diff --git a/ui/src/components/BaseFormView3.jsx b/ui/src/components/BaseFormView3.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e2bdecba9..000000000
--- a/ui/src/components/BaseFormView3.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1130 +0,0 @@
-import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import update from 'immutability-helper';
-import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
-import Message from '@splunk/react-ui/Message';
-import ControlWrapper from './ControlWrapper';
-import Validator, { SaveValidator } from '../util/Validator';
-import { getUnifiedConfigs, generateToast } from '../util/util';
-import { MODE_CLONE, MODE_CREATE, MODE_EDIT, MODE_CONFIG } from '../constants/modes';
-import { PAGE_INPUT, PAGE_CONF } from '../constants/pages';
-import { axiosCallWrapper } from '../util/axiosCallWrapper';
-import { parseErrorMsg, getFormattedMessage } from '../util/messageUtil';
-import { getBuildDirPath } from '../util/script';
-import {
-} from '../constants/oAuthErrorMessage';
-import TableContext from '../context/TableContext';
-import Group from './Group';
-function onCustomHookError(params) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- console.error(
- `[Custom Hook] Something went wrong while calling ${params.methodName}. Error: ${params.error?.name} ${params.error?.message}`
- );
-class BaseFormView extends PureComponent {
- static contextType = TableContext;
- constructor(props, context) {
- super(props);
- // flag for to render hook method for once
- this.flag = true;
- this.state = {};
- this.currentInput = {};
- const globalConfig = getUnifiedConfigs();
- this.appName = globalConfig.meta.name;
- this.groupEntities = [];
- this.endpoint =
- props.mode === MODE_EDIT || props.mode === MODE_CONFIG
- ? `${this.props.serviceName}/${encodeURIComponent(this.props.stanzaName)}`
- : `${this.props.serviceName}`;
- this.util = {
- setState: (callback) => {
- this.onSavePromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
- this.setState((previousState) => callback(previousState), resolve);
- });
- },
- setErrorFieldMsg: this.setErrorFieldMsg,
- clearAllErrorMsg: this.clearAllErrorMsg,
- setErrorMsg: this.setErrorMsg,
- };
- this.utilControlWrapper = {
- handleChange: this.handleChange,
- addCustomValidator: this.addCustomValidator,
- utilCustomFunctions: this.util,
- };
- this.customWarningMessage = '';
- if (props.page === PAGE_INPUT) {
- globalConfig.pages.inputs.services.forEach((service) => {
- if (service.name === props.serviceName) {
- this.groups = service.groups;
- this.entities = service.entity;
- this.updateGroupEntities();
- this.options = service.options;
- if (service.hook) {
- this.hookDeferred = this.loadHook(
- service.hook.src,
- service.hook.type,
- globalConfig
- );
- }
- if (props.mode === MODE_EDIT || props.mode === MODE_CLONE) {
- this.currentInput =
- context?.rowData?.[props.serviceName]?.[props.stanzaName];
- }
- this.customWarningMessage = service?.warning?.[props.mode] || '';
- }
- });
- } else {
- globalConfig.pages.configuration.tabs.forEach((tab) => {
- const flag = tab.table
- ? tab.name === props.serviceName
- : tab.name === props.stanzaName && props.serviceName === 'settings';
- if (flag) {
- this.entities = tab.entity;
- this.options = tab.options;
- this.customWarningMessage = tab?.warning?.[props.mode] || '';
- if (tab.hook) {
- this.hookDeferred = this.loadHook(
- tab.hook.src,
- tab.hook.type,
- globalConfig
- );
- }
- if (tab.table && (props.mode === MODE_EDIT || props.mode === MODE_CLONE)) {
- this.currentInput =
- context?.rowData?.[props.serviceName]?.[props.stanzaName];
- } else if (props.mode === MODE_CONFIG) {
- this.currentInput = props.currentServiceState;
- this.mode_config_title = tab.title;
- } else {
- this.currentInput = context?.rowData?.[props.serviceName];
- }
- }
- });
- }
- this.dependencyMap = new Map();
- this.isOAuth = false;
- this.isAuthVal = false;
- this.authMap = {};
- let temState = {};
- const temEntities = [];
- this.entities.forEach((e) => {
- if (e.type === 'oauth') {
- this.isOAuth = true;
- if (props.page === PAGE_CONF && props.serviceName === 'account') {
- const authType = e?.options?.auth_type;
