STC contains many generic algorithms and loop abstactions. Raw loops are one of the most prominent sources for errors in C and C++ code. By using the loop abstractions below, your code becomes more descriptive and reduces chances of making mistakes. It is generally easier to read and write too.
"No raw loops" - Sean Parent
c_each - Ranged sequence iteration
#include "stc/common.h"
Usage | Description |
for (c_each (it, CntType, container)) |
Iteratate all elements |
for (c_each (it, CntType, it1, it2)) |
Iterate the range [it1, it2) |
for (c_each_reverse (it, CntType, container)) |
Iteratate elements in reverse: vec, deque, queue, stack |
for (c_each_reverse (it, CntType, it1, it2))` |
Iteratate range [it1, it2) elements in reverse. |
for (c_each_n (it, CntType, container, n)) |
Iteratate n first elements. Index variable is {it}_index . |
for (c_each_kv (key, val, CntType, container)) |
Iterate maps with "structured binding" |
[ Run this code ]
#define i_type IMap, int, int
#include "stc/smap.h"
// ...
IMap map = c_make(IMap, {{23,1}, {3,2}, {7,3}, {5,4}, {12,5}});
for (c_each(i, IMap, map))
printf(" %d", i.ref->first);
// 3 5 7 12 23
// same, with raw for loop:
for (IMap_iter i = IMap_begin(&map); i.ref; IMap_next(&i))
printf(" %d", i.ref->first);
// iterate from iter to end
IMap_iter iter = IMap_find(&map, 7);
for (c_each(i, IMap, iter, IMap_end(&map)))
printf(" %d", i.ref->first);
// 7 12 23
// iterate first 3 with an index count enumeration
for (c_each_n(i, IMap, map, 3))
printf(" %zd:(%d %d)", i_index, i.ref->first, i.ref->second);
// 0:(3 2) 1:(5 4) 2:(7 3)
// iterate a map using "structured binding" of the key and val pair:
for (c_each_kv(id, count, IMap, map))
printf(" (%d %d)", *id, *count);
c_items - Literal list element iteration
Iterate compound literal array elements. In addition to i.ref
, you can access i.index
and i.size
// apply multiple push_backs
for (c_items(i, int, {4, 5, 6, 7}))
list_i_push_back(&lst, *i.ref);
// insert in existing map
for (c_items(i, hmap_ii_value, {{4, 5}, {6, 7}}))
hmap_ii_insert(&map, i.ref->first, i.ref->second);
// string literals pushed to a stack of cstr elements:
for (c_items(i, const char*, {"Hello", "crazy", "world"}))
stack_cstr_emplace(&stk, *i.ref);
c_range - Integer range iteration
: abstraction for iterating sequence of integers. Like python's for i in range() loop. Usesisize
(ptrdiff_t) as control variable.c_range32
is like c_range, but usesint32_t
as control variable.c_range_t
is like c_range, but takes an additional type for the control variable as first argument.
Usage | Python equivalent |
for (c_range (stop)) |
for _ in range (stop): |
for (c_range (i, stop)) |
for i in range (stop): |
for (c_range (i, start, stop)) |
for i in range (start, stop): |
for (c_range (i, start, stop, step)) |
for i in range (start, stop, step): |
Usage |
for (c_range_t (IntType, i, stop)) |
for (c_range_t (IntType, i, start, stop)) |
for (c_range_t (IntType, i, start, stop, step)) |
for (c_range(5)) printf("x");
// xxxxx
for (c_range(i, 5)) printf(" %lld", i);
// 0 1 2 3 4
for (c_range(i, -3, 3)) printf(" %lld", i);
// -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
for (c_range(i, 30, 0, -5)) printf(" %lld", i);
// 30 25 20 15 10 5
c_ffilter - Filtered range iteration
For-loop variant of c_filter
in generic algorithms.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/algorithm.h"
#define i_type IVec,int
#include "stc/stack.h"
int main(void) {
IVec vec = c_make(IVec, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 80, 6, 7, 80, 8, 9, 80,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 80, 16, 17});
#define ff_skipValue(i, x) (*i.ref != (x))
#define ff_isEven(i) ((*i.ref & 1) == 0)
#define ff_square(i) (*i.ref * *i.ref)
int sum = 0;
for (c_ffilter(i, IVec, vec, true
&& c_fflt_skipwhile(i, *i.ref != 80)
&& c_fflt_skip(i, 1)
&& ff_isEven(i)
&& ff_skipValue(i, 80)
&& c_fflt_map(i, ff_square(i))
&& c_fflt_take(i, 5)
sum += *i.ref;
printf("sum: %d\n", sum);
This is a tiny, robust and fully typesafe implementation of sum types. They work similarly as in Zig, Odin and Rust, and is just as easy and safe to use. Each tuple/parentesized field is an enum (tag) with an associated data type (payload), called a variant of the sum type. The sum type itself is a union type.
