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I would be able to dedicate more time for my projects.

Featured work

  1. akamud/vscode-theme-onedark

    VSCode Theme based on Atom's One Dark theme

  2. akamud/vscode-theme-onelight

    VSCode Theme based on Atom's One Light theme

  3. akamud/Xamarin.Forms.TestingLibrary

    A testing library to make components testing for Xamarin.Forms easier, inspired by Testing Library, Flutter's Widget Testing and others.

    C# 32
  4. akamud/vscode-javascript-snippet-pack

    A snippet pack to make you more productive working with JavaScript

  5. akamud/FakeItEasy.AutoFakeIt

    A very simple, yet flexible, "AutoFaker" for FakeItEasy to easily auto generate classes with faked dependencies.

    C# 17

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$40 a month

  • Logo or name goes in one of my projects' README. Your logo and/or company's practices must be adherent to the project's Code of Conduct.