/mmm-mode-0.5.7.tar b/packages/mmm-mode-0.5.7.tar similarity index 100% rename from mmm-mode-0.5.7.tar rename to packages/mmm-mode-0.5.7.tar diff --git a/mmt-20180101.619.el b/packages/mmt-20180101.619.el similarity index 100% rename from mmt-20180101.619.el rename to packages/mmt-20180101.619.el diff --git a/moe-theme-20180617.200.tar b/packages/moe-theme-20180617.200.tar similarity index 100% rename from moe-theme-20180617.200.tar rename to packages/moe-theme-20180617.200.tar diff --git a/molokai-theme-20151016.1545.el b/packages/molokai-theme-20151016.1545.el similarity index 100% rename from molokai-theme-20151016.1545.el rename to packages/molokai-theme-20151016.1545.el diff --git a/monochrome-theme-20140326.1050.tar b/packages/monochrome-theme-20140326.1050.tar similarity index 100% rename from monochrome-theme-20140326.1050.tar rename to packages/monochrome-theme-20140326.1050.tar diff --git a/monokai-theme-20180730.1329.el b/packages/monokai-theme-20180730.1329.el similarity index 100% rename from monokai-theme-20180730.1329.el rename to packages/monokai-theme-20180730.1329.el diff --git a/move-text-20170909.330.el b/packages/move-text-20170909.330.el similarity index 100% rename from move-text-20170909.330.el rename to packages/move-text-20170909.330.el diff --git a/mu4e-alert-20180305.646.el b/packages/mu4e-alert-20180305.646.el similarity index 100% rename from mu4e-alert-20180305.646.el rename to packages/mu4e-alert-20180305.646.el diff --git a/mu4e-maildirs-extension-20180606.812.el b/packages/mu4e-maildirs-extension-20180606.812.el similarity index 100% rename from mu4e-maildirs-extension-20180606.812.el rename to packages/mu4e-maildirs-extension-20180606.812.el diff --git a/multi-20131013.1544.el b/packages/multi-20131013.1544.el similarity index 100% rename from multi-20131013.1544.el rename to packages/multi-20131013.1544.el diff --git a/multi-term-20160619.933.el b/packages/multi-term-20160619.933.el similarity index 100% rename from multi-term-20160619.933.el rename to packages/multi-term-20160619.933.el diff --git a/multiple-cursors-20180913.1237.tar b/packages/multiple-cursors-20180913.1237.tar similarity index 100% rename from multiple-cursors-20180913.1237.tar rename to packages/multiple-cursors-20180913.1237.tar diff --git a/mustang-theme-20170719.946.el b/packages/mustang-theme-20170719.946.el similarity index 100% rename from mustang-theme-20170719.946.el rename to packages/mustang-theme-20170719.946.el diff --git a/mvn-20181002.1617.el b/packages/mvn-20181002.1617.el similarity index 100% rename from mvn-20181002.1617.el rename to packages/mvn-20181002.1617.el diff --git a/mwim-20180227.1652.el b/packages/mwim-20181110.1900.el similarity index 97% rename from mwim-20180227.1652.el rename to packages/mwim-20181110.1900.el index ad89c62..5bd4140 100644 --- a/mwim-20180227.1652.el +++ b/packages/mwim-20181110.1900.el @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ;; Author: Alex Kost ;; Created: 9 Jan 2015 ;; Version: 0.4 -;; Package-Version: 20180227.1652 +;; Package-Version: 20181110.1900 ;; URL: ;; Keywords: convenience @@ -300,10 +300,14 @@ Return nil, if there is no comment beginning on the current line." "Return position of a comment start on the current line. Comment start means beginning of the text inside the comment. Return nil, if there is no comment beginning on the current line." - (save-excursion - (goto-char (line-beginning-position)) - (let ((beg (comment-search-forward (line-end-position) t))) - (when beg (point))))) + ;; If `comment-start-skip' is not set by a major mode (this is the + ;; case for `sql-mode', for example), then `comment-search-forward' + ;; errors, so check that `comment-start-skip' is not nil. + (when comment-start-skip + (save-excursion + (goto-char (line-beginning-position)) + (let ((beg (comment-search-forward (line-end-position) t))) + (when beg (point)))))) (defalias 'mwim-comment-beginning #'mwim-line-comment-text-beginning) diff --git a/nameless-20180215.2221.el b/packages/nameless-20180215.2221.el similarity index 100% rename from nameless-20180215.2221.el rename to packages/nameless-20180215.2221.el diff --git a/names-20180321.1155.tar b/packages/names-20180321.1155.tar similarity index 100% rename from names-20180321.1155.tar rename to packages/names-20180321.1155.tar diff --git a/naquadah-theme-20180212.1240.el b/packages/naquadah-theme-20180212.1240.el similarity index 100% rename from naquadah-theme-20180212.1240.el rename to packages/naquadah-theme-20180212.1240.el diff --git a/nasm-mode-20180711.1909.el b/packages/nasm-mode-20180711.1909.el similarity index 100% rename from nasm-mode-20180711.1909.el rename to packages/nasm-mode-20180711.1909.el diff --git a/neotree-20181109.0.tar b/packages/neotree-20181113.2125.tar similarity index 96% rename from neotree-20181109.0.tar rename to packages/neotree-20181113.2125.tar index e9a796abe7004d74aa07b428b4afeb653a5cca5b..c7c5c44c87135c1e2ee521a5ad819385abf0b56f 100644 GIT binary patch delta 1352 zcmah}OHUI~808~W!W0@Fr3DOlAz)@CQ##X5A)rzciEQNAovVSlrK7`4Gc!6W{KMFQj9` zHZkVKs4yl7LM$Q*qBOF1FuSL)ZE;bIkBUNFl-7i39g>IuN*7sC2beb(La>U~TV!E)}}eLyb#yLM%2~2_f!Bwaw=r+%WSH-p z&Z&x>K}H(c8H{uTyV;_gsw+m0{xl6OW8`&V1>p^BZXsJ;!$?MHRl`WNkSF|cd^F!O z^7R_bk*s!$9Nr1|c@wX!o0htPIkI5%=6`Ct7yEM=tRpI&PF4xwT@D7(k0ot`Vdvdd z7|K6;@OFYEp9lR^m4bO)UZX_v@#5K9{=@Oj#T|xKaC*JS&Ew6itSc1(h|S8>q-D!C z=IA;DOW5}OdKK6FN=DTblWHrA*0v%HlcJfFrzmWGDm7C~B_nU(A|YBzO{IFKBLkF} z)hIE`mRr~r+1$SeU4!oW9O5{4bqZ4qO|>Y}byi-0w0`d-N5B0EuUZ!CHMo(Tw^adB zYA4$RK~7Q4YTxN~P2)ZDmyN8g8oI0@*<9riavpU8n)#34;+dcty^|nomf;=;cem(i zsE*2c)d{B0mC87g5KMG?KHV{OdoGSZSr$!%W1Rj$2r{QAjv))5y&$f8{&bw$6 z|A?akck^_P65#ieDRhKkv*$`h7i*icl|c%odxrVtEq=||Q1w;bHh6EQ@KAssz#v`K zkXInD4@1sJ37QN0F$mUQsI8^~#c^?m5h6Qp!UZt_+fB~PNw`hWub|VFgfX()+en_i z4?2@cXmbb7{c(sof5xH7d65Lx=^ldC!nY)R@&mKiKm4RV5ITKdN_U>m-d%O?eSgwX eW?>*4J9FzLQIbk8O#$Wr!RcF87@CJK9e)9iYMe#@ delta 558 zcmZ9J%P#{_6vlg)3HnrnHnq@-25HK@cOET`kWd?oR^<>&PrRUO#`dPBB?-c5jL~2}8YrDkmDJuK zmPI9{5EsIPq(oO#rWjNczy}^%wmfg>TV?TNtyq+h;uLc~V%o;#Xpu`eOl2ZrR}}r4 z@;*M`FkRJ(3pB=!l@Lc&xAPPkNu)w~YAIt~(<@YS4TVva3i^1jo%L6p#R^bPYM^R+ zXM_+*bYW3URohEMkt&fPZ`iyTcpWwceZPYSyF=inkB2ey>+muY)D2Zj>curJ+NB!1 zdRHIK-*(c^yF`m)v$?#uv~90?%!T_Sj{#BHbDF0QoU>c%e16J=0ya-l)7V5cgFTR*L diff --git a/nginx-mode-20170612.437.el b/packages/nginx-mode-20170612.437.el similarity index 100% rename from nginx-mode-20170612.437.el rename to packages/nginx-mode-20170612.437.el diff --git a/nim-mode-20181028.1713.tar b/packages/nim-mode-20181028.1713.tar similarity index 100% rename from nim-mode-20181028.1713.tar rename to packages/nim-mode-20181028.1713.tar diff --git a/nix-mode-20181030.346.tar b/packages/nix-mode-20181030.346.tar similarity index 100% rename from nix-mode-20181030.346.tar rename to packages/nix-mode-20181030.346.tar diff --git a/nixos-options-20160209.1841.el b/packages/nixos-options-20160209.1841.el similarity index 100% rename from nixos-options-20160209.1841.el rename to packages/nixos-options-20160209.1841.el diff --git a/noctilux-theme-20161113.1442.el b/packages/noctilux-theme-20161113.1442.el similarity index 100% rename from noctilux-theme-20161113.1442.el rename to packages/noctilux-theme-20161113.1442.el diff --git a/noflet-20141102.1454.el b/packages/noflet-20141102.1454.el similarity index 100% rename from noflet-20141102.1454.el rename to packages/noflet-20141102.1454.el diff --git a/nose-20140520.1648.el b/packages/nose-20140520.1648.el similarity index 100% rename from nose-20140520.1648.el rename to packages/nose-20140520.1648.el diff --git a/notmuch-20181021.1330.tar b/packages/notmuch-20181021.1330.tar similarity index 100% rename from notmuch-20181021.1330.tar