Sum types - aka variants or tagged unions
// Define a sum type
c_sumtype (SumType,
(VariantEnum1, VariantType1),
(VariantEnumN, VariantTypeN)
SumType c_variant(VariantEnum tag, VariantType value); // Sum type constructor
bool c_holds(const SumType* obj, VariantEnum tag); // does obj hold VariantType?
int c_tag_index(SumType* obj); // 1-based index (mostly for debug)
// Use a sum type (1)
c_when (SumType* obj) {
c_is(VariantEnum1, VariantType1* x) <body>;
c_is(VariantEnum2) c_or_is(VariantEnum3) <body>;
c_otherwise <body>;
// Use a sum type (2)
if (c_is(SumType* obj, VariantEnum1, VariantType1* x))
The c_when statement is exhaustive. The compiler will give a warning if not all variants are
covered by c_is (requires -Wall
or -Wswitch
gcc/clang compiler flag). The first enum value
is deliberately set to 1 in order to easier detect non/zero-initialized variants.
- Note: The
variables in the synopsis are "auto" type declared/defined - see examples. - Caveat 1: The use of
in ac_when
orif (c_is())
block, whilec_when
is inside a loop will not work as expected. It will only break out of thec_when
-block. Instead, usegoto
to jump to the end of the loop.break
will break out ofc_when
, i.e. it behaves likeswitch
. - Caveat 2: Sum types will generally not work in coroutines because the
variable is local and therefore will not be preserved acrosscco_yield..
. - Caveat 3: In the second (2) usage,
combined with&&
will not compile.
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/algorithm.h"
c_sumtype (Tree,
(Empty, _Bool),
(Leaf, int),
(Node, struct {int value; Tree *left, *right;})
int tree_sum(Tree* t) {
c_when (t) {
c_is(Empty) return 0;
c_is(Leaf, v) return *v;
c_is(Node, n) return n->value + tree_sum(n->left) + tree_sum(n->right);
return -1;
int main(void) {
Tree* tree =
&c_variant(Node, {1,
&c_variant(Node, {2,
&c_variant(Leaf, 3),
&c_variant(Leaf, 4)
&c_variant(Leaf, 5)
printf("sum = %d\n", tree_sum(tree));
This example has two sum types. The MessageChangeColor
variant uses the Color
sum type as
its data type (payload). Because C does not have namespaces, it is recommended to prefix the variant names with the sum type name, as with regular enums.
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stc/algorithm.h>
#include <stc/cstr.h>
c_sumtype (Color,
(ColorRgb, struct {int32 r, g, b;}),
(ColorHsv, struct {int32 h, s, v;})
c_sumtype (Message,
(MessageQuit, _Bool),
(MessageMove, struct {int32 x, y;}),
(MessageWrite, cstr),
(MessageChangeColor, Color)
void Message_drop(Message* m) {
if (c_is(m, MessageWrite, s)) cstr_drop(s);
int main(void) {
Message msg[] = {
c_variant(MessageMove, {42, 314}),
c_variant(MessageWrite, cstr_from("Attack!")),
c_variant(MessageChangeColor, c_variant(ColorHsv, {0, 160, 255})),
for (c_range(i, c_arraylen(msg)))
c_when (&msg[i]) {
c_is(MessageQuit) {
printf("The Quit variant has no data to destructure.\n");
c_is(MessageMove, p) {
printf("Move %d in the x direction and %d in the y direction\n", p->x, p->y);
c_is(MessageWrite, text) {
printf("Text message: %s\n", cstr_str(text));
c_is(MessageChangeColor, cc) c_when (cc) {
c_is(ColorRgb, c)
printf("Change color to red %d, green %d, and blue %d\n", c->r, c->g, c->b);
c_is(ColorHsv, c)
printf("Change color to hue %d, saturation %d, value %d\n", c->h, c->s, c->v);
c_make, c_push_items, c_drop - Generic container operations
These work on any container. c_make() may also be used for cspan views.
