Based on Tizen WebApp SDB Command Line Devtools. You can use these npm package to install/uninstall your app by javascirpt.
Sdb.js support .wgt & .tpk Tizen App.
Sdb.js only support network connect, not support serial connect. So you need open ssh server on your tv or emulator first. If not, Sdb.js can not work.
Need install sshpass first:
$ npm install git+https://[email protected]/sutaking/sdb.js.git#master
// If you donot know how to open debug mode of tv, you can try these.
// sdb.js will try open it with shell.
$ sudo apt-get install sshpass
How to install/uninstall your app to Tizen TV.
let tv = new Sdb({
// these opts are required
user: "root", // ssh accout
pwd: "123456", // ssh pwd
host: '',// your ssh host device ip.
// Not required, if you want named your app on tv, you need use it.
// if not, sdb.js will named defualt as 'testApp'
// Have a unique name to your app, it will be help for 'ps -ef|grep xxx' to check usage of cpu & memory.
appUUid: '3201701011486',
// Step 1. start connect tv
// Step 2. install your app
// you can also install app by uuid, if your app already upload to Samsung Store.
// Step 3. launch your app on Tv
// Step 4. Termination your app
// If you want launch your app again, you can call launch().
// Step 5. Uninstall your app on Tv
// You also can print your app log from tv.
// It like chrome devtools Console output.
How to using webDriver to build E2E TEST of your app on Tizen TV. More see Example
// As Setp 3, If you want using webdriver to your app, you donot using launch().
// You need instead of launchDebug()
// These function can return Pid & debug Port of your app.
let info = tv.launchDebug();
info = {
// The port will be using to chromedriver for create session.
var chrome_options = new chrome.Options();
chrome_options.options_["debuggerAddress"] = tvpi + ":" + info.port;
// driver wil be work.
var driver = chrome.Driver.createSession(chrome_options, service);