What's Changed
- Mphys tweaks by @A-CGray in #282
- Exploded views demo in caps2tacs by @sean-engelstad in #285
- Fix bug in caps2tacs when DV_dict is None. by @bburke38 in #290
- Allow setting inactive thickness variables in caps2tacs. by @bburke38 in #292
- Adding ability to tag node ids in MPhys TacsBuilder by @timryanb in #287
- Removing support for Python 3.8 by @timryanb in #289
- Modifying BladeStiffenedShellConstitutive class to require fewer inputs by @timryanb in #286
- Composite Materials in caps2tacs by @sean-engelstad in #266
- Adding random generator seed to all pytacs/mphys tests by @timryanb in #302
- Accept Element Callbacks in caps2tacs + Adapt Mach Wing Example by @sean-engelstad in #300
- Adding M1 Mac runner to conda deploy CI by @timryanb in #303
- temporary fix for mphys break by @timryanb in #306
- Fix Nan in Blade Stiffened Shell Constitutive Model by @sean-engelstad in #307
Full Changelog: v3.6.0...v3.7.0