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209 lines (161 loc) · 5.95 KB


A WIP gradle plugin with the intention of implementing jvmDowngrader in a gradle environment in a way that is extensible and following the design paradigms set here at stianloader.

This plugin is currently in the "is the idea even good?" phase and as such the documentation is currently still to be drafted. As such consider not using the plugin for the time being until we can verify that the plugin can be used as-is without further issues.


The plugin is available under our maven repository:

Beware that we use a not-so-traditional versioning scheme, so ensure you are using the proper version.


Note that at this point in time all examples make use of groovy gradle. This is largely caused by groovy being the golden standard here in stianloader as it is the most widely supported gradle DSL for IDEs.

Including the plugin


plugins {
    // [...]

    id 'org.stianloader.interjava' version '0.1.0-a20240512'


pluginManagement {
    repositories {

        // [...]

        maven {
            name = 'stianloader-maven'
            url = ''
        maven {
            name = "wagyourtail"
            url = ""

Creating a downgraded jar of the jar task

repositories {
    // [...]
    maven {
        name = 'wagyourtail'
        url = ''

configurations {

dependencies {
    // [...]

    // Java 8 APIs required by jvmDowngrader
    jvmDowngraderJavaApi (group: 'xyz.wagyourtail.jvmdowngrader', name: 'jvmdowngrader-java-api', version: '0.1.2', classifier: 'downgraded-8')

// Note: DowngradedArchiveTask is an AbstractArchiveTask and as such has all the methods and properties AbstractArchiveTasks normally have
task downgradedJar(type: org.stianloader.interjava.DowngradedArchiveTask, dependsOn: jar) {
    archiveVersion = jar.archiveVersion
    archiveBaseName = jar.archiveBaseName

    targetVersion = 8

    // The following is only required to recompute frames. So all direct compile-time dependencies need to be present.
    sourceSets.main.compileClasspath.each { classpathEntry ->

build {

Note that jvmDowngraderJavaApi could also be runtime, in which case you don't need to include the configurations block. However, using a dedicated configuration to store the jvmdowngrader-java-api artifact will be useful when making use of variant publishing.

Variant publishing

Defining the downgraded configuration that needs to be published:

configurations {
    downgradedJar {
        canBeConsumed = true
        canBeResolved = false
        attributes {
            attribute(Category.CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(Category, Category.LIBRARY))
            attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(Usage, Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME))
            attribute(Bundling.BUNDLING_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(Bundling, Bundling.EXTERNAL))
            attribute(TargetJvmVersion.TARGET_JVM_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, 8)
            attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(LibraryElements, 'jar'))
        artifacts {

        outgoing {
            artifact tasks['downgradedJar']

        extendsFrom configurations['implementation']
        extendsFrom configurations['jvmDowngraderJavaApi']

Tip: The order of blocks matter: This configuration block needs to be below the downgradedJar task definition, which needs to be below the dependencies definition which in turn needs to be below the configurations block defining jvmDowngraderJavaApi. Thankfully, we can have two configurations blocks.

Defining the downgraded configuration as a variant (needs to be after the second configurations block):

components {
    java {
        addVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations['downgradedJar']) {

Actually publishing the variant (should be after the components block):

publishing {
    publications {
        plugin(MavenPublication) { publication ->
            // [...]

            from components['java']

    // [...]

publish {

Note that from components['java'] will cause all other variants associated with the java component to be published. Unfortunately, one cannot create components out of thin air in the buildscript without using a plugin for it. See:

Consuming downgraded variants

repositories {
    // [...]
    maven {
        name = 'wagyourtail'
        url = ''

dependencies {
    implementation (group: 'org.stianloader', name: 'jlsl', version: '1.0.0', classifier: 'j8')

There isn't really anything special here to be honest. The above code should be familiar enough if you have ever worked with classifiers before.

The only thing you need to be aware of is that you cannot remove the transitive dependency on jvmdowngrader-java-api, which is why it is important to define the repository of jvmdowngrader.

While it is planned on supporting the ability to shade jvmdowngrader-java-api into the produced jar, the ability to do so has not yet been added.


The performance of this plugin is likely going to be pretty bad with larger jars. It might be worse than jvmDowngrader's official plugin for any jar in any environment in fact.

However, performance is only rarely our selling point when reinventing the wheel. What else did you expect.