A P2P topic publish-subscribe network.
The Trackerless Network package is a reimplementation of the old (Corea-Brubeck) network package.
The package is reimplemented to use the network and transport stacks of the proto-rpc and DHT packages.
The main change to the network is that the d-regular graph
stream topologies are now generated
using a decentralized algorithm based on peer discovery from the DHT.
Running a network node requires a DhtNode from the @streamr/dht
to use as control layer. For more details on how to configure the DHT node go here The control layer node is configured as follows:
const networkNode = new NetworkNode({
// Give all control layer DHT configs here.
layer0: {
// Content layer specific configurations:
networkNode: {
await networkNode.start()
const streamPartId = StreamPartIDUtils.parse('test#0')
const message = new StreamMessage({
messageId: new MessageID(
'0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' as EthereumAddress,
prevMsgRef: new MessageRef(665, 0),
content: utf8ToBinary(JSON.stringify({
hello: 'world'
contentType: ContentType.JSON,
messageType: StreamMessageType.MESSAGE,
encryptionType: EncryptionType.NONE,
signatureType: SignatureType.SECP256K1,
signature: hexToBinary('0x1234')
await networkNode.broadcast(streamMessage)
const streamPartId = StreamPartIDUtils.parse('test#0')
networkNode.addMessageListener((msg) => {
await networkNode.join(streamPartId)