rename to packages/notmuch-20181021.1330.tar diff --git a/nov-20181023.855.el b/packages/nov-20181118.750.el similarity index 99% rename from nov-20181023.855.el rename to packages/nov-20181118.750.el index 87e40d1..9ea1eb2 100644 --- a/nov-20181023.855.el +++ b/packages/nov-20181118.750.el @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ ;; Author: Vasilij Schneidermann ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20181023.855 -;; Version: 0.2.6 +;; Package-Version: 20181118.750 +;; Version: 0.2.7 ;; Package-Requires: ((dash "2.12.0") (esxml "0.3.3") (emacs "24.4")) ;; Keywords: hypermedia, multimedia, epub @@ -710,5 +710,15 @@ Saving is only done if `nov-save-place-file' is set." (nov-render-document))) (nov-render-document)))) + +;;; interop + +(require 'recentf) +(defun nov-add-to-recentf () + (when nov-file-name + (recentf-add-file nov-file-name))) + +(add-hook 'nov-mode-hook 'nov-add-to-recentf) + (provide 'nov) ;;; nov.el ends here diff --git a/nyan-mode-20170423.740.tar b/packages/nyan-mode-20170423.740.tar similarity index 100% rename from nyan-mode-20170423.740.tar rename to packages/nyan-mode-20170423.740.tar diff --git a/oauth2-0.11.el b/packages/oauth2-0.11.el similarity index 100% rename from oauth2-0.11.el rename to packages/oauth2-0.11.el diff --git a/ob-cfengine3-20180102.1812.el b/packages/ob-cfengine3-20180102.1812.el similarity index 100% rename from ob-cfengine3-20180102.1812.el rename to packages/ob-cfengine3-20180102.1812.el diff --git a/ob-coffeescript-20180126.719.el b/packages/ob-coffeescript-20180126.719.el similarity index 100% rename from ob-coffeescript-20180126.719.el rename to packages/ob-coffeescript-20180126.719.el diff --git a/ob-crystal-20180126.718.tar b/packages/ob-crystal-20180126.718.tar similarity index 100% rename from ob-crystal-20180126.718.tar rename to packages/ob-crystal-20180126.718.tar diff --git a/ob-elixir-20170725.1419.el b/packages/ob-elixir-20170725.1419.el similarity index 100% rename from ob-elixir-20170725.1419.el rename to packages/ob-elixir-20170725.1419.el diff --git a/ob-http-20180707.1448.tar b/packages/ob-http-20180707.1448.tar similarity index 100% rename from ob-http-20180707.1448.tar rename to packages/ob-http-20180707.1448.tar diff --git a/ob-hy-20180702.540.tar b/packages/ob-hy-20180702.540.tar similarity index 100% rename from ob-hy-20180702.540.tar rename to packages/ob-hy-20180702.540.tar diff --git a/ob-ipython-20180224.953.tar b/packages/ob-ipython-20180224.953.tar similarity index 100% rename from ob-ipython-20180224.953.tar rename to packages/ob-ipython-20180224.953.tar diff --git a/ob-restclient-20180904.709.el b/packages/ob-restclient-20180904.709.el similarity index 100% rename from ob-restclient-20180904.709.el rename to packages/ob-restclient-20180904.709.el diff --git a/ob-sml-20130829.1843.el b/packages/ob-sml-20130829.1843.el similarity index 100% rename from ob-sml-20130829.1843.el rename to packages/ob-sml-20130829.1843.el diff --git a/obsidian-theme-20170719.948.el b/packages/obsidian-theme-20170719.948.el similarity index 100% rename from obsidian-theme-20170719.948.el rename to packages/obsidian-theme-20170719.948.el diff --git a/occidental-theme-20130312.1958.el b/packages/occidental-theme-20130312.1958.el similarity index 100% rename from occidental-theme-20130312.1958.el rename to packages/occidental-theme-20130312.1958.el diff --git a/ocp-indent-20180417.1549.el b/packages/ocp-indent-20180417.1549.el similarity index 100% rename from ocp-indent-20180417.1549.el rename to packages/ocp-indent-20180417.1549.el diff --git a/oldlace-theme-20150705.1300.el b/packages/oldlace-theme-20150705.1300.el similarity index 100% rename from oldlace-theme-20150705.1300.el rename to packages/oldlace-theme-20150705.1300.el diff --git a/omnisharp-20181023.505.tar b/packages/omnisharp-20181023.505.tar similarity index 100% rename from omnisharp-20181023.505.tar rename to packages/omnisharp-20181023.505.tar diff --git a/omtose-phellack-theme-20161111.2120.tar b/packages/omtose-phellack-theme-20161111.2120.tar similarity index 100% rename from omtose-phellack-theme-20161111.2120.tar rename to packages/omtose-phellack-theme-20161111.2120.tar diff --git a/open-junk-file-20161210.1114.el b/packages/open-junk-file-20161210.1114.el similarity index 100% rename from open-junk-file-20161210.1114.el rename to packages/open-junk-file-20161210.1114.el diff --git a/opencl-mode-20170816.1249.el b/packages/opencl-mode-20170816.1249.el similarity index 100% rename from opencl-mode-20170816.1249.el rename to packages/opencl-mode-20170816.1249.el diff --git a/org-20181105.tar b/packages/org-20181112.tar similarity index 99% rename from org-20181105.tar rename to packages/org-20181112.tar index b455eb6daa96dcc75d28c64b3af727eecf89e75e..43c70cd1a5ff25f5081520321f1054f13316d2e7 100644 GIT binary patch delta 3993 zcmai1YitzP70#X6otZnkeyp**20wQFHroI@>)D5maqYEnaFaMDrqtLNH;H4LhybBg z6-5!TB4AN46%LOf3H-<}Dka4TDsB`xB&wK3oAkaopR8>)mtfUD&_srP7 zH~rC-zCYhL=bU@)IrrSVQ=j}>nF0iN?U`7Wh+7%UvJx}F!#?YQXxy>#=-359s9&)X zM}yj7Ut)nhO33~5hWQE#uO9ZrMd9UR2ab`8#}xBLkey(mI_*!S7CvAkq|$XL^l>3A z3L0U0zp9p@JPEQb$lF!gg~Hpa5Rj4gRGl#6tg7UrI;S3HubnI3L74xN>Mus_8s}E~ zc7pqlRJ9PfJK&{xDfnHLhLFD}d%ug`=T)Tw)ncDyRpO(|kzehD2)4l^#C>WIxi;S+ z=8S8*NltI~F}>Zd-bOwOJGr>OjJOeMG(|(TNdr%F=qaXoYi*S+R%$%sHcfHkY!EBM zNUuio(9>q%lS>))qSc`0?bEodPG~fYR(pXL_QkcD(v)^oFUjir8ZAKn3h?$)toJpO zu)tOAzPmf0YjUN-I#1vWO^Km#sV;>K>vS3NG2n#+LMrc%2X(a$)qdG(qwb}>4fw@I zx$cpugg|%=w7qDtxx-tLT`VFW@mM!Mza!Y zc0IYu3H9p($Dg9r&c3U9i5U4qodz(EkHNRl4iUp3jQ&+89jI0rQZ^BTmLP8%(|+rJ zBBu;*!F>jF(KVI#W51zh(BvSv5-K}`fnG6)+jmEdLs~p7oVOW+>S%WoLd7M4ukdw) zxQFYk>~_}h>M#eqkk?HNcgY|t(CMFLtD6RG1pauCN@x3~!5c-Piit+wQ}d|Tvvpu4 zlsu1es|Kn>(W(bjp^aR116ADRZv|CY<_M*gX!Qbx@gr=oYxW{lQYfF7Ltdb`ekb@B zIoJhU%Ewe`Kr6+Rx=%H|9>_PR*~zQ=E+|)_>GiiQf15PDWFL`v)#Sd1RXyUkWZC+gm(ngA{AmdA=?<3iTj+f zy#d?bER^V_fY-4HWXH21gXHMJ03Zm+1LOk=0ELVm3=y|DXG2o&&4#??1dF6)a&L_0 z7m*=c>?Ekd)@?7M80{t(dq&alDwH$HnY& zWTKdni4yu2+833=nOqbZ$qVz!6qnAU8Vtj55Kb(pqbTeM!&rEM^2>2&*x!WQiLjKO z6ZR7L40z$#gvxjVpNGB8DlC%{2$gwrH2Qs>Th)}2HjK5c?2u-QNsX4}$mnvw3PwiD zy~yXv<@%3e==0^|7wDv^LaNis3hxlv74n>N%~BQK#Obeq-1AMI`{Nbmsh{Y!QSJjt0~MgY+>=9ks(IQ~!dOGW8~Wm^f$dLV8! zCsT|4k|W<%GxBZCt@0I#Ow?}4#N*~#{6(XgxYg2ZN7G5?gDo|Utaf?rKYoQle_IPX zaw5DN_V#zR-kklq7J5NwQz3!8Vko)_?XJ+V2KqA;_BKd$ce`b(K`BD@ zRZxW*A8qiqyrWUR(f7yrOvp9@ngA;q&BjO;UF?fV>)Icq4@MS4 zO!48j*JJXt{6>sM_;@{DNH;l8+>2$z8+A6M!7Fw?2KWKsLBJ}&YQP#m9AE(wfM$RV zNCHxTG}GrZ>Kw-WO^ei|&RXvEVhhtRwyN&6`bDcWHTf4z|7WY}Hpq#!f|?`FT0k2k z&N}ao`~5m-pwGhmNL^m%KY}p_+l81pvZWpHLq@iAc+Zsa4#6iQ8+C;+b+SX}opC(a zDK!S^q)(&Mao~jq$E_}%swtkiF|3dy!CFDW!>s!*9>Iw z<>AV=yVbAoihbS*6{-Wylh@a$m)4LYH`W7s01p8+Fmj`pR`W;b*!Dfno2}ZWnX#y| zZ@#x=srTToU4XFQ*S+7V_*&gFfgd_!-}N?n=Nhh&Gs(*T8yr?e&XofZg@JY;0nCjfO9UFrLCzB!MX^UayNGavt3nE`nBADCL7j3;u5L_9s`J??7xMkH<}O6bI8La1Ab zr%!sd^oas*sS8U#mJ{#zj>rMfS?qSz3wq>*{fKw%^zXDLzou za-dzfKKRf5P?xFoMi7hR3^4KB!VUF8|#F4c>+cGod26EE(f zKssEEbhzmqWFv5<#gk^l&Qqr;8nVqA#9IvRCCnYu+;+unvd21&@4a19>}*@b9x>9V z(GrZb1MJzAefFW(u;!fDB+t|C;&o4JY884M1P|e4Y>ydD*^KNvGW#2imZAN99_dJk zSA0!#uR+@dr=YgS{wH zE;a7;ecfsI^T1|Sj^PE}DSJka_5xP;imuo?d|meXsqTp6O?}p#5p?}0bi1f4by_^V zasN~6E#H7XH2*ZMwGLg=E7{pnlOOSQT{UqJA3rNCk z%L!iE>jtSn`l1|m!Eg@$iUHkk*7zphF;u(zf0oyNXwW8zG4G|)75>oRnoy`>pA4|< zY_6WmsFb>GLDqwZ(Ag5oJsPPJ!IFA`71Uz0Td86fybD<2q{k?&L9ZWEILp0(=OE8Z z)SW@wB{|P!iUnKVzsMObWB!k*(uiJ)DRn?KsR!+)CS({0@(kss+tzMMUYj;)0M|Y) z+f|eAu-{bdi@)2Hr{TCsH=^55WH+#r3+4&a9th`v6cliN+3An66WGD&ebYYbyQVa= zU@n=o%#E71$~&93TTf4Fpy|)eRa#cmPl<=iOY>LYfGF8USJ13+|YP+fsC&PtYKt)t#fR@TnqQ1uI72D;nG^=N9frcl&W4AbnZ?nC{LmBYMw9? zB=%$(klhA@^cf7d2zFr<3&g4EocPi%_%u?