nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.11)
- Temporary Passwords now are a lot shorter and easier to communicate
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.10)
- Support file sharing through Nextcloud. This is not of any interest for you unless you are using an WebRTC MCU / SFU.
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.9)
- Add support for Nextcloud 12
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.8)
- Allow to load app in 'standalone' mode for logged-in users, i.e. without the Nextcloud header bar
- Other improvements
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.7)
- Fix iOS app compatibility if Nextcloud and Spreed WebRTC are available at different origins
- Fix admin/debug page
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.6)
- Fix Spreed WebRTC config generation for Spreed WebRTC servers installed via the Ubuntu package
- Use a green color for success-messages (instead of red)
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.5)
- Fix file picker for Nextcloud 10. Issue was introduced in the previous release.
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.4)
- Nextcloud 11 support
- Other bug fixes
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.3)
- Fix 'Share room link' URL
- Fix redirect to Nextcloud login page
- Other bug fixes
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.2)
- Further simplify setup
- Bug fixes
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.1)
- Prepare app for the Nextcloud app store
nextcloud-spreedme (0.3.0)
- Allow to configure the app via Nextcloud's "Admin settings" web interface
- Support running multiple Nextcloud instances with a single spreed-webrtc server
- Upgrade notes:
- This app can now be configured from the web interface. Simply open Nextcloud's admin settings page and scroll down to "Spreed.ME" to configure this app. You can however still use the old, config-file based way if you prefer.
nextcloud-spreedme (0.2.0)
- Nextcloud transition
- Make the setup guides easier to understand
- Add nginx and Apache example configurations
- Add Docker setup guide
- Fix a problem with custom apps/ directory path
owncloud-spreedme (0.1.6)
- Fix for ownCloud 9, bug was introduced in the previous release
owncloud-spreedme (0.1.5)
- Allow non-ownCloud admins to generate 'Temporary Passwords' if they are admin for a 'Spreed.ME' group
- Various other changes
owncloud-spreedme (0.1.4)
- External users (invited via 'Temporary Password') are now marked as such
- Various other changes
owncloud-spreedme (0.1.3)
- Fix 'Temporary Password' page layout
- Use proper folder name when downloading presentations
- Various other changes
owncloud-spreedme (0.1.2)
- Add example nginx configuration
- Various fixes and other smaller changes
owncloud-spreedme (0.1.1)
- 'File Selector' and 'Temporary Password' no longer open a popup
- 'Temporary Password' can now be passed directly in the URL. This allows you to send a URL to your partner and as soon as it is clicked, the person will automatically join your room
- Various other changes
owncloud-spreedme (0.1.0)
- Add 'Temporary Password' feature. This allows non-ownCloud users to use this app with a temporary password which can be generated by ownCloud admins. See on how to generate such a password
- Add auto-host detection. This allows you to use this app with nearly zero-config
- Add /admin/debug endpoint which helps in debugging this app
- Update README: Add section on how to limit access to this app to a specific ownCloud user group
- Update README: Recommend installing spreed-webrtc package instead of git checkout
- Various other changes
- Upgrade notes: Please update your config/config.php file based on config/
owncloud-spreedme (0.0.4)
- Rename project to 'owncloud-spreedme'
- Allow to share files in root directory
- Fix user details not being updated sometimes
- Prevent switching the presentation if we want to download a presentation which is currently not active
- Fix presentation download for browsers which do not support FileSystem API
- Fix 'Share room URL' modal
- Update README
owncloud-spreedme (0.0.3)
- Show error when directly accessing WebRTC service
- Update app logo
owncloud-spreedme (0.0.2)
- Display warning if app is not set up yet
- Fix document download in rare cases
- Update app description in info.xml
owncloud-spreedme (0.0.1)
- Initial release