Golang value <-> pointer utils.
Inspired by aws pointer utils.
The goal is to avoid using AWS pointer utilities for convenience, spreading AWS dependencies where they are not needed.
// before
someString := "foo"
// after
// or
// before
strPtr := someSDK.GetStringPtr()
var str string
if strPtr != nil {
str = *strPtr
// after
strPtr := someSDK.GetStringPtr()
str := ptr.Value(strPtr)
// or
str := ptr.StringValue(strPtr)
Core functions use generics To[T any](v T) *t
and Value[T any](p *T) T
So you can easily use it with structs, slices and maps.
It also offers slice and maps transformations like the aws utility.
func ToSlice[T any](v []T) []*T
func ToMap[K comparable, T any](v map[K]T) map[K]*T
func ValueSlice[T any](p []*T) []T
func ValueMap[K comparable, T any](v map[K]*T) map[K]T
It offers out of the box type wrappers for:
- string
- byte
- bool
- int, int8, int16, int32 and int64
- uint, uint8, uint16, uint32 and uint64
- float32 and float64
- time.Time
For sake of avoiding writing the same lines of code for both ptr.go
and ptr_test.go
to create the type wrappers, I created the ./generator.go
to generate the type boilerplate for both source and test.
To generaten run:
cd generator
go run main.go