`mtuf#0v-XZ2W$Xr1jGRe zKoZabNCDD-3?R$&rJQ;NbN;GT>YlZUM_p`X`eK`Ezr3HeNh6i7VERAXR9iKtHwkQk zSepRtj94AcGx%PIJQQvBs~zeIOh3F?NM9g3Hv=AJWM`-I?K0UZglA+>R|r$5J9RFS zd2g4b5z^(1nn|z=-z2y4Iw=^_U4U+8Oy`vsG4;oJDfF#8wS`{QBX_~BxVlHZYP$iQ z7G!JFw|msj@hN`M@|CMY)>AjOWLIh^kegcoy?}24wlZ?FkJj?f(TP0=te>@M+vg@C z)}f`o$`u*HA3P6X-Y@#TQt`X>z!WaDCcf%xa_)UR1NT0WT6uE{;QZZFwDrqozAOLIpYM#)A+%?9N!Res=yRm7FSm>B%Z;70|8Mq> lNp0UY=6t>E7+c;jj?-j%W!Uk5)u)HY!jOU04v+mU@LzD@+hza& diff --git a/org-brain-20180712.2110.el b/packages/org-brain-20181114.2246.el similarity index 96% rename from org-brain-20180712.2110.el rename to packages/org-brain-20181114.2246.el index 4804e84..75c5bd8 100644 --- a/org-brain-20180712.2110.el +++ b/packages/org-brain-20181114.2246.el @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ;; Author: Erik Sjöstrand ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20180712.2110 +;; Package-Version: 20181114.2246 ;; Keywords: outlines hypermedia ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25") (org "9")) ;; Version: 0.5 @@ -102,6 +102,38 @@ filenames will be shown instead, which is faster." :group 'org-brain :type '(boolean)) +(defface org-brain-title + '((t . (:inherit 'org-level-1))) + "Face for the currently selected entry.") + +(defface org-brain-wires + `((t . (:inherit 'font-lock-comment-face :italic nil))) + "Face for the wires connecting entries.") + +(defface org-brain-button + '((t . (:inherit button))) + "Face for buttons in the org-brain visualize buffer.") + +(defface org-brain-parent + '((t . (:inherit (font-lock-builtin-face org-brain-button)))) + "Face for the entries' parent nodes.") + +(defface org-brain-child + '((t . (:inherit org-brain-button))) + "Face for the entries' child nodes.") + +(defface org-brain-sibling + '((t . (:inherit org-brain-child))) + "Face for the entries' sibling nodes.") + +(defface org-brain-friend + '((t . (:inherit org-brain-button))) + "Face for the entries' friend nodes.") + +(defface org-brain-pinned + '((t . (:inherit org-brain-button))) + "Face for pinned entries.") + (defcustom org-brain-visualize-text-hook nil "Hook runs after inserting `org-brain-text' in `org-brain-visualize'. @@ -167,6 +199,11 @@ If 0 or a negative value, the title won't be capped." :group 'org-brain :type 'integer) +(defcustom org-brain-cap-mind-map-titles nil + "Whether to cap entries longer than org-brain-title-max-length in mind map visualization mode" + :group 'org-brain + :type '(boolean)) + (defcustom org-brain-entry-separator ";" "Can be used as a separator when adding children, parents, or friends. Doing so allows for adding multiple entries at once." @@ -1370,14 +1407,15 @@ Unless WANDER is t, `org-brain-stop-wandering' will be run." nil nil def-choice)))) (unless wander (org-brain-stop-wandering)) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*org-brain*") + (read-only-mode 1) (unless (eq org-brain--vis-entry entry) (setq org-brain--vis-entry entry) (setq org-brain-mind-map-parent-level (default-value 'org-brain-mind-map-parent-level)) (setq org-brain-mind-map-child-level (default-value 'org-brain-mind-map-child-level))) - (read-only-mode -1) - (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) - (org-brain--vis-pinned) - (let (entry-pos) + (let ((inhibit-read-only t) + (entry-pos)) + (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) + (org-brain--vis-pinned) (if org-brain-visualizing-mind-map (setq entry-pos (org-brain-mind-map org-brain--vis-entry org-brain-mind-map-parent-level org-brain-mind-map-child-level)) (insert "\n\n") @@ -1389,7 +1427,9 @@ Unless WANDER is t, `org-brain-stop-wandering' will be run." (delete-char (- (current-column))) (ignore-errors (delete-char (- half-title-length))))) (setq entry-pos (point)) - (insert title) + (insert (propertize title + 'face 'org-brain-title + 'aa2u-text t)) (org-brain--vis-friends entry) (org-brain--vis-children entry))) (when (and org-brain-show-resources) @@ -1444,14 +1484,18 @@ cancelled manually with `org-brain-stop-wandering'." (org-brain-stop-wandering) (quit-window)) -(defun org-brain-insert-visualize-button (entry) + +(defun org-brain-insert-visualize-button (entry &optional face) "Insert a button, running `org-brain-visualize' on ENTRY when clicked." (insert-text-button - (org-brain-title entry t) + (org-brain-title entry (or (not org-brain-visualizing-mind-map) + org-brain-cap-mind-map-titles)) 'action (lambda (_x) (org-brain-visualize entry)) 'follow-link t 'help-echo (org-brain-description entry) - 'aa2u-text t)) + 'aa2u-text t + 'face (or face 'org-brain-button) + )) (defun org-brain-insert-resource-button (resource &optional indent) "Insert a new line with a RESOURCE button, indented by INDENT spaces." @@ -1618,9 +1662,13 @@ Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." (insert "PINNED:") (dolist (pin (sort (copy-sequence org-brain-pins) org-brain-visualize-sort-function)) (insert " ") - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button pin)) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button pin 'org-brain-pinned)) (insert "\n")) +(defun org-brain--insert-wire (&rest strings) + "Helper function for drawing fontified wires in the org-brain visualization buffer." + (insert (propertize (apply 'concat strings) 'face 'org-brain-wires))) + (defun org-brain--vis-parents-siblings (entry) "Insert parents and siblings of ENTRY. Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." @@ -1637,8 +1685,8 @@ Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." (mapc (lambda (child) (picture-forward-column col-start) - (insert (make-string (1+ (length parent-title)) ?\ ) "+-") - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button child) + (org-brain--insert-wire (make-string (1+ (length parent-title)) ?\ ) "+-") + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button child 'org-brain-sibling) (setq max-width (max max-width (current-column))) (newline (forward-line 1))) (sort children-links org-brain-visualize-sort-function)) @@ -1648,10 +1696,10 @@ Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." (push (cons (picture-current-line) (+ (current-column) (/ (length parent-title) 2))) parent-positions) - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button (car parent)) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button (car parent) 'org-brain-parent) (setq max-width (max max-width (current-column))) (when children-links - (insert "-") + (org-brain--insert-wire "-") (delete-char (+ 1 (length parent-title)))))) ;; Draw lines (when parent-positions @@ -1660,9 +1708,9 @@ Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." (org-goto-line maxline) (picture-forward-column (cdar (last parent-positions))) (picture-move-down 1) - (insert (make-string (1+ (- (cdar parent-positions) - (cdar (last parent-positions)))) - ?-)) + (org-brain--insert-wire (make-string (1+ (- (cdar parent-positions) + (cdar (last parent-positions)))) + ?-)) ;; Lines from parents to bottom (dolist (pos parent-positions) (org-goto-line (car pos)) @@ -1670,24 +1718,24 @@ Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." (while (< (line-number-at-pos (point)) maxline) (picture-move-down 1) - (insert "|") + (org-brain--insert-wire "|") (unless (looking-at-p "\n") (delete-char 1))) (picture-move-down 1) (ignore-errors (delete-char 1)) - (insert "+")) + (org-brain--insert-wire "+")) ;; Line to main entry (move-to-column (/ (+ (cdar (last parent-positions)) (cdar parent-positions)) 2)) (delete-char 1) (when (> (length parent-positions) 1) - (insert "+") + (org-brain--insert-wire "+") (backward-char 1) (picture-move-down 1) - (insert "|") + (org-brain--insert-wire "|") (picture-move-down 1)) - (insert "▽")))) + (org-brain--insert-wire "▽")))) (picture-move-down 1))) (defun org-brain--vis-children (entry) @@ -1701,17 +1749,17 @@ Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." (> (+ (current-column) (length child-title)) fill-column)) (insert "\n")) - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button child) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button child 'org-brain-child) (insert " "))))) (defun org-brain--vis-friends (entry) "Insert friends of ENTRY. Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." (when-let ((friends (org-brain-friends entry))) - (insert " ←→ ") + (org-brain--insert-wire " ←→ ") (dolist (friend (sort friends org-brain-visualize-sort-function)) (let ((column (current-column))) - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button friend) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button friend 'org-brain-friend) (picture-move-down 1) (move-to-column column t))) (kill-whole-line) @@ -1755,7 +1803,7 @@ Helper function for `org-brain-visualize'." Also insert buttons for grand-children, up to MAX-LEVEL. Each button is indented, starting at level determined by INDENT." (insert (org-brain-map-create-indentation indent)) - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button entry) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button entry 'org-brain-child) (insert "\n") (dolist (child (and (> max-level 0) (sort (org-brain-children entry) org-brain-visualize-sort-function))) (org-brain-insert-recursive-child-buttons child (1- max-level) (1+ indent)))) @@ -1781,7 +1829,7 @@ Each button is indented, starting at level determined by INDENT." (sort (org-brain-parents entry) org-brain-visualize-sort-function))) (org-brain-insert-recursive-parent-buttons parent (1- max-level) (1- indent))) (insert (org-brain-map-create-indentation indent)) - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button entry) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button entry 'org-brain-parent) (insert "\n")) (defun org-brain-mind-map (entry parent-max-level children-max-level) @@ -1793,7 +1841,7 @@ Return the position of ENTRY in the buffer." (insert "FRIENDS:") (dolist (friend (sort (org-brain-friends entry) org-brain-visualize-sort-function)) (insert " ") - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button friend)) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button friend 'org-brain-friend)) (insert "\n\n") (let ((indent (1- (org-brain-tree-depth (org-brain-recursive-parents entry parent-max-level)))) (entry-pos)) @@ -1803,11 +1851,13 @@ Return the position of ENTRY in the buffer." (org-brain-insert-recursive-parent-buttons (car parent) (1- parent-max-level) (1- indent)) (dolist (sibling (sort (cdr parent) org-brain-visualize-sort-function)) (insert (org-brain-map-create-indentation indent)) - (org-brain-insert-visualize-button sibling) + (org-brain-insert-visualize-button sibling 'org-brain-sibling) (insert "\n"))) (insert (org-brain-map-create-indentation indent)) (setq entry-pos (point)) - (insert (org-brain-title entry) "\n") + (insert (propertize (org-brain-title entry) + 'face 'org-brain-title + 'aa2u-text t) "\n") (dolist (child (sort (org-brain-children entry) org-brain-visualize-sort-function)) (org-brain-insert-recursive-child-buttons child (1- children-max-level) (1+ indent))) entry-pos)) diff --git a/org-bullets-20180208.2343.el b/packages/org-bullets-20180208.2343.el similarity index 100% rename from org-bullets-20180208.2343.el rename to packages/org-bullets-20180208.2343.el diff --git a/org-category-capture-20180601.242.el b/packages/org-category-capture-20180601.242.el similarity index 100% rename from org-category-capture-20180601.242.el rename to packages/org-category-capture-20180601.242.el diff --git a/org-download-20180925.1528.el b/packages/org-download-20180925.1528.el similarity index 100% rename from org-download-20180925.1528.el rename to packages/org-download-20180925.1528.el diff --git a/org-journal-20181025.615.el b/packages/org-journal-20181115.714.el similarity index 99% rename from org-journal-20181025.615.el rename to packages/org-journal-20181115.714.el index c25dc6b..ed8aad9 100644 --- a/org-journal-20181025.615.el +++ b/packages/org-journal-20181115.714.el @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ ;; Author: Bastian Bechtold ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20181025.615 -;; Version: 1.14.3 +;; Package-Version: 20181115.714 +;; Version: 1.15.0 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1")) ;;; Commentary: @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ org-journal. Use org-journal-file-format instead.") ; Customizable variables (defgroup org-journal nil "Settings for the personal journal" - :version "1.14.3" + :version "1.15.0" :group 'applications) (defface org-journal-highlight diff --git a/org-mime-20181023.2314.el b/packages/org-mime-20181023.2314.el similarity index 100% rename from org-mime-20181023.2314.el rename to packages/org-mime-20181023.2314.el diff --git a/org-plus-contrib-20181105.tar b/packages/org-plus-contrib-20181112.tar similarity index 99% rename from org-plus-contrib-20181105.tar rename to packages/org-plus-contrib-20181112.tar index 372fb49c8dc506b5aaa0894dd511f67f5821d2fc..66dd47df9fc7527389b937a66f9720c3ef4fbffd 100644 GIT binary patch delta 6671 zcmahOYiv{3c{jH2%l5q&$G(ZvgxXF>!Xt_8IJTi74dexehDT{ifdP2{AtW(`l)}`7 z2=Ia^L(tORKp6uBTT4+@(b7A0lvPv35ULQZCRDXmlp%^L3KBs;8LH^MbIx^gE>xPO z@6Y+Z^Sxi^y8rU0mVSV}Ss9`5K5xG@_#0nP3yrXCA2N(;6GP#$ntAhIn%&r-9aStf zTH8=y{2SZYENduD_XflKa+=TD1^3_ZzP{BKiqV*D`~R??`FMXu)~g(_O16~LX#Q)! zr}<89zP3ZLc&rs^a-ErHVHursS(HkHIAIVsT4J_HlqOWY2FXH$WO*#0ZEv@DY*7;( zV%T9(X7WUObBpG?W~tR$SF?U?$0>{379CYrXFj!XjLyGrktHxj^PaWz>DmKdH>2Cm zSzKwL%}< z$tIZruF9%&RW{`+7UN_4^#eWuX&hh`$?#0;M$JFW)@Ut<906@dkoAmZ0#Xq+v7M|(KXACT z69T%6b*X8h&Fc-f9$}+&+>Wy9vslb9yVVw?(u(0wWUjIj$&=fl1r=_F6B*rphjk$A zn_jNpT0W*a!>LbUp1IuC$5I-l>Ud6>gweC$8pV@TMuJmZ7`qIxls^b|Ij0n0>^Ae= z?VRc~ie;_lKVAsM7iXdP_Hrhd6DF^7O4@lH&6_lT98#k77#F2&_>e=fJkH6I!M1~> zPIIFL*q#Qql;$6DsuyeZh1n5=$t6w>8ev$sY71clb!8HV6g$K5qj}Z|F%{jAXCH?l z&lKKGr@%N~&1XrWYU8(Y^;+vrR4WnQLt8M8M;1hRS;VSU^Hkr{ne99Z?@V5*PIK}P z3pM+yty@@Yu#J?@4`Ivs- zD+{W~k9Z}Hb-D>UQEt4&s~kSR%R??wJ@-C~Ruu3^>Ii*g|r{+3y|CaOh-i5r`Z1`P=fW9OXcrW1Muv-wOk68fSD@rv*$ zUSEhtSGWzVskn@Ys?&xGMa!EXZZJCJBhgeRBO=e75$uv`6#7QZ*AuAKT2y=NN$J^k zIXwzCwrl=n9Mr*TI}DRzJB(Q>xhC4xGQ%y1Fbe${W(E*0wwt6+w4>BsVs|>y)G+^0 zl!0xGwnf8)?RIA=aiZPSay7e(mK)9czI`hhh&uOyT_L^u9MDp6GyG^D?Ml6{G5C3y zYGi`k22%)vVTb$WcKXIL~5ZboQ`g9GT?DX|)HK z6Al0;fCL}|C;;Ph=7dWv!eYO0ncQ{4fy}(*lCm-Ox~q>3#;A%W_#a%-GK{ayG&zZ2 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b/packages/parinfer-20180904.844.tar similarity index 100% rename from parinfer-20180904.844.tar rename to packages/parinfer-20180904.844.tar diff --git a/parsebib-20181031.1021.el b/packages/parsebib-20181031.1021.el similarity index 100% rename from parsebib-20181031.1021.el rename to packages/parsebib-20181031.1021.el diff --git a/password-generator-20150222.2040.el b/packages/password-generator-20150222.2040.el similarity index 100% rename from password-generator-20150222.2040.el rename to packages/password-generator-20150222.2040.el diff --git a/password-store-20181031.1440.el b/packages/password-store-20181031.1440.el similarity index 100% rename from password-store-20181031.1440.el rename to packages/password-store-20181031.1440.el diff --git a/pcache-20170105.2214.el b/packages/pcache-20170105.2214.el similarity index 100% rename from pcache-20170105.2214.el rename to packages/pcache-20170105.2214.el diff --git a/pcre2el-20161120.2103.el b/packages/pcre2el-20161120.2103.el 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z?E)mZR<7#_S;FK8kThS3(0uQ@^Oleg3-k#f>Ptu(QNng0Azu|J2jqGm39S9SKt}+X zD_ZH@eFUrLi*yLDv4#0oySv8X1})+}=B6+q)gt{C$1S!d&t-8}`{LZ~O2|(|y5Se# z>tppp<74RpjGNyL+Etq#QYz&w`hJj(0y&kEm6I-I#kePjN+ZOP$*!Pu)BlZY)CG2Z zQ0ex}x==0AM_gcBdlHio=)zMax&+A2`bcHRHX&C^^c6tf>m%I`NXSNsUIye!*$V8Q zQ-En%Ez`q*{MC^neGdqCub0WSazd_Ez{e-9-Kex5jhLAeF3pRe`>g2}kkWqc6LPaM zUWnJOmbX3DdlR*0=H^ef+rvBEGimQ+duQjH$G636TY|x4`gY}$LWgavb=E(6@Nuq+ zhoUtzHJc5^y$T*CX>Y5MU!f0h+-#$<5RcrbjK+<>hESZ~zG-)c=y_nqRDf+0elFe$ zsD9YKqV}aynv;vYgPr;`*aco|p^AJ5F9-A?P~dY{pzAgdy=`9vw2mdrouBDF2jj-y P0g}L!{|Md<{=N7g_M>x) delta 2666 zcmZ|R%WD%s7y$52W6~szQ$0x3Q;P~dQ0K8bBPwEOs}@>((1L6l{g6prBTd9(1!U7c&}o+)iz%Uwq>S2i#%v=R-iZj~2Gj|rhFWaRNFm zUE{(XNSXliDd2?A4vU>eZZB|LNykKF^8n`C51m%rt>X>=C%EFWjynjQt4$fAI0|Tg z9mpxyxIt5Ve%5r*N5CmSD@pH**srGZUj0e zRlR;0gHDLRg?YY)<{L*&1^pbl3FIcBV~pE)Z_p;t_qULGyh@&Ji{*-%z~2fD?jAyT9M`aJ;UU z-%Dy>R1lx+BXk3hy-1qWM4!kM=_BT^(IDKek%$^0s$2a`~{ zn*IOi^zs)V6v7cvY(BY|1WEPs<4~HS2e-p=)qOI7_o{YW)a5>TouW(j0zA=K=;-MTE3txlGbljQFY)R#8QKNpJ1n`5

