STC crand64 / crand32: Pseudo Random Number Generator
A high quality, very fast 32- and 64-bit Pseudo Random Number Geneator (PRNG). It features uniform and normal distributed random numbers and float/doubles conversions.
A comparison with xoshiro256**
Several programming languages uses xoshiro256** as the default PRNG. Let's compare.
Comparison of crand64 with xoshiro256**
- crand64 is based on SFC64, which along with xoshiro256** both have excellent results from currently available random test-suites. SFC64 has a minimum period length of 2^64.
- crand64 uses a modified output function that incorporate a "stream" parameter value. It can generate 2^63 unique streams, where each has 2^64 minimum period lengths. This is adequate even for large-scale experiments using random numbers.
- xoshiro256** has the full 2^256 period length. This however has some disadvantages:
- Trivially predictable and invertible: previous outputs along with all future ones can trivially be computed from four output samples.
- Requires jump-functions, which the user must call in order to split up the output ranges before parallel execution.
- Overkill: Even to create "as few as" 2^64 random numbers in one thread at 1ns per number takes 584 years.
- The generator may end up in "zeroland" or "oneland" states (nearly all bits 0s or 1s for multiple outputs in a row), and will generate low quality output. See A Quick Look at Xoshiro256**.
- crand64 does not need jump-functions. Instead one can simply pass a unique odd id/number to each stream/thread as argument.
- crand64 is 10-20% faster than xoshiro256**. Unlike xoshiro, it does not rely on fast hardware multiplication support.
- crand64 has a 256 bits state, 192 bits are "chaotic". 64 bits are used to ensure a long minimum period length. The output function result is fed back into the state, resulting in the partially chaotic random state. It also combines XOR, SHIFT and ADD state modifying bit-operations to ensure excellent state randomness.
- xoshiro256**'s output is not fed back into its state, instead every possible bit-state is iterated over by applying XOR and SHIFT bit-operations exclusively. Like with Mersenne Twister, the extreme period length has a cost: Because of the highly regulated state changes, a relative expensive output function with two multiplications is needed to achieve high quality output.
#include "stc/random.h"
// Use global state
void crand64_seed(uint64_t seed); // seed global rng64 state
uint64_t crand64_uint(void); // global crand64_uint_r(rng64, 1)
double crand64_real(void); // global crand64_real_r(rng64, 1)
crand64_make_uniform(int64_t low, int64_t high); // create an unbiased uniform distribution
int64_t crand64_uniform(crand64_uniform_dist* d); // global crand64_uniform_r(rng64, 1, d)
// requires linking with stc lib.
double crand64_normal(crand64_normal_dist* d); // global crand64_normal_r(rng64, 1, d)
// Use local state
crand64 crand64_from(uint64_t seed); // create a crand64 state from a seed value
uint64_t crand64_uint_r(crand64* rng, uint64_t strm); // reentrant; return rnd in [0, UINT64_MAX]
double crand64_real_r(crand64* rng, uint64_t strm); // reentrant; return rnd in [0.0, 1.0)
int64_t crand64_uniform_r(crand64* rng, uint64_t strm, crand64_uniform_dist* d); // return rnd in [low, high]
double crand64_normal_r(crand64* rng, uint64_t strm, crand64_normal_dist* d); // return normal distributed rnd's
// Generic algorithms (uses 64 or 32 bit depending on word size):
void c_shuffle_seed(size_t seed); // calls crand64_seed() or crand32_seed()
void c_shuffle_array(T* array, isize n); // shuffle an array of elements.
void c_shuffle(TYPE CntType, CntType* cnt); // shuffle a vec, stack or deque type.
Note that strm
must be an odd number.
Name | Type definition | Used to represent... |
crand64 |
struct {uint64_t data[3];} |
The PRNG engine type |
crand64_uniform_dist |
struct {...} |
Uniform int distribution struct |
crand64_normal_dist |
struct {double mean, stddev;} |
Normal distribution struct |
void crand32_seed(uint32_t seed); // seed global rng32 state
uint32_t crand32_uint(void); // global crand32_uint_r(rng32, 1)
float crand32_real(void); // global crand32_real_r(rng32, 1)
crand32_uniform_dist crand32_make_uniform(int32_t low, int32_t high); // create an unbiased uniform distribution
int32_t crand32_uniform(crand64_uniform_dist* d); // global crand32_uniform_r(rng32, 1, d)
crand32 crand32_from(uint32_t seed); // create a crand32 state from a seed value
uint32_t crand32_uint_r(crand32* rng, uint32_t strm); // reentrant; return rnd in [0, UINT32_MAX]
float crand32_real_r(crand32* rng, uint32_t strm); // reentrant; return rnd in [0.0, 1.0)
int32_t crand32_uniform_r(crand32* rng, uint32_t strm, crand32_uniform_dist* d); // return rnd in [low, high]
Name | Type definition | Used to represent... |
crand32 |
struct {uint32_t data[3];} |
The PRNG engine type |
crand32_uniform_dist |
struct {...} |
Uniform int distribution struct |
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "stc/random.h"
#define i_type SortedMap, int, long
#include "stc/smap.h" // sorted map.
int main(void)
enum {N = 5000000};
printf("Demo of gaussian / normal distribution of %d random samples\n", N);
// Setup a reentrant random number engine with normal distribution.
crand64_normal_dist dist = {.mean=-12.0, .stddev=4.0};
// Create histogram map
SortedMap mhist = {0};
c_forrange (N) {
int index = (int)round(crand64_normal(&dist));
SortedMap_insert(&mhist, index, 0).ref->second += 1;
// Print the gaussian bar chart
const double scale = 50;
c_foreach (i, SortedMap, mhist) {
int n = (int)((double)i.ref->second * dist.stddev * scale * 2.5 / N);
if (n > 0) {
printf("%4d ", i.ref->first);
c_forrange(n) printf("*");