A fast implementation of Singular Spectrum Transformation for python.
A change point detection algorithm.
see more examples
- efficient algorithm using Lanczos method
- Numba
$pip install fastsst
from fastsst import SingularSpectrumTransformation
sst = SingularSpectrumTransformation(win_length=30)
- data must be 1d np.ndarray
- the first run takes a few seconds for jit compling
score = sst.score_offline(data)
- online evaluation
- Tsuyoshi Ide, Koji Tsuda, Change-Point Detection using Krylov Subspace Learning, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pp.515-520, 2007
- Tsuyoshi Ide, Speeding up Change-Point Detection using Matrix Compression (Japanse), Workshop on Information-Based Induction Sciences, 2006
- Tsuyoshi Ide, Masashi Sugiyama, Anomaly Detection and Change Detection (Japanse), Kodansha, 2015