?I@yYuvIDEYPVz#o;(dJC#Qfm9GaV2P- zPuZTNf9q@ZQL?q(!zlQF`SSUpu-d<}xJ$tI@;gia;4T>|7Dv6d#caD*{N9YliTLdD z$&Y4w9Yi^p!}(xQls+lvs9qC2k9G$;D-DdTZ0y`@Zaa7^IZ8%{nJG<u-2Z%*R1X&V{{hvmW556a diff --git a/peg-20150708.641.el b/packages/peg-20150708.641.el similarity index 100% rename from peg-20150708.641.el rename to packages/peg-20150708.641.el diff --git a/perl6-mode-20180619.1159.tar b/packages/perl6-mode-20180619.1159.tar similarity index 100% rename from perl6-mode-20180619.1159.tar rename to packages/perl6-mode-20180619.1159.tar diff --git a/persistent-soft-20150223.1853.el b/packages/persistent-soft-20150223.1853.el similarity index 100% rename from persistent-soft-20150223.1853.el rename to packages/persistent-soft-20150223.1853.el diff --git a/persp-mode-20180930.1720.el b/packages/persp-mode-20180930.1720.el similarity index 100% rename from persp-mode-20180930.1720.el rename to packages/persp-mode-20180930.1720.el diff --git a/pfuture-20180922.1315.el b/packages/pfuture-20180922.1315.el similarity index 100% rename from pfuture-20180922.1315.el rename to packages/pfuture-20180922.1315.el diff --git a/phoenix-dark-mono-theme-20170729.1406.el b/packages/phoenix-dark-mono-theme-20170729.1406.el similarity index 100% rename from phoenix-dark-mono-theme-20170729.1406.el rename to packages/phoenix-dark-mono-theme-20170729.1406.el diff --git a/phoenix-dark-pink-theme-20170729.1403.el b/packages/phoenix-dark-pink-theme-20170729.1403.el similarity index 100% rename from phoenix-dark-pink-theme-20170729.1403.el rename to packages/phoenix-dark-pink-theme-20170729.1403.el diff --git a/php-auto-yasnippets-20170331.114.tar b/packages/php-auto-yasnippets-20170331.114.tar similarity index 100% rename from php-auto-yasnippets-20170331.114.tar rename to packages/php-auto-yasnippets-20170331.114.tar diff --git a/php-mode-20180829.520.tar b/packages/php-mode-20180829.520.tar similarity index 100% rename from php-mode-20180829.520.tar rename to packages/php-mode-20180829.520.tar diff --git a/phpcbf-20180519.838.el b/packages/phpcbf-20180519.838.el similarity index 100% rename from phpcbf-20180519.838.el rename to packages/phpcbf-20180519.838.el diff --git a/phpunit-20180829.1438.tar b/packages/phpunit-20180829.1438.tar similarity index 100% rename from phpunit-20180829.1438.tar rename to packages/phpunit-20180829.1438.tar diff --git a/pinyinlib-20170827.2142.el b/packages/pinyinlib-20170827.2142.el similarity index 100% rename from pinyinlib-20170827.2142.el rename to packages/pinyinlib-20170827.2142.el diff --git a/pip-requirements-20181027.1629.el b/packages/pip-requirements-20181027.1629.el similarity index 100% rename from pip-requirements-20181027.1629.el rename to packages/pip-requirements-20181027.1629.el diff --git a/pipenv-20180719.547.el b/packages/pipenv-20180719.547.el similarity index 100% rename from pipenv-20180719.547.el rename to packages/pipenv-20180719.547.el diff --git a/pippel-20180710.856.tar b/packages/pippel-20180710.856.tar similarity index 100% rename from pippel-20180710.856.tar rename to packages/pippel-20180710.856.tar diff --git a/pkg-info-20150517.1143.el b/packages/pkg-info-20150517.1143.el similarity index 100% rename from pkg-info-20150517.1143.el rename to packages/pkg-info-20150517.1143.el diff --git a/pkgbuild-mode-20180925.1231.el b/packages/pkgbuild-mode-20181116.1331.el similarity index 96% rename from pkgbuild-mode-20180925.1231.el rename to packages/pkgbuild-mode-20181116.1331.el index aa68995..8adb77e 100644 --- a/pkgbuild-mode-20180925.1231.el +++ b/packages/pkgbuild-mode-20181116.1331.el @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ;; Author: Juergen Hoetzel ;; Maintainer: Juergen Hoetzel ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20180925.1231 +;; Package-Version: 20181116.1331 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1")) ;; Version: 1.0-snapshot ;; Keywords: languages @@ -313,8 +313,9 @@ Otherwise, it saves all modified buffers without asking." (goto-char (point-min)) (pkgbuild-delete-all-overlays) (if (search-forward-regexp "^\\s-*source[^=]*=(\\([^()]*\\))" (point-max) t) - (let ((all-available t) - (sources (split-string (shell-command-to-string (format "bash -c '%s'" "source PKGBUILD 2>/dev/null && for source in ${source[@]};do echo $source|sed \"s|:.*://.*||g\"|sed \"s|^.*://.*/||g\";done")))) + (let* ((all-available t) + (shell-file-name "/bin/bash") + (sources (split-string (shell-command-to-string (format "bash -c '%s'" "source PKGBUILD 2>/dev/null && for source in ${source[@]};do echo $source|sed \"s|:.*://.*||g\"|sed \"s|^.*://.*/||g\";done")))) (source-locations (pkgbuild-source-locations))) (if (= (length sources) (length source-locations)) (progn @@ -473,15 +474,14 @@ command." (defun pkgbuild-syntax-check () "evaluate PKGBUILD and search stderr for errors" (interactive) - (let ( + (let ((shell-file-name "/bin/bash") (stderr-buffer (concat "*PKGBUILD(" (buffer-file-name) ") stderr*")) (stdout-buffer (concat "*PKGBUILD(" (buffer-file-name) ") stdout*"))) (if (get-buffer stderr-buffer) (kill-buffer stderr-buffer)) (if (get-buffer stdout-buffer) (kill-buffer stdout-buffer)) - (if (not (equal - (cl-labels ((message (arg &optional args) nil)) ;Hack disable empty output - (shell-command "bash -c 'source PKGBUILD'" stdout-buffer stderr-buffer)) - 0)) + (if (not (zerop + (cl-labels ((message (arg &rest args) nil)) ;Hack disable empty output + (shell-command "bash -c 'source PKGBUILD'" stdout-buffer stderr-buffer)))) (multiple-value-bind (err-p line) (pkgbuild-postprocess-stderr stderr-buffer) (if err-p (goto-line line)) @@ -534,7 +534,8 @@ command." (defun pkgbuild-browse-url () "Visit URL (if defined in PKGBUILD)" (interactive) - (let ((url (shell-command-to-string (concat (buffer-string) "\nsource /dev/stdin >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -n $url" )))) + (let* ((shell-file-name "/bin/bash") + (url (shell-command-to-string (concat (buffer-string) "\nsource /dev/stdin >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -n $url" )))) (if (string= url "") (message "No URL defined in PKGBUILD") (browse-url url)))) @@ -566,6 +567,7 @@ with no args, if that value is non-nil." The TAGS file is also immediately visited with `visit-tags-table'." (interactive "DToplevel directory: ") (let* ((etags-file (expand-file-name "TAGS" toplevel-directory)) + (shell-file-name "/bin/bash") (cmd (format pkgbuild-etags-command toplevel-directory etags-file))) (require 'etags) (message "Running etags to create TAGS file: %s" cmd) diff --git a/planet-theme-20161031.217.el b/packages/planet-theme-20161031.217.el similarity index 100% rename from planet-theme-20161031.217.el rename to packages/planet-theme-20161031.217.el diff --git a/plantuml-mode-20180816.1012.el b/packages/plantuml-mode-20180816.1012.el similarity index 100% rename from plantuml-mode-20180816.1012.el rename to packages/plantuml-mode-20180816.1012.el diff --git a/play-crystal-20180114.1024.el b/packages/play-crystal-20180114.1024.el similarity index 100% rename from play-crystal-20180114.1024.el rename to packages/play-crystal-20180114.1024.el diff --git a/pony-mode-20170807.1522.tar b/packages/pony-mode-20170807.1522.tar similarity index 100% rename from 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to packages/robe-20171116.2049.tar diff --git a/rspec-mode-20180614.1148.tar b/packages/rspec-mode-20180614.1148.tar similarity index 100% rename from rspec-mode-20180614.1148.tar rename to packages/rspec-mode-20180614.1148.tar diff --git a/rtags-20180925.641.el b/packages/rtags-20181117.2108.el similarity index 99% rename from rtags-20180925.641.el rename to packages/rtags-20181117.2108.el index 463f411..a853630 100644 --- a/rtags-20180925.641.el +++ b/packages/rtags-20181117.2108.el @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ;; Author: Jan Erik Hanssen ;; Anders Bakken ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20180925.641 +;; Package-Version: 20181117.2108 ;; Version: 2.10 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. @@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ absolute-location to remote. absolute-location can of course be a path" (cl-loop with v = (rtags--tramp-cons-or-vector (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory)) for i across v collect i))) - (setf (nth (if (= (length location-vec)) 5 3 5) location-vec) absolute-location) + (setf (nth (if (= (length location-vec) 5) 3 5) location-vec) absolute-location) (apply #'tramp-make-tramp-file-name location-vec)))) (defun rtags--tramp-cons-or-vector (vector-or-cons) @@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ to only call this when `rtags-socket-file' is defined. (setq arguments (mapcar 'rtags-untrampify arguments)) ;; other way to ignore colors would IMHO be to configure tramp, ;; but: do we need colors from rc? - (push (format "--verify-version=%d" rtags-protocol-version) arguments) + (push (format "-t%d" rtags-protocol-version) arguments) (push "-z" arguments) (setq path (rtags-untrampify path)) (when path-filter @@ -1672,6 +1672,8 @@ instead of file from `current-buffer'. (let ((dead-functions-buffer (rtags-get-buffer))) (rtags-delete-rtags-windows) (rtags-location-stack-push) + (unless buffer + (setq buffer (current-buffer))) (rtags-switch-to-buffer dead-functions-buffer) (if prefix (rtags-call-rc "--find-dead-functions" (unless rtags-print-filenames-relative "-K")) diff --git a/rubocop-20170312.611.el b/packages/rubocop-20170312.611.el similarity index 100% rename from rubocop-20170312.611.el rename to packages/rubocop-20170312.611.el diff --git a/ruby-hash-syntax-20180324.209.el b/packages/ruby-hash-syntax-20180324.209.el similarity index 100% rename from ruby-hash-syntax-20180324.209.el rename to packages/ruby-hash-syntax-20180324.209.el diff --git a/ruby-refactor-20160214.1650.el b/packages/ruby-refactor-20160214.1650.el similarity index 100% rename from ruby-refactor-20160214.1650.el rename to packages/ruby-refactor-20160214.1650.el diff --git a/ruby-test-mode-20171016.1631.el b/packages/ruby-test-mode-20171016.1631.el similarity index 100% rename from ruby-test-mode-20171016.1631.el rename to packages/ruby-test-mode-20171016.1631.el diff --git a/ruby-tools-20151209.1615.tar b/packages/ruby-tools-20151209.1615.tar similarity index 100% rename from ruby-tools-20151209.1615.tar rename to packages/ruby-tools-20151209.1615.tar diff --git a/rust-mode-20181008.1628.el b/packages/rust-mode-20181008.1628.el similarity index 100% rename from rust-mode-20181008.1628.el rename to packages/rust-mode-20181008.1628.el diff --git a/rvm-20150402.1442.el b/packages/rvm-20150402.1442.el similarity index 100% rename from rvm-20150402.1442.el rename to packages/rvm-20150402.1442.el diff --git a/s-20180406.808.el b/packages/s-20180406.808.el similarity index 100% rename from s-20180406.808.el rename to packages/s-20180406.808.el diff --git a/salt-mode-20181015.1025.el b/packages/salt-mode-20181015.1025.el similarity index 100% rename from salt-mode-20181015.1025.el rename to packages/salt-mode-20181015.1025.el diff --git a/sass-mode-20161007.626.el b/packages/sass-mode-20161007.626.el similarity index 100% rename from sass-mode-20161007.626.el rename to packages/sass-mode-20161007.626.el diff --git a/sayid-20181024.1838.el b/packages/sayid-20181024.1838.el similarity index 100% rename from sayid-20181024.1838.el rename to packages/sayid-20181024.1838.el diff --git a/sbt-mode-20180511.1622.tar b/packages/sbt-mode-20180511.1622.tar similarity index 100% rename from sbt-mode-20180511.1622.tar rename to packages/sbt-mode-20180511.1622.tar diff --git a/scad-mode-20180109.209.el b/packages/scad-mode-20180109.209.el similarity index 100% rename from scad-mode-20180109.209.el rename to packages/scad-mode-20180109.209.el diff --git a/scala-mode-20170802.1132.tar b/packages/scala-mode-20170802.1132.tar similarity index 100% rename from scala-mode-20170802.1132.tar rename to packages/scala-mode-20170802.1132.tar diff --git a/scss-mode-20180123.1708.el b/packages/scss-mode-20180123.1708.el similarity index 100% rename from scss-mode-20180123.1708.el rename to packages/scss-mode-20180123.1708.el diff --git a/seeing-is-believing-20170214.1320.el b/packages/seeing-is-believing-20170214.1320.el similarity index 100% rename from seeing-is-believing-20170214.1320.el rename to packages/seeing-is-believing-20170214.1320.el diff --git a/selectric-mode-20170216.1111.tar b/packages/selectric-mode-20170216.1111.tar similarity index 100% rename from selectric-mode-20170216.1111.tar rename to packages/selectric-mode-20170216.1111.tar diff --git a/seq-2.20.tar b/packages/seq-2.20.tar similarity index 100% rename from seq-2.20.tar rename to packages/seq-2.20.tar diff --git a/sesman-20181109.1100.tar b/packages/sesman-20181109.1100.tar similarity index 100% rename from sesman-20181109.1100.tar rename to packages/sesman-20181109.1100.tar diff --git a/seti-theme-20161208.1636.el b/packages/seti-theme-20161208.1636.el similarity index 100% rename from seti-theme-20161208.1636.el rename to 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a/slack-20181107.939.tar b/packages/slack-20181113.336.tar similarity index 97% rename from slack-20181107.939.tar rename to packages/slack-20181113.336.tar index 5cf0060c03144396e5051c9016be79ae2ce6de60..bca7e5a910d3de05a056e59cceb2a903ceb09abc 100644 GIT binary patch delta 4194 zcmZu!Yj9NM8Rk2;Z?h-KCSh|mz}av~mSn>@dpTP|xg(L*3xQUOa>>b_6S8D4VRthv zC>mxu>Y%MGM|mko3)86%RVxazPHl&(#UD5zOh@U|X&a|FPLaV21*cQgerGS|LYp6( zy?pQY-k#@q-!n1ko0#-X%_fxCXdoy`-;yLL)Ef%P^YkOsKwj;t4+q2KV|0or1;uD& ziV)G!V)ZyeJgO<5EE&VJUZy`UGP+7tjKahyEQjSOf><)5`2en5Uq8Q9?-2*f_sisH zG!zY+M$tgfE4+l7O+APdtGSF$@k`?ZhJRL30|ZQHn(1>XT`xjyvUx#dJ7B;H8S z7Vqo)Z61f+a2$M#7?LKZtM6A_7fTtomGUD0K&6y$IE}n8_bTcGWew`KJBmg^T(tLD~W8KGV`@B#AR< zx&_4h%}Ay9&{UZ72eheGmcmn{5b1akULj&7hb1f6H&8zVhm%~3KJjz5aL;L!sjm^{ zq{njcbV^AG=@f{wxEU}Y&@=RR&tpAxoP*a^aUJ`{X%2*SvT~f{}$B}WaC4GR{ z2HIcF*1%On3R<|@Nb~*%hpCoKZzYT)!UD=8bcH>JVOS=utEBxX&DWbnz3>ZqCd~VS z?ge!}UEvHteozY8D)lp(uQ5#)y+Jp_+-K?gTV&aW2ZJthIAr1BIhp`}LSma>a5+<7 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zls8GbM^PDV^SYujhtXT)u)o=#`3sr2Mo}04L(=Z%RKUJWJ*jL1s3-cN!wAR~@?pz0 zr{Us<qU-77`)-`2;1x&IC&@)6gPG_-uk%`MG|c iF7b&(u*5y;($9&IjC&KGbU5Q5@Gl_tx6!