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Move Algebra into its own module Instance.Algebra. #148
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epost committed Aug 22, 2019
1 parent 2aec6fb commit f6fa803
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Showing 3 changed files with 311 additions and 174 deletions.
176 changes: 2 additions & 174 deletions src/Language/CQL/Instance.hs
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ module Language.CQL.Instance where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.List as List hiding (intercalate)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map, member, unionWith, (!))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
Expand All @@ -50,7 +49,8 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Typeable hiding (typeOf)
import Data.Void
import Language.CQL.Collage (Collage(..), assembleGens, attsFrom, fksFrom, typeOf)
import Language.CQL.Common (elem', intercalate, fromListAccum, mapl, section, toMapSafely, Deps(..), Err, Kind(INSTANCE), MultiTyMap, TyMap, type (+))
import Language.CQL.Common (elem', fromListAccum, section, toMapSafely, Deps(..), Err, Kind(INSTANCE), MultiTyMap, TyMap, type (+))
import Language.CQL.Instance.Algebra (Algebra(..), aAtt, down1, evalSchTerm, evalSchTerm', nf, nf'', repr'')
import Language.CQL.Instance.Presentation (Presentation(..), presToCol)
import qualified Language.CQL.Instance.Presentation as IP (typecheck, Presentation(eqs))
import Language.CQL.Mapping as Mapping
Expand All @@ -61,79 +61,11 @@ import Language.CQL.Schema as Schema
import Language.CQL.Term as Term
import Language.CQL.Typeside as Typeside
import Prelude hiding (EQ)
import qualified Text.Tabular as T
import qualified Text.Tabular.AsciiArt as Ascii

-- Algebras

-- | An algebra (model) of a 'Schema'.
-- * For entities, consists of a carrier set, evaluation function @nf@, and its "inverse" @repr@.
-- * For types, consists of a generating set of labelled nulls, evaluation function @nf'@, and its "inverse" @repr'@,
-- as well as a set of equations (the so-called type algebra).
-- The @Eq@ instance is not defined because for now we define instance equality to be based on equations.
-- @x@: type of Carrier
-- @y@: type of generators for type algebra presentation
data Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y
= Algebra
{ aschema :: Schema var ty sym en fk att

, en :: en -> Set x -- globally unique xs
, aGen :: gen -> x
, aFk :: fk -> x -> x
, repr :: x -> Term Void Void Void en fk Void gen Void

, ty :: ty -> Set y -- globally unique ys
, nf' :: sk + (x, att) -> Term Void ty sym Void Void Void Void y
, repr' :: y -> Term Void ty sym en fk att gen sk

, teqs :: Set (EQ Void ty sym Void Void Void Void y)

instance (NFData var, NFData ty, NFData sym, NFData en, NFData fk, NFData att, NFData x, NFData y)
=> NFData (Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y)
rnf (Algebra s0 e0 nf0 nf02 repr0 ty0 nf1 repr1 eqs1) = deepseq s0 $ f e0 $ deepseq nf0 $ deepseq repr0
$ w ty0 $ deepseq nf1 $ deepseq repr1 $ deepseq nf02 $ rnf eqs1
f g = deepseq ( (rnf . g) $ Schema.ens s0)
w g = deepseq ( (rnf . g) $ tys (typeside s0))

-- | Evaluate an entity-side schema term with one free variable, given a value for that variable.
evalSchTerm' :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y -> x -> Term () Void Void en fk Void Void Void -> x
evalSchTerm' alg x term = case term of
Var _ -> x
Fk f a -> aFk alg f $ evalSchTerm' alg x a
Gen g -> absurd g
Sk g -> absurd g
Sym f _ -> absurd f
Att f _ -> absurd f

-- | Evaluate a type-side schema term with one free variable, given a value for that variable.
evalSchTerm :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y -> x -> Term () ty sym en fk att Void Void
-> Term Void ty sym Void Void Void Void y
evalSchTerm alg x term = case term of
Att f a -> aAtt alg f $ evalSchTerm' alg x $ down1 a
Sk g -> absurd g
Sym f as -> Sym f $ fmap (evalSchTerm alg x) as
_ -> error "Impossibility in evalSchTerm, please report. Given a term of non-type sort."

-- | Helper function used by checkSatisfaction to convert terms in the Collage of entity sort
-- into terms with Voids in the attribute etc slots. Morally Collage should store two or more
-- classes of equation, but having to convert like this is relatively rare. Indeed, checkSatisfaction
-- itself is redundant - a properly functioning CQL would not generate unsatisfying instances.
down1 :: Term x ty sym en fk att gen sk -> Term x Void Void en fk Void gen Void
down1 (Var v) = Var v
down1 (Gen g) = Gen g
down1 (Fk f a) = Fk f $ down1 a
down1 _ = error "Anomaly: please report. Function name: down1."

