This is a heroku custom buildpack that downloads, unpacks, and copies static binaries from .deb files.
Add a 'debs.txt' file to the root of your project. Add deb files, one per line, with fields pipe-separated. The fields are
- name
- .deb. url
- sha1sum of .deb file
Add the buildpack to your stack of packs. Pick the index so that it is NOT the final buildpack.
heroku buildpacks:add -i 2
Release the app and see what happens!
You can test your config by cloning this repo and running it locally:
mkdir build
curl YOUR_DEB_URL -o build/your_deb_name.deb
sha1sum build/your_deb_name.deb
vi build/debs.txt # Set up your config
bin/compile build # Test it
Once you have that working, do one final run all the way through:
rm build/*.deb
bin/compile build
- Cache download and/or binaries in the cache dir.
- Handle non-static binaries