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E:D Msg Bugfixes MX
E:D Msg Bugfixes MX
E:D Msg Bugfixes 2.30
E:D Msg Bugfixes 2.30
Messaging bugfixes for 2.30 on Desktop
E:D Msg Bugfixes 2.31
E:D Msg Bugfixes 2.31
Messaging bugfixes for 2.31 on Desktop
E:D Msg Perf MX
E:D Msg Perf MX
E:D Msg Perf 2.30
E:D Msg Perf 2.30
Messaging performance improvements for 2.30
E:D Msg Perf 2.31
E:D Msg Perf 2.31
Messaging performance improvements for 2.31
E:D Platform maintenance MX
E:D Platform maintenance MX
E:D Platform maintenance 2.30
E:D Platform maintenance 2.30
Platform maintenance for Desktop for 2.30
E:D Platform maintenance 2.31
E:D Platform maintenance 2.31
Platform maintenance for Desktop for 2.31
E:D Swap M1
E:D Swap M1
Implement Swap operations
E:D Swap M2
E:D Swap M2
E:D:Wallet Bugfixes
E:D:Wallet Bugfixes
E:D Wallet Crypto Recurring Purchases
E:D Wallet Crypto Recurring Purchases
E:D Wallet SendModal
E:D Wallet SendModal
Stabilize, improve and sync with expected design and functionality
E:D:Wallet Stabilisation
E:D:Wallet Stabilisation
E:Desktop Bridge Status Discord
E:Desktop Bridge Status Discord
E:Desktop Browser
E:Desktop Browser
Work needed to make the Browser work and be solid
E:Desktop Chat Input
E:Desktop Chat Input
E:Desktop Chat Messages & Chat Features
E:Desktop Chat Messages & Chat Features
E:Desktop ChatInput Markdown/Refactor
E:Desktop ChatInput Markdown/Refactor
E:Desktop CI
E:Desktop CI
E:Desktop Collectible Improvements
E:Desktop Collectible Improvements
Improve collectible
E:Desktop Collectible Scheduler
E:Desktop Collectible Scheduler
Implementation of the new collectible strategy fetching
E:Desktop Comm Perms and Minting MVP
E:Desktop Comm Perms and Minting MVP
Misc tasks about Community permissions that are not part of another Epic, due for the MVP
E:Desktop Communities UX fix - High
E:Desktop Communities UX fix - High
E:Desktop Communities UX fix - Low
E:Desktop Communities UX fix - Low
E:Desktop Communities UX fix - Medium
E:Desktop Communities UX fix - Medium
E:Desktop Community Admin Improvements
E:Desktop Community Admin Improvements
Implementation of the needed improvements for the Admin events to be stable.
E:Desktop Community Sharding
E:Desktop Community Sharding
Tasks to get sharding working on communities
E:Desktop Community Shared Addresses Selection
E:Desktop Community Shared Addresses Selection
Implementation of the Shared Addresses feature for joining communities and also for edits