- c_make - construct any container from an initializer list
- c_push_items - push values onto any container from an initializer list
- c_drop - drop (destroy) multiple containers of the same type
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#define i_type Vec, int
#include "stc/vec.h"
#define i_type Map, int, int
#include "stc/hmap.h"
c_func (split_map,(Map map), ->, struct {Vec keys, values;}) {
split_map_result out = {0};
for (c_each_kv(k, v, Map, map)) {
Vec_push(&out.keys, *k);
Vec_push(&out.values, *v);
return out;
int main(void) {
Vec vec = c_make(Vec, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6});
Map map = c_make(Map, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}});
c_push_items(Vec, &vec, {7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12});
c_push_items(Map, &map, {{7, 8}, {9, 10}, {11, 12}});
for (c_each(i, Vec, vec))
printf("%d ", *i.ref);
for (c_each_kv(k, v, Map, map))
printf("[%d %d] ", *k, *v);
split_map_result res = split_map(map);
for (c_each(i, Vec, res.values))
printf("%d ", *i.ref);
c_drop(Vec, &vec, &res.keys, &res.values);
c_drop(Map, &map);
c_find, c_reverse, c_append, c_erase - Container/array operations
Find linearily in containers using a predicate. value
is a pointer to each element in predicate.
outiter_ptr must be defined prior to call.
- void
(CntType, cnt, outiter_ptr, pred). - void
(CntType, startiter, enditer, outiter_ptr, pred) - void
(CntType, cnt, outiter_ptr, pred) - void
(CntType, startiter, enditer, outiter_ptr, pred)
- void
(CntType, cnt); // reverse a cspan, vec, stack, queue or deque type. - void
(array, len); // reverse an array of elements.
Clones any container onto an arbitrary container type, optionally using a predicate to filter out elements.
Requires only that the element types are equal for the two containers.
is the pointer to each element in predicate. See example below for usage.
- void
(CntType, outcnt_ptr, cnt) - void
(OutCnt, outcnt_ptr, CntType, cnt) - void
(CntType, outcnt_ptr, cnt, pred) - void
(OutCnt, outcnt_ptr, CntType, cnt, pred)
Erase linearily in containers using a predicate. value
is a pointer to each element in predicate.
- void
(CntType, cnt_ptr, pred)`. Use with *list, hmap, hset, smap, and sset. - void
(CntType, cnt_ptr, pred)`. Use with stack, vec, deque, and queue only.
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/cstr.h"
#include "stc/algorithm.h"
#define i_type Vec, int, c_use_eq
#include "stc/stack.h"
#define i_type List, int, c_use_eq
#include "stc/list.h"
#define i_type Map
#define i_keypro cstr
#define i_val int
#include "stc/smap.h"
int main(void)
Vec vec = c_make(Vec, {2, 30, 21, 5, 9, 11});
Vec outvec = {0};
// Clone all *value > 10 to outvec. Note: `value` is a pointer to current element
c_append_if(Vec, &outvec, vec, *value > 10);
for (c_each(i, Vec, outvec)) printf(" %d", *i.ref);
// Search vec for first value > 20.
