A handy Yahoo! Finance api wrapper, based on .NET Standard 1.4
- Get stock quotes
- Get historical data for stock
This library is intended for personal use only, any improper use of this library is not recommended.
- .NET Core 1.0
- .NET framework 4.6.1 or above
- Xamarin.iOS
- Xamarin.Android
- Universal Windows Platform
You can find the package through Nuget
PM> Install-Package YahooFinanceApi
var quotes = await Yahoo.Symbol("AAPL", "GOOG").Tag(Tag.LastTradePriceOnly, Tag,ChangeAndPercentChange, Tag.DaysLow, Tag.DaysHigh).GetAsync();
var aapl = quotes["AAPL"];
var price = aapl[Tag.LastTradePriceOnly];
// You should be able to query data from various markets including US, HK, TW
var history = await Yahoo.GetHistoricalAsync("AAPL", new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), new DateTime(2016, 7, 1), Period.Daily);
foreach (var candle in history)
Console.WriteLine($"DateTime: {candle.DateTime}, Open: {candle.Open}, High: {candle.High}, Low: {candle.Low}, Close: {candle.Close}, Volume: {candle.Volume}, AdjustedClose: {candle.AdjustedClose}");
// You should be able to query data from various markets including US, HK, TW
var dividendHistory = await Yahoo.GetHistoricalDividendsAsync("AAPL", new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), new DateTime(2016, 7, 1));
foreach (var candle in dividendHistory)
Console.WriteLine($"DateTime: {candle.DateTime}, Dividend: {candle.Dividend}");
This library is under MIT License