- this.isoauthState =
- typeof e?.options?.oauth_state_enabled !== 'undefined'
- ? e?.options?.oauth_state_enabled
- : null;
- if (authType.length > 1) {
- this.isAuthVal = true;
- // Defining state for auth_type in case of multiple Authentication
- const tempEntity = {};
- tempEntity.value =
- typeof this.currentInput?.auth_type !== 'undefined'
- ? this.currentInput?.auth_type
- : authType[0];
- tempEntity.display = true;
- tempEntity.error = false;
- tempEntity.disabled = false;
- temState.auth_type = tempEntity;
- // Defining Entity for auth_type in entitylist of globalConfig
- const entity = {};
- entity.field = 'auth_type';
- entity.type = 'singleSelect';
- entity.label = 'Auth Type';
- const content = {
- basic: 'Basic Authentication',
- oauth: 'OAuth 2.0 Authentication',
- };
- entity.options = {};
- entity.options.hideClearBtn = true;
- entity.options.autoCompleteFields = authType.map((type) => ({
- label: content[type],
- value: type,
- }));
- temEntities.push(entity);
- } else {
- this.isSingleOauth = authType.includes('oauth');
- }
- // Adding State and Entity(in entitylist) for every Fields of "oauth" type
- // Iterating over everytype of Authentication under "oauth" type
- authType.forEach((type) => {
- const authfields = [];
- const fields = e?.options[type];
- if (fields) {
- // For Particaular type iterating over fields
- fields.forEach((field) => {
- // every field for auth type
- const tempEntity = {};
- if (props.mode === MODE_CREATE) {
- tempEntity.value =
- typeof field?.defaultValue !== 'undefined'
- ? field.defaultValue
- : null;
- } else {
- const isEncrypted =
- typeof field?.encrypted !== 'undefined'
- ? field?.encrypted
- : false;
- tempEntity.value = isEncrypted
- ? ''
- : this.currentInput?.[field.field];
- }
- tempEntity.display =
- typeof temState.auth_type !== 'undefined'
- ? type === temState.auth_type.value
- : true;
- tempEntity.error = false;
- tempEntity.disabled = field?.options?.enable === false;
- if (props.mode === MODE_EDIT) {
- // .disableonEdit = false do not overwrite .disabled = true
- tempEntity.disabled =
- field?.options?.disableonEdit === true ||
- tempEntity.disabled;
- }
- temState[field.field] = tempEntity;
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
- field.type =
- typeof field?.type !== 'undefined' ? field.type : 'text';
- // Handled special case for redirect_url
- if (field.field === 'redirect_url') {
- tempEntity.value = window.location.href
- .split('?')[0]
- .replace(
- 'configuration',
- `${this.appName.toLowerCase()}_redirect`
- );
- tempEntity.disabled = true;
- }
- temEntities.push(field);
- authfields.push(field.field);
- });
- this.authMap[type] = authfields;
- }
- });
- if (authType.includes('oauth')) {
- const oauthConfData = {};
- // Storing O-Auth Configuration data to class variable to use later
- oauthConfData.popupWidth = e.options.oauth_popup_width
- ? e.options.oauth_popup_width
- : 600;
- oauthConfData.popupHeight = e.options.oauth_popup_height
- ? e.options.oauth_popup_height
- : 600;
- oauthConfData.authTimeout = e.options.oauth_timeout
- ? e.options.oauth_timeout
- : 180;
- oauthConfData.authCodeEndpoint = e.options.auth_code_endpoint
- ? e.options.auth_code_endpoint
- : null;
- oauthConfData.accessTokenEndpoint = e.options.access_token_endpoint
- ? e.options.access_token_endpoint
- : null;
- oauthConfData.authEndpointAccessTokenType = e.options
- .auth_endpoint_token_access_type
- ? e.options.auth_endpoint_token_access_type
- : null;
- this.oauthConf = oauthConfData;
- }
- }
- } else {
- const tempEntity = {};
- e.encrypted = typeof e.encrypted !== 'undefined' ? e.encrypted : false;
- if (e.type === 'file' && this.currentInput?.[e.field]) {
- /*
- adding example name to enable possibility of removal file,
- not forcing value addition as if value is encrypted it is shared as
- string ie. ***** and it is considered a valid default value
- if value is not encrypted it is pushed correctly along with this name
- */
- tempEntity.fileNameToDisplay = 'Previous File';
- }
- if (props.mode === MODE_CREATE) {
- tempEntity.value =
- typeof e.defaultValue !== 'undefined' ? e.defaultValue : null;
- tempEntity.display =