Vec_iter result;
c_find_if(Vec, vec, &result, *value > 20);
if (result.ref) printf("found %d\n", *result.ref);
// Erase values between 20 and 25 in vec:
c_eraseremove_if(Vec, &vec, 20 < *value && *value < 25);
for (c_each(i, Vec, vec)) printf(" %d", *i.ref);
// Erase all values > 20 in a linked list:
List list = c_make(List, {2, 30, 21, 5, 9, 11});
c_erase_if(List, &list, *value > 20);
for (c_each(i, List, list)) printf(" %d", *i.ref);
// Search a sorted map from it1, for the first string containing "hello" and erase it:
Map map = c_make(Map, {{"yes",1}, {"no",2}, {"say hello from me",3}, {"goodbye",4}});
Map_iter res, it1 = Map_begin(&map);
c_find_if(Map, it1, Map_end(&map), &res, cstr_contains(&value->first, "hello"));
if (res.ref) Map_erase_at(&map, res);
// Erase all strings containing "good" in the sorted map:
c_erase_if(Map, &map, cstr_contains(&value->first, "good"));
for (c_each(i, Map, map)) printf("%s, ", cstr_str(&i.ref->first));
c_drop(Vec, &vec, &outvec);
c_filter, c_filter_zip, c_filter_pairwise - Ranged filtering
Functional programming with chained &&
filtering. value
is the pointer to current value.
It enables a subset of functional programming like in other popular languages.
- Note 1: The _reverse variants only works with vec, deque, stack, queue containers.
- Note 2: There is also a
loop variant ofc_filter
. It uses the filter namingsc_fflt_skip(it, numItems)
, etc.
Usage | Description |
void c_filter (CntType, container, filters) |
Filter items in chain with the && operator |
void c_filter_from (CntType, start, filters) |
Filter from start iterator |
void c_filter_reverse (CntType, cnt, filters) |
Filter items in reverse order |
void c_filter_reverse_from (CntType, rstart, filters) |
Filter reverse from rstart iterator |
c_filter_zip, c_filter_pairwise: | |
void c_filter_zip (CntType, cnt1, cnt2, filters)` |
Filter (cnt1, cnt2) items |
void c_filter_zip (CntType1, cnt1, CntType2, cnt2, filters)` |
May use different types for cnt1, cnt2 |
void c_filter_reverse_zip (CntType, cnt1, cnt2, filters)` |
Filter (cnt1, cnt2) items in reverse order |
void c_filter_reverse_zip (CntType1, cnt1, CntType2, cnt2, filters)` |
May use different types for cnt1, cnt2 |
void c_filter_pairwise (CntType, cnt, filters)` |
Filter items pairwise as value1, value2 |
Built-in filter | Description |
void c_flt_skip (numItems) |
Skip numItems (increments count) |
void c_flt_take (numItems) |
Take numItems only (increments count) |
void c_flt_skipwhile (predicate) |
Skip items until predicate is false |
void c_flt_takewhile (predicate) |
Take items until predicate is false |
int c_flt_counter () |
Increment count and return it |
int c_flt_getcount () |
Number of items passed skip/take/counter |
Type c_flt_map (expr) |
Map expr to current value. Input unchanged |
Type c_flt_src |
Pointer variable to current unmapped source value |
Type value |
Pointer variable to (possible mapped) value |
For c_filter_zip, c_filter_pairwise: | |
Type c_flt_map1 (expr) |
Map expr to value1. Input unchanged |
Type c_flt_map2 (expr) |
Map expr to value2. Input unchanged |
Type c_flt_src1 , c_flt_src2 |
Pointer variables to current unmapped source values |
Type value1 , value2 |
Pointer variables to (possible mapped) values |
[ Run this example ]
#include <stdio.h>
#define i_type Vec, int
#include "stc/stack.h"
#include "stc/algorithm.h"
int main(void)
Vec vec = c_make(Vec, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 5});
c_filter(Vec, vec, true
&& c_flt_skipwhile(*value < 3) // skip leading values < 3
&& (*value & 1) == 1 // then use odd values only
&& c_flt_map(*value * 2) // multiply by 2
&& c_flt_takewhile(*value < 20) // stop if mapped *value >= 20
&& printf(" %d", *value) // print value
// 6 10 14 2 6 18
c_all_of, c_any_of, c_none_of - Boolean container operations
Test a container/range using a predicate. result is output and must be declared prior to call.
- void
(CntType, cnt, bool* result, pred) - void
(CntType, cnt, bool* result, pred) - void
(CntType, cnt, bool* result, pred)
#define DivisibleBy(n) (*value % (n) == 0) // `value` refers to the current element
bool result;
c_any_of(vec_int, vec, &result, DivisibleBy(7));
if (result)
puts("At least one number is divisible by 7");
sort, lower_bound, binary_search - Faster quicksort and binary search
refers to the template name specified byi_type
.- All containers with random access may be sorted, including regular C-arrays, i.e. stack, vec
and deque when either
is defined. - Linked list may also be sorted, i.e. only X_sort() is available.
// Sort c-arrays by defining i_type and include "stc/sort.h":
void X_sort(const X array[], isize len);
isize X_lower_bound(const X array[], i_key key, isize len);
isize X_binary_search(const X array[], i_key key, isize len);
// or random access containers when `i_less`, `i_cmp` is defined:
void X_sort(X* self);
isize X_lower_bound(const X* self, i_key key);
isize X_binary_search(const X* self, i_key key);
// functions for sub ranges:
void X_sort_lowhigh(X* self, isize low, isize high);
isize X_lower_bound_range(const X* self, i_key key, isize start, isize end);
isize X_binary_search_range(const X* self, i_key key, isize start, isize end);
may be customized in the normal way, along with comparison function i_cmp
or i_less
The X_sort(), X_sort_lowhigh() functions are about twice as fast as qsort() and comparable in speed with *std::sort()**. Both X_binary_seach() and X_lower_bound() are about 30% faster than c++ std::lower_bound().
[ Run this code ]
#define i_key int // sort a regular c-array of ints
#include "stc/sort.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int arr[] = {5, 3, 5, 9, 7, 4, 7, 2, 4, 9, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4};
ints_sort(arr, c_arraylen(arr)); // `ints` derived from the `i_key` name
for (c_range(i, c_arraylen(arr)))
printf(" %d", arr[i]);
#define i_type MyDeq, int, c_use_cmp // int elements, enable sorting
#include "stc/deque.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
MyDeq deq = c_make(MyDeq, {5, 3, 5, 9, 7, 4, 7});
for (c_each(i, MyDeq, deq))
printf(" %d", *i.ref);
c_defer, c_with - RAII macros
Usage | Description |
c_defer (deinit, ...) {} |
Defers execution of deinit s to end of scope |
c_with (init, deinit) {} |
Declare and/or initialize a variable. Defers execution of deinit to end of scope |
c_with (init, condition, deinit) {} |
Adds a predicate in order to exit early if init fails |
continue |
Break out of a c_with scope without resource leakage |
Note: Regular return , break and continue must not be used |
anywhere inside a defer scope. |
// declare and init a new scoped variable and specify the deinitialize call:
c_with (cstr str = cstr_lit("Hello"), cstr_drop(&str))
cstr_append(&str, " world");
printf("%s\n", cstr_str(&str));
pthread_mutex_t lock;
// use c_with without variable declaration:
c_with (pthread_mutex_lock(&lock), pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock))
// syncronized code
Example 2: Load each line of a text file into a vector of strings:
#include <errno.h>
#include "stc/cstr.h"
#define i_keypro cstr
#include "stc/vec.h"
// receiver should check errno variable
vec_cstr readFile(const char* name)
vec_cstr vec = {0}; // returned
c_with (FILE* fp = fopen(name, "r"), fp != NULL, fclose(fp))
c_with (cstr line = {0}, cstr_drop(&line))
while (cstr_getline(&line, fp))
vec_cstr_emplace(&vec, cstr_str(&line));
return vec;
int main(void)
c_with (vec_cstr vec = readFile(__FILE__), vec_cstr_drop(&vec))
for (c_each(i, vec_cstr, vec))
printf("| %s\n", cstr_str(i.ref));
crange, c_iota - Integer range objects
An integer sequence generator type, similar to boost::irange.
