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Framework to train deep learning networks to predict wave propagation. This repo accompanies the Fotiadis et. al. "Comparing recurrent and convolutional neural networks for predicting wave propagation" paper which appears on the ICLR 2020 Workshop on Deep Learning and Differential Equations. The data are simulations from shallow water equations (also known as Saint-Venant equations). You can use this framework to train 5 different architectures: LSTM, ConvLSTM, Causal LSTM (i.e. PredRNN++) , Dilated ResNet-like, U-Net (CDNN).

To get an idea this is how the dataset looks like. saint venant

And here's some qualitative results for the prediction in the test set.

The project started as the thesis project for the MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh. The thesis itself can be found here.

How to use

Data and data generation

To faciliate the reproduction of my results you can download the same datasets I have used here.

You can also generate more data using the script in the data_generation folder.

python --location ./small_tank --container_size_mix 1 --container_size_max 2 --data_points 100

Argument Type Default Description
location str './debug_data_gen' Folder to save the files
azimuth int 45 Lighting angle
azimuth_random bool False Lighting angle random
viewing_angle int 20 Viewing angle
container_size_min int 10 Minumum size of the water container
container_size_max int 20 Maximum size of the water container
water_depth int 10
initial_stimulus int 1 Strength of initial stimuli
coriolis_force float 0.0 Coriolis force coefficient
water_viscocity int 1e-6 Water viscocity
total_time float 1.0 Total sequence time in seconds
dt float 0.01 Time interval between frames in seconds
image_size_x int 184 Pixel size of the output images
image_size_y int 184 Pixel size of the output images
data_points int 500 How many sequences to create


Install the requirements with your package manager, i.e. pip install -r requirements.txt

In the config.ini fill in the data folder and the folder you want the experiments to be saved.


You can use the framework to train 5 different models: LSTM, ConvLSTM, Causal LSTM, Resnet-like and U-Net (CDNN). The full list of parameters can be found in the table below.

The following trains a U-Net with a specific weight decay coefficient:

python --experiment_name unet_wd_1e-5 --model_type --weight_decay_coefficient 1e-5

There are many available arguments.

Argument Type Default Description
model_type str NA Network architecture for training [ar_lstm convlstm, resnet, unet, predrnn]
num_epochs int 50 The experiment's epoch budget
num_input_frames int 5 How many frames to insert initially
num_output_frames int 20 How many framres to predict in the future
dataset str 'original' select which dataset to use [original, fixed_tub]
batch_size int 16 Batch size
samples_per_sequence int 10 How may training points to generate from each simulation sequence
experiment_name str 'dummy' Experiment name - used for building the experiment folder
normalizer_type str 'normal' how to normalize the images [normal, m1to1 (-1 to 1), none]
num_workers int 8 how many workers for the dataloader
seed int 12345 Seed to use for random number generator for experiment
seed_everything str2bool True Use seed for everything random (numpy, pytorch, python)
debug str2bool False For debugging purposes
weight_decay_coefficient float 1e-05 Weight decay to use for Adam
learning_rate float 1e-04 Learning rate to use for Adam
scheduler_patience int 7 Epoch patience before reducing learning_rate
scheduler_factor float 0.1 Factor to reduce learning_rated
continue_experiment str2bool False Whether the experiment should continue from the last epoch
back_and_forth bool False If training will be with predicting both future and past
reinsert_frequency int 10 LSTM: how often to use the reinsert mechanism


This is used to assess the generalization capabilities of a model. The test are run on all the datasets that are provided above. If you want to change that you'll need to change the dataloaders in the evaluate_experiment function in utils/,

python --experiment_name unet_wd_1e-5

Available arguments:

Argument Type Default Description
test_starting_point int 15 Which frame to start the test
num_total_output_frames int 80 How many frames to predict to the future during evaluation
get_sample_predictions str2bool True Print sample predictions figures or not
num_output_keep_frames int 20 How many frames to keep from each propagation in RNN models
refeed str2bool False Whether to use the refeed mechanism in RNNs


If you want to cite this work please use this:

author = {Fotiadis, Stathi and Pignatelli, Eduardo and Valencia, Mario Lino and Cantwell, Chris and Storkey, Amos and Bharath, Anil A.},
title = {{Comparing recurrent and convolutional neural networks for predicting wave propagation}},
url = {},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {{ICLR} {W}orkshop on {Deep Neural Models 
and Differential Equations}}