Features |
Examples |
-Documentation |
-Building |
-Integration |
+Getting Started |
Contributing |
License |
@@ -154,144 +152,14 @@ compute_update_set(const short3* blocks,
More examples can be found in the [`examples`](https://github.com/stotko/stdgpu/tree/master/examples) directory.
-## Documentation
+## Getting Started
-A comprehensive introduction into the design and API of stdgpu can be found here:
+stdgpu requires a **C++17 compiler** as well as minimal backend dependencies and can be easily built and integrated into your project via **CMake**:
-- [stdgpu API documentation](https://stotko.github.io/stdgpu)
-- [thrust algorithms documentation](https://thrust.github.io/doc/group__algorithms.html)
-- [Research paper](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335233070_stdgpu_Efficient_STL-like_Data_Structures_on_the_GPU)
+- [Building From Source](https://stotko.github.io/stdgpu/getting_started/building_from_source.html)
+- [Integrating Into Your Project](https://stotko.github.io/stdgpu/getting_started/integrating_into_your_project.html)
-Since a core feature and design goal of stdgpu is its **interoperability** with thrust, it offers **full support for all thrust algorithms** instead of reinventing the wheel. More information about the design can be found in the related [research paper](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335233070_stdgpu_Efficient_STL-like_Data_Structures_on_the_GPU).
-## Building
-Before building the library, please make sure that all required tools and dependencies are installed on your system. Newer versions are supported as well.
-- C++17 compiler
- - GCC 9
- - (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04) `sudo apt install g++`
- - Clang 10
- - (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04) `sudo apt install clang`
- - MSVC 19.20
- - (Windows) Visual Studio 2019
-- CMake 3.18
- - (Ubuntu 20.04)
- - (Ubuntu 22.04) `sudo apt install cmake`
- - (Windows)
-- thrust 1.9.9
- - (Ubuntu/Windows)
- - May already be installed by backend dependencies
-**Required for CUDA backend**
-- CUDA compiler
- - NVCC
- - Already included in CUDA Toolkit
- - Clang 10
- - (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04) `sudo apt install clang`
-- CUDA Toolkit 11.0
- - (Ubuntu/Windows)
- - Includes thrust
-**Required for OpenMP backend**
-- OpenMP 2.0
- - GCC 9
- - (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04) Already installed
- - Clang 10
- - (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04) `sudo apt install libomp-dev`
- - MSVC 19.20
- - (Windows) Already installed
-**Required for HIP backend (experimental)**
-- HIP compiler
- - Clang
- - Already included in ROCm
-- ROCm 5.1
- - (Ubuntu)
- - Includes thrust
-- CMake 3.21.3
- - (Ubuntu 20.04)
- - (Ubuntu 22.04) `sudo apt install cmake`
- - (Windows)
- - Required for first-class HIP language support
-The library can be built as every other project which makes use of the CMake build system.
-In addition, we also provide cross-platform scripts to make the build process more convenient. Since these scripts depend on the selected build type, there are scripts for both `debug` and `release` builds.
-Command | Effect
---- | ---
-`bash tools/setup.sh []` | Performs a full clean build of the project. Removes old build, configures the project (build path: `./build`, default build type: `Release`), builds the project, and runs the unit tests.
-`bash tools/build.sh []` | (Re-)Builds the project. Requires that the project is set up (default build type: `Release`).
-`bash tools/run_tests.sh []` | Runs the unit tests. Requires that the project is built (default build type: `Release`).
-`bash tools/install.sh []` | Installs the project to the configured install path (default install dir: `./bin`, default build type: `Release`).
-`bash tools/uninstall.sh []` | Uninstalls the project from the configured install path (default build type: `Release`).
-## Integration
-In the following, we show some examples on how the library can be integrated into and used in a project.
-**CMake Integration**. To use the library in your project, you can either install it externally first and then include it using `find_package`:
-find_package(stdgpu 1.0.0 REQUIRED)
-add_library(foo ...)
-target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC stdgpu::stdgpu)
-Or you can embed it into your project and build it from a subdirectory:
-# Exclude the examples from the build
-# Exclude the benchmarks from the build
-# Exclude the tests from the build
-add_library(foo ...)
-target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC stdgpu::stdgpu)
-**CMake Options**. To configure the library, two sets of options are provided. The following build options control the build process:
-Build Option | Effect | Default
---- | --- | ---
-`STDGPU_BACKEND` | Device system backend | `STDGPU_BACKEND_CUDA`
-`STDGPU_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` | Builds the project as a shared library, if set to `ON`, or as a static library, if set to `OFF` | `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`
-`STDGPU_SETUP_COMPILER_FLAGS` | Constructs the compiler flags | `ON` if standalone, `OFF` if included via `add_subdirectory`
-`STDGPU_COMPILE_WARNING_AS_ERROR` | Treats compiler warnings as errors | `OFF`
-`STDGPU_BUILD_EXAMPLES` | Build the examples | `ON`
-`STDGPU_BUILD_BENCHMARKS` | Build the benchmarks | `ON`
-`STDGPU_BUILD_TESTS` | Build the unit tests | `ON`
-`STDGPU_BUILD_TEST_COVERAGE` | Build a test coverage report | `OFF`
-`STDGPU_ANALYZE_WITH_CLANG_TIDY` | Analyzes the code with clang-tidy | `OFF`
-`STDGPU_ANALYZE_WITH_CPPCHECK` | Analyzes the code with cppcheck | `OFF`
-In addition, the implementation of some functionality can be controlled via configuration options:
-Configuration Option | Effect | Default
---- | --- | ---
-`STDGPU_ENABLE_CONTRACT_CHECKS` | Enable contract checks | `OFF` if `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` equals `Release` or `MinSizeRel`, `ON` otherwise
-`STDGPU_USE_32_BIT_INDEX` | Use 32-bit instead of 64-bit signed integer for `index_t` | `ON`
+More guidelines as well as a comprehensive introduction into the design and API of stdgpu can be found in the [documentation](https://stotko.github.io/stdgpu).
## Contributing
diff --git a/docs/development/contributing.md b/docs/development/contributing.md
index 51c98e80e..440b9e587 100644
--- a/docs/development/contributing.md
+++ b/docs/development/contributing.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ To submit your changes, follow the standard *Fork & Pull Request Workflow*:
5. Push the branch to your fork.
6. Open a new pull request with a brief motivation of the problem and how you addressed it in your changes. If there already exists a related [GitHub Issue](https://github.com/stotko/stdgpu/issues), please mention it there as well.
-You can find more information for the development of your changes in the [building guide](../index.md#building) as well as on the following pages:
+You can find more information for the development of your changes in the [building guide](../getting_started/building_from_source.md) as well as on the following pages:
:::::{grid} 2 2 3 3
diff --git a/docs/development/contributing/documentation.md b/docs/development/contributing/documentation.md
index f6f5caa60..237f97a7c 100644
--- a/docs/development/contributing/documentation.md
+++ b/docs/development/contributing/documentation.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ bash tools/dev/build_documentation.sh
-The `STDGPU_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION` option must be enabled for this purpose, e.g. via `-D