STC pqueue: Priority Queue
A priority queue is a container adaptor that provides constant time lookup of the largest (by default) element, at the expense of logarithmic insertion and extraction. A user-provided i_cmp may be defined to set the ordering, e.g. using -c_default_cmp would cause the smallest element to appear as the top() value.
See the c++ class std::priority_queue for a functional reference.
#define i_type <ct>,<kt> // shorthand for defining i_type, i_key
#define i_type <t> // pqueue container type name (default: pqueue_{i_key})
// One of the following:
#define i_key <t> // key type
#define i_keyclass <t> // key type, and bind <t>_clone() and <t>_drop() function names
#define i_keypro <t> // key "pro" type, use for cstr, arc, box types
#define i_use_cmp // may be defined instead of i_cmp when i_key is an integral/native-type.
#define i_less <fn> // less comparison. REQUIRED for non-integral types.
#define i_cmp <fn> // three-way compare two i_keyraw*. Alternative to i_less.
#define i_keydrop <fn> // destroy value func - defaults to empty destruct
#define i_keyclone <fn> // REQUIRED IF i_keydrop defined
#define i_keyraw <t> // convertion type
#define i_rawclass <t> // convertion "raw class". binds <t>_cmp(), <t>_eq(), <t>_hash()
#define i_keyfrom <fn> // convertion func i_keyraw => i_key
#define i_keytoraw <fn> // convertion func i_key* => i_keyraw.
#include "stc/pqueue.h"
In the following, X
is the value of i_key
unless i_type
is defined.
pqueue_X pqueue_X_init(void); // create empty pri-queue.
pqueue_X pqueue_X_with_capacity(isize cap);
pqueue_X pqueue_X_with_size(isize size, i_key null);
pqueue_X pqueue_X_clone(pqueue_X pq);
void pqueue_X_copy(pqueue_X* self, pqueue_X other);
void pqueue_X_take(pqueue_X* self, pqueue_X unowned); // take ownership of unowned
pqueue_X pqueue_X_move(pqueue_X* self); // move
void pqueue_X_drop(pqueue_X* self); // destructor
void pqueue_X_clear(pqueue_X* self);
bool pqueue_X_reserve(pqueue_X* self, isize n);
void pqueue_X_shrink_to_fit(pqueue_X* self);
isize pqueue_X_size(const pqueue_X* self);
bool pqueue_X_is_empty(const pqueue_X* self);
const i_key* pqueue_X_top(const pqueue_X* self);
void pqueue_X_make_heap(pqueue_X* self); // heapify the vector.
void pqueue_X_push(pqueue_X* self, i_key value);
void pqueue_X_emplace(pqueue_X* self, i_keyraw raw); // converts from raw
void pqueue_X_pop(pqueue_X* self);
i_key pqueue_X_pull(const pqueue_X* self);
void pqueue_X_erase_at(pqueue_X* self, isize idx);
i_key pqueue_X_value_clone(i_key value);
Type name | Type definition | Used to represent... |
pqueue_X |
struct {pqueue_X_value* data; ...} |
The pqueue type |
pqueue_X_value |
i_key |
The pqueue element type |
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/random.h"
#define i_type PriorityQ, int32
#define i_cmp -c_default_cmp // min-heap
#include "stc/pqueue.h"
int main(void)
isize N = 10000000;
PriorityQ numbers = {0};
// Push ten million random numbers to priority queue.
for (c_range(N/2))
PriorityQ_push(&numbers, (int32)(crand32_uint() >> 6));
// Add some negative ones.
int32 nums[] = {-231, -32, -873, -4, -343};
for (c_range(i, c_arraylen(nums)))
PriorityQ_push(&numbers, nums[i]);
for (c_range(N/2))
PriorityQ_push(&numbers, (int32)(crand32_uint() >> 6));
// Extract and display the fifty smallest.
for (c_range(50)) {
printf("%d ", *PriorityQ_top(&numbers));