Before creating an issue, please read the Phptabs Manual.
Sometimes, answers are not as fast as you/we expected. This is why there is a maximum delay between 2 comments.
- PhpTabs team has 10 days to answer a question
- You have 10 days to answer a question, add another information or close an issue.
Because you/we are human, the 10-day delay can be exceeded.
In this case, a raise can be made with a simple ping comment.
- A ping comment MUST contain a [Ping comment] mention.
- After a ping, a new 10-day delay is triggered.
- If there is no return after a ping comment, the team can close the ticket with a [Timeout comment].
- This type of comment is restricted to the PhpTabs team.
You/we can obviously reopen a closed issue.
You/we can explicitly indicate that the next interaction will act in more than 10 days.