Changes 0.4.0 Breaking Change - using clojure.spec instead of schema 0.3.0 Breaking change - the schema for closp-crud entities did change. Important bugfix for boolean fields Adding tests Minor stuff 0.2.1 Adding defentity declaration to entities.clj Moving schema dependency to :provided profile 0.2.0 Breaking Change Using id for databases instead of uuid Switched from core.typed to plumatic schema fixed some bugs 0.1.4 Fix a bug where column names with underscores broke boolean html field generation Fix generation of clojure file names to contain underscores instead of dashes 0.1.3 Every db related stuff is lowercase now - add FAQ for h2 upper_false Fix #3 Correctly generate selmer template for boolean fields 0.1.2 Add support for mysql and sqlite 0.1.1 Don't overwrite existing files, cancel everything in case a file exists already. Fix default handler for hiccup generation Add handler for text fields