Releases: swagger-api/swagger-codegen
Swagger-codegen 2.2.0 Released!
Swagger Codegen 2.2.0 has been released! This release provides major new functionality across multiple generation targets and addresses a number of potential issues.
There are changes in a number of the generation targets which may change the default behavior. Please review links associated with targets for details.
For a list of breaking changes (without fallbacks), please refer to this list.
For a list of breaking changes (with fallbacks), please refer to this list.
Once again, many thanks to the swagger-codegen team for their continued support of the project.
General enhancements & bug fixes
- Update JMustache to the latest version (v1.12): #2360
- Better support example value for string and number: #2689
- Improvement to codegen model #2691, #2712
- Fix naming of the
token: #2783 - Fix unicode issue when reading OpenAPI spec: #2785
- Add individual options to exclude tests and docs for apis and models: #2866
- Use title attribute as inline model name: #2872
- Add
to skip overwriting files: #2899 - Add Apache 2.0 license to all generators: #2993
- Minor improvements to code generator: #2921, #3005, #3289
- Improvements to API documentation: #2928, #2929
- Additional integration tests using Shippable and AppVeyor: #3275, #3333
Security fixes
- Fixes to prevent code injection: #3201, #3224, #3229, #3230, #3231, #3237, #3245, #3246, #3249, #3278, #3344, #3360
API client generators
- Android - enhancements: better gradle support (#2453, #2875, #2922), bug fixes (#2513, #3131)
- C# - enhancements: UWP support, enum, API doc (#2427, #2508, #2632), bug fixes (#2802, #3187)
- C++ (Qt5) - NEW cpprest generator: #3128, bug fixes (#2707, #3109)
- Clojure - Minor fix to media type (#2930)
- Dart - enhancements (#2478, #3179, #3325), bug fixes (#2436, #2614)
- Flash - Minor fix to required parameters (#2614)
- Go - enhancements (#2528, #2544, #2546, #2567, #2593, #2609, #2692, #2749, #2750), bug fixes (#2591, #2718, #2775)
- Groovy - NEW generator (#2693)
- Java - enhancements (#2435, #3030, #3045, #3065, #3075, #3094, #3099, #3101, #3103, #3108, #3174, #3176, #3312) and bug fixes (#2804, #2863, #2984, #3090)
- JavaScript - enhancements (#2445, #2734, #3134, #3254) and bug fixes (#2930, #3156)
- ObjC - enhancements (#2699, #2786, #2798, #2827, #2878, #3056, #3124) and bug fixes (#2908, #3031)
- Perl - Minor coding style fix #2570
- PHP - enhancements (#2508, #2733, #2778, #2854, #2869, #3163, #3256) and bug fixes (#2753, #3126)
- Python - enhancements (#2418, #2650, #2727, #2794, #3034, #3046, #3146) and bug fixes (#3066, #3061)
- Ruby - enhancements (#2647, #2695, #2697, #2912, #3283) and bug fixes (#2708, #3351)
- Scala - enhancements (#3058, #3149), bug fixes (#2551, #2573, #2614)
- Swift - enhancements (#2417, #2516, #2613, #2637, #2640, #2904) and bug fixes (#2705, #2840, #3038)
- TypeScript - NEW Fetch generator (#2763), enhancements (#2518, #2676, #2758, #2771, #2812, #3130, #3367) and bug fixes (#2574, #2864, #2917)
API server generators
- C# - NEW NancyFX generator #3178, ASP.NET enhancements (#2990, #3139, #3169, #3306)
- Go - NEW Go server generator #2979
- Haskell Servant generator - enhancements (#2322, #3027)
- Java JAXRS - enhancements (#2511, #3185, #3080, #3142), bug fixes (#3016, #3152)
- Java SpringMVC - enhancements (#2606, #2720, #3133)
- Java SpringBoot - NEW Spring Boot generator #2774, #2803, #3112, #3190, #3307
- NodeJS - enhancements (#2761, #3212), bug fixes (#2466, #2655)
- PHP Lumen - NEW Lumen generator (#2658, #3165)
- PHP Slim - minor bug fix #3251
- Python Flask - enhancement (#2560), bug fix (#2580)
- Ruby on Rails5 - NEW Rails5 generator (#2871, #3098)
- Scala Scalatra - minor bug fix #2556
Swagger-codegen 2.1.6 Released!
General enhancements & bug fixes
- Add and .gitignore to API clients for better Github integration #2366
- Enhancements to DefaultGenerator and CodegenProperty #1871, #2226, #2327
- Add suffix, prefix support for model name #2211, #2267, #2261, #2161, #2272, #2270, #2300, #2284
- Better integration with maven-codegen-plugin #1970
- Better Docker support with Vagrant #1943
- Automatically generate API documentation (markdown) #2320, #2344, #2388, #2391 #2400
- Scaffold test cases for API clients #2109, #2007, #1921, #1980
- Customisation of User-Agent #2371, #2376
- Better handling for model names #2310, #2398, #2393, #2348, #2328, #2324, #2309, #2257
- Better polymorphism support #1440, #2202, #1307
API client generators
- Android - enhancements #1920, #1839
- C# - enhancements and bug fixes #2397, #2317, #2199, #2026, #1964, #1941, #1863
- C++ (Qt5) - Fix file support in form parameter #2006
- Clojure - enhancements and bug fixes #2286, #2271
- Flash - Various bug fixes #2049
- Go - beta release and bug fixes #1747, #2289, #2295
- Java - enhancements and bug fixes #2206, #2149, #1999, #1998, #1928, #1899, #1866
- JavaScript - enhancements and bug fixes #2396, #2287, #2229, #2126, #2114, #2078, #2072, #2056, #1942
- ObjC - enhancements and bug fixes #2426, #2210, #2125
- Perl - enhancements and bug fixes #1897, #1812
- PHP - enhancements and bug fixes #2385, #2316, #1990, #1950, #1865
- Python - enhancements and bug fixes #2063, #2060, #2058
- Ruby - enhancements and bug fixes #2092, #2008, #2003, #1828, #1829
- Scala - enhancements #1830
- Swift - enhancements and bug fixes #2405, #2293, #2244, #2112, #2090, #2077
- TypeScript - enhancements and bug fixes #2076, #1979, #1965, #1886
API server generators
- Java server (Spring, JAX-RS) generator - enhancements and bug fixes #2421, 2346, #2256, #2249, #2021, #1960, #1882
- Haskell Servant generator - first release #2009
- ASP.NET 5 server generator - first release #2024
- Python Flask generator - #1958, #1957
For a list of breaking changes (without fallbacks), please refer to this list
For a list of breaking changes (with fallbacks), please refer to this list
Swagger-codegen 2.1.5 Released!
Another big update to swagger-codgen. 198 pull requests have been merged and over 150 issues closed. Codegen now has 36 different targets to build from your Swagger (now OAI) specifications.
We've also started pushing docker images of the swagger-online generator directly to DockerHub. You can pull these images and generate code directly inside your Docker infrastructure in seconds, without building anything.
The swagger-codegen-cli has updated options, all which are available inside the swagger-generator server.
General enhancements & bug fixes
- A bug with inline response models has been addressed (#1618, #1734)
- A static javascript client has been added (#1671, #1690)
- Better support for variable + parameter name collisions (#1821, #1824)
- Binary and Byte types are now exposed to the template system (#1757)
- Dependency updates (#1776)
- Duplicate
prevention (#1823) - General code hygiene (#1794)
- Options sanitization, datatype declaration for configuration purposes (#1786, #1805)
- Profiling added to scripts (#1709, #1708, #1702)
- Publish docker image on build (#1813)
- Vendor extension support (#1768)
Language-specific updates
- Android now has a
client (#1775, #1816) - Clojure fixes (#1693, #1659, #1664, #1649)
- C-Sharp fixes (#1716, #1718, #1720, #1797)
- Date library selection for java targets (#1784)
- External enum models for java (#1740)
- JAXRS server generation enhancements (#1785, #1790, #1788, #1646)
- Java has better import logic (#1807, #1814, #1815)
- node.js server generation enhancements (#1826, #1791)
- Objective-C / Swift library updates (#1726, #1766, #1644, #1627)
- Python fixes (#1803, #1808)
- Perl fixes (#1771, #1780)
- QT5 fixes, test cases (#1682)
- Ruby fixes (#1772, #1761, #1714, #1712, #1709)
- Serialization for
in java targets to keep precision (#1787)
Swagger-codegen 2.1.4 Released!
Tons of updates in the latest swagger-codegen release. In addition to having a number of
template and language-specific fixes & updates, there are some core changes to the codegen
which provide more complete spec support and enhanced debugging.
We’ve also added maven central badges (#1368) and greatly improved the README for the
The swagger-codegen-cli executable jar has greatly improved documentation and the ability to use configuration files instead of a mountain of CLI options (#1306).
Here are some details of updates in this release. Overall there were 160 PRs merged!
General enhancements & bug fixes
- README updated with better instructions, TOC
- NPE fixed for empty OAuth scopes
- Better online generator support documentation
- Configuration set via file (#1306)
- Better exception handling (#1359, #1356, #1276)
- Migrated tests to be pure java (#1312, #1304)
- Authorization scope added to security models (#1390, #1392)
- Support for inline models through new swagger-parser features (#1410)
- Support for top-level consumes & produces (#1411, #1370)
- Better handling for missing/invalid operationId (#1431)
Language-specific updates
- Swift enhancements (#1436)
- Ruby enhancements (#1432, #1401, #1302, #1298, #1302)
- TypeScript enhancements (#1385, #1427, #1261)
- Perl enhancements (#1418, #1145)
- PHP enhancements (#1417, #1356)
- Java enhancements (#1416, #1375, #1280, #1264)
- Updated Objective-C to AF 3.0 (#1412)
- Objective-C updates (#1340)
- Static HTML enhancements (#1397, #1335)
- Swift enhancements (#1404)
- Python enhancements (#1300, #1295, #1290, #1290, #1281)
- C Sharp enhancements (#1393, #1333, #1331, #1307)
- Android enhancements (#1377)
- Added retrofit client library support (#1384, #1372, #1256)
- NodeJS server enhancements (#1360)
- Dynamic HTML enhancements (#1310)
Swagger-codegen 2.1.2 Released!
This is the first formal release of swagger-codegen with 2.0 spec support. Many thanks to the community for furthering the development of swagger and especially to @wing328 and @xhh (among others) for their generous contributions to the project.
Please note! We have repackaged the project from com.wordnik to io.swagger. The code API is the same!
Usage notes
Swagger-codegen has a fresh new command-line interface, and can be run, stand-alone or as a web-service from open-source tools.
Major changes
With the added support in swagger-parser, swagger-codegen now supports more complete swagger 2.0 specifications as well as YAML file formats.
Added support for c++ in the QT5 framework, as well as Perl, and Swift.
Notable features
- added C# generator #373, #399, #665
- Better support for 1.2 specs #606
- Improved PHP support #614, #622, #103, #635, #628
- Python support improvement #594, 595
- Improved Ruby template support #253
- Auto-generated method naming improvements #639, #274
- Java client support improvement #305, #690, #445
- Objc client support improvement #638, #633
- Switched to native JSON parsing for Android #687
Notable bug fixes
Swagger-codegen 2.1.0-M2 Released!
This version of swagger codegen has improved support for client generation as well as new target support. Thanks to community contributions, we now have added support for the following clients:
- async-scala
- Ruby
- csharp
We also are excited to provide support for spring-mvc with the new springfox project.
You can run the codegen locally, online via or interactively in
Usage notes
There are several new targets in the root project. You can now run integration-tests by running:
mvn integration-test -Psamples
which will, assuming you have the necessary compilers, etc installed, run tests against the generated clients.
Notable features
#444 updated nodejs server generator to support 2.0 specs
#437 updated executable jar for better usability
#225 updated objective-c generator to include AFNetworking 2.0+
#41 added HTTP patch support
#514 java codegen supporting array parameters in query, path, header
#552 added support for parsing reusable parameters
#448 support for maps in generated clients
#440 added async scala client generator
#191 Objective-c file uploads
Notable bug fixes
#577 support newlines, quotes in descriptions, general text
#503 support for invalid character in language name generation
#497 NPE with resource path : /
#557 issues generating jaxrs servers from example specs
#380 support for windows builds
Swagger codegen 2.1.2-M1 Released!
Minor release with some important updates:
- Resolving external references supported via swagger-parser-1.0.1
- Added async scala client generator
- Nodejs server generator updates
Swagger codegen 2.1.1-M1 Released!
Swagger codegen 2.1.0-M1 Released!
Swagger codegen 2.1.0-M1 has been released! This is a major release which integrates the Swagger 2.0 specification as well as better support for older swagger versions. See the README for all the details.
Major changes:
- Moved to pure java. Scala is used just for tests
- Added an executable fat jar. No need to compile, just download the jar from maven central (
- Created an online codegen version, swagger-generator, to let you generate code from an online webapp. You can either deploy it locally or use the online version at
- Extensible readers with swagger-parser + SPI. Want to create your own importer? Now it's completely pluggable in the codegen project.
Notable Features
- Added enum support in models when possible #99
- Added generalized header passing when reading swagger specifications #102
- Generalized file upload for objective-c clients #191
- Changed build to support java8 and windows #205
Bug fixes
- Fixed array support for java clients #189
- PHP object comparisons made safe #224
- python model deserialization fixed #281
- Array deserialization support fixed #277
- Same restrictions as swagger-core-1.5.0-M1
- Polymorphism & model composition are not supported
swagger-codegen v2.0.17 released
Notable changes:
- added extensible input config
- added
tag - added android support to release