C#/.NET, Dafny, & Java code generation for Smithy models
This project requires Java 17 or above.
$ # start in project root
$ pwd
$ # build
$ ./gradlew build # Alternatively, if unit tests are failing, ./gradlew assemble
$ # run help
$ ./gradlew run --args="-h"
> Task :run
usage: smithy-dafny-codegen-cli
--aws-sdk <optional> generate AWS SDK-style API
and shims
-d,--dependent-model <arg> directory for dependent model file[s]
(.smithy format)
-h,--help print help message
--include-dafny <arg> <optional> files to be include in the
generated Dafny
--java-aws-sdk-version <arg> <optional> AWS SDK for Java version to
use: v1, or v2 (default)
--local-service-test <optional> generate Dafny that tests a
local service
-m,--model <arg> directory for the model file[s]
(.smithy or json format).
-n,--namespace <arg> smithy namespace to generate code for,
such as 'com.foo'
--output-dafny <arg> <optional> output directory for
generated Dafny code
--output-dotnet <arg> <optional> output directory for
generated .NET files
--output-java <arg> <optional> output directory for
generated Java files
3 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 2 up-to-date
$ # generate local service in Dafny, Java, & .NET
$ DAFNY_ROOT=../../../private-aws-encryption-sdk-dafny-staging
$ AwsCryptographyPrimitives_ROOT=$DAFNY_ROOT/AwsCryptographyPrimitives
$./gradlew run --args="\
--output-dafny $AwsCryptographyPrimitives_ROOT/Model\
--include-dafny $DAFNY_ROOT/StandardLibrary/src/Index.dfy \
--output-dotnet $AwsCryptographyPrimitives_ROOT/runtimes/net/Generated/ \
--output-java $AwsCryptographyPrimitives_ROOT/runtimes/java/src/main/smithy-generated \
--model $AwsCryptographyPrimitives_ROOT/Model \
--dependent-model $DAFNY_ROOT/model \
--namespace aws.cryptography.primitives"
...<warn logs and other junk>
[main] INFO software.amazon.polymorph.CodegenCli - Java code generated in /.../generated-java
[main] INFO software.amazon.polymorph.CodegenCli - .NET code generated in /.../generated-dotnet
[main] INFO software.amazon.polymorph.CodegenCli - Dafny code generated in /.../model
You can also look at the ServiceCodegenSmokeTest as a reference for how to use the library. It reads and generates code for the test model, then prints the generated code to stdout.
By default, nothing is generated.
Language generation is enabled by the language's output
This argument also determines the directory code will be written.
To print a List<ParseToken>
<listVariable>.stream().map(ParseToken::text).collect(Collectors.joining(" "))