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STC cstr: String


A cstr object represent sequences of characters. It supports an interface similar to that of a standard container of bytes, but adding features specifically designed to operate with strings of single-byte characters, terminated by the null character.

cstr has support for UTF8 encoded strings, and has a set of small and efficient functions for handling case-conversion, iteration and indexing into UTF8 codepoints (runes).

cstr uses short strings optimization (sso), which eliminates heap memory allocation for string capacity up to 22 bytes.

Header file

All cstr definitions and prototypes are available by including a single header file.

#include "stc/cstr.h"


cstr            cstr_lit(const char literal_only[]);                    // cstr from literal; no strlen() call.
cstr            cstr_init(void);                                        // make an empty string
cstr            cstr_from(const char* str);                             // construct from a zero-terminated c-string.
cstr            cstr_from_s(cstr s, isize pos, isize len);              // construct a substring
cstr            cstr_from_sv(csview sv);                                // construct from a string view
cstr            cstr_from_zv(zsview zv);                                // construct from a zero-terminated zsview
cstr            cstr_from_fmt(const char* fmt, ...);                    // construct from printf() formatting
cstr            cstr_from_replace(csview sv, csview search, csview repl, int32_t count);
cstr            cstr_with_n(const char* str, isize n);                  // construct from first n bytes of str
cstr            cstr_with_capacity(isize cap);                          // make empty string with pre-allocated capacity.
cstr            cstr_with_size(isize len, char fill);                   // make string with fill characters

cstr            cstr_clone(cstr s);
cstr*           cstr_take(cstr* self, cstr s);                          // take ownership of s, i.e. don't drop s.
cstr            cstr_move(cstr* self);                                  // move string to caller, leave self empty
void            cstr_drop(cstr* self);                                  // destructor

zsview          cstr_zv(const cstr* self);                              // to zero-terminated string view
csview          cstr_sv(const cstr* self);                              // to csview string view
zsview          cstr_tail(cstr* self, isize len);                       // zsview subview of the trailing len bytes
csview          cstr_subview(const cstr* self, isize pos, isize len);   // csview subview from pos and length len

const char*     cstr_str(const cstr* self);                             // to const char*
char*           cstr_data(cstr* self);                                  // to mutable char*
cstr_view       cstr_getview(cstr* self);                               // to mutable buffer struct (with capacity)

isize           cstr_size(const cstr* self);
isize           cstr_capacity(const cstr* self);
isize           cstr_to_index(const cstr* self, cstr_iter it);          // get byte position at iter.
bool            cstr_is_empty(const cstr* self);                        // test from empty string

void            cstr_clear(cstr* self);
char*           cstr_reserve(cstr* self, isize capacity);               // return pointer to buffer
void            cstr_resize(cstr* self, isize len, char fill);
void            cstr_shrink_to_fit(cstr* self);

char*           cstr_assign(cstr* self, const char* str);
char*           cstr_assign_n(cstr* self, const char* str, isize n);    // assign n first bytes of str
char*           cstr_assign_sv(cstr* self, csview sv);
char*           cstr_copy(cstr* self, cstr s);                          // assign a clone of s
int             cstr_printf(cstr* self, const char* fmt, ...);          // source and target must not overlap.

char*           cstr_append(cstr* self, const char* str);
char*           cstr_append_n(cstr* self, const char* str, isize n);    // append n first bytes of str
char*           cstr_append_sv(cstr* self, csview str);
char*           cstr_append_s(cstr* self, cstr str);
int             cstr_append_fmt(cstr* self, const char* fmt, ...);      // printf() formatting
char*           cstr_append_uninit(cstr* self, isize len);              // return ptr to start of uninited data

void            cstr_join(cstr* self, const char* sep, cstr-vec vec);   // join and append vec/stack of cstrs
void            cstr_join_n(cstr* self, const char* sep, const char* arr[], isize n); // join and append c-strings
void            cstr_join_items(cstr* self, const char* sep, {const char* s1,...});   // join and append c-strings

void            cstr_push(cstr* self, const char* chr);                 // append one utf8 char
void            cstr_pop(cstr* self);                                   // pop one utf8 char

void            cstr_insert(cstr* self, isize pos, const char* ins);
void            cstr_insert_sv(cstr* self, isize pos, csview ins);

void            cstr_erase(cstr* self, isize pos, isize len);           // erase len bytes from pos

void            cstr_replace(cstr* self, const char* search, const char* repl);
void            cstr_replace_nfirst(cstr* self, const char* search, const char* repl, int32_t count); // replace count instances
cstr            cstr_replace_sv(csview in, csview search, csview repl, int32_t count);
void            cstr_replace_at(cstr* self, isize pos, isize len, const char* repl); // replace at a pos
void            cstr_replace_at_sv(cstr* self, isize pos, isize len, const csview repl);

bool            cstr_equals(const cstr* self, const char* str);
bool            cstr_equals_sv(const cstr* self, csview sv);

isize           cstr_find(const cstr* self, const char* search);
isize           cstr_find_sv(const cstr* self, csview search);
isize           cstr_find_at(const cstr* self, isize pos, const char* search); // search from pos
bool            cstr_contains(const cstr* self, const char* search);

bool            cstr_starts_with(const cstr* self, const char* str);
bool            cstr_starts_with_sv(const cstr* self, csview sv);

bool            cstr_ends_with(const cstr* self, const char* str);
bool            cstr_ends_with_sv(const cstr* self, csview sv);

bool            cstr_getline(cstr *self, FILE *stream);                 // cstr_getdelim(self, '\n', stream)
bool            cstr_getdelim(cstr *self, int delim, FILE *stream);     // does not append delim to result