(ptrdiff_t) as control variablecrange32
is like crange, but usesint32_t
as control variable, which may be faster.
crange crange_make(stop); // 0, 1, ... stop-1
crange crange_make(start, stop); // start, start+1, ... stop-1
crange crange_make(start, stop, step); // start, start+step, ... upto-not-including stop,
// step may be negative.
crange_iter crange_begin(crange* self);
void crange_next(crange_iter* it);
crange& c_iota(start); // l-value; NB! otherwise like crange_make(start, INTPTR_MAX)
crange& c_iota(start, stop); // l-value; otherwise like crange_make(start, stop)
crange& c_iota(start, stop, step); // l-value; otherwise like crange_make(start, stop, step)
The crange_value type is isize. Variables start, stop, and step are of type crange_value.
[ Run this code ]
// 1. All primes less than 32: See below for c_filter() and is_prime()
crange r1 = crange_make(3, 32, 2);
printf("2"); // first prime
c_filter(crange, r1, true
&& is_prime(*value)
&& printf(" %zi", *value)
// 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31
// 2. The first 11 primes:
// c_iota() can be used as argument to c_filter.
printf("2"); // first prime
c_filter(crange, c_iota(3), true
&& is_prime(*value)
&& (c_flt_take(10), printf(" %zi", *value))
// 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31
c_func - Function with on-the-fly defined return type
A macro for conveniently defining functions with multiple return values. This is for encouraging to write functions that returns extra error context when error occurs, or just multiple return values.
[ Run this code ]
Vec get_data(void) {
return c_make(Vec, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6});
// same as get_data(), but with the c_func macro "syntax".
c_func (get_data1,(void), ->, Vec) {
return c_make(Vec, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6});
// return two Vec types "on-the-fly".
c_func (get_data2,(void), ->, struct {Vec v1, v2;}) {
return (get_data2_result){
.v1 = c_make(Vec, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}),
.v2 = c_make(Vec, {7, 8, 9, 10, 11})
// return a Vec, and an err code which is 0 if OK.
c_func (load_data,(const char* fname), ->, struct {Vec vec; int err;}) {
FILE* fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
if (fp == 0)
return (load_data_result){.err = 1};
load_data_result out = {Vec_with_size(1024, '\0')};
fread(, sizeof([0]), 1024, fp);
return out;
c_new, c_delete, c_malloc, etc. - Allocation helpers
- Type*
(Type, value) - Allocate and initialize a new object on the heap with value. - Type*
(Type, n) - Allocate an array of n new objects on the heap, initialized to zero. - void
(Type, ptr) - Type_drop(ptr) and c_free(ptr, ..) allocated on the heap. NULL is OK. - void
(Type, arr, n) - Type_drop(&arr[i]) and c_free(arr, ..) of n objects allocated on the heap. (NULL, 0) is OK.
#include "stc/cstr.h"
cstr* stringptr = c_new (cstr, cstr_from("Hello"));
printf("%s\n", cstr_str(stringp));
c_delete(cstr, stringptr);
Memory allocator wrappers which uses signed sizes. Note that the signatures for
c_realloc() and c_free() have an extra size parameter. These will be used as
default in containers unless i_malloc
, i_calloc
, i_realloc
, and i_free
are user defined. See
Per container-instance customization
- void*
(isize sz) - void*
(isize n, isize sz) - void*
(void* old_p, isize old_sz, isize new_sz) - void
(void* p, isize sz)
c_swap, c_arraylen, c_const_cast, c_safe_case
Side effect- and typesafe macro for swapping internals of two objects of same type:
double x = 1.0, y = 2.0;
c_swap(&x, &y);
Return number of elements in an array. array must not be a pointer!
int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
isize n = c_arraylen(array);
Type-safe casting a from const (pointer):
const char cs[] = "Hello";
char* s = c_const_cast(char*, cs); // OK
int* ip = c_const_cast(int*, cs); // issues a warning!
// Type safe casting:
#define tofloat(d) c_safe_cast(float, double, d)