- typeof e?.options?.display !== 'undefined' ? e.options.display : true;
- tempEntity.error = false;
- tempEntity.disabled = e?.options?.enable === false;
- temState[e.field] = tempEntity;
- } else if (props.mode === MODE_EDIT) {
- tempEntity.value =
- typeof this.currentInput?.[e.field] !== 'undefined'
- ? this.currentInput?.[e.field]
- : null;
- tempEntity.value = e.encrypted ? '' : tempEntity.value;
- tempEntity.display =
- typeof e?.options?.display !== 'undefined' ? e.options.display : true;
- tempEntity.error = false;
- tempEntity.disabled = e?.options?.enable === false;
- if (e.field === 'name') {
- tempEntity.disabled = true;
- } else if (typeof e?.options?.disableonEdit !== 'undefined') {
- tempEntity.disabled = e.options.disableonEdit;
- }
- temState[e.field] = tempEntity;
- } else if (props.mode === MODE_CLONE) {
- tempEntity.value =
- e.field === 'name' || e.encrypted ? '' : this.currentInput?.[e.field];
- tempEntity.display =
- typeof e?.options?.display !== 'undefined' ? e.options.display : true;
- tempEntity.error = false;
- tempEntity.disabled = e?.options?.enable === false;
- temState[e.field] = tempEntity;
- } else if (props.mode === MODE_CONFIG) {
- e.defaultValue = typeof e.defaultValue !== 'undefined' ? e.defaultValue : null;
- tempEntity.value =
- typeof this.currentInput?.[e.field] !== 'undefined'
- ? this.currentInput?.[e.field]
- : e.defaultValue;
- tempEntity.value = e.encrypted ? '' : tempEntity.value;
- tempEntity.display =
- typeof e?.options?.display !== 'undefined' ? e.options.display : true;
- tempEntity.error = false;
- tempEntity.disabled = e?.options?.enable === false;
- if (e.field === 'name') {
- tempEntity.disabled = true;
- } else if (typeof e?.options?.disableonEdit !== 'undefined') {
- tempEntity.disabled = e.options.disableonEdit;
- }
- temState[e.field] = tempEntity;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Invalid mode :', props.mode);
- }
- // handle dependent fields
- const fields = e.options?.dependencies;
- if (fields) {
- fields.forEach((field) => {
- const changeFields = this.dependencyMap.get(field);
- if (changeFields) {
- changeFields[e.field] = fields;
- } else {
- this.dependencyMap.set(field, {
- [e.field]: fields,
- });
- }
- });
- }
- temEntities.push(e);
- }
- });
- this.entities = temEntities;
- // flatten the dependencyMap to remove redundant iterations for resolving them
- // one-by-one in following loop
- let flattenedMap = {};
- this.dependencyMap.forEach((value) => {
- flattenedMap = { ...flattenedMap, ...value };
- });
- const changes = {};
- Object.keys(flattenedMap).forEach((field) => {
- const values = flattenedMap[field];
- const data = {};
- let load = true;
- values.forEach((dependency) => {
- const required = !!this.entities.find((e) => e.field === dependency)?.required;
- const currentValue = temState[dependency]?.value;
- if (required && !currentValue) {
- load = false;
- data[dependency] = null;
- } else {
- data[dependency] = currentValue;
- }
- });
- if (load) {
- changes[field] = {
- dependencyValues: { $set: data },
- };
- }
- });
- // apply dependency field changes in state
- temState = update(temState, changes);
- this.state = {
- data: temState,
- errorMsg: '',
- warningMsg: this.customWarningMessage,
- };
- // Hook on create method call
- if (this.hookDeferred) {
- this.hookDeferred.then(() => {
- if (typeof this.hook.onCreate === 'function') {
- try {
- this.hook.onCreate();
- } catch (error) {
- onCustomHookError({ methodName: 'onCreate', error });
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- updateGroupEntities = () => {
- if (this.groups) {
- this.groups.forEach((group) => {
- group.fields.forEach((fieldName) => this.groupEntities.push(fieldName));
- });
- }
- };
- // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-class-component-methods
- handleSubmit = () => {
- this.clearErrorMsg();
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(/* isSubmitting */ true, /* closeEntity */ false);
- this.datadict = {};
- Object.keys(this.state.data).forEach((field) => {
- this.datadict[field] = this.state.data[field].value;
- });
- if (this.hook && typeof this.hook.onSave === 'function') {
