The Tree View is the heart of Treez. It displays a tree model of the application and provides actions to edit that model. Each node of the tree represents a corresponding Treez Atom. The first node of the tree is called "root".
The toolbar of the Tree View provides several action buttons:
Create a Root atom and set it as the content of the Treez View (overrides the previous content of the Tree View).
Import a tree model from the currently opened text file (overrides the previous content of the Tree View).
Export the tree model to the currently opened text file (overrides the previous content of the text file).
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Users can modify the tree model using mouse actions:
- Left-click on triangle symbol: expand or collapse a tree node.
- Left-click on node label: Show the properties of a node/atom in the Properties View.
- Double-click on node label: Fully expand or collapse a tree node and its children.
- Right-click on node label: Show the context menu of a tree node, for example: