Unix is now one of the most commonly used Operating systems used for various purposes such as Personal use, Servers, Smartphones, and many more. It was developed in the 1970’s at AT& T Labs by two famous personalities Dennis M. Ritchie and Ken Thompson.
- Kernel
- System Library
- Shell
- Hardware Layer
- System Utility
ls # list all files
ls -al # lists hidden files
cd <path> # change directory to path
cd # change to home
pwd # shows current directory
mkdir <dirName> # create a new directory with given name
cat <fileName> # displays the file content
cat > <fileName> # creates a new file
rm <fileName> # removes file with given name
du -sh * # list directories with their total sizes
df -h # to see free disk space
ls -l # to show file type and access permission
r # read permission (4)
w # write permission (2)
x # execute permission (1)
chown <user> # for changing the ownership of a file/directory
chown <user>: <group> <fileName> # change the user as well as group for a file or directory
chmod <mode> <filename> # change the permissions of a file/directory
chmod +rwx #filename to add permissions.
chmod -rwx #directoryname to remove permissions.
chmod +x #filename to allow executable permissions.
chmod -wx #filename to take out write and executable permissions.
- Use the tar command to compress and expand files from the command line. The syntax is shown below:
- tar [options] [archive-file] [file or directory to be archived]
tar -zcvf foo.txt.tar.gz foo.txt # Create a zipped archive-file
tar -tvf foo.txt.tar.gz # List archive files
tar -xvf foo.txt.tar.gz # Extracting archive-file
-c # Creates Archive
-x # Extract the archive
-f # creates archive with given filename
-t # displays or lists files in archived file
-u # archives and adds to an existing archive file
-v # Displays Verbose Information
-A # Concatenates the archive files
-z # zip, tells tar command that creates tar file using gzip
-j # filter archive tar file using tbzip
-W # Verify a archive file
-r # update or add file or directory in already existed .tar file