- const validationPass = this.hook.onSave(this.datadict);
- if (!validationPass) {
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(/* isSubmitting */ false, /* closeEntity */ false);
- return;
- }
- }
- const executeValidationSubmit = () => {
- Object.keys(this.state.data).forEach((field) => {
- this.datadict[field] = this.state.data[field].value;
- });
- // validation for unique name
- if ([MODE_CREATE, MODE_CLONE].includes(this.props.mode)) {
- const isExistingName = Boolean(
- Object.values(this.context?.rowData || {}).find((val) =>
- Object.keys(val).find((name) => name === this.datadict.name)
- )
- );
- if (isExistingName) {
- const index = this.entities.findIndex((e) => e.field === 'name');
- this.setErrorFieldMsg(
- 'name',
- getFormattedMessage(2, [this.entities[index].label, this.datadict.name])
- );
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(/* isSubmitting */ false, /* closeEntity */ false);
- return;
- }
- }
- // validation condition of required fields in O-Auth
- let temEntities;
- if (this.isOAuth) {
- let reqFields = [];
- Object.keys(this.authMap).forEach((type) => {
- // `isAuthVal` is required in a case where only single auth type is provided
- if (type === this.datadict.auth_type || !this.isAuthVal) {
- reqFields = [...reqFields, ...this.authMap[type]];
- }
- });
- temEntities = this.entities.map((e) => {
- if (reqFields.includes(e.field)) {
- // All oauth fields are required except if explicitely `required` is set to `false`
- return { required: true, ...e };
- }
- return e;
- });
- } else {
- temEntities = this.entities;
- }
- // require elements for UI when they are visible
- temEntities = temEntities.map((entity) => {
- if (entity?.options?.requiredWhenVisible && this.state.data[entity.field].display) {
- return { required: true, ...entity };
- }
- return entity;
- });
- // Validation of form fields on Submit
- const validator = new Validator(temEntities);
- let error = validator.doValidation(this.datadict);
- if (error) {
- this.setErrorFieldMsg(error.errorField, error.errorMsg);
- } else if (this.options && this.options.saveValidator) {
- error = SaveValidator(this.options.saveValidator, this.datadict);
- if (error) {
- this.setErrorMsg(error.errorMsg);
- }
- }
- if (error) {
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(/* isSubmitting */ false, /* closeEntity */ false);
- } else if (
- this.isOAuth &&
- (this.isSingleOauth || (this.isAuthVal && this.datadict.auth_type === 'oauth'))
- ) {
- // handle oauth Authentication
- // Populate the parameter string with client_id, redirect_url and response_type
- let parameters = `?response_type=code&client_id=${this.datadict.client_id}&redirect_uri=${this.datadict.redirect_url}`;
- // Get the value for state_enabled
- const stateEnabled = this.isoauthState != null ? this.isoauthState : false;
- if (stateEnabled === 'true' || stateEnabled === true) {
- this.state_enabled = true;
- // Generating a cryptographically strong state parameter, which will be used ONLY during configuration
- this.oauth_state = uuidv4().replace(/-/g, '');
- // Appending the state in the headers
- parameters = `${parameters}&state=${this.oauth_state}`;
- }
- if (this.datadict.scope) {
- parameters = `${parameters}&scope=${this.datadict.scope}`;
- }
- if (this.oauthConf.authEndpointAccessTokenType) {
- parameters = `${parameters}&token_access_type=${this.oauthConf.authEndpointAccessTokenType}`;
- }
- let host = encodeURI(
- `https://${this.datadict.endpoint || this.datadict.endpoint_authorize}${
- this.oauthConf.authCodeEndpoint
- }${parameters}`
- );
- const redirectURI = new URLSearchParams(host).get('redirect_uri');
- host = host.replace(redirectURI, encodeURIComponent(redirectURI));
- (async () => {
- this.isCalled = false;
- this.isError = false;
- this.isResponse = false;
- // Get auth_type element from global config json
- // Open a popup to make auth request
- this.childWin = window.open(
- host,
- `${this.appName} OAuth`,
- `width=${this.oauthConf.popupWidth}, height=${this.oauthConf.popupHeight}`
- );
- // Callback to receive data from redirect url
- window.getMessage = (message) => {
- this.isCalled = true;
- // On Call back with Auth code this method will be called.