UTF8 methods

cstr            cstr_u8_from(const char* str, isize u8pos, isize u8len);// make cstr from an utf8 substring
isize           cstr_u8_size(const cstr* self);                         // number of utf8 runes
isize           cstr_u8_to_index(const cstr* self, isize u8pos);        // get byte index at rune position
cstr_iter       cstr_u8_at(const cstr* self, isize u8pos);              // get rune at rune position
csview          cstr_u8_subview(const cstr* self, isize u8pos, isize u8len);
zsview          cstr_u8_tail(cstr* self, isize u8len);                  // subview of the trailing len runes
void            cstr_u8_insert(cstr* self, isize u8pos, const char* ins);
void            cstr_u8_replace(cstr* self, isize u8pos, isize u8len, const char* repl);
void            cstr_u8_erase(cstr* self, isize u8pos, isize u8len);    // erase u8len runes from u8pos
bool            cstr_u8_valid(const cstr* self);                        // verify that str is valid utf8

bool            cstr_iequals(const cstr* self, const char* str);        // utf8 case-insensitive comparison
bool            cstr_istarts_with(const cstr* self, const char* str);   // utf8 case-insensitive
bool            cstr_iends_with(const cstr* self, const char* str);     // utf8 case-insensitive

cstr_iter       cstr_begin(const cstr* self);                           // iterate utf8 codepoints (runes)
cstr_iter       cstr_end(const cstr* self);
void            cstr_next(cstr_iter* it);                               // next rune
cstr_iter       cstr_advance(cstr_iter it, isize u8pos);                // advance +/- runes

cstr            cstr_casefold_sv(csview sv);                            // returns new casefolded utf8 cstr
cstr            cstr_tolower_sv(csview sv);                             // returns new lowercase utf8 cstr
cstr            cstr_toupper_sv(csview sv);                             // returns new uppercase utf8 cstr
cstr            cstr_tolower(const char* str);                          // returns new lowercase utf8 cstr
cstr            cstr_toupper(const char* str);                          // returns new uppercase utf8 cstr
void            cstr_lowercase(cstr* self);                             // transform cstr to lowercase utf8
void            cstr_uppercase(cstr* self);                             // transform cstr to uppercase utf8

Note that all methods with arguments (..., const char* str, isize n), n must be within the range of str length.

Helper methods:

size_t          cstr_hash(const cstr* self);
int             cstr_cmp(const cstr* s1, const cstr* s2);
bool            cstr_eq(const cstr* s1, const cstr* s2);
int             cstr_icmp(const cstr* s1, const cstr* s2);              // utf8 case-insensitive comparison
bool            cstr_ieq(const cstr* s1, const cstr* s2);               // utf8 case-insensitive comparison

char*           c_strnstrn(const char* str, isize slen, const char* needle, isize nlen);


Type name Type definition Used to represent...
cstr struct { ... } The string type
cstr_value char String element type
cstr_iter union { cstr_value *ref; csview chr; } String iterator
cstr_view struct { char *data; isize size, cap; } String buffer type

Constants and macros

Name Value


#include "stc/cstr.h"

int main(void) {
    cstr s0, s1, full_path;
        cstr_drop(&s0), cstr_drop(&s1), cstr_drop(&full_path)
        s0 = cstr_lit("Initialization without using strlen().");
        printf("%s\nLength: %" c_ZI "\n\n", cstr_str(&s0), cstr_size(&s0));

        s1 = cstr_lit("one-nine-three-seven-five.");
        printf("%s\n", cstr_str(&s1));

        cstr_insert(&s1, 3, "-two");
        printf("%s\n", cstr_str(&s1));

        cstr_erase(&s1, 7, 5); // -nine
        printf("%s\n", cstr_str(&s1));

        cstr_replace_nfirst(&s1, "seven", "four", 1);
        printf("%s\n", cstr_str(&s1));

        // reassign:
        cstr_assign(&s1, "one two three four five six seven");
        cstr_append(&s1, " eight");
        printf("append: %s\n", cstr_str(&s1));

        full_path = cstr_from_fmt("%s/%s.%s", "directory", "filename", "ext");
        printf("%s\n", cstr_str(&full_path));


append: one two three four five six seven eight