`s^8Wx_vYX5R diff --git a/slim-mode-20170728.1348.el b/packages/slim-mode-20170728.1348.el similarity index 100% rename from slim-mode-20170728.1348.el rename to packages/slim-mode-20170728.1348.el diff --git a/slime-20181106.1113.tar b/packages/slime-20181112.1346.tar similarity index 99% rename from slime-20181106.1113.tar rename to packages/slime-20181112.1346.tar index 240cea2f23138a030fc23e923379cea4ff1ab29f..04919ac887d481c7629ab5ef5bdc9f54147ea6de 100644 GIT binary patch delta 5890 zcmaJ_ZERFo8RiVPotd8Y_O|ogX`vs}mQ~u`?~5@ip$G`;3QEX=i_Op(pwJeaRu>jS zO6xkX{xCrFiX;XIyBm$mmId}E`xPUJkqv>(ipGfXhqi=lfOU6`{-Nr*_s%)zz0-|9 z?yvit_dM_Sd)}$3b7+cu@rluqv0|SpE2|VmQTr85HwWx3mxRqH3oDv*Ro8S~St2W{ zVrom;4fjvs3PKn)QSijG`SJbz`H6!2Z~f^)$Uml;7CEMqlS|rV@0f!w3t@C6A_%n& zfx~vkbae2f93f}hT6I-bb#sZLX_k9?MU1M-RLl&*WpclRa0vI-Q$dGH#oZM-QM;g4 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z8fUx(B*$TAhhkx4}-ROLl|SS;J;FXBjd0HSdw5qiY<=4nQox_KN?JCBc`?_Wlo_Xl+Gf9WGaJKZ~i7=PgZ%ZiiZ?`2&Jz=Xb^ z712W=Gw0oDBZj_Dfc6jYcSpJI8bt?vzoWblfvg;N_tpOYnDRqA-AhdB0i28ZzYn+H z10el?sqzEhz0aRofXV})?mxhLt-tvn0extvdwn(g2hM(XahN~wYyS`MUa1_Q?~khY zLm=zDnT~`0Z&ZCB5D0k)XTCStp$`bW{}*^ys<_);Vf=Gkjb7RtS^sy{2;Y86664*T zZsvb(D$d&z{I}Yh05SjoGw#VXG#O-?+p+k@1XCZlV#I?(-U!V!HwQ?_DTx|>-M3Kk zp7!hWs8+&W+k_W4V-TVP;>$SYLdslahwl?V4J^ygdf!>3-K5U-wqKkagkLtVHWPCh z*tmjWUI(tGxwWjigyk6!Q|}81-o9_zJXWw9Fv}%~jrg&0^{a=z7Zb*%!!)GnhI9K$ zH~eP2_u}P_2g2s;yX#9AdXNbP7}n+zOt89J*Z@*Tu~@s@-kF=&lv?1BUE0O@k!JF; zS^pY-cI*RjdF7P=QFGv@@n>ZR;W$kldgl&X*8a_=+hZv$O#>~TPCd4IwT_anwn{qW zvMb!UjwZUiz6Sd#zPTvxezpL4_QR=OC^W4rg|b%rxx*e?=&N4z?Zr%;l7_|OD}kBk z!2>o1r`uPD3q&6>PFGgtWroA~n*FiflS&H8RbX*%wT%AQ@tSIybByI<>PVQiW9guJ zeZd0ZJ#9HV``FJztG8--^%isUC+*Ys8QtqPy<{*ujV$t9%_kj~S=L)Z5H$Qw!;eNK zmSt1>y2ejVKGb~bahPv>o>l%VN>6JS1|Ic9f&R@#Snmt$sPDa4yYC#nlt-oYc6kN8 zjsV0(8T1m^qp$h@_%POVCTDk|n|A4dV@8Tf^ISV8Dnp^dSZ?@Pa4g;iO|}_SPO?m4 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Q8Z&3##!x-`($gLP0)34Go&W#< diff --git a/treemacs-evil-20180803.1017.el b/packages/treemacs-evil-20180803.1017.el similarity index 100% rename from treemacs-evil-20180803.1017.el rename to packages/treemacs-evil-20180803.1017.el diff --git a/treemacs-projectile-20181029.624.el b/packages/treemacs-projectile-20181029.624.el similarity index 100% rename from treemacs-projectile-20181029.624.el rename to packages/treemacs-projectile-20181029.624.el diff --git a/treepy-20180724.656.el b/packages/treepy-20180724.656.el similarity index 100% rename from treepy-20180724.656.el rename to packages/treepy-20180724.656.el diff --git a/ttl-mode-20160505.832.el b/packages/ttl-mode-20160505.832.el similarity index 100% rename from ttl-mode-20160505.832.el rename to packages/ttl-mode-20160505.832.el diff --git a/tuareg-20180918.1913.tar b/packages/tuareg-20180918.1913.tar similarity index 100% rename from tuareg-20180918.1913.tar rename to packages/tuareg-20180918.1913.tar diff --git a/twilight-anti-bright-theme-20160622.848.el b/packages/twilight-anti-bright-theme-20160622.848.el similarity index 100% rename from twilight-anti-bright-theme-20160622.848.el rename to packages/twilight-anti-bright-theme-20160622.848.el diff --git a/twilight-bright-theme-20130605.843.el b/packages/twilight-bright-theme-20130605.843.el similarity index 100% rename from twilight-bright-theme-20130605.843.el rename to packages/twilight-bright-theme-20130605.843.el diff --git a/twilight-theme-20120412.1303.el b/packages/twilight-theme-20120412.1303.el similarity index 100% rename from twilight-theme-20120412.1303.el rename to packages/twilight-theme-20120412.1303.el diff --git a/twittering-mode-20180917.328.el b/packages/twittering-mode-20180917.328.el similarity index 100% rename from twittering-mode-20180917.328.el rename to packages/twittering-mode-20180917.328.el diff --git a/typescript-mode-20181018.553.tar b/packages/typescript-mode-20181018.553.tar similarity index 100% rename from typescript-mode-20181018.553.tar rename to packages/typescript-mode-20181018.553.tar diff --git a/typit-20180317.807.tar b/packages/typit-20180317.807.tar similarity index 100% rename from typit-20180317.807.tar rename to packages/typit-20180317.807.tar diff --git a/typo-20171209.1023.el b/packages/typo-20171209.1023.el similarity index 100% rename from typo-20171209.1023.el rename to packages/typo-20171209.1023.el diff --git a/ucs-utils-20150826.1414.tar b/packages/ucs-utils-20150826.1414.tar similarity index 100% rename from ucs-utils-20150826.1414.tar rename to packages/ucs-utils-20150826.1414.tar diff --git a/ujelly-theme-20180214.1624.el b/packages/ujelly-theme-20180214.1624.el similarity index 100% rename from ujelly-theme-20180214.1624.el rename to packages/ujelly-theme-20180214.1624.el diff --git a/underwater-theme-20131118.2.el b/packages/underwater-theme-20131118.2.el similarity index 100% rename from underwater-theme-20131118.2.el rename to packages/underwater-theme-20131118.2.el diff --git a/undo-tree-0.6.5.el b/packages/undo-tree-0.6.5.el similarity index 100% rename from undo-tree-0.6.5.el rename to packages/undo-tree-0.6.5.el diff --git a/unfill-20170723.146.el b/packages/unfill-20170723.146.el similarity index 100% rename from unfill-20170723.146.el rename to packages/unfill-20170723.146.el diff --git a/unicode-fonts-20181001.1509.el b/packages/unicode-fonts-20181001.1509.el similarity index 100% rename from unicode-fonts-20181001.1509.el rename to packages/unicode-fonts-20181001.1509.el diff --git a/use-package-20180715.1801.tar b/packages/use-package-20181110.1758.tar similarity index 97% rename from use-package-20180715.1801.tar rename to packages/use-package-20181110.1758.tar index 891ec20a8343d3027fa58ef682916a7c645e0a48..271c6aff67315557af9e8fbcf8969b535656c79c 100644 GIT binary patch delta 781 zcmZp8z|ru4L#nhmRkt89IXf{uRoBSC(8AEr&_K`7+|)vU;zF;9DH?(%My7^_CPoYf zhQ>xFh71a(lMNYDHZwBvGjhV!PL^aUhA1>N04g*$HZx^VFn}mz=I2LND1@xg)Z7$k zB2=L;KPR$6nH&jYLk2@*V{@0A}kOOF*-d*WQk0il@ z_wUI71sXBpyF9X42A}{P&~!WV^>^Y(PgVC@4(k|0D{uRGv|5 z^V-KYYLl1*5Fs&Ll8X^J%*>5U44`4KospZ7Um01c9*R;kb3=2uQhi3`h?p*EhpN;R z7}$`Q*v@FrsDu=`+jSfmpCIw4OFE%yH8+Aq%63L)Mt)vo2L+%gH8(YdC5-KifoMwO zU`oM>&CJLg;r4h&{&rq?YST~2ESk8`eR|3>MwH}f4oaTj#I&99IU_$SvOC_u42L98 N6BC5tZyEnP0RRYf%K-oY delta 752 zcmZp8z|ru4L#nhmRkt89IXf{uRoBSC(89pn&{Pjd8R}15=ru7#L(tIF)X>Dtn8Co% z*vQ0;LBVvgA!EvBMn--{PPp31l1#-Ag(e0-h33ZQMhprD5QWVA{KyK0kQJJmn*vRQ zDir4DL{=!1BVk~~U}$U%bP&)5V1v!f4G`*OtqxAMxmPrK{XK0aO|Hr3=SWR5^QG$iZT6 zWMT>pmhFt(jQq;TO7&2bngP|qmFhDhhxK$xJ5;5n#<0NK&S=l5gcN_^g;i|n8P6s5ozg~k1L#y~WsaWJLe^kimifN*;}BY!(DJVEKFWEM?a p=srE=86!#xGzX ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20170815.137 +;; Package-Version: 20181116.1919 ;; Version: 0.3.1 ;; Keywords: languages, vim ;; Package-Requires: () @@ -1241,8 +1241,10 @@ With argument, repeat ARG times." (defvar vimrc-mode-syntax-table (let ((table (make-syntax-table))) - (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?# "_" table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "<" table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?# "_" table) table)) ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.vim\\'" . vimrc-mode)) diff --git a/vmd-mode-20180223.1356.el b/packages/vmd-mode-20180223.1356.el similarity index 100% rename from vmd-mode-20180223.1356.el rename to packages/vmd-mode-20180223.1356.el diff --git a/volatile-highlights-20160612.155.el b/packages/volatile-highlights-20160612.155.el similarity index 100% rename from volatile-highlights-20160612.155.el rename to packages/volatile-highlights-20160612.155.el diff --git a/wakatime-mode-20180920.702.el b/packages/wakatime-mode-20180920.702.el similarity index 100% rename from wakatime-mode-20180920.702.el rename to packages/wakatime-mode-20180920.702.el diff --git a/web-beautify-20161115.2247.el b/packages/web-beautify-20161115.2247.el similarity index 100% rename from web-beautify-20161115.2247.el rename to packages/web-beautify-20161115.2247.el diff --git a/web-completion-data-20160318.848.tar b/packages/web-completion-data-20160318.848.tar similarity index 100% rename from web-completion-data-20160318.848.tar rename to packages/web-completion-data-20160318.848.tar diff --git a/web-mode-20181104.2004.el b/packages/web-mode-20181104.2004.el similarity index 100% rename from web-mode-20181104.2004.el rename to packages/web-mode-20181104.2004.el diff --git a/websocket-20180423.16.el b/packages/websocket-20180423.16.el similarity index 100% rename from websocket-20180423.16.el rename to packages/websocket-20180423.16.el diff --git a/wgrep-20180711.626.el b/packages/wgrep-20180711.626.el similarity index 100% rename from wgrep-20180711.626.el rename to packages/wgrep-20180711.626.el diff --git a/which-key-20181108.1521.el b/packages/which-key-20181114.1432.el similarity index 99% rename from which-key-20181108.1521.el rename to packages/which-key-20181114.1432.el index 1354c1a..503151c 100644 --- a/which-key-20181108.1521.el +++ b/packages/which-key-20181114.1432.el @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ;; Author: Justin Burkett ;; Maintainer: Justin Burkett ;; URL: -;; Package-Version: 20181108.1521 +;; Package-Version: 20181114.1432 ;; Version: 3.3.0 ;; Keywords: ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4")) @@ -2194,13 +2194,18 @@ used are reapplied to the new key sequence." "Call the command in `which-key--prefix-help-cmd-backup'. Usually this is `describe-prefix-bindings'." (interactive) - (let ((which-key-inhibit t)) + (let ((which-key-inhibit t) + (popup-showing (which-key--popup-showing-p))) (which-key--hide-popup-ignore-command) - (cond ((eq which-key--prefix-help-cmd-backup - 'describe-prefix-bindings) - ;; This is essentially what `describe-prefix-bindings' does - (describe-bindings - (kbd (which-key--current-key-string)))) + (cond ((and (eq which-key--prefix-help-cmd-backup + 'describe-prefix-bindings) + ;; If the popup is not showing, we call + ;; `describe-prefix-bindings' directly. + popup-showing) + ;; This is essentially what `describe-prefix-bindings' does. We can't + ;; use this function directly, because the prefix will not be correct + ;; when we enter using `which-key-C-h-dispatch'. + (describe-bindings (kbd (which-key--current-key-string)))) ((functionp which-key--prefix-help-cmd-backup) (funcall which-key--prefix-help-cmd-backup))))) diff --git a/white-sand-theme-20151117.1648.el b/packages/white-sand-theme-20151117.1648.el similarity index 100% rename from white-sand-theme-20151117.1648.el rename to packages/white-sand-theme-20151117.1648.el diff --git a/window-purpose-20180926.1047.tar b/packages/window-purpose-20180926.1047.tar similarity index 100% rename from window-purpose-20180926.1047.tar rename to packages/window-purpose-20180926.1047.tar diff --git a/winum-20181107.47.el b/packages/winum-20181107.47.el similarity index 100% rename from winum-20181107.47.el rename to packages/winum-20181107.47.el diff --git a/with-editor-20181103.2149.tar b/packages/with-editor-20181113.1845.tar similarity index 97% rename from with-editor-20181103.2149.tar rename to packages/with-editor-20181113.1845.tar index 43dce5050d23af33acc6ad9a78debaf7f1d224fb..7daac8475f7af6001a135139d80a58e3a1672eb6 100644 GIT binary patch delta 466 zcmY+=&q@MO6b5id6UCyipqhlZMTAi^&AIcp7OjFHs5ZTTddHa|ouL^mTUqc2kz2M=#;e#l({*g8>=i0o!PTaFk1JuzqgU-^ z|MOvLE-uQ6V~6Oww0pN0t%`tw3LTct+{dF;RZ)fhmS#0&sL;NiEgObq8&$v>*8KBM zooNVsGdw%_TPLyHM(co*m%o)t0>-1~Uz5>sS8x9+RTOE&-q)D;Fm#nppRkmli1|k! Ge(DW4o7 delta 450 zcmY+=%Sr-K9LMn)r!+Kz$rjoL{zOC&+WF5#omPQC5M7}cFz4tD=?pki(n{Yz^t5PG zB=iIgxosb{sUARjh8`ftYn|0ue9jNfx84=%U170mx<-QPrfXLc62S~2k&_ZC+E%l@ z-_$omR8<)Xas*|Ws2r#adEMiAkq-?eiwB%OBZ}N(DMW<>GGKz(n6TDGTvCzi4W$RG z#OI1M;p`>ko!qDaFLL)2W7+2`1^jbnm=4%h=^Bij133$5p+NI4m<4bR3XVZbCCJ<5 za?aAhbl7QUVKdx+X(nkBplVR7FGq%2x&!{#;k$mj?mc#*Q32&JJ9t#%VN>AiZzrnX~oOFHuzRxJ~GOuo0VpJkLhoJ o6DkDBxXrsbJ!$jtFJVfR$Lw>BpBav>vbp0pOHPHn!!K{?7YlQKApigX diff --git a/wolfram-mode-20180307.13.el b/packages/wolfram-mode-20180307.13.el similarity index 100% rename from wolfram-mode-20180307.13.el rename to packages/wolfram-mode-20180307.13.el diff --git a/ws-butler-20170111.2334.el b/packages/ws-butler-20170111.2334.el similarity index 100% rename from ws-butler-20170111.2334.el rename to packages/ws-butler-20170111.2334.el diff --git a/x86-lookup-20180528.1635.el b/packages/x86-lookup-20180528.1635.el similarity index 100% rename from x86-lookup-20180528.1635.el rename to packages/x86-lookup-20180528.1635.el diff --git a/xcscope-20180426.712.el b/packages/xcscope-20180426.712.el similarity index 100% rename from xcscope-20180426.712.el rename to packages/xcscope-20180426.712.el diff --git a/xkcd-20160419.1130.el b/packages/xkcd-20160419.1130.el similarity index 100% rename from xkcd-20160419.1130.el rename to packages/xkcd-20160419.1130.el diff --git a/xml-rpc-20181002.1353.el b/packages/xml-rpc-20181002.1353.el similarity index 100% rename from xml-rpc-20181002.1353.el rename to packages/xml-rpc-20181002.1353.el diff --git a/xterm-color-20180202.2318.el b/packages/xterm-color-20180202.2318.el similarity index 100% rename from xterm-color-20180202.2318.el rename to packages/xterm-color-20180202.2318.el diff --git a/yaml-mode-20180409.607.el b/packages/yaml-mode-20180409.607.el similarity index 100% rename from yaml-mode-20180409.607.el rename to packages/yaml-mode-20180409.607.el diff --git a/yapfify-20180830.733.el b/packages/yapfify-20180830.733.el similarity index 100% rename from yapfify-20180830.733.el rename to packages/yapfify-20180830.733.el diff --git a/yasnippet-20181015.1212.el b/packages/yasnippet-20181015.1212.el similarity index 100% rename from yasnippet-20181015.1212.el rename to packages/yasnippet-20181015.1212.el diff --git a/yasnippet-snippets-20181107.2203.tar b/packages/yasnippet-snippets-20181107.2203.tar similarity index 100% rename from yasnippet-snippets-20181107.2203.tar rename to packages/yasnippet-snippets-20181107.2203.tar diff --git a/yatemplate-20180617.952.tar b/packages/yatemplate-20180617.952.tar similarity index 100% rename from yatemplate-20180617.952.tar rename to packages/yatemplate-20180617.952.tar diff --git a/ycmd-20180724.1256.tar b/packages/ycmd-20180724.1256.tar similarity index 100% rename from ycmd-20180724.1256.tar rename to packages/ycmd-20180724.1256.tar diff --git a/youdao-dictionary-20180714.414.el b/packages/youdao-dictionary-20180714.414.el similarity index 100% rename from youdao-dictionary-20180714.414.el rename to packages/youdao-dictionary-20180714.414.el diff --git a/zeal-at-point-20180131.2354.el b/packages/zeal-at-point-20180131.2354.el similarity index 100% rename from zeal-at-point-20180131.2354.el rename to packages/zeal-at-point-20180131.2354.el diff --git a/zen-and-art-theme-20120622.1437.el b/packages/zen-and-art-theme-20120622.1437.el similarity index 100% rename from zen-and-art-theme-20120622.1437.el rename to packages/zen-and-art-theme-20120622.1437.el diff --git a/zenburn-theme-20181014.1555.el b/packages/zenburn-theme-20181014.1555.el similarity index 100% rename from zenburn-theme-20181014.1555.el rename to packages/zenburn-theme-20181014.1555.el diff --git a/scripts/spacelpa.el b/scripts/spacelpa.el index dd0c816..55b2436 100644 --- a/scripts/spacelpa.el +++ b/scripts/spacelpa.el @@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ (let ((dir (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-directory load-file-name) - "../" )))) + "../packages" )))) (configuration-layer/create-elpa-repository "" dir))