- this.handleOauthToken(message);
- };
- // Wait till we get auth_code from calling site through redirect url, we will wait for 3 mins
- await this.waitForAuthentication(this.oauthConf.authTimeout);
- if (!this.isCalled && this.childWin.closed) {
- // Add error message if the user has close the authentication window without taking any action
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(
- /* isSubmitting */ false,
- /* closeEntity */ false
- );
- return false;
- }
- if (!this.isCalled) {
- // Add timeout error message
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(
- /* isSubmitting */ false,
- /* closeEntity */ false
- );
- return false;
- }
- // Reset called flag as we have to wait till we get the access_token, refresh_token and instance_url
- // Wait till we get the response, here we have added wait for 30 secs
- await this.waitForBackendResponse(30);
- if (!this.isResponse && !this.isError) {
- // Set error message to prevent saving.
- this.isError = true;
- // Add timeout error message
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(
- /* isSubmitting */ false,
- /* closeEntity */ false
- );
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- })().then(() => {
- if (!this.isError) {
- this.saveData();
- } else {
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(
- /* isSubmitting */ false,
- /* closeEntity */ false
- );
- }
- });
- } else {
- this.saveData();
- }
- };
- if (
- this.hook &&
- typeof this.hook.onSave === 'function' &&
- typeof this.onSavePromise !== 'undefined'
- ) {
- this.onSavePromise.then(() => {
- executeValidationSubmit();
- });
- } else {
- executeValidationSubmit();
- }
- };
- saveData = () => {
- const body = new URLSearchParams();
- Object.keys(this.datadict).forEach((key) => {
- if (this.datadict[key] != null) {
- // Custom logic for only sending file content in payload, not file name and file size.
- if (
- typeof this.datadict[key] === 'object' &&
- this.entities.find((x) => x.field === key).type === 'file'
- ) {
- body.append(key, this.datadict[key].fileContent);
- } else {
- body.append(key, this.datadict[key]);
- }
- }
- });
- // clear out fields of other authentication methods when using one
- if (this.isAuthVal) {
- Object.keys(this.authMap).forEach((type) => {
- if (this.datadict.auth_type !== type) {
- this.authMap[type].forEach((e) => {
- body.set(e, '');
- });
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.isOAuth) {
- // Prevent passing redirect_url field used in OAuth to backend conf file
- body.delete('redirect_url');
- }
- if (this.props.mode === MODE_EDIT) {
- body.delete('name');
- }
- axiosCallWrapper({
- serviceName: this.endpoint,
- body,
- customHeaders: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
- method: 'post',
- handleError: false,
- })
- .then((response) => {
- const val = response?.data?.entry[0];
- if (this.props.mode !== MODE_CONFIG) {
- const tmpObj = {};
- tmpObj[val.name] = {
- // ADDON-38581: `datadict` provides fallback values if rh skips
- ...this.datadict,
- ...val.content,
- id: val.id,
- name: val.name,
- serviceName: this.props.serviceName,
- };
- this.context.setRowData(
- update(this.context?.rowData, {
- [this.props.serviceName]: { $merge: tmpObj },
- })
- );
- }
- if (this.hook && typeof this.hook.onSaveSuccess === 'function') {
- this.hook.onSaveSuccess();
- }
- if (this.props.mode === MODE_EDIT) {
- generateToast(`Updated "${val.name}"`, 'success');
- } else if (this.props.mode === MODE_CONFIG) {
- generateToast(
- `Updated "${this.mode_config_title ? this.mode_config_title : val.name}"`,
- 'success'
- );
- } else {
- generateToast(`Created "${val.name}"`, 'success');
- }
