Each component provides a prefixed CSS class derived from the component's name and namespace in the {component}
variable. This makes moving or renaming the component easy as the CSS classes change automatically. By default,
Fluid Components uses a generic prefixer class (SMS\FluidComponents\Utility\ComponentPrefixer\GenericComponentPrefixer
For examples, take a look at the Renderer ViewHelper reference.
However, prefixers can be overwritten per namespace, which makes it easy to customize the generated CSS classes.
Your prefixer class needs to implement the interface SMS\FluidComponents\Utility\ComponentPrefixer\ComponentPrefixerInterface
which requires you to define two methods:
* Returns the component prefix for the provided component namespaces
* @param string $namespace
* @return string
public function prefix(string $namespace): string;
* Returns the separator to be used between prefix and the following string
* @return string
public function getSeparator(): string;
To bind your custom prefixer class to a namespace, simply add the following line to your ext_localconf.php file:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['fluid_components']['prefixer']['VENDOR\\MyExtension'] =