-- | Checks that an 'Instance' satisfies its 'Schema'.
:: (MultiTyMap '[Show] '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk, x, y], Eq x)
Expand All @@ -151,40 +83,6 @@ satisfiesSchema (Instance sch pres' dp' alg) = do
schEqE l r e = foldr (\x b -> (evalSchTerm' alg x l == evalSchTerm' alg x r) && b) True (en alg e)
schEqT l r e = foldr (\x b -> dp' (EQ (repr'' alg (evalSchTerm alg x l), repr'' alg (evalSchTerm alg x r))) && b) True (en alg e)

-- | Evaluates a type side term to a term in the type algebra. Crashes if given a term of entity sort.
nf'' :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y -> Term Void ty sym en fk att gen sk -> Term Void ty sym Void Void Void Void y
nf'' alg t = case t of
Sym f as -> Sym f (nf'' alg <$> as)
Att f a -> nf' alg $ Right (nf alg (down1 a), f)
Sk s -> nf' alg $ Left s
_ -> error "Impossible, please report. Non typeside term passed to nf''."

-- | Evaluates a entity side term to a carrier. Crashes if given a term of type sort.
nf :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y -> Term Void ty' sym' en fk att' gen sk' -> x
nf alg (Gen g ) = aGen alg g
nf alg (Fk f a) = aFk alg f $ nf alg a
nf _ _ = error "Impossible, error in nf"

-- | "Reverse evaluates" a type algebra term to a term in instance.
repr'' :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y -> Term Void ty sym Void Void Void Void y -> Term Void ty sym en fk att gen sk
repr'' alg t = case t of
Sym f as -> Sym f (repr'' alg <$> as)
Sk s -> repr' alg s
Gen g -> absurd g
Att a _ -> absurd a
Fk f _ -> absurd f
Var v -> absurd v

-- | Evaluates an attribute on a value.
aAtt :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y -> att -> x -> Term Void ty sym Void Void Void Void y
aAtt alg f x = nf'' alg $ Att f $ upp $ repr alg x

-- | Evaluates a labelled null.
aSk :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y -> sk -> Term Void ty sym Void Void Void Void y
aSk alg g = nf'' alg $ Sk g


-- | A database instance on a schema. Contains a presentation, an algebra, and a decision procedure.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -770,73 +668,3 @@ instance (TyMap Show '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk, x, y], Eq en, Eq fk,
[ section "presentation" $ show p
, section "algebra" $ show alg

instance (TyMap Show '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk, x, y], Eq en, Eq fk, Eq att)
=> Show (Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y) where
show alg@(Algebra sch _ _ _ _ ty' _ _ teqs') =
unlines $
[ section "entities" $ unlines prettyEntities
, section "type-algebra" $ intercalate "\n" prettyTypeEqns
, section "nulls" $ intercalate "\n" w
w = mapl w2 . Typeside.tys . Schema.typeside $ sch
w2 ty'' = show ty'' ++ " (" ++ (show . Set.size $ ty' ty'') ++ ") = " ++ show (Foldable.toList $ ty' ty'') ++ " "
prettyEntities = prettyEntityTable alg `mapl` Schema.ens sch
prettyTypeEqns = show teqs'

:: forall var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y
. (TyMap Show '[ty, sym, en, fk, att, x, y], Eq en)
=> Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y
-> en
-> String
prettyEntity alg@(Algebra sch en' _ _ _ _ _ _ _) es =
show es ++ " (" ++ (show . Set.size $ en' es) ++ ")\n" ++
"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ++
intercalate "\n" (prettyEntityRow es `mapl` en' es)
prettyEntityRow :: en -> x -> String
prettyEntityRow en'' e =
show e ++ ": " ++
intercalate "," (prettyFk e <$> fksFrom' sch en'') ++ ", " ++
intercalate "," (prettyAtt e <$> attsFrom' sch en'')

prettyAtt :: x -> (att, w) -> String
prettyAtt x (att,_) = show att ++ " = " ++ prettyTerm (aAtt alg att x)
prettyFk x (fk, _) = show fk ++ " = " ++ show (aFk alg fk x)
prettyTerm = show

-- TODO unquote identifiers; stick fks and attrs in separate `Group`s?
:: forall var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y
. (TyMap Show '[ty, sym, en, fk, att, x, y], Eq en)
=> Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y
-> en
-> String
prettyEntityTable alg@(Algebra sch en' _ _ _ _ _ _ _) es =
show es ++ " (" ++ show (Set.size (en' es)) ++ ")\n" ++
Ascii.render show id id tbl
tbl :: T.Table x String String
tbl = T.Table
(T.Group T.SingleLine (T.Header <$> Foldable.toList (en' es)))
(T.Group T.SingleLine (T.Header <$> prettyColumnHeaders))
(prettyRow <$> Foldable.toList (en' es))

prettyColumnHeaders :: [String]
prettyColumnHeaders =
(prettyTypedIdent <$> fksFrom' sch es) ++
(prettyTypedIdent <$> attsFrom' sch es)

prettyRow e =
(prettyFk e <$> fksFrom' sch es) ++ (prettyAtt e <$> attsFrom' sch es)

prettyTypedIdent (ident, typ) = show ident ++ " : " ++ show typ

prettyFk x (fk, _) = show $ aFk alg fk x

prettyAtt :: x -> (att, ty) -> String
prettyAtt x (att,_) = prettyTerm $ aAtt alg att x

prettyTerm = show

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