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(/* isSubmitting */ false, /* closeEntity */ true);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- const errorSubmitMsg = parseErrorMsg(err);
- this.setState({ errorMsg: errorSubmitMsg });
- if (this.hook && typeof this.hook.onSaveFail === 'function') {
- this.hook.onSaveFail();
- }
- this.props.handleFormSubmit(/* isSubmitting */ false, /* closeEntity */ false);
- });
- };
- handleChange = (field, targetValue) => {
- this.setState((prevState) => {
- const changes = {};
- if (field === 'auth_type') {
- Object.keys(this.authMap).forEach((type) => {
- if (type === targetValue) {
- this.authMap[type].forEach((e) => {
- changes[e] = { display: { $set: true } };
- });
- } else {
- this.authMap[type].forEach((e) => {
- changes[e] = { display: { $set: false } };
- });
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.dependencyMap.has(field)) {
- const value = this.dependencyMap.get(field);
- Object.keys(value).forEach((loadField) => {
- const data = {};
- let load = true;
- value[loadField].forEach((dependency) => {
- const required = !!this.entities.find((e) => e.field === dependency)
- ?.required;
- const currentValue =
- dependency === field ? targetValue : prevState.data[dependency]?.value;
- if (required && !currentValue) {
- load = false;
- data[dependency] = null;
- } else {
- data[dependency] = currentValue;
- }
- });
- if (load) {
- changes[loadField] = {
- dependencyValues: { $set: data },
- value: { $set: null },
- };
- }
- });
- }
- changes[field] = { value: { $set: targetValue } };
- const newFields = update(prevState, { data: changes });
- const tempState = this.clearAllErrorMsg(newFields);
- if (this.hookDeferred) {
- this.hookDeferred.then(() => {
- if (typeof this.hook.onChange === 'function') {
- this.hook.onChange(field, targetValue, tempState);
- }
- });
- }
- return tempState;
- });
- };
- addCustomValidator = (field, validatorFunc) => {
- const index = this.entities.findIndex((x) => x.field === field);
- const validator = [{ type: 'custom', validatorFunc }];
- this.entities[index].validators = validator;
- };
- // Set error message to display and set error in perticular field
- setErrorFieldMsg = (field, msg) => {
- this.setState((previousState) => {
- const newFields = update(previousState, {
- data: { [field]: { error: { $set: true } } },
- });
- newFields.errorMsg = msg;
- return newFields;
- });
- };
- // Set error in perticular field
- // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-class-component-methods
- setErrorField = (field) => {
- this.setState((previousState) =>
- update(previousState, { data: { [field]: { error: { $set: true } } } })
- );
- };
- // Clear error message
- clearErrorMsg = () => {
- if (this.state.errorMsg) {
- this.setState((previousState) => ({ ...previousState, errorMsg: '' }));
- }
- };
- // Set error message
- setErrorMsg = (msg) => {
- this.setState((previousState) => ({ ...previousState, errorMsg: msg }));
- };
- // Clear error/warning message and errors from fields
- clearAllErrorMsg = (State) => {
- const newFields = State ? { ...State } : { ...this.state };
- newFields.errorMsg = '';
- newFields.warningMsg = this.customWarningMessage || '';
- const newData = State ? { ...State.data } : { ...this.state.data };
- const temData = {};
- Object.keys(newData).forEach((key) => {
- if (newData[key].error) {
- temData[key] = { ...newData[key], error: false };
- } else {
- temData[key] = newData[key];
- }
- });
- newFields.data = temData;
- return State ? newFields : null;
- };
- // Display error message
- generateErrorMessage = () => {
- if (this.state.errorMsg) {
- return (