- Spells
- Attacks
... ...
ooo ooo
- Move (4 cardinal directions)
1 action:
- Swordsman 2HP 1D 1VP
- Spearman 2HP 1D 1VP, hits from the back
- Hallebardier 2HP 1D 1VP, hits 2 cells away
- Archer 2HP 1D 2VP, hits from anywhere
- Arbalétrier 2HP 2D 2VP, hits from anywhere, slow
- Wall 6HP 0D 0VP
2 actions:
- Monk 2HP 0D 2VP, heals 1HP per turn
- Mage 2HP 2D 2VP, hits from the back, fire
3 actions:
- Ogre 6HP 4D 4VP, slow (hits 1 every 2 turns)
- Fireball 2D, hits anywhere
- Lightning 1D, hits adjacent cells
- Healing, heals 1HP
1 action:
- Goblin 1HP 1D 1VP
- Goblin spearman 1HP 1D 1VP, hits from the back
- Goblin on mushroom, 1HP 3D 1VP, dies at end of turn
- Goblin archer 1HP 1D 1VP, hits from anywhere, short bow (hits 2 cells away at most)
- Goblin banner 1HP 1D 4VP, +1HP +1D for each 2 goblins on table
- Retiaire 1HP 1D 2VP, takes 1D away from monster in front
2 actions:
- Orc 3HP 1D 2VP
- Orc archer, 3HP 1D 2VP, hits from the back
- Orc of the Deep 3HP 2D 3VP
- Orc banner 2HP 2D 6VP, +1HP +1D to all orcs
3 actions:
- Troll 6HP 4D 4VP, stupid, slow
- Minotaur 6HP 6D 2VP, back start, charge
- Fury, +2